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Attachment to Independent case ‘Review report For CDRO #3 Casa File # i" 1 ieemtner: Metone_ ino) Homarks: Aftex_xocoaxch, i hag been. detormMnod shat the distatdon/notes af Bigninar Malang (RO) are. LeveJuissine Fron the. Pleat the tine of. tne review-by the Indainadent élfensiat. Te alge bei ane decevwined that two Waticaal naw Unfcrnsment Teletvee Systems (HUETS) communications ankad., 29-05 and §ol4-84 ara miceina, from the cave file dt che ing pf the pewimg In tha independent selentict. case reeuited’ ina guilty olea. me tniel wangcripy aveilablé. seis] ~~ INDEPENDENT CASE REVIEW REVORT tipoadent Review cancacodby: eve tabeneon. it eiong mame Fecinaay D “Te WuaninerEench Novae "_#O Literary Rb 30600008 | Heigise “sr008 Page ts ot a Review couimeocsdsts INGGAME (lime), 1430,” Fee 72806 sborory Xe} SOcdeR, SU6Ds00,SOEREONS 620025, 50524008, “Sooneons, sano, 50616059 oan, 50527086, Foavaoe, sm49|22, ssa ero Evaminers) & Symbole Revie NotRoviened saviewed —Notievicged Ed ca . 3 . 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