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INFLUENCES OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE ON GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE MOHAMMED AHMADJALAL JUNE 2015 iii INFLUENCES OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE ON GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF ÇANKAYA UNIVERSITY BY MOHAMMED AHMADJALAL AlRUBYE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE JUNE 2015 iv Title of the Thesis: Influences of Islamic Architecture on Gothic Architecture. Submitted by Mohammed Ahmadjalal AlRUBYE Approval of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Çankaya University. Prof. Dr. Taner ALTUNOK Director . I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Arda DÜZGÜNEŞ Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assist Prof. Dr.Çigdem GÖKHAN Supervisor Examination Date: 25.06.2015 Examining Committee Members : Assist Prof. Dr.Çigdem GÖKHAN (Çankaya Univ.) _______________ Prof. Dr. Pelin Yıldız (Hacettepe Univ.) _______________ Assist Prof. Dr. İpek Memikoğlu (Çankaya Univ.) _______________ v STATEMENT OF NON-PLAGIARISM PAGE I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I haves fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name : Mohammed, Ahmadjalal AlRUBYE Signature : Date :25.6.2015 vi ABSTRACT INFLUENCES OF ISLAMIC ARTCHITECTURE ON GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. AlRUBYE, Mohammed Ahmadjalal M.Sc., Department of Interior Architecture Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr.Çigdem GÖKHAN June, 2015 pages. 151 In starting of the 7th century and with beginning decline of the Byzantine Empire, Islamic civilization has appeared as a new power. Benefited from the science of preceding civilizations, honed and developed it and put it within its own private template and it became the fountain that all humanity benefited from. At this time, Europe was overwhelmed in the darkness of ignorance and corruptions. As a result, it was natural it seeks to find who takes her hand to advance heading for a fertile source of science and knowledge (Islamic civilization), to capitalize on various sciences like medicine, chemistry, architecture, decoration and mathematics. Here, will highlight on the possible influences of Islamic art and architecture on the Gothic architecture in Europe. The study dealt with different models of Islamic and Gothic architecture as it contained features, characteristics and architectural and decorative elements especially those that are believed to be in connection with this influence. The aim of the study is to frame the magnitude of the influence of Islamic architecture in Gothic style of European architecture and it seeks to make the reader and the receiver know the estimated size of this effect through the compare and analysis method according to the temporal and spatial appearance for each element, and the impact of these items on the interior space of the Gothic style. The study concluded that there are large number of Islamic architecture elements (architectural and decorative) that have affected and sometimes were directly transferred to the Gothic style through multiple ways, including trade, Islamic expansion and the Crusades. And these borrowed elements have a big role on architecture, interior and ornamentation of Gothic church. vii . Keywords: Islamic Architecture, Gothic Architecture, Mozarabic, Mudejar. viii ÖZ İSLAM MİMARİSİNİN GOTİK MİMARİSİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİSİ AlRUBYE, Mohammed Ahmadjalal Yüksek Lisans, İç Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Çigdem GÖKHAN Haziran 2015, 151 sayfa Bizans İmparatorluğunun çöküşünün başlangıcı 7. yy’dan itibaren İslam Medeniyeti yeni bir güç olarak ortaya çıktı. Daha önceki medeniyetlerin üzerine bina ederek ve geliştirerek tüm insanlığın yararlanabileceği kendi öz damgasını geliştirdi. Bu sırada Avrupa karanlık, cehalet ve çöküş içinde boğuluyordu. Sonuç olarak bilim ve bilginin gelişmiş ve verimli bir kaynağın tıp, kimya, mimari, dekorasyon ve matematik gibi ortaya çıkışından yararlanmaya çalışmak doğaldı. Burada biz İslam mimari ve süslemesinin Gotik mimari üzerindeki etkilerini inceleyeceğiz. İslam ve gotik mimari ve dekorasyonun özellikle bu etkiyi açıkladığına inanılan örnekleri bu çalışmanın kapsamındadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı tahmin edilen bu etkinin büyüklüğünü mukayese ve analiz yöntemleri ile okuyucuya göstermektir. Mekansal ve görsel öğelerle Gotik mimari ve iç mekan üzerindeki bu etkileri görmek mümkün olmaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda çok sayıda İslam mimari ve iç mekan elemanının Gotik’i etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Bu etkilemenin pek çok yolla, ticaret, savaşlar, İslam’ın genişlemesi, Haçlı seferleri yoluyla doğrudan bir etki olduğu gibi önce diğer Hıristiyan mimari-dekoratif elemanları etkilediği ve dolaylı olarak sonra Gotik’I etkilemesi ile gerçekleştiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu İslam’dan ödünç alınan elemanlar Gotik kilise mimarisi ve iç mekanının oluşumunda büyük bir etki meydana getirmişlerdir. Anahtar Kelimeler: İslam Mimarisi, Gotik Mimari, Mozarabik, Mudejar. ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Gökhan for her supervision, special guidance, suggestions, and encouragement through the development of this thesis. It is a pleasure to express my special thanks to my family for their valuable support. x TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF NON PLAGIARISM.................................................................. iii ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. iv ÖZ………………………………………………………………………………….. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………….. vi . TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….. vii LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………... x LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………... xiv CHAPTERS: 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Justification of Research.................................................................................... 3 1.2. Research Questions.............................................................................................. 4 1.3. Aim of the Study …………................................................................................ 4 1.4. Methodology…………................................................................................. 4 1.5. Theories on Intercultural Effect and Influence.................................................. 5 1.5.1. Wolfaga Welsch _ Transculturally.................................................... 5 1.5.2. Oleg Graber View about Mutual Effect Between East & Wasl.......... 6 1.6. Boundaries of the Study and Understanding of Some Terminologies…….……. 8 2. MUTUAL INFLUENCES OF CULTURES ON ARCHITECTURE AND INTERIORS…………...................................................................................................... 11 2.1. Possible Influencing Channels Between East and West.................................. 11 2.1.1. Effects of Architectural Character of Previous Existing and/or Nearby Cultures................................................................................. 1 1 2.1.2. Trade Routes………......................................................................... 11 2.1.3. Expansion of Islam............................................................................ 12 2.1.4. Crusaders……….............................................................................. 14 2.2.Islamıc Archıtecture...................................................................................... 15 2.2.1 Concept of Islamic Architecture........................................................... 15 2.2.2. Philosophy of Source of Islamic Architecture.................................... 18 The pre_Islamic Arab Art and the Neighbor Civilization....... 1 8 Quran and Sunnah as Fundamental of Islamic Architecture.... 2 0 xi The First Islamic Building………......................................... 22 2.2.3. Different Stylistic Periods of Islamic Architecture.............................. 23 2.2.4. Design Principle of Islamic Architecture............................................ 37 Concentrating on Inside More Than Outside (Hide eauties)... 3 7 Flexibility and Adaptability and Horizontal Extension........... 40 Human Scale. ........................................................................ 4 1 Stability of Shape with Variation of Function...................... 42 Rhythmic and Geometrical................................................... 43 Abstraction and symbol......................................................... 44 Unity and diversity............................................................... 46 2.2.5. Islamic art.......................................................................................... 49 Islamic Decoration................................................................. 49 Element of Decoration........................................................... 49 2.2.6. Architectural Elements and Interior Elements of Islamic Architecture......................................................................................... 52 Walls type, Pillar Column.................................................... 52 Arch , Vault and Celling Types............................................ 55 , Opening and other Interior Elements.................... 58 2.2.7. Summary of Islamic Architecture...................................................... 60 2.3.Gothıc Archıtecture................................................................................................... 61 2.3.1. Conception & Philosophy of Christian Architecture.......................... 61 2.3.2. Characteristic of Gothic Architecture.................................................. 65 2.3.3. Theories about Origins of Gothic Art and Architecture...................... 67 2.3.4. Gothic Period....................................................................................... 71 Early Gothic ........................................................................... 71 High Gothic............................................................................ 72 Late Gothic. ............................................................................ 73 2.3.5. Architectural Element and Interior Element of Gothic Architecture.... 74 Pointed Arch............................................................................ 74 Flying Buttress........................................................................ 75 Grand, Elongated Structure, Which SweptUpwards With Height And Grandeur............................................................. 77 The Vaulted Ceiling................................................................ 78 The Light and Airy Interior..................................................... 80 The Gargoyles of Gothic Architecture.................................... 81 The Emphasis upon the Decorative Style and the Ornamentation......................................................................... 82 Arches...................................................................................... 83 Stain Class and Windows........................................................ 87 Symbolism and Ornamentation.............................................. 89 2.3.6. Abbot Sugar: and his Christian Philosophy......................................... 91 2.3.7. Summary of Gothic Aechitecture........................................................ 92 xii

source of science and knowledge (Islamic civilization), to capitalize on various and the impact of these items on the interior space of the Gothic style.
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