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Preview IEE Proceedings. Science, Measurement and Technology 1997: Vol 144 Index

THEINSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS IEE Proceedings Vol. 144, 1997 Published by The IEE, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, United Kingdom Publishing Department: Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY, United Kingdom IEE Proceedings The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, United Kingdom Publishing Department: Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY, United Kingdom Volume 144 1997 The /EE Proceedings is published in twelve titles, as follows: IEE Proceedings — Science, Measurement and Technology IEE Proceedings — Electric Power Applications IEE Proceedings — Generation, Transmission and Distribution IEE Proceedings — Control Theory and Applications IEE Proceedings — Computers and Digital Techniques 1EE Proceedings — Radar, Sonar and Navigation IEE Proceedings — Circuits, Devices and Systems IEE Proceedings — Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IEE Proceedings — Communications IEE Proceedings — Optoelectronics IEE Proceedings — Vision, Image and Signal Processing IEE Proceedings — Software Engineering Six issues of each title are published during the year. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any copying under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Part 1, Section 38, whereby a single copy of this article may be supplied, under certain conditions, for the purposes of research or private study, by a library of a class prescribed by The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989: SI 1989/1212, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Permission is, however, not required to copy individual contributions on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Single copies may be made for the purpose of research or private study. Authorisation to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $10.00 per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Multiple copying of the content of this publication without permission is always illegal. The IEE is not as a body responsible for the opinions expressed by individual authors. The IEE is a member of the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers. © 1997: The Institution of Electrical Engineers Secretary of the IEE: J.C. Williams, OBE, PhD, FEng, FIEE Managing Editor: Gill Wheeler Printed by: Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom index IEE Proceedings Vol. 144, 1997 Author Index Baets, R. OPT p109 Butler, K.L. GTD p429 Choi, LS. CDS p355 Bag, S.K. CTA p209 Butler, P. SMT p69 Chong, J.W. CDT p83 Bai, L. COM p307 Butterworth, N. EPA p357 Chopard, B.M AP p25! Baik, I.-C. EPA p469 Buxton, P.H. GTD p132 Chotikakamthron, N. RSN p237 A Bailey, W.N. CTA p73 Buzzi, S. COM p381 Chou, C.S.V. GTD p285 Bain, D.J. OPT p331 Chou, H.-C. MAP p377 Aalo, V.A. COM p166 BBaaikneers,, IRLM..W . OPSTM T p3p2178 9 C CChhoouu,n g,W .K. Y.HC. DMTA Pp 15p 315 Abbott, K.M. CDT p75 Bakush, M.M. SMT p45 Chow, J.H. GTD p61 Abd-Eldayem, I. OPT p221 Balis, P.G. MAP p367 Caballero-Gil, P. CDT p33 Chow, Y.C. COM p180 Abdel-Magid, Y.L. GTD p39 Bao, Z. RSN p330 ‘abot, C. SMT p168 Chowdhuri, P. GTD p129 Abdel-Wahhab, O. VIS p307 Baquero, M. MAP p73 ahill, R. MAP p209, p4i5 Christensen, K.J. COM p129 Abdelkader, S. GTD p139 Barbarossa, G. OPT p203 ‘ai, H. GTD p301 Christie, R.D. GTD p317 Aberle, J.T. MAP p403 Barkat, M. RSN p293 ‘ai, Y. EPA p74 Chu, K.-H. GTD p555 Abram, R.A. OPT p189 Barker, P.S. CDS pil! alovic, M.S. GTD p415 Chu, Y. CDS p335 Acarnley, P.P. EPA p13, p301 Barr, R. MAP p153 amacho, E.F. CTA p596 Chulwoo Kim CDS p378 Acciari, G. CDS p223 Barr, R.A. GTD p75 anagarajah, N. VIS p180 Chung, J.-C. MAP p377 Acha, E. GTD p437 Barrault, M. GTD p57 ao, B. CTA p467 Chung, J.-K. COM p405 Adamski, M. CDT p127 Barrett, J.S. SMT p01 ‘arpenter, C.J. SMT p53 Chung, S.-K. EPA p469 Agabhushana, G.R. SMT p163 Bartolucci, G.M AP p467 arpenter, S. OPT p315 Chung, T.S. GTD p107 Agarwe il, A. CTA p128 Barton, J.S. OPT p130 ‘arrasco, A.C OM p6 Chunkag, V. EPA p423 Aggarw: al, K. GTD p35! Barton, S.K. COM p336, p341 arrion, M.C. RSN p355 Chyn, C. GTD p495 Aggarwal, R.K. GTD p309 Basu, A. CDT p331 ‘arroll, M. OPT p299 Ciesla, C.M. OPT p33! Ahalt, S.C. RSN p81 Batchelor, S. OPT p213 ‘arter, J.E PA p241 Clark, A.F. CDT p65, VIS p355 Ahmad, I. CDT p317 Bayard, J. SMT p168 ‘asar, R. RSN p64 Clements, D.J. CTA p489 Ahmed, S. SMT p257 Bazylenko, M. OPT p97 “ase, S.H. EPA p74 Cluett, W.R. CTA p385 Ahmeda, S.S. RSN p309 Becker, B. CDT p187 R‘AasRtaAnoRn,A AG.AAA. ACAOAMD RAp1A14A RAAADYD Coffey, T. CDT p28 Ahmet, M.T. CDS p123 Becks, T. MAP p274 Celentano, G. EPA p453 Collington, J.R. OPT p53 Akiyama, A. MAP p425 Bedair, M.S. VIS p207 Chakrabarty, S.B. SMT p280 Condon, M. EPA p77 Aksu COM p61 Bell, JM. RSN p219 Chakraborty, A. MAP p126 Constantinides, A.G. VIS p49 Al Zahawi, B.A.T. GTD p383 Bellis, S.J. CDT p57 Chalmers, B.J. EPA p446 Constantinou, C.C MAP p35, p392 Al-Amer, S. CTA p61 Bellomo, J.P. EPA p191 Chambers, B. RSN pl, p9 Conte, E. RSN p361, COM p38! Al-Badi, A.H. EPA p446 Benachour, P. COM p65 Chambers, J.A. VIS p49, RSN p237 Conti, M. COM p237 Al-Haddad, K. GTD p564 Benaissa, M. CDT p43, p391 Chan, K.W. GTD p132 Cook, G.G. MAP p261, p364 Al-Hashimi, B.M. CDT p75 Benjathapanun, N. SMT p73 Chan, S.K. COM p24, p33 Cooley, M.E. MAP p149 Al-Ibrahim, M.M. CDS p185 Benmaiza, M. CDT p195 Chan, T.W. EPA p441 Corscadden, K.W. CTA p549 Al-Jourani, M.M. OPT p315 Bennett, D.W. SMT p134, COM p349 Chan, W.C. CDT p222 Corsini, G. RSN p34! Al-Khateeb, A.M. CDS p185 Bennett, J.C. RSN pl, p9 Chan, Y.-L. VIS p136 Cotter, D.C OM p135 Al-Ruwaihi, K.M. CDS p318 Benson, T.M. OPT p14, p241 Chan, Y.C. OPT p246 Coury, S. CDT p249 Al-Tayie, J.K. EPA p13, p301 Berenguel, M. CTA p596 Chandna, B. RSN p234 Covino, M. EPA p453 Alause, H. OPT p350 Bergmann, J.R. MAP p42, p179 Chandra, A. GTD p564 Cowan, C.F.N. RSN p96 Albert, B. CDT p149 Berizzi, F. RSN p87, p284, p341 Chang, C.-C. CDT p23 Crain, E. CTA p515 Albertsen, N.C. MAP p191 Bermak, A. CDS p272 Chang, C.-J. COM p93 Crossland, W.A. OPT p53 Aldeen, M. CTA p189 Bernard, G.G TD p57 Chang, C.H. CDS p249 Crowder, J.G. OPT p266 Aldis, J.P. COM p341 Besley, J.A. OPT p383, p411 Chang, C.S. GTD p31, EPA p65, GTD Cuey, Z.-J. EPA p389 Alexa, D. EPA p207 Besson, O. RSN p169 pl60, EPA p372, OPT p405, GTD Cuhaci, M. MAP p472 Alexandrovitz, A. EPA p235 Bettayeb, M. GTD p39, CTA p61 p406 Cunningham, M.J. SMT p45 Alexiou, A. RSN p32! Bhadra, S.N. EPA p295 Chang, D.-C. MAP p97 Curcic, S.G TD p389 Alkussayer, H.M. COM p336 Bhargava, V.K. COM p70 Chang, P.T. OPT p405 Curtis, K.M. CDS p313 Allan, G.A. SMT p63 Bhat, A.K.S. CDS p97 Chang, S.J. OPT p405 Czarnecki, L.S. EPA p349 Allen, E.M. SMT p149, p193 Bhattacharya, A. MAP p126 Chang, T.-S. CDS p138 Czerepinski, P.J. VIS p220 Allerman, A.A. OPT p271 Bhattacharyya, A.K. MAP p491 Chansik Park RSN pi48 AAllovleash , daA .IS.i lvEa,P AA .Pp.4 5G6 TD p445 BBii,, :Z. G R. SNC OMp2 75p 387 CChhaantol,e r, C.CM. .JC. OMVI S p3p7221 3 D Amagai, J. SMT p181 Bia sk, J.W. GTD p399 Chen, C. VIS p384 Amer, T.A. OPT p197 Biefeld, R.M. OPT p27! Chen, C.-C. CTA p334 Daalder, J.E. GTD p257 Amin, H. CDS p313 Biglieri, E. COM pl Chen, C.-Y. CDS p265 Dale, B.G. SMT p57 Anders, G.J. SMT p101 Bijwe, P.R. GTD p357 Chen, C.F. CTA p87 Dale, G. OPT p426 Andersson, M. CDS p29 Billingham, J. CDS p123 Chen, H. SMT p39 Dallas, P.I. COM 9265 Ando, M. MAP p425 Billings, S.A. CTA p381 Chen, H.-H. COM p395 Dames, M.P. OPT »53 Andonovic, I. OPT p69 Billinton, R. GTD pl, p8 Chen, H.-Y. VIS p332 Damiano, J.-P. MAP p541 Andreev, A.D. OPT p336 Bird, T.S. MAP p47, p337 Chen, J.-G. RSN p105 Dan-Isa, A.C TA p287 Anicin, B.A. SMT p234 Bittanti, S. CTA p521 Chen, J.-S. CDS p22 Daniels, A.R. GTD p132 Annakkage, U.D. GTD p243 Blair, GM. CDS p219 Chen, J.M. GTD p406 Danikas, M.G. GTD p515 Ansari, N. RSN p105 Bland, I.M. CDT p107 Chen, L.-H. VIS p237, p361 Dargent, E.S MT p168 Anthony, D.K. RSN p96 Blood, P. OPT p23, p299 Chen, M.-H. OPT p377 Darnell, M. COM p357 ! p36l Antonopoulos, C. MAP p415 Blotekjaer, K. OPT p126 Chen, M.T. GTD p175 Darveniza, M. SMT pl Apohan, A.M. CDT p279 Bo, Z.O. GTD p351 Chen, R.-J. CDT p222 Darwish, A.M. VIS p207 Araki, M. CTA pS75 Boloorian, M. COM p28! Chen, S.B. CTA p476 Das, B.N. SMT p280 Araoka, N. MAP p498 Bononi, A. COM p1l4 Chen, T.H. EPA p415 David, A.K. GTD p107 Archambault, J.L. OPT p156 Bonwick, W.J. SMT p287 Chen, T.P. OPT p405 Davidovic, D.M. SMT p234 Archer, M.J. MAP p209 Bordallo, T.M. MAP p173 Chen, W.-K. CDS p284 Davis, F. CDS p108 Arinez, D. CDS p161 Borghs, G. OPT p295 Chen, X.H. COM p99, p173, p275 Davis, L.E. MAP pl11 Arrillaga, J. GTD p100 Boria, V.E. MAP p73 Chen, X.R. GTD p243 Davis, M.A. OPT p151 Arrue, J. OPT p397 Bose, A. GTD p510 Chen, Y.W. GTD p533 Dawoud, M.M. GTD p39 Asbury, A.J. CTA p8 Bowman, M.R. MAP p267 Cheng, C.-C. CTA p195 de Feo, M. RSN p49 Ashley, T. OPT p299 Bowron, P. CDS p11 Cheng, c a CT: A p369 De Miguel, G. RSN p64 Ashworth, D.G. OPT p213 Boyd, C. CDT p93 Cheng, C.M. CTA p403 de Paor, A.C TA p277 Askarpour, S. CTA p435 Boyle, W.J.O. SMT p73 Cheng, D.T.Y G TD pl69 de Souza, B.A. GTD p489 Asian, Y. GTD p309 Bozic, Z. GTD p118 Cheng, R.- Decenciere Ferrandiere, E VIS p339 Assuncao, P.A.A. VIS p377 Brackenbury, L.E.M. CDS p297, Cheng, S.- Deleniv, A. MAP p145 Atherton, D.P. CTA p269, p287 p37! Cheng, ‘E: Delgado, A. CTA p249 Attikiouzel, Y. VIS p345 Brady, G.P. OPT p156 Chern, S| .- Delguste, G.B. VIS p213 Atungsiri, S.A. COM p211 Bramley, P. OPT p266 Cheung, C.Y.L. OPT p44, p323 Delignon, Y. RSN p348 Au, T.M. MAP p137 Bratov, V. CDS p243 Chiang, S.-P. VIS p384 Dellago, R. RSN p156 Auchterlonie, L.J. MAP p27 Brodum, J. COM p150 Chiba, M. OPT p305 Demeester, P. OPT p277 Auckland, D.W. SMT p127, GTD p383 Brown, A.D. CDT pl, p138 Chien, J.-T. VIS p129 Demetrescu, C. MAP p392 Brown, M.D. CTA p505 Chih-Yuan Chu COM pl61 Deryagin, A.G. OPT p438 B Brunt, S.M. COM p357 Chis, M. GTD p225 Descardeci, 5.R. MAP p305 Bull, D.R. VIS p220 Chiu, C.-C. MAP p229 Devi, S. GTD p68 Burkhard, H. OPT p256 Chiu, M.C. COM p372 Dewar, S.V. OPT p2 Babu, M. CTA p67 Burlikowski, W. EPA p85 Chiu, S.-L. EPA p317 Dhanda, B.S. MAP p215 Bachtiar, T.M. CDT p15 Burnham, K.J. CTA p25 Cho, J.G. EPA p343 Dhodhi, M.K. CDT p317 Badr, M.A. EPA p456 Bushehri, E. CDS p243 Cho, M.Y. GTD p533 D’Hondt, M. OPT p277 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 Di, W. MAP p372 Friedlander, B. RSN p181, p205 Hasegawa, H. MAP p443 Jenkins, D.F.L. SMT p45 Diani, M. RSN p87, p341 Friedmann, M. MAP p235 Hasselmann, F.J.V. MAP p42 Jenkins, N. GTD p201 Diaz Asua, E. CDS p161 Fuerte-Esquivel, C.R. GTD p437 Hatziargyriou, N.D. GTD p363 Jervis, B.W. CDS p149 Dilger, R. GTD p125 Fujita, S. GTD p461 Hatzopoulos, A.A. CDS p213 Jha, S.K. SMT p34 Dinev, P. OPT p253 Fukuda, S. EPA p95 Hayes-Gill, B.R. CDS p313 Jiang, H. MAP p197 Ding, Z. CTA p427 Fung, R.F. CTA p393 Haykin, S. VIS p73, RSN p113 Jih, T. CDS p367 Diodato, P.W. CDT p209 Furstenau, N. OPT p134 Hayward, S.D. RSN p15 Jin, J.-M. MAP p50! Dixon, J.W. EPA p257 Furutani, E. CTA p575 He, W.X. EPA p441 Johansen, T.A. CTA p375 Djukanovic, M.B. GTD p415 Fusco, V.F. MAP p201, p483 Hearn, G.E. CTA p153 Johns, A.T. GTD p309, p340, p345, p351, Dmitriyev, V.A. MAP p297 Fuster-Sabater, A. CDT p33 Heberling, D. MAP p274 p377 Dodds, G.I. CTA p467 Helaly, A. MAP p61 Johnson, C.M. OPT p97 Dodds, S.J. CTA p73 Helmken, H. COM p166 Jokinen, T. EPA p338 Donescu, V. EPA p207 G Helszajn, J. MAP p221 Jones, G.R. SMT p257 Dony, R.D. VIS p73, RSN p113 Hendrix, J. OPT p109 Jones, J.D.C. OPT p130 Downton, A.C. CDT p65, VIS p355 Gadepally, B. CDS p53 Hendry, D.C. CDT p285 Jones, T.B. MAP p91, p215, p241 Dranger, T.S. CDS p145 Galati, G. RSN p156 Hermann, J. OPT p350 Jonnavithula GTD p1 Drechsler, R. CDT p187 Galbraith, I. OPT p331 Hesketh, T. CTA p489 Jonnavithula, A.G TD p87 Duan, G.-H. OPT p228 Gallego, A. RSN p355 Hill, D.L. SMT p252 Jou, S.-J. CDS p167 Dubard, J.L. MAP p205 Gan, D. GTD p301 Hill, J.E. GTD p213, p219 Jou, Y.-D. VIS p244 Duncan, S.R. CTA p549 Gan, W.-S. VIS p261 Hillion, A. RSN p348 Ju, P. GTD p45 Dunlop, I. SMT p93 Garcia, G. CTA p545 Hillmer, H. OPT p256 Juang, C. OPT p120 Dunn, R.W. GTD p132 Garello, R. RSN p348 Hinton, O.R. MAP p367 Juang, J. OPT p120 Dunnigan, M.W. EPA p285, CTA p605 Gaydadjiev, G.N. CDS p155 Hirokawa, J. MAP p13, p425 Judd, M.D. SMT p117 Dunoyer, A. CTA p25 Ge, Z.Y. GTD p351 Ho, P.K.M. COM pi91 Jun, Y.-H. CDS p5 Dupre, L.R. EPA p227 Geatches, R.M. OPT p2 Ho, T.K. EPA p140 Jung, S.-K. VIS p293 Durdle, N.G. SMT p252 Georgantas, T. CDS p68 Ho, W.-J. EPA p221 Jwo, J.-S. CDT p169 Dutton, N. CDS pi49 Gevorgian, S. MAP p145 Ho, Y.K.E. EPA p131 E GGhhaanzbiazraid,e h,M . M.VSI.S GpT37D7 p27] HHoobgsgo,n ,B .WE.. GCTTDA pp121 8 K Ghosh, B.C. EPA p295 Holzhuter, T. CTA p121 East, P.W. RSN p186 GGihaonsnhi,n i,D . F.V ICSD Sp 27p82 23, MAP p458 HHoonmaarry,, MB..V .C OOMP T p6p53,0 p367 KKaadkout,a , B. Y.E POAP Tp 1p8120 4 Eastment, J.D. MAP p267 Gibescu, M. GTD p317 Hong, X. CTA p381 Kalli, K. OPT p156 Eciercy, D.M AP p389 Gibson, C. SMT p149 Horack, H. OPT p134 Kaloust, J. CTA p612 Edmunds, J. CTA p103 Gierull, CH. RSN p57 Hori, N. CTA p277 Kambhampati, C. CTA p249 Edwards, C. CTA p209 Gilles, G. CTA p177 Hornsby, J.S. OPT p75 Kameda, H. CDT p100 Edwards, J.A. RSN p227 Gimeno, B. MAP p161, p173 Horton, M.P. CTA p299 Kanbakas, C.A. CDS p178 Edwards, R.M. MAP p261 Gini, F. RSN p39, p121, p131 Hosokawa, N. GTD p461 Kandil, M.S. GTD p139 Efthymoglou, G.P. COM p166 Giortzis, A.l. COM p257 Hou, C.-L. CDS p209 Kang, C.-E. COM p155 Ekanayake, J.B. GTD p201 Girolami, M. VIS p299 Hou, C.J. CDT p304 Kang, K. MAP p311 Ekwue, A.O. GTD p132, p169 Gnilenko, A.B. MAP p103, p449 Houghton, A.W. RSN p315 Kang, S. CDS p81, p88, p236 El-Kateb, M.M. GTD p139 Godsill, S.J. VIS p249 Houlgate, R.G. GTD p50 Kang, Y.S. CDS p236 El-Sharawy, E.-B. MAP p403 Goetze, W. OPT p134 Howe, D. EPA p277 Kannan, S. RSN p22 Elgrichi, Y. VIS pl Gomes, H.L. CDS p117 Hsiao, C.H. CTA p87 Kao, B.C.M. CDT p324 EElllkifoatfti,, CM..T . COTPAT pp325949 GGoonnzga,l ezG., CDD.GT. pM3A87P p149 HHssiiaeoh,, CP..--YH.. CVDIST pp214241 KKaarpalkaant,s anBi.sZ., ST.MST. GpT2D47 p363 Elliott, J.P. SMT p63 Gonzalez, J.L. CDS p361 Hsien, T.-L. EPA p173 Karanovic, P. SMT p234 EEElllsnthaoaghfaairme,yy ,, A.T K..FCG.D . SM CATpP3A 7 5p p440938 GGGooorooeddcwmaiannn,, , ZG.C.A.C.J. . GECTPTDAA ppp212948301 , p241 HHHuuu,,, LLW... --REC..P AC VOIpSM4 0p93p 3524 KKKaaarsrvtienmleiir,s, , HR.G.R. .A M. ARPSEN P Ap p138p2441 0 1 Elwan, H.O. CDS p195 Gossner, J.R. CTA p309, p313 Huang, C.-Y. CDS p265 Katebi, M.R. CTA p110 EEnmriing,h t,Z . WG. TDG TDp 38p31 00 GGoottto,, GN..F . MACPO M p4p2254 , p33 HHuuaanngg,, HH..--PC.. CMTAAP pp323249 KKaattttealkusa,y amH,. CTD.AS. Sp2M9T pi23 Eryurthlu, F. VIS p369 Goud, P.A. COM p191 Huang, K.C. EPA p415 Kavranoglu, D. CTA p61 Eryurtlu, F. VIS p227 Gourgoulis, D.E. SMT p11, p209, p273 Huang, K.H. OPT p405 Kawano, K. OPT p104 EEsstmeabialn,, D.H . GMTADP p2p3773 GGrraaibnmgaeire,r , AR..W . OCPTTA p2p52861 HHuudasnogn,, S.NR..R . GTSDM T p2p0179,3 p477 KKeedcihae,, VM..S . RRSSNN p2p5223,4 p309 Eswaran, C. CTA p67 Granelli, G.P. GTD p249 Huelsmann, A. CDS p243 Kelly, R. CDS p297, CDT p371 Evans, R.J. RSN p195 Grant, D. EPA p53 Hughes, F.M. GTD p271 Kemp, A.H. COM p341 Ewen, P.J.S. OPT p426 Grasdepot, F. OPT p350 Hume, A.L. MAP p27 Kendall, P.C. OPT p14, p241 FE GGrraatytsaonn,, KM..T. VC. OMSM Tp 35p77 3, p175 HHuunmgp,h reSy.-,L . DC.ED.TJ. pM1A00P, pp241843 KKeern,i ngJ.t-oSn. , CDP.SB . pS1M29T p134, COM p349 Graziano, A. RSN p49 Hung, S.L. CDT p324 Kersey, A.D. OPT p151 Greco, M.V. RSN p121 Hunter, D.K. OPT p235 Kersusan, J.P. GTD p57 Fahmy, M.M. VIS p307 Green, A.M. EPA p446 Hunter, [.C.. MAP p437 Khalil, D.A.M. OPT p197 Fair, 1.J. COM p70 Greenwood, M.B. CDS p108 Hussein, A. CDS p375 Khamas, S.K. MAP p261, p364 FFaaiirrhhuurrsstt,, M.GC..C OVMI S pp4175 GGrreengeotr,i , J.E .S MCTO M p16p82 37 HHuwyannhg,, TC.. -LM.A PC TAp 35p4 559 KKhhampyarrodvea,, S.I.A .O PSTM Tp 28p33 4 Faith, M.F. OPT p97 Grietens, B. OPT p295 Hwang, C.C. GTD p541 Kiang, J.-F. MAP p301 FFaallekeovw,s kiN,. N. B.JO. PTC DSp 43p82 01, p249 GGrriifmfbitlhes,, MH..JD.. CRTSAN pp19160 HHwwaanngg,, SR..-YJ.. CCDDST pp32535 KKiidddo,, GS.. R.O POTP T p3p0153 0 Fallon, M. SMT p63 Gu, D.-W. CTA p582 Kihl, M. COM p419 Fan, P.Z. COM p361 Guadalupe, J.B. GTD p13 I Kildal, P.-S. MAP p13, p289, p321 Fan, Y.H. CTA p476 Guan, L. GTD p525 Kim, B.G. COM p311 Fan, Z. COM p295 Guglielmi, M. MAP p161 Kim, D.I. COM p40 Fang, D.G. RSN p177 Gunther, U. COM pi21 Ifeachor, E.C. SMT p193 Kim, H. CDS p355 Fang, D.Z. GTD p107 Guo, Y.J. COM p336 Ikeda, M. OPT p61 Kim, J.-H. COM p155, p191 Farhadiroushan, M. OPT p183 Gupta, D.P.S. GTD p68 Ikeda, N. MAP p53 Kim, K.-H. EPA p469 Farina, A. RSN p49, p12! Gupta, G.C. OPT p69 Ikonen, E. CTA p255 Kimura, T. OPT p87 Farina, M. MAP p281 Gupta, S. MAP p126 Ilsun Kim RSN p148 Kimura, Y. MAP p425 Farish, O. SMT p117 Gupta, S.S. CDS p104 Imae, M. SMT p181 King, J.R. OPT p389 Farsi, M. CTA p32 Gustafsson, M.N. GTD p257 Inagaki, N. MAP p372 Kishi, K. OPT p104 Feced, R. OPT p183 Gyfe, C. VIS p299 Inoue, K. OPT p145, p433 Kiuchi, H. SMT p181 Feng, W.-S. EPA p221 Gyu-In Lee RSN p148 Ip, H.H.S. VIS p23 Knaell, K. RSN p275 Fenn, S.T.J. CDT p43, p391 Irving, M.R. EPA p74 Knap, W. OPT p350 FFeerrngaunsdoens,, R.JS..M . SCMDTT pp6132 7 H IIsrhwiiin,, C.G .WC.T A CTpA5 3 p467, p505 KKonboawylaessh,i , P. Y.O POTP Tp 32p71 45 Ferrando, M. MAP p73 Ishizaka, K. EPA p6 Koc, C.K. CDT p279 Ferreira, A.C. EPA p111, p123 Hadley, M.A. RSN p143 Itaya, Y. OPT pl04 Kohtoku, M. OPT p104 Ferrero, R.W. GTD p423 Hagiwara, T. CTA p575 Itoh, R. EPA p6 Kolar, J.W. EPA p169 Fessant, T. OPT p365 Hah, J.M. COM p85 Ittipiboon, A. MAP p472 Kolbehdari, M.A. MAP p347 Feyzi, M.R. EPA p271 Hall, M.P.M. MAP p267 Iversen, C. CDS p40 Kollberg, E. MAP p145 Field, A.J. CDT p175 Hall, T.E. COM p217 Kollig, P. CDT p75 Fikioris, J.G. MAP p167 Ham, C. CTA p612 J Kondo, S. OPT p104 Finch, J.W. CTA p32 Hama, S. SMT p18! Kondo, Y. OPT p104 Finney, S.J. EPA p381 Hamdan, A.R. GTD p482 Kondoz, A. COM p211 Fish, P.J. CDT p57 Hamed, M. GTD p237 Jackson, D.A. OPT pi56 Kondoz, A.M. VIS p227, p369 Fisher, M. OPT p287 Hamilton, D.J. SMT p17 Jackson, D.L. CDS p297 Kooi, P.S. MAP p329 Flake, L.R. RSN p81 Hamouda, R.M. EPA p456 Jadhav, A. COM p79 Koppikar, D.A. SMT p34 Fletcher, P.N. MAP p27 Han, C.C. CDT p304 Jadid, S. GTD p186 Korn, I. COM p150 Fleury, M. CDT p65, VIS p355 Han, F. SMT p294 Jain, N.K. GTD p547 Kornegay, K.T. CDS p22 Flynn, D. CTA p2 Hancock, C.P. SMT p229 James, J.R. OPT p221 Koster, A. OPT p83 Fonseka, J.P. COM p322 Handerek, V.A. OPT p183 James, R.D. RSN p370 Kot, J.S. MAP p47, p337 Fornaro, G. RSN p266 Handschin, E. GTD p45 Jang Gyu Lee RSN p148 Kotaka, I. OPT p104 Forsyth, A.J. EPA p1i31 Hanselman, D.C. EPA p325 Janoska, M.W. COM p247 Koteswara Rao, S. RSN p235, p377 Foulger, D.L. OPT p23 Hardy, A. OPT p101 Jaroszynski, D.A. OPT p331 Kou, C.-M. VIS p244 Framjee, R. COM p107 Harn, L. CDT p387 Jayaram, S. GTD p225 Kouvaritakis, B. CTA p309, p313 Franceschetti, G. RSN p266 Harrison, I. RSN p252, p309 Jayasumana, A.P. CDT p149 Kovacevic, R. CTA p347 Francis, C.J. EPA p21 Harrison, P.G. CDT p175, p249 Jecko, B. MAP p389 Kraft, U.R. MAP p131 Fraser, M.E. EPA p397 Hary, S.L. CDT p273 Jen, C.W. CDS p138 Krajewski, W. SMT p81 ) IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 Krantz, N.U. GTD p257 Lin, F.-J. EPA p199, p317 Mikropoulos, P.N. SMT p11, p209 Orengo, G. MAP p458 Krauss, T.F. OPT p19 Lin, F.J. CTA p393 Miljevic, V.M. SMT p234 Orobtchouk, R. OPT p83 Krier, A. OPT p287, p355 Lin, S. VIS p81 Miller, T.J.E. EPA p61 Osborne, C.F. COM p2i7 Krishnamurthy, A.K. RSN p81 Lin, W.-W. OPT p377 Milne, A. CDS pl Othman, H.A. GTD p61 Ku, L.-P. CDT p155 Lin, Y. COM p221 Mimaki, H. MAP p488 Ouamri, A. RSN p252 Kucharski, J. CTA p233 Lindell, 1.V. SMT p156 Mirasso, C.R. OPT p30 Oven, R. OPT p213 Kuivalainen, P. CDS p29 Linkens, D.A. CTA p8, p354 Mishra, A. VIS p257 Owens, A.R. SMT p229 Kulkarni, S.V. SMT p34 Linnett, L.M. RSN p219 Missous, M. OPT p360 Owens, T.J. CTA p435 Kumar, P.K. RSN p259 Lio, J.-B. EPA p221 Miyashita, I. EPA p182 Oyegoke, B.S. SMT p223 Kumar, R.V.R. VIS p257 Lisboa, P. SMT p257 Moazzam, M.H. CTA p489 Ozguner, F. CDT p273 KKuummabrl,e , U.C .SS. MTG TDp 16p32 43 LLiitut,l erB,. -JD..G .FC.D TC DSp3 9,p 12C3D S p129, p265 MMooeeirnmia,n ,A . I.C TOAP T p2p6297 7 Ozveren, C.S. GTD p389 Kuo, C.Y. CTA p498 Liu, J.-C. MAP p377 Moffat, A. CDT p394 Kuo, F.-J. COM p17 Liu, W.-C. CDS p309 Moheimani, S.0.R. CTA p183 P Kuo, L.-C. EPA p199 Liu, Y.-T. VIS p237 Momoh, J.A. GTD p429 Kuo, S.-Y. CDT p261, CDS p303 Liu, Z.-S. RSN p71, p275 Monk, A.D. MAP pl Kuo, T.-H. CDS p367 Lloyd, S. CTA p167 Monkman, A.P. CDS p111 Padala, S.K. CDS p259 KKuurot,z , Y.S-.HR.. CODPST pp122719 LLoo,, FK..LL.. CGOTMD p3p3811 , p169, p231, p389, MMoonnsteafg,n a,H . MG. TDG TDp 18p62 49 PPaadggaento,, JE..A . EGPAT D p4p5133 2 Kuruneru, R.S. GTD p510 p525 Montiel-Nelson, J.A. CDS p289 Paget, R. VIS p168 Kweh, T.H. VIS p227 Lo, K.W. RSN p245 Moon, S.M. CDT p295 Pahalawaththa, N.C. GTD p243, p323 Lobodzinski, W. CTA p233 Moon, T.-H. COM p155 Paliouras, V. CDS p324 L LLoocckk,e y,K .SR.. A.E PAO PTp 37p21 68 MMooroin,, Y.Y .HC.D SG TpD1 90p 503 PPaanl,m erC,. -TA. .WE.P AS MpT3 89p 175 Logemann, H. CTA p531 Morimoto, T. OPT p305 Pan, G. MAP p81 Laih, C.-S. CDT p245 Lombardini, F. RSN p131 Morin, L. CDT p353 Pan, S.-G. MAP p274 Laih, L.-W. CDS p309 Longstaff, D. VIS p168 Morini, A. MAP p281 Pan, T.H. CDT p348 LLLLLLLLaaaaaaaaikmmmmmmnh,,,,,,et ,a kJWKKFK.i.....D aKP--.-C,..YKCW T.... A VC IACODCVS.DPTID pM TST 4TA p 3 1pP9p61pp 1p16337 23121p1 54 54 7 LLLLLLLLoooooooovruuvpwwae,,eseetn ,,,rtz y,JeE .,l.JMHl E. ..Hi.DS ,..DA M .C.RC .JTOSD. F O. NPS EP OT VpPTP I2pAp TS535 p 26 13p1 p8p2,p3313 2,1504 C0 86 pO 4M11 p381 MMMMMMMMoouuuuoorzrrnnystadar,ahhfilo , ifni, ea,dY rNr h.O,iySa.N ,a. rB. g .a GGNan..SCC,T, . T O DOAGOMV PR. TP. T pDT p5CC p22D3Dp11S1pp17 T!3 40 3591p6 p 1 4990 PPPPPPPPaaaaaaaarnrnppppitkoaaaanjevtizndir,,hoaoa, agnr pnolooCYsaAosu..,s.u,Gl sM, .oiE. sCoY P.,uCM.A A ,.E.A A MCP.P.DA pSCP .3 S.OAC4 .p3DpM 3E2 pS 07PE6 518AP p p A214 p7,28 p7 2,7 p 3G3 TD p333 Lanari, F. RSN p156 LLuo,z e,D .-MJ.. K.C DSC OMp3 67p 289 PPaarrkkeerr,, EM..AG.. MCADPT pp43195! LLLLLLLLLLLaaaaaaaaaaasnrrnnnnnnotaoseeggdgp,rse,,,leeo ien ecru,,,Jykal .DPT,eko.D.. rR,s .T RM., ,..SC.L . MRCORCMN.LTST.SDCM..JAN N .ST P G MOC Ap .DPA pp6Mpp9S19T.Pp2496p 4 60 ,3176 4Opp2 p3p23 P4 114T373 1 3 p331 LLLLLLLLLuuuuuuuuyt,,,ckkxnh a,,ecis yhJT,N,.,,. .P K- ..CCPJCMM.C.DT.. .O.. AKA J. S..C P M MMD MATpMTACA4P pA TP4SP PA7 0pp 1 12p 4p23p11pp292 3527 57291 ,16 p354, p421 NNNNNNNNaaaaaaaaikgjkkkhdhaiaawmulrmnoaa,aa,oks ,jn ,akN a ,iSnK ,..M,GHR . ..MTSC .W.ND T. M.G AAETM ROPDPpASA2P pPN6 T2 pp 5p545p34p8 p,26394 2 4 2 71p 488 PPPPPPPPPPPaeaaeaeeeaelsstdllvayatctlneilrnciaoikariseoelzraisdor,c,zenki,on k o,t,n u,,n, i, Pi D,F .,.S. MJA . AJ...F ..FSE O .E .R.CN.P .PC. SDE A VTSDMSPCC I MT ATCTSOT p AOppM1 8 1Mp9ppp3 79144p 6 p 893193p 57 !p5, 24 6 p51 17 LLLaaavuta,hl e,u Wrt.SeH.,. OJPC.T-OM .M p 8M3pA 3P8 7 p397 M NNNaaapnrogalisiai,,m hEaU.n. , C GDTVS.D L .p 3pC25D94 7T p7 PPPeeennnggg,,, LPY...J--.YN .. G TCRDTS AN p1pp693953 0 LLaaww,, MN..FY.. VGITS D p19p39,1 p199 MMaa,, HY.. GRSTND pp317103 NNaavvaarsrqou,i llEo.,A . J. MMAAPP pp117733 PPeennnmoacnk,, JS. .RG.T DM APp7 p477 LLLeaa,yy cbooKc.u kr,nC ,T AP.P J..J p.CR9.5O MO PTp 24p,1 9p 33 MMMaaacccikPieh,re rraEss.o ,n C,D D.T W .SNpM.3T 4 3O Pp1T p130 NNNaeeyadlceoslruc,,h evKD,.. OC.N D. SEE PPApA l pp220175 PPeenptoyn,i s,R . G.OJP. T GTpD2 p333 Leal, R.R. SMT p69 Macqueen, J.F. GTD p169 Nelles, D. GTD p125 PPeerrenigr,a , D.MW..V .FM. APG TDp 35p91 47 Lebey, T. EPA p191 Maftoul, J. GTD p57 Nemeth, S. OPT p295 Perng, M.-F. CDS p167 LLLLLLLLLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,,,,,,,, CCJJEFHKM.........YC--- HFH..WYH... C .. . OCEMGCCMVCOPATITOA OMDPS AMM p p3pppp30p3532p41p4605233 4814391 1 1, 1 2 p421 MMMMMMMMMaaaaaaaaainilkhnjhtizdsfiuemaaekiolmoscnlaeudi,o,,sjfa, ,de, r w ,J,SYsA .. .AMkPLN ...Li.A A. , C.. O RDKCEPSC.SCTJP TN.T DAAL AC.S p Dp1pSpp3T43pp482M95 320 1 0T431 p1 5 3 3p11 11 NNNNNNNNNegggeegeeu,,,omuvwr poyesohterCTHaty.on..mhmSStH,,a,,...o n unD,CYMG,CM.. . O.TT O I.DMRC. MP.C . IO T.VS MIAMppMSp2S A3 33T3MP101 pppT 7 331 2p094p631,p2,3 2 7 14pp5 31 6919 PPPPPPPPeeeeeeehttttrtrattoesrirmysrtouy,,,asos m ,enea n,MnNGn,. k. .,CoB A .G,.L. .O ORRMG P....CIAL T ..DVPE C .SCP T pDACAM2Sp T p2A4 iA87pPlp 2p1l1 74 8p593p4 11033 LLeeee,, SR..-QY.. MCADPS pp336574 MMaannonliankgi,s , C.DD..E . EPRAS N p3p9273 5, p301 NNigjuhyaer,n , T.TP..TK.. GCTDDT pp2l1, p138 PPPhhhiualanl,si ep,sC ,. TAC...LMC... SOCMPDTTS ppp525763 2 , p33! LLeeee,, TV..-CT..S . CTCAD T p2p2352 4 MMaannsoeulkli,a nA,. D.H .HE.P AC OpM1 58 p367 NNiikkoilaisc,, C.NL.. MRASPN pp4279, p337 Pidgeon, C.R. OPT p331 LLLLeeeeeeee,,,c h,YYY ...F--P.CH. ..W .M CCADDOPTTP Tp pp4282p43195 7 MMMMaaaarronkk,saa ozruiiYr,a., n ,OA MP..GHTA.. . D .Cp 3RO5SCM5NT A pp62p522 77 7 NNNNiiiisnkshgohi,sid kzaia,Ynw .eaNn,Y., . JSE.K MP.OITA.P TS ppM41Tp678 5 7 p156 PPPPPiiiiinnrgeeoourl,deal dtnii,t,A, o .nCGGi..L., . CRCMDLSTAT.NAPM AppPp32pS 88l21441 1 p 281 LLLLeeeeieggtngaea,y e ,rd tPa.s HJ,..S ilMODvP.aA,MTP . WAL.ppM6 6.97 C DGST D p75p 147, p445 MMMMaaaarrrrsssnhh,aaa nllellP,.,, CWRSO... APM.V. ISSC pM2Dp9TT35 3 9pp 4597 NNNNioooxrgo,,us chhaAKi.b.,RaM. d. i Y,C. G OTOSMD.PV T. ppC41p88D120S0 4 p28 PPPPloooallitllntoo,an cr,kdD ,,. G.CFGE...T DCGT MTAADp P 75 pp 15p751754 9 LLLLLeeeeeosuoonannngaggger,,,,d ,C HMS....KSDW ....CJ .D VMSCIEA DSPP TAp 1p 14pp6p93117 25 795 MMMMMaaaaarrtrssthtoiiuinlnrn,ieis- zasL,,oiJ nb.,eDDA.l . .l iTC,.CC TDDMASST. A PCppp T2294A73p92 1 4p54 59 NNNNNooooorururrltahilozosene,lt, ,,m ,W J.JV..TP.-N.. L. .O EPCGPCTDTAD SD S pp3p1pp5442200107 3 2, p219 PPPPPoooooopnmmrocep,vire nilioce,H,,a. uV.,DDM. .. SVA.MI. CA SDG PCTT Tp D1Ap2 p2530 pp45235 9 636 LLeeuunngg,, SY..H-.W . COCMTA pp348575 MMaatwtbeoy,, AP..MA.. OOPPTT pp2230 3 NNoyubreergd,d inCe., CMO.M OPpT4 i9p 14, p241 PPoorpapte,, B.D .CR.S NR SpN2 05p 163 Lever, K.V. CDS p343 Mayne, D.Q. CTA p281 Porter, R. VIS p180 LLeevvii,, EV.. A.E PAG TDp 101p 293 MMcbAalypei,n eA,. TE.PS.A CpT1A91 p25 O PPoossttlleetthhwwaaiittee,, BI.. CCTTAA pp528623 LLLLiiie,,,v iCCaA...s-- tLKaG..n ,T DMV YIA.SP p 9Mp1A1 p7P212 9 p235 MMMMccccCHLGuaeellrelenho,oac nnh,,T, . P.DJS ...PC .E. O PPCACT OD MSp 7 p71p 6p221,78 70 ,S MpT2 8! p241 OOObf’efGlrrliaendigryao,,, LK.F.J. . JS.M MAETPP Ap p212p43913 1 PPPPorrouaaulbb-ihhTnuu,o,, u EVK..S .KuMC.n .T MAC.C OOpMMV5I 6S6 pp 1lp604i76 , RSN p259 Li, J. RSN p71, p275 McNab, A. SMT p93 Oguchi, K. EPA pl Pregla, R. MAP pi19 LLLLLLLLiiiiiiii,,,eaaae ,ooww ,,LMY,, ...T . WHYTCA.O...G.. -- PCMTYK.T.M..CD AT SCPAVEpMIpPT 1 1STiAA5 Spp 5 43,p02pp 2p l3931p,7 79 2, 5 6G 3pT 4D1 5 p406 MMMMMMMMeeeeeeeellhhlgnglllaksgaooeieo,hr,rrbn ,e ,je ,d aXJe ,n..PkM ,CZ.,G. ..HJ .AO ..M.S. J..SA .E. MMAGG P.TACTTAAM PD.DD A T pPp E82p pp7P73p11 A79142p 20679 71 p 227 OOOOOOOOijhhhkkgso,,taauh, sdmni ua,obJYk, O.to.a .- on,H H,a. .MH E ,.A P YECP.HAEPT .P PA.AOOAO Ppp. P4 2Tp6p5T 6Vp146 6I 8 p S1p1 170p643 1 PPPPPPPPurrrrsrrlieioyeeldmeecmmieomnhan, leca,r ira laK,,,iRtu M .nnm oJeaARAs.,C..r,J D ,.SC OCMC D.DP.CG SST.pD OC iTlPDCp plpSTD11 3 4 Tp7351 ! p p2 227p44 3766 2 LLiiegwh,t boAd.yW,. CG.. VCITSA p1p9530,5 p199 MMeernkge,l , Z.H .R SMNA Pp 96p 32! OOkkus,m anS., OJP. TC OpM61 p99, p173, p395 PPuytctoecr,k , B.DM.. VICSD Sp 28p57 5 Lim, F.L. VIS p323 Metaxas, A.C. SMT p215 Olver, A.D. MAP pl Lim, J.-T. COM p11 Metrat, G. CTA pi77 O'Malley, M. CTA p277 Lim, N.-C. COM p395 Mezher, K.A. CDS p11 Ong, L.C. MAP p35 Q Limiti, E. CDS p223, MAP p458 Mhango, L.M.C. EPA p149 Onischenko, A. OPT p39 Lin, B.-R. SMT p25 Middlemast, I. OPT p8& Onodera, H. CDS p190 Lin, C.-K. CTA p293 Middleton, B.K. COM p289 Oolun, M.K. SMT p267 Qu, Z. GTD p301, CTA p612 Lin, C.H. OPT p360 Miglioli, R. RSN p49 Oraison, J.M. EPA p191 Quigley, S.F. VIS p285 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 R Schmidt, M. OPT p134 Sturland, I.M. MAP p415 ¥ Schmidt, W. OPT p134 Su, C.C. CDS p167 Sebak, A. MAP p7 Su, W. SMT p127 Rabinovici, R. EPA p6! Sedgbeer, M. OPT p315 Su, Y.K. OPT p405 Van Daele, P. OPT p277, p295 Radojevic, V.S MT p234 Seering, W. CTA p515 Sudaroli, P.V. RSN p22 van de Goer, A.J. CDS p155 RRaafgihke, b, T.AH.. A.R SNM APp 96 p7 SSeenk,i neP,. CM.T AM ApP1 53 p197 SSuuiesns,a , H.U-.M .S MVTI S p2p34177 VVaann dEeertv eVlet,e n,P . JC.LO.FM. EpP1A9 9 p331 Rahardja, S. CDS p201 Senani, R. CDS p104 Sun, Y.Y. EPA p173 Van Hoof, C. OPT p295 RRRaaaijhlamtnoa,n n,, J .JC.. JA..V FI.RSM. A pP1V 1I6Sp, 38pp212 54 9 SSSeeennneggv,,i rSYa..tYKn..e , CCDLD.SSD . ppV660I0 S’ p8 SSSuuusnnzddyaanrrsaakrmia,,j anZR,.. S.CN .D VSIC ST pA7p 84 6p 202 VVVaaannned ledKniepkeu,rt ,, J.RF.A. . JEM.PAA.A P EpP2pA24 73 ]p 331 RRRaaajmmaamrkaarlmi,as nh,nM a., K .MCAA.. PK.S MpCT3D 8T9p 54p 49 SSSeeerrwrreaal,,l , JI.. PC.V ITOSA P Tp p353p8919 4 SSuuttot,o n,K . R.O PCTT A p8p71 28 VVVaaasrr,ld oiwaP,m. baCBsT.iRAs., pS13M.20T4., MppA1326P71 p167 RRRaaannn,dg aalrlLa., j aGnAT,. DC S.TRp.A 7 VpI1S5 p189 SSShhhaaaffhaeeiee,un ,, L . HS..M I.A RPSV NIS p 7p,p9 260p 76 7 SSSwwwiiiffdtt,e, nbDFa..JnA.k. , G GTETD.D CpT1pA555 0, p2p 263 VVVaaessaissl,,’ evAD,.. R.OV .PIET. P AOp P2T6p 62 5p74 38 Ranjbar, A.M. GTD p186 Shahidehpour, $S.M. GTD p113, p423 Swim, B.R. CDT p195 Veltroni, M. RSN p341 RRaaspipaahp,o rtA,.I . S.VSI. S CpO3M45 p54 SShhaarnifb,e hzMa.dTe. h,C TJA. VIpS1 28p 31 SSzyem,o nMs.,- T.A . CCODMT pp470 5 VVeenndkiakt,e raIm. ,M APP. CpD1T4 5 p362 Raso, V.J. SMT p252 Shen, J. EPA p158, p357 Venkatesh, S. VIS p323 RRaauwtl,i nsR,. CM.DJS. Gp2T2D9 p132 SShheenn,, JS..--CK.. CCTTAA pp323215 ‘| VViejraryaaznz,a niR,. LV.I SR SpN1 25p 121, p131 RRRReaaaayyyynnn,eeo rrr,,,D .SMPB.... J .WCCM.TD ASAP V IppS2p6 l40 35p 1 16, p249 SSShhheeennp,,h erTYd.., CCTPO.ARM . pM5pA34 P3 p477 TTaakkeasdhai,t a,J . TM. AOPP Tp 49p86 1 VvVoiinll jaannKoeavnea,n, e lA,R. . VSC.M TTAC DTpp 1558p693 81 Reece, A.B.J. EPA p446 Sheu, H.-T. VIS p150, p332 Talat, L.A. GTD p517 Reed, M. OPT p14 Shew, P.W. CDT p121 Tam, H.K. CTA p439 Ww Reekie, L. OPT p156 Shi, J.J. COM p322 Tamaru, K. CDS p190 RRReeeeefsvs,eu ,m , C.N.ADW... SCRMTSATN ppp42306i335 SSShhhiii,ba aut,Wa ., JM..-Y K.. MOGAPTPTD pp3p61161 1 TTTaaannm,au kraaJ,., MSAK.. P O CPTTpA2 0 ,p p1p578361 WWaaddae,, GM.. COOPMT pp110949 Reineix, A. MAP p389 Shibuya, Y. GTD p461 Tang, J.J. CDT p39 Wade, S. EPA p285 Rhodes, J.D. MAP p437 Shieh, J.-J. EPA p389 Tang, P.J.P. OPT p331 Wadhwa, C.L. GTD p547 Ribero, J.-M. MAP p341 Shieh, J.S. CTA p354 Tanisho, A. MAP p498 Wadie, M.E. GTD p279 Riblet, G.P. MAP p411 Shifman, Y. MAP p235 Tanrikulu, O. VIS p49 Wagen, J.-F. MAP p251 RRRRRRRRRRRRRoooooiooooioifbhggcdbbgeddae,eehriiigrgir rrainnneilwtssrgs,ssrgas,, duoTok-uy, .sennyMe ,H$oz,,,o.z .Nn , tSA ..., zCJ M .G.Fe .ATAGJ .r...Te.NCCVLTJ.,Ll. .O...D. D l M P PeCS .zACTR MT, OCMPD .S pAPOA SEN5 p JTP0Mp6. P C 310pA pDC 8 9pp 1S13plD1p2,p, 9 0S18p 1784 42 pp !p2992 23p 44 1136 1 SSSSSSSSSSSSSihhiiihhhhhhhloidmmouiiiiuvrhd,,rknmvmmet,i elo,aar,, g,ad ,ps i ,HS ara,S. .,aKk. MSJKSK -..s.i....$T J- Ma,AM ...HA.d CR .. E.. ,.D C AP OHGSC.O.AOMPC TC AO MPTA.DODMCMPT p PSp .MA1 O 6 2pPp5Mp33pV 2pp1 p 37I7p783347Sl51965p, ! p 4 4 2 4pp03245 74 ,8 p48, p323 TTTTTTTTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaaayruytryyrrttlefleallnvahi,ioenoogama, qrstrr,i,m ,,ho,, n ,R ,, eM. Jn.SRJODDH.,. .A..GM.S P . ...MC. NGC. CCED.C. M.TDDOE T OADSTPCP CGCM P A DTDTO p S SpppD1 Ml 349ppp ,p5 3513 12pp7 55161pC2 891p8619D 1 17 T 3 5 p391 WWWWWWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaaillillhllnnnnttl,tkldm,ggg,ea oe,rs ,,, rcnr ol, Ge,,nJH e., F..,CCLyB R.B C....,.JMA.-.H -. .A. SDC.FRJ. ..S..S. .K M GJ MM...VOTM C CSITTCPDDASMTM D OET SPAATTPP pp p P ATp222p3 p893pppp243743212660pp0 p 24316l 13259 91 8 6 1 9! RRRRoooossnssskimita,aei rnn,n De,.n ,J .RHAS.. NH M.C CATpDAP2S6 6 ppp32207994, p313 SSSSiiiinnnmgggp,ehs r,o, Cn .,BH.K ..E HG. .CTRT.DO A P CTpD 5pT62p 463 36 p02 27, p232, p241 TTTTeeeeiosnx,age usir,rCo a.,,Y A .. MF..MEL P.A RAPS M NAp pP414p 312 6p61 79 WWWWaaaannnngggg,,,, GDFH.... S -.CES .P MGATVT IDSp p 337pp9213 4259, p377 Routledge, D. MAP p431 Singhose, W. CTA p515 Thanailakis, A. CDS p324 Wang, H.F. GTD pi55, p263 Rowe, J.W.K. SMT p149 Sipus, Z. MAP p321 Thiede, A. CDS p243 Wang, J. CTA p73, COM p402 RRRooozwwzeli,a, n d,S.T .GM D.TA DPO PTpp5 278 1p9 1 SSSiliuos,ok to,sW ,. -J.CSG... J.C VDISSSM Tpp 2113p368 7 TTTiihaaunnr,,a i,WG ..SYM... SMVIMASTP p3pp112380 9 WWWaaannngg,,g ,779°99 JJL...-B F..C TEVAPI AS p3pp833517 7 Rubio, A. CDS p361 Smartt, C.J. OPT p24! Tiersma, H.J. CDT p47 Wang, P.Y. GTD p345, p377 Rubio, F.R. CTA p596 Smegal, R.J. MAP p431 Tirkel, A.Z. COM p217 < f£a ng, Q. COM p70 RRRuuuiihzzi,,s aaGDr..iPA,.. RTCS.DNC S D Spp 3355p502 9 SSSmmMiiittrhhn,,o v,JBS ..V .V .SMRM.S TN O PppT124 217 p 438 TTTiootgdcndhe,er nie,Tr .,D R.. M .CVRIO.S M CpO3p4M254 7 p12! WW£ia3 n ... STW...---SDY... CCCTTDAAS ppp12299053 9 RRRuuysslsseeeyll,ll, , A. PG.C.S C OMDMTT ppp22885397 SSSSmmmmiiiotttwhhht,,, onW$K,... DSR... P .OGMO.PT PTDT O PppTp273 6 869p 23 TTTooonmmgle,ik n,s Co.nLW,.. A . MC.CD OTC MO pM1 p613p2 199 9 W<W= aa nn gi)797GGT77, aOA 94aQ) . , ws)XY Y... - LG.C TTDRA S Np 3p0lp143 33,0 RSN pl77, VIS RRyyzzhhiiii,, VM.. O OPPTT pp228833, p343 SSoobbahj,i c,T . DC.JD. S GTpD33 5 p429 TTTooonnnggg,,u z,KY ..FKO... K.MG ATCPDO Mpp 133873p, 1 14p 354, p421 WWaarnrgi,n gtYo.nC,. CE.TMA. Mp3A9P3 p91, p215, p241 Soh, C.B. CTA p40 Townley, S. CTA p531 Warwick, K. CTA p249 S Sokolovskii, G.S. OPT p438 Trebi-Ollennu, A. CTA p137, p537 Watalis, E.A. SMT p54 SSSSSSSaaaaaaakiaaiidazrtddki,icyha, ,h,a , i , , J M.Y .APV ....EH MO. P.G MCPA.M.T DR T.V DT IGS p S3TMp 3pp1DT8220p 7843] 6 pp911 34 9 SSSSSSSSoooooooolnnnlllopt,egiiina 4,,mmmgn6 aaai,C9,nnn .S ,,, . BCF.Y..EHTHAEH .P. ...AAR MAMG. .S. TC NpDO pM4GC 1M5ADT8p Pp22SD2 9 83p5 3pp,p061 57191p 573 40, p345, p377, TTTTTTTTsssssrrsaaaaaeiaiiiiicni,,,,,a,h t,, JJCCWM ......H---BJCC.MHY.. .... . GCOCTTECGOPDADPTOPTS A DTM pppp12ppp13381p42201974900 9 3159 2 WWWWWWWWWeeaeaaaeeiititttbb,,kgsssbb ilooo,,nhnnn CKso,,,..,f PD- e.C.MrJGNS.WL.,... A. . KRH RP...CO. W C DP.VDGTSVTOpI.SIT P3S S D7 T pp2M p31p p4A9588p5p 69P9,17 0 50 V pI5S7 p285 Sakakibara MAP p425 Soowon Kim CDS p378 Tsalamengas, J.L. MAP p167 Weinstock, D. EPA p235 Salam, S. GTD p482 Soret, J. MAP p173 Tsang, K.F. MAP p311 Weiss, A.J. RSN p18! SSaallaarim,a , E.M. VMI.SA . p81G TD p225, p279 SSootuod,a ck1,. C OAM.C . pG6T D p456 TTssaaoo,, CT..P .V IGST Dp 313p 495 WWeeliltsmtaena,d, G.P. EO. PTCT Ap 10p!4 13 Salehi, M.C OM p61 Soudris, D.J. CDS p324 Tsaur, J.-J. CDS p367 Wen, E.S. GTD p31 Salem, M.R. GTD p517 Souza, J.C.S. GTD p445 Tseng, C.-H. VIS p267 Wen, F.S. GTD p160, p406 Salomonsson, D.J. MAP p13 Soylemez, M.T. CTA p217 Tsihrintzis, G.A. RSN p29 Weng, J.F. COM p387 Samarasinghe, V.G.D.C. GTD p323 Spalek, D. EPA p85 Tsimbinos, J. CDS p343 West, G.A.W. VIS p323 Samaraweera, N. COM p47 Spalvieri, A.C OM pi Tsividis, Y. CDS p68 Weston, H.T. CDT p209 Sameti, M. GTD p456 Spencer, P.S. OPT p8, p44, p48, p323 Tso, S.K. GTD p81, p525 Wey, C.L. CDT p348 Sananikone, D.S. CDT p285 Sprevak, D. SMT p63 Tsoi, E. GTD p193 Wheeler, P. EPA p53 Sandri, A. COM p! Spurgeon, S.K. CTA p209 Tsoi, K.S. CDT p304 Whidborne, J.F. CTA p582 Sankowski, D. CTA p233 Srinivasan, D. GTD p406 Tsutsumi, M. MAP p443 White, B.A. CTA p137, p537 Sano, M. MAP p197 Srinivasan, K.S MT p123 Tu, S.H. COM p22! Wilcox, D.J. EPA p77 Sarabandi, K. MAP p256 Srinivasan, S. VIS p189 Tuan, T.-C. CDT p169 Wilkinson, R.J. COM p349 Saratuc. nhaarAn.aTjd., r anG,ST .DG P .T DpC 4T1A5p 6 8 p202 SSStttaaarrnaokjso,e vlisRc.k, y ,M LA. VP. V ICSpD 3S4p1 5 7p 243 TTTuuulcbikan,ro o,, B.A S..OM P.V TI SR SppN398 89 p361 WWWiiillllslioianam,ms s,o Gn.,RB .. WS..V IESEP PAAp 1 4p5p1 21815,, pp132831 Sarkar, S.C DT p33] Stassinopoulos, C.A. SMT p11, p209, Turner, L.F. COM p257 Wimalaratna, S.K. SMT 7193 Sarma, J. OPT p8, p39 p273 Turowski, J. EPA p435 Witalis, E.A. SMT p49 Sarti, A. VIS p98 Stephens, R.I. CTA p15 Twig, Y. MAP p184 Wohn, K.-Y. VIS p293 Sarunic, P.W. RSN p195 Stephenson, J.M. EPA p310 Tzes, A. CTA p95 Wolff, I. MAP p274 Sarzala, R.P. OPT p42! Stirling, CJ.M. CDS p108 Wolkenhauer, O. CTA p103 Sava, H. VIS p355 Stoica, P. RSN p71, p169 Wong, K.P. GTD p91, p193 Sava, H.P. CDT p65 Stoiljkovoc, V.M AP p477 U Wong, W.C. VIS p313 Sbarbaro, D. CTA p375 Stoll, R.L. EPA p263 Wong, W.H. VIS p23 Scarr, R.W.A. OPT p53 Stouraitis, T.C DS p324 Wood, A.R. GTD p100 Scelsi, G.B. OPT p383 Stradling, R.A. OPT p331 Un, C.K. COM p229 Woods, L.C. SMT p49 Schlichter, T.C DS p243 Strollo, A.G.M. CDS p329 Uttamchandani, D. OPT p69, p162, SMT Woodward, M.C. CDT p195 Schmidt, H.P. GTD p371 Stronach, A.F. CTA p324, p361 p24 Woolfson, M.S. RSN p252, p309 4 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 Wu, C.-H. VIS p65 Yamada, T. EPA pi Yu, S. OPT p19 Zhang, J.-G. COM p316 Wu, C.-Z. CDS p309 Yamauchi, J. MAP p53 Yuan, J.S. CDS p53 Zhang, N. SMT p189 Wu, J. SMT p193 Yanchao Ji EPA p249 Yuan, S.-Y. CDS p303 Zhang, Q. CTA p455 Wu, J.-S. COM p17, p405 Yang, C.-C. MAP p97 Yuang, M.C. COM p85 Zhang, W. SMT p175 Wu, M.-F. VIS p150 Yang, H. MAP p382 Yuk, T.I. COM p33! Zhang, W.X. MAP p311 Wu, R. RSN p370 Yang, S.-Y. MAP p97 Yum, T.S. CDT p255 Zhang, Y. CTA p40, CDT p100, CTA Wu, T.-C. CDT p145 Yang, W.Q. SMT p203 p1l0, p153 Wu, Y.R. OPT p405 Yang, Y.K. CDS p51 Z Zhang, Y.-Z. RSN p105 Wu, Z. EPA p461 Yanushkevich, $.N. CDT p267 Zhang, Y.M. CTA p347 Yao, K. VIS p108 Zhang, Z.P. SMT pi75 X YYeehh,, CF..S-.M . CDCSD T p5p32 61 ZZaacchh,a riFa.hC,. KE.PJ.A CpT1A6 9 p32 ZZhhaeon,g , Z.LX.. OSPMT T p3p6108 9 Yeo, T.S. MAP p329 Zahid, M. SMT pl141 Zheng, W.X. VIS p39 Xia, Z.P. EPA p277 Yeung, K.H. CDT p255 Zandhuis, J.A. VIS p285 Zhou, L. MAP pill Xu, Q. SMT p263 Yim, Y.T. CDS p236 Zebda, Y. CDS p375 Zhou, Y.R. OPT p75 Xu, W. SMT p39 Yingwei, L. CTA p202 Zegrya, G.G. OPT p336 Zhou, Z. SMT p39 Yoneyama, T. CTA p241 Zeheb, E. VIS pl Zhu, T.X. GTD p81 Y Yongxuan Hu EPA p249 Zelaya, H. EPA p241 Zhu, Y. VIS p8 Yoshino, T. OPT pi45, SMT p18! Zelaya De La Parra, H. EPA p21 Zhu, Y.-S. CDS p284 You, Y.-H. COM p155 Zeng, Q.Y. GTD p81, p525 Zhu, Z.O. EPA p277 Yacoub, M.D. COM p205 Youn, M.-J. EPA p469 Zhang, B.H. GTD p351 Zhuo Liu EPA p249 Yahagi, T. CTA p447 Yu, H. CTA p167 Zhang, C.N. CDT p15 Zubia, J. OPT p397 Yakinthos, C.G. SMT p209 Yu, LK. GTD p469 Zhang, F.E. CTA p476 Zuckerberger, A. EPA p235 Yakovlev, A.B. MAP p103, p449 Yu, J.G. EPA p74 Yalcinoz, T. GTD p181 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 Subject Index Technique for predicting the electromagnetic performance of impedance-loaded die- lectric space-frame radome components RSN pl Trireflector compact antenna test range MAP p305 Wideband TMo;-mode travelling wave coupler MAP p315 ADAPTIVE CONTROL ANTENNA ARRAYS Adaptive control scheme using real time tuning of the parameter estimator CTA Adaptive update rate tracking using IMM nearest neighbour algorithm incorporating Adaptive integral control of time-delay systems CTA p531 rapid re-looks RSN p195 Adaptive performance/robust control design for discrete systems CTA p95 Adaptivity of a real-symmetric array by DOA estimaticn and null steering RSN Autsoetquunenicnegs teCmTpAe ratpu2r3e3 control using identification by multifrequency binary p245 Alternating phase-fed waveguide slot arrays with a single-layer multiple-way power Co-ordinated control of multiple robotic manipulators handling a common object— divider MAP p425 theory and experiments CTA p73 Expert adaptive control applied to turbogenerator systems CTA p2 Characteristics of aperture-coupled coplanar microstrip subarrays MAP p137 Foutreimesr sweirtihe s frniecutriaoln neCtTwAo rkp-b5a5s9e d adaptive variable structure control for servo sys- Comgpeaomreitsroine s of RthSeN ulpt3im2a1t e direction-finding capabilities of a number of planar array Generalised predictive control (GPC): a powerful control tool in medicine CTA p8 Dimension-descent technique for electromagnetic problems MAP p372 Floquet-modal-based analysis for mutual coupling between elements in an array Implementation of a self-tuning AVR CTA p32 Model reference adaptive control of dynamic output feedback linearisable systems environment MAP p491 On-wliitnhe uandkanptoiwvne choingthr olf reiqnu etnhec y hogta irno lliCnTg Ao f ps4t2ee7l CTA p15 MMiocdreo stcrhiap-nfgeed aanrarlayys iso f omf ual ttiwsoe gmeelnetm endti eloescctirlilc atroers-otynpaet ora ntaenntnean naasr rayM APM APp 47p24 83 Robaupsptr oaocuht putC TtAr ackpi5n3g7 for MIMO nonlinear systems: an adaptive fuzzy systems Mulctaitliaoynes r fMrAeqPu enpc4y1-s5e lective surfaces for millimetre and submillimetre wave appli- Robust self-tuning rotated fuzzy basis function controller for robot arms CTA p293 Novel reflectarray element with variable phase characteristics MAP p149 Self-tuning control of an industrial pilot-scale reheating furnace: Design principles Planar resonant series-fed arrays MAP p67 and application of a bilinear approach CTA p25 Polygon subdomain basis-function model for the ring element in FSS arrays MAP Variable structure adaptive control of robot manipulators CTA p167 p209 Space-time adaptive processing for airborne radar with various array orientations RSN p330 AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Study of mutual coupling effect on radiated patterns of antenna arrays MAP p389 Technique for predicting the electromagnetic performance of impedance-loaded die- lectric space-frame radome components RSN pl Aircraft vertical profile prediction based on surveillance data only RSN p301 Analysis and simulation of a high-speed two-phase AC drive for aerospace applica- tions EPA p149 ANTENNA THEORY Case study comparison of robust linear quadratic design and mixed-sensitivity H control CTA p476 Comment on “Advances in aircraft-height estimation using distance-measuring Accurate analysis and synthesis of annular ring microstrip antennas MAP p341 equipment“ [and reply] RSN p235 Axial ratio of a curl antenna MAP p488 Extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometer vibration and acoustic sensor systems for airport Characteristics of aperture-coupled coplanar microstrip subarrays MAP p137 ground traffic monitoring OPT p134 Corrugated soft sector horn with different beam properties in the two principal planes Global navigation satellite system in an integrated air traffic management constella- MAP pl3 tion RSN p156 Dimension-descent technique for electromagnetic problems MAP p372 Nonlinear autopilot control design for a 2-DOF helicopter model CTA p612 Efficient moment method for analysing printed wire loop antennas MAP p364 Prediction of the electromagnetic performance of large ground-based impedance- Experimental and simulation studies of the coaxially fed U-slot rectangular patch loaded dielectric space-frame radomes RSN p9 antenna MAP p354 Real-time identification of missile aerodynamics using a linearised Kalman filter Experimental and theoretical study of groove guide horn antennas at W-band MAP aided by an artificiai neural network CTA p299 Robust output tracking for MIMO nonlinear systems: an adaptive fuzzy systems Experimental studies of circular patches with slots MAP p421 approach CTA p537 Floquet-modal-based = for mutual coupling between elements in an array environment MAP p491 Interpolation of reflector surfaces by pseudosplines MAP p42 AMPLIFIERS Method of moments analysis of a small aperture radial line slot antenna using the rectangular cavity Green’s function MAP p498 Automatic removal of Cartesian feedback transmitter imperfections COM p281 Microwave modelling of optical diffraction grating devices OPT p221 CirCcuDiSt tpr2a0n9s formation method from OTA-C circuits into CFA-based RC circuits Milrliitem etMreA Pw avpe4 43l eaky wave antenna using an H-guide loaded with a corrugated fer- Class-AB SiC CMOS power opamp with stable voltage gain over wide temperature Mode change analysis of a two element oscillator-type antenna array MAP p483 range CDS p22 Moment-method analysis of circularly symmetric reflectors using vandlimited basis functions MAP p179 Distortion effects of multicarrier envelope limiting COM p349 Elec2t8r1o magnetic investigation on the propagation in distributed active devices MAP Momseegnmte ntmse thModA P anapl2y6s1i s of printed single-arm wire spiral antennas using curved High-frequency switching-mode power amplifier for shaker armature excitation Planar resonant series-fed arrays MAP p67 iS Polarisation-diversity phase-encoded patch-antenna transponder MAP p201 Improved single-ended solutions for ultrawide-band monolithic GaAs amplifiers Polarisation properties of small printed spiral antennas with four resistively loaded MAP p458 arms MAP p13] Novel CMOS differential voltage current conveyor and its applications CDS p195 Polygon subdomain basis-function model for the ring element in FSS arrays MAP Synthesis of single-resistance-controlled oscillators using CFOAs: simple state-varia- ble approach CDS p104 Prediction of the electromagnetic performance of large ground-based impedance- Theory and performance of parabolic true logarithmic amplifier CDS p223 loaded dielectric space-frame radomes RSN p9 Thermal design of gallium arsenide MESFETs for microwave power amplifiers Quadrifilar conical helical antenna with travelling-wave current distribution MAP CDS p45 p53 Rigorous analysis of three-dimensional beam transmission through a dielectric slab 173 ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS Simple design of dual-beam leaky-wave antennas in microstrips MAP p397 Study of mutual coupling effect on radiated patterns of antenna arrays MAP p389 Synthesis and analysis of a dual-reflector feed for the radiotelescope in Nancay 3.3 V mixed-mode IC design using switched-current techniques for speech applica- MAP p289 tions CDS p367 Technique for predicting the electromagnetic performance of impedance-loaded die- Assessing and comparing fault coverage when testing analogue circuits CDS p1 lectric space-frame radome components RSN pl CMOS analogue neurone circuit with programmable activation functions utilising Theoretical and experimental study of a cavity-backed annular-slot antenna MAP MOS transistors with optimised process/device parameters CDS p318 p337 Collective process circuit that sorts CDS p145 Current conveyor based test structures for mixed-signal circuits CDS p213 Current-mode defuzzifier circuit to realise the centroid strategy CDS p265 ARRAY SIGNAL PROCESSING Logic models for continuous time CDT p353 Testability aspects of folded source-coupled logic CDS p361 Versatile architecture for current-mode biquadratic filters in CMOS technology CDS Adaptivity of a real-symmetric array by DOA estimation and null steering RSN p229 p245 Array pattern synthesis and robust beamforming for a complex sonar system RSN ANTENNA ACCESSORIES Comparison of the ultimate direction-finding capabilities of a number of planar array geometries RSN p321 Alternating phase-fed waveguide slot arrays with a single-layer multiple-way power Direction finding on spread-spectrum signals using the time-domain filtered cross divider MAP p425 spectral density RSN p315 Analysis of an open-ended waveguide radiator with dielectric plug MAP p126 Direction-of-arrival and frequency estimations for narrowband sources using two sin- Characteristics of aperture-coupled coplanar microstrip subarrays MAP p137 gle rotation invariance algorithms with the marked subspace RSN p234 Determining the — properties of an antenna using arbitrary and unknown Effects of motion on adaptive arrays RSN p15 field probes MAP p43] INoQvMeLl hailggho rirtahnmge forre somluulttiiopnl e apspigrnoaalc hp airna mmeitcerr oweasvteim atiimoang ingR SNR SpN2 37p 177 Expaenrtiemnenna talM AaPn d ps3i5m4u lation studies of the coaxially fed U-slot rectangular patch Performance evaluation of an algorithm for multiple target angle tracking RSN p252 FD-TD design of short backfire antennas MAP pl Statistical analysis of the eigenvector projection method for adaptive spatial filtering MPliacnraors trrieps-ofneadn t arsrearyi eso-ff emd ulatrirsaeysg menMtA Pd ielpe6c7tr ic resonator antennas MAP p472 Updoaft iinntge rftehre enJcaec obiR SSNV Dp 57f or nonstationary data VIS p108 Prediction of the electromagnetic performance of large ground-based impedance- loaded dielectric space-frame radomes RSN p9 AUDIO EQUIPMENT Simple design of dual-beam leaky-wave antennas in microstrips MAP p397 Synthesis and analysis of a dual-reflector feed for the radiotelescope in Nancay MAP p289 Stability of multichannel sound control systems VIS pi IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 AUTOMATA THEORY Synthesis of single-resistance-controlled oscillators using CFOAs: simple state-varia- ble approach CDS p104 Inversion of cellular automata iterations CDT p279 Total TCAD strategy for DFM in IC technology development SMT p63 Logic models for continuous time CDT p353 Use of learning automata in distributed fuzzy logic processor training CTA p255 CIRCUIT COMPONENTS AUTOMATIC TEST SYSTEMS Calculation of losses in conductors due to chopped impulse currents, taking the skin effect into account SMT pl111 Application of Kalman filtering for continuous real-time tracking of power system Reliability concept for electric fuses SMT p87 harmonics GTD p13 Assessing and comparing fault coverage when testing analogue circuits CDS pl CIRCUIT THEORY AND DESIGN Automated parameter extraction for ultrasonic flaw analysis SMT p93 Classification of partial discharge sources in gas-insulated substations using novel preprocessing strategies SMT p17 Analysis and design of a fixed-frequency LCL-type series-resonant converter with Digital algorithms for measurement of voltage flicker GTD p175 capacitive output filter CDS p97 Electrical systems identification using Golay complementary series SMT p267 Characterisation of radio frequency heating systems in industry using a network analyser SMT p215 Fautletm sd iaagnndo sairst ifiocfi alp owneeurr alt rannestfwoorrmkesr s: SaMpTpl icpa3t9i on of fuzzy set theory, expert sys- CMOS analogue neurone circuit with programmable activation functions utilising Modelling of capacitance tomography sensors SMT p203 MOS transistors with optimised process/device parameters CDS p318 Current conveyor based test structures for mixed-signal circuits CDS p213 Simulator for path-delay faults on mixed-level circuits CDS p236 Delay time sensitivity analysis of multi-generation BiCMOS digital circuits CDS p60 BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS Design of heuristic algorithms based on Shannon expansion for low-power logic cir- cuit synthesis CDS p355 Adaptive multiresolution analysis based evoked potential filtering SMT p149 Design of loop antennas and matching networks for low-noise RF receivers: analytic Development of a fibre optic micro-optrode for intracellular pH measurements OPT formula approach MAP p274 pl62 Diagnosis of multifaults in analogue circuits using multilayer perceptrons CDS p149 Development of micro-optrodes using sol-gel immobilisation SMT p241 DOORS: an object-oriented CAD system for high level synthesis CDT p331 Generalised predictive control (GPC): a powerful control tool in medicine CTA p8 Finding all DC solutions of nonlinear resistive circuits by exploring both polyhedral Intelligent artefact identification in electroencephalography signal processing SMT and rectangular circuits CDS p17 p193 Frequency response of N-port planar gyromagnetic circuits using the mutual energy- Intelligent signal processing of evoked potentials for anaesthesia monitoring and con- finite element method MAP p221 trol CTA p354 GRASS: an efficient gate re-assignment algorithm for inverter minimisation in post Measurement of the magnetic field in the near-field region and self-inductance in free technology mapping CDT p348 Mulstpiaocbej ecdtuiev et o nae umruall tintuertnw orskq uafroer -liomoapg e SrMecTo nstpr2u5c2t ion VIS p233 Harpdrowcaerses/ess oftCwDaTre p2p8a5r titioning of embedded systems with multiple hardware High performance hardware accelerator for design-error simulation CDS p81 IC compatible planar inductors on silicon CDS p29 CABLES AND OVERHEAD LINES Improved control signal distribution for very wide VLSI data buses CDT p209 Improved PIN diode circuit model with automatic parameter extraction technique AC circuit breakers: pollution flashover performance of various types of interrupter CDS p329 head GTD p50 Knowledge based automatic simulation model generation system CDS p88 Alternative to Monte Carlo method for the estimation of lightning incidence to over- Logic models for continuous time CDT p353 head lines GTD p129 Logic synthesis of a PLL phase frequency detector CDT p381 BEM analysis of electric field excited by overhead HV lines erected in built-up areas Multilevel logic synthesis technique for efficient verification testing CDT p83 SMT p81 New results on the resistance of an n-cube CDS p51 Calculation of thermal fields of underground cable systems with consideration of Optimum partitioning problem for rectilinear VLSI layout CDT p155 structural steels constructed in a duct bank GTD p541 Parallel logic simulation with assignable delays on a vector multiprocessor computer Circulating current and hysteresis losses in screens, sheaths and armour of electric CDS p5 power cables—mathematical models and comparison with IEC Standard 287 SMT Parallel sparse-matrix solution for direct circuit simulation on a transputer array p10! CDS p335 Development of an energy function reflecting the transfer conductances for direct PerCfDoSrm anpcie9-0d riven macro-block placer for architectural evaluation of ASIC designs stability analysis in power systems GTD p503 Earthing effects of coated underground cables with metallic shields bonded to earth Planar constrained terminals over-the-cell router CDT p121 electrodes GTD p26 Predicting the complexity of large combinational circuits through symbolic spectral Evaluation of eddy losses due to high current leads in transformers SMT p34 analysis of their functional specifications CDT p343 Influence of earth connection on the operation of railway track circuits EPA p215 Synthesis of reflection-mode prototype networks with dissipative circuit elements Methodology and computer package for generation rescheduling GTD p301 MAP p437 New concept in fault location for overhead distribution systems using superimposed Synthesis of single-resistance-controlled oscillators using CFOAs: simple state-varia- components GTD p309 ble approach CDS p104 New concept in transmission line reclosure using high-frequency fault transients Total TCAD strategy for DFM in IC technology development SMT p63 GTD p35! Treatment of two-dimensional E-plane bandstop filters using the finite element Online leakage current monitoring of 400 kV insulator strings in polluted areas method MAP p4il GTD p515 Phase co-ordinate approach to calculate earth-fault current and shock voltage EPA CLOSED LOOP SYSTEMS Response of underground multiconductor cable systems to external fields illumina- tion [and reply] SMT p294 Adaptive integral control of time-delay systems CTA p531 Statistical study for switching processes in compensated UHV transmission systems Adaptive performance/robust control design for discrete systems CTA p95 GTD p237 Autotuning temperature control using identification by multifrequency binary sequences CTA p233 Case study comparison of robust linear quadratic design and mixed-sensitivity H CALIBRATION control CTA p476 Designing stabilising controllers and observers for uncertain linear systems with Determining the polarisation properties of an antenna using arbitrary and unknown time-varying delay CTA p331 field probes MAP p431 Discretisation of continuous-time control systems with guaranteed stability [com- High-frequency phase measurement for optical rangefinding system SMT p141 ment with reply] CTA p277 Improved error-table compensation of A/D converters CDS p343 Estimation of speed and armature temperature in a brushed DC drive using the Instrumental delay calibration with zero baseline interferometry for VLBI titme com- extended Kalman filter EPA p13 parison SMT p181 Estimation of speed, stator temperature and rotor temperature in cage induction Micromachined optical tunable filter for long term stability gas sensors OPT p350 motor drive using the extended Kalman filter algorithm EPA p301 Systolic implementation of higher-order CMAC and its application in colour calibra- Integrated approach to eigenstructure assignment by output feedback control CTA tion CDS pl29 35 UHF couplers for gas-insulated substations: a calibration technique SMT p117 New identification based weighted H. norm approximation scheme and its applica- tions to controller reduction CTA p61 Newton’s approach to gain-controlled robust pole placement CTA p439 CAPACITORS Reduced-order estimator for closed-loop online estimation of cross-directional parameters in a plastics extrusion process CTA p549 Exact analysis of a multipulse shunt converter compensator or Statcon. I. Perform- Robust control of interval plants: a time domain method CTA p347 ance GTD p213 Robust model-following control for a robot manipulator CTA p53 PWM-controlled series compensation with low harmonic distortion GTD p555 Robust pole assignment in uncertain systems CTA p217 Time-domain method for the design of optimal linear controllers CTA p287 CIRCUIT BREAKERS Tuning PID controllers for integrating processes CTA p385 Unified PID design method based on a maximum peak resonance specification CTA p566 AC circuit breakers: pollution flashover performance of various types of interrupter head GTD p50 CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Probabilistic approach for fault-section estimation in power systems based on a refined genetic algorithm GTD p160 Reliability concept for electric fuses SMT p87 3.3 V mixed-mode IC design using switched-current techniques for speech applica- Role of cooling fins in circuit breakers GTD p57 tions CDS p367 Class-AB SiC CMOS power opamp with stable voltage gain over wide temperature CIRCUIT CAD range CDS p22 CMOS analogue neurone circuit with programmable activation functions utilising MOS transistors with optimised process/device parameters CDS p318 Analysis and design of a fixed-frequency LCL-type series-resonant converter with CMOS switched current phase-locked loop CDS p75 capacitive output filter CDS p97 Current conveyor based test structures for mixed-signal circuits CDS p213 Design of heuristic algorithms based on Shannon expansion for low-power logic cir- Current-mode defuzzifier circuit to realise the centroid strategy CDS p265 cuit synthesis CDS p355 Design considerations and implementation of very low frequency continuous-time High performance hardware accelerator for design-error simulation CDS p81 CMOS monolithic filters CDS p68 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997 Design of heuristic algorithms based on Shannon expansion for low-power logic cir- Cycle-slipping probability of first-order phase-locked loop using transient analysis cuit synthesis CDS p355 COM p357 High-density 16/8/4-bit configurable multiplier CDS p272 “Dead reckoning”—a primitive and efficient self-routing protccol for ultrafast mesh Logic synthesis of a PLL phase frequency detector CDT p381 networks COM p135 New static multi-output carry lookahead CMOS adders CDS p350 Effect of bandlimiting filters on multidimensional digital communication system in Novel architecture for ATM QoS management COM p412 Gaussian noise COM p150 Novel CMOS differential voltage current conveyor and its applications CDS p195 Effects of bias and characteristic phase on the crosscorrelation of m-sequences Systolic implementation of higher-order CMAC and its application in colour calibra- COM p217 tion CDS p129 Engineering of a CDMA radio uplink for a mobile radio demonstration system Testability aspects of folded source-coupled logic CDS p361 Versatile architecture for current-mode biquadratic filters in CMOS technology CDS Enhancing the security of El] Gamal’s signature scheme CDT Estimation-based call admission control with delay and loss guarantees in ATM net- Wired-OR property and improved structure of recovered energy logic (REL) CDS works COM p85 p378 Explicit loss indication and accurate RTO estimation for TCP error recovery using satellite links COM p47 Hidden preamble detector for acquisition of frequency hopping multiple-access com- CODES AND DECODING munication system COM pl6l Integrated concurrency control protocol for hard real-time database systems CDT p214 Adaptation of hidden Markov model for telephone speech recognition and speaker adaptation VIS p129 a COM ppe4e19m o f overload control algorithms for SCPs in the intelligent network Analysis and implementation of an adjustable-rate multilevel coded modulation sys- BCIteRm trCelOliMs copnls truction for binary linear block codes COM p367 LLoosgsi c peforri ovdesri finy iAngT Mp uboluitcp-ukte y muclrtyipptloegxrearp hiCc OMpr otpoc3o0l1s CDT p28 Bit-serial multiplication in GF(2™) using irreducible all-one polynomials CDT p391 Markov analysis of multichannel star-connected network with channel sensing and Calculating the expected synchronisation delay for T-code sets COM p121 collision detection COM p331 Clapsrsiefpircoacteisosni ngo f sptarrattieagli esd iscShMarTg e p1so7u rces in gas-insulated substations using novel MNoedwe llmiunlgt iumseurl tidmeetdecitao r trfaofrfi ca soyvnecrh rAoTnoMu s usCiDngM AM MBCPO M COp3M3 6 p307 Closed-loop motion compensation for video coding standards VIS p227 NNoovneuln ifaorcrhmi tetcrtaufrfeic faonra lAysTiMs onQ oSa clmaasns agofe mseenltf- rouCtiOnMg nept4w1o2r ks COM p143 Compression of SAR images using KLT, VQ and mixture of principal components RSN p113 Novel synchronous CDMA multiuser detection scheme: orthogonal decision-feed- back detection and its performance study COM p275 Conference key distribution system with user anonymity based on algebraic approach CDT p45 Performance analysis and design of token-passing networks with two message priori- Constructing quasi-optimal subfamilies of GMW sequences suitable for CDMA ties COM pill applications COM p99 Performance analysis based on co-channel interference statistics of indoor CDMA systems with RAKE receiver and power control under multipath fading COM Construction and comparison of periodic digital sequence sets COM p361 p173 Critique of the paper “Novel design of arithmetic coding for data compression’ CDT p394 Performance analysis of delay-loss priority mechanism using Markov modulated arrival stream COM p311 Digital signature with a subliminal channel CDT p387 Dual basis systolic multipliers for GF(2™) CDT p43 Performance analysis of noncoherent DS-CDMA systems in a Nakagami fading Edge oriented block motion estimation for video coding VIS p136 channel with arbitrary parameters COM p166 Effects of bias and characteristic phase on the crosscorrelation of m-sequences Performance analysis of space-priority mechanisms in an input and output queueing COM p217 ATM switch COM p229 Electrical systems identification using Golay complementary series SMT p267 Performance improvement of fibre-~ _— division multiple-access systems by using error-correction codes COM p31 Enhanced interframe coding based on morphological segmentation VIS p220 Enhancing the security of El Gamal’s signature scheme CDT p47 Performance of dynamic path optical a OPT p235 Error-resilience improvement for block-transform video coders VIS p369 PolClDacTz ekp-2K2h2i nchin formula for the M/G/1 queue in discrete time with vacations Evaluation of the power spectral density of guided scrambling coded sequences COM p70 Software library for analysing M/G/1-type systems and its application in computer network performance evaluation COM p237 Fast codeword search algorithm for real-time codebook generation in adaptive VQ VIS p278 Spreading code protocol enabling programmable complexity/performance for CDMA local wireless networks COM p395 Generalised method for pruning an FFT type of transform VIS p189 Generic systolic array for genetic algorithms CDT p107 Syst9e3m atic design of key establishment protocols based on one-way functions CDT GIlnodbeaxl- colimnperare ssceodm plveexcittoyr qaunaalnytsiissa tioofn fiblatesre dk eyons trienadmex gmenaeprpaitnogrs VCISD T p31p 33 Trellis decoding technique for binary-adder channel with M users and its application in LANs COM p65 Logic for verifying public-key cryptographic protocols CDT p28 Two-stage nonlinear detector in DS/SSMA communications with impulse noise Low complexity sub-band image coding with pseudo QMF and pyramidal lattice VQ COM p387 Low- a TDM coded modulation with unequal error protection COM p372 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY Low-delay subband CELP coding for wideband speech VIS p313 Modified multiple stack algorithm for decoding convolutional codes COM p221 Multirate coding for mobile communications link adaptation COM p211 Adaptive resampling algorithm for image zooming VIS p207 Multistage trellis coded quantisation (MS-TCQ) design and performance COM p61 Analysis of delays in converting from a redundant representation CDT p219 Novel image compression method using edge- oriented classifier and novel predictive Application of mathematical programming to the fixed channel assignment problem noiseless coding method VIS p361 in mobile radio networks COM p257 On-chip memory module designs for video-signal processing CDS p138 BCJR trellis construction for binary linear block codes COM p367 Performance analysis based on co-channel interference statistics of indoor CDMA Block momentum-LMS algorithm based on the method of parallel tangents VIS p49 systems with RAKE receiver and power control under multipath fading COM Block tridiagonal matrix formulation for inhomogeneous penetrable cylinders MAP pl73 pls4 Performance analysis of noncoherent DS-CDMA systems in a Nakagami fading Comparison of dynamic and static load-balancing strategies in heterogeneous distrib- channel with arbitrary parameters COM p166 uted systems CDT p100 Performance improvement of fibre-optic code-division multiple-access systems by Dynamic systems reliability evaluation using uncertainty techniques for performance using error-correction codes COM p316 monitoring CTA p103 Properties of contour codes VIS p145 Edge oriented block motion estimation for video coding VIS p136 Reduced-tree-based soft decoding for block-coded modulation COM p79 Efficient weighted least-squares algorithm for the design of FIR filters VIS p244 Searching for TCM codes using genetic algorithms COM p6 Estimation-based call admission control with delay and loss guarantees in ATM net- Small improvements in half-rate convolutional codes with popular constraint lengths works COM p85 for applications in satellite communications COM p199 Fast codeword search algorithm for real-time codebook generation in adaptive VQ Threshold decision eR “ed direct sequence code synchronisation in a fading VIS p27 mobile channel COM p15 Global linear complexity analysis of filter keystream generators CDT p33 Transcoding of single-layer MPEG video into lower rates VIS p377 High performance hardware accelerator for design-error simulation CDS p81 Trellis decoding technique for binary-adder channel with M users and its application Low complexity sub-band image coding with pseudo QMF and pyramidal lattice VQ in LANs COM p65 IS p81 V-fairness (t, n) secret sharing scheme CDT p245 Low-decoding-complexity TDM coded modulation with unequal error protection Waveform distortion in a gain-saturated semiconductor optical amplifier for NRZ COM p372 and Manchester formats OPT p433 Numerically stable algorithm for computing Wigner-Ville distribution VIS p46 Optimum partitioning problem for rectilinear VLSI layout CDT p155 Parallel logic simulation with assignable delays on a vector multiprocessor computer COMMUNICATION SYSTEM THEORY Pianar constrained terminals over-the-cell router CDT p121 Access flow control scheme for ATM networks using neural-network-based traffic Predictable distributed dynamic scheduling in RTDOS CDT p195 prediction COM p295 Predicting the complexity of large combinational circuits through symbolic spectral Analysis and design of survivable telecommunications networks COM p322 analysis of their functional specifications CDT p343 UTD-based model for prediction of propagation path loss and shadowing variability Analysis of ATM cell loss for systems with on/off traffic sources COM p129 Analysis of uplink and downiink capacities for two-tier cellular system COM p405 in urban mobile environments MAP p367 Asymptotic properties of queuing networks CDT p249 BER performance of multiwavelength optical cross-connected networks with deflec- COMPUTER APPLICATIONS tion routing COM pli4 Biorthogonal pulse position modulated direct-sequence CDMA for wireless local communications COM p40 Accurate analysis and synthesis of annular ring microstrip antennas MAP p341 Cellular CDMA overlay situations COM p402 Analysis and design of a fixed-frequency LCL-type series-resonant converter with Cluster design of M-ary orthogonal DS/CDMA cellular system with Rayleigh fading capacitive output filter CDS p97 and lognormal shadowing COM p265 Automated parameter extraction For ultrasonic flaw analysis SMT p93 Computer model for analysing digital magnetic recording systems COM p289 Classification of partial discharge sources in gas-insulated substations using novel Constructing quasi-optimal subfamilies of GMW sequences suitable for CDMA preprocessing strategies SMT p17 applications COM p99 CMOS analogue neurone circuit with programmable activation functions utilising Construction and comparison of periodic digital sequence sets COM p361 MOS transistors with optimised process/device parameters CDS p318 Coupled reservation protocols for hierarchical single-hop photonic networks COM Computer-based strategy for the restoration problem in electric power distribution p247 systems GTD p389 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 144, 1997

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