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IEEE MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES SOCIETY The Microwave Theory and Techniques Society is an organization. within the framework of the IEEE. of members with principal professional interests in the field of microwave theory and techniques. All members of the IEEE are eligible for membership in the Soc.:icty and will receive this TRANSACTIONS upon payment of the annual Society membership fee of $28.00. For information on joining. write to the IEEE at the address he low. Mt'mber rnpieJ of Tran.sactions/Journa/s art! for per.\·01wf use only. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE E. D. COHEN, President M. A. MAURY, JR., Vice President R. W. BlERIG. Secretary D. G. SWANSON, Treasurer J. T. BARR M.Gouo T. KEMERLEY M. SCHINDLER J. W. WASSEL R. E. BRYAN D. HORNBUCKLE R. POLLARD R.SUDBURY D. WEBB S. J. FIEDZIUSZKO R.H. JANSEN E. A. REZEK G. THOREN E. YAMASHITA Honorary Life Members Distinguished Lecturers Past Presidents A. C. BECK T. S. SAAD W. CURTICE V. RlZZOLI E. J. CRESCENZI (1994) S. B. COHN K. 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For all other copying. reprint, or republication permission, write to Copyrights and Permissions Department, lEEE Publications Administration. 445 Hoes Lane. P.O. Box 1331. Piscataway. NJ 08855-1331. Copyright© 1995 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Second-class postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send addrcs~ changes to IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. IEEE. 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. GST Rcgistrntion No. 125634188. Printed in U.S.A. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 43, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1995 2181 Introduction to Special Issue on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Photonics T HE RAPID evolution of photonics and microwave and allowed for this Special Issue. Therefore, a few papers that millimeter wave electronics and their related technologies could not be included here will appear in a subsequent regular is resulting in new device developments and novel system con issue of the TRANSACTIONS. figurations. The interface between microwaves and millimeter The Special Issue is divided into six sections. The first two waves on the one hand and lightwaves on the other is an area of groups of papers deal with optical modulators and transmitters growing interest with a broad range of emerging applications. and the optical generation of microwaves and millimeter This Special Joint Issue of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON waves. The next two groups are concerned with optical de MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES and the JOURNAL tectors and receivers. The fifth group contains articles on OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY is devoted to Microwave and photonic signal processing and its application in microwave Millimeter Wave Photonics. systems. The final group covers optical-microwave interaction The vitality of the microwave-photonics research area is in devices and circuits. evidenced by the nearly 70 papers that were considered It is clear that the field of microwave and millimeter wave for this special issue. Papers were received from all five photonics represents a rapidly developing area of research continents-from universities as well as industrial and gov with inspiring new results. We hope that this present Special ernmental laboratories. The transnational aspect of this effort Issue will provide a useful picture of the current state of the is reflected by the fact that the five guest editors represent technology and serve as a stimulus for further advances. Australia, Asia, Europe, and both North and South America. It should be noted that manuscripts submitted by any of the guest editors were handled independently by two of the other guest editors. PETER R. HERCZFELD The quality of the papers was generally excellent and the H!ROYO OGAWA editors are grateful to reviewers for their thorough and timely ALVARO AUGUSTO A. DE SALLES response. We selected 38 papers for publication in the Special ALWYN SEEDS Issue from those submitted. In a few cases, it was not possible RODNEY S. TuCKER to complete the review/revision process in the tight time-frame Guest Editors Peter R. Herczfeld (S'66-M'67-SM'89-F'91), born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1936 and now a U.S. citizen, received the B.S. degree in physics from Colorado State University in 1961, the M.S. degree in physics in 1963, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 1967, both from the University of Minnesota. Since 1967, he has been on the faculty of Drexel University, where he is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He has published over 300 papers in solid-state electronics, microwaves, photonics, solar energy, and biomedical engineering. He is the Director of the Center for Microwave-Lightwave Engineering at Drexel, a Center of Excellence that conducts research in microwaves and photonics. He has served as project director for more than 70 projects. Dr. Herczfeld, a member of APS, SPIE, and the ISEC, is a recipient of several research and publication awards, including the Microwave Prize ( 1986 and 1994). 2182 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 43, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1995 Hiroyo Ogawa (M'84) received the B.S., M.S., and Dr.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from Hokkaido University, Sapporo, in 1974, 1976, and 1983, respectively. He joined the Yokosuka Electrical Communication Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, Yokosuka, in 1976. He has been engaged in research on microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits, monolithic integrated circuits, and development of subscriber radio systems. From 1985 to 1986, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Texas at Austin, on leave from NTT. From 1987 to 1988, he was engaged in design of the subscriber radio equipment at the Network System Development Center of NTI. From 1990- 1992, he was engaged in the research of optical/microwave monolithic integrated circuits and microwave and millimeter-wave fiber optic links for personal communication systems at ATR Optical and Radio Communication Research Laboratories. Since 1993, he has been researching microwave and millimeter-wave photonics for communication satellites at NTI Wireless Systems Laboratories. Dr. Ogawa is a member of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) of Japan. Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles was born in Bage, RGS, Brazil, on March 6, 1946. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1968, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ), Brazil, in 1971, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from University College London, England, in 1982. From 1970-1978 he was an Assistant Professor at the Catholic University Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications (CETUC), in Rio de Janeiro, where his major interest ...-..... was microstrip passive devices, including circulators and filters. From 1978- 1982 he was at University College London working on solid-state phased array radars design and development and on optical control of GaAs MESFET oscillators and amplifiers. From 1982-1990 he was at CETUC, performing research and development on microwave and optical communication semiconductor devices and components. From 1991-1994 he was a Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Porto Alegre, RGS, Brazil, where he is now Professor. He was also an Associate Professor at PUC/RJ. His area of research interest is optical interactions with semiconductor devices, including HEMT's and HBT's, for microwave and optical communication applications. He has authored more than 50 papers in brazilian and international periodics and conferences. Dr. de Salles was Chairman of the 1987 SBMO (Brazilian Microwave and Optoelectronics Society) International Microwave Symposium and is a founding member of SBMO and of the Brazilian Telecommunication Society (SBT). Alwyn Seeds (M'81-SM'92) received the B.Sc. degree in electronics in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering in 1980, both from the University of London. From 1980-1983 he was a Staff Member at ·Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he worked on monolithic millimetre-wave integrated circuits for use in phased-array radar. He was appointed Lecturer in Telecommunications at Queen Mary College, University of London, in 1983. In 1986 he moved to University College London, where he is currently BNR Professor of Opto-electronics and leader of the Microwave Opto-electronics Group. He is author of over 100 papers on microwave and opto-electronic devices and their systems applications and presenter of the video "Microwave Opto-electronics" in the IEEE Emerging Technologies series. His current research interests include microwave bandwidth tunable lasers, optical control of microwave devices, mode-locked lasers, optical phase-lock loops, optical frequency synthesis, dense WDM networks, optical soliton transmission and the application of optical techniques to microwave systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 43, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1995 2183 Rodney S. Tucker (S'72-M'75-SM'85-F'90) was born in Melbourne, Australia, in 1948. He received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Melbourne, Australia, in 1969 and 1975, respectively. From 1973-1975 he was a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the University of Melbourne. During 1975 and 1976 he was a Harkness Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, and from 1976-1977 he was a Harkness Fellow with the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, New York. From 1977 to 1978 he was with Plessey Research (Caswell) Ltd., UK, and from 1978-1983 he was with the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Queensland, Birsbane, Australia. During the period from 1973-1983 he worked on high speed electronic and optoelectronic devices, the synthesis of ultra-wideband amplifiers, and modelling of high-speed semiconductor lasers. From 1984-1990 he was with AT&T Bell Laboratories, Crawford Hill Laboratory, Holmdel, NJ, where he worked in the area of high speed optoelectronics and lightwave cmnmunications. He is presently with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Melbourne, where he is a Professor of Electrical Engineering, Director of the Photonics Research Laboratory, and a Director and Deputy Chief Executive officer of the Australian Photonics Cooperative Research Center. His research interests are in the areas of high-speed semiconductor lasers and photonic networks and systems. Dr. Tucker has served on the Technical Program Committee of a number of international conferences. From 1989-1990 he was Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. He is a member of the Optical Society of America, a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. 2184 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 43, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1995 Distortion in Linearized Electrooptic Modulators William B. Bridges, Fellow, IEEE, and James H. Schaffner, Member, IEEE Abstract-Intermodulation and harmonic distortion are cal OPTICAL MACH-ZEHNDER Ps culated for a simple fiber-optic link with a representative set WAVEGUIDE INTERFEROMETERS of link parameters and a variety of electrooptic modulators: tp 1M OPTICAL simple Mach-Zehnder, linearized dual and triple Mach-Zehnder, 0 • simple directional coupler (two operating points), and linearized ERECEIVER directional coupler with one and two de electrodes. The resulting dynamic ranges, gains, and noise figures are compared for these OPTICAL FIBER ~ 12 a P1 + P2 modulators. A new definition of dynamic range is proposed to 0 accommodate the more complicated variation of intermodula tion with input power exhibited by linearized modulators. The effects of noise bandwidth, preamplifier distortion, and errors in modulator operating conditions are described. OPTICAL DIRECTIONAL COUPLER I. INTRODUCTION Fig. I. Dual-parallel modulator configured with equal length electrodes and one input optical signal. This particular approach requires two photodiodes at E LECTROOPTIC modulators, both discrete interference the optical receiver. An alternative approach would use two lasers and then types such as the Mach-Zehnder modulator and dis combine the optical signals at the modulators' outputs into one detector. tributed interference types such as the directional-coupler modulator, have inherently nonlinear transfer curves. As a (e.g., a slope 3 line on the dBout versus dBin graph for third consequence, they may limit the dynamic range of the photonic order intermodulation), and the photonic link dynamic range link in which they are embedded by generating harmonics and no longer depends on the noise level in a simple way; a clearer intermodulation products. Various modulator configurations definition of "dynamic range" is really required. Finally, the have been proposed and demonstrated . in the last several improved modulator dynamic range can easily be eroded by years [I ]-[8] to address this problem and increase the link the nonlinear behavior of the electronic amplifiers required by dynamic range. All of these schemes depend on generating the photonic link to realize reasonable gain and noise Fig. [9). two or more modulation samples with different ratios of signal This paper uses a simple photonic link model to find the to distortion and then combining the samples so that the gain, noise figure, harmonics, intermodulation, and dynamic distortions cancel (to some order) while the signals do not range for a number of the modulator schemes listed above, cancel. Jn some cases it is easy to identify where the two and it uses the model to optimize the modulator parameters. modulations occur and where the combinations take place, as The sensitivity of representative Mach-Zehnder modulator in the dual Mach-Zehnder schemes [l], [2], [6]; in others it (MZM) and directional coupler modulator (DCM) schemes is not so obvious, such as the directional-coupler modulator to modulator and link parameters are calculated and com and its variations [3)-[5]. pared. A refined definition of "dynamic range" is proposed The various linearized modulator schemes predict, and in to eliminate possible ambiguities resulting from the definition some cases have demonstrated [l], [4)-[7], significant reduc based on simple slopes. Finally, the results of adding electronic tion in harmonics and intermodulation products, which should amplifiers to the photonic link are calculated. lead to the realization of photonic links with higher dynamic ranges. However, in all cases, the cancellation turns out to be critically dependent upon the modulator device parameters, II. DUAL MACH-ZEHNDER MODULATORS so that these parameters will likely have to be controlled by The Mach-Zehnder modulator i.s a simple two-channel active means, especially if the distortion cancellation is to be interference device, resulting in a sine-squared dependence of maintained over a large operating bandwidth. In addition, the light output on drive voltage. The modulator is biased to the dependence of the harmonic or intermodulation product on most linear portion of the transfer curve, which for a perfect the signal drive level is no longer a simple constant exponent modulator also assures no even-harmonic generation. However, the nonlinearity of the transfer curve is respon Manuscript received January 9, 1995; revised May 5, 1995. This work was supported in part by Contract no. F30602-9 l-C-O I 04 to Hughes Research sible for the generation of all odd-harmonics and all possible Laboratories from the US Air Force, Rome Laboratories (N. P. Bernstein intermodulation products. The dual MZM scheme uses two technical monitor) and by the ARPA Technology Reinvestment Project on MZM's, driven at different RF levels and fed with different op Analog Optoelectronic Modules, Agreement No. MDA972-94-3-0016. W. B. Bridges is with the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA tical powers, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The RF and optical power 91125 USA. splitting ratios are chosen so that the modulator receiving the J. H. Schaffner is with Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA 90265 larger optical power receives the smaller RF drive power. This USA. IEEE Log Number 9413707. modulator may be thought of as the "main" modulator, with 0018-9480/95$04.00 © 1995 TEEE BRJDGES AND SCHAFFNER: DISTORTION IN LINEARJZED ELECTROOPTIC MODULATORS 2185 some distortion created by the finite RF drive power. The other 0 modulator receives only a little optical power, but is driven relatively much harder, thus yielding a much more distorted "CUBIC" SPLIT signal. The two optical outputs are combined incoherently, for E' -40 example, by combining the electrical outputs of two separate !l:l!. detectors as shown in Fig. 1.1 If the bias points of the two .JJJ iU -80 modulators are chosen so that the modulations are out of phase, .J and the ratios of both optical and RF powers are properly z.<J chosen, then the sum of the two distortions (Pr M) can exactly ~ -120 cancel, while the signals (Ps) do not completely cancel. This I:> ~ exact cancellation can only occur for a specific drive level, :::> 0 -160 with distortion reappearing at both lower and higher drive NOISE FLOOR levels. There are various strategies to determine the optimum ratio -200 of optical and RF power splits to maximize the dynamic range. -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 One strategy, first proposed and demonstrated by Johnson INPUT SIGNAL LEVEL (dBm) and Rousell [I 0], was arrived at by expanding the distorted Fig. 2. Output RF signal power and third-order intermodulation power as a function of the input signal power for a fiber-optic link, with the parameters output signal of each modulator in a Fourier series including in Table I. The dual-parallel modulator is arranged for the "optimum" split the signal, odd harmonics, and intermodulation products. The so that the small-signal cubic intermodulation terms cancel, leaving a residual coefficients in this well-known series are the products of Bessel intermodulation at 2w 1-w2 that varies as the fifth power of t~e input signal level. functions. If the input signal consists of equal amplitudes at two frequencies w1 and w2, then the coefficient giving the intermodulation at frequency 2w1-w2 contains the product TABLE I of Bessel functions J (B)h(B), where the argument () is FIBER-OPTIC LINK COMMON PARAMETERS 1 proportional to the RF drive voltage. Johnson and Rousell then Laser Power Pi. 0.1 w approximated this product with the first terms in the power series expansions of J (B) and J (B), so that the coefficient is 1 2 Laser Noise RIN -165 dB proportional to the RF voltage cubed. To cancel this coefficient in the summed output of two modulators, they found that the optical power split ratio should be the inverse cube of the Total Optical~ iv -10.0 dB RF drive voltage split ratio. In their particular experiment, the RF voltage split was fixed at 1 : 3, so that the optical power Modulator Sensitivity Vs orV11: 10 v split was set to 27 : 1.2 Although this particular condition cancels the cubic term 'in the Bessel function expansion, there Modulator Impedance RM 50 n remain 5th, 7th, gth, · · ·power terms in the RF modulation. Thus, the intermodulation at 2w1-w2 is not exactly canceled, Detector Responsivity TID 0.7 A/V{ but exhibits a roughly 5th power dependence on Pin· This is illustrated in Fig. 2, which shows the intermodulation in a dual MZM with the inverse cubic relation prescribed by Johnson Detector Load Ro 50 n and Rousell. (The method of calculation and link parameters used are discussed in detail in the link model section, and in Noise Bandwidth BW Hz the Appendix.) The resulting dynamic range is 126.2 dB for this particular link, which has its component parameters given Combination 11.ivTtD 7 mA in Table I. An RF voltage split of 2.62 rather than 3 was used as discussed later. Alternatively, the intermodulation distortion may be exactly than 5, while the ultimate slope to the left of the auxiliary canceled using a slightly different optical or RF splitting ratio, maximum is 3. Note that it is now possible for the IMD but only for a single power level, as illustrated by the null in curve to have three intersections with the noise level line. Fig. 3. Slight adjustments of the splits move the exact position We must specify which intersection to use to define "dynamic of the zero. The slope just to the right of the zero is steeper range." There will be no ambiguity if we define the spurious free dynamic range as that distance in dB from the signal 1A ilcrna1ely, a 90° polarization could be added to one output if a single to the intermodulation level where the intermodulation level detector is desired or the two modulators could be driven by two independent equals the noise level at the smallest input level. With this lasers with the receiver, comprised of a single detector. 2 Johnson and Rousell's "dual MZM" was actually a single MZM on x definition, we see that the dynamic range will now depend cut LiNbO:i with the light polarized before entering the modulator such that discontinuously on the noise level. The maximum dynamic 27 times as much optical power was in the TM polarization as in the TE range occurs when the auxiliary maximum to the left of the polarization. A single set of electrodes modulate both optical polarizations, minimum is just below the noise level, and the dynamic range but the TE state is three times as sensitive to the drive voltage, as fixed by the electrooptic properties of lithium niobate. will drop discontinuously when that maximum increases above 2186 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 43, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1995 "MAXIMUM DYNAMIC RANGE" SPLIT -40 'E m :!:!. ..J >w -80 w ..J ..J <z( £! -120 (/) :~::> c.. i~5 -160 NOISE FLOOR 1 2 v,,;v v,,;vrt 5 or -200 Fig. 4. Transfer curves of simple directional coupler and Mach-Zehnder -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 modulators from zero voltage to twice the switching voltage applied to the INPUT SIGNAL LEVEL (dBm) electrodes. Fig. 3. Same modulator as Fig. 2 but the splitting ratio is adjusled for maximum dynamic range, which results in complete cancellation of the large-signal 2w 1 -w2 intermodulation term at one particular signal level. the transfer voltage (Vs), and is analogous to the half-wave voltage of the MZM. Fig. 4 shows the theoretical modulation transfer functions for a directional coupler modulator (DCM); the noise level. The maximum dynamic range of this link is there are two complementary transfer functions YsR(V) and now 129.7 dB, compared to 126.2 dB for the "cubic" condition Yss(V) since the DCM has two output channels for an input in Fig. 2. One important consequence of the more complicated behavior of the IMD and harmonics is that we must now treat into one arm. The MZM transfer curve YM z (V) with a half wave voltage V7r equal to the DCM transfer voltage Vs is also the whole photonic link rather than analyze just the modulator shown for comparison. The two modulator transfer curves are to determine the dynamic range, since the dynamic range very much alike from zero up to one switching voltage, but depends on the relationship of the noise level to the kinks and beyond that they depart; the MZM is periodic in 2Vr., while bends in the harmonic and IMD curves. The best adjustment increasing t:,,(3 further spoils the transfer from one arm back to of the modulator parameters will depend on the actual values the other. The mathematical form of the DCM transfer function of the other link parameters. [12] is There is an additional degree of freedom in the true dual MZM. The condition discussed by Johnson and Rousell spec ifies the ratio of optical split in terms of the RF split to cancel the cubic contribution to the intermodulation. But the RF split ratio can be specified independently if a true dual MZM is (I) used as in Fig. I instead of the two polarization states of a single modulator, where the equivalent voltage ratio is fixed at 3. The true optimum in the voltage ratio is about 2.62, but The transfer voltage Vs is defined by only one dB in dynamic range is sacrificed in the example given in Fig. 2 if the ratio is 1.8 or 4.8. However, as shown Vs 4r;,2g2,\2 later, the dynamic range is very rapidly degraded if the voltage (2) 3 7r2(2n~r2 and optical power are not near the inverse cube relation. where l is the length of the coupling region and "' is the III. LINEARIZED DIRECTIONAL COUPLER MODULATORS = = coupling constant. When V 0 and d 7r /2, the signal is Integrated-optic directional couplers made on electrooptic transferred completely from one guide to the other. The other substrates can also be used as optical modulators [ l I]. If variables in (2) are n the optical index of refraction for the 0 the guides are physically identical, then complete transfer of guide, r the relevant electrooptic coefficient, g the electrode the optical input from guide I to guide 2 is possible in one gap spacing, ( the overlap integral between the optical and coupling length, which is determined by the optical waveguide electrical fields, and ,\ the free space optical wavelength. Vs dimensions and refractive indices of the guide and substrate. is usually determined experimentally. Unfortunately, a Fourier Modulating electrodes are applied to the two waveguide chan series for the output from a modulator with this transfer nels so that the propagation constants of the guides are changed function is not available in closed from. One must use a power incrementally in opposite directions when a voltage is applied. series expansion, as in [3], or input the transfer function with The differential change in the propagation constants, t:,,(3, a two-tone time variation and find the Fourier components depends upon the electrode configuration and the electrooptic numerically-as in [4] and the present work. coefficient of the modulator material. By applying sufficient The intermodulation distortion produced by a simple DCM voltage, the optical signal may be transferred from guide 2 is usually very much like that of an MZM driven to produce back to guide I. The voltage required to do this is termed the same modulation percentage, as pointed out by Halemane BRIDGES AND SCHAFFNER: DISTORTION IN LINEARIZED ELECTROOPTIC MODULATORS 2187 ·.1~ \:Z:J INPUT 0.2J = v : 3 MODULATOR SECTION TWO PASSIVE SECTIONS LENGTH eMOO RADIANS LENGTHS eA, 99 RADIANS Fig. 5. Linearized directional coupler modulator with a modulator section followed by two biased passive sections. The angle B is shorthand for ,.,/. and Korotky [12). However, there are subtle differences. For example, biasing to the zero second-harmonic point does not ···~ ~ eliminate higher-order even harmonics. More interesting, a zero in the third derivative curve, which is primarily responsi ble for both third harmonic and 2w1 -w2 IM D, occurs where Vp the signal is not zero, at about 0.7954 Vs. This is unlike the ~ FJ=:;:J MZM, where zeros in all odd derivatives occur at the same value of Vs /2. We shall return to this point later. Vs 0.6 Attempts to linearize the transfer function given in (I) by adding elements to a basic DCM have been made by several ..7 J JS J workers [3)-[5]. Farwell et al. [4] have analyzed and built the configuration illustrated in Fig. 5, a directional coupler that has three sets of electrodes. The first set is used to apply the modulation signal plus a de bias voltage. The second and third (passive) electrodes have only de bias voltages applied. The two "extra" degrees of freedom introduced by these sections · · · l J:S:J are used to linearize the modulation transfer function. Before treating the modulator with three electrodes, it is instructive to look at a simpler modulator, namely a DCM with only one extra set of bias electrodes as described by Lam and Tangonan [3). The reader may think of this as the modulator -2 0 +2 = = = = of Fig. 5= wi th VA Va =Vp and ()p ()A+ Ba[BA V~5 ,,,1A, Ba da and thus ()p ,,,(zA +la)]. We can illustrate Fig. 6. Evolution of the transfer function of a directional coupler modulator the development of a "more linear" region by plotting the with a passive bias section as the normalized voltage V p /Vs is increased transmission Yss versus the voltage on the first section with from 0 to 0.8. Note the "linearized" region on the 0. 7 curve. the normalized voltage on the second section Vp /Vs as a parameter. The result is shown in Fig. 6 for the particular very little change occurs above that voltage. Jn the limit of case where both the modulator section and the biased sections very high voltage applied to the second section, 6.(3 becomes are electrically 7r /2 radians long: that is, () M = () p = 7r /2. so large that there is little coupling between the two guides, The figures give the modulation transfer curves for - 2 < and the second section effectively becomes two independent VM /Vs < 2, or a range of four transfer voltages. Thus, with guides (with equal and opposite phase shifts that still depend zero voltage applied to all sections the optical input on branch on the applied voltage). 1 is completely transferred to branch 2 in () M and then back to It is interesting to look at the shape of the derivatives of branch 1 in ()A +Ba. If VM /Vs = 1 is applied to the modulator the modulation transfer function as the bias on the second = section with Vp/Vs 0, the transfer is complete from branch section is varied. Fig. 7 repeats the transfer function from 1 to branch 2. With Vp /Vs = 0, we would bias the modulator 0 < Vi\!l /Vs < 1 and adds the first three derivatives with section to VM /Vs = 0.4394 to obtain the minimum second Vp/Vs = 0. The first derivative produces most of the signal, harmonic output. We note that with Vp/Vs = 0.7 applied the second derivative produces most of the second harmonic, to the second section, the region about the modulator bias and the third derivative produces most of the third harmonic point VM /Vs ::::: 0.5 begins to look much more linear. As the and the 2w1-w2 intermodulation (and a very small amount of voltage is increased further, Vp /Vs = 0.8, this added linearity signal), etc. Clearly, biasing for a zero in the second derivative disappears, and at Vp/Vs = 1, the transfer curve is identical to will nearly maximize the third derivative, an undesirable Vp /Vs = 0, but it is inverted. Further increase in the voltage situation. What we really wish to do to is make the second and applied to the second section continues to change the shape of third derivatives simultaneously zero, and this can be realized the transfer curves but never yields such an improvement in if Vp /Vs is changed to 0.73193; the resulting transfer function linearity over Vp/Vs ::::: 0. At Vp/Vs = JS, the modulation and its derivatives are shown in Fig. 8. This condition is near transfer curve is exactly the same as that at zero voltage, and the "0.7" curve in Fig. 6. By making the second derivative 2188 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 43, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 1995 y:~ YJ ~·I J Y' _: 1~ :~1 J Y' 1 r'_::t:?~~:: ~ ~L / ! r·_:1 I <: L 7 4 Y"'1:~/j -10 0 0 1 Vrl'/s Vrl'/s Fig. 7. The transfer curve and its first three derivatives for a directional cou Fig. 8. Same modulator as Fig. 7, but biased to. Vp /Vs 0.73193 to pler modulator of electrical length() M = r. /2 followed by an identical passive simultaneously zero the second and third derivatives. = = section of length () p 7r /2, with normalized bias voltage Vp /Vs 0.0. The proper bias for minimum second harmonic, V,\l /Vs = 0.4394 is shown by the arrow; the star indicates a 'possible bias that would make the· intermodulation distortion zero, but would result in a large second harmonic. just touch the to zero line at its maximum, we make both second and third derivatives zero simultaneously, assuring that the second harmonic, third harmonic, and 2w1-w2 outputs are nearly minimized. There will be small remainders at these frequencies produced by the nonzero higher derivatives, which may be canceled by a slight adjustment of the second bias voltage away from 0.73193 Vs at a single value of modulation drive voltage, just as in the dual MZM previously discussed. We can apply this same strategy to the three section modu lator shown in Fig. 5 in order to find optimum values of VA and V3. Fig. 9 shows the transfer function and its first three derivatives for the particular case that (}MOD = 7r /2, fJ A = BB = 7r/4, VA/Vs = 0.73805 and V8 /Vs = 0.77002. For these values (found by trial and error), second, third, and fourth = derivatives are all zero at a modulator bias of VM /Vs 0.509. Thus, the fourth harmonic will be greatly reduced, the second harmonic will be reduced somewhat from the case of the two section modulator, and the third harmonic and the 2w -w 1 2 intermodulation will be of the same order. It is tempting to speculate that adding further biased sections Fig. 9. Transfer function and first three derivatives for the directional coupler will add still more degrees of freedom that could be used modulator of length () M = 7r /2 followed by two passive sections of lengths to set additional derivatives to zero and improve the 2w -w ()A = 7r/4,()s = 7r/4 as shown in Fig. 5. The biases VA and Vs shown 1 2 were found by trial and error to the maximum dynamic range. The optimum intermodulation. In a study by Sheehy [ 19] it appears that the modulator bias is VM /V · = 0.509. fifth derivative may be set to zero, not by adding an additional section, but by moving the second biased section to precede IV. LINK MODEL the modulator, and adding phase-shifting lengths between the modulator section and the biased sections. Sheehy also shows We now introduce a model for a complete optical link illus that adding further biased electrodes or phase shift sections to trated in Fig. LO, containing a laser source with power PL [W], the DCM can do no better than this. and a relative intensity noise RIN [dB/Hz]. The laser feeds a

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