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IFC's Loan Agreement PDF

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Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 1 of 106 Declaration of Karim Suratgar Exhibit 1 (Part 1) Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 2 of 106 t:XI·:CUTION V£1tSION PltO.II>CT NUMBER 2S797 LOAN AGREEMENT bt'tween COASTAL GlJ.IARAT POWER LlMITF.D and INn:RNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION Da!td April24. 2008 oc1 a.uu• Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 3 of 106 TABLE OP CONTENTS ARTICLE I Del.initions and lntelpretotion Section I .0 I. Definitions ....................................................................................... I Sc:ction 1.02. lntcrprctntion ................................................................................... S Section 1.03. Busine$$ Day Adjuslrnelll ................................................................ 5 St:cliun 1.04. Common l'cnns Scbc:duJc ............................................................. _.6 ARTICLE fl The. Project, Project Cost lind finallCiol Plan 6 Section 2.01. The Projcct ................................................................................. ,. ... 6 Section 2.02. 1'1'0jcct Cos-t tand Fim'UM:ittl l,ltm ....................................................... 6 ARTICL.E 111 The LoU11 6 Section 3.01. The Loon; Tranche.s ......................................................................... 6 SecUoo 3.02. Disburse.nu!nt J>roe.edure ................................................... _ .............. '"/ Sectlon 3.03. f1uerc.s1. .................................... ,. ...................................................... 8 SecliOn 3.04. Chongc in rntercst Pcl'iod .................................................... 9 M .......... Section J.OS. Dcfnult Rn1e Jnlcrest ...................................................................... IO Section 3.06. Rep~yment ........................................................................... -......., I0 Secciun 3JJ7. Prcpaymaot .............................- ....... - .................................. ,_,,,. ..... 10 Section 3.08. Fees ............................................................................, . .................. 12 Section 3.09. C"rrcncy and Place of Poyments ................................................... 13 Section 3.10. Allocation ofPmtial Pt"lymcnts ...................................................... t.l Stclion 3.11. lnc1'cnscd CoslS .............................................................................. 13 Section 3.12. Un\vindins Cost~ ........................................................................... 14 Soction 3.13. Suspension or Come<ll«lion by II'C ............................................... 14 Section 3.14. Reallocation to Unit 5 Troncbe ...................................................... 15 ARTICLE [V Rcprcscnllltioru Md WarTl!ntics 15 Scclion 4.J I. Represcnuuions nnd Wuo·mntles .................................................... 13 Seedo n 4.\)2. LFC Roliunc:o .............................................................................. ,_IS AR11CLE V Conditions of Disbursement 15 Section 5,')1. Conditions of First· Disbutscment ............................................... ,. 15 Section 5.')2. Conditions of All Disbur:o:mcnts ................................................. 15 Section 5.ol3, Pro Rntu Oisbur,;omcnts Between the li'C l.oon, ADB Tronche I Lo~n nnd Ill'~'C t.. l.Oiln .......................................................................... 16 S~ction 5.Q4, Conditions for IJ'C l.lcnelit.. ...... , .................................................. l6 ARTICLE VI Particular Covonunts l6 ARTICLE VII J;vcnts of Dcf•ult 16 Section 7.0 I. livc:nts of Dc.fnult ........................................................................... 16 Section 7.02. Rights; Upen J)cfiwlt ...................................................................... l6 ARTICLE VJ II Mi•cellancous 16 Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 4 of 106 Secllon 8.0 1, Miscclloncous l)ro,rlsions ......................................................... -~···-16 Seerion 8.02 Applicnble L"w ond Jurisdiction .., ,,,,,,,,_,,., , ................- 17 Section 8.0), Termination of Agreement ............................................................ 19 Annex A ReJlllymenl Schedules for I:..Ch 1'nuM:hc Schedule I Common 1'enns Schedule Sehedulc2 Fonn ofO isburscmco1 RcqU<$1 Schedule3 fonn of Loon Disbwsemen1 Receipt h Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 5 of 106 E 71201.3 ~DELHI I I • l·r'HIS S'l AYLP PAPER FORMS AN INTEQRAL PART Of/ TJ-IE IFC LOAN .AGJU':J\MiiNT DATP.O ...2Jjii1.Je&ll,, a.DO&, I t r • I • I I I Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 6 of 106 •., Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 7 of 106 E 712082 ~DELHI i ' I ~THIS LOi\J'~ STAMP PAPER FORMS AN INTEGRAL PART Of' THE !l'C ~ AGREEMBN'f OA'ff.iL) ~k9L. ' If ~ I I , ' 8 I ' I 11\. e ~ Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 8 of 106 Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 9 of 106 LOi\N AGREEMENT LOAN AOREITh1ENT, da!ed April 24, 200S (!his ··Agreement"), between COASTAL GUJARA T POWER LIMITED, n company or~anized and existing under the lows of tho Republic. of lndin (the '"llorrowcr'"}: and INTI1RNATI0NAL FINANCil CORl'ORA1 '10N. an international or83JriMtiart CSlablishtd by Arliclcs of Agreement amoug its member countries inc:luding Jndin ("IFC""}. RECITALS 11tal3ormwcr is undcrtuklng the dc.w~Jor)rnent, aonstnaction. ownership. opC110tiCtll tlnd tnninttiii.IIICC or the l'rOjcCI (os delincd in Section I or tho Common forms Schedule); The Borrower has requcstod IFC to provide the ioat)< described In this Agreement to flnanct l'rojcct Costs (as defined in tht: Common Term~ Schedule); and IF C is "illI n~ to pwvide those lonl\S UJlOn the terms and conditions sci rorth in this Agreement. ARTICLEl Definitions ond lntcqtret•tlon Section 1.0 I. p,OuiJjom'. Capitalizod tctms u:~ed htrein ltuvc tlte mc:anings S~l IOI'lh In 1he Comnton Terms SoheduiL•.. In addition. whcrcv~r ustd in this t\&recm<::nt, the following t~rn\s ho\'e the meanings opposite them: "Amortbat:ion Schcrdule~' with rus.pot:t to any Disbursemen' for any Tranche, D schedule COJTO,ponditl& to the rCI>liYtn<nl Schedulo of the respcotivc Tranche us SCI out in Section 3.00 (/IUp(I)IIIIUill); "'CAO" Compliance Advisor Ombudsman, the indcpcn~ent {ICCOtuuability mechanism for lfC that impartially respond$ It) cnviromm:ntol nnd socinl conc.cms of nJfcctcd communities nnd nims to enhnnce outcomes; (i) to respond to complaints by pcrwnll: whO have been or or< likoly to be directly ull'ected by the sooiBI or envir.mmcnlal rrc intj)ltCLS of PI'Ojects: and (li) to ovcrsi.."C auditS or IFC's sooial uud enviroruncm.ol pcrform.'Ulcc, (Xuiitularly in relation to sensitive projects. and :o ensure 1'1\ I• )~101 (I Case 1:15-cv-00612-JDB Document 10-5 Filed 07/01/15 Page 10 of 106 compliw1ce with IFC' s S<lcial llnd enviro.nmenrul policies, guidelines, procedures and systems; ''Comnu.m Tcnns SQh!;slw t11 this Agreement, 1\S the srune may be Schedul<" or "CTS" updated or revised from limt: to time in lhe numnC!r expressly set forth ~1erein; ''Country" India; "lncrcnsed Costs" the amount certilied in lUI Increased Casts Ccnilicnlo to be d..: ru:l lncrcmc:ntlll oosrs of. or reduction In rctum lo, IFC in connection with the m.akint or mnintaining of the Loon th.Bt result fiom; (i} ony chanse in nny applicabb law or rt:~ulation or directive (whcthl!'r or n<u hnving the force of lnw) or in its lniCI'pretn.tion or appllcntion by any Authority charged wiU> iiS adminhtrntion; or (ii) compliance with any rcqucs1 from, e~r requirement of, any oemrnl bank: or other monctory or other Authority; which, in either case, :tfier ~1c date: of this Agrcemenl: (A) imposes. modifies or mnkes apl>licnbl• any reserve, spcoinl deposi• (II' "'intilur rcquil'l!l'nCnts ngainst assets hold by, or deposit5 with or for lhc account of, or loans mode by, lf.C: (0) imposes a cost on IFC os a rcs11h or IP C hnving m11de the L.onn or reduces the nuc of return on the overall copital of iFC tho< It would have achieved, ilJld IF C nN rnade the Loan; (C) ChOilSCS lhC basis Of rtl.XO!ian on poymcnts received by IFC in rcspoct or the Loan (otherwise ~lOll by n change in taxation of the O\•erall net ince,.ne of JFC in1posed by tl\e. 2

Section 3. 1 0. dl/gc/!llol! p( l'qrtlq/ 1'/lYUiet!!S· Subject to Section 3.07 llnJcrt noh.•yant details of I he rd('\-'inl Financing OotumcnUI. Slg11utories:.
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