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IL-11 produced by breast cancer cells augments osteoclastogenesis by sustaining the pool of osteoclast progenitor cells. PDF

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Preview IL-11 produced by breast cancer cells augments osteoclastogenesis by sustaining the pool of osteoclast progenitor cells.

McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access IL-11 produced by breast cancer cells augments osteoclastogenesis by sustaining the pool of osteoclast progenitor cells Erin M McCoy1, Huixian Hong1,2, Hawley C Pruitt1 and Xu Feng1* Abstract Background: Interleukin (IL)-11, a cytokine produced by breast cancer, has been implicated inbreast cancer-induced osteolysis (bonedestruction)but the mechanism(s) ofactionremain controversial. Somestudies showthatIL-11 is able to promote osteoclast formation independent ofthe receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL), while others demonstrateIL-11 can induce osteoclast formation by inducing osteoblasts to secrete RANKL. Thisworkaims to further investigate therole of IL-11 in metastasis-induced osteolysis byaddressing a new hypothesis thatIL-11 exerts effects onosteoclast progenitor cells. Methods: To address the precise roleof breast cancer-derived IL-11 in osteoclastogenesis, wedeterminedthe effect of breast cancer conditioned media on osteoclast progenitor cellswith or without an IL-11 neutralizing antibody. We next investigated whether recombinant IL-11 exerts effects onosteoclastprogenitor cells and survival ofmatureosteoclasts. Finally, we examined the ability of IL-11 to mediate osteoclast formation intissue culture dishes and onbone slices inthe absence of RANKL, with suboptimal levels of RANKL, or from RANKL-pretreated murine bonemarrow macrophages (BMMs). Results: We found that freshly isolated murine bonemarrow cellsculturedin thepresence ofbreast cancer conditioned media for 6 days gave rise to a population of cells which were able to form osteoclastsupon treatment withRANKL and M-CSF. Moreover, a neutralizing anti-IL-11 antibody significantly inhibited theability of breast cancer conditioned media to promote the development and/or survival of osteoclast progenitor cells. Similarly, recombinantIL-11 was able to sustain a population of osteoclast progenitor cells. However, IL-11 was unable to exertany effect onosteoclast survival, induce osteoclastogenesis independentof RANKL, or promote osteoclastogenesis in suboptimal RANKL conditions. Conclusions: Our data indicate thata) IL-11 plays an important rolein osteoclastogenesis by stimulating the development and/or survival of osteoclast progenitor cells and b)breast cancer may promote osteolysis inpartby increasing the pool ofosteoclast progenitor cells via tumor cell-derived IL-11. However,giventhe heterogeneous nature of thebone marrow cells, the precise mechanism by which IL-11 treatment gives rise to a population of osteoclast progenitor cellswarrants further investigation. Keywords: Interleukin-11, Breast cancer, Bone metastasis, Osteoclast, Osteolysis, Bone resorption, RANKL *Correspondence:[email protected] 1DepartmentofPathology,UniversityofAlabamaatBirmingham, Birmingham,AL35294,USA Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2013McCoyetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page2of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Background proteinases [17,18]. Thus, while a functional role of IL-11 Breastcanceristhesecondleadingcauseofcancerdeaths in the osteoclastogenic process has been well established, in women in the United States and this tumor frequently the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which IL-11 metastasizestobone.Uponarrivinginbone,breastcancer promotes osteoclast differentiation and function warrant cells disrupt normal bone remodeling by increasing bone further investigation. Given the known role of IL-11 in resorption, leading to several serious clinical complica- hematopoiesis [10], we hypothesize that IL-11 may exert tionsincludinglife-threateninghypercalcemia,spinalcord effectsonosteoclastprogenitorcells. compression, fractures, and extreme bone pain, which In the current study, we further characterize the role resultinasignificantlydecreasedqualityoflife[1,2].Bone of IL-11 in supporting osteoclast formation, function metastases have also been hypothesized to serve as reser- and survival. Our data indicate that IL-11 promotes voirsforbreastcancertometastasizetoothertissues,such osteoclastogenesis primarily by increasing the pool of as the lung, liver, lymph node, or brain [3]. Thus, breast osteoclast progenitor cells. Consistently, we have also cancer patients with bone metastases often have a poor found that MDA-MB-231 conditioned media were able prognosis[4]. to support a population of bone marrow cells that are Breast cancer cells have been shown to promote bone capable of differentiating into osteoclasts. These findings resorption by enhancing osteoclast formation and func- provide a better understanding of the mechanism by tion via a number of factors derived from the tumor in- which IL-11 exerts its impact on osteoclast biology, and cluding M-CSF, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, also suggest a new concept that breast cancer may also tumor necrosis factor α, insulin-like growth factor II, promote osteoclast formation by targeting osteoclast parathyroid hormone related peptide, IL-1, IL-6 and progenitorcells. IL-11 [2,5-7]. IL-11 is a member of the IL-6 family that recruitsahomodimerofgp130,apromiscuous130kDaβ Methods subunit, after binding to their own non-signaling ligand- Chemicalsandreagents specific receptor, IL11R [8,9]. IL-11 is produced by a var- ChemicalswerepurchasedfromSigma(St.Louis,MO)un- iety of stromal cells, including fibroblasts, epithelial cells, less indicated otherwise. Recombinant GST-RANKL was and osteoblasts and has a variety of functions, including purified as described previously [19]. Recombinant mouse being involved in multiple aspects of hematopoiesis, in- M-CSF (rM-CSF) (416-ML-010) and IL-11 (418-ML-005) hibition of adipocytogenesis, altering neural phenotype, were obtained from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN). stimulating tissue fibrosis, minimizing tissue injury, and Neutralizing anti-human IL-11 antibody (AB-218-NA) regulating function of chondrocytes, synoviocytes and B and normal goat IgG control antibody (AB-108-C) were cells[10].Apartfromcontributingtoinflammation,gp130 alsoobtainedfromR&DSystems. signaling cytokines also function in the maintenance of bonehomeostasis. Animals Cancercells havebeenshowntodirectlyproduce IL-11 C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Harlan Industries and to stimulate osteoblasts to secrete IL-11 [11], which (Indianapolis, IN). Mice were maintained, and the experi- in turn is known to suppress the activity of osteoblasts ments performed in accordance with the regulations of [12]. It has been shown that breast cancer cell lines pro- the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) institu- duce IL-11 [13] and that forced over-expression in cell tionalanimalcareandusecommittee(IACUC). lines increases tumor burden and osteolytic lesions in an in vivo bone metastasis model [5]. Moreover, human Invitroosteoclastogenesisassays breast cancer tumors expressing IL-11 have higher rates Breast cancer conditioned α-MEM was prepared by of bone metastasis occurrences [3]. Taken together, these growing the human breast cancer line MDA-MB-231 to observations support the notion that IL-11 plays an confluence, changing media to α-MEM plus 10% inacti- importantroleinbreastcancer-inducedosteolysis. vated fetal bovine serum (iFBS), and collecting condi- Usingaknockout mouse modelfor IL-11, the cytokine tioned media after 24 hours. To generate osteoclasts was determined to be required for normal bone turn- from breast cancer conditioned media- dependent pre- over, with the knockout mice exhibiting increased bone cursors, cells from the bone marrow cavities of the mass as a result of a reduction in osteoclast differenti- femur and tibia from C56BL/6 mice less than eight ation [14]. IL-11 has been proposed to stimulate osteo- weeks of age were used. The bone marrow flushes were clastogenesis independent of RANKL in one study [15], maintained in α-MEM for 24 hours at 37°C, in 7% CO , 2 whereas another study showed that IL-11 did not induce and then cultured in breast cancer conditioned α-MEM osteoclastogenesis unless marrow cells were co-cultured or regular α-MEM supplemented with 10% iFBS. Media with calvaria cells [16]. Similarly,othergroupsarguethat were changed every 3 days, and after 6 days, cells from IL-11 stimulates osteoblasts to secrete RANKL and/or the breast cancer conditioned α-MEM pretreated bone McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page3of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 marrow flushes were plated in tissue-culture treated Statisticalanalysis dishes atvaryingdensitiesasindicatedspecificallyineach Osteoclastogenesis data are expressed as mean±standard experiment and treated with rM-CSF (10 ng/ml) and error(SE)ofnumbersofTRAP-positivecells.Cellviability RANKL (100 ng/ml) for 4–6 days to form osteoclasts. assays are expressed as mean±SE of numbers of viable Separately, IL-11 neutralizing antibody (5 ug/ml) was cells on each day counted. Statistical significance was added to bone marrow flushes in 20% MDA-MB-231 determined using Student’s t test, and p values less than breast cancer conditioned media, and surviving cells 0.05wereconsideredsignificant. countedatdays3,4,5,and6. To generate osteoclasts from IL-11-dependant precur- sors, bone marrow flushes were maintained in α-MEM Results for 24 hours at 37°C,in 7% CO2, andthencultured inα- Breastcancerconditionedmediaarecapableof MEM with the presence of IL-11 (10 ng/ml) or equal supportingthedevelopmentand/orsurvivalofosteoclast volumesofPBS containing 0.01%bovine serumalbumin. progenitorcells After 6 days, cells from the IL-11 pretreated bone mar- Given that previous studies showed that human breast row flushes were plated in tissue-culture treated dishes cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 expresses IL-11 [13,20], at varying densities as indicated specifically in each ex- we investigated whether MDA-MB-231 conditioned periment and treated with rM-CSF (10 ng/ml) and media are able to promote the development and/or sur- RANKL (100 ng/ml) for 4–6 days to form osteoclasts. vival of osteoclast progenitor cells in the whole bone Separately, IL-11 neutralizing antibody (2 ug/ml) was marrow. Bone marrow flushes were cultured in regular added to bone marrow flushes in α-MEM with the pres- media or breast cancer conditioned media, prepared ence of IL-11 (10 ng/ml), and surviving cells counted at from human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231, for days 3,4,5,and6. varyingnumber of days. Asshownin Figure 1A,the cul- For IL-11 mechanistic studies of osteoclastogenesis, tures in the conditioned media had more cells than BMMs were isolated from marrow flushes of the long those in regular media. More importantly, we found that bones of 4–8-week-old C57BL/6 mice and were main- the cells from the cultures in the conditioned media tained in α-minimal essential medium (α-MEM) for were capable of forming functional osteoclasts in re- 24 hours at 37°C, in 7% CO , before separation with sponse to M-CSF and RANKL treatment, and that 2 Ficoll gradient. To generate osteoclasts from BMMs, fol- osteoclast number and morphology was dependent on lowing Ficoll gradient separation, 1×105 or 5×104 cells, density of progenitor cells plated (Figure 1B-C). These respectively, were plated in either 24-well or 48-well tis- dataindicatethatbreastcancercellsproducefactors, pre- sue culture plates. Cells were cultured in the presence of sumablyincludingIL-11,whicharecapableofstimulating different concentrations and combinations of rM-CSF, the development and/or survival of osteoclast progenitor RANKL, and IL-11 as indicated in individual experi- cells. Thus, these data suggest that breast cancer may ments. The osteoclastogenesis cultures were stained for enhance the extent of osteoclastogenesis by augmenting tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity with thepoolofosteoclastprogenitorcells. a Leukocyte Acid Phosphatase kit (387-A) from Sigma. All assays were performed in triplicate and repeated at leastthreetimes.Arepresentativeviewfromeachcondi- IL-11promotesthedevelopmentand/orsurvivalof tion isshown. osteoclastprogenitorcells Next, we examined whether recombinant IL-11 is able Invitroboneresorptionassays to replicate the results seen with breast cancer condi- 5×104 BMMs were plated on bovine cortical bone slices tioned media (Figure 1). Todoso,weculturedbonemar- in 24-well plates, and the cultures were treated with rM- row flushes in α-MEM with or with IL-11 (10 ng/ml) for CSF (10 ng/ml) and RANKL (100 ng/ml), or with IL-11, varying number of days. While most cells died in the rM-CSF, or RANKL as detailed in each experiment. cultures supplemented with vehicle (PBS), a significant Cultures were maintained for 9 days to allow for bone number of cells remained alive and healthy in those trea- resorption and then cells were removed from the bone ted with IL-11 (Figure 2A). Moreover, we found that the slices with 0.25 M ammonium hydroxide and mechan- IL-11-dependentbonemarrowcellswereabletodifferen- ical agitation. Bone slices were then subjected to scan- tiateintofunctionalosteoclastsinresponsetoM-CSFand ning electron microscopy (SEM) using a Philips 515 RANKL treatment (Figure 2B-C). Again, the osteoclast SEM (Materials Engineering Department, University of numberandmorphologywasdependentonthedensityof Alabama at Birmingham).Thepercentageofthe resorbed the cells plated. These findings demonstrate that IL-11 is area was determined using ImageJ analysis software abletopromotethedevelopmentand/orsurvivalofosteo- obtainedfromtheNationalInstitutesofHealth. clastprogenitorcells. McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page4of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Figure1Breastcancerconditionedmediaiscapableofstimulatingthedevelopmentand/orsurvivalofosteoclastprogenitorcells. (A)Bonemarrowflusheswereculturedinα-MEM(Ctl)orMDA-MB-231conditionedα-MEM(CM)andsurvivingcellswerecountedatdays3,4,5, and6.Dataareexpressedasamean+/−S.E.*,p<0.02.(B)Onday6,cellsfromthecultureinbreastcancerconditionedα-MEMwerethen seededinto48wellplatesat1×104,2×104,or4×104cellsperwellandtreatedwith100ng/mlRANKLand10ng/mlrM-CSF.Quantificationof theosteoclastogenesisassaysisshowninmeannumberofmultinucleatedTRAP-positivecells(>3nuclei)perwell.(C)Eachconditionhadthree replicates(wells)andwasrepeated4times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionisshown(4×and10×magnification).A separatesetofcultureswascontinued4additionaldaystoperformboneresorptionassays.ResorptionpitswerethenvisualizedbySEM. MagnificationbySEMwas200x. IL-11neutralizingantibodyreducesbreastcancer (Figure3C).Our data demonstrated that the neutraliz- conditionedmedia’sabilitytopromotethedevelopment ing IL-11 antibody significantly reduced the ability of and/orsurvivalofosteoclastprogenitorcells the conditioned media to promote the development To determine whether IL-11 is the predominant factor and/or survival of osteoclast progenitor cells, indicating derived from MDA-MB-231 cells that stimulate the de- that IL-11 is the predominant factor derived from MDA- velopment and/or survival of osteoclast progenitors, we MB-231 cells that stimulate the development and/or repeated the experiment shown in Figure 1 with an anti- survival of osteoclast progenitors. This finding further human IL-11 neutralizing antibody. We first validated suggests that certain breast cancers may increase the the neutralizing capability of the commercial IL-11 neu- extent of osteoclastogenesis by expanding the pool of tralizing antibody by culturing bone marrow flushes in osteoclastprogenitorcellsviatumor-derivedIL-11. α-MEMcontaining IL-11 (10ng/ml) withcontrolIgGor IL-11 neutralizing antibody (Figure 3A). Next, to deter- IL-11doesnotaffectosteoclastsurvival mine the lowest optimal concentration of breast cancer GiventhatourdatahaveshowsthatIL-11sustainsapopu- conditioned media that could facilitate the development lation of cells containing osteoclast precursors, we and/or survival of osteoclast progenitors, bone marrow extended our study to address whether IL-11 exert any flush cells were cultured in α-MEM or α-MEM with in- effect on the survival of mature osteoclasts. Towards this creasing concentrations of MDA-MB-231 conditioned end, we treated BMMs with rM-CSF and RANKL for media. There was no significant difference between 4 days to promote osteoclast formation. Once osteoclasts using 20% or 40% breast cancer conditioned media, but formed, we removed the media containing rM-CSF and both supported significantly more cells than 0, 5, or 10% RANKL and added IL-11 or PBS (vehicle) to the cultures, (Figure 3B). Finally,bonemarrowflushesculturedin20% which were continued for 8 additional days to determine MDA-MB-231 breast cancer conditioned media were IL-11’seffectonsurvival.TherepresentativeTRAPstaining subjected to the IL-11 neutralizing antibody (5ug/ml) images of the osteoclast cultures treated with IL-11 for McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page5of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Figure2IL-11isabletopromotethedevelopmentand/orsurvivalofosteoclastprogenitorcells.(A)Bonemarrowflushculturedin α-MEMcontainingIL-11(10ng/ml)orequalvolumeofvehicle(PBS)andremainingsurvivingcellswerecountedatday3,4,5,and6.Dataare expressedasamean+/−S.E.*,p<0.02,**,p<0.002.(B)Onday6,IL-11-dependentbonemarrowcellswerethenseededinto48wellplatesat 1×104,2×104,or4×104cellsperwellandtreatedwith100ng/mlRANKLand10ng/mlrM-CSF.Quantificationoftheosteoclastogenesisassays isshowninmeannumberofmultinucleatedTRAP-positivecells(>3nuclei)perwell.(C)Eachconditionhadthreereplicates(wells)andwas repeated4times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionisshown(4×and10×magnification).Aseparatesetofcultureswas continued4additionaldaystoperformboneresorptionassays.ResorptionpitswerethenvisualizedbySEM.MagnificationbySEMwas200x. 8 days are shown in Figure4A, whilesurvived osteoclasts (Figure 5A). While confluent TRAP positive multinu- intheculturestreatedwithIL-11werequantifiedatday6 cleated osteoclasts were formed under control conditions andday8(Figure4B).Atbothday6andday8,therewas of RANKL (100 ng/ml) and rM-CSF (10 ng/ml), none of no statistically significant difference in osteoclast survival theconcentrationsofIL-11weresufficienttoinduceosteo- between the IL-11-treated cultures and the PBS-treated clastogenesis in the absence of RANKL in tissue culture controlcultures.Morphologically,theculturesalsolooked dishes. Furthermore, we performed bone resorptionassays very similar. The data indicate that IL-11 does not play a todeterminewhetherIL-11canpromoteosteoclastforma- roleinosteoclastsurvival. tiononboneslices.OurdatarevealthatIL-11isincapable of stimulating functional osteoclasts on bone slices, as IL-11isunabletostimulateosteoclastogenesisinthe shown by the lack of resorption pits on the IL-11 treated absenceofRANKL boneslices(Figure5B).To further address whether higher The role of IL-11 in osteoclastogenesis remains unclear; doses of IL-11 can promote osteoclastogenesis in the while one study demonstrated that IL-11 is able to absence of RANKL, we repeated the experiment with stimulate osteoclastogenesis independent of RANKL 200 ng/ml IL-11. The data indicate that, even at concen- [15], another group showed that IL-11 cannot induce trations as high as 200 ng/ml, IL-11 is still unable to osteoclastogenesis unless marrow cells are co-cultured stimulateosteoclastogenesis(Figure5C).Thesefindingsin- with calvaria cells [16], which may serve as a source of dicatethatIL-11cannotpromoteosteoclast differentiation RANKL. To further investigate the role of IL-11 in osteo- independentofRANKL. clastogenesis, we examined IL-11’s ability to induce osteo- clastogenesisintheabsenceofRANKL.Tothisend,IL-11 IL-11cannotstimulateosteoclastogenesisevenwithlow wasaddedatdifferentconcentrations(5,10,and20ng/ml) levelsofRANKL along with 10 ng/ml rM-CSF to bone marrow macro- We and others have demonstrated that although several phages, and then stained for TRAP activity on day 6 cytokines such as IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor α McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page6of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Figure4IL-11doesnotaffectosteoclastsurvival.(A)BMMs wereculturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusRANKL(100ng/ml)for 4daysuntilsufficientosteoclastswereformedandthencultured withrM-CSF(10ng/ml)andRANKL(100ng/ml)withvehicle(PBS)or IL-11(10ng/ml)for8daysintissueculturedish.Thecultureswere thenstainedforTRAPactivity.Eachconditionhadthreereplicates (wells)andwasrepeated4times.Arepresentativeareaofthe culturefromeachconditionisshown.(B)Quantificationofthe osteoclastogenesisassaysisshowninmeannumberof multinucleatedTRAP-positivecells(>3nuclei)perwell.Barsshow Figure3IL-11neutralizingantibodyreducesbreastcancer averages±S.D. conditionedmedia’sabilitytogiverisetoosteoclast progenitors.(A)Bonemarrowflusheswereculturedinα-MEM containingIL-11(10ng/ml)withcontrolIgG(IgG)orIL-11 culturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusRANKL(10ng/ml) neutralizingantibody(nIL-11,2ug/ml)for6days.Survivingcellswere countedatday3,4,5,and6.(B)Bonemarrowflusheswerecultured with or without IL-11 (10 ng/ml) for 6 days in tissue inα-MEM(0%)orα-MEMwithincreasingconcentrations(5%,10%, culture dishes and then stained for TRAP activity 20%or40%)ofMDA-MB-231conditionedmediafor6days. (Figure 6A). We found that IL-11 was not able to induce Survivingcellswerecountedatday3,4,5,and6.(C)Bonemarrow osteoclastogenesiswithlowlevelsofRANKLintissuecul- flusheswereculturedinα-MEM(ctl),20%MDA-MB-231conditioned α-MEM(CM),20%MDA-MB-231conditionedα-MEMwithcontrol turedishes.Theassaywasrepeatedonboneslicesandthe IgG(CM+IgG,5ug/ml),or20%MDA-MB-231conditionedα-MEM bone resorption assays showed that IL-11 failed to pro- withIL-11neutralizingantibody(CM+nIL-11,5ug/ml).Surviving mote the formation of functional osteoclasts on bone cellswerecountedatday3,4,5,and6.Alldatawererepeated slices in the presence of 10 ng/ml RANKL, as shown by independentlythreetimesandareexpressedasamean+/−S.E, thelackofresorptionpits.(Figure6B).Tofurtheraddress *,p<0.05;**,p<0.004. whether higher doses of IL-11 can promote osteoclasto- genesis in the low levels of RANKL, we repeated the ex- (TNF-α) cannot promote osteoclastogenesis in the ab- periment with 200 ng/ml IL-11. The data indicate that, sence of RANKL, they are able to do so in the presence even at concentrations as high as 200 ng/ml, IL-11 is still of permissive levels of RANKL [21-26]. So we next unable to stimulate osteoclastogenesis in the presence of investigated if IL-11 can stimulate osteoclastogenesis in lowlevelsofRANKL(Figure6C).Takentogether,wecon- the presence of low levels of RANKL. BMMs were clude that IL-11, unlike IL-1 and TNF-α, is incapable of McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page7of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Figure5IL-11failstostimulateosteoclastogenesisintheabsenceofRANKL.(A)BMMswereculturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusRANKL (100ng/ml)ascontrolorrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusIL-11(5,10or20ng/ml)for6daysintissueculturedish.Thecultureswerethenstainedfor TRAPactivity.Eachconditionhadthreereplicates(wells)andwasrepeated4times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionis shown.(B)BMMSonboneslicesweretreatedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusRANKL(100ng/ml)ascontrolorrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusIL-11 (20ng/ml)for9days.ResorptionpitswerevisualizedbySEM.MagnificationbySEMwas200x.Eachresorptionassayhadtworeplicates(boneslices). Quantificationoftheboneresorptionassaysisshown,barsshownaveraged±S.E.*,p<0.0001(C)BMMswereculturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plus RANKL(100ng/ml)ascontrolorM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusIL-11(200ng/ml)for6daysinatissueculturedish.ThecultureswerethenstainedforTRAP activity.Eachconditionhadthreereplicates(wells)andwasrepeated3times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionisshown. stimulatingosteoclastogenesiseveninthepresenceoflow Discussion levelsofRANKL. Since the initial study showing the expression of IL-11 in breast tumor tissues more than 25 years ago [27], IL-11isincapableofstimulatingosteoclastogenesisfrom numerous investigations have been subsequently under- RANKL-primedBMMs taken to address the regulation and pathological signifi- We and others have also shown that IL-1 and TNF-α cance of IL-11 expression in breast cancer and, in can also promote osteoclastogenesis from RANKL- particular, in the tumor-induced osteolysis [5,13,28-34]. primed BMMs [21-26]. To determine whether IL-11 can Collectively, these studies have led to two important function in osteoclastogenesis in this manner, BMMs observations: a) IL-11 is not only expressed in a signifi- were pretreated for 24 hours with or without RANKL in cant number of breast cancers but also has the potential the presence of rM-CSF in tissue culture dishes or on to serve as a prognostic factor in human breast cancer, bone slices. After 24 hours, the media was removed and and b) IL-11 plays an important role in breast cancer- replacedwithmediacontainingrM-CSFwitheitherIL-11 mediated osteolysis by promoting osteoclastogenesis and or RANKL, and the cultures were continued for 4 days bone resorption. Notably, several studies have demon- (Figure7).TheassaysdemonstratedthatIL-11wasunable strated that breast tumor cells can also target osteoblasts to stimulate osteoclastogenesis from RANKL-primed to stimulate their production of IL-11 [11,17], further in- BMMs in tissue culture dishes (Figure 7A) or on bone creasing IL-11 concentrations in the bone microenviron- slice(Figure7,BandC). ment. Therefore, elucidation of the molecular mechanism McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page8of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Figure6IL-11failstostimulateosteoclastogenesisevenwithpermissivelevelofRANKL.(A)BMMswereculturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml) plusRANKL(10ng/ml)withorwithoutIL-11(10ng/ml)for6daysintissueculturedish.ThecultureswerethenstainedforTRAPactivity.Each conditionhadthreereplicates(wells)andwasrepeated4times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionisshown.(B)BMMson boneslicesweretreatedwiththesameconditions,butculturedfor9daysandresorptionpitswerethenvisualizedbySEM.Magnificationby SEMwas200x.Eachresorptionassayhadtworeplicates(boneslices)Quantificationoftheboneresorptionassaysisshown,barsshown averaged±S.E.*,p<0.0001(C)BMMswereculturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusRANKL(100ng/ml)ascontrolorrM-CSF(10ng/ml)withsub- optimallevelsofRANKL(10ng/ml)withorwithoutIL-11(200ng/ml)for6daysinatissueculturedish.ThecultureswerethenstainedforTRAP activity.Eachconditionhadthreereplicates(wells)andwasrepeated3times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionisshown. by which IL-11 increases osteoclastogenesis and bone indirectlybystimulationosteoblastproductionofRANKL. resorption in breast cancer bone metastasis may help On the other hand, it was shown that osteoclasts express guide development of effective drugs and/or therapeutic IL-11R[35],suggestingthatIL-11mayalsodirectlytarget regimens for preventing and treating breast cancer- osteoclastsand/oritsprecursorstoregulateosteoclastfor- inducedosteolysis. mation and/or function. Intriguingly, one study demon- EarlystudiesontheroleofIL-11inosteoclastformation strated that IL-11 directly target osteoclast precursors to and function involved the use of the co-culture system stimulateosteoclastogenesisanditdoessoindependentof containing bone marrow cells and calvarial osteoblasts RANKL [15]. However, this finding is inconsistent with [16,35]; the key finding of these early investigations was theearlystudiesshowingthatIL-11-mediatedosteoclasto- that IL-11-mediated osteoclastogenesis requires the pres- genesis requires the presence of osteoblasts, which is a enceofosteoblasts,buttheprecisereasonforthedepend- knownsourceofRANKL. ence of IL-11-mediated osteoclastogenesis on osteoblasts In this work, we independently carried out a series of was not fully understood. After the discovery of the in vitro studies to further address the role of IL-11 in RANKL/RANK/OPG system in the late 1990s, it then osteoclastogenesis. First we determined that the condi- became clear that osteoblasts in the co-culture system tioned media of MDA-MB-231, a breast cancer cell line primarily serve as a source of RANKL and IL-11 stimu- expressing IL-11 [13,20], gave rise to a population of lates osteoblasts to produce RANKL [36,37]. This led to cells which can form osteoclasts in response to RANKL the notion that IL-11 can promote osteoclastogenesis and M-CSF treatment (Figure 1), indicating that IL-11 McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page9of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 Figure7IL-11failstostimulateosteoclastogenesisevenwhenBMMsareprimedwithRANKLfor24hours.(A)BMMswerepretreated withrM-CSF(10ng/ml)orrM-CSF(10ng/ml)andRANKL(100ng/ml)for24hoursandthenculturedwithrM-CSF(10ng/ml)plusIL-11(10ng/ml) orRANKL(100ng/ml)for4daysintissueculturedish.ThecultureswerethenstainedforTRAPactivity.Eachconditionhadthreereplicates(wells) andwasrepeated4times.Arepresentativeareaoftheculturefromeachconditionisshown.(B)BMMSonboneslicesweretreatedwiththesame conditions,butculturedfor9days.ResorptionpitswerethenvisualizedbySEM.MagnificationbySEMwas200x.Eachresorptionassayhadtwo replicates(boneslices).(C)Quantificationoftheboneresorptionassaysisshown,barsshownaveraged±S.E.*,p<0.0001. may play an important role in osteoclastogenesis by formation in the absence of RANKL and our data dem- regulating the development and/or survival of osteoclast onstrate that IL-11 cannot induce osteoclastogenesis in progenitor cells. Because the MDA-MB-231 also secrete tissue culture dishes or on bone slices in the absence of other factors that play a role in osteoclastogenesis it was RANKL (Figure 5). We and others have demonstrated necessary to look specifically at IL-11 function. Import- that while IL-1 and TNF-α cannot promote osteoclasto- antly,theabilityofthebreastcancerconditionedmediato genesis in the absence of RANKL, they can do so with generate a population of osteoclast progenitor cells was suboptimal levels of RANKL or from RANKL-pretreated significantlyinhibitedbyaneutralizinganti-IL-11antibody BMMs [21-26]. As such, we then investigated whether (Figure3).Thesefindingssuggestthattumor-derivedIL-11 IL-11 can act in a similar manner. Our data show that mayincreasetheextentofosteoclastogenesisbypromoting IL-11 is not able to promote osteoclastogenesis in the the development of a population of osteoclast progenitor presence of suboptimal levels of RANKL (Figure 6) or cells. To verify the specificity of IL-11, we found that cul- from RANKL-pretreated BMMs(Figure 7). turingofmurinebonemarrow cellswithIL-11 for 6 days Based on these new findings and those reported previ- is able to give rise to a pool of osteoclast progenitor cells ously [16,34,36,37], we propose that IL-11-expressing (Figure2). breast cancer cells cause increased osteoclast formation We then investigated other ways that IL-11 may play a and bone resorption by two distinct mechanisms: a) the role in osteoclastogenesis. We found that IL-11 does not tumorcellsproduceIL-11whichinturnstimulatethepro- exert any effect on osteoclast survival (Figure 4). We ductionofRANKLbystromalcells/osteoblastsinthebone then examined if IL-11 is able to promote osteoclast microenvironment, and b) tumor cell-derived IL-11 also McCoyetal.BMCCancer2013,13:16 Page10of11 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/13/16 augmentsthepoolofosteoclastprogenitorcellstoincrease Authors’contributions the extent of osteoclastogenesis. Therefore, our work has Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript.EMdevelopedtheidea, performedtheexperiments,analyzedthedata,andpreparedthemanuscript. led to a better understanding of the action of IL-11 in HHandHCPprovidedtechnicalassistance.XFinitiallyconceivedtheidea, breast cancer-induced osteolysis. However, the precise andparticipatedintheexperimentaldesignandmanuscriptpreparation. mechanism by which IL-11 promotes the development of apopulationofosteoclastprogenitorcellsremainsunclear. Acknowledgements TheworkissupportedbygrantnumberAR47830(toXF)fromNational While it is possible that IL-11 does so by stimulating InstituteofArthritisandMusculoskeletalandSkinDiseases(NIAMS).EMMhas the differentiation, proliferation and/or survival of beensupportedbytheHowardHughesPredoctoralFellowship,theUAB osteoclast progenitor cells, this cytokine may exert the CarmichaelScholarship,andatraininggrantfromtheDepartmentof Defense(DOD)BreastCancerProgram(W81XWH-11-1-0030). impact on osteoclast progenitor cell population indirectly through other cell types in the bone marrow. Further Authordetails studiesareneededtoelucidatehowexactlyIL-11promote 1DepartmentofPathology,UniversityofAlabamaatBirmingham, Birmingham,AL35294,USA.2DepartmentofHematology,FirstMunicipal thedevelopmentofapoolofosteoclastprogenitorcells. People’sHospital,GuangzhouMedicalCollege,Guangdong510000,China. 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