I E L T S MAXIMISER EDUCATIONAL BOOK SPEA Sample Interview Questions WITH ANSWERS & TEACHER'S GUIDE FOR & AGAI\:ST PROS & CONS CAUSE & [FI-I:CT Highly recommended for all candidates preparing for I I FCE TOEFL INTRODUCTlON: • Aims of IELTS MAXlMISER Educational Book: IELTS MAX/MlSER Educational Book has been primarily designed for candidates aiming to achieve a band score of6 or 7 on the Speaking Test of the IELTS exam, although candidates intending to achieve a band score of 5 will also benefit from the book, it covers many aspects of the interview with ample samples and provides a considerable number of highly focused ideas to improve candidates' perfonnance. • Content of the book: This topic-based book consists of three parts, each of which concentrates on various IELTS-type questions. Part 1 presents a range of questions with sample answers mainly connected to home life, education, job, interests, hometown and future plans. The suggested answers present a range of functions that students may need during the speaking test. Part 2 contains 100 topic cards with 20 sample answers. Part 3 is divided into 100 A-Z topics. Each comprising a number of key words in which the target key words and ideas are contextualized. In part 3, there is a section entitled 'Discussion Questions' at the end of each topic to activate the students' production of the themes in a discussion. contains interview extension activities for further practice or homework. These revision activities specifically designed to consolidate the answers presented. includes 'Speaking Test Tips' to help students increase their band scores. has a Teacher's Guide, giving many invaluable hints. • Special features of the book: - designed to be appropriate for all candidates of the LEL TS Speaking test. - provides a rich source of infonnation and language that allows for a great amount of candidate personalisation and response in each topic. - offers systematic vocabulary development and presents key words in conceptual ideas mainly provided in the format of 'Pros and Cons', 'For and Against' and 'Cause and Effect' . - contains a large number of controversial issues followed with thought-provoking discussion questions. The aim has been to encourage critical thinking and discussion in IEL TS preparation classes. - provides a rich source ofinfonnation and language input for IELTS Writing (Task 2). - can be used in any order, depending on the student's needs, level, aims and available time. - is suitable for both independent study and classroom use. - is highly recommended for all candidates preparing for TOEFL, FCE and CAE examinations. I hope you enjoy studyingJELTS Maximiser and have success with the book! ALtytzct Mew-ctl'Zctcteh Your comments on this book are welcomed at: feedback@ieltsmaximiser.com www.IELTSMAXIMISER.com v An Overview orIELT S Speaking Module format: IELTS Speaking is a one-la-one interaction between the candidate and an examiner. The three parts give the candidate the opportunity to use a range of different speaking skills. IELT S Speaking is recorded. Timing: 11 - 14 minutes SPEAKING TEST FORMAT Part Task types Timing Introduction and interview: 4- 5 J Vou answer questions about yourself, your home, family, job, studies, minutes interests and other familiar topics. Independent long turn: You are given a topic verbally and on a card. You have a minute to prepare a talk. 3- 4 2 You speak for 1-2 minutes on the topic, e.g. a person, place, object or minutes event. You answer one or two follow-up questions. Discussion: 4- 5 3 You answer verbal questions, discussing more abstract ideas linked to minutes the topic of Part 2. Assessment criteria: The aim of the test is to assess your ability to communicate effectively. The interviewer considers this ability in four different ways: • Fluency and coherence • Lexical Resources • Grammatical Range and Accuracy • Pronunciation All criteria have equal weighting. VI - Functions: The speech functions which occur regularly in the test arc: • Providing personal and non-personal information • Expressing opinions & Justifying opinions • Expressing likes and dislikes • Giving reasons • Explaining & Describing in details • Pointing out both the positive and negative aspects • Suggesting • Discussing situations as they were in the past • Speculating (Imaging the situation as they might be in the future) • Expressing a preference • Comparing &Contrasting • Summarising • Narrating and paraphrasing • Analysing • Repairing a conversation Notice: (I" July 2007) The Writing and Speaking modules are reported in whole or half-band in the same way as the Reading and Listening modules. The argument put forward in the topics do not necessarily reflect the personal idea of the author. - VII Contents: Part 1 Tips of part 1 3 General (Interview) 5 General (Questions) 8 Daily routines (Interview) 9 Daily routines (Questions) 9 Family (Interview) 10 Family (Questions) 16 Friends (Interview) 17 Friends (Questions) 19 Home (Interview) 20 Home (Questions) 22 Neighbourhood (Interview) 23 Neighbourhood (Questions) 24 Holiday (Interview) 25 Holiday (Questions) 28 Hobbies, like and dislikes (Interview) 29 Hobbies, like and dislikes (Questions) 35 Hometown (Interview) 37 Hometown (Questions) 40 Country (Interview) 41 Country (Questions) 42 Health (Interview) 44 Health (Questions) 45 Food (Interview) 46 Food (Questions) 47 Vill 48 Shopping (Interview) Shopping (Questions) 49 Colours and seasons (Interview) 49 Colours and seasons (Questions) 51 Volunteer (Interview) 51 Volunteer (Questions) 51 Education (Interview) 52 Education (Questions) 58 Languages (Interview) 60 Languages (Questions) 62 Job (Interview) 63 Job (Questions) 71 Personality (Interview) 73 Personality (Questions) 76 100 MY questions 77 IX Part 2 Tips of part 2 85 100 Topic cards 89 Topic cards I. Describe how to usc a piece of equipment. 102 2. Describe a member of your family who arc very close to. 103 3. Describe someone that you admire. 104 4. Describe a situation when someone didn't like you. 105 5. Describe a useful website that you have visited. 106 6. Describe a gift YOLI have received that was important to you. 107 7. Describe a room that you like. 108 8. Describe an exam experience you had. 109 9. Describe a popular person who lives in your neighbourhood. 110 10. Talk about your favourite free time activity. 111 II. Describe a dish that you know how 10 make. I 12 12. Talk about the best city/country that you have been to. 113 13. Describe your favourite piece of clothing. 114 14. Talk about one of your friends. 115 15. Describe the process of getting a job in your country. 116 16. Describe a serious problem in your hometown/city 117 17. Talk about your favourite actor/actress. 118 18. Talk about a festival or national holiday in your country. 119 19. Describe an occasion when you had an enjoyable meaL 120 20. Describe a place where you go shopping for clothes. 121 Linking words and phrases 122 x Part 3 Tips of part 3 133 100 Absolutely Essential Topics (A-Z) I. Accidents 26. Crime 51. GM food 76. Obesity 2. Acid rain 27. Cultural heritage 52. Happiness 77. Over population J. Addiction 28. Culture 53. High rise buildings 78. Parenting 4. Adoption 29. Culture shock 54. History 79. Personality 5. Advertising 30. Diet 55. Hobbies 80. PelS 6. Aging 31. Disability 56. Holiday 81. Poverty 7. Agriculture 32. Distance learning 57. Home schooling 82. Public transport 8. Aids 33. Divorce 58. Homclcssncss 83. Recycling 9. Air pollution 34. Doping 59. Housing 84. Satellites 10. Animal testing 35. Education 60. Illiteracy 85. School discipline II. An 36. Energy 61. Industrial relations 86. Smoking 12. Astrology 37. Environment 62. (The) intemet 87. Space expiorulion 13. Automation 38. Fame 63. Jobs 88. Spon 14. Brain drain 39. Family 64. Juvenile delinquency 89. Sporting events 15. Bribery 40. Family ties 65. Language 90. Sportsmanship 16. Charity 41. Famine 66. Law 91. Stress 17. Child care 42. Fashion, clothing 67. Life expectancy 92. Success 18. Child labour 43. Fear 68. Marriage 93. Tourism 19. Childhood 44. Festivals 69. Mass media 94. Tramc 20. Children's education 45. Field trips 70. Memory 95. TV 21. City life 46. Film 71. Migration 96. Unemployment 22. Climate 47. Friendship 72. Modern life 97. Urban sprawl 23. Computer games 48. Generation gap 73. Music 98. Violencc 24. Computerisation 49. Global warming 74. Natural disasters 99. Watcr pollution 25. Country life 50. Global isalion 75. Noise pollution 100. Zoos Critical thinking 195 General Tips 199 Self Assessment 203 Teacher's Guide 204 - XI PART 1 INTRODUCTION AND INTERVIEW ParI I 3 TIPS OF PART I Speaking test Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4 - 5 minutes) The examiner will introduce himself or herself and confiml your identity. You answcr general questions about yourself, your home, your job, your interests and a range of similar topic areas. DOS AND DONTS • Be aware of question types; the areas covered are fairly predictable so practise at home recording ideas onlo a lape recorder. • Keep in mind that examiners can assess whal they hear. They will expect you to speak up so don't give one or two word answers. • Make sure to relate your answer to the interviewer's question. First, answer the question then give 'Added Information'. Examiner: Do you have any plans/or going to university? Candidate: That's fOr sure. I'd like to major in chemical engineering. Examiner: Do you like swimming? Candidate: Yes, I @ but I don't get much time to go swimming these days. • In general, good answers have 'main and supporting ideas'. - J love swimming because it's so relaxing. Besides, it helps me be in shape. Main idea Supporting idea 1 Supporting idea 2 • Use appropriate linlting words. e,g. Because, Besides. - I love swimming because it's so relaxing Besides. it helps me be in shape. Linking word I Linking words 2 • Tfyou can't think ofa word, simply paraphrase it. - He's a reliable person. - He's the sort ofp erson can ahvavs trust /depend on. YOU - She's so punctual. - She's never late; always on time.