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IELTS to Success: Preparation Tips and Practice Tests PDF

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tos uccess t. os u. ccess ERVIABCNE M•MJ EALNT IUNCAK ER WILEY JohWni l&..e SyonAsu strLatldi a, Thierddi tpiuobnl iisn2h 0e1bd1y JohWni l&eS yo nAsu strLatldi a, 42M cDouSgtarleMlei tl,tQl odn4 ,0 64 Typeisn1e 07t5. / 1C3a sl2o2Ln4T B ook Firesdti tpiuobnl i1s9h9e7d Secoenddi tpiuobnl i2s0h0e2d ©J ohWni l&eS yo nAsu strLat1ld9i 9a27,0, 0 220,1 1 Thmeo rrailg ohftt hsae u thhoarvbsee eans serted. NatiLoinbayrlo a fAr ustrCaaltiaal oguing-einnt-rPyu blication Title: IELtTosS u ccpersesp:a rtaiatpinspod rn a ctteisctes / HawthLoerna ming. Edition:3 redd . ISBN: 97817424(6p7b0k4.7) SubjectsE:n glliasnhg -uaEgxea minaqtuieosntesit,oc n.s , InternEantgliioLsnahan lg uTaegsetS iynsgt em. Englilsahn g-uaTgxeet bofookfrso resipgena kers. Englliasnhg -uaAgues tr-aSltiuaadn yd teaching -Foresipgena kers. Englliasnhg -uaPgreo bleexmesr,ce itsce.s, OthAeurt hors/ ContribuHtaowrtsh:Eo nrgnlL iasnhg uCaegnet res. DeweNyu mbe4r2:8 .0076 ReproduacntiCdoo nm municafotiroe nd ucatipounrpalo ses ThAeu strCaolpiyriagAnhc t1t 9 6(t8 h Aec ta)l laom wasx imum ofo nceh apotr1e 0r% t hopefa goefts h wiosr wkh,i chietsvh eer greattobe err e,p rodauncdec/doo mrm unibcyaa nteyed du cational instiftouirtte isdo unc atpiuornpaoplsr eosvt ihdtaehtdee d ucational insti(to urtt hbieoo dnty h aadtm iniistht)aeg sri sva er ne muneration nottioCc oep yrAiggehnLtci ym i(tCeAdL ). ReproduacntiCdoo nm municafotiroo thne pru rposes Exceapspt e rmiutntdetedhrA e c (tf eoxra mpafl aedi,er a ling fotrh peu rpoossfet su dy, reseoarrr cehvi,ne ocwp r)ai,r tt icism oft hbioso (wk i tthhe ex cepotfti hoAenn swsehreo enpt a g6e5 ) mayb er eprodsutcoeirdnae, d r etsryisetcveoamml,m unicated ort ransmiinat ntfyeo dro mrb ya nmye awnsi thporuiwtor ri tten permisAsliilno qnu.si hroiueblsem d a dteot hpeu blisher. Thaeu thtoarknseor esponfsoitrbh ifela icttayuc aclu roarc y thvei eewxsp reisnts heledi stsecnriianpngrtd es a dpiansgs ages int hbioso k. ArbtyP auLle nnon Co'Vaenrid n ternal ©i Umsaeguden sdl:e irc efnrcoSemh utterstock TypesienIt n dbiyAa p tara PrinitnCe hdi bnya PrintLpilmuist ed 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Repr2i0n1t1 Whati'nssI iEdLeTt SoS uccesvs Prefavcie Acknowledgveimients Introducttoti hoenI ELTtSe st1 ThIeE LLTiSs teMnoidnugl2 e TheI ELRTeSa dMiondgu l3e TheI ELWTrSi tMiondgu l4e TheI ELSTpSe akMiondgu l5e IELtTeSrs ets u5l ts Frequaesnktqeludye staiboonIusEt L T6S Skilalnsd S trategfioerIs E LT7S Skifloltrsh L ei steMnoidnugl7 e Pracftoitrch Leei steMnoidnugl8 e Skifloltrsh R ee adMiondgu l1e6 Pracfotrit chReee adMiondgu l1e9 Skifloltrsh W er itMiondgu- lTea s1k 2 5 Pracftoitrch Weer itMiondgu- lTea s1k 2 6 Skifloltrsh W er itMiondgu- lTea s2k 3 0 Pracftoitrch Weer itMiondgu- lTea s2k 3 2 Skifloltrsh S ep eakMiondgu le 34 IELsTtSu hdiyn t4s1 Countdtootw htnee s4t1 PractLiicset enPianpge rs4 3 PractRiecaed inPga pers6 4 PractWirciet iPnagp ers1 29 IELTtSoS uccewsassd evelaonpdet dr iaalttl heHeda wthEonrgnl Liasnhg uage Cent-rMee lboaunrudnp ed aatteH da wthorn-Maem lebmobuoerfrtn he�e,a vitas Engh_lg irsouJpa.n iTnucak ewrr ottheSe k ialnldSs t ratseegciteaisno dpn r ovided revimsaetde orniS aple aksiknifglo tlrhsse e co-anndtdh i-erdditiEornvisac_B.n e mmel wrotthepe r acLtiisctee anniRdne ga dpianpge Brosta.hu thdoervse ltohpweer di ting papeirnts h eidsi tion. Fotrh esiurp pdourrtit nhpgel annainnwdgr itoiftn hgte h ierddi ttihoaenu ,t hors woullidtk oee x prtehsegsir ra tittoDu edneiB suesR hi,c hAarrkdae nlKdly lie Wills. Thea uthaorr_aes l sion debttote hdec iorl leHaegluCeeonsn saJlavmoeK,se rley, KathlLeyenncG he,o Mfifl ,lS aurzeMtitser aDcohnOi l,i vaenrHd eid(Sn:ktazfpioesr thegiern e.rc oounstriobfut tiimtoeotn h per oducotfti hoaen9 compaanuydiinog recordFioanrsg ssi.s itrtathnt ecr ei aolftl eiwsnrtgi tmiantge rtihaalna,kl sst ooO lga TsarikaonvRdao Sbk illern. Thea :utheosrpse cwiiaslthloa y c knowlSeudzgeetR teeu,b eCnh,r iKsa,t hryn, StepahneSdna rfaohtr h epiart iaennucdne d erstoavnetdrhim ena gn hyo uirttso ok top rodauncrdee vtihsies book. Thaeu thaonrpdsu bliasrghere art teotf hufelo lloiwnidnigv aindodur aglasn isations fopre rmistsori eopnr oadnudac dea cpotp yrmiagthetrA iBa laJ:n\ dCV r ibWbi,l d Fooidn A ustraWliilal,Ci oalml Siyndsn,1e 9y7,a5 d,a pwtietdth h pee rmi:so sfi on Harper-PCuobllliisMnhisec rhRsaee;pl l (oc golneta atwc wtw .edL'oNrogn)-,M otorized VehicilnAe ssi Sat:r atfeogMria ensa gempernets'e,an ttt ehdSe u per·co iftt hiee s PaciRfiicCr ohn ferOecntcoe1b,9e 9rC2 e,n tfroRere newEanbelreag nySd u stainable Techlongoy. _ . _ . _ Eveerfyf hoarbste emna dteot ratcheoe w neroscfh oippy rmiagthetrI inaflo.r mation thawtie lnla btlhpeeu blitsorh eecrta infeyry r ooror m issiinso unb seqeudeintti ons wiblelw elcoImnse u.cc ha spelse,ca osnet tahcPete rmisSseicotnoisfJo onhWni ley &S onAsu strLatldi.a , vii IELTtShI,en ternEantgiloLinansaghlu aTgees tSiynsgt ieasmt ,e dsets igtnoae sds ess thEen glish albainlogifput eayog pwelh eon eetdos tuodrwy o riknE nglish-speaking countIrEiLeiTssSr. e cogbniyus neidv eresmiptlioeaysne,pdr r so fesbsoidoiinenas l mancyo untriesA uisntcrlCaualdniiaanNd,gea w,Z ealatnhUden, i ted Kainndg dom thUen itSetda tes. Tescta ndidpaltaensnf iunrgts hteurad tay n u ndergroardp uoastteg rlaedvuealt e shoutladkt ehI eE LATcSa deMmoidcu Claen.d idwaitsehtsio en ngr ionsl e condary schooorvl o cattiroaniasnlhi onutgla dkt ehG ee neTrraali Mnoidnug(l Teh.Ge e neral TraiMnoidnugil sae l suos efdop ru rpoosfie msm igrtaoAt uisotnr Caalniaaad,na d NewZ ealaTnhedt .w)to y poefts e dsitf ofneliryn t hree adainnwdgr itmiondgu les; thlei staennsdip nega kmiondgu alretesh sea mPel.e ansoett eh atth bioso dko enso t provpirdaec stpieccei fifcotarhl Gele yn eTrraailn iMnogd ule. Candiddaont oeptsa sosrf aIiElL TESd.u catiinosntailta untdoi rognasn isations accedpitf feIrEeLnsTtcS ordeesp enudpiontngh eoiwrnr equireYmoewuni tfilsnl.d morien formoantt hioeoffi nc iIaElL wTeSb s(iwtwew .ielts.org). Tesrte suwlibtleslp rodu1c3de adya sf ttehtree sCta.n didraetceetsih vereie rs ults in ftohreom f' basncdo r(essep'ea g5e-s6f omro rien formoantb iaonsndc ores). Candidwaiotlnellrs ye ceoinvceeo poyft hetierrs ets uwlhtisac,rhv e a lfiotdrw yoae rs. Additcioopnciaaelns s beent tor eceiovrignagn iasnaidtn isotnistb uytt eicsoetnn st res. Regisotregraendi scaaatnli rsoeonc se tievrseet s uelltesc tronically. TheI ELTtSe istsd iviidnetfdoo umro dules.m oTdhuelisentes h ,se e quean ce candisdiattthsee ma,rs eh owbne loTwhe.e ntitreest ta kaerso u2nh do urasn d 45minutes. ListeMnoidnugl eR eadMiondgu leW ritinMgo duleS peakiMnogd ule Length: Length: Length: Length: 4s ections3.r:e adpiansgs ag2et sa:soknsoe:fa t 3p arts: approx.,..,..,. approx. lea1s5tw0 o rd�s,., c ondubcyta e d 40q uestions4 0q uestionosn oefa tl eastt raienxeadm iner 25w0o rds Time: Ti,me: Ti,me: Ti,me: abo3u0tm inutes6 0m inutes 60m inutes 11-1m4i nutes Introducttoti hoenI ELTtSe st1 TheI ELLTiSs teMnoidnugl e Thimso ducloen soifsf tosua ru dsieoc toifoi nnsc redaisfifincgTu hleLt iys.t ening Moduilnec luamd iexos f m onoloagnuddei sa loTghuere esc.o ridspi lnagyo endc e only. Secti1oa nnsd2 n ormailnlvyos lpveea ktearlska ibnogsu otc siiatlu aatnido ns needFsoe.rx amptlheem,ra eyb ea c onverbseattwiaeou ennn i vesrtsuidteyn at and landloorarm do,n oloagbuoaeuc t i tpyu'bstl riacn sspyosrtte m. Sect3ia onn4dsr eflame ocrt'e e ducactoinotnFeaoxlert'x . a mpyloemu,a yh eaar grooufsp t uddeinstcsu tshseilinergc tnuorteOe rsy .o mua yh eapra rotfal ecturer's taolnka g ivseunb j(eRcetm.e mtbheatrth L ei steMnoidnuiglsn e o ats sesysoiunrg knowloefad ngpyea rtiscuubljaTerhc etir.nse o n eetdof eaenlx iiotfuh ste o poiftc h e converosram toinoonl oingsou feta miliar.) Youtra sikst oa nswqeure staisyo onlusi sttote hnae u diFooe.ra cshe ctyiooun , wihlelaa (r r ecorded)i natnrnoodtuuhnscecii etnrug .a Y toiuo tnahregeni vaes nh ort peri(outdpo3 0s econtdors e)at dh rotuhgqehu estfiotorhn asst e ctAisot nhc.eo n­ versaotrmi oonno logue wporrotkch ereodtushg,qeh u estWihoennts h.se e ction finisyhoewusi ,bl elg ivaenan d dit3i0so encaoltn ocd hse ycoku wro rEka.c she ction folltohwpisas t tern. Int haec tIuEaLltT eSs yto,au r pee rmittowt reidyt oeu r anosntw heqeru se stion pap.Ae trt heen odf S ect4io oftn h Lei steMnoidnugyl oewu,i blela skteodt ransfer your afnrsowtmehq reus e sptaipotenoar n a nswsehre Yeotwu.i blelg ivaebno tuetn minuttoet sr anysofuearrn swe(rNsot.th ean toa nswsehre eftotsrh Per acLtiisc­e tenMinogd ualreceso ntaiintn hebidos o k.) Thearrese e vetryapolefq s u estyioocuna sen x peicntt hL ei steMnoidnugTl hee.s e include: •shoarnts wer •classification •multcihpoliec e •compleast uimnmga ry •matching •compleatt aibnlge •labeald liianggr am/plan/m•acpompleaft oirnmg/ notes •complesteinntge nces •compleaflt oiwcn hga rt. Sampalnes waerrseso metpirmoevsi idnte hIdeE LLTiSs teMnoidnugl e. Althoyuogsuhh ould tehtxeyp peoecfqst u estions ltihsditosee ndsom tea abno ve, yowui hlalv teoa nsweearct hy pTeh.eI ELLTiS steMnoidnucglo en taaci onmsb i­ natioofsn o moera lolft hlei stedb utttyh cpeoe msb,i natiofnr otcmeh tsaottn e gsets. Ino thweorr dyso,cu a nne vbeers ureex acwthliyqc uhe sttiyopyneo swu i hlalv teo answoenar n gyi vteends att e. Thtey poefss k itlhlLesi steninags sMeoisdnsucellseu de: •identtihfgeyi iosnfatgc onverosram toinoonl ogue •extrascpteicnfigafi ccti unaflo rmation •identsipfeyairknoeglr e s •identifying reliadteioaorpsn i sehocifeip sns f obremtsawuteciaehosn n: , -cauasneed f fect -ordoefer v ents -comparison •follodwiirnegca tniidon nsst ructions •identniufmybiendrgas t,te ism,ee t c. 2 IELtToSS u ccess •makiinngf erences •determwihneiansn pge aikesex rp refsasciatns,gs umpotroi poinn ion. ThLei steMnoidnumglu esb tet akteong ewtihttehhrR e e adainnWdgr itMiondgu les. •Yowui llt.ifiapnnsdpd r acsteicctefi ootrnh Lsei steMnoidnuogln pe a g7e-s1 6. •Practteiscfteots rh Lei steMnoidnugbl eeg oinnp ag4e3 . TheI ELRTeSa diMnogd ule Thimso ducloen soifts htrsre eea dpiansgs aogfie nsc redaisfifincgwu iltatth y o,to afl 200t0o2 75w0o rdYso.au r gei v6e0nm inuttoea sn swqeure stfiooarnlt slh rpeaes ­ sagEeasc.rh e ading ipasac scsoamgpeab nyqi ueeds tions. Three adpiansgs aargoeena s v arioefst uyb jaencadtr sce h osfoertn h esiuri tability focra ndideantteesur innigv erFsoeirxt aym.p alp ea,s smaagyed iscaulstse rnative enerpgryo joerpc etrsh raeppsoo nrr te seairnctmhoa nagetmreenntTd hspe.a ssages mayc ontianifno rmparteisoenin ntt hefedo rmt aobfld eisa,g rcahmasra,tn ssdo o n. As hogrlto sosfta ercyh nwiocramdlas y a ccompraenaydp iansgs ages. Questgieonnesrf aollltlyhor ewe adpiansgs atgowe hsi tchhe rye febru,ot c casion­ alqluye stoicocnbuser f aor reea dpiansgs age. (tRheatmthRe eem abdeMiron dgu ilse noats sesysoiuknrng o wloefda gnpeya rtiscuubljaTerhc etir.sne o n eetdofe ealn x­ iouitsfh teo poiftc h pea ssiansgo eft a miliar.) Youtra sikts o a nswtehrqe u estbiaosnoesndt hree ading Ypoamusu ssaptgl easc.e youarn swers odnti hraeen cstwslehyre aeltt,h oyuoagurh fe r teoem akmea rkssu,c h asu nderlointn hiqenu ge,s ptaipoe(nrN .ot theaa p th otocoapnysawbelref ostrhh eee t pracrteiacdepi anpgec rasbn e foounpn adg6 e5 .) Thearrese e vetryapolef qs u estyioocuna sen x peicntt h Ree adMiondgu Tlhee.s e include: •shoarnts wer •multcihpoliec e •matching •classification •complesteinntge nces •complentoitnegs •compleast uimnmga ry •compleatt aibnlge •compleaft oirnmg •compleaft liocnwhg a orrdt i agram •selechteiandgif nopgras r agraanspdeh cst ions •recognaiw sriintvgei re'owsrcs l aims. Sampalnes waerrseso metpirmoevsi idnte hIdeE LRTeSa dMiondgu le. Althoyuogsuhh ouelxdp ectty ptoehfqse u estliiosnatsbe odvt eh,ad to ensom te an yowui hlalv teoa nsweearct hy pTeh.Ie E LRTeSa dMiondgu cloen taac ionmsb ination ofs omoeft hlei sttyepdbe ustt,h ceo mbincahtainofgnre ostm e tsott esYto.cu a n nevbeers urweh iqcuhe sttiyopyneo swu i hlalv teoa nswoenar n gyi vteends att e. Thtey poefss k itlhlRese adMiondgu alses eisnscelsu de: •identtihfgeyi iosnfatgp assage •findidnegt afialcetidun orafmla tiinop naa s sage Introducttoti hoenI ELTtSe st3 •identirfeyliantgi boentswhieidepensoa ris n formiatteismousnc,a h s : -cauasneed f fect -ordoefer v ents -comparison •makiinngf erences •distingbueitswhfeiaencnagt s ,s umpotroi poinn ion •understtaenoxdrtig nagn isation •summariinsfionrgm ation. TheR eadMiondgu mluesb tet akteong ewtihttehhrL e i steanniWdnr gi ting Modules. •Yowui ll.tfiinapdns dp ractsieccet iotnhsRefe oard iMnogd uolnep ag1e6--s2 4. •Practitceesf tostr h Ree adiMnogd ubleeg oinnp ag6e4 . TheI ELTS WMroidtuilneg Thism oducloen soifst twsao c tivWirtiiteTisan,sg1 ka ndW ritTiansg2k .Y oaur e giv6e0mn i nuttoce osm plbeottteha sks. InW ritiTnags 1k,y oaur aes kteodd e scribe itnhfaiotsur smuaaptlrileoysn e nted int hfeo romfa g ratpahb,ol rde i agrYaommua. y b ea skteodd o o noeft hfeo llowing: •organpirseesa,en ncdto mpadraet a •desctrhisebt ea ogfaep sr ocess •descarnio bbej oerce tv ent •explhaoiwsn o metwhoirn.kg.s Yomuu swtr iatm ei nimouf1m 5 0 wfoorTrda ssl k.I i trs e commetnhdayetods u p end abo2u0tm inutes. InW ritiTnags2 k,y oaur aes kteod: •presaennjdtu satnio fpyi nion •evalaunacdth ea lliednegaes •propaos soel uttoaig oinv perno blem •compaarncedo ntervaisdte nce. Yomuu swtr iatm ei nimouf2m 5 w0o rfdosTr a s2k.I i trs e commetnhdayetods u p end abo4u0tm inutes. Thew rittiansagkr soe na v arioefst uyb jaencadtr sce h osfeotnrh esiuri tability for candidateusn ievnetFreosreriix tnaygm. py lomeua, yb ea skteodd e scarg irbaecp ohm ­ parwionrgk hionugir nds i ffceoruenntt(r Tiae1ss)ko , ry omua yb ea skieyfdo aug ree thtaetc hniodsle osgtyr utcott riavdeis toicoinaeantltdi og e isv e ryeoaus(roT nass k 2). Int haec tIuEaLltT eSs yto,mu u swtr ite youirne sasnoasryrw eeprofsro tro mn thWer itMiondgua lnes wsehre Yeotau.r pee rmittomt aekdme a rkssu,ca hsa p laonr _o utloinnt ehq,eu estpiaop.ne( rNotthean toa nswer fsothrhe peert asc wtriictei ng tesatrcseo ntaiintn hebidos o k.) TheW ritMiondgum luesb tet akteong ewtihttehhrL e i steanniRdne ga ding Modules. •Yowui filnld t ipasn ds tratfeogtrih eWesri tiMnogd uolnep ag2e5s- 34. •Practtiecsfeto str h Wer itMiondgu bleeg oinnp ag1e2 9. 4 IELtToSS u ccess .

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