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Preview I'll never be broke another day in my life : real answers to financial hardship

I’ll Never Be Broke Another Day In My Life Real Answers to Financial Hardship Leroy Thompson Contents Introduction 1. What Will You Do When the System Shuts Down? 2. Money With A Mission 3. You're Wearing The Blessing 4. Passing The Money Test 5. Casino or Covenant—What's Your Ticket Out? 6. The War Over Wealth 7. Beware the Con Games Introduction When President George W. Bush was sworn into office, I attended an inaugural luncheon. One of President "Bush's assistants had invited me, and as I listened to one of the speakers, he said something that really caught my attention. As this speaker talked, he made reference to people who have faith and who love God. But then, almost in passing, he said the Church was "part of those whom prosperity had left behind." Sadly enough, that speaker's words were more true than he realized. The Church — the children of God, the chosen ones of the Most High—has been left behind... singing, dancing, praying and preaching... with no money. While we stand around singing, "Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound That Saved a Wretch Like Me... " the rest of the world is gathering up and enjoying all the money and goods of this earth. My brother and sister, it's time that changed. It's time we elevated ourselves. It's time we educated our spirits. It's time we reclaimed what rightfully belongs to us. That's why I have written this book. I want to educate your spirit. I want to see you prosper as God intended. God did not create you to live broke and do without. He didn't create you to live in lack, never having enough money, never having all your needs met. And He especially never intended His Church to be left behind while the world gathered up all the money. No. He intended for wealth to come to you by your becoming a spiritually educated man or woman. Not intellectually educated. Not a philosopher, or someone with degrees from an institution of higher learning. No, I'm talking about educating your spirit—or, as the Bible calls it—renewing your mind. I am an educated man. My spirit is filled with education. My mind has been renewed. I know how to have money. I have plenty of it, and I got it all by the Spirit... not by my mind. Oh, I remember the days when I worked two jobs and my wife worked one. I also remember that no matter how hard the both of us worked, we were never able just to catch up. Yet, I remember being spiritually ignorant in those days, too. I was spiritually deceived. But thank God, the Holy Spirit got hold of me and started educating me according to the ways and Word of God. You see, for far too long, most Church people have been deceived. The devil has deceived the Church about money. And, yes, if you're broke right now, you're deceived, too. You're living under the curse. You're living under the devil's control. How do I know that? Because if you were living under the covenant of God afforded you by the blood of Jesus, you would not be broke. Jesus made it pretty plain when He declared, "I am come that [you] might have life, and that [you] might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). You are supposed to have more. That's the truth Jesus spoke. The bottom line is, it's not right for you as a child of God to go through the same struggles the rest of this world does. It's not right for you to be living under the pressures of not having enough money... living from paycheck to paycheck... and everybody in your household working two jobs — including your dog! The world does it because they're living purely out of the flesh. They're living like the natural men that they are. You, however, are not purely natural—not if you are born again. You are Spirit-filled. You are Spirit-led. You function under the anointing of God. You have God-given covenant rights, and part of those rights involve money, provision, goods, and so on. In short, money is supposed to obey you, not control you. Money is not your master. On the contrary. When you speak, money should do what you tell it to do —just as the fig tree obeyed Jesus (Mark 11), just as the sea obeyed Him (Mark 4), just as He said the "mountain" would obey us (Matthew 21). The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is very soon, and we have a lot of work to do. Billions of people are on their way to hell and they need to be born again. But it's going to take money to get the job done. God wants His people prosperous and wealthy so we can establish His covenant in the earth, so whatever aspect of the gospel He needs to get to people, He can call on us to get it done. Having money is far more than owning houses and cars. Still, Isaiah 1:19 promises that, "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land." The good of the land is money. If you don't have money, you cannot eat the good of the land. You can be as spiritual as you want to be, but without money, you cannot drive the nice cars, live in the nice houses, dress in nice clothes or eat at nice restaurants. God's will for us as believers is revealed quite clearly in Psalm 66:12. "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place." God brought them out... and He will bring you out, too. Out of debt, out of lack, out of barely getting by. He will bring you out of it into a wealthy place, a place where you can dominate financially. A place where every need is met, every desire fulfilled, every dream brought to pass. To reach that place, you must educate your spirit man and purpose to lay hold of what is rightfully yours. If you are a born again believer, you have the same Spirit within you as I do. It is that Spirit that will educate you. Draw on that Holy Spirit residing on the inside of you. Draw on the Spirit that resides in me and on the anointed pages of this book. That Spirit that will produce an anointing such that you will never have to be concerned about money another day in your life. As you read this book and I unfold the Word of God to you by the Holy Spirit, a debt-destroying, lack-removing anointing will come upon you and deliver you. What's more, supernatural favor will come on you because of that anointing. Things will start happening for you, opportunities will open up to you, opportunities that were not available to you before. So read each word carefully. Meditate on it. Then apply it... apply it... apply it. As you do, your spirit will become educated and soon you'll be able to declare with absolute confidence: "I'LL NEVER BE BROKE ANOTHER DAY IN MY LIFE!" Leroy Thompson August 2001 1 chapter What Will You Do When the System Shuts Down? Not long ago, I was reading the newspaper when I came across a story of a lady who made $600 a month, and her utility bill totaled $545. Needless to say she was in a panic. Her story, however, is not unique. In fact, it reflects our entire economic system. And in case you haven't heard: Recession is coming. I'm not prophesying a recession. All you have to do is open your eyes and look around at how people in the finance sector, the business sector and political sector are messing up. Oh, everyone's acting like they know what they're doing. But they don't. Truthfully, though, whether or not they know what they're doing doesn't matter... not to born-again, Spirit-filled, children of God. For us, the question is... What are we doing? To begin with, if you are depending on your savings for security, you can forget it. That little stash of money you've been saving for 40 years won't cut it. Recession can eat it up in no time. Even if your house is paid for and you have $100,000 in the bank, it just takes the right kind of recession to hit, the economy to go crazy and you can say "Bye-bye" to everything you have counted on your whole lifetime. Besides all that, God doesn't want you dependent on your little stash of cash, or whatever you're depending on as a safety net. He wants you in a position that no matter what comes, you know Who your source is, and you will prosper. Recession 101 In simple terms, recession is when there's a shortage. A recession hits and the system goes bust and people go crazy, including religious folks. As I was seeking the Lord about all this recently, He arrested my attention by asking me a question... What are you going to do when the system shuts down? He asked. Well, if you think about it, even from a biblical standpoint, that's not some make-believe question. It is a startling reality that demands a real answer. For example, we have record of the "world's system" shutting down in ancient Egypt. In Joseph's days, everything shut down completely due to famine. Prior to the disaster, though, Joseph had a word from the Lord, a directive from God to store up. Joseph listened to God and obeyed, and consequently, saved a nation from starving (Genesis 39). Genesis 26 tells of another famine. Abraham's son, Isaac, was walking under a financial anointing and heard from God in all of his financial matters. At one point, the Lord actually told Isaac to sow during a famine... and the harvest Isaac reaped was a hundredfold (verse 12). Both of these men of God were blessed in the middle of a system shut-down because they knew how to follow the direction of God in financial matters. Just like them, you have to know how to hear from God in these days — recession, or no recession. Yet, even in the middle of the world's worst recession, there can be restoration. And true restoration is when the wealth of God's people is restored to them. Revival is about to come on the scene. And this revival -this end-time harvest of souls -will require everything that rightfully belongs to the Body of Christ be restored to. her. In fact, I'll even dare to take that truth a step a further: Recession will occur so restoration can occur. Did you get that? I truly believe that recession is coming so there can be restoration to the Body of Christ. Why? For one simple reason: Because revival is about to come on the scene. And this revival—this end-time harvest of souls—will require everything that rightfully belongs to the Body of Christ to be restored to her. You see, God wants His Church busy about His business, not busy about trying to make a living, day after day. People are so busy trying to make a living, trying to keep up with the pace of life (never mind trying to keep up with the Joneses anymore,) that we all have begun to recognize that something is going wrong. It's time for a revelation. Religious folks are never going to make it through what's ahead. They can shout and jump while everybody is getting a little prosperity, but when recession and famine hit, when the system shuts down, religion is not going to help them. And when that day arrives, fear will come into town by the truckloads. It's time for a revelation. Religious folks are never going to make it through what's ahead. What can save them? Revelation of God's Word — revelation of the Word and your being prosperous and rich. Beware of False Foundations The first step in spiritual education is establishing a correct foundation... a correct understanding of how we are to live as Christians, trusting God and looking to Him for answers. But before we lay that foundation, I want to expose some of the false foundations upon which we often base our lives. In general, we've already seen that we cannot live according to the world's standards. The problem with that is the world is living under the curse (Deuteronomy 28). They're not walking in accordance with a covenant of Almighty God. They're living after the flesh. They live according to the limitations of this earth, or natural, realm. We, however, are called to something much higher and far greater. The Spirit of God recently spoke to me saying, "Tell [the people], He who lives by donation cannot dominate." And by donation, He was referring to handouts from the government. The government will try and donate some things to you, and you will have to choose whether or not to receive it. There is nothing wrong with being on Government assistance, if you need help. I am just saying don't stay there. Make a decision to let God be your source. Let me warn you, though, there are some things on the horizon. The government will offer money to churches, and a lot of them will jump on it. In the end, however, it will lead to bondage and the church will no longer be free. Actually, to be frank with you, I see the Church being put under politics and the government. It won't be long before the government will be telling Christians how to pray. And from there it will only get worse. The government cannot be your source. Make sure you are not relying on the government. Just like the lady with the utility bill, the government won't pay you enough for what you need... but God can! And if God can handle what He's called the Church to do, then what's the point of turning to the government, or anyone else, for that matter? As Christians living in this world, we can also tend to base our lives on seasons. Certainly, there are the obvious seasons in this world, yet, our lives must not be based on them. By that I mean, we can not live according to everything that's happening around us in this temporal realm. Over the years, I have also watched as Christians explained their compromising lifestyles by talking about cycles. Cycles in the world's system that come and go. One day they're on top of the world. The next day, they've bottomed out. Well, let me give you a revelation. Those kinds of up-and-down graphs don't belong to the Church-not if you believe, "The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want" (Psalm 23). Not if you believe, "My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). You either compromise, or you are fully convinced. There's nothing in between. Personally, I'm fully convinced the covenant is right. I'm fully convinced that God is at work doing some things on our behalf. But know this: When you recognize that God is at work, busy doing good things for you, people will come along and persecute you because of it. And when that happens, you cannot act like a coward and quit—all because you're so concerned about how other people feel. No. You cannot base your life on what you think other people might say about you. Don't even give it another thought, just press on. Finally, another false foundation is one that we as believers face within our own circle. We call them waves. You've probably seen or heard about these different waves that have come washing over the Body of Christ. You could call it the latest Christian craze. A new wave hits and people in the church jump right on in to what's popular among the brethren... and then they turn and walk right back out. They get a little "touch" of the wave, like joy, for example. And when it passes on, they stand around waiting for the next one. This is not characteristic of God. And that's not how He operates. Remember, it was God Who said, "I am the Lord and I change not" (Malachi 3:6). So, you can be sure that there are no up-and-down meters or passing fads in glory. The meters and the trends only move one way in the kingdom of God... Up. And if you really believe that, you will not live according to any kind of cycle. You will not live based on any passing wave or shortlived season. You will not base your life on what the government says, or what anyone else might think. You will establish yourself on your covenant with Almighty God. The Meaning of "Blessed" To be truly free of the world's system—it's seasons, waves and cycles—you have to train yourself to live by the covenant, that is, by the Word of God. You have to become established on the Word. You have to be determined in your spirit that whatever it says is what you're going to have, no matter what. And once you make that decision, you will increase... even when the world's system shuts down. Psalm 105 recounts for us how God delivered the people of Israel from being enslaved to Egypt and its pharaoh — the world-system of their day. Verse 37 says, "He [God] brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes." Notice that the first word is He, referring to God. That's the key to this whole revelation of never being broke another day in your life. God is the only One Who can bring us out of debt and lack... and keep us

Whether you are suffering under the crushing weight of financial hardship or merely living paycheck to paycheck, you'll find answers and insights in this book that will give you the courage to declare I'll Never Be Broke Another Day of My Life!
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