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ero., . , , AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' ami lobatto, ~igar~ 'J • 0.14 WELLINGTON' STREET WEST, \ OPPOSITE COllMI!lRCIAL BANK" ·TORON.,TO. ,.:0. HIN:SDALE S~iITII; N'IW Y~l\l[. E. 'S TAB.L IS H E D 1839. ' -«»- AND THB BE~T ASSORTMENT OF' , Silver",B lectro· PlaW, &e., .' J. G:' JOSEPH &.~.~CQ'., ii G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIREUTORY RODDEN & MEILLEUB No. '71, GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL, Stove, Hot Air Furnace, and Iron Furniture Ware co E Amongst, Europea C Fo Ornamentv REF: TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. TIN SMIT Hl1vingcat free of ( Refel~ence Departm ent. Founde THIS BOOK MUST NOT B~ TAK~N OUT OF THE ROOM. ANNUAL POLICY RATES ( perfect eqll< PARTIES premiums ( MOST L I~WISPU: SUMS A: premiums be not pnid. CERTIFICATES of EXEMPTION from all restrictions on residence, O"c.,grnnted afte No EXPENSE to parties assuriug but the premium. A New Scheme of UNOONDITIONAL ASSURANCE has been lately adopted b, ciation. A Prospectus of it will be furnished on application. Head Office for Canada: PLACE D' ARMES, MONTREl DIRECIT ORS: J. G. MAOKENZIE, ESQ., ~Ierchant. GEO. MOFFAT, JUN., ESQ., 1 DAViD TORRANOE, E'Q, Merchant. A. MORRIS, ESQ., ~I.P.P., MEDICAL OFFIC~R-R. PALMER HOWARD. ESQ., ill.D. SOLIJITORS-MESSRS. TORltANOE & ilfOltRIS. SECRETAR~..L.JAMES GRANT. G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND EUSINESS DIRECTORY. iii MONTREAL & ~itt !Utgl~lt ItllOf ~aft ~ Otlt~ ESTABLISHED 1838. MANUFACTORY AND SALE ROO?IS: 82 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL. To obtain the confidence ponsibility and ability, to and patronuge of the peo- n few of the parties thM pie of Canada, we do not have favored us with their think. it necess,uy to praise patronagr. our own work ourselves, This much we will say nor undertake to prpjudice in praise of our work, that the public against the work when the work is complet- of otbers, but would refer ed, if it is not full up to any wishing to satisfy our agreement and per- themselves as to our res- fectly satisfactory to the contrll.cting parties, we will ask no pay, and will pay all damage caused by our undertaking to do the work. td q P:, 0 ~ 0 0 ~ p, ~ p, ~ fed ~ ~ ~ 0 H 0 . P:, ~ R. KERSHA"W & CO., 82 ST. FRANCOIS XA VIER.. ..S..T. REET, MONTREAL, C.E. We will refer to the following Banks that have our work: MONTREAL BANK, Montreal, C.E. ONTARIO BANK, Bowmanville, C.W. " "Ptlt~rh(lrnugb, C.W. " " Guelph, C.W. " "Guelph. C. W. " " Toronto, C.W. " "Bro(.kville. C.W. Al~xandri!l, C.W. " Cobourg, C. W. :~ " K:~!~~!~i.Cc~ '. Waterloo. C.W. k CE Quebec. C. }l1. EASTERN TOWNSHIPS BANK, Sherbron e. . . MOLSON'S BANK, MOD treat, r. E, """ Cnaticook, C E. CCOE~MTltRIEARLC IABLA NBKA. NFKr.e dMaorinetkretoanl,, CN.E.B. . " CWotmltepl'tlol)no,, .eO..gE.. CO:'I1MERCIAL BANK, St. John, N.B. " Stantlrid~e, C.E .. CUARLOTTE Co. BANK, St. Androw's City, N.n. J. D. NUTTER, BANKER; Montreal, CJil. CIlY AND LlISTRICT SAVI~GS BANK, Moutreul, C.E. iv G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 30 WELLINGTON STREET, TORONTO. ,ENG 11 AND SCOTCR WOOLLENS, CANADIAN TWEEDS, .N.B.-The Trade will al ways find a Large and well assorted . Stock of Seasonable Goods. JOHN MACDONALD & CO~ GRAND TRUNK R,AILWAY GAZETTEER" AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 1862-63e NO'. 1, TO BE REVISED AND CONTINU]]U, BOOKS MAILED FREE TO ANY PART OF CANADA OR THE UNITED STATES ON RECEIPT OF $3.50. J. L. MITCHELL & A. O. LOOMIS, PUBLISHERS .AND COMPILERS • .. _- . TORONTO: PRINTED BY W. C. CHEWETT & CO., KING STREET EAST. 1862. vi G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. A. B. WALKER, PROPRIETOR. Situated at the Corner of Yonge and Front Streets, TORONTO, C.W., CONVENIENT TO AND IN THE CENTRE OF THE BUSINESS PAKT OF THE CITY. PREFACE. In tendering to the citizens on the line of the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, her Branches and Connections, the first edition of the "GRAND TRUNK DIRECTORY, GAZETTEER and CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY," the pub lishers desire to present their thanks to all who have kindly aided them in their undertaking, and cheerfully to acknowledge their indebtedness to the liberality of their patrons for the " material aid" necessary for the successful prosecution of the enterprise. The value of a work of this kind depends chiefly on the" rapidity" with which its details are collected and presented to the public; and being fully advised of the intricate character of the enterprise, "the Business Man" anticipates only that degree of perfection which the nature of the case admits: in short, he will be quite surprised if the Millennial Day of "Perfect" Direc tories precedes the establishment of a Southern Co.n. federacy . This work will be published biennially. The second edition will be pub- lished near the close of 1863, and will embody the details of all matters of interest; the experience of the past will be incorporated in the future, and no effort will be spared by the publishers to constitute the next issne a still more valuable Index of Reference. J. L MITCHELL, A. O. LOOMIS. TORONTO, May, 1862. G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND BUS[NESS DIRECTORY. Vlll THE l~VERPOOl AND LONDON Fire and 'Life Insurance Company, CHIEF OFFICES: LIVERPOOL .AND LONDON CA.PZT..G1..:Jl:.1l. 'l.'""'VVO :DI.[XLLXON"S S"terl.i.n.!!;. INVESTED FUNDS, £1,311,905 STERLING. FUNDS INVESTED IN CA.N A.DA, $250,000. HEAD OFFICE-CANADA BRANCH: Corner Place D'Armes and Great St. James Streets, Montreal C.E. r CARADA 130ARD OF DIRECTORS: T. B. ANDERSON, ESQ., CHAIRMAN. ALEX. SIMPSON, ESQ., DEPUTY CHAIR~rAN. HENRY CHAPMAN, ESQ., JAMES MITCHELL, ESQ., E. J. S. MAITLAND. ESQ., HENRY STARNES, ESQ., M.P.P. J. H. MAITLAND, ESQ, RESIDENT SRCRETARY. G. F. C. SMITH, ESQ., RESIDENT ASSISTANT SECRETARY. F. A. BALL, ESQ., (HAil!ILTON), INSPECTOR OF AGENCIES. All kinds of Fire Insurance transncted at the lowest remuncr:ltive rates. All losses paid as soon as proved, without refereuce to the Home Office. The premiums received in Ctlnach are retained and invested by the C'1nada Directors, who have in fact the ENTl"RE CONTROL of the Cl1nadian Busines8, thereby affording the facilities of 11 PrO" vincial Company with the security of an old established Home Office All trar.sactions condu(lted in a li'oeTal and equitable manner. Agencies established throughout the Province. J. H. 1I1AITLAND, RESIDENT SECRETARY. PRINCIPAL AGEI>ITS: .LUrES FRASER, Esq ..... " .......... , ........ Toron to. DANIEL MOGlE. Esq ......................... Quebec. I?, A. BALL, 1::8q ..................••.....•....• I-I_amilton. A. G. S:-'IYTII, Ef:q ............................ London. THOMAS BRIGGS, Jun., Esq ...•..•......... Rings1on. DAVID BUR". 1<isq ............................ Cobourg. RP.. RG.R EPEATL:,M EEsRq, . E..s.q...!. .'.l'.r.a.v..E. '"l l.i.n..g. ..I.. .g.e..n..t ,. GBudelelpvhil.l e. I DE.. CnH. A~~ODLLMEERS,, EEssqq.., ..T..r.a.v..e..l.l ,i n'" g, .A...g.e..n..t.... Bl'ieclltaovni.l le.- lift ~~italtniil ~~~utautt (!tllntllan~, E§TAELn;;~:U;;D. 1837. BRITANNIA MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION-CHIEF OFFICE: LO;\!DON, ENG. Head Office-Canada Agency-MONTREAL, C. E. ~l1kin.ds of Life Assurance transacted, with or without participation in profits. The Su?scrI?el' has represent.ed the above Companies in Canad,t for over 24 years, during wblch time they have palci a very large sum in losses, in the most punctual and liberal I;nanner. . Forms and prospectuses furnished on application at this office or at any of the agencIGs. ' J. H. MAITLAND, GENERAL AGENT FOR C'&NAI'AI. G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ix CORNER OF KING AND YORK STREETS,. c. w. TORONTO, w. P. SMITH 1 Superintendent. VULCAN IR01\J' WORKS, • MONTREAL, C.E • • ALEXANDER FLECK,. AGENT AND MANUFACTURER OF !attnt ltVattt i!ltt'~ ~wn ~ltttl SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, SMUT MILLS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF OF THE LATEST IMPORTED PATTERNS OF LAST YEAR. ALSO, IRON BRIDGES AND RAILWAY SIGNAL SWITOHES, &c • • N.B.-Every description of Casting and Smith Work tUl'nell out in the moat· suptlrior manner. G. T. R. GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTOlty. 21 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, C.W., AND JAMES STREET, HAMILTON, C.W. JAMES MACDONALD, Silk and Woollen Dyer, Scourer, Hot Presser, &c. ~ GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHES CLEANED AND DYED. ~ JAMES MACDONALD, TORON 1'0; C. W. w. A .. YOUNC &, Co .. , I$$t .~a~t~t Itg~, mXtt~, ~timp~t CRUIF IRONS, TOE STRETCHERS, CLAMPS, ~c., ALSO, A BOOT TRIMMING MACHINE, ,Patented by them, which is far more powerful than the American Machine, which they manufacture at a price 20 per cent lower than can be purchased in the United States. 1J9f" CRIMPING MACHINES of different kinds, constantly on hand. ~ GREAT WESTERN LAST &. PEG FACrORY, NEAl!, TIlE RAILROAD DEPOT, DUNDAS, C. W.

CO:'I1MERCIAL BANK, St. John, N.B.. " Stantlrid~e, C.E .. CUARLOTTE Co. BANK, St. Androw's City, N.n.. J. D. NUTTER, BANKER; Montreal, CJil.
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