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IELTS Resource Pack PDF

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Includes audio CD Pack Photocopiable games, activities and practice tests for IELTS preparation classes Jon Marks IELTS Resource Pack Photocopiable games, activities and practice tests for IELTS preparation classes Jon Marks abla Date Pabtsing Ghivee Cage pata 0 Acknowledgemonts dt cto arate. adapted sm Supe aap Ee te eu Se whe opens [Brn snd iS Reg og Bk, rau nt? ape om Th Oar aging by Cae ater Cosi abl i Kind er Ce Be (Coattraiod Jia eer buabbsccasraencat cok. tos esa ain Soin a ped fun Wi oka ca ces ee sia ha Ty ol Be nae satay rd seroma nero ‘snoes often ofc sce hsbc acura ‘age Toho Seoan rag Adeiorl mil by Abo Wer Contents Pave ain IS ee we ecion a 21 AesdemioReading Sleep wae work oe teers 16 3 ‘Academic Reading Actviciel Intelligence wheln clase pairwork — @< 204 AeademioReaing Sopraon ral rue * 24 Academic Reeainng Devoufeallchy? hele clase ee 32 7 ‘Acadom's Writing Task 1 Uasoribing tends pair weork ee 388 Academe wring ase Chirwand aie: baleen “ a0 9 Acadenic Writing Task? Aeadlamie English? pinwork whole class @@ as 0 Aexdemiewitng Tost? Grouping wicket 321 AcadomewitngTest2.__Thie erie wniws_whelacoas ee S22 ‘Soeakngtert 7a alo wells a “se 13 ‘Speaking Pot 1 Tell me about whele clase al se Sorakngrent ————«Sindaror dies? puss 60 18 ‘Speak ng Per 2 Taso mint tlie xmall groups. © SeeakngPer2 hort whale ca “ oe Ww ‘Speaking Per. 2 Hew icq can you speek? hele clase all 7a Seeakngfer2 Discmion e wala SSC 78a) Serakngters Rang ions whale alee a 82 a Cstering Pant 1 The hotel alr-work ee 6B tag Pa Imaginwydentes pack oo ee _atring Fon Whats inelnenen? —__whelnle eo Ey 24 Letaing Part 3 ‘The language of study pair-work ao 4 25 Wu exer Exarn Day! hele lass oi Page 68 Actviy Seaton kovs Page 99 -ractice Test? Page 184 Ptauoe Text anaver keys Page 135. -racice Tet recurngtrenscrints Introduction Prepay ses forth ECTS eras ca be a ck for bt acer andl tent wih sn oe eligi. = gruling ste of am race and-nenae emgage ‘nals, Games and common aetsis maybe ile but wih the exam approaching ican com Jnappenprinte tn spensimich son me om ani Which isa ively lor t LTS, “Te guns ad tives in this book im to hep wth ‘this Hera ‘ey ane fay vats gael in tay eases inaeihatis 2, sadents se the bois cs wall 5 thet mince, st they al eae dine oe exam, in. many ses actualy sing the fost om the ea. Thess at acts hated om 2e Sonat cf each pat of ‘the Listening, Academe Read, Asani ing and Spesking paps othe exam Level [BPS canstdces cone a bl ange Teves, ith ‘candice ou tetas to anced lol tokingthe cma ein yrade wi esa sltoy x he prove. The eval a each ctv inthis ook ie nieed ts falows © LISS: Frese For he move af sudents cbt ort cxan,ielnding Lower I LIS vite ad ne eying of 38 ETScouse © © 122756 and abovs: primey cme 2t mile and igher evel cnc ty bajo by osc level andes 8 we Acatlomic and General versions of the exam The marty of eis fk ne eae ni weon a ts ea, st actos a thi boo ae Berm at seson, Genera sen he Reading i Wat Bapsts sealeoeveabls, Tze Reding seston actiivesin thiol ‘may be wt a General version canis, othe question format ate iat. The Whiting ets wal een el 2s Genel wri cn sare nn eo wits a cade ts, Choosing an activity he cts ae range in ay pte on stn esch section, Tas exset pt sk them ith your une atria spol by a ocas~ for example it ptf ata focuser on acer: Weng Ish 20 foul expands thet ths Acad Wang Pare ‘svt a this boo Th oval tfc of te etsy tellaohe econ of eases: the pag aph a vel Above Setting up an activity Tognskesrethat wera anbistands thereto aching ea be a god iden to gin wets demwstea a father thin an expenaton. ain ozesigrsuptear, end Ign he etsy wale he resto the clas wate ‘al the lt tht the acy sy Bike! he ena, sd hat the il they use to complete ee sls thee Srl sce isthe exam Doing an activity stout the ask and bs begun, ‘sich rouplpiteem se 00% a wb tt ck Tal ‘rerthing ingoing well Als his initial ound, visieaex froapipiream fs longer Check io nae ial, "fly any salen who ae hasngpoblers, When roe ve ‘hile ow ane ding the thing sta above, rake a mental or vritn note o any proslens wth prviition, rammer a! weshulay After an activity ‘Use he intarmatin you goer ile mniring ratise pole ars andr to plan fre sean hich Seles the proslens om encamtced lc sack tem theca Hid they hk eats wo uel Wha dy ar Wht pete ere ‘dticut Follow-up activities "teaching tes fea at cad gestions to ‘ollose-up actives Taese ace entin'y opin Practice Tests Section 7 hikes an police eich lay ntisce the types of quesun deve ofthe LTS fxm, When wing protest materi sich ati tis a fo id to rezeate em condone vs cel ae pole Te there were theca, sat eden least aati between exch se Ther shold ere be re etnias etc stad whith st in progenies to kept hese ing Plecse nett introns for de Reaing papese afr iting ona Aner set, The students do this the sta exam ht wo cee Pasties Tet, here ngs forthe | tesng seston canbe Found en the (CD that accompanis this book jule scripts mn the exam, ring model scrips ave ard 3 ined ing iicomplex sd confident rites or rcost caches, tadig thr cadens TEU pete: sete lett ase the 9 Sms ‘When grading sadents scrips, iin doubt about hich ore to ava ts often bt to srron the side of caution ‘Sing students higher uae than they wold actly ewe the exam may hoot ther cfience the ‘hort ei, us ely a elt ia Hepple the Thee ane Expert user longterm, Acteverent pris the exam can now be reported aha sande fe. aoe-rata snd uant with complete under-andine, a | very good weer Has fully oparationsl command of ths lanquans wth only eccasional_| luneystemstlensccuracles and insppropnisces. Wierderscanaings may ozeu" in unfomilsr situations, Handles compl deailee 7g mentstion wal Hor operations! commane of th language, though with ozessiowal situations. Genaralyhendles complex lnguage well and 6 | Competent user Has yenrally effective cum uf he language esl zie inseeuracies,nappropriacias avd misunderstancings. Can uss 4ané understand faily comple laguage,psreularly Ia familar 5 | modest wsor Hae pont command of hs language coping with overs marina in most stustions, though i likely to meke many mistakes. Should he ato hens hae enmmncation in cum Fol 4 | timited user probloms in uncerstending and expression. Is nat able to use ‘uals yume 2 | Extramely tenttad user Convays ans understance orly general mesning In vary facil: tuations. “requont broskdovns in zommunioston accu 2 imermittent user "No real communication posible exvot for the mos baie information using issatad wo'da or short formulas in familiar vations and eet mtn reat icy Understanding spoken and writen English 1 on use © Did not attampe the teot Essentially has no ability to use the lanquane bayond possibly a fox teoltes or, Ns seseabe information provided performances ‘la Scag ne Une xa: he selling format Port Mature of interac | Poet 4 Irtroduction ard interview and call ite angi ‘The examiner introcucs himself comvnms the candidate's centiy. The examiner ‘than inerviws the cancilte on fail ar topes such te the candidate's oceupason ‘Tho cancels receives» mrtten stimulus nde sven ‘ane iaut prepare to ek er ane to 0 ‘and top. The examinor thon ae if and 2t0 5 rinutes ss, aspirations 3104 vines Pan 3 | Twornay discuss | As withthe Writing module sicher who ae ot TELTS| cain il genrilly ive erate thea inn level of eis sens spelen pertmmances base onthe ‘gs IELTS nse sone, Candidate pester ane nese ang he following criti Fluency and Coherence Theat of speech, Th irkng of dest orm coberen connecta speech, The ogling of eaten fal he wae of obesve dovies sch a connects and Lexical Resource The candidat’ ange vocbulary an he previon with vinien meaninge and atte are esreste, Th et say and appropri) ofthe bused. Te billy ‘ompenate for a weabulry gap 3 ing other werd Grammatical Range and Accurney "he ange, aca and appropiay ofthe senddate's srasumatal usage The length and corpleiy of eatencs, a therange of grammatical srustares eye. Especially imporant isthe ality achieve formation foc ehrugh the eof grarematie erates Pronunciation he amit fff eine hy the Hered he eve of Leste “The xa ine vite the cendidete to cisuse mare sbetract trees besa on the Part2 topic. [IELTS sadidaes pal ase to expo the ollsing trees ne Speking mote ‘+ Powiding personel end aon-pesozal inocmaton 4 Expessing prteenues 4+ Baprmsing 7d juthing ins + Comparing contesting and analying 1 Narang saraphasingandsucrma‘aing Raping Suggesting * Speculating ‘With 2 exsptoa ofthe aang chav the uae shove is hesuthorsinteretaion ss IIS cers, ad i not deine, complete quotatios of aici TELS Alcrment: Condit rd then eshers ane aie | tsan “te curse TELTS handsook ard other tri rele ror rise #5311 Us Rond camber (CPL 2EU, United Kingdon. TL. 144 1225 381055, Fax 4 123 454275: SOL lp vlna Aide sang of infsrrationcnd somes are aaiable from te 1S wees werceore Exam timings Listening Approximate y 20 minutes, pis 10 init for ranslen ng answers the nsvrshests Reoding 60 minutss- aporoximatoly 20/~inutss for cach section ‘Watting 60 minutes - approximately 20 minut or Tae 7 and 40 minutes for Task 2 Speshing 11-14 minutos Sleep Laval: @ © IELTS focus "he cic Heading sap ofr cntsns gestions inthis fin, Preparation Fach stro dens sil eetore Sen at te Sent Beads. vogue esp aid fu upon flap acy See pe ap of four to axe, Method 11 tsclain this frat Som the Rosdng paper ad ater ave tears es ith 70 inure than a cern nunber of words tka from ce test (usally “i se 22 Organise the clas nt pais. Give ech pata Siueas 4 and a Sade Hurl Shes A ‘contin the st elf of ouding 2 set ehsscuend hl, low enough sme fo serpy tre thet hal tthe te. {8 Studenc Bien aks Suet A quetonss Alseted by tke rocket ander dsm, thease at & gies the paces on he ‘woosbeet. The pals ther rvorse fle, (Blt ane fa he cs Key S haere cesur tage S peeptins ‘random ano act @ ear nd conceit 2 coop medicine 9 govonoigial 3 eat tne euge & sudden ling aleen 5 wh 8 aes sew ARE seal NEM sey mona eorar 10 masa! aenion 11 fa lgaing postion 12 (tl tums9 Follow-up activity Thisuptior al eatea etsy si coma socabtlary fom thet Gagne be ac int gaps a one arsen, dive ach a ple cards ae dowa. Student [stakes ea and dee eed i fies ‘he deinen othe cara verinder, The Fist pean ge he word wins eed then Stidest Baker card ands 0, IELTS Skills ‘As sted by tie seston formatin the fn eng for satel although readina for faotieatareques. nai on i precios Ietoning for str tests by ho etn no Academie Reading Inthe course of en average iene, person wl spend! pra! 70,000 hous ar 25 year ese. Viualy ali mammals, retles, amaribtans fd even fish car be ato sloep in oe form fr artha. Yet there i mul that stil nar Uundaretood about the state which we spend up to, third of our lives ‘The question af why we sleep has not been completa y answered, and there are ltfering opinions o* the subject. Some scientists have suggested that sleen performa na bia egies! function, ane has lite purpose beyond being & onveniant state in which to spend the hours af darkness. A grester aumber of scientist, hawever, balive that sleep haa twa biological functions, The | iat sto faite varioua restoration and repair prosesses within the badly. This is believed 10 ‘occur during s type of slasp known a¢ NREM sleep (non-rapic-2ye-movement). The second function is to play a ale in complex arsin processes sich a3 Focusing attention ard socialising, Theis thaught te occur during she other typeof slzep: REM sleep (ropis-sye-mever ent). Aa the name suggests, in this type of slasp the ays moves rapid y, anc itis during znese pers that dreams cece. ‘The amount of sleep required varies with age and fram parson to person. In general. babies sleep uote 18 hours a day, while young adults sleep for 6 (09 hours day. As people age, they tera taneses stig! less sleep. At ina Half af bles loop ls REM sleep, but thls proportion declines to sroue a quarte: ia adults. A typical night's sleep consists af eyes of 90 minutes £0, ts the fina! 5ta 30 minutes being REM sleep nd the est being NREM seep, ‘Wether they remember them oF 204 @ Probable that sl humans have reams during EM sleep. Research has srowed thet eames are more roneared wits pateeprions (things that sre seen, neard etc! than with thoughts. Almost al reais include visual experience. Apo-oximately half contain auditory experience, and only a amell proportion feature touer, taste and smell Er-ction i a common feature, and when emotions ae present, they tend to he in their nore extreme forms, External stimuli auch aa cald or somabody knacking an a bedroom door} can be incorporated into dreams. Random and chaotic though they often sea, draame are not without meaning they express the desires, fears and concers ‘ofthe dreamer. Thera are various achoals of peychasnalysi, with differing approaches, butt Is widely accapred that there is a division between ‘sonaciaua ard uneonacio.s mencal proceasse, ‘and that dreame can offer an insight nto he Answer all your partner's questions ia NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS FROM THE TEXT. “Thon reverse roles 11 Whatis the name forthe rsatment of 5p dicorders? {2 With insomnia, wnat do doctors ueualy try todo other than preseib ing pile? 4 Whatinvolua:aty action isthe eymotcom of naeolepsy? 15 How can nacolepey be trestod? 6 What hind uf peuple te Whatae sleopwaltars no: aware oP wes uumonty alec by wept? 7 8 Luri-g wnat type ot sep aes slenpwraingInke place? ° "Wratiesleapwalking no: considered tebe asign of? 10 War doss snoring only very seldom ead to? 11 Woat canbe ater to reduce snoring? 112. leap ene ie lmyer mcennary, ha ight ser uh ange?

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