IL-4 Receptor Achsah D. Keegan * Immunology Department, Holland Laboratory of the American Red Cross, 15601 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855, USA *corresponding author tel: 301-517-0326, fax: 301-517-0344, e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1006/RWCY.2000.14002. SUMMARY Alternative names The cell surface receptor for IL-4 is composed of two Initially, the term IL-4R was used to describe the polypeptide proteins that span the plasma mem- receptorforIL-4,butin1993itbecameclearthattheIL- branes. One of these proteins chains, the IL-4R(cid:11), 4receptorconsistsoftwoseparatechains(Russelletal., bindstoIL-4withhighaffinity.BindingofIL-4tothe 1993):the140kDaIL-4-bindingchainandthecommon IL-4R(cid:11) on the cell surface results in its association gamma chain, (cid:13)c (Figure 1). The 140kDa chain was with a second protein. In the type I IL-4 receptor thentermedtheIL-4R(cid:11),althoughothergroupsinitially complextheassociatingchainisthecommon(cid:13) chain. referred to it as the IL-4R(cid:12) due to its analogy to the InthetypeIIIL-4receptorcomplexitistheIL-13R(cid:11) IL-2R(cid:12)chain.Numerousstudiessuggestedarelation- chain. Over the last 8 years, much work has focused shipbetweenthereceptorforIL-4andthereceptorfor on understanding the discrete signal transduction IL-13(Callardetal.,1996;Murataetal.,1998).Oneof pathways activated by the IL-4 receptor and the these ligands could suppress the binding of the other coordination of these individual pathways in the to cells capable of responding to both cytokines. regulation ofa finalbiological outcome.Experiments focused on signaling pathways have delineated the mechanism by which IL-4 regulates cell growth, Figure1 IL-4receptorcomplexes.ThetypeIIL-4 survival, and gene expression. Strategies to block receptor complex comprises the IL-4-binding chain binding of IL-4 to its receptor and to target specific termed the IL-4R(cid:11). The binding of IL-4 to this signaling pathways are being tested to treat diseases chainallowsheterodimerizationwiththecommon(cid:13) associated with IL-4 such as allergy. chain called the (cid:13)c. The type II IL-4 receptor complex consists of the IL-4R(cid:11) chain and the IL- 13R(cid:11)1. The IL-4R(cid:11) is associated with the tyrosine BACKGROUND kinase JAK1. The (cid:13)c is associated with the JAK3 while theIL-13R(cid:11)1probablyassociates witheither Discovery JAK2 or TYK2, but not JAK3. The structure of the IL-4 receptor complex was first Type I Type II discoveredusingchemicalcrosslinkingof[125I]IL-4to molecules on the surface of IL-4-responsive cells (Ohara and Paul, 1987). Generally, two major g c IL-13Ra 1 complexes were found crosslinked to [125I]IL-4. One contained [125I]IL-4 bound to a protein of (cid:24)140kDa; JAK2 the second variably contained 80 and 70kDa JAK1 JAK3 JAK1JAK? TYK2 molecules crosslinked to [125I]IL-4, depending on the typeofcellusedforanalysis.Subsequently,8yearsof study revealed the complex nature of the IL-4 receptor. IL-4Ra IL-4Ra 1472 Achsah D. Keegan Additionally, a mutant form of human IL-4 in which into a helper phenotype called TH2. In addition, it Tyr124 has been replaced by Asp (Y124D), that is playsamajorroleinclassswitchingtoIgG1andIgE. capableofbindingtothehumanIL-4receptorwithhigh However,sincetheIL-4R(cid:11)chainisusedasareceptor affinitybutfailstosignalanIL-4-specificresponse,is component by both IL-4 and IL-13 (Callard et al., abletoantagonizecompetitivelybothIL-4-andIL-13- 1996), its loss results in more severe defects than the induced proliferation. Recent analysis of the IL-13 loss of IL-4 alone. receptor structure indicates that a functional IL-4 receptorcomplexcanalsobecomprisedoftheIL-4R(cid:11) chainandtheIL-13R(cid:11)chain(Hiltonetal.,1996).The GENE complex containing the IL-4R(cid:11) and the (cid:13)c is called thetypeIIL-4receptor.TheIL-4receptorcontaining Accession numbers the IL-13R(cid:11) is termed type II (Callard et al., 1996) (Figure1). ThegeneencodingthemouseIL-4R(cid:11)hasbeencharac- terizedindetail(Wrightonetal.,1992)(Figure2).The Structure mouse IL-4R(cid:11) gene is located on chromosome 7 and the human IL-4R(cid:11) gene is localized on chromosome As shown in Figure 1, there are two types of IL-4 16. In addition, cDNA encoding the human, mouse, receptor complexes. These are thought to function as andratIL-4R(cid:11)havebeencloned(accessionnumbers: heterodimers. The type I receptor consists of the IL- human X52425, mouse M29854, rat X69903). 4R(cid:11) and the (cid:13)c, while the type II receptor consists of theIL-4R(cid:11)andtheIL-13R(cid:11).ThetypeIreceptorisa structure specific for IL-4 (Russell et al., 1993). Sequence However,thestructurethatmakesupthetypeIIIL-4 receptorcanactasareceptorcomplexforIL-4orIL- ThemouseIL-4R(cid:11)isencodedby12exons(accession 13 (Callard et al., 1996). The IL-4R(cid:11) has affinity for numbers:M64868,M64869,M64870,M64871,M64872, IL-4butnotforIL-13,whiletheIL-13R(cid:11)hasaffinity M64873,M64874,M64875,M64876,M64877,M64878, forIL-13butnotforIL-4.Thebindingofligandwith M64879) (Figure 2). Exons 1–2 make up the 50 the appropriate chain induces dimerization with the untranslatedregion.Exon3encodesthesignalpeptide other chain. Studies using engineered chimeric which is comprised of (cid:24)25 amino acids. Exons 4–7 receptor complexes have indicated that homodimers encode the extracellular domain which contains the of the cytoplasmic region of the IL-4R(cid:11) can mediate cysteinepairsandWSXWSmotifthatarethehallmark IL-4-specific responses (for example, see Fujiwara signsofthehematopoieticreceptorsuperfamily.Exon8 et al., 1997). It is not yet clear whether a full-length codes for the C-terminus of the soluble form of the IL-4R(cid:11) ever signals as a homodimer naturally. mouseIL-4R(cid:11).Inthecellsurfaceform,exon8isspliced out,leavingexons7and9adjoining.Exon9encodesthe Main activities and transmembrane region. Exon 8 contains a 114 bp sequencethatencodessixnovelaminoacidsfollowedby pathophysiological roles astopcodon.Thissequenceisinsertedjustpriortothe endoftheextracellulardomainbyalternativesplicing ThemainactivitiesoftheIL-4receptorareveryclosely ofthemRNAandresultsintheproductionofa40kDa linked to the major activities of IL-4. As the receptor soluble receptor with a C-terminus that is not found for IL-4, it plays a large role in the regulation of the in the full-length IL-4R(cid:11). Exons 10–12 encode the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells, driving them cytoplasmic region. While soluble IL-4R(cid:11) capable of Figure2 ThemouseIL-4R(cid:11)gene.ThegeneencodingmouseIL-4R(cid:11)contains12exonsand11 introns. Exons1and2codefor the50 untranslatedregion (50 UT). Exon3codesfor thesignal peptide (Sig). Exons 4–7 encode the extracellular domain. Exon 8 codes for the carboxy tail of thesolubleversionoftheIL-4R(cid:11)(Sol)andcontainsatranslationalstop,whileexon9contains the transmembrane domain (TM). Exons 10–12 encode the cytoplasmic domain. 5'UT Sig Extracellular Sol TM Cytoplasmic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WSX CC CC WS IL-4 Receptor 1473 bindinghumanIL-4withhighaffinityhasbeenfoundin LoopsinD1 (L1,L2, and L3)andloopsin D2 (L5 theserumofhumans,itisthoughtthatitoriginatesfrom and L6) make contacts with helices A and C in IL-4. proteolytic cleavage of the full-length receptor rather Interestingly, IL-4 bound to the IL-4BP shows small thanfromalternativesplicing. changesinitsstructure,especiallyinhelicesAandD. Interestingly, both the (cid:13)c and the IL-13R(cid:11) chains The changes are localized to regions implicated in are localized to the X chromosome. Both are also binding to the (cid:13)c, suggesting that binding of IL-4 to members of the hematopoietin receptor superfamily. the IL-4R(cid:11) creates the (cid:13)c-binding epitope. The cytoplasmic domain of the human IL-4R(cid:11) contains more than 550 amino acids. There are no PROTEIN consensussequencescharacteristicofserine/threonine or tyrosine kinases. The cytoplasmic region contains Accession numbers twoacidicregionsandisgenerallyserine-andproline- rich.ThereisaBox-1sequenceclosetothetransmem- Theaminoacidsequencesforthehuman,mouse,and braneregion,originallydescribedinthegp130chainof rat IL-4R(cid:11) can be found in the SwissProt database. the IL-6 receptor that is shared among many of the Accession numbers for the protein sequence are hematopoietinreceptorfamilymembers.Therearefive human A60386, mouse AAA39299, and rat S31575. tyrosineresiduesinthecytoplasmicregionwhosesur- rounding amino acid sequences are highly conserved amongtherat,mouse,andhumanIL-4R(cid:11)(Figure3). Description of protein Thishighdegreeofhomologybetweenthespeciessug- gests some functional importance for these residues The IL-4R(cid:11) is a transmembrane protein of greater thathasbeenborneoutbymutagenesisstudies. than 800 amino acids including its leader sequence. For the human IL-4R(cid:11), there are a total of 825 Relevant homologies and amino acids with the first 25 comprising the leader sequence. The extracellular domain consists of (cid:24)220 species differences amino acids. There are five potential N-linked glycosylation sites in the extracellular region, and Human,mouse,andratIL-4R(cid:11)aregenerallysimilar, biochemical studies suggest that about three are in withvirtually90–100%identityinkeysequencemotifs fact glycosylated (for reviews see Nelms et al., 1999 and Keegan et al., 1996). Figure 3 Conserved cytoplasmic tyro- TheextracellulardomainoftheIL-4R(cid:11)(termedIL- sineresidues.Thecytoplasmicdomainsof 4BP) has been co-crystallized with IL-4 (Hage et al., the rat, mouse, and human IL-4R(cid:11) 1999). The coordinates for this structure have been contain five tyrosines whose surrounding deposited in the Protein Data Bank under the code sequencesarehighlyconserved.Theseare 1IAR.Thisanalysisshowsthattheextracellularregion numbered 1–5 starting with the most is comprised of two domains arranged in an L shape. membrane-proximal tyrosine. Both domains are related to the fibronectin type III domain. Both domains contain seven antiparallel (cid:12) hu 488 PLViagNPAYRSFSnsl strands separated by loops and an occasional short Y1 mu 491 PLViadNPAYRSFSdcc helix.TheN-terminaldomain(D1)liesabout45degrees rt 491 PLVisdNPAYRSFSdfs fromhorizontal.Itconsistsofaminoacids1–91andis arrangedinanH-typesubclassoftheIg-typefold.D1 hu 570 APtsGYQEFVhAVeQG contains three pairs of cysteine residues engaged in Y2 mu 570 APagGYQEFVqAVkQG disulfidebonding(Cys9–Cys19,Cys29–Cys59,Cys49– rt 570 APtsGYQEFVqAVkQG Cys61).Thefirsttwopairsarecharacteristicofmembers of the type I cytokine or hematopoietin receptor hu 597 PpGeaGYKAFSSLLaS superfamily.ThethirdpairappearsnoveltotheIL-4BP. Y3 mu 597 PsGdpGYKAFSSLLsS Thedomainclosesttothetransmembraneregion(D2)is rt 597 PsGdtGYKAFSSLLsS arrangedinanS-typefibronectintypeIIIdomainina hu 627 GeeGYKPFQdli verticalorientation.TheD1andD2domainsareclose Y4 mu 627 GhgGYKPFQ--- toperpendiculartooneanother.D2doesnotcontain rt 627 GcgGYKPFQnpv any disulfide bonds, but does contain the WSXWS motif prior to the (cid:12)G strand. The WSXWS sequence hu 705 DsLGsGIVYSaLTCH helpsto maintain properfolding and transportto the Y5 mu 701 DdLGfGIVYSsLTCH cellsurface. rt 701 DdLGlGIVYSsLTCH 1474 Achsah D. Keegan and modules (Figure 3). Overall amino acid identity lymphocytes (Huang et al., 1999), although the between the human and mouse is 48%, between mechanism by which this might occur is not clear. humanandratis 46%,andbetweenratandmouse is Treatmentofpatientswithsteroidshasbeenshownto 72%. The extracellular domain of the IL-4R(cid:11) shows diminish IL-4R(cid:11) expression (Wright et al., 1999). between 20% and 30% homology to a number of other cytokine receptor family members. Release of soluble receptors Affinity for ligand(s) In the murine system, soluble receptors capable of binding IL-4 with high affinity can arise by IL-4 binds to its receptor with high affinity. Binding alternative splicing of the mRNA (Wrighton et al., sites for [125I]IL-4 with K values of 20–300pM have 1992).Thesolubleformcontainsnovelaminoacidsat d been detected on many hematopoietic and nonhema- the C-terminus. Evidence for alternative splicing has topoieticcelltypes(OharaandPaul,1987;Lowenthal not been provided for the human IL-4R(cid:11). Since etal.,1988).Thenumberofreceptorsexpressedonthe soluble receptors for IL-4 have been found in human surfacesofcellsisgenerallyquitelow,rangingfrom50 sera,itislikelytheyarisebyaproteolyticmechanism. to 5000 sites per cell. The IL-4R(cid:11) contains the vast majority of binding affinity for IL-4. The soluble SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION versionoftheIL-4R(cid:11)canbindIL-4withhighaffinity also. The additional contribution of the (cid:13)c to cell surface binding affinity has been estimated at 3-fold SeveralcomprehensivereviewsonsignalingbytheIL- (Russelletal.,1993)whilethecontributionoftheIL- 4 receptor have been published and provide detailed 13R(cid:11)hasbeenestimatedtobebetween5-and10-fold discussion of the experimental data and extensive (Hilton et al., 1996). referencessupportingthecurrentmodelofsignaltrans- duction (Figure 4) (see Wang et al., 1995; Keegan et al., 1996; Nelms et al., 1999). Cell types and tissues expressing the receptor Associated or intrinsic kinases Thevastmajorityofcelltypesinthebodyexpressoneor Althoughthereisnointrinsicenzymeactivityencoded theother(orboth)oftheIL-4receptorcomplexes.IL-4 in the IL-4R(cid:11), treatment of cells with IL-4 activates receptors have been identified on most cells of cytoplasmictyrosinekinases(Ihle,1995;Johnstonetal., hematopoieticorigin,cellsofthebrain,muscle,kidney, 1996).TheJanusfamilyoftyrosinekinases(JAKs)are and placenta, and in primary cell types including constitutivelyassociatedwiththeIL-4receptor.JAK1is fibroblasts, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and a associatedwithIL-4R(cid:11)whileJAK3iscoupledtothe(cid:13)c number of different tumors, as well as many others (Figure1).TheassociationoftheJAK1kinasetotheIL- (OharaandPaul,1987;Lowenthaletal.,1988;Doucetet 4R(cid:11) is thought to be via the conserved Box-1 site. al., 1998; Dubois et al., 1998; Henriques et al., 1998; Mutation of this site or mutation of JAK1 itself Kotsimbosetal.,1998;Mehrotraetal.,1998;vander abolishes all functional activity of the IL-4 receptor. Veldenetal.,1998). BothJAK1andJAK3becometyrosinephosphorylated upon treatment of hematopoietic cells with IL-4. IL- Regulation of receptor expression 13R(cid:11) does not associate with JAK3. However, it associateswitheitherJAK2orTYK2dependingonthe There is not much information available on the celltype,andthesekinasescanbetyrosinephosphory- regulation of expression of IL-4 receptor complexes. lated in response to IL-4 in some cell types (Murata All components are expressed to some degree on et al., 1998). Heterodimerization of the receptor sub- resting cells. Stimulation of lymphocytes through the unitsisthoughttoactivatethekinasesandinitiatethe antigen receptor results in the increase of IL-4R(cid:11) signalingcascade(Figure4). expression (Ohara and Paul, 1988). Polyclonal IL-4is abletosignalincells expressingtheIL-4R(cid:11) activators such as LPS also induce expression. andeitherthe(cid:13)cortheIL-13R(cid:11).IL-4treatmentisable Interestingly, IL-4 itself acts to regulate the levels of toinducethetyrosinephosphorylationofatranscrip- expression of IL-4R(cid:11). Preliminary studies in mice tion factor (STAT6) in cell lines derived from severe lacking expression of the active tyrosine phosphatase combined immunodeficiency (SCID) patients lacking SHP-1 indicate that this phosphatase may also play the (cid:13)c or JAK3, albeit less efficiently than in normal some role in regulating the expression of IL-4R(cid:11) in cells.Therefore,intheabsenceof(cid:13)c,orintheabsenceof IL-4 Receptor 1475 Figure 4 Signaling by the IL-4 receptor. Several of the IL-4-activated signaltransductionpathwaysareshownindiagramform.Thebindingof IL-4 to the IL-4R(cid:11) induces heterodimerization with the (cid:13)c (shown) or the IL-13R(cid:11)1. The dimerization activates the Janus kinases that initiate the phosphorylation cascade. Tyrosine residues in the cytoplas- mic tail of the IL-4R(cid:11) become phosphorylated and act as docking sites for signaling molecules. The first cytoplasmic tyrosine residue (Y1, green) is in a sequence motif called the I4R-motif that interacts with protein tyrosine-binding domains (PTB). Members of the insulin receptor substrate family (IRS) and Shc dock to this site. Tyrosine residues2–4(orange)interactwiththeSH2-domainofSTAT6.Thefifth cytoplasmic residue (red) lies in a consensus motif termed an ITIM shown in other receptors to dock the SH2-domains of tyrosine phosphatases. After being recruited to the receptor complex, these signaling molecules are tyrosine phosphorylated. Phosphorylated STAT6 (green) dimerizes, migrates to the nucleus, and binds to promoters of genes such as CD23 and MHC class II. Phosphorylated IRS(darkblue)bindstothep85subunitofPI-3kinase(lightblue)and to GRB2 (orange). The IRS pathway has been linked to cellular proliferationinresponsetoIL-4.TheactivatedPI-3kinaseregulatesthe p70S6 kinase and akt, both of which have been shown to participate in antiapoptosis. PI-3 kinase activity also regulates the IL-4-induced phosphorylation of the DNA-binding protein HMGI(Y). (Full colour figure may be viewed online.) IL-4 g c IL-4Ra Cell membrane JAK3 JAK1 IRS-1/2 STAT6 Y Y Y Y GRB2 p70S6K PKB Y Shc GROWTH PATHWAY Anti-apoptotic HMGI(Y) pathway G1 Cell M S cycle Nucleus G2 IL-4 responsive genes l-c MHC class II CD23 IL-4Ra the kinase to which (cid:13)c associates, IL-4 signaling can STAT6, that is a member of the signal transducers occur via the type II IL-4 receptor (Johnston et al., and activators of transcription (STAT) family (Ihle, 1996). 1995). STAT6 is recruited to the IL-4R(cid:11) by binding Another tyrosine kinase that interacts with the to the second, third, or fourth cytoplasmic tyrosine IL-4R(cid:11) is c-fes. The importance of c-fes in IL-4 residues via its SH2 domain after they become phos- signalingisnotclear,butsomeevidencesuggeststhat phorylated (Figure 3). STAT6 then becomes tyrosine it may regulate growth and production of IgE in phosphorylated, dimerizes, migrates to the nucleus, response to IL-4. and binds to consensus sequences found within promoters of IL-4-regulated genes. This factor plays amajorroleingeneregulationandinmanyaspectsof Cytoplasmic signaling cascades the allergic response including TH2 differentiation, IgE production (reviewed in Nelms et al., 1999) and One of the signaling pathways initiated by IL-4 is in models of allergic lung inflammation (Kuperman a latent cytoplasmic transcription factor, termed et al., 1998). 1476 Achsah D. Keegan A second signaling pathway activated by the IL-4 IRS1andIRS2havebeenshowntosignalsimilarly. receptor is the insulin receptor substrate (IRS) family However,therearesomedifferencesinthespectrumof (IRS-1, IRS-2, IRS-3, and IRS-4) pathway (White, proteinsrecruitedtoIRS1andIRS2.Themechanismof 1998). These proteins are large cytoplasmic docking these differences and their significance are not clear. proteinswhichcontainaproteintyrosinebinding(PTB) MostcellsofhematopoieticoriginexpressIRS2,butnot domain and many sites for serine/threonine and IRS1,whereasothercelltypesmayexpresseitheroneor tyrosine phosphorylation. The IRS proteins are bothofthesefamilymembers.Humanthymocytesand recruitedtotheIL-4R(cid:11)bythefirstcytoplasmictyrosine peripheral T cells express both. It is possible that the residue (Tyr1) that lies within a consensus motif also activation of IRS1 or IRS2 by IL-4 may have subtle found in receptors for insulin and the insulin-like consequences for downstream signaling pathways. growth factor type I (IGF-1) called the I4R motif Very few studies have yet examined the function (Figure3).ThePTBdomainoftheIRSproteininter- of IRS3 or IRS4 in IL-4 signaling. The role of the acts directly with the I4R-motif of the IL-4R(cid:11). The IRSfamilymembersinIL-4signalingwillprobablybe structure of this interaction has been solved (Zhou complex. etal.,1996)andcanbeobservedbygoingtothemolec- IL-4 signaling also results in the tyrosine phoshor- ular modeling database of the National Center for ylation of Shc. Shc contains a PTB domain and is Biotechnology Information ( recruited to the IL-4R(cid:11) by the I4R motif. The Structure) and searching for the identifier 5977. The importanceofShcinIL-4signalingis still unclear.In ProteinDataBaseIDis1IRS. some cell types IL-4 does not induce the tyrosine Tyrosine phosphorylated sites within the IRS pro- phosphorylation of Shc. However, IL-4 is able to teins associate with cellular proteins that contain induce the tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc in mouse SH2 domains. One signaling molecule with which all B cells. In addition, a cell line which is highly IRS family members interact is the p85 subunit of responsive to IL-4 shows strong Shcphosphorylation phosphatidylinositol 30-kinase (PI-3 kinase) (White, inresponsetoIL-4.ShcactsasanadapterforGRB2/ 1998). Numerous studies have shown that the inter- SOS and functions to activate the Ras pathway. An action of IRS proteins with the p85 subunit results in additional protein, FRIP-1, also binds to the I4R theactivationofthep110catalyticsubunitofthePI-3 motif via its PTB domain. FRIP is tyrosine kinaseenzyme.ActivePI-3kinasecatalyzesthetrans- phosphorylated in response to IL-4, interacts with fer of phosphate from ATP to the D3 position of RasGAP, and therefore is thought to inactivate the the inositol ring in membrane-bound phosphatidy- Ras pathway (Nelms et al., 1999). The delineation of linositol.PI-3kinaseactivityisimportantforgrowth, the contribution of these molecules in mediating IL-4 survival,andregulationofgeneexpressioninresponse responses will require further study. toIL-4.Severalsignalingmoleculeswhoseactivitiesare The C-terminus of the IL-4R(cid:11) contains the fifth downstream of PI-3 kinase activity have been impli- conserved cytoplasmic tyrosine residue (Figure 3), catedinIL-4responses,includingp70S6kinase,theAkt which lies in a consensus motif termed an ITIM kinase,andthenonhistonehigh-mobilitygroupDNA- (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif). binding protein HMGI(Y) (for literature review, see This sequence (Muta et al., 1994) was identified in Nelmsetal.,1999)(Figure4). negative signaling receptors and has been shown to Other signaling molecules that have been shown to bind to the SH2 domains of the tyrosine and lipid interact with IRS family members are the growth phosphatases, SHP-1 and SHIP. While binding of factorreceptor-boundprotein2(GRB2),theSH2and SHP-1toaphosphopeptidederived from theIL-4R(cid:11) SH3 domain containing adapter protein nck, the src- ITIM sequence has been demonstrated, it is not yet family kinase fyn, and the src-homology protein clear whether SHP-1 or SHIP actually dock to this tyrosine phosphatase 2. The importance of these site of the IL-4R(cid:11) in cells. other interactions in mediating IL-4 responses is not clear. GRB2 is constitutively associated with the guaninenucleotideexchangefactorcalledSOSwhose primary function is to catalyze exchange of GDP DOWNSTREAM GENE bound to Ras with GTP. The GTP–Ras complex is ACTIVATION active and results in the activation of the Raf kinase and MAP kinases. Although it has been clearly Transcription factors activated demonstrated that IL-4 induces the association of GRB2 with IRS, it has been more difficult to demonstrate any IL-4-induced activation of the Ras/ Two different types of transcription factors are Raf/MAP pathway. activated by IL-4. STAT6 is directly recruited and IL-4 Receptor 1477 activated by binding to phosphorylated tyrosine BIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES residues found in the cytoplasmic domain of the IL- OF ACTIVATING OR INHIBITING 4R(cid:11). As discussed above, STAT6 becomes tyrosine RECEPTOR AND phosphorylated itself, dimerizes, migrates to the nucleus, and binds to DNA sequences found in the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY promoterelementsofIL-4-responsivegenes(reviewed in Nelms et al., 1999). IL-4 also activates the small, Unique biological effects of nonhistone chromosomal protein HMGI(Y) by activating the receptors inducing its serine phosphorylation in an IRS- dependent manner (Wang et al., 1997). The serine phosphorylation of HMGI(Y) in response to IL-4 Unique biological effects of activating the IL-4 also depends on PI-3 kinase and p70S6 kinase. receptor are similar to the unique responses to IL-4. TheseincludethedifferentiationofTcellstotheTH2 type and immunoglobulin class switching to IgE. In addition, activating the receptor by administration of Genes induced IL-4 or IL-13 directly into the lungs elicits symptoms of asthma including eosinophilia, mucus production, Signaling by the IL-4 receptor complex results in the andairwayhyperresponsiveness(Grunigetal.,1998). regulation of a number of genes. Many, but not all, Thereis evidencetosupportthenotionthatsignaling are regulated by the activation of STAT6. IL-4 alone through the IL-4R(cid:11) chain by IL-4 or IL-13 can can induce/enhance the expression of CD23, MHC directly induce mucus secretion by goblet cells and class II, and IL-4R(cid:11). In the presence of some other eotaxinreleasebylungepithelialcells(Dabbaghetal., stimulus such as LPS, TNF, or antigen receptor 1999; Li et al., 1999). stimulation, IL-4 induces/enhances expression of the germline transcripts for the heavy chain of IgG1 Phenotypes of receptor knockouts (G(cid:13)1) and IgE (G"), VCAM-1, and Bcl-xL. In STAT6 knockout mice, IL-4 is not able to regulate and receptor overexpression mice expression of CD23, MHC class II, IL-4R(cid:11), G(cid:13)1 or G" (Nelms et al., 1999). However, induction of In general terms, the IL-4R(cid:11) knockout mice are VCAM-1 by IL-4 is maintained (Kuperman et al., similar to the IL-4 knockout mice. They are TH2 1998). deficient and have reduced IgE responses (Noben- Trauth et al., 1997). However, the IL-4R(cid:11) knockout mice are unable to expel the gastrointestinal nematode parasite Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, while Promoter regions involved this parasite is expelled in IL-4 knockout mice (Barneretal.,1998;Urbanetal.,1998).Theseresults The promoters of several IL-4-responsive genes have indicatethatIL-13signalingthroughtheIL-4R(cid:11)may been characterized. These promoters (promoters for be critical for nematode expulsion. Interestingly, IL- CD23, IL-4R(cid:11), G(cid:13)1, G") have in common the 4R(cid:11) knockout mice have greatly reduced asthma-like presence of a sequence motif specific for STAT6 symptoms in response to allergen, even when TH2 binding termed as N4-GAS (TTCXXXXGAA). cells are provided exogenously (Grunig et al., 1998). Interestingly, the promoter for IL-4 also contains a These results suggest that IL-4R(cid:11) on lung-derived STAT6 consensus-binding site although it is not cells other than T cells is important in the thought to playa major role in the induction of tran- development of asthma pathology. There are no IL- scription of IL-4 in vivo. Although the IL-4-activated 4R(cid:11) overexpressing mice. STAT6 is clearly important in the regulation of transcription of these genes, other transcription fac- Human abnormalities torscooperatetofullyregulateexpression.Inthecase of the promoter for G", the factors STAT6, NF(cid:20)B, cEBP, and BSAP cooperate to positively regulate The important role that IL-4 and IL-13 play in the transcription (Delphin and Stavnezer, 1995). Addi- regulation of T cell responses and IgE production tionally, the IL-4-induced serine phosphorylation of logically suggest that the IL-4R(cid:11) may play a role in HMGI(Y) results in the de-repression of the G" human disease. This idea is supported by the finding promoter, resulting in the enhancement of transcrip- that the region of human chromosome 16 contain- tion (Kim et al., 1995). ing the IL-4R(cid:11) is associated with human allergy 1478 Achsah D. Keegan (Deichmann et al., 1998). There are naturally and IgG4 production by peripheral blood mononuclear frequently occurring polymorphisms in both the cells isolated from hyper-IgE syndrome patients human and mouse IL-4R(cid:11) (Schulte et al., 1997; (Garraoud et al., 1999). In mouse models, treatment Hershey et al., 1997; Mitsuyasu et al., 1998). Several with the anti-IL-4R(cid:11) monoclonal (M1) has many of of these polymorphisms have been associated with thesameeffectsasanti-IL-4antibodytreatmentoras atopyinhumans,althoughthereiscontroversyinthis those observed in the IL-4 knockout mice. These field. One group has found an association between a include inhibition of TH2 differentiation and IgE Val50toIlechangeintheextracellulardomainofthe production. In some cases, injecting mice with IL-4– IL-4R(cid:11) in their patient population (Mitsuyasu et al., M1 complexes increases the bioavailability of IL-4 1998). An association between a Gln576 to Arg since it increases the serum half-life. change(Figure3)andallergyinUSpatientshasbeen found(Hersheyetal.,1997),butotherstudiesdidnot find a correlation between this polymorphism and References allergy in Japanese and European patient popula- tions (Mitsuyasu et al., 1999; Noguchi et al., 1999). Barner, M., Mohrs, M., Brombacher, F., and Kopf, M. (1998). 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