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IEEE T R A N S A C T I 0 N S O N MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES A PUBLICATION OF THE IEEE MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES SOCIETY JUNE 1996 VOLUME 44 NUMBER 6 IETMAB (ISSN 0018-9480) [email protected] PAPERS Stepped transformers on TEM-transmission lines - V.P. Meschanov ; I.A. Rasukova ; V.D. Tupikin 793 - 798 Electromagnetic wave effects on microwave transistors using a full-wave time-domain model – M.A. Alsunaidi ; S.M.S. Imtiaz ; S.M. El-Ghazaly 799 - 808 Finite-element method with edge elements for waveguides loaded with ferrite magnetized in arbitrary direction - Lezhu Zhou ; L.E. Davis 809 - 815 Influence of higher order modes on the measurements of complex permittivity and permeability of materials using a microstrip discontinuity - P. Queffelec ; P. Gelin 816 - 824 Design and measurements of a novel subharmonically pumped millimeter-wave mixer using two single planar Schottky-barrier diodes - S.D. Vogel 825 - 831 Finite-difference time-domain algorithm for solving Maxwell's equations in rotationally symmetric geometries - Yinchao Chen ; R. Mittra ; P. Harms 832 - 839 Characterization of buried microstrip lines for constructing high-density microwave integrated circuits - T. Ishikawa ; E. Yamashita 840 - 847 Study of whispering gallery modes in double disk sapphire resonators - Hong Peng 848 - 853 Modeling of general constitutive relationships in SCN TLM - L.R.A.X. de Menezes ; W.J.R. Hoefer 854 - 861 High-frequency reciprocity based circuit model for the incidence of electromagnetic waves on general circuits in layered media - F. Olyslager 862 - 873 Higher-order vector finite elements for tetrahedral cells - J.S. Savage ; A.F. Peterson 874 - 879 Riccati matrix differential equation formulation for the analysis of nonuniform multiple coupled microstrip lines - Jen-Tsai Kuo 880 - 886 Field simulation of dipole antennas for interstitial microwave hyperthermia - G. Schaller ; J. Erb ; R. Engelbrecht 887 - 895 CAD models for multilayered substrate interdigital capacitors - S.S. Gevorgian ; T. Martinsson ; P.L.J. Linner ; E.L. Kollberg 896 - 904 Computer-aided design and optimization of NRD-guide mode suppressors - Jifu Huang ; Ke Wu ; F. Kuroki ; T. Yoneyama 905 - 910 A new miniature magnetic field probe for measuring three-dimensional fields in planar high-frequency circuits - Yingjie Gao ; I. Wolff 911 - 918 Parameter extraction and correction for transmission lines and discontinuities using the finite-difference time-domain method - M.A. Schamberger ; S. Kosanovich ; R. Mittra 919 - 925 Open-ended metallized ceramic coaxial probe for high-temperature dielectric properties measurements - S. Bringhurst ; M.F. Iskander 926 - 935 DC instability of the series connection of tunneling diodes - O. Boric-Lubecke ; Dee-Son Pan ; T. Itoh 936 - 943 Mode coupling in superconducting parallel plate resonator in a cavity with outer conductive enclosure – Feng Gao ; M.V. Klein ; J. Kruse ; Milton Feng 944 - 952 Coupling parameters for a side-coupled ring resonator and a microstrip line - Shih-Lin Lu ; A.M. Ferendeci 953 - 956 The use of active traveling-wave structures in GaAs MMIC's - S.G. Ingram ; J.C. Clifton 956 - 960 Finite-difference time-domain analysis of flip-chip interconnects with staggered bumps - H.H.M. Ghouz ; E.-B. El-Sharawy 960 - 963 ( Continued on back cover) Thermal management for high-power active amplifier arrays - N.J. Kolias ; R.C. Compton 963 - 966 LSE- and LSM-mode sheet impedances of thin conductors - S. Amari ; J. Bornemann 967 - 970 Accurate analysis of losses in waveguide structures by compact two-dimensional FDTD method combined with autoregressive signal analysis - M. Fujii ; S. Kobayashi 970 - 975 A simple formula for the concentration of charge on a three-dimensional corner of a conductor - Yimin Zhang ; A.H. Zemanian 975 - 979 Computation of equivalent circuits of CPW discontinuities using quasi-static spectral domain method - D. Mirshekar-Syahkal 979 - 984 High-power HTS planar filters with novel back-side coupling - Zhi-Yuan Shen ; C. Wilker ; P. Pang ; C. Carter 984 - 986 An integrated SIS mixer and HEMT IF amplifier – S. Padin ; D.P. Woody ; J.A. Stern ; H.G. LeDuc ; R. Blundell ; C.-Y.E. Tong ; M.W. Pospieszalski 987 - 990 (end) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 1996 791 Stepped Transformers on TEM-Transmission Lines Valery Petrovich Meschanov, Member, ZEEE, Irina Anatolyevna Rasukova, and Vladimir Dmitrievich Tupikin Abstract-The paper presents comparative analysis of the prop- lines to be matched, x, (i = 1,2,. . . , n) are impedances of erties of impedance stepped transformers both with monotonous quarterwave sections). and nonmonotonous step-to-step impedance variation. A minia- According to the classifications introduced in [4], the trans- ture stepped transformer of a new structure based on a cascade formers under consideration refer to stepped transformers of of an even number of uniform transmission line sections has been synthesized. Section lengths are considerably shorter than Class I. They are antimetry devices; according to Riblet [3], a quarter of the central wavelength, and the section impedances the antimetry condition may be written in the form alternate. The proposed transformers are the simplest to imple- ment among the available analogs. As an example, the results Z,Z,+1-, = xz i = 1.2, . . . , n. (1) of the solution of the Chebyshev approximation problem for the four-and six-section transformers of different specifications are The main drawback of Class I transformers is their consider- given. able length L = nX,/4, where ri is the number of transformer sections. Stepped transformers of Class I1 synthesized using I. INTRODUCTION m cascaded uniform transmission line sections of various lengths with alternating impedances (m is always an even T RANSFORMERS are traditionally divided into two number) are shorter by a factor of 1.5-2 [5].I n a particular groups, the first comprising the transmission-line case the section impedances are equal to the impedances of devices with a continuously tapered impedance function the transmission lines to be matched [5], [ti], and [8] [see (nonuniform transformers), the second including those on Fig. l(b)]. The elementary two-section devices of such a the transmission lines with piecewise constant variation of type have been proposed previously [SI; but they did not the impedance function (stepped transformers). The latter are find wide application on account of their narrow bandwidth. considerably shorter than the tapered transformers and find More complex multistepped units have not been investi- broad application. gated. Recently the Chebyshev approximation problem for Stepped transformers are further divided into monotonic the prescribed amplitude frequency characteristic for multistep (with a monotonic step-to-step impedance variation) and non- superwide band impedance transformers of Class I1 has been monotonic (with nonmonotonic step-to-step impedance varia- solved by the authors [5].T he problem has been formulated tion). The monotonic transformers, which are to be regarded as as follows: to define the component values for the vector classic, have been proposed and investigated in sufficient detail A = (AI,A 2, . . . , Am) allowing one to achieve by the American scientists [ 11-[3], while the nonmonotonic ones have been described mainly by the Russian authors [41-[71. The present paper gives the comparative analysis of the where 6' = 27rX0/X is the generalized electric variable; properties for both monotonic and nonmonotonic stepped 81,& correspond to the lower and the upper matching band transformers. The results of investigation of the properties for boundaries; X is the transmission line wavelength; II'(6', A)I miniature nonmonotonic stepped transformers having a new is the modulus of the input reflection coefficient, Ir(6'A, )I = structure and characterized both by minimum length, optimum (l-l/~5!'11~z)1~2,w here T11 is the element of the wave transfer frequency characteristics, and distinguished from the available matrix for the transformer. The vector A components are the analogs by their simplicity of design are also presented. normalized section lengths L, = l,/& (i .= 1,2,...,m), where 1, denotes the geometrical lengths of the sections. The solution of the corresponding approximation problems 11. GENERALP ROPERTIES OF THE STEPPED TRANSFORMERS [5] has led the authors to the statement that the optimum Properties of the stepped transformers on cascade connec- Chebyshev characteristics can be provided only by the struc- tion of n uniform transmission line sections of equal lengths ture, for which the relations (3) are true 1, = X0/4 (A, is the wave length corresponding to the central frequency of the matching band), with the section impedances 1, = lm+l-,, i = 1.2,. . . , m/2. (3) varying monotonously from step to step, have been most It can be easily proved that for the structure under consid- adequately investigated [ 11-[3]. Fig. I(a) shows the structure eration the conditions (3) together with the equations of such a transformer (2, 2 are impedances of the transmission x, = 2, Z2 = x (4) Manuscript received November 5, 1993; revised February 15, 1996. The authors are with the Central Research Institute of Measuring Equip- are the necessary and sufficient antimetry conditions. It is ment, Department of Microwave Structures, 410002 Saratov, Russia. Publisher Item Identifier S 001 8-9480(96)03811-2. generalized in [5] that in order to achieve the global minimum 0018-9480/96$05.00 0 1996 IEEE 194 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 1996 7 z,=z Z& z 2 Icn I qI --- #I--- --- e, e, (e) Fig. 1. Structures of stepped transformers: (a) Transformer of Class I. (b) Transformer of Class 11. (c) Miniature transformer with the sections of equal lengths. (d) Generalized structure of miniature transformer. (e) New structure of miniature transformer. of the goal function Ir(0,A )I in the synthesis of any types of with the data obtained in [8] by use of the empirical formula the stepped transformers of cascaded TEM-transmission line sections it is necessary to fulfil the antimetry condition. A0 + + The authors [SI have also evaluated the optimum of the 1 = -arcctg (R 2n solutions obtained. Such an evaluation has bmeen cro mplicated ir(Q, by the fact that the goal function G(A) = A)I is The requirement to fulfil the antimetry condition [SI has multidimensional. With allowance for the device antimetry it is been also confirmed by the results obtained in [6],w here the possible to reduce twice the number of independent variables optimum parameters for the stepped transformers of Class I1 of the function G(A), and the vector A dimensions become with maximally-flat (Butterworth’s) characteristics are given. equal to m/2. For the simplest case of m = 2 the function Investigation of the m-section transformer of Class I1 (m = G(A) turns one-dimensional (1-D) (the vector A has only one 2, 4,. . .) has shown that its amplitude frequency characteristic component AI), which allows us to analyze it both numerically is analogous to that of the m/2-section transformer of Class I and graphically. The numerical analysis of the function G(A1) designed for matching the transmission lines with the same shows that it is multiextremal within the interval (0, 1). It was z and 2 and the same mismatching tolerance /rimaYxet. not found expedient to consider the function G(A1) for A1 > 1 the matching band of Class I1 transformer is only 10-15% since the longitudal dimensions of the transformer turn to be narrower than that of the corresponding Class I transformer, too large under such Al values. Fig. 2 depicts the function and its total length is shorter by a factor of 1.5-2. Besides, G(A1) for Z/z = 2,x = &/Q1 = rm1.5. As can be seen Class I1 transformers are characterized by a simpler production from the plot, the function G(Al) has two local minimums. technology, due to the fact that only two dimensions of the The first one is located in the interval 0 < AI < 0.2 and is transmission line cross section corresponding to the imped- global; A1 for such a case is equal to 0.0771, which coincides ances z and 2 are to be realized along their lengths. In case MESCHANOV et ul.: STEPPED TRANSFORMERS ON TEM-TRANSMISSION LINES 195 sections (m is even) of different lengths li and impedances z, (i = 1, 2, . . . , m). It has been stated in [7] that only structures, for which the relations (7) are true, will have optimum Chebyshev characteristics It is easy to prove that the relations (7) are the antime- try conditions for the given structure. This confirms the conclusion made in [5] that the antimetry condition is nec- essary for achieving the global minimum of the goal function I \ I I I I I I G(A)= B E ~ ~ 0 2I1I' (0,A)l during the synthesis of the stepped transformers of all types. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 A1 The comparison of (7) with the antimetry conditions for the stepped transformers of Class I and IT, as well as with Fig. 2. The goal function of the transformer of Class I1 (m= 2). (6) shows that the equations (7) are the generalized antimetry conditions for the stepped transformers of all structure types. Transformer section impedances satisfy the inequality of Class I transformer the number of such dimensions is equal + to n 2. ~,-1 > ~ ~ > ~... -> 231 > Z, > Z,-Z > ... > zz (8) Another advantage offered by Class I1 transformers is that it is easy to take into account the effect of electrical i.e., the impedances of both sections of even and odd numbers nonuniformities arising at the planes of junction of the trans- decrease in the direction from the transmission line with a mission line sections having different lengths I1,12, . . . ,1, and higher impedance 2 to z impedance line, the impedance of impedances z and 2 [Fig. l(b)], on the amplitude frequency any section of an odd number being always larger than that characteristics. In our case there is only one type of such of any section of an even number. The following regularity is nonuniformities being caused by jumpwise variation of the observed here: the lengths of odd number sections increase in geometric dimensions of the cross section of the transmission the direction from the transmission line of a smaller impedance lines having the impedance z at the regions of their junction z under matching to 2 impedance line, and the lengths of even with the transmission line sections having the impedances 2. number sections decrease in the same direction. In Class I transformers the number of such nonuniformities + is equal to TZ 1 [Fig. l(a)], and they are caused by the jumpwise variation of the geometrical dimensions of the 111. NEW STRUCTURE FOR cross sections of the transmission line sections having the MINIATURES TEPPEDT RANSFORMER impedances 21, z2,. . . , z, at the regions of their junction with Another possibility to reduce the stepped transformer length the neighbor sections of the transmission line. is the use of the stepped structure [see Fig. l(e)], which differs The transformer length can be further reduced by using the from the one investigated in [5],[ 6] by its section impedances structure described in [9] representing the cascade connection satisfying the conditions of m transmission line sections (m is even) of the same length 1 (1 < X,/4), the impedances of which satisfy the following inequalities: where z1z2 = xZ,zm< z,xm-l > Z. To solve the optimization problem in form (2), the algorithm based on the linearization method offered by Pshenichni [ lo] This transformer structure is shown in Fig. l(c). This has been used. The description of this method as applied to transformer is an antimetric device, the antimetry condition the problem of stepped transformer synthesis is given in the being Appendix. z,z,+1-, = zZ. i = 1,2,. . . , m/2. (6) In solving the synthesis problem the antimetry property of the given device has been used, which is to be found in case The use of this structure allows one to reduce the trans- both (9) and (10) conditions are fulfilled former length by a factor of 2-4 as compared to the analogous device of Class I. The substantial drawback of such a miniature transformer is the necessity to realize a high impedance ratio R, = zmax/zminr eaching in a number of cases the values That made it possible to reduce twice the dimensions of of 30-50. the varied parameter vector A. In the general case of m- Search of possible ways of eliminating this drawback has section transformer only one of the impedances (21 or 22) led the authors [7] to the generalized structure shown in Fig. and only m/2 - 1 section lengths (e.g., L1, L2, . . . , L,l2-1) l(d). Such a transformer is a cascade of m transmission line should be varied while solving the synthesis problem. The 196 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 1996 0.15 L2,3 z,,n z2,n L 0.1171 52.38 23.86 0.3300 0.1 0 0.0841 72.91 17.14 0.2500 0.0553 114.55 10.91 0.1670 0.05 0.0412 155.67 8.03 0.1250 0, rad 0 R 25 3% 41 TABLE I1 Fig. 3. Amplitude frequency characteristic of the stepped transformers. OPTIMUMP ARAMETEFRORS THE SIX-SECTION TRANSFORMERS Curve I-transformer of Class I; curve 2-new structure of miniature trans- former TABLE I11 OFTIMUM PARAMET1E RS FOR THE FOUR-SECTION TRANSFORMEORF SE QUAL-LENGSETCHT IONS [9] lL1,2,3,L1 'i' '2'* 1 0.065 0.0833 42.38 19.80 63.13 29.49 0.071 0.0625 55.75 13.58 92.03 22.42 other impedance value as well as length Lm12 may be defined 0.074 0.0418 82.58 8.45 148.01 12.14 0.1670 then from the relations 0.076 0.0313 109.64 6.17 202.48 1 i .40 0.1250 I I I I I I m12-1 %(l) = wzl(2), Lm/2 = L/2 - L2 2=1 TABLE IV OFTIMUMP ARAMETERFOSR THE FOUR-SECTION where L is normalized summary transformer length, which TRANSFORMEORN SG ENERALIZSETDRU CTURE [7] was taken fixed when solving the synthesis problem. Thus the I I I I I I I I I vector of varied parameters is A = (21,L I,L 2,. . . , Lm/2-1). The results for Chebyshev approximation (2) for the four- 0.068 0.0625 0.0833 51.75 18.20 68.73 24.15 0.2916 section transformer (m = 4), designed for matching the transmission lines with the impedances z = 25 R and 2 = 0.070 0.0525 0.0725 62.00 15.28 81.85 20.15 0.2500 50 R in the frequency range of one octave, are given in 0.075 0.0320 0.0510 103.00 10.13 123.39 12.14 0.1660 Table I. Table I1 shows the optimum parameters for the six- 0.076 0.0205 0.0420 152.90 7.78 160.95 8.18 0.1250 section transformer designed for matching the same lines in the frequency range of one and a half octave. The investigation of the properties of the transformer based being 0.5X0. For comparison, Tables I11 and IV show the on the proposed steplped structure has shown that only the optimum parameters of the known four-section miniature transformers for which the lengths of odd number sections transformers (computed on the data given in [7], [9]), designed increase in the direction from the transmission line with for matching the same transmission lines (R= Z/z= 2) as smaller impedance z to the line with Z impedance, and lengths the proposed transformer (Table I) in the frequency range of of sections of even numbers decrease in the same direction, one octave. have the optimum characteristics (Tables I, 11). In view of the results given in the present paper, as well as IV. CONCLUSION in [5]-[7], we may state that the former regularity of section length variation is inherent in all the stepped transformers The investigation of the performances for the stepped trans- designed on the cascade connection of uniform transmission formers of various structures on cascade connection of uniform lines of different lengths irrespective of the type of their TEM-transmission line sections has advanced lately. The gen- impedances (whether they assume two alternating values, or eral patterns of the length and impedance distribution both are subjected to some other law of variation). for the transformers of Class I and Class I1 and those of the Fig. 3 shows the amplitude frequency characteristics for generalized structure have been defined. two-section transformer of Class I (curve 1) as compared to The investigation of the monotonic Class I structures began those for the corresponding four-section miniature transformer approximately 40 years ago with the basic works by Cohn, (curve 2) both designed for matching the transmission lines Collin, and Riblet [ 11-[3]. Nonmonotonic structures of Class with impedances relating as 1 : 2 in the frequency range of I1 and the generalized structures have been researched later, one octave; the length of the miniature transformer being primarily by the Russian scientists, with the application of the 0.125X0, and that of the corresponding Class I transformer numerical optimization methods [4]-[7]. MESCHANOV ef al.: STEPPED TRANSFORMERS ON TEM-TRANSMISSION LINES 797 The use of the new structure (m = 4) proposed in the problem specificity, i.e., of the fact that the initial problem is present paper allows one to achieve the device summary that of the continuous minimax. When forming the subscript length equal to 0.125X, (see Table I), which is one-fourth plurality J6(Ak), we will take into account only the points, at of the length of Class I two-section analog. The same trans- which the local maximums for a given step are achieved. Then + former specifications can be provided by the application of p 1 points will get into the plurality J*(Ak) at the most, in the well-known miniature structure [9], offering the same view of the fact that the number of the local maximums in length reduction, but for this it is necessary to realize the the nondegeneracy problem (Al) exceeds that of the variables following impedances: z1 = 109.64 0,zz = 6.17 0,z3 = by unity. 202.49 0, z4 = 11.40 R; Le., the maximum impedance ratio Problem (A2) is a problem of convex programming. Since R,,, = z~/zz= 32.8. In the structure under consideration the its direct solution is difficult, we will transform it into a dual maximum impedance ratio R,,, = 19.39. As compared to the problem. It may be shown that the dual problem is the problem available analogs [7],[ 9], the proposed transformer is the most of square programming and has the form prospective in terms of productional simplicity, since only four cross-section dimensions corresponding to impedances II 112 z,z l,zz, 2 are to be realized along the m-section transformer length. The number of such dimensions in transformers [7], + [SI is equal to m 2. under constraints APPENDIX The linearization method offered by Pshenychni [lo], which is efficient as applied to the problems of discrete minimax, will be used here to solve the problem (2), similar to that described in [5]. where U is the vector of dual variables U,,i E Jh(Ak). To First, we will transform (2) into the discrete problem by solve this problem, it is convenient to apply the method of introducing the set of N >> p points over the interval [Bl, 021 conjugate gradients in combination with the design procedure min max Fi(A) [lo]. A l<i<N The following values for constants 6 and N have been where F’( A) = IF( Bi , A)1 , p is the number of the variables. chosen to find the optimum transformer parameters: 6 = Let us consider the linearization method as applied to 1, N = 60-120 (depending on the number of‘ the variables). problem (Al). Let us denote the function F(A) as follows: In all the cases of the antimetry structure we observed the F(A) = a,;kl; Fi(A). square speed of the convergence. This is also confirmed by Suppose A, is the initial approximation, the points Aj,j = the fact that beginning from a certain k, the step ak became 0,1, . , k have already been defined. Then equal to unity. ’ ‘ Ak+1 = Ak f akpk REFERENCES where pk is n-dimension vector indicating the direction, C V i~s [l] S. B. Cohn, “Optimum design of stepped transmission line transfom- a step in this direction and is set equal to 2-’0, where i, is the ers”, IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-3, pp. 16-21, first of the subscripts of i = 0,1,. . . , for which the following 1955. inequality is valid: [2] R. E. Collin, “Theory and design of wide-band multisectional quarter- wave transformers,” Proc. IRE, vol. 43, pp. 179-185, 1955. F(Ak + 2PPk) 5 F(Ak)- 2-i~(lpk)12, 1 < E < 1 [3] Her.s ”J,. RIRibEl etT, r“aGnse. nMeraicl rsoywnatvhee siTs hoefo rqyu aTrteecrh-.w, avvoel .i mMpTedTa-n5c, e ptpra. n3sf6or4m3-, 1957. The slope direction pk is defined by solving the auxiliary [4] B. M. Katz, V. P. Meschanov, and A. L. Feldstain, Optimum Synthesis problem of TEM Microwave Devices, V. P. Meschanov, Ed. Moscow: Radio i svjaz, 1984. [5] V. P. Meschanov, S. A. Saliy, I. A. Tsots, and L. V. Shykova, “Synthesis of steDoed transition units of class 11,” Radiu Eng. Electron Phys., vol. (Fi(&),pk) - Pk 5 0; 2 E 56(Ak) (A21 .161_ 2V9 ., P n. oMI._ e 1s2ch, apnpo. v9, -G18. ,G D. Cehcu. m1a9e8v4s.k aya, 1. A. Tsots, “Ste.p.p ed impedance transformers of class I1 with maximally-flat amplitude-frequency char- where 6 > 0, Jh(Ak) = {i:1 5 i 5 N,Fi(Ak)2 F(Ak)-S}. acteristics,” Radiotekhnika i elektroniku, vol. 33, no. I, pp. 195-198, Since the initial problem is that of a continuous minimax, the 1989. number of discrete points N should considerably exceed the [7] V. P. Meschanov, 1. A. Rasukova, V. 13. Tupikin, “New structure of miniature stepped real impedance transformers,” Radiotekhnika i number p of the variables to provide the accuracy sufficient for elektroniku, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1492-1496, 1991. practical applications. The numerical experiment has shown [SI G. L. Matthaei, L. Young, and E. M. T. Jones, Microwuve Filters, Impedance Matching Networks and Coupling Structures. New York: that for p = 4 the sufficient accuracy is obtained with McGraw-Hill, 1964. N 2 100. Already with N = 100 and Fi(Ak) 5 6, the [9] G. L. Matthaei, “Short-step Chebyshev impedance transformers”, IEEE subscript plurality consists of N points. This complicates the Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-14, no. 8, pp. 372-383, Aug. 1966. solution of the auxiliary problem (A2) and requires large scope [lo] B. N. Pshenichni and Y. N. Danilin, Numerical Methods for Extreme of computations. In view of this, we will make use of the Problems. Moscow: Nauka, 1975. 798 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 1996 Valery Petrovich Meschanov (M’94) was born in Irina Anatolyevna Rasukova was bom in Saratov, Saratov, Russia, on April 18, 1941. In 1965 he Russian Federation. She graduated from the physics graduated from the Physical Faculty of Saratov State faculty of Saratov State University in 1980. University. He also received the Doctor of Science In 1980 she joined the Central Research Institute degree. of Measuring Equipment, and is presently working He is now a Professor at Saratov University as Senior Engineer of the Microwave Department. and also Head of the Department of Microwave Her main interests include the design of ultra- Structures in the Central Research Institute of Mea- wave band passive microwave devices, in particular, suring Equipment. He was one of the first in the miniature R-transformers. Her basic scientific re- former USSR to develop the problems of machine sults are presented in three monographs and 14 synthesis of physics and techniques objects; in 1967 research papers. he organized in Saratov and headed the group of specialists working in this new scientific trend. In 1972 he defended his candidate’s thesis on machine synthesis of radio engineering devices in All-Union Research Institute of Engineering, Moscow. In 1968 he defended his doctor’s dissertation dedicated to the optimum synthesis of ultrawide-band microwave devices at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He published three monographs and a reference-book in the central publishers of the former USSR and Russia, and more than 160 research papers, about 40 of which were published in academic journals of the USSR, Russia, and the USA. He is the author of 34 inventions. Vladimir Dmitrievich Tupikin was born in Sara- Dr. Meschanov organized serial production of functional devices, as well tov, Russian Federation, on January 20, 1936. In as their supplies abroad. Tens of Research Institute and plants of various 1958 he graduated from the physics faculty of branches of industry started the production of these devices, which, in 1986, Saratov State University and in 1969 received the were awarded the golden medals of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Cand. Sc. degree from the same university. Achievements and the Leipzig Fair. By the Decree of the President of Russia, Presently he is Director of the Central Research he was given the title “Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation.” He Institute of Measuring Equipment. He is interested has tutored nine candidates of science; presently he is guiding the group of in investigation and development of the elemen- post graduate students and competitors. He is a Member of the Russian and tary basis for microwave controlling and measuring Intemational Engineering Academies; in 1993 he became the winner of the equipment. He has published 165 research papers State Prize of Russia in the field of science and technology. and a monograph. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 1996 799 Electromagnetic Wave Effects on Microwave Transistors Using a Full-Wave Time-Domain :Model Mohammad A. Alsunaidi, S. M. Sohel Imtiaz, Student Member, IEEE, and Samir M. El-Ghazaly, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract-A detailed full-wave time-domain simulation model Peak value of the ac gate voltage. for the analysis of electromagnetic effects on the behavior of the Electron energy. suhmicrometer-gate field-effect transistor (FET’s) is presented. Equilibrium thermal energy. The full wave simulation model couples a three-dimensional (3- Permittivity and permeability of the medium, re- D) time-domain solution of Maxwell’s equations to the active device model. The active device model is based on the moments spectively. of the Boltzmann’s transport equation obtained by integration Energy and momentum relaxation times, respec- over the momentum space. The coupling between the two models tively. is established by using fields obtained from the solution of Low-field electron mobility. Maxwell’s equations in the active device model to calculate the Frequency. current densities inside the device. These current densities are used to update the electric and magnetic fields. Numerical results are generated using the coupled model to investigate the effects of I. INTRODUCTION electron-wave interaction on the behavior of microwave FET’s. 0 VER THE past few years, physical modeling of semicon- The results show that the voltage gain increases along the device width. While the amplitude of the input-voltage wave decays ductor devices has improved substantially. In fact, the along the device width, due to the electromagnetic energy loss design and characterization of microwave devices and circuits to the conducting electrons, the amplitude of the output-voltage has had a constant shift from the traditional empirical and wave increases as more and more energy is transferred from the equivalent circuit methods. With today’s powerful computing electrons to the propagating wave along the device width. The capabilities, numerical simulation based on physical modeling simulation confirms that there is an optimum device width for highest voltage gain for a given device structure. Fourier analysis can be used to predict and provide better understanding of is performed on the device output characteristics to obtain the device behavior. This approach becomes more desirable to gain-frequency and phase-frequency dependencies. The analysis understand the physical phenomena resulting from the ever- shows a nonlinear energy build-up and wave dispersion at higher decreasing device dimensions. Usually, higher voltage gain frequencies. and operating frequencies in field-effect transisl ors (FET’s) are achieved by using submicrometer-gate length. In such cases, NOMENCLATURE full account should be taken at least in two directions-that E Electric field. along the conducting channel and that normal to it. Recently, H Magnetic field. several two-dimensional (2-D) computer models have been HdC Dc component of the magnetic field. developed for this purpose (for example [ 11-[6]). Hac Ac component of the magnetic field. Conventionally, physical modeling of semiconductor de- J Current density. vices employs a solution of Poisson’s equation to update the JdC Dc component of the current density. electric field inside the device which, in principle, presents JtOt Total current density (dc and ac components). no conceptual difficulty. However, interesting physical phe- IC Boltzmann’s constant. nomena arise from the manner in ,which charge fluctua- Lg Gate length. tions and current responses are coupled to the fields. When n Electron density. semiconductor devices are operated a1 high frequencies, the Nd Active layer doping density. semiconductor transport physics and consequently the device T Position vector. modeling problem become more involved. In such cases, 2-component of electron momentum. quasi-static semiconductor device models fail to accurately PZ 4 Electronic charge. represent the effects of the physical phenomena where the t Time. carriers interact with the propagating electromagnetic wave V Electron velocity. along the device. Drain-to-source dc voltage. The problem of modeling high frequency devices needs vd s Gate-to-source dc voltage. special attention. The short-wave period of the propagating vgs wave approaches the electron relaxation time and, because Manuscript received December 20, 1994; revised February 15, 1996. This work is supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract electrons need a finite time to adjust their velocities to the DAAH04-95- 1-0252. changes in field, electron transport is directly affected by the The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona propagating wave. This fact calls for the full accounting of State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-5706 USA. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9480(96)03810-0. the varying fields inside the device. In switching and large- 0018-9480/96$05.00 @ 1996 lEEE 800 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 44, NO. 6, JUNE 1996 signal problems, the time-varying electric fields can be large of Maxwell’s equations are needed for a more accurate and compared to the dc fields. Also, quasi-static evaluation of general approach. the fields does not include the existing magnetic fields. The The full-wave physical model used in this work allows a magnetic fields are generated by the applied wave as well as flexible description of the device along with the appropri- the moving charges inside the device and their effects have ate representation of simulation parameters. The application to be inspected. The only acceptable method for representing of the model to different electronic structures, such as the these various forces is to combine a full-wave dynamic field MODFET’s, with different material profiles and boundaries is solution with a semiconductor device model [7]. straightforward. It should be noted, however, that the accuracy The moving carriers inside the device become a source of the model is largely affected by the representation of the of electromagnetic (EM) fields. These EM fields, in tum, structure and material data supplied to the model. affect carrier transport. This coupling is believed to have a significant importance in simulating various electronic devices. A. Active Device Model El-Ghazaly et al. [8] used a combination of direct solutions The active device model is based on the moments of the of Maxwell’s equations and Monte Carlo (MC) models of B oltzmann’ s transport equation obtained by integration over photocarrier transport to study the behavior of photoconductive the momentum space. The integration results in a strongly- switches. However, for transistor modeling, several tens of coupled highly-nonlinear set of partial differential equations picoseconds of simulation time are needed to obtain small and called the conservation equations [ 101-[l l]. These equations large-signal responses. Therefore, an alternative to the MC provide a time-dependent self-consistent solution for carrier approach, which requires very large computer time, has to be density, carrier energy and carrier momentum and are given used. by In this paper, the electron-wave interaction in current continuity submicrometer-gate FET’s is analyzed. The analysis is based on a full wave time-domain simulation model. The -dn+ v full wave simulation model couples a three-dimensional at (3-D) time-domain solution of Maxwell’s equations to the energy conservation active device model. The active device model is based on the moments of the Boltzmann’s transport equation. The coupling 34+ D (nvE) between the two models is established by using fields obtained at ‘ from the solution of Maxwell’s equations in the active device + = qnv . (E vzB) model to calculate the current densities inside the device. These current densities are used to update the electric and magnetic fields. The problem is solved in the time domain momentum conservation because the carrier transport processes are highly nonlinear. The approach presented in this paper has a clear impact on the way we look at high frequency device modeling. It + npx represents a methodology in which equivalent circuits can be = qn[E, (vzB),]- V(nkT)- -‘.T m (3) improved by introducing elements representing electromag- Similar equations are written for the momentum in the other netic coupling, parasitics and discontinuities. In the following directions. The electronic current density distribution J inside section, the theoretical analysis of the full-wave model is the active device at any time t is given by given. The numerical scheme used in the simulation is based on the finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) and J(t)= -qn(t)v(t). (4) is presented in Section 111. Finally, numerical results are generated for a 0.2 pm gate MESFET and discussed in Section Considering the scale of the problem, the hydrodynamic IV . equations should be solved in their complete form. In most of the reported simulations, the momentum conservation equation is simplified by neglecting the time and spatial dependencies of the electron momentum [2], [3],[ 5], [6]. This is equivalent 11. FULL-WAVET IME-DOMAIMN ODEL to the assumption that the electron momentum is able to adjust Physical models for high frequency semiconductor devices itself to a change in the electric field within a very short time. should be capable of representing short gate effects such as While this assumption is justified for long-gate devices be- nonisothermal transport and nonstationary electron dynamics cause of the negligible effects of the overshoot phenomena, it as well as the effects related to electromagnetic wave prop- leads to inaccurate estimations of device internal distributions agation. Usually, microwave devices are modeled as active and microwave characteristics for submicrometer-gate devices devices embedded between two ideal, lossless transmission [4]. Another assumption that is also eliminated in our work is lines in simple circuit models [9]. This approach has two the constant effective mass approximation. The variations in main drawbacks: 1) Quasi-TEM transmission lines are used, effective mass with respect to time, space and electron energy and 2) the semiconductor device model is developed in total are all included in our simulation. The transport parameters separation from the EM wave. Therefore, direct solutions in the energy and momentum equations are energy-dependent

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