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FTA’ FATWA & THE MUSLIM WORLD IN AND THE WEST EDITED BY ZULFIQAR ALI SHAH - Rae oa wwe r= se ’ 4 om Ra Te ee ~ | Mi EN Noone Mat mar Ifta’ and Fatwa in the Muslim World and the West purposely left blank and Fatwa in the Tfta’ Muslim World and the West Edited by Ali Zulfigar Shah THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ISLAMICTHOUGHT LONDON ® WASHINGTON THEINTERNATIONALINSTITUTEOFISLAMICTHOUGHT, 1435AH/2014CE THEINTERNATIONALINSTITUTEOFISLAMICTHOUGHT P.O. BOX669, HERNDON,VA20172USA Www.ilit.org LONDONOFFICE PO.BOX 126,RICHMOND,SURREYTW92UD,UK www.ilituk.com Thisbookisincopyright. Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithout thewrittenpermissionofthepublisher. ISBN978-1-56564-483-0Paperback Theviewsandopinionsexpressedinthisbookarethoseoftheauthor andnotnecessarilythoseofthepublisher. Thepublisherisnot responsiblefortheaccuracyoftheinformationpresented. Contents About the Contributors vii Introduction ZulfigarAliShah Textual Challenges to the Death Penalty forApostasy in Islam and the Question ofFreedom ofReligion ll Abdullah Saeed Shuratic /fta': TheChallenge ofFatwaCollectivization Imad-ad-DeanAhmad 33 MinorityFigh as Deliberative{jtihdd: LegalTheory and Practice AbdessamadBelhaj 49 Ordering Religion, Organizing Politics: The Regulation ofthe Fatwa in Contemporary Islam Alexandre Caeiro 73 Fatwa in the Era ofGlobalization Moustafa Kassem 89 Al-Qushayri’s Fatwa and HisRisd/ah: Their Relevance to Intra-Islamic DialogToday Kenneth L. Honerkamp 105 The Guardians ofIslamic Marriage Contract and the Search for Agency in TwelverShi‘a Jurisprudence VinayKhetia 129 Islam, Healthcare, and Spirituality AbdulazizSachedina 173 purposely left blank About the Contributors Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad (president, Minaret ofFreedom Institute, Bethesda, MD), holdsa PhD inastronomyandastrophysics(UniversityofArizona, 1975). Heisasen- ior lecturer at the University ofMaryland, and teaches a course on Islamic religion, history,andcivilizationat WesleyTheological Seminary(Washington, DC). He isthe authorofSigns in theHeavens: A MuslimAstronomer's Perspectiveon Religion and Science (Beltsville, MD: amana publications, 2006) and /slamic Rules ofOrder (Beltsville, MD: amanapublications, 2008),co-editorof/s/amandthe West:ADialog (American Muslim Foundation, 1998) and co-author of/slam and the Discovery of Freedom (Beltsville, MD: amana publications, 1997). His address on ‘Islam, Com- merce, and Business Ethics” was published in Nicholas Capaldi, Business andReli- gion:A Clash ofCivilizations? (Salem, MA: M & ScrivenerPress, 2005) M MahmoudAyoub*(facultyassociatein IslamandChristian-Muslim Relations, Hart- fordSeminary, Hartford,CT)holdsaPhDinthehistoryofreligion (Harvard University, 1975). From 1988 to2008, hewasaprofessoranddirectorofIslamic Studies, Depart- mentofReligion,TempleUniversity, Philadelphia. HehasalsotaughtattheUniversity ofPennsylvania,thePacific SchoolofReligion(Berkeley), San DiegoStateUniversity, theUniversityofToronto,andMcGill University.AmonghispublicationsareRedemp- tiveSufferingin Islam (The Hague: Mouton, 1978), The Qur'an andIts Interpreters, vols. & 2 (Albany: State University ofNew York Press, 1984-92), Dirdsatfial- | ‘Alaqatal-Masihiyah al-Islamiyah (Studies in Christian-Muslim Relations) vols. | & 2 (2000), and /slam: Faith andHistory (Oxford, UK: Oneworld, 2004). His articles have appeared in TheMuslim World, TheJournalofthe American OrientalSociety, The Bulletin ofthe Institute ofMiddle Eastern Studies (Tokyo), Islamochristiana (Rome), and manyotherjournalsandbooks. Abdessamad Belhaj (assistantprofessorofArabicand IslamicStudies,PazmanyPéter Catholic University, Budapest; visitinglectureratCatholicUniversityofLouvain, Bel- gium) holdsa PhD in artsand humanities (Islamic studies; MohammedV University, Morocco,2001)andaPhD inpoliticalandsocial sctences(CatholicUniversityofLou- vain, Belgium,2008). Hespecializesin Islamictheology,philosophy,Qur’anicstudies, and Islamic law, and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board ofFutith al-Buldan: SourcesfortheStudyofIslamicSocieties. AlexandreCaeiro(assistantprofessor,CenterfortheStudyofContemporaryMuslim Societies, Qatar Faculty ofIslamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha) holdsaPhD inreligiousstudies(UniversityofUtrecht,theNetherlands,2011). Hehas taughtatUtrechtUniversity,Friedrich-Alexander-UniversitatErlangen-Nirberg,and * Prof.Ayoubcontributedtodiscussionsduringtheseminarasaseniorscholar. viii ifta’and Fatwa intheMuslimWorldandtheWest Cairo University. He isthe authorofThe “Muslim Question” in Europe: Integration DebatesandMuslim Responses (accepted atAmsterdam University Press: 2013)and TheChaosofFatwas:RethinkingReligionandPoliticsintheArab World(underprepa- ration). His research interests includethe relation between religion and politics in Eu- rope and the Arab World, Islamic law in the modem world, and transformations of religious authority. Kenneth Honerkamp (professor, Department ofReligion, University ofGeorgia) teaches Modern StandardArabic as a second language and in-depth textual study for advancedstudents. HeholdsaPhDinreligion(UniversityofAix-en-Provence, France, 1999)andgraduated fromal-Qarawiyyin UniversityofMorocco.Amonghispublica- tions are Rasa‘ilSuftvah al-Abi ‘Abdal-Rahman al-Sulami(Four UneditedEpistles byal-Sulami; 412/1021), Mandaqib Imam al-Shadhiltby ‘Abdal-Nar al-Amrani(Bi- ogragphyofHassanal-Shadhili dating from the 14thCentury),andSpiritualAlchemy: MasterandDisciple- TheLetters ofIbnAbbadofRonda(1332-90)(Rasa‘ilal-Kubra). He is involved inresearchingArabic manuscnipts, particularlythose found inthe less- often-referred-tomanuscriptcollectionsofMorocco. Heconductsresearchinthefields ofIslamic law and the integral relationshipofthe Shari‘ah and Sufism. Vinay Khetia(PhDcandidate,religiousstudies, McMasterUniversity, Hamilton,ON, Canada)specializes in Islamic intellectualhistoryandShi‘ism,witha focusondemon- strativejurisprudence and devotional literature. His doctoral dissertation focuses on Twelver Shi‘i Liturgy as a unique expression ofShi‘i piety and devotional theology. He iscurrently preparingan annotated translation ofShaykhal-Mufid’s(d. 1022)Al- Fusiilal-‘Ashrafhial-Ghaybah (Ten Chapters Related tothe Occultation). Moustafa Kassem holds an MA in business administration (City University ofNew York) and is an MA student in Islamic law (Umm al-Qura University, Makkah). He has lecturedat Fordham University (NewYork)and Effat University(Jeddah). Abdulaziz Sachedina (professor and IIIT Chair in Islamic Studies, Ali Vural Ak Center for Islamic Studies, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA) holds a PhD in Islamicstudies(UniversityofToronto, 1976). He istheauthorof/slamicMessianism (Albany: State University ofNew York Press, 1980), TheJust Rulerin ShiiteIslam (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), The Islamic Roots ofDemocratic Plu- ralism (NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2001),IslamicBiomedicalEthics: The- ory and Application (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), Islam and the ChallengeofHuman Rights(NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2009)andnumer- ousarticles inacademicjournals. He isco-authorofHuman RightsandtheConflicts ofCulture (Columbia: University ofSouth Carolina Press, 1988) and translator of Al-SayyidAbual-Qasimal-Musawi al-Khu’i, TheProlegomenatotheQur'an (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998). He isconducting research and writing on Is- lamic law, ethics,and theology(Sunni andShi‘i)witha focuson social andpolitical AbouttheContributors ix ethics(e.g. interfaithandintra-faithrelations,Islamicbiomedicalethics,andIslamand human rights). Abdullah Saeed(SultanofOman ProfessorofAraband Islamicstudiesanddirector, the National Centre ofExcellence for Islamic Studies, Asia Institute, University of Melboume,Australia)holdsa PhDin Islamicstudies(UniversityofMelbourne,Aus- tralia, 1992). He istheauthorofTheQur‘an:AnIntroduction(LondonandNewYork: Routhledge, 2008),/slamic Thought:AnIntroduction (LondonandNewYork: Rout- ledge, 2006), Interpretingthe Qur'an: Towardsa ContemporaryApproach (London and NewYork: Routledge, 2006), Freedom ofReligion, Apostasy, andIslam (Alder- shot, UKand Burlington, VT:Ashgate, 2004),/slamicBankingandInterest:A Study oftheProhibition ofRiba in Islam andIts ContemporaryInterpretation (Leiden and New York: E.J. Brill, 1996), /sfam in Australia (Crows Nest, Australia: Allen & Unwin,2003),andEssentialDictionaryofIslamic Thought(Australia: Seaview Press 2001). His research focus is the negotiation oftext and context, ijtihddand interpre- tation,andthe reformofIslamicthought. HispublicationscoverQur’anic hermeneu- tics, Islam and human rights, the reform of Islamic law, Muslim communities in Australia,and Islamandthe freedomofreligion. Oneofhismajorresearchworksre- sulted in the six-volume Qur‘an-RelatedLiteraturein Indonesia. ZulfigarAli Shah (executive director, Fiqh Council ofNorthAmerica; religiousaf- fairs director, Islamic Society ofMilwaukee) received his PhD in theology and reli- gious studies (University of Wales) and has taught at the International Islamic University Islamabad, the University ofWales, the University ofNortheast Florida, and St. Thomas University. A former president ofthe Shari‘ah ScholarsAssociation ofNorthAmerica(SSANA), hehasauthoredAStudy ofAnthropomorphismandTran- scendencein theBibleandQur'an:Scripture& GodintheJudeo-Christian& Islamic Tradition (Herndon, VA: IIIT, 2012), Astronomical Calculations and Ramadan: A FighiDiscourse(Herndon, VA: IIIT, 2009), and several scholarly articles and books onavarietyofsubjects. Hisareasofinterestarecomparativereligions,fafsir, Islamic theology and philosophy, comparativefigh, Islamic history, and Islamic civilization.

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