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IEEE Microwave Magazine PDF

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IE E E M IC R O W A V E M A G A Z IN E U W B , L N A s , A N D M O R E V O L U M E 2 2 • N U M B E R 8 • A U G U S T 2 0 2 1 The 2021 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2021) will be held in Brisbane, Australia, from the 28th of November to 1st of  December 2021 (dates fixed and confirmed). The organising committee is monitoring the COVID‐19 situation and will consider hybrid  or online format if required.  APMC2021 is organised by the Australian Chapters of the IEEE MTT‐Society and sponsored by the IEEE MTT Society. Papers submitted  to APMC2021 will be peer reviewed. The conference will cover the entire scope of microwave engineering, including RF/microwave,  antennas & propagation and EMC/EMI. Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers on their latest research results. All  papers presented at the conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication. Proposals for special sessions, workshops and  tutorials are also solicited.  CONFERENCE TOPICS  General Chair  Active Devices and Circuits  Amin Abbosh  Low‐noise devices and circuits, high‐power devices and circuits, wide band‐gap devices, active  University of Queensland  device modelling and simulations, microwave tubes, control circuits (mixer, oscillator, switch,    etc.), MMICs, RFICs, millimeter and terahertz wave devices and circuits, graphene devices,  APMC  International  Steering  rectennas, and others.  Chair/Treasurer  Passive Components  Kamran Ghorbani  Multi‐band, broadband, tunable, and reconfigurable filters, resonators, directional couplers and  RMIT University  hybrids, waveguides and transmission lines, passive device modelling and simulations, ferrite    and SAW devices, RF MEMS, LTCC devices, packaging, metamaterials and EBG structures, and  Technical Program Committee  others.  Christophe Fumeaux  Antennas and Wireless  The University of Adelaide  Scattering and propagation, EM field theory, DOA estimation, antenna theory and design,  millimeter‐wave/terahertz and optical antennas, small antennas, broadband and multi‐band  Michael Heimlich  antennas, MIMO antennas, active adaptive and smart antennas, antenna measurements,  Macquarie University  reconfigurable antennas, and others.  Withawat Withayachumnankul  Systems  The University of Adelaide  5G systems and beyond, wireless and cellular communication systems, high‐speed and  broadband millimeter and terahertz wave systems, MIMO systems, microwave photonics, radar  Sourabh Khandelwal  and sensor systems, autonomous driving systems, IoT/M2M/RFID systems, wearable devices  Macquarie University  and systems, security and health monitoring systems, wireless power transfer system, energy    harvesting devices and systems, microwave medical and biomedical applications systems,  Publicity Chair  digital broadcasting systems, whitespace systems, software defined/cognitive/smart radio  Thomas Baum  systems, satellite systems, near/far field OTA measurement systems, measurement techniques,  DSTG  EMC, and others.    Emerging Technologies  Publication Chair  Millimeter‐wave and terahertz biomedical applications, RF and millimeter‐wave cubesat/space  Hugo Espinosa  applications, new materials (graphene, CNT, nanowires etc.), nanostructured devices, circuits  Griffith University  and antennas, machine learning in electromagnetics.    Workshops and Tutorials Chair  APMC 2021 PRIZES  Papers presented at APMC 2021 will be assessed by the Award Committee and outstanding  Yang Yang  papers will be awarded APMC 2021 Prizes and APMC 2021 Student Prizes.  UTS    PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES  Exhibition Chair  The recommended paper length is two pages, with three pages as a maximum. Submitted  Sasan Ahdi Rezaeieh  papers must be formatted according to the conference template. Related information and  University of Queensland  template will be available on the conference website.    IMPORTANT DATES  Local Arrangements Chair  Proposals for special sessions, workshops and tutorials     June 1, 2021  Konstanty Bialkowski  Paper submissions           July  15, 2021  University of Queensland  Notification of acceptance          September  31, 2021  Final paper submissions          October  30, 2021  www.apmc2021.org                                              Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2021.3088037 Reflectionless filters were developed to improve sensitivity in the world’s most powerful receivers… Imagine what they could do for your system. Exclusively from Mini-Circuits Patented topology absorbs and terminates stopband signals MC_Reflectionless Filters_p198x273_US_V04_0621.indd 1 6/3/21 3:54 PM Microwave Magazine and MTT Society Officers Editor Robert H. Caverly, Villanova University, Pennsylvania, USA, [email protected] Assistant Editor Sharri Shaw, JWM Consulting LLC, USA, [email protected] Associate Editors Nuno Borges Carvalho, University of Aveiro, Portugal, [email protected] Volume 22 • Number 8 • August 2021 • ISSN 1527-3342 Simone Bastioli, RS Microwave, New Jersey, USA, [email protected] Chia-Chan Chang, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan, [email protected] Ali Darwish, American University in Cairo, Egypt, [email protected] Christian Fager, Chalmers University of Technology, focus features Sweden, [email protected] Jianguo Ma,Guangdong University of 32 Two Decades of UWB Filter Technology Technology,China,[email protected] Alfy Riddle,Quanergy Systems, Inc., Sunnyvale, Advances and Emerging Challenges in the Design California, USA, [email protected] of UWB Bandpass Filters Luca Roselli, University of Perugia, Italy, [email protected]; [email protected] Partha Pratim Shome, Taimoor Khan, Kamal Samanta, Sony Europe, U.K., Shiban Kishan Koul, and Yahia M.M. Antar [email protected] Almudena Suarez, University of Cantabria, Spain, [email protected] 52 Cryogenic Noise-Parameter Measurements Anding Zhu, University College Dublin, Ireland, [email protected] Recent Research and a Fully Automated Measurement Application Columns and Departments Alexander Sheldon, Leonid Belostotski, Hamdi Mani, MicroBusiness Christopher E. Groppi, and Karl F. Warnick Fred Schindler, Newtonville, Massachusetts, USA,[email protected] Health Matters 65 James C. Lin, University of Illinois-Chicago, Gyrator–C-Based CMOS Active Inductors Chicago, Illinois,USA, [email protected] Microwave Surfing Analysis of Performance Optimization Techniques Rajeev Bansal, University of Connecticut, Mongia Mhiri and Kamel Besbes Storrs, Connecticut,USA, rajeev@engr .uconn.edu Book Reviews James Chu, Kennesaw State University, Marietta, Georgia, USA,[email protected] Education Corner Wenquan Che, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, [email protected] Women in Microwaves Sherry Hess, Cadence Design Systems, Inc., [email protected] Membership News Bela Szendrenyi, Advantest, San Jose,California, USA, [email protected] New Products Ken Mays, The Boeing Company,Washington, USA, [email protected] In Memoriam Contributions Jerry Hausner, USA, [email protected] Ombuds Officer Edward C. Niehenke, Niehenke Consulting, USA, [email protected] IEEE Periodicals Magazines Department Mark Gallaher, Managing Editor Geraldine Krolin-Taylor, Senior Managing Editor Janet Dudar, Senior Art Director Gail A. Schnitzer, Associate Art Director Theresa L. Smith, Production Coordinator Felicia Spagnoli, Advertising Production Manager Peter M. Tuohy, Production Director Kevin Lisankie, Editorial Services Director Dawn Melley, SeniorDirector, Publishing Operations Advertising Sales Mark David, Director, Business Development— Media & Advertising +1 732 465 6473, fax +1 732 981 1855 on the cover: Promoting Sustainable Forestry Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2021.3078011 SFI-01681 ©SHUTTERSTOCK.COM/OPTIMARC IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit http://www.ieee August 2021 .org/web/about us/whatis/policies/p9-26.html. 3 columns & departments 6 From the Editor’s Desk ■ Robert H. Caverly IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) is Technical Features an organization, within the framework of the IEEE, of mem bers with principal professional interests in the field of microwave theory and techniques. All Members of the IEEE are eligible for 10 President’s Column membership in the Society. Information about joining the IEEE or the Society is available on the web, http://www.ieee.org/ ■ Gregory Lyons membership. Focus on Education and Mentoring MTT-S AdCom The Society is managed by an Administrative Committee 14 MicroBusiness (AdCom) consisting of 21 elected members of the Society plus additional ex-officio members as provided in the MTT-S ■ Fred Schindler Constitution and Bylaws, which is available on the web, http://www.mtt.org. Is Success Linked to Merit? Officers President: Gregory Lyons 16 Application Notes President-Elect: Rashaunda Henderson Secretary: Joseph Bardin ■ Xin Yu Zhou, Wing Shing Chan, Tushar Sharma, Treasurer: Maurizio Bozzi Wen Jie Feng, and Jing Xia Elected Members Harnessing Harmonics in Doherty Scott Barker Sherry Hess Maurizio Bozzi Sridhar Kanamaluru Power Amplifiers Nuno Borges Carvalho Dietmar Kissinger Robert H. Caverly Gregory Lyons Goutam Chattopadhyay Raafat Mansour 84 In Memoriam Wenquan Che Daniel Pasquet Terry Cisco Ajay Poddar Tapan K. Sarkar Kamran Ghorbani Jose Rayas-Sanchez Xun Gong Peter Siegel Ramesh Gupta Anding Zhu 85 Education News Rashaunda Henderson ■ Giovanni Crupi, Roger Kaul, Changzhi Li, Ex-Officio Members Immediate Past Presidents: Alaa Abunjaileh* (2020) Wenquan Che, and Rashaunda Henderson Dominique Schreurs* (2018–2019) The 2021 MTT-S Graduate Student Dylan Williams* (2017) Honorary Life Members* Fellowship Awards (max. three votes): Józef Modelski John T. Barr IV Richard Sparks 92 MTT-S Society News Peter Staecker ■ Anding Zhu and Robert H. Caverly MTT-S Publications Spotlight on the MTT-S Electronic IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Techniques Editor: Jianguo Ma* Information Committee IEEE Microwave & Wireless CIEoEmEp Moniecnrotsw Lavetet Mersa gEadziintoe rE: d itor: TRhoobmerat sH Z. wCiacvke*rly ■ Anding Zhu IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science & MTT-12 Microwave High-Power Techniques Technology Editor: Imran Mehdi* IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, Committee: Report for 2020–2021 RF, and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology Editor: Yongxin Guo IEEE Journal on Multiscale and 102 MTT-S Ombuds Officer MTecuhlntiipqhuyessi cEsd Citoomr:p utational Costas Sarris ■ Edward C. Niehenke IEEE Journal of Microwaves Editor: Peter Siegel *Indicates voting AdCom ex-officio member 108 Enigmas, etc. ■ Takashi Ohira IEEE Microwave Magazine (ISSN 1527-3342) (IEMMFF) is published 12 times a year by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Power Conversion Efficiency Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997 USA. Responsibility for the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the IEEE, the Society, or its members. IEEE Service Center (for orders, subscriptions, address changes): 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. 111 Conference Calendar Telephone: +1 732 981 0060, +1 800 678 4333. Individual copies: IEEE members US$20.00 (first copy only), nonmembers US$37.00 per copy. Subscription rates: Subscriptions for Society members are included with membership dues. Nonmember subscription rates available upon request. Copyright and reprint per missions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. Copyright law for the private use of patrons those articles that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923 USA. For other copying, reprint, or republica tion permission, write Copyrights and Permissions Department, IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Copyright © 2021 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and at additional mailing offices. Ride along enclosed. Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Microwave Magazine, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Canadian GST #125634188 PRINTED IN THE USA Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2021.3078010 4 August 2021 BRE AK TH E mmWAVE BARRIER. TThhee VVeeccttoorrSSttaarr™ ME7838x series ooffffeerrss ssiinnggllee--sswweeeepp ffrreeqquueennccyy ssppaann ffrroomm 7700 kkHHzz ttoo 222200 GGHHzz.. 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Reduce the risk of waveguide band Be a Leader - Discover how you can get better measurement confidence with extrapolation error in your device Anritsu. View our complete line of millimeter-wave testing solutions at modeling www.anritsu.com/test-measurement © 2021 Anritsu Company Technical Features ■ Robert H. Caverly IEEE Microwave Maga- wide range of microwave zine publishes several topics. Our first technical technical features each feature, “Two Decades of month to keep readers up to UWB Filter Technology” date on various microwave by Shome et al., focuses on technologies. More than the two-decade history half of each year’s issues are of ultrawideband (UWB) 1) themed or focused issues filter applications. The ar- where several of the techni- ticle reviews various UWB cal committees of the IEEE filtering technologies and Microwave Theory and discusses their design and Technique Society (MTT-S) performance characteris- provide articles focused tics. Several comparison on a topic that is unique to tables and an extensive list IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING their technical area or 2) of references have been pro- issues associated with the IEEE Inter- I encourage you to consider submit- vided for you to further investigate national Microwave Symposium (and ting a manuscript to IEEE Microwave the technology. The second technical Microwave Week) or with Radio and Magazine. We welcome original manu- feature, “Cryogenic Noise-Parameter Wireless Week. The remaining issues scripts that enrich the existing body Measurements” by Sheldon et al., feature technical overview articles of knowledge in microwave engineer- looks at some of the history behind on various aspects of microwave ing within the field of interest of the cryogenically cooled low-noise ampli- technology from interested readers. MTT-S. Original review/tutorial articles fiers (LNAs) and their various low- This month’s issue is one of these and surveys of a technology field are noise measurement techniques. The issues, where four groups of authors considered for publication even if new authors then review these techniques have provided articles written on top- data or concepts are not presented. in a specific cryogenic LNA case to ics of interest to them and hopefully of Each technical article submitted to show their usefulness. If the theme of interest to you. IEEE Microwave Magazine is evaluated low noise sounds familiar, it is because by at least two independent reviewers, we published a focus issue from the and the published article will also ap- MTT-11 Microwave Low-Noise Tech- Robert H. Caverly (rcaverly@villanova pear in IEEE Xplore. niques Committee just last month. The .edu) is with Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, 19085, USA. In this month’s issue, we have three third technical feature this month, technical features and an “Application “Gyrator–C-Based CMOS Active In- Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2021.3080602 Date of current version: 8 July 2021 Notes” column, all of which cover a ductors” by M. Mhiri and K. Besbes, 6 August 2021 Developing the 5G mobile network may not be the only step to a fully functioning Internet of Things, but it is an important one — and it comes with substantial performance requirements. Simulation ensures optimized designs of 5G-compatible technology, like this phased array antenna. learn more comsol.blog/5G The COMSOL Multiphysics® software is used for simulating designs, devices, and processes in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. provides an extensive overview of ing the various activities underway of this committee and the exciting integrated circuit active inductors. by different groups in the Society. initiatives that EICo has helped fos- Fundamental physics dictates that, Keeping with the education theme, ter, including those that have come even as CMOS devices trend smaller the “Education News” column from out of the pandemic as well as those in size, for a given value of inductance, the MTT-S’s Education Committee that might continue postpandemic. the physical dimensions of passive in- provides a summary of the 2021 Grad- I found the work by the committee ductors do not scale accordingly, and uate Student Fellowship Awards, on MTT-S’s social media presence to so inductors exhibit an oversize foot- in which the awardees and their re- be particularly interesting. Keeping print in RF integrated circuit designs. search projects are outlined. I was with news about the MTT-S, we also The authors review methods for im- impressed by the breadth and level have a report from the MTT-12 Micro- proving performance in CMOS active of the work these students are under- wave High-Power Techniques Com- inductors and provide extensive ref- taking, and I am sure you will be as mittee on its activities over the last erences and comparison tables for the well. Over the last few months, our few years. Rounding out the issue is studied circuits. In this month’s “Ap- “MicroBusiness” column has covered the “MTT-S Ombuds Officer” report, plication Notes” column, Zhou et al. various aspects of success. The theme a new “Enigmas, etc.” for you to con- investigate methods for harnessing of this month’s column is the linkage sider, and the conference calendar. harmonics in Doherty power amplifi- of success to merit and technological Finally, we have an “In Memoriam” ers to help improve performance and quality. Periodically, IEEE Microwave column dedicated to Tapan K. Sarkar, even improve the overall third-order Magazine publishes an interview with who passed away this past March. intermodulation performance. the chair of one of the MTT-S Admin- Dr. Sarkar was well known and As microwave engineers, we must istrative Committee (AdCom) sub- worked tirelessly for both the MTT-S continually stay informed about the committees. In this month’s “MTT-S and the IEEE Antennas and Propaga- latest technologies and applications. Society News” spotlight column, we tion Society (APS), having served as In this month’s “President’s Column,” talk with the current chair of the president of the APS in 2014. He will Gregory Lyons focuses on some of the Electronic Information Committee be sadly missed. ways that the MTT-S is helping foster (EICo), Anding Zhu. In this inter- education and mentoring by describ- view, Anding describes the far reach BCL/BCR Series Conical Inductors Ideal for Bias Tee Applications • Get ultra-broadband performance from a single component • Choose from our flying lead or surface mount packages • Flat bandwidth with high impedance to 40 GHz • Perfect for ultra-broadband bias tees Free Samples @ coilcraft.com/conicals 8 August 2021

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