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Preview Il libro dei Salmi (51-100). Commento e attualizzazione

collana lettupraas todreallBleia b bia l.J .R adennakLeerttusrp,aas otradleevl a nelgdoi M atteo 2.J .R adermaIklve arnsgd,ei Gl eos sùe coMnadroc o 3.G .A uz,oD ualslear vailst eùrv iIzlil oib.dr eoll 'Esodo 4.A a.vV,.U nac omiutnlàe gigvle a ngdeiMl aor c-Io 5.A a.vV,.U nac omunlietgiàgvl e a ngdeiMl aor cIoI - 6.A a.vV.L,e tteucruam edneillcBaai bbia 7.S .AP.a nim,Lo eltlteura pastodriaG lieo vda-enIln iv angelo 8.R .F ab,rL iesttduiGr iaa coemP or imlaet dteiPr iae tro 9.E .G hi,nL iettdeiPr aeo aliot easlsonicesi 10.B .P apAatt,di egli aIp ostoli - 11S.. AP.a nilmlLoee,t tura dpeasvlta oenrlgdaoi lG ei ova-nIIn i 12G.. R av,aI sllii brdoe sia l(m1i- -5I0 ) 13J..R adermaLrektetrusr,a pasvtaoenrlgdaoi lL eu cdae l 14G.. R av,a sliIli bdreosi a l(m5i-1 10-0I)I 15. FRa.ib srL,e ttaeifr iale ispip 16.S .AP.a nimLoeltltepu,asr tao rdaelvlae ne lgdoi G iova-InInIi 17.G .R av,aIl s liibdreoSi a l(m1i01 150--I)I I 18A.a .vV,.U na comluengiiglVte aà n gdeil oL ucIa , GIANFRANCO RAVASI VOWME Ir( 5 1-10>0 COMMEN'IO E ATTUALIZZAZIONE rnm EDIZIONDIE HONIAN•E B OLOGNA Prima ediziapornie1l,e9 85 Secoenddai zidiocenmebr,1e 985 Terezdai ziluognle1io,9 86 © 198C6en treod itordieahloen iaVnioa,N osadeU6a,B o logna StapmaG:r afichDee honian1e9,8 6 ISBN8 8-10-20536-7 ABBREVIAZIONI libri biblilci es igilnue so ancnheel «lBai bdbeilaCle ia» . = E Elohista = Fs Festschrift = J = Jahvista mss manoscritti = p = Sacerdotale LXX Versigornedece aSi e ttanta = TM = TesMtaos oretico Vg Vulgata = AfO ArchfiiiOvrri entforschung = ANEP TheA niceNneta r iEnPas icttu rrese lattinotg h Oe.T .e,d J.. B. = PritcPhrairndc,1e 9t5o4n ANET = AnciNeenaEtras teTrne xrtse lattiotn hgOe .T .e,d J.. PBr.hi at,cr d Princ2e15t95o n AssSeigA ssembdluSé eeisg neur Aug Augustinianum BA BiblAirccah)a eologist BASOR Bulloeftt ihAmnee ricSacnh ooofOl rise nRteasie arch = BEvTh BeitzruaErgv ea ngelTihsecohleongi e = BibThBullB iblTihceao!lB ouglyl etin = BiKi = BibuenldK i rche BiLeb BibuenldL e ben = BioTd = BibTloed ay BJRL = Bulloeftt hiJeno hRny laLnidbsr ary BOr BibbeiO ar iente = BVC BibeltVe i Ceh rétienne = BZ = BibliZsecihtes chrift CBQ = CathBoilbilcQi ucaart)e rly CEI LaS acrBai bbdiae lCloan ferEepnzias copalee diIttiaol iana, = princ1e9p7s1 ColBibLCaotl lecBtiabnlLeiaact ai na = Cocn = Concilium CuBlb CultBuìrbal ica = CSEL CorpSusc prtiorEucmcs lieasticLoartiunmo rWuime,n DBS Dictiodnen aliar eSB uipbplleé,m ent - DCB Diziodneair iCoo nceettid .BC iOLbee.lnn iE,c. i ,B eyreHe .u ther = BietenBhoalrod2g9,1n8 a0 . EphCarm EphemeCrairdmeesl iticae = ABBREVIAZIONI5 EphLit EphemeLriitduersg icae = ETR ÉtudTehse ologiques Religieuses = EstBl=b EstudBiìobsl icos EvErz Dere vangeElrziieshcehre EvhT EvangeTlhiesoclhoeg ie ETL EphemeTrhiedoelso Lgoivcaanei enses ExpTim ExposTiitmoersy Greg Gregorianum HarvThR TheH arvaThredo logRiecvaile w -HUCA HebrUenwi oCno llAengneu al IEJ = lsrEaxepll orJaotuimoanl IrThQ IriTshhe ological Quarterly JBL JouronfBa ilb lLiictae}r ature = JJs· JouronfJa elw iSsthu dies JNES JouronfNa ela Era stSetrund ies JQR The JewiQsuha rtReervliye w JSOT Jourfnoatrlh e Sotfut dhiOee. sT . = JSS Journal fSotru dSieemsi tic JTS JouronfTa hle ological Studies Kanaaniiuisncdah rea mais/cnchsher ifteedHn.., D onn-eWr. KAI . RollWiige,s ba1d9e61n29 -64 KuD = KerygumnadD ogma LumVie LumieètrV ei e NRTh NouvelleTh éRoelvougei que NT NovuTme stamentum = NTS NewT estaSmteundti es OTS OudtestamSetnutdiisecnh e ParVitaP arodliVe i ta PEQ Palestine QEuxaprltoerraltyi on = PG. PatroGlroageiecad.a M ,i gne PL PatroLlaotgiienada ., Migne PSV ParoSlpai riet oV ita = QLiPar QuestLiiotnusr geitPq aureosi ssiales RevuBei blique RB RHPhRelR evudHe'i steotid rePe h ilosRoeplhiigiee uses RHR RevudeeI 'HisdteoRsie rlei gions = RivBi=b RiviBsitbal ica RivPastRLiivtid siPt aas toLriatluer gica = RQ RevudeeQ U.mràn RRéf RevuReé formée = RSR RecherdceSh ceise Rneclei gieuse RThPh RevudeeT héoleotPg hiiel osophie = Scr = 'S, crinium ThRund TheoloRguinsdcshceh au = TheolR=e vT heoloRgeivsuceh e ThPh TheolougnidPe h ilos·o phie = TLZ TheoloLgiitsecrhaet urzeitung = TOB TrdauctiOoenc uméndiel qaBu ieb le = TS TheoloSgtiucdaile s = 8 ABBREVIAZIONI TWAT = TheologWisocrtheer bzuucmAh . T .e,d G..J .B otterweec Hk. RinggreSnt,u ttgart TWNT TheologisWcohreetrsb uzcuhmN .T .e,d . KitGt.-e Gl.F ricehd,ri = Stuttgart TZ = TheotogZiesicthsec hrift UF Ugarit-Forschungen = UT = UgarTietxitcb (oC.oHkG. o rodnU,ga riGtirca mm4a1r9 65) VerbDuomm ini VD = Viep S ViSep irituelle = VT VetTuess tamentum = VTS SuppletmoVe enttTuses s tamentum = ZAW = Zeitsficihdrri iaeftl ttestaWmiesnstelniscchhea ft ZDMG ZeitsdcehDrre iuftts Mcohregne nliinGdeisseclhlesnc haft ZDPV ZeitsdcehDsre iuftts Pcahleiins tinavereins = ZKT ZeitsficihKrra itfth olTihsecohleo gie ZNW Zeitsficihrr indftei uet estaWmiesnstelniscchhea ft = ZTK ZeitsficihTrrh iefto luongKirdic eh e ABBREVIAZIONI 7 SALMI 51( 50) SALMO MISEERREL,A P IÙ CELERBE IL PREGHIERA PENITENZEI:A L cCcONTROT EH OP ECCTAO!u lo nsoonn oc heu nac raeturdaa' rgial,l une ssee rimpastato l cona cquau,n i nsiedmiie g nomien uinaaf ontei mdpiiu trà, l l unaf ornadciei nitqàue i une dicfiiod ip eccatou,n os priito l erronee op erverslo ,p rivdoi i ntell.i..g le nLaz ac reatura d'gairlèl an ell'tiàn igqiuài dsaeln om aternoe finaol la l l vecchiaiianu nac oplevoilen feldteàl. os oc hen onè delulo'mo l lag uistilzn ioan,è del fdiiAg dlaimoo l ap erfieozndee lla. ..l v ita Chec o'sèc olucih e natdoa ldloan nat,r a tluett tueeo peer è l terbriiliE?gl èi u ne difidcipi ool veruen,a coismpaa stactoan l l acqua, cheh a perf ondanmteoi nitqàue i peccatlo u,n a l vegrognosnau idtfào nte imdpiru itàe, unsop riitpoe vrerso l .d ominsau d il ui. (daIgnldniii Q umraln2, 1 -23;2 9-31;1 4-1v6e:dM io raldi IV, Xlii, L.l, manoscdriOi uttmir aTno,r i1n9o7 1 342-343). ,p p. 1A lm aestrdoe lc oroS.al moD.i D avide. Quandaon dòd al uiilp r ofeNtaat apne rcheégl eir a 2 andatoc onB etseaab.1 Pietdài m e,o Dios,e condloat uab ontà, 3 secondlmo'm iensta uam iseircor2dca iancelllem ai et rasgiroensis. 4L avatmoltl ametned allmai ac olpa, mondadmallm iop eccato3• Perchiéor iconolesm cioet rasgresslonl, 5 ilm iop eccamtis ot as emprdei nanzi. Contrtoe, c onttreos olho opec cat,o 6 quello cmhael aeèit uooic chli' hcoo mmesso; percseiiò g iutsoq uandpoa lri, rettoq uandgoi udichi.4 Eccon,e llcao lspoan os tatgoe nearto, 7 peccatomrie hcao ncepmiitaom adre. Ecc,ot ua mil av eridteàl lcao scienz9: 8 e nel miinot immiof aci onoscleasr aep ienza. SALM5O1 ( 50) ff Purlafmiicoc ni ssopeo s armò ondato, 9 lavaem sia rò bpiiaùn cdoe llnae ve. 1°F ammis entigrieoi ea a llegria, esulatnenrot eo ssac heh ais pezzato. 11 Distloiig5tl uov oltdoa im iepeic cati, canecltluatt lee m iec olpe! 12C reian moe D,i ou,n c uorpeu ro, rinnovad enot drim e unos priifteor mo. 13 Nonr espingdearlm i tvuolot o, nona lolntanea dram e itlu os antsop tior.i 14 Rioprtamlia g ioidae ltluaa s alvezza, sosetniii nm e unos priitgeon reoso. 15 Isnegneròa ir iblelile t uev ie e pi eccaat toers iic onvertninroa. 16 Liberadmails angueD,i8oD, i om ios alvatore, lam ial inguaac clamerà gliasu titzuiaa . 1S7i gnreoa,p rlie m iel abbra e lam iab occap roclalmati u al ode. 18 Poichtéun ona mii ls arcificio e set io ffrol 'olocnaounls otg roa,d isci. 19Lo s priitcoon trèi itlso acripfeirfceittoo / unc uroec ontrei utmoi ltoi, aDoi ot,u n ond isprie.z z Nelt uoa moref avoriSsicoin , 20 ricostrluemi usarc id iG erulseamme. 21A lloraam eraiis acrilfeigmciiitt, i l'ooclauset lo'i ozebiotnoet ale, allao rvii etlslaila inrnos ul atulot are. 1 C'uèn g iuocod ip arotlrlea«' a nda(rbOe)d» iN atane l «'a nda(rbile)d»i D avide. 2 Traudciafrmeos ecdo n« bontàe»r af7amcoinm • misericoVreddili aap» r,e cisdazeiteiorm ninei nell'esegesi. • Abbiamo matnetremniiuttnaoidl i iffaenrpeier ni tt rie vodecplaec bcoaltio cedrivc aalnodroi zzarne leco nnotazioni. •P eirdl i ffidceisltedi envlo. vedli'e segesi. 6cd • Dalg(loi.spch.1. 4,5 f)ad erihvaasrtdeea sr a ts«rn,a sndecore»«:N asconldatiu faa ccdiaami i ei peccaetq iu•i n·dDii stloafga lcidc aimiaie pecc»aD.ta ihopoedn sian,v eacdue n,i m peradteilvloa i coniugcoazli-t- oinnef idsiss Oor..v ,o ltvaorlsgie,r e». • Pelra d ifficeislper es•sdiasolan neg -umei ddamviedmi»l 'esegesi. 7 Oltcrhe«e s acrpiefrfiecttsioip"o u tòr adusrarriciefoc pi eDri oP»e.irv l .1 8v edain chAei rNo.l,d i « NotaeiS almiinA, u g1 3( 917334)5,- 350. · SALM5O1 ( 50) 12

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