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Access to the eBook is limited to the first individual who redeems the PIN, located on the inside cover of this book, at studentconsult.inkling.com and may not be transferred to another party by resale, lending, or other means. 2015v1.0 Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics FIFTH EDITION Edited by Tom Lissauer MB BChir FRCPH Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK Centre for International Child Health, Imperial College London, UK Will Carroll BM BCh MD MRCPCH Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital of the North Midlands, Stoke-on-Trent, UK Foreword by Professor Sir Alan Craft Emeritus Professor of Child Health, Newcastle University, Past President Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health © 2018, Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved. First edition 1997 Second edition 2001 Third edition 2007 Fourth Edition 2012 The right of Tom Lissauer and Will Carroll to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Centre and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN: 978-0-7234-3871-7 978-0-7234-3872-4 The publisher’s policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests Printed in Europe Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Content Strategist: Pauline Graham Content Development Specialist: Fiona Conn Project Manager: Anne Collett Design: Miles Hitchen Illustration Manager: Amy Heyden Illustrator: Graphic World US, Cactus Marketing Manager: Deborah Watkins Contents Foreword vi Preface vii List of Contributors viii Acknowledgements xii 1. The child in society 1 2. History and examination 9 3. Normal child development, hearing and vision 27 4. Developmental problems and the child with special needs 44 5. Care of the sick child and young person 64 6. Paediatric emergencies 80 7. Accidents and poisoning 97 8. Child protection 109 9. Genetics 121 10. Perinatal medicine 142 11. Neonatal medicine 166 12. Growth and puberty 194 13. Nutrition 211 14. Gastroenterology 234 15. Infection and immunity 256 16. Allergy 288 17. Respiratory disorders 294 18. Cardiac disorders 320 19. Kidney and urinary tract disorders 344 20. Genital disorders 367 21. Liver disorders 375 22. Malignant disease 385 23. Haematological disorders 401 24. Child and adolescent mental health 424 25. Dermatological disorders 442 26. Diabetes and endocrinology 453 27. Inborn errors of metabolism 472 28. Musculoskeletal disorders 482 29. Neurological disorders 500 30. Adolescent medicine 525 31. Global child health 535 Appendix 544 Index 560 Foreword When the late Frank A. Oski wrote the foreword for the help revision and there is also a companion book for first edition of this book in 1997, he gave it generous self-assessment. praise and predicted that it would become a ‘standard This edition has a new editor, Will Carroll, who has by which all other medical textbooks will be judged’. succeeded Graham Clayden, and is also a paediatrician He was a great man and a wonderful writer, so his with great expertise in medical education and assess- prediction was no doubt welcomed by the editors, Tom ment. He has helped ensure that the book continues Lissauer and Graham Clayden, both well known for to provide the paediatric information medical students their contribution to undergraduate and postgraduate need. It has been thoroughly updated and has many medical education and assessment. new authors, each of whom is an expert in their field I have a much easier task in writing the foreword and who has been chosen because of their ability to for the fifth edition. The mere fact that there is a fifth impart the important principles in a non-specialist edition is testimony in itself, but there is also the fact way. The book continues to focus on the key topics that this book has become the recommended paediat- in the undergraduate curriculum, and in keeping with ric textbook in countless medical schools throughout this aim there are new, expanded chapters on child the world and has been translated into 12 languages. protection and global child health. I have travelled the world over the last 20 years and There are now countless doctors throughout the wherever I have been in a paediatric department, the world for whom this textbook has been their intro- distinctive sunflower cover of Lissauer’s Illustrated Text- duction to the fascinating and rewarding world of book of Paediatrics has been there with me. Whether paediatrics. it is Hong Kong, Malaysia, Oman, or South Shields, it For students, it is all they need to know and a bit is there! more. For postgraduates, it provides the majority of It is not surprising that it has won major awards for information needed to get through postgraduate innovation and excellence at the British Medical Asso- examinations. It stimulates and guides the reader into ciation and Royal Society of Medicine book awards. The the world of clinical paediatrics, built on the sound book is well established and widely read for the simple foundation of the knowledge base provided by this reason that it is an excellent book. Medicine is now so book. complex and information so vast that students are no The editors are to be congratulated on the continu- longer expected to know all there is to know about ing success of this book. medicine. What they need are the core principles and I can only echo what Frank Oski said in his preface to guidance as to where to find out more. This book not the first edition: ‘I wish I had written this book’! only gives the core principles, but also provides a great deal more for the student who wishes to extend his or her knowledge. It is in a very accessible form and Professor Sir Alan Craft has a style and layout which facilitates learning. There Emeritus Professor of Child Health, are many diagrams, illustrations and case histories Newcastle University to bring the subject to life and to impart important Past President Royal College of Paediatrics messages. This new edition includes summaries to and Child Health Preface Children are frequent users of healthcare. In the UK followed a lecture-note style with short sentences and approximately one-third of all health consultations are lists of important features. Illustrations have been used about a child. Therefore, a good working knowledge to help in the recognition of important signs or clinical of paediatrics is essential for all doctors and is a major features. To make the topics more interesting and part of the undergraduate medical syllabus. This memorable, each chapter begins with some highlights, textbook has been written to assist undergraduates in key learning points are identified, and case histories their studies. Our aim has been to provide the core chosen to demonstrate particular aspects within their information required by medical students for the 6 to clinical context. Summary boxes of important facts 10 weeks assigned to paediatrics in the curriculum of have been included to help with revision. most undergraduate medical schools. We are delighted We are fully aware of the short time allocated that it has become so widely used, not only in the UK, specifically to paediatrics in the curriculum of many but also in northern Europe, India, Pakistan, Australia, medical schools, in spite of the rapid expansion in South Africa, and other countries. We are also pleased medical knowledge and therapies. We have therefore that nurses, therapists and other health professionals tried to focus on clinical presentation and principles who care for children have found this book helpful. It rather than details of management, whilst providing will also be of assistance to doctors preparing for post- sufficient background information to understand the graduate examinations such as the Diploma of Child care patients receive. Health (DCH) and Membership of the Royal College of We would like to thank Graham Clayden, editor for Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH). the previous editions, for the fresh ideas and inspiration The huge amount of positive feedback we have he brought to the book, and all our contributors, both received on the first four editions from medical stu- to this and previous editions, without whom this book dents, postgraduate doctors and their teachers in the could not be produced. Thanks also to our families, in UK and abroad has spurred us on to produce this new particular Ann Goldman, Rachel and David and Sam edition. The book has been fully updated, many sec- Lissauer, and Lisa Carroll, Daniel, Steven, Natasha, and tions rewritten, new diagrams created and illustrations Belinda for their ideas and assistance, and for their redone. There are new, separate chapters on child pro- understanding of the time taken away from the family tection and global child health to accommodate their in the preparation of this book. increasing importance in paediatric practice. There is We welcome any comments about the book. also a companion book of self-assessment questions. In order to make learning from this book easier, Tom Lissauer and Will Carroll we have included many diagrams and flow charts and List of Contributors Mark Anderson BM BS BSc BMedSci Angus J. Clarke BM BCh DM FRCP MRCPCH FRCPCH Consultant Paediatrician, Great North Children’s Professor and Honorary Consultant in Clinical Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Genetics, Institute of Medical Genetics, University Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK 7. Accidents and poisoning 9. Genetics Ian W. Booth BSc MSc MD FRCP Rory Conn MBBS BSc MRCPsych FRCPCH DCH DRCOG Higher Trainee in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Professor Emeritus, Paediatrics and Child Health, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, University of Birmingham, UK London, UK 14. Gastroenterology 24. Child and adolescent mental health Robert Boyle BSc MB ChB MRCP PhD Max Davie MB BChir MA MRCPCH Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, Imperial College Consultant Community Paediatrician, Evelina London London and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Allergist, Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Foundation Trust, London, UK 16. Allergy 24. Child and adolescent mental health Will Carroll BM BCh MD MRCPCH Paul Dmitri BSc MBChB FRCPCH PhD Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Honorary Professor of Child Health and Consultant in University Hospital of the North Midlands, Stoke-on- Paediatric Endocrinology, Sheffield Children’s NHS Trent, UK Trust, Sheffield, UK 17. Respiratory disorders 12. Growth and puberty 26. Diabetes and endocrinology Subarna Chakravorty PhD MRCPCH Rachel Dommett BMBS PhD BMedSci FRCPath Consultant Paediatrician in Haematology/Oncology, Consultant Paediatric Haematologist, King’s College Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol, UK Hospital London, UK 22. Malignant disease 23. Haematological disorders Saul Faust FRCPCH FHEA PhD Gabby Chow MBBChir MD MBA BSc BA DCH FRCPCH Professor of Paediatric Immunology & Infectious Diseases, University of Southampton and University Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, Nottingham Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Children’s Hospital, Queens Medical Centre, Southampton, UK Nottingham, UK 15. Infection and immunity 29. Neurological disorders Helen E Foster MB BS MD FRCPCH Huw Jenkins MB BChir MA MD FRCP FRCP DCH CertClinEd FRCPCH DL Professor of Paediatric Rheumatology, Newcastle Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Children’s University and Hospital for Wales, Cardiff, UK Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Rheumatology, 14. Gastroenterology Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle Deirdre Kelly MD FRCP FRCPI FRCPCH upon Tyne, UK s 28. Musculoskeletal disorders Professor of Paediatric Hepatology, Birmingham r o Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK t Andrea Goddard MB BS MSc FRCPCH 21. Liver disorders u b Consultant Paediatrician, Imperial College Healthcare Larissa Kerecuk MBBS BSc FRCPCH i r NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer in t Paediatrics, Imperial College London, UK Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, Birmingham n o 8. Child protection Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK C 19. Kidney and urinary tract disorders Anu Goenka MB ChB BSc DFSRH f o DTM&H MRCGP MRCPCH Anthony Lander PhD FRCS (Paed) DCH t s Clinical Research Fellow, Manchester Collaborative Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Birmingham Children’s i L Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Hospital, Birmingham, UK Manchester, Manchester, UK and 14. Gastroenterology Honorary Specialist Registrar in Paediatric Immunology, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Tom Lissauer MB BChir FRCPCH Manchester, UK 31. Global child health Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK and Jane Hartley MB ChB MRCPCH MMedSc Centre for International Child Health, Imperial College PhD London, UK 2. History and examination Consultant Paediatric Hepatologist, Birmingham 5. Care of the sick child and young person Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK 10. Perinatal medicine 21. Liver disorders 11. Neonatal medicine 20. Genital disorders David P. Inwald MB BChir PhD FRCPCH Andrew Long MA MB FRCP FRCPCH Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior FAcadMEd DCH Lecturer in Paediatric Intensive Care, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK Vice President (Education), Royal College of 6. Paediatric emergencies Paediatrics and Child Health; Consultant Paediatrician, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Elisabeth Jameson MBBCh BSc MSc London, UK MRCPCH 5. Care of the sick child and young person Consultant in Paediatric Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Chloe Macaulay BA MBBS MRCPCH Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Central MSc PGCertMedEd Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, St Marys Hospital, Manchester, UK Consultant Paediatrician, Evelina London Children’s 27. Inborn errors of metabolism Hospital, London UK 2. History and examination Sharmila Jandial MBChB MRCPCH MD Janet McDonagh MB BS MD Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist, Great North Children’s Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and Senior Lecturer in Paediatric and Adolescent Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Rheumatology, Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, University, UK University of Manchester, UK 28. Musculoskeletal disorders 30. Adolescent medicine ix

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