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IEE Proceedings The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, United Kingdom Publishing Department: Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY, United Kingdom Volume 145 1998 The /EE Proceedings is published in twelve titles, as follows: IEE Proceedings — Science, Measurement and Technology IEE Proceedings — Electric Power Applications IEE Proceedings — Generation, Transmission and Distribution IEE Proceedings — Control Theory and Applications IEE Proceedings — Computers and Digital Techniques IEE Proceedings — Radar, Sonar and Navigation IEE Proceedings — Circuits, Devices and Systems IEE Proceedings — Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IEE Proceedings — Communications IEE Proceedings — Optoelectronics IEE Proceedings — Vision, Image and Signal Processing IEE Proceedings — Software Six issues of each title are published during the year. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any copying under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Part 1, Section 38, whereby a single copy of this article may be supplied, under certain conditions, for the purposes of research or private study, by a library of a class prescribed by The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989: SI 1989/1212, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Permission is, however, not required to copy individual contributions on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Single copies may be made for the purpose of research or private study. Authorisation to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $10.00 per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Multiple copying of the content of this publicution without permission is always illegal. The IEE is not as a body responsible for the opinions expressed by individual authors. The IEE is a member of the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers. © 1998: The Institution of Electrical Engineers Secretary of the JEE: J.C. Williams, OBE, PhD, FEng, FIEE Managing Editor: Gill Wheeler Printed by: Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom IEE Proceedings The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, United Kingdom Publishing Department: Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY, United Kingdom Volume 145 1998 The /EE Proceedings is published in twelve titles, as follows: IEE Proceedings — Science, Measurement and Technology IEE Proceedings — Electric Power Applications IEE Proceedings — Generation, Transmission and Distribution IEE Proceedings — Control Theory and Applications IEE Proceedings — Computers and Digital Techniques IEE Proceedings — Radar, Sonar and Navigation IEE Proceedings — Circuits, Devices and Systems IEE Proceedings — Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IEE Proceedings — Communications IEE Proceedings — Optoelectronics IEE Proceedings — Vision, Image and Signal Processing IEE Proceedings — Software Six issues of each title are published during the year. This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any copying under the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, Part 1, Section 38, whereby a single copy of this article may be supplied, under certain conditions, for the purposes of research or private study, by a library of a class prescribed by The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989: SI 1989/1212, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Permission is, however, not required to copy individual contributions on condition that a full reference to the source is shown. Single copies may be made for the purpose of research or private study. Authorisation to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $10.00 per copy is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Multiple copying of the content of this publicution without permission is always illegal. The IEE is not as a body responsible for the opinions expressed by individual authors. The IEE is a member of the Association of Learned & Professional Society Publishers. © 1998: The Institution of Electrical Engineers Secretary of the JEE: J.C. Williams, OBE, PhD, FEng, FIEE Managing Editor: Gill Wheeler Printed by: Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge, United Kingdom Index IEE Proceedings Vol. 145, 1998 Author Index Auriol, P. GTD p395 Bondiou-Clergerie, A. SMT p185, Charoy, F. SEN p79 Avrutin, E.A. OPT p43 Bonek, E. RSN p32 Chatzigeorgiou, A. CDS p347 Aweya, J. COM p227 Bonert, R. GTD p33 Chaudhury, S. CTA p135 Boroditsky, M. OPT p391 Chavez, A. SMT p317 A B Bosdogianni, P. VIS p57 Checkland, P. SEN p95 Bosse, E. RSN p100 Chelnokov, A. OPT p403 Boys, J.T. EPA pl, p326 Chen, C.-H. OPT p13 Abd-Alhameed, R.A. MAP p455 Bacon, D. MAP p229 Brand, S. OPT p398 Chen, C.-L. CDS p95, EPA p345, Abd-El-Barr, M. CDS p207 Baek, J.W. EPA p25 Braum, V. SMT pi23 p359, EPA p387, CDS p396 Abdel-Magid, Y.L. GTD p56 Bagherzadeh, N. CDT p9 Braun, R.M. COM p41 Chen, C.-Q. VIS p97 Abdelaziz, A.Y. GTD p387 Baha, B. EPA p159 Brdys, M.A. CTA p177 Chen, C.C. CTA p377(4) Abousetta, M.M. RSN p209 Baik, I.-C. EPA p369 Brillat, T. OPT p415 Chen, C.Z. EPA p125 Abramovich, Y.I1. RSN p19 Bajj, N.F. COM p191 Brillouet, F. OPT p125 Chen, H.C. EPA p98 Abramovich, Yu.I. RSN p173 Balakrishnan, N. MAP p233 Broche, C. SMT p31 Chen, J. COM p80 Abril, E.J. OPT p65 Balan, A. EPA p455 Brown, E. SMT p285 Chen, J.-C. COM p145 Abu-Al-Feilat, E.A. GTD p189 Balanathan, R. GTD p175 Brown, J. COM p168 Chen, J.-J. CDS p40 Acarnley, P.P. EPA p169 Balestrino, A. CTA p231 Bryce, A.C. OPT p43 Chen, J.-Y. CTA p513 Acha, E. GTD p336 Banavar, R.N. CTA p106 Brygilewicz, V. CDS p125 Chen, J.J. CTA p73 Acosta, A.J. CDS p247 Band, I.W. COM p186 Bucci, O.M. MAP p33, p131, p369 Chen, J.Y. EPA p125 Adachi, M. MAP p175 Bandyopadhyay, S. CDS p48 Buller, G.S. VIS p237 Chen, K.-H. CDT p89 Adams, A.R. OPT p281 Bar-David, I. COM p47 Bullough, W.A. SMT p94 Chen, K.Y. CDS p90 Adams, R.N. GTD p592 Barba, J. VIS p50 Bumby, J.R. GTD p537 Chen, M.-S. GTD p431 Agelidis, V.G. EPA p73 Barbarossa, S. RSN p269 Bunch, J.R. VIS pl Chen, N. GTD p233 Ager, C.l. SMT p181 Barbosa, P.G. GTD p487, EPA p577 Burt, G.M. GTD p547 Chen, P.-H. GTD p451 Aguilar, M.J. GTD p77 Barnes, M. EPA p164 Chen, Q. MAP p185 Aguirre, L.A. CTA p409(4) Barnett, R. VIS p271 € Chen, R.M.M. CDS p7 Ahmad, I. CDT p411 Barrass, P.G. EPA p519 Chen, R.S. MAP p433 Ahmad, M.O. VIS p399 Barraud, S. MAP p387 Chen, S. COM p316 Ahmed, M.S. CTA p277 Barriga, A. CDS p247 Cabodi, G. CDT p395 Chen, S.-J. CDT p37 Ahn, J.-W. CDT p215 Barter, J.D. RSN p135 Cahill, R. MAP p19 Chen, S.J. CTA p127 Ainapure, S.M. SMT p136 Bashagha, A.E. CDT p19 Cahit, 1. CDT p68 Chen, V.C. RSN p262 Ainsworth, J.D. GTD p381 Bashford, A.G. SMT p237 Cai, L. CTA p427(4) Chen, X. CDT p364, p369 Akella, V. CDT pl Bateman, D.G. MAP p361 Calazans, T. MAP p263 Chen, X.H. COM p371 Akiyama, A. MAP pl141 Bates, R.A. SMT p291 Calder, B.R. VIS p221 Chen, X.R. GTD p553 Akmansoy, E. OPT p415 Batty, W. OPT p21 Camacho, F. OPT p43 Chen, Y.-L. GTD p369 Akmese, R. EPA p133 Bava, G.P. OPT p37 Cameron, G.W. GTD p145 Chen, Y.-T. GTD p281 Al Zahawi, B.A.T. SMT p39 Bayard, J. SMT p53 Camurati, P. CDT p395 Chen, MSK . EPA p98 Al-Amer, S.H. CTA p236 Bazhenov, N.L. OPT p268 Camus, F. EPA p462 Chen, Z. EPA p273, p497 Al-Atwan, A. GTD p458 Beach, M. RSN p73, p79 Canals, G. SEN p79 Cheng, T.-H. COM p80 Al-Harbi, S.S. SMT p222 Beach, M.A. MAP p249 Cao, Y.-Y. CTA p338 Cheng, Y.-C. COM p60 Al-Hashimi, B.M. CDS p192 Beck, M.S. SMT p20 Capmany, J. OPT p117 Cheng, Y.-J. COM p241 Al-Khateeb, A.A. CDS p409 Beckley, P. EPA p409 Capolino, F. RSN p226, p233 Cherng, J.-S. CDT p37 Al-Nuaimi, M.O. MAP p201 Behera, L. CTA p135 Cargill, S.M. EPA p469 Cheung, K.W. COM p445 Al-Sunni, F.M. CTA p236 Behres, A. OPT p257 Carmichael, D.R. VIS p221 Cheung, P.Y.K. CDT p47 Alawneh, S.R. CTA p33 Bekka, R.E. CDT p327 Carpaneto, E. GTD p27 Chi, G.C. OPT p248 Alberola-Lopez, C. VIS p357 Bell, S.C. GTD p547 Carpinelli, G.G TD p123 Chiang, S.J. EPA p559 Aldeeh, M. CTA p331 Bellido, M.J. CDS p247 Carpinelli, J.D. CDT p225 Chicco, G. GTD p27 Aldridge, R.P. VIS p116 Belmans, R. SMT p67 Carrez, F. CDS p165 Chikamura, A. SMT p26 Alexandridis, A.T. EPA p217 Ben Rhouma, A. GTD p395 Cartaxo, A.V.T. OPT p211 Chikhani, A.Y. GTD p320 Ali, A.A. COM p414 Benaissa, M. CDT p437 Cartmell, I. MAP p19 Chikouche, D. CDT p327 Allan, J. EPA p351 Benelli, G.C OM p259 Castella, F.R. RSN p119 Chin, S.H. VIS p160 Allan, N. RSN p367 Benisty, H. OPT p373 Castellani, A.S MT p185, p193 Ching, P.C. RSN p325 Allan, R.N. GTD p6i1 Benjamin, R. MAP p263 Cawley, P. SMT p250 Chiu, C.-W. MAP p496 Allen, N.L. SMT p105, p200, Benmohamed, M. CTA p583 Cayrefourcq, I. OPT p77 Chiu, G.-M. CDT p109 Almaini, A.E.A. CDT p364 Benmohammed, M. CDT p155 Cenys, A. CDS p361 Chiu, J.-F. CDT p109 Alonge, F. CTA p587 Bennett, J.C. RSN p291 Cetiner, B.A. CDS p419 Chiu, S.-L. CTA p63, p364 Altug, H. OPT p409 Benson, T.M. OPT p53, p59, SMT p61, Chai, K.-W. CDS p236 Chng, E.S. COM p316 Alves, A.B. GTD p105 pl77 Chai, T.-Y. CTA p141 Cho, D.-H. EPA p199 Aly, M.N. CTA p499 Berezovets, Y.A. OPT p268 Chakrabarti, P. CDS p170 Cho, J.G. EPA p25 Ambriz-Perez, H. GTD p336 Berg, M.C. CTA p204 Chakrabarty, K. CDT p52 Cho, S.-I. CTA p251 Ambroze, A. COM p53 Berglind, E. OPT p147 Chakravarthy, S.K. EPA p585 Cho, Y. CTA p437(5) Ametani, A. GTD p693 Bernardini, G. RSN p153 Chakravarty, G.R. OPT p223 Cho, Y.K. MAP p441 Ammouche, A. OPT p415 Bernot, F. EPA p185 Chalmers, BJ. EPA p133 Choi, B.D. COM p25, p152, p331, p395 Anderson, S.J. RSN p19, p173 Beroual, A. GTD p395 Chambers, J.A. VIS p141, p365 Choi, D.I. COM p331, p395 Anderson, T.J. SEN p22 Berthon, A. EPA p185 Chan, C.W. CTA p345 Choi, J.S. COM p141 Ando, M. MAP p141, p430 Besbes, M. EPA p462 Chan, E.K. GTD p687 Choi, K.B. COM p152 Andonovic, I. OPT p353 Besson, O. RSN p109 Chan, H.C.B. COM p159, p347 Choi, S.H. COM p25 Andreadis, A.C OM p259 Beswick, J. OPT p265 Chan, K.-L. MAP p501 Chotai, A. CTA p568 Andreadis, I. VIS p41, CDS p201 Bevan, D.D.N. RSN p63 Chan, K.L. MAP p123 Chou, D.-S. CDT p301 Andreev, I.A. OPT p303 Beynon-Davies, P. SEN p105 Chan, M.C. COM p19 Chou, L.-D. COM p33 Annakkage, U.D. GTD p175, p182, p225, Bhardwaj, M. CDT p229 Chan, Y.T. RSN p145 Chow, Y.L. MAP p85, p285, p449 p553 Bhattacharyya, D.K. CDT p121 Chandekar, S.M. GTD p315 Christoforidis, S. CDS p71 Antoszezyszyn, P.M. VIS p257 Bhavsar, J.s. SMT p136 Chandler, P.J. OPT p325 Christopher, S. MAP p233 Anyonopoulos, C. MAP p508 Bhim Singh GTD p647 Chandler, S.R. MAP 4 Christopoulos, C. SMT p61, pi01, MAP Aoki, T. CDS p264 Bialek, J.W. GTD p537 Chang, C.-C. CDT pls p193 Aref, M.R. RSN p309 Bianchi, N. EPA p475 Chang, C.-H. CDS p219, CDT p347, Chronopoulos, T. CTA p47 Arnold, JM. OPT p436 Bien, Z. CTA p507 p385 Chryssou, C.E. OPT p325 Arnon, S. OPT p109 Biffl, S. SEN pl Chang, C.S. EPA p49, GTD p89, p203, Chu, J. CTA p472(5) Arnould, J. CDS p185 Billinton, R. GTD p117, p149, p288, p409 EPA p266, GTD p583, p687, p722, Chuang, P.-J. CDT p27 Arof, H. VIS p167 Bird, T.S. MAP p361 p731 Chubb, D. OPT p292 Arrillaga, J. GTD p245, p559 Bisdounis, L. CDS p402 Chang, F.-R. CTA p316 Chung, B.-H. COM p283 Arrue, J. OPT p313 Blair, GM. CDT p127 Chang, G.W.K. GTD p251 Chung, C.-P. CDT p255, p333 Arscott, S. CDS p373 Blair, G.S. SEN p163 Chang, H.-C. GTD p451 Chung, H.M. CDT p215 Ascroft, J.T. SMT p159 Blue, R. SMT p45 Chang, J.-F. COM p249 Chung, M.J. CTA p531 Ash, R.M. OPT p7 Blundell, R. EPA p553 Chang, K.R. MAP p303 Chuprin, A.D. MAP p411 Ashley, T. OPT p265, p281 Board, K. CDS p236 Chang, L.-C. CDT p333 Cimen, H. GTD p7 Ashur, A.S. CDS p55 Boardman, J.T. CTA p463(5) Chang, P.-R. CTA p393(4) Civello, F. SEN p13 Askarpour, S. CTA p265 Bodger, P.S. GTD p145 Chang, P.L. COM pl Clark, A.F. VIS p65 Astratov, V.N. OPT p398 Boese, ILM. SMT p171 Chang, S.J. OPT p248 Clarke, C.T. CDT p229 Asztely, D. RSN p51 Bollen, M.H.J. GTD p70 Chang, W.-W. VIS p155, p379 Clarke, T. CTA p415(4) Atkins, P. RSN p347 Bolognani, S. EPA p475 Chang, Y.-H. CTA p165 Clibbon, K. MAP p19 Atkinson, D. SMT p260 Bolognesi, T. SEN p61 Chao, K.H. EPA p98 Coccioli, R. OPT p391 Atkinson, D.J. EPA p92, p153, p169, Bompard, E. GTD p27 Chapman, R. VIS p280 Cochran, A. SMT p229 p441 Bonamy, A. SMT p185, p193 Chappell, M.J. SMT p291 Cohen, A. MAP p289 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 Collier, R.J. SMT p171 Doumi, T.I. COM p378 Fuhl, J. RSN p32 Hamid, G.A. CDS p207 Collins, T. RSN p347 Dowling, J.P. OPT p420 Fujioka, H. SMT p26 Han, D.H. COM p152 Collis, W.B. SMT p285 Downton, A.C. VIS p194 Furness, R. CDT p437 Han, K.-C. CTA p291 Compton, D.J. SMT p8 Drake, A.E. SMT p181 Furukawa, T. GTD p437 Han, K.-W. CTA p291 Condon, M. GTD p473 Drew, J.D. CDS p429 Fusco, V.F. MAP p185 Han, S.-H. CTA p251 Conejo, A. GTD p77 Driessen, A. OPT p227 Fuster, G. OPT p313 Hands, D.S. VIS p116 Conlin, P. SMT p45 Du, D. EPA p266 Fuster, J.M. OPT p117 Hanitsch, R. GTD p487 Conlon, M.F. GTD p700 Du, J. MAP p471 Hannah, J.M. VIS p179, p249, p257 CCoooopke,r ,J . DS.MC.T RpS2N8 5 p209 DDuuabratred,, AJ..ML.. MdAe PO . pO3P87T p191 G HHaarnas,e n,T . MG.T DC DSp 69p34 46 Copner, N.J. SMT p163 Dudek, F. CDS p192 Harari, J. OPT p77 Cordero, N. CDS p260 Duffy, A.P. SMT p177 Gabsi, M. EPA p462 Hardy, A. OPT p138 Corner, D.J. CDS p437 Duffy, N. VIS p244 Gadot, F. OPT p415 Harmon, S.A.C. SMT p181 Corner, D.T. CDS p437 Duncan, S.R. CTA p189 Gair, S. EPA p600 Harrison, I. RSN p331 Cornick, K.J. SMT p200, p207 Dunnigan, M.W. EPA p231 Galdi, C. RSN p216 Harsanyi, L. CTA p603 Corscadden, K.W. CTA pi89 Durrant, J. SEN p13 Gallego, R.A. GTD p329 Hasan, M.N. CDS p207 Cortigiani, F. CDS p440 Gallimberti, I. SMT p185, p193 Hatziargyriou, N.D. GTD p196 Cortizo, P.C. EPA p333 E Galtier, F. RSN p109 Hatzopoulos, A.A. CDS p319 Costa, F. CDS p185 Gamba, P. RSN p123 Hau, Y.K.G. CDS p35 Coulson, A.J. COM p197 Ganley, M.D. SMT p61 Hawksford, M.O. VIS p11 Coulson, G. SEN p163 e Silva, AS. GTD p505 Gao, F. CTA p479(5) Hay, N. EPA p429 CCCrooavxci,kc n,e Ml.lGC,.. A .C S. METVPIA S p1pp161,39 4p 326 EEEadcsiotmnhooa,mm o,u M,.J .FM.L .A EPMP AAP p2 p648p3 451,6 p600 GGGaaarooc,,i a,HZ ..SDM... J.CG TTSADM Tpp 8136p 93 17 HHHaaayyyeacsso,hc ikd,Ja .,P. R .JHC..D TCG DTSDp 52p p164913 Craddock, I.J. SMT p1 Edmunds, J.M. CTA p523 Garcia-Cabrera, L. VIS p30 Haylock, J.A. EPA p441 Craig, L.M. EPA p140 Edwards, D.G. EPA p469 Garcia-Fernandez, P. OPT p47 Hayward, G. SMT p260 Craveirinha, J.M.F. COM p73 Egan, M.G. EPA p17 Gardiner, J.G. COM p378 Haywood, S.K. OPT p3, p287 CCrrousisclkasnhda,n k,W .AD.. G.OMP.T CpO2M36 p186 EElk aMnaasyhaakde,e , J.MB.. B.G TRDS N p51p11 81 GGaaswttehrraotops,, PA..J. VCITS A p4p12,4 1C DS p201 HHea,z arDi.k a,E PAD. pG3T39D, Cp8T2A p519 Crump, P.A. OPT p7 El-Arabaty, A.M. GTD p387 Gennarelli, C. MAP p33, p213, p369 He, R. CDT p369 CCuuilslienn,, CA.. L.O PMTA Pp 40p32 63 EEll--SEamaadnayn,y , A.EA..F . GGTTDD pp735290 GGeenrtrialrid,, GC..BA.. MGATPD pp329127 HHeeeijmien, LKe.e OCPTTA pp245171 (5) Culshaw, B. OPT p186, SMT p244 Elangovan, S. GTD p531, p739 Ghafouri-Shiraz, H.M AP p313 Helszajn, J. MAP p39, p239 CCCCuuuurnlmtlsimihsfi,af nweg,,K ,. MAI...T .O SVPEGITNTS Dp pp3429p19855 4 7 EEEEllmrlkimianoott,let a,b y,Z e.Cv .M,TS.. MMV.TO. TP.GT p T3R9DpS 2N6 5p,6p 161p3 2 81 GGGGhhhhiaaanzsseaslsnelefimma,ilr ,io ,Bo .yFM,.S. .GJG..Z T. DECR PDSApSN 4 0p33pp 562119 1 HHHHeeeennnmtrsazilleoealnytl,,,h a,SDH ... BRCC.S TDNCAS T Appp2 445444p36 9( 5) CCuytchobne,r t,H .LJ.. A. VICSO Mp3 91p 41 EErstfianh,a niE,. RSS.HN. pC2T7A5 p491 GGhhoosbha,d i,A . C.G TMDA Pp 42p33 49 HHeerronni,m anM,. L.J . MOAPPT pp76 5 Esser, R. CDT p171 Ghosh, G. SMT p136 Hesketh, T.G. CDS p325 D Esteves, N. COM p419 Giannini, F. CDS p243 Hess, K. OPT p339 Euntai Kim CTA p411(5) Giannoccaro, O. COM p277 Hesselborn, H. CDS p446 Evans, B.G. COM p363 Gibbons, C. CDS p364 Hiasat, A.A. CDS p409 Dai, X. EPA p339, CTA p519 Evans, P.D. EPA p593 Giblin, R.A. SMT p8 Higa, S. GTD p375 Dai, Y. CDS p66, p343 Excell, P.S. MAP p455 Gibson, A.A.P. MAP p128 Higaki, T. EPA p119 Daley, S. CTA p259 Gibson, G.J. COM p316 Higuchi, T. CDS p118, p264 D’ Ambrosio, G. MAP p424 F Gibson, J.R. GTD p217 Hill, G. OPT p3, p292 Danilova, A.P. OPT p261 Gil, C. CDT p308 Hilton, G.S. SMT p1, MAP p344 Danilova, T.N. OPT p26! Gil, J. VIS p50, SEN p70 Hilton, M.F. SMT p291 Dargent, E. SMT p53 Fa, L.-Z. MAP p190 Gilbert, B.K. MAP p471 Hiltunen, M.A. SEN p180 Darwood, P. MAP pl, p153 Fabrizio, G.A. RSN p19 Gini, F. RSN p199 Hinchley, D.A. CDS p105 Darwood, P.D. MAP p344 Facheris, L. RSN p226, p233 Giordano, D. SEN p119 Hindi, K.S. CTA p603 Das, A. MAP p159 Faircloth, D.C. SMT p200 Gismero, J. RSN p361 Hirasawa, K. MAP p219 Das, D.B. GTD p747 Fairhurst, G.C OM p180 Githiari, ALN. CDS p354 Hiratsuka, M. CDS p264 Das Sachchidanand, B. GTD p423 Falcao, D.M. GTD pl Giuli, D. RSN p226, p233 Hirokawa, J. MAP p430 Dassonville, J. MAP p337 Falkowski, B.J. CDT p97, p347, VIS Glavic, M. GTD p21 Hirose, K. MAP p70 Daveau, J.M. CDT p181 p371, CDT p385 Godart, C. SEN p79 Ho, J.-M. CDT p37 Davey, A.B. OPT p236 Falkowski, J. CDS p219 Godfrey, K.R. SMT p291 Ho, K.C. RSN p145 David, A.K. GTD p468 Fan, S. OPT p384 Godfroid, H. EPA p360 Ho, W.K. CTA p219, p392(5) Davies, D.E.N. MAP p263 Fan, Z. COM p133 Goh, H.C. EPA p73 Hoekstra, H.J.W.M. OPT p227 Davies, M. GTD p381 Fang, J.-F. CDT p73 Goh, Z. VIS p23 Hojjat, N. MAP p85, p285, p449 Davies, N. SEN p163 Fang, Y.J. GTD p41 Goldberg, B.B. OPT p379 Holder, E.J. RSN p303 Davies, P.A. OPT p159 Fantacci, R. COM p277 Goldkuhl, G. SEN p113 Hole, D.E. OPT p325 Davies, S.R. MAP p375 Faraji-Dana, R. MAP p85, p285 Gomes, N.J. OPT p141 Hollingworth, A.R. OPT p281 Davis, S.R. CDS p379 Farina, A. RSN p9, p28] Gomes, T.M.S. COM p73 Holmes, S. SEN p105 Dawson, D.M. CTA p269 Farish, O. SMT p45 Goncalves, V. COM p419 Holt, L. GTD p217 Dawson, E. CDT p321 Faro, A. SEN p119 Gong, S. CDS p446 Holt, M. SMT p307 Dawson, J.F. SMT p61 Farrell, P.G. COM p289 Gong, Y. MAP p397 Holt, M.R.G. SMT p270 De Florio, V. SEN p203 Faruque, O. GTD p517 Gooch, M. CDT p63 Holwell, S. SEN p95 De La Plaza, A. CDS p44 Fei Wang CDS p254 Goodarzi, J. GTD p403 Honda, Y. EPA p119 De La Rue, R.M. OPT p373, p398 Feijoo, Z. RSN p361 Gooi, H.B. GTD p444 Hong, H. COM p426 De la Torre, A. GTD p336 Feiler, P. SEN p172 Gopal, M. CTA pi35 Hong, M. CDS p162 De Lustrac, A. OPT p415 Feldt, R. SEN p228 Gossner, J.R. CTA p385(5) Hong, Y.-Y. EPA p261, GTD p281 De Maagt, P.J.1. MAP p243 Feng, C. CTA p519 Goto, N. MAP p14] Hopkinson, M. OPT p3, p292 de Menezes, B.R. EPA p333 Feng, G. COM p389 Gott, G.F. COM p168 Hopper, E. EPA p409 de Miguel-Vela, G. VIS p357 Feng, J. VIS p173 Gourgoulis, D.E. SMT p105, p147 Horst, F. OPT p227 De Queiroz, M.S. CTA p269 Fenn, S.T.J. CDT p437 Goutis, C.E. CDT p357, VIS p408 Hosseini-Sianaki, A. SMT p94 Debernardi, P. OPT p37 Fenton, N. SEN p35 Grant, P.M. VIS p179, p249, p257 Hou, J. CDT p197 Deblecker, O. SMT p31 Ferguson, R.S. SMT p58 Grattan, K.T.V. OPT p71, p93, p171 Houdre, R. OPT p373 Deconinck, G. SEN p203 Fernandez, F.A. OPT p93 Gray, D.A. RSN p19, p173 Houston, P.J. SEN p22 Decoster, D. OPT p77 Ferrante, G. CTA p587 Greaves, D.A. SMT p207 Howe, D. EPA p61, p509 Deegener, M. CDT p161 Fidler, J.K. CDS p271 Green, D.H. COM p117, p265 Hredzak, B. EPA p600 Del Re, E. COM p277 Fierro-Chavez, J.L. GTD p480, p675 Green, R.J. OPT p335 Hsiao, J.-Y. CDT p73, p377 D’Elia, G. MAP p131 Fikioris, G.M AP p92 Greenwood, G. CDT p203 Hsiao, P.-Y. CDT p425 Dell, JM. OPT p344 Filatov, N.M. CTA p299 Grenet, J. SMT p53 Hsu, C.-C. CTA p383(4) Dell’ Acqua, F. RSN p123 Filho, W.F. GTD p669 Griffiths, H.D. MAP p263 Hsu, C.-S. GTD p431 Demeter, E. EPA p435 Finch, J.W. EPA p169 Grimble, M.J. CTA p449(5) Hsu, C.L. CDT p117 Demircioglu, H. CTA p241 Findlay, P. OPT p281 Guan, X. GTD p415 Hsu, Y.-L. GTD p281 Demokan, M.S. OPT p186 Fitton, M.P. MAP p249 Guler, M. CDS p155 Hu, H.-T. VIS p303 Deneire, L. RSN p58 Fitz, P.J. GTD p381 Gunawan, E. COM p355 Hu, J.C. SEN p51 Deng, R.H. COM p91 Fitzpatrick, T. SEN p163 Gunes, F. CDS p111, p419 Hu, X. CDT p203, CTA p594 Deravi, F. VIS p167 Flaksman, A.G. RSN p63 Gunning, J. RSN p281 Huang, C.-H. CDT p377 Derouin, E. OPT p125 Fletcher, J.E. EPA p57 Guo, J.-H. CDT p143, p272 Huang, C.F. SMT p207 Derrick, J. SEN p61 Fletcher, P.N. MAP pl, p153, p344 Guo, L.-X. MAP p190 Huang, J.S. GTD p203 Desouza, P.Z.A. OPT p7 Fleury, M. VIS p65 Gupta, S.S. CDS p135, p415 Huang, S. CTA p211 Dessouky, Y.G. EPA p57 Flinders, F. EPA p377 Gurgen, F. CDS p111 Huang, S.-J. CTA p403(4), GTD p597 Devaux, F. OPT p198 Fofana, 1. GTD p395 Gusmao Correia, A.C OM p419 Huang, W. OPT p353 Dhodhi, M.K. CDT p411 Foo, S.W. CDS p19 Gwyn, B.J. GTD p616 Huertas, J.L. CDS p247 Di Bisceglie, M. RSN p216 Forest, F. CDS p185 Hughes, A. EPA p11, p449 Diab, M. CDS p13, COM pi26 Forest, F.C. SMT p307 H Hughes, J. SEN p100 Dickin, F.J. SMT p85 Forsyth, A.J. EPA p301 Hughes, R.T. SEN p29 Dillon, B.M. MAP p128 Fortin, C. OPT p125 Hui, H.T. MAP p273 Ding, X. MAP p104 Fossi, M. RSN p153 Ha, I.-J. CTA p251 Hui, K. CTA p345 Ding, Z. CTA p323 Fourdin, C. OPT p77 Haddad, A. SMT p129 Hui, S.Y.R. SMT p111 Dinh, Q.N. GTD p559 Fox, B. GTD p641 Hadjicharalambous, A. OPT p93 Hunag, B.-C. CTA p513 D’Ippolito, F. CTA p587 Fragiacomo, S. COM p337 Hall, M.J. SMT p181 Hung, C.Y. CDT p265 Dobrzanski, L. OPT p307 Friedrich, G. EPA p247 Hall, P.S. MAP p313 Hunt, J. SEN p41 Donoso-Garcia, P.F. EPA p333 Frisby, J.P. VIS p213 Ham, C.H. CTA p405(5) Hunter, I.C. MAP p7, p337 Doraiswami, R. CTA p537 Fu, W. GTD p583 Hamada, S. EPA p79 Huss, S.A. CDT p161 Dou, W.B. MAP p295 Fuerte-Esquivel, C.R. GTD p336 Haineyer, K. SMT p67 Hutchins, D.A. SMT p237 2 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 Hwang, C. CTA p73 Katsaras, C. CDS p319 Langerak, C.J.G.M. OPT p281 Lofstedt, B. CDS p446 Hwang, D.-H. CTA p507 Kauffmann, J.M. EPA p185, Langley, J. MAP p416 Loh, W.W. SMT p85 Hwang, M.-C. CTA p594 Kawamata, M. CDS p118 Langley, R.J. MAP p49, p411 Lohner, A.K. RSN p128 Hwang, T.-H. VIS p316 Kawano, T. MAP p309 Laopoulos, Th. CDS p332 Loi, K.W. MAP p137 Hwang, W.-J. VIS p103, EPA p105 Kayran, A.H. COM p109 Larsson-Edefors, P. CDS p278 Lokier, J. VIS p244 Hwang, Y.-S. CDS p40 Keche, M. RSN p331 Lau, K.T. CDS p132 Lomba, C.R. OPT p191 Hyung-Jin Kang CTA p411(5) Kelly, W.M. CDS p260 Lauria, D. GTD p161 Lombardini, F. RSN p199 Kendall, P.C. OPT p53, p59 Lauwereins, R. SEN p203 Lombardo, P. RSN p9, p281 Kent, S. SEN p70 Lawrance, W.B. GTD p363 Long, F. SEN p41 Khaliullin, D.Y. MAP p163 Lawrence, C.R. SMT p166 Lopez, M. OPT p65 Khan, Y.U. SMT p270 Laycock, P.J. COM p168 Lorenzo, R.M. OPT p65 latrou, E. CDS p319 Khandani, A.K. COM p213 Layland, N.J. EPA p409 Lourtioz, J.-M. OPT p403, p415 Ibbini, M.S. CTA p33 Kia, S.M. CDT p81 Layton, R.H. SMT p301 Lovatt, H.C. EPA p402 Ibrahim, B.A.W. MAP p455 Kildal, P.-S. MAP p116 Le, T. GTD p251 Lowe, M.J.S. SMT p250 Ibrahim, M.K. CDT p19, CDS p55 Kilic, H. CDS p155 Le Borne, R.C. VIS pl Lowes, P. MAP p75 Ibrahim, M.M. MAP p455 Kim, H.-T. RSN p240 Le Cadre, J.P. RSN p92 Lu, E.-H. COM p60 IPinskaya, N. OPT p254 Kim, H.T. MAP p303 Leat, C.J. MAP p465 Lu, [.-T. OPT p155 Imenkov, A.N. OPT p261 Kim, J.-H. EPA p295 Leaver, K.D. OPT p99 Lu, N.-P. CDT p255 Infield, D.G. VIS p141 Kim, J.0. GTD p566 Lecomte, T. EPA p185 Lu, P.-C. COM p60 Inkol, R.J. RSN p145 Kim, K.-H. EPA p369 Lee, C.-M. CTA p359 Lucas, S.M. VIS p343 Inoue, K. CTA p419(5) Kim, K.-J. EPA p199 Lee, G. CDT p249 Luciano, A.M. GTD p161 loannidis, G. EPA p33, p39 Kim, K.-T. RSN p240 Lee, H. COM p8& Lucibello, P. CTA p19 lonel, D.M. EPA p435 Kim, K.S. COM p283 Lee, H.-P. CTA p119 Luk, K.M. MAP p257 Ip, H.H.S. VIS p322 Kim, K.W. OPT p391 Lee, J. COM p363 Luo, F. EPA p239 Iracleous, D.P. EPA p217 Kim, S.-J. VIS p82, CDS p162 Lee, J.-H. VIS p88 Luo, F.L. EPA p315 Iravani, M.R. GTD p301 Kim, S.-W. RSN p240 Lee, J.-W. CDT p287 Luo, Z.Q. RSN p100 Irving, M.R. GTD p387, p499, p505 Kim, Y.-H. CTA p251 Lee, J.P. CDT p279 Luque-Escamilla, P.L. VIS p30 Irwin, G.D. GTD p481 Kimura, T. OPT p105, p243 Lee, K. CTA p437(5) L’vova, T.V. OPT p303 IIrswhiinb,a shGi,. W.F . RESPNA pp353278 KKiirrka,n onK,. J. W.S MCTD Sp 22p91 39 LLeeee,, KL..--SM.. CVTIAS pp35156 LLyyun,c h,M .RW.. SCEDNS pp129610 Ishigame, A. GTD p308 Kishk, A.A. MAP p116 Lee, M.-N. CTA p531 IIssmlaaiml,, ST..MB.. GCTDDT pp618812 KKijtetllseor,, JM.. VICSD Tp 57p,6 3p 124 LLeeee,, PR..CH..TY.. CRDSNT pp133757 M Istepanian, R.S.H. CTA p472(5) Kleimann, W. GTD p139 Lee, S.S. GTD p525 IIIIIIzvzzwvzizzaaanounbts,lou,, av ,r, LaJN .b.. AP, I..C . S OMECVMM.IPDT S AS G pTppp2lp2D1 731 42337 7 p 189 KKKKKKKKooonoool,,gichge lg,,omih nJJmnt..,C,s,SSH . ,... K- SN.HRE... DM.- MP. JA.C A.V RP DE IS TPRSGNp SA T 3pN D48pp 4p39 2p31 763,p p55 341 0p 5328 9 7 LLLLLLLeeeeeeeeeeeeee,,,,,,, TTSSTWW.......STH--W-..H.J.B .. . CC CCCDGDTCOSSTOAD M DM T pp p91p20p3pp4,112123 91 5417 E 1 , P Ap 26p55 59 MMMMMMMaaaaaaac,dcccci adDqh,noouoJ in.uew,TagSes. .lank dl,iSGM,l ,. T, AMC .DPD. J ..N S C..G G. ppT 7VT2GD5I4GD3T S3T D Dp pp7 521p387p470 49 19 J KKoonlicshhain,o vaY., ENP.AM . p5O3P5T p26i LLLeeeeee,,, YYY... -HH.C. OCMVDI SS p3pp381121 8 MMMaaahgddehjeeo,su wbaJir., a SnE,KN . MMp.A1 4PC6 D Sp 26p81 70 JJaaccko,b , A.AG..F . EMPAAP p9p21,0 4p,1 5p33, 54p 441 KKoopppeiikkaar,, N.DS..A . OPSTM T p1p0193 6 LLeeif,e bCv.r-eL,. SV.I SC DSp3 33p 185 MMaaihdmeonu, d,Y . MC.DS.S CpT2A13 p559 JJJJJaaaaaiecmcnkqeo,eus mle,e,tN ,,. KGA...JCL ... RCG O.DTFPMS.DT A PCp ppT4168A2p5 52 2p54 09(4) KKKKKoooootttru,,iof tloskJApc.i.ahSeC.vkw. le i,oMc uCzA,,OR P .M TO.E . .p 4OpCM29PD7A9T S,P ppp4p2438701152 LLLLLeeeeeioommtunpoc,gish ,,a, i Mn.RMeF-...nR SA,..C. BT.JVAM .IJ AS.GAP pT. 5pD51 Mp10 1A3p3 P570 5 p327 MMMMMaaaaaiklikliamhlngoao,,nmu ,xr, AJe. .h C,SR.O . MJPC.TIT .T I 1M.A pA pC91P4O5p 15M 7 p53 3p21 5 Jan, J.-K. CDT p4i9 Koumboulis, F.N. CTA p226 Lerm, A.A.P. GTD p505 Malik, O.P. GTD p604 JJaanngg,, JC..S-. W.C ORMS N pip5324 2 KKoouuvsasroiutlaaksi,s , N.B . CCTTAA p4p73 85(5) LLeesstaegre,, GS..A .C DSSM Tp 21p34 9 MMaalnianrean,, GJ.. OMPATP pp215146 Janocha, H. CTA p423(4) Kouzis, C.M. SMT p200 Leung, S.H. COM p406 Mandic, D.P. VIS p365 JJeeffffreireise,s , W.R.Q .O PVTI S p2p16451 KKKroraavflatoc,v eav,Mi .c ,Z .C DBCS.T AVpI 3S2 p56p 0139 LLeeuunngg,, TV..SC.. MS. MTC OpM2 85p 159, p347 MMaannina,s , S.S .CN.O ME PAp 29p73 3, p39 JJeernrkaiynas,, AN..A .E PCAD Tp 14p01,8 1 GTD p511 KKrraasmneorj,e n,J. SA.EPN. Mp1A4P6 p179 LLLeeevwuiin,sg ,, E.C Y..EP-.PW A.C DpCS2O 0M6p 325p 87 MMMaaannnnssaooeuurrrt,,s , YM..J M.PG.. TDCG DTSDp 6 6p3p1 36827 JJJJJJJJiiiieieiannnrawm,,,,vnee iglns,WlQWRe, ,.... z ,HBM. RGCO. .SADWPRWGNP..TT.T DCCpDp Epp1D421SP0S3p98 A0 0226 6 pp52p2 461713, p509 KKKKKKKKrrrrrrrriieiiiaieehjssusrrlnhhs,,hienns nknaa,,a,,, AS m ..TEo GP..CVo..OF ..r .J PMtO .O.hTEMPP Oy. PTT,P AC pT DO2 pR9pTPp.223T p 69,330 2C17p7 3O3p p,422M 192 7p7 3 7p94,7 p398 LLLLLLLLiiiiiiii,,,,,,aa ow,JWG,KLR. .... . H YRC.CG.CSV. TTTMINGCAD.AS T O pDMpEp1pp 33P 6649911A71p7,12, p5( ( 93559pS1)G),9,E T 8N pDp 4 733p119p 7 626,3 RSN p354 MMMMMMMMaaaaaaaarrrrrrrnibgckkatklohuota,elisvuw ,io,iky nr coR,,o,.lW , K .a .JmCV AM..,I.G. M H.S F.AC C. VDTPD p.IAGS 1SC2 T GD4pDTp T4pp Di649 9307 p 7 p5 1p6i68 61 3 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJooouoouooouooooooottluuusnndhanhhhhaaal,,h,peeannnnnnnn,,ii s3shsgassss en,,,0,,,vnoooo HMo J 1, FPinnnn..p. ..tY,,,,J--GSoAJSGRh..L Y...G.u...u .V .-RR.T Sll .CA$DR..C..AOoa. .... G .GD s, GP C T ,.VSMTGGGTCRDOC ID CDATTTS TSPDTS O.DJ DDNPDA TT p .pPS l D Gp2pp,T. 6p46T 5ppp ppppp588 9Cp3D6142421O96 74452001pD 6, P 8263537 35TT ,, ( 8 p 5 C42) Dpp8p p568S6308 3812 4 p229, CDT KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKuuuyuuuuuuyuuwruwuwrlftllkkonoilumpmooooiftekko,i,sapnkbnnnncensalo ht wrgal,,l,hegsrjtnssa ,,,er aan,C,Siayk s, ,,i.. ms nniF eT ,-YB,,na.,ECLr.Y D.. W,.,. L..t.A-C .G. - .,SH.C HCGGMS.SE.TC C.G.EC.O.SV. T.TP DJT.. ..T DEN.MVADM CRA E. DN.TG.MC C TAP S CTpADOCAAPpMO3TpDRppPT Dp Mp5p 53TP93AS 23S5 8 54 70 Tp1 N5p39 p 5 489p15 pp3 5 pp 55p 611p,21151p53p31 93 373 52 376p 70 49 2 37 9 5 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitnnnnnnnnnmpnsnemnmtp,,,,dn,,idigbdw,ldy 2ee t,n,oe, bsltii2 s, aJ eCCYYk,lt k3nF,..K..r. o,,i.MK,L g-A-R g .Lg-,... ScS..J.,EW ,VC M...Ch T.L IC. . . D..C.a.SM LTV C MrLCS.TE.EC.EC.A..o C CODM AN PE O Te TTSOMAM A PSnRAGpMVA AP A,AP Mp1S TIp p T39P NTS1p1Dp6 p 12 23pSpppp 43p$3476412.42 4pp3 p 33p p45191p32272,G 251 9 9532 5 5,10 T1 11 591 DE CP TApA 1 8p2p1,30 65p4,2 25p 111, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatrrzttsrstrrrsrstrrytrtzhsssssvvshtophnhiaiaehe,auiheiineae,enkarn l,nd,ekn,,n w,il,wto ,a voe e, dl iPs, ,J,,z,i. ,.,J,J D - NU s . . RA...AS,HCO.R. J.YJ B r.K SW.GC. KP...O ..o .V ..R.G E TCzVP I MEOS..OTCOVa.I CSWS PVP N, SIPSDDP D.ICAM TSp T MST SSCpp 1T O T pJ3 pD11V. pp9M24 3p7 pSIp5ppp11p3233 4 SV 4423p2 837 p 73 I07813573 67 Sp8 377p4 71p 2 3 1730p8793 0 K Littlewood, B. SEN p35 McArthur, S.D.J. GTD p547 L Liu, B. CTA p423(4) McCann, B.M. GTD p641 Liu, B.Z. GTD p169 McCartney, A.I. GTD p641 Kallimani, K. OPT p319 Liu, C.C. OPT p248 McClay, C.I. EPA p414 Kaloust, J. CTA p405(5) Labadi, Z. OPT p297 Liu, G.P. CTA p259 McDonald, J.R. GTD p547 Kalymnios, D. OPT p313 Labilloy, D. OPT p373 Liu, J. CTA p485, p519 McEwan, N.J. MAP p455 Kandianis, A. EPA p39 Lage, H. OPT p7 Liu, K.-C. GTD p233 McGeehan, J. RSN p73, p79 Kang, S. CDT p287 Lai, A.K. MAP p257 Liu, L.F. GTD p169 McGinnity, S. RSN p337 Kanka, J. OPT p133 Lai, E.M.-K. VIS p264 Liu, P.C.K. COM p19 McKay, M. MAP p39 Kant, M. EPA p247 Lai, L.L. GTD p616, p753 Liu, S. MAP p397 McLaughlin, D.J. RSN p367 Kantz, H. SMT p279 Lake, B.M. RSN p135 Liu, S.-I. CDS p40 McLaughlin, S. SMT p321 Kao, M.-F. CDT p333 Lakrimi, M. OPT p287 Liu, W.Q. CDS p13 McNab, A. SMT p229 Karafyllidis, 1. CDS p71 Lakshmi Narasimhan, V. CDT p211 Liu, Y. GTD p251 Mecrow, B.C. EPA p402, p441 Karagianni, K. CTA p47 Lalande, P. SMT p185, p193 Liu, Y.-H. EPA p387 Medhavan, A. CDS p170 Karakatsanis, T.S. GTD p196 Lam, J. CTA p338 Liu, Y.-X. RSN p142 Megahed, A.I. GTD p604 Karandashov, S. OPT p254 Lam, S.P. COM p234 Liu, Z.-S. RSN p161, p354 Megson, G.M. CDT p403 Karasek, M. OPT p133, p205 Lambeck, P.V. OPT p227 Living, J. CDS p192 Mehrpour, H. VIS p173 Karatani, K. MAP p175 Lamminmaki, J.S. MAP p327 Llorente, C. OPT p65 Meinhardt, M. EPA p569 Karbowiak, A.E. VIS p173 Lampard, D. EPA p423, p429 Lo, K.-T. VIS p173 Mekhallalati, M.C. CDS p55 Kari, H. SEN p219 Lanari, R. RSN p254 Lo, K.L. GTD p257 Menini, L. CTA p1 Karimov, 0.Z. OPT p398 Landi, A. CTA p231 Lobry, J. SMT p31 Mernik, M. SEN p85 Katic, N.A. GTD p239 Lang, T. COM p371 Lodge, N.K. VIS p116 Mertens, R. SMT p67 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 Mertzios, B.G. CTA p226 Nuhanovic, A. GTD p21 Piotrowski, J. OPT p307 Russo, A. GTD p123 Metz, C. MAP p354 Piper, B. MAP p65 Russo, M. GTD p123 Miah, A.M. GTD p49 Pirri, M. RSN p9 Miah, M. SMT p166 O Pitt, C.W. OPT p325 Miceli, W.J. RSN p262 Plais, A.O PT p125 S Michels, M. CDT p149 Oberschmidt, G. MAP p354 Poljak, D. MAP p57 MMMMMiiiiihgekgallhnlicaoiozicnral,er o ,sv kPaRia,.M,r .kGD MW.T.C. PD T. M AGA TOpP4DPp 9 T431 p1p4(3p25624)36 8 , p303 OOOOOfheggfs,ghrt ,aee nirJn.nlS-,ea.H , ,. CB.DUCJW.S.D. TOO EPpP2PTTp1A 3 3 1 p7p3 2732377 7 PPPPPooooollnmmolcpe,oeer c-iokVV,,y.e , l CDeO..zJP ,.T MEM. PA MAP.pO A1 P.1pT 7p1 36G84Tp7 3D 7 9 p675 SSSSaaaaffgaaaodaSvo-i1i,S-1- Ja NaoaJzu.eiSdi,.n, i C, TAZ.A.S M. AEMpPP4AA 6 P3p( 45p5)1p 4805,, pp238953,, pG44T9D MMMMiiiilllkleirasnor,e,p , ouRRS.l..EoJJ...s , VCCIDDPSSS. N .p p1p333S717M 33T p105, p141 OOOOhhkhlcatehzsniau,,kk ie,,MP .. KTO..G PTETCDP T AAp 1p44pp37597 92 3 PPPPooooppppoopmvvlaiie,ccw ,,e lTlhDB,... J D..AGA ..T MDCOA OPPMpT 3 5p51p 3p3,232 77p 491 SSSaaaiikft,ao ,g aMmT.i. ,C OTPIA.T MApp3P150 35, p 2p7294 3 Miller, T.J.E. EPA p435 Oksman, J. COM p371 Porrill, J. WIS p213 SSaallaazmaar,, JM.. MS.MAT. pG3T1D7 p320 MMMMMMMMMMMiiiiiioooionlnrytchhyguo,zaohaeahss azminizasaiaiz,maBivvat,u aw.,lnvo k- nj,a,eiDAe i,O m,..vC,. Si.iA H.R.c,.H E O.,M . S P.PEM.E AOMTGPOAMP.. E .TAPARP P .DTp pGA 8V 3p 5TIp6pC3,1SpDp30 6pT8 366 05p0A661 2p2 09 p819 5 951p 74,9 1 p634 OOOOOOOOOOOll’’llrnnm’vaRRygeggaMeseesia,,rarziilzc ,,,hllya, ,llg oNV yye..nAF E,,rNKy...P ,..B.DM,E S. ..J EP.C . .SF APT.ECMC. G MA.CN OOMTJA D p.OMDAMP6 SPpp P0 OT317 0P3 ppppp776T411p3 p3803 1324152078 p9 13 19 PPPPPPPPPPPorrorroroortiriairaswetctjydtktemeeeaeaiaorr,rpc,,lsy,, ,a r lh a ,ao,MV lR-n SL..kD.G.e.N o.JBaC.Ve ,..Or. .Vr c EVPIaGiS.PScGTVaRTSM .h,AT S.D ,T NDp Cp J7 p.2DM3Y p42pS Ap.p2V036 2 51IP9 17 7CS 5p3 T 3 Ap5p2 33537p 8 7 SSSSSSSSSSaaaaaaaaaalllnnlmllnieodtvbmmc,tulia e,oohsesd lnneS,rtol,,z. ,ePr, - .b, SDCa .JAMinOD A...,aC.CPSPC z. ..T ,O VJM M.GIMpSAAAS1TpA. MP 8. 1PD T0 2p pE 5 O71Pp 39PppA7p1 32T52 59 812p5 p 54777 MMMooollilis,se cehvF,,. CAKD..FSD.. pRO1SP7N5T pp322 68 OOOrrroeonnz,gc oo,-R B.a GrO.b PoCTsDa ,S p 13Lp.82 4C3 OM p227 PPPrrryoycused-,lR eorbG,e. r tIOs.,KP. T CV.I pS2S 6M5p,Tl p2p8310 7 SSSSaaaatnvviziasicrh,,e, s ePM,L.. . S C.CS D.M SGTM T ADpP2 p 4737p p23339, p369 MMMMoooolnlnliloiror,iv c,,h Pi.oM S,..S VE.CN AD. E SPp MA7A9 p P19p 23,0p 11 p1368 9 OOOOtrrrtttteeeergggsaaat,,e- nS,JaJ ..n Ac.CBh .De SzTR,M S TNp C 3.0 pp83C5 11D 7T p242 PPuutstkjae,r ,Q P D..P. OMPATP p2p5279 9 SSSScccahhawaeg,lil ldieloYr,n., -e S,A. M. .EA. V. I OSRPR SSTNpN i 7p9p7p,172 4 6p59 2 49 Montakhab, M.R. GTD p592 Ouamri, A. RSN p331 Scheunders, P. VIS p137 Montanari, G.C. SMT p13 Ougazzaden, A. OPT p198 Schmnitz, E. CTA p537 MMMMMMMooooooonrrnoorteetnngilne,,ac,or de -olo,VlSS,L ii... -,l -J lAM.JE. a.. P ,ACA. AOPCD. P.GVDT T.pTT M 3OD .6Pp p03Tp1 12G p17117T 50p D 52, 1 1 pp637259 OOOOOOuzyzwwsdabeelefanninuys,m,s,, , o ,K EMT..M..E J.FT... .O PVOGCTICPTTS OTDA M pp4 4p0pp133925p38 6 19150 9 QQQQiiuu,uee ,rv ,Se .dR .oRSOC., . P CTJOD . PTpCT 1T 7pA93p 9155p 51 77 SSSSSSScccceeeooohbbdtttredattteko,k,,i, nhb ,yeCSK ,r...M ,G .A .M C.D BAT.CO..AOPT M.P A S CT MCDp Tp7TSp15p 4 A0 24 58p3p 72(3p 5764)999 9 Morimoto, S. EPA p119 MMoorsiessh,i taR,. L.H . RMSNA P p3p1271 9 P Rabey, G. VIS p244 SSeeikgieorkrao,t h,S . UG. TDSE Np 69p31 13 Radhakrishnan, D. CDS p443 Selhi, H. SMT p101 MMooutrtaa,h edJe.hT,. CRT. AO PpT3 07p 3 Pagiatakis, G.O PT p99 Radmore, P.M. SMT p8& Selim, $.Z. GTD p56 MMMMMMMMMMuuuuuuuuoutrgrrslrynsdrcgagpnaciahlbrhiwhny,eaeyhle,, s,w,ae r t , nrR o ,,AB.nJL ..D.e.AB N. M,l.JP. S .. .E- F DOMCCP..JOE tAT.OO u PP E MMmEATEP, pP PpA 1A3A 3p0pp pH 351243.p 6 81 4p1p9165471V , 2 7I 3 S p 3p2334 9 PPPPPPPPPaaaaaaaaalinnnlhlh,pn,,,unm a2e seel,2irBrCG a5Hn.,,...,swP - ASk .aT..i tUM.PS p,.h. .O 5A Rt C5P.EhPOSD 3RTaP. S M,SAC A T .NDp p4 Sp27Np9S 2p1.p50MC3 634 p. 7T741 4 0 5G,p T11Dp73 54p 175, pi82, RRRRRRRRRRaaaaaaaaaaijjhjihhhhlaaaammmmmtrtrkoaoaooahdanntnjuuejr,d-a,vannu inSa, e,n,,a, Ca, .mB, JSi .M.A.FRi M..A..,S . .MCSM. A.C .DOM. CAGTYTP T..DCTAT POTT D .OpP A pP9ppTl 757pT Cp 1813 pO 3535p 5M 7p8 137 ,9 1p p39039, p171 SSSSSSSSSSeeeeeeeeeenlnwpnntvnnvaeejgaedaanlhy,rrytnilru eoki,,,i,h ,, ,Y d .eMJRKTKn.eAD.N...1,..n . .T d.CE eCCCCCSDPsDD.TOMOSA,KSSA A MM. P pMpVp p11.p82I3pp8A454S501p2.2,,,, 085 8 509(ppp E 5pG221)P40T94 1A378D5 , ppp333307365 Mykolaitis, G. CDS p361 Pan, Q. OPT p335 Ram, B.S. GTD p709 Sewell, P. OPT p53, p59, SMT p61 Mythili, P. MAP p159 PPaannagy,i rcSi.L,. EC. OCMO M p18p01 09 RRaammadkarnies,h naA,. OGP. TG TpD1 98p 133 SShhaafha,i , D.L . VIMSA Pp 18p71 69, p207 Pantjiaros, C.A. COM p168 Ramesh, V.C. EPA p607 Shahzad, F. GTD p189 N Panzieri, S. CTA p19 Ramos, F. OPT p117 Shang, Z.0. CDS p24 Pao, D.C.W. COM p234 Ramsden, V.S. EPA p402 Shao, C. CTA p141 Papakostas, D.K. CDS p319 Ran, L. GTD p293 Shao, Y. VIS p109 Nabulsi, K.A. SMT p222 Parameswaran, S. CDT p81 Rao, N.D. GTD p133 Shao, Z. CDT p33 Nagao, T. MAP p219 Parfeniev, R.V. OPT p268 Rao, T.C.K. MAP p229 Sharaiha, A. MAP p268 Nahman, J. GTD p463 Park, C.G. COM p25 Rathore, T.S. CDS p197 Sharma, J. GTD p98 Nakamae, K. SMT p26 Park, H.-K. MAP p486 Rau, V.G. CTA p9 Sharp, P.W. GTD p175 Nakano, H. MAP p70, p99, p175, p309, Park, J. CDT p215 Ravindranathan, M. CTA p551 Shatrov, A.D. MAP p411 321 Park, J.-W. CDS p162 Ray, A.K. CDS p61, p383 Shavit, R. MAP p289 Nakaoka, M. EPA p79, CTA p419(5), Park, J.K. GTD p525 Razavi, K.E. OPT p159 Sheen, W.H. COM p437 EPA p535 Park, K.-H. CTA p507 Rebizant , W. GTD p578 Sheikhi, A. RSN p309 Nakase, Y. CDS p337 Park, M. CTA p437(5) Reed, 1.S. CDT p369 Shen, D. VIS p322 Nakayama, K. MAP p99 Park, S. CDT p249 Reed, M. OPT p53 Shen, J.-L. VIS p309, p384 Nandi, A.K. VIS p280 Park, S.I. COM p283 Rees, H.D. RSN p193 Shen, W.-Z. COM p241 Nandi, S. CDT p121 Park, T.-G. CTA p55 Reformat, M. GTD p345 Shen, Y. CDS p7 Nangia, U. GTD p65 Parker, E.A. MAP p406, p411, p508 Remennyi, M. OPT p254 Shepherd, P.R. MAP p349 Napoli, E. GTD p161 Parniani, M. GTD p301 Ren, W. CTA p211 Shepherd, W. EPA p284 Napoli, R. GTD p27 Pastina, D. RSN p281 Restall, EJ. OPT p165 Sherstnev, V.V. OPT p261 Narraway, J.J. CDS p289 Pastor, D. OPT p117 Reynolds, A.L. OPT p436 Sheu, J.K. OPT p248 Nassar, H. CDT p225 Patra, S.K. COM p323 Rhodes, J.D. MAP p337 Shieh, H.-J. EPA p111 Nassif, N. CDT p9 Patvardhan, C. GTD p747 Riccio, G. MAP p33, p213, p369 Shieh, J.-J. EPA p544 Nayebi, M.M. RSN p309 Paulraj, A.J. RSN p25 Richardson, J. OPT p297 Shih, F.-P. OPT p13 Naylor, P. SMT p129 Payne, K. EPA p351 Richardson, J.R. CDS p35 Shih, F.Y. VIS p333 Nderitu, D. GTD p210 Pearson, D. VIS p271 Rijanto, H. GTD p717 Shilpakar, L.B. GTD p647 Ndjountche, T. CDS p285 Pearson, D.E. VIS p116 Rim, G.H. EPA p25 Shim, S.M. CDT p215 Nedelchev, N. EPA p147 Pedrycz, W. GTD p345 Rimell, A. VIS p11 Shimada, H. GTD p437 Neil, M. SEN p35 Pei, S.-C. VIS p333 Ring, W.S. OPT p7 Shin, B.-C. COM p152 Nemoto, Y. COM p8 Pelosi, G.M AP p213 Rivers, A. OPT p3 Shishiyanu, T.S. CDS p383 Nener, B.D. OPT p344 Peng, X.-H. COM p289 Robak, S. GTD p537 Shmilovici, A. CTA p575 Neto, A. MAP p243 Pennock, S.R. MAP p349 Roberts, S.J. VIS p149 Shore, K.A. OPT p21, p31, p83, p88 Newport, A. CDS p364 Peres, P.L.D. CTA p435(4) Robin, P. SEN p163 Shrivastava, $.K. SEN p155 Newsam, M.I. SMT p58 Perez, F. RSN p361 Robinson, M.P. SMT p61 Shrivastava, Y. CTA p594 Ng, A.E.J. CDS p297, p306 Perng, J.-W. CTA p291 Robles-Perez, A.M. VIS p30 Shuley, N.V. MAP p465 Ng, W.-C. OPT p365 Persson, S.-T. CDS p446 Roca, M. CDS p175 Shung, C.B. COM p145 Nguyen, T.T. GTD p621, p627 Pesquera, P. OPT p31 Rocchi, S. CDS p440 Shustov, V. OPT p254 Ni, Y. GTD p139 Peters, G.L. EPA p326 Rofail, $.S. CDS p148 Shwedyk, E. COM p309, p426 Nicholl, P.N. VIS p131 Petersen, H. CDT p149 Roje, V. MAP p57 Shwehdi, M.H. GTD p189 Nien, M.-C. CDS p229 Petersen, I.R. CTA p491 Rolim, L.G.B. GTD p487 Shy, C.-Y. CTA p403(4) Nikandrou, N. COM p191 Petrou, M. VIS p57, p124 Roman, G.-C. SEN p51 Shyu, K.-K. EPA p111 Nikolaidis, S. CDS p347, p402 Peyton, A.J. SMT p20 Roman-Roldan, R. VIS p30 Sichanie, A.G. GTD p616 Nikolic, N. MAP p427 Philp, W. OPT p186 Romero, R. GTD p329 Sillence, C. MAP p19 Nishizawa, J. OPT p105 Phoojaruenchanachai, S. CTA p87 Rosen, P.A. RSN p254 Siller-Alcala, 1.1. CTA p241 Nix, A.R. MAP p249 Pickering, S.J. EPA p423, p429 Rossiter, J.A. CTA. p385(5) Silva, J.G. SEN p198 Noda, S. EPA p528 Picod, C. EPA p462 Rowson, S. OPT p403 Silva, L.M. SEN p198 Noghanian, S. MAP p207 Pidgeon, C.R. OPT p281 Roy, S.C.D. VIS p6 Silver, J. CDS p364 Noguchi, K. OPT p360 Pierce, I. OPT p88 Roylance, T.F. EPA p429 Sim, M.L. COM p355 Norris, W.T. EPA p497 Pierce, S.G. SMT p244 Rubio, A. CDS p175 Simkin, D. GTD p217 Nosseir, A.l. GTD p387 Ping, T.-Y. MAP p190 Rueda, A. CDS p78 Simmons, J.G. OPT p217 Notaros, B.M. MAP p13, p491 Pinheiro, P.A.T. SMT p85 Ruiz, G. COM p378 Simoni, L. SMT p13 4 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 SSSiiinnnggghhh,,, CSR... N.CG DTGSDT Dp p1586p069 8 TTTaaalkkaaelhdaaaks,ih ni,,Y . G.RE .PHO.ACP .T p 1C1pT92 A54 p435(4) ¥ WWWoooooodddfbsor,ri ddG,g. eS,.D . MK.GA TPOD P Tp p635p4 35 Singh, Y.P. CTA p9 Tam, P.K.S. CTA p485 Vaahedi, E. GTD p663 Woolfson, M.S. SMT p177, RSN p331 Sinha, A.K. GTD p82 Tam, W.Y. MAP p257 Valadas, R.T. OPT p191 Woudberg, J.J. GTD p145 Siskos, S$. CDS p332 Tamasevicius, A. CDS p361 Valencia, M. CDS p247 Wozniak, J. CDT p237 Sivov, A.N. MAP p411 Tamby, J. GTD p663 Valle, A. OPT p31 Wrathall, S. OPT p7 Skaf, H. SEN p79 Tan, B.T.G. VIS p23 Valle-Jaime, E. GTD p675 Wright, D. SEN p35 SSSSSSlkklklaaoiietrlwdmepnermpei,zokt cyreiknessH,s,,., kJ .iM ,MSI. ...ES DG.P.L.O .A P R OTOCSP PpTNT9TA 2 p , 1 pp9p1p38p3929 i332851 6 3 TTTTTaaaaannnnn,,,,, TSEKR.....SHSC-....C . GCVCTVIDTSIDTA S pp1ppp626238103917 3 (4) vvvVVVaaaaaannnnrn dsdehedSDrnrecoaer hoa yorr,oReP,t hln ,ao,a Pd tM.esJ.Ks,G.J. ,.B. . J C.MGCCOO..AOP HMP.MTO POpTpppPi1 22 9T21 p7 82 0p53 79 WWWWWWruuuuui,,,,,g htCCAGG,..... ---FKMCC.J.. .D T DS.ACC C DDCDTTppDT 7 4S 2 p8pp4(34p352233)157 9 Sloan, C. EPA p449 Tan, W. CTA p485 Vas, P. CTA pi97 Wu, H.-S. VIS p50 Slock, D.T.M. RSN p58 Tan, Y.-C. CTA p479(5) Vaskelainen, L. MAP p460 Wu, J. CTA p472(5) Smartt, C.J. MAP p193. Tanda, M. COM p272 Vaughan, R.G. COM p197 Wu, J.-C. GTD p597 Smirnov, V.A. OPT p268 Tang, C.-Y. CDT p73 Vazquez, J.L. RSN p361 Wu, J.-L.C. COM p33, p451 Smith, B.C. GTD p245, p559 Tang, D.-C. VIS p88 Vecht, A. CDS p364 Wu, K. ¢ IPT pi79, MAP p433 Smith, C.J.M. OPT p373 Tang, J.M. OPT p83 Veinovic, M. VIS p19 Wu, K.Y. CDS p7 SSom,i thH,. C.K .SR.S NG TDp3 25p 293 TTaaon,i guYc.h iC, DST. pG2T7D1 p308 VVeerrdmea,, PS.. PG. TDEP Ap 12p34 55 WWuu,, i R. cR.S NC ‘DpT 3 54p li7 Soderstrom, T. RSN p317 Taranto, G.M. GTD p1 Verona, F.B. CTA p231 Wu, ¢ Y. ¢ OPT pi3 Soh, C.B. COM p355 Tarassenko, L. SMT p270, p307 Verrazzani, L. RSN p199 Wylie, A. COM p168 Soh, Y.C. CTA p397(5) Tarnekar, S.G. EPA p307, GTD p315 Vesely, V. CTA p603 SSSSSSSSSooooooooolonnnnrolongggganos,,,,,ggmi h,ona ,nJGQI1n .,.... ,B - C.Y VC.CH.CO OI.SJTT... MMJSV AA..IC D MS.OV AppppIM2443SPpR 8120 9S 3747Np( pp42 34)051 3p51 1 73 TTTTTTTTaeaaaaaayhyyyyysl,lll,,ao ooo drrrrdH,,DK,,u. . .qCCBCG.,D.R.... . HJS N...GC. I C .TODCAVC.DSMST IDE ASCTN pTp p73pA9p01p2p9 504181,6 37 2p87 72 p 74371 VVVVVVVViiliiiiutlaigldktcstnlyoaosaoelavtinl,nsi,se iea ,cn,u g,V, vJa . .eSr -V.,P,.AA G .. . CJT C.PDMOD O.D.SRP P S.M T T ACp pO1TPp33PpA4 p397T45 2 709 p 2p9p15931 8 4 XXXXXXiiauuienn,,o,,t n hgGLo,D..uL .AXYl ...iF C Cs. T,SOG CAMMTO ETD .M p 3pEp94pP7208pA(02925 1)8 p 33 SSoorteol-iCurs,e spJo., RSJN.M . p3O1P7T p47 TTeeimcehl,k uJr.a nC,D T B. pO17P1T p409 Ww XXuu,, MW..G . COTPAT pp231494, GTD p251, Sottili, F. RSN p226, p233 Teo, C.Y. GTD p444 392(5) Soudris, D.. CDS p71, CDT p357 Terret, T. MAP p268 Wade, G. COM p53 Xu, X.-M. CTA p159 SSoouulzia,, N.L. J.O PGTT Dp 19p85 73 TTehrazniajial,a kiVs.,V . A.G TCDD S p1p57 1 Wade, S. EPA p231 Xu, Y. VIS p264, EPA p339 SSppeanrcreorw,, PF..ST.. OGPTTD pp8231 0 TThheeomdiosrtiodsi,s , C.G .O PCTD T p93p,3 57p 171 WWWaaaihd,ah bw,Ra .,-J A.. C.EVLPI.A S GpTp11D60 05 p65 Y Speyer, J.L. CTA p106 Theoharis, S. CDT p357 Wai, R.J. EPA p223 SSSSSSSSprtrrprpiiaiireotvnnkeeoealiavrnrsevniaaetyat,kmra,s h,,,v aa Sann.A,,, DV. E ... E LDTPM.ES.C.A A PDM GPCGASTT DTp D5TDppp 5p 24135703 p8p3p6 9 2,6 8 28 97p 485, p497 TTTTTTThhhhhhhioeuoooeislmmmldlbaepipio,ssnssr ,,goon , n,nL . ,,IG . W. DC .C.DDHH DS...TSECRA .. ND CSppOR O17p7SP1M1p1 N T1 ppp2l21 3~8.1 5 4 WWWWWWWaaaaaaallllnnnkltk,ggaeoe ,,crnr e,,,P, .CC S...AAP-- .A..LCJJC....C..M O.OCSC MOPDTM PVTTATIT Sp 1pppp82p1p250184528 673,3 5 , 7, C pDV2TI7S 2 pp227397, p433 YYYYYYYaaaaaaakbckkmmilkooaanoevvumtnrllcohoseehotvovvisino,,,,t, , c hYYJC,u.N.T. P ...G. PM . .E AMM .O PAASOPO PPMPTP TT pT7 pp0p11,3ppp44 0123173p06 9 9 1519, , pp216785 , p309, Starck, C. OPT p125 Thyagarajan, K. OPT p223 Wang, C.H. CTA p383(4) p321 SSStttaaaprtskhls,a4i k7ni B,o. pHoT.u. l oCVsDI,SS Cpp.21A9.03 5 SMT p105, p141, TTTTiooikkmdhuldodievanm,,sa onn,YT, .. BCMM.D. A SVPI C SO ppM34p3 42714 4p 53 WWWWaaaannnngggg,,,, DDFF....Z --.YMG ..T GDTVE IDPS Ap 2pp61p15525 565 1, p379 YYYYaaaannnm,,,a zaJWW.k..-i- T,.Y G . TCMDD.C TT AMp A8p9P3 p1 399 p7(750) SSSSSSSSSttttttttteeeeaeeearirupvpptrnnnhe,aho,, ten n enonson-UnAsoMvsB.,.,n.,oe S, nvM. O,aR RM nAP..R.,COBTP.JV ..P. M. LM. TA.. Vp.p OEI24O.S5M8PEp P 71T3AP TO6 pAP5 P2 2pTp29p p36 12911p0 8,71 p449 TTTTTTTTTooooooooorrznonurenpe,llgpnyirl e,iaei,,y k,,m L, o b. YHv-Re..E,RG.,MK. ..C .. .C AC MCDC.AD.S.S DSD S MMS TS MCT T MpTA p 1TpA2pP14p 83 p1 43539 93 p4pp 3 l40 771 WWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnpggggggggg5,,,,,,,,,0 9 JWHHHLMPW........ . -F--- ES.CGBCD. .P..TD E AGDTPC VTR E ATIDSPp SApp6 NA 1 13 p4,6pp4 9p4319pp, 311p,21 11 6564,6p 012 M49 0 Ap97P 5 9 p397, EPA YYYYYYeeeaaaf,naannn ,nnggcg dg,,gQh,,.e . ,a Wl o.,OTCYBMF ..M .....CL--X-A.. TRJJ.H.i. .P . C GCCCGOCDDTTCTpMOSSADDC1D MD 6T S9 ppp ppplp2967lpp 9575 68254 978 7 Stewart, G. OPT p186 Tracey, S.M. CDS p383 Wang, W.-J. CTA p25 Yim, J.-S. CDT p135 SSSSSSStttttttooriirelubccaylrakkhseacllak,i,eana t yn,li,d ,RsG , .,. R G.C.JTHGF..DT ..T S. M DESC AMP MTPpAAAT1p P 65 5pp1pp 13 41p9376432,66 5V IS p408 TTTTTTTrrrrrrraaiieeuvinzeteinhnnybse,a,aa,r , k- , o SHAJv.Da.., D.SnR .B.t.CR. aT. SnC .SAdARDMe .GSS rTTN, p MD 3p3 Ap6pI1P1.1 3p 6 6V3678I p 1S1 6p3 357 WWWWWWWaaaaaaattttrtntetsragsrhoin,,sanna ,ng,b at JeY.so,. ManN .S.r, MR nME.,AV.T E HIP ..SGM C T..p G 4ppD9T74E M 33DPA 3pA P4 8 p14p 82p783,47 9 EPA p577 YYYYYYYoooooiorrooumkkk,,n,o,, , d aJDL,.TM. .M ...WWCA -...STJ .KE.A . PCE EAEDPP OpPSAA4PA p3 Ti7pppl (12p 154538p)1 60 2 9 3 6 Strigini, L. SEN p35 Truong, T.K. CDT p369 Wei, L. MAP p190 Young, P.C. CTA p568 SStturso’n,a chN,. OAP.FT. CpT25A4 p197 TTssaaii,, CC..--FY.. CODPTT pp21739 WWeeii,s buYc.h ,M ACP. OpP3T9 7 p373 YYoouunngg,- MaWr.tFo.s , SMFT. SEp3N2 1 p29 Su, J.Y. CDT p425 Tsai, K.-C. CDT p433 Wells, T. MAP p289 Youngs, J. SMT p166 SSSSSSSSSSSuuuuuuuuuuu,ljnnnnnnnm le,,,,,,g,ic , Yvk .aZiDEXYYKnK..,....D,.L. - --. . CYDXKGG ..S...J. O TT .MPDDAOMOCCA.CT P APTTPO TTAPAG ppM p 2 6T 266pDpp45pp32p1 581 4 92p495 12551p9 55 ,2(, 7 41)pp 333318, p395 TTTTTTTTTTssssssssssaaaooeeeaeilluunnnnn,iinlggggg ddio,,,,,eess S ss,,.,,- CCCYK J......---G BK-PPJLC...M..h.C. .. T MVRCMGAICCSADCAST DNOPSD PD SM Tp p 2 p 4pp971ppp3213 p2p4493 ,4049169 113 5 p97 7 9 WWWWWWWWWWWhihhhheeeeeiiliierrnynttttcanm,,gtettotee l,,aaxerle kk,r,,iFLee , ..nJrrPS -.g.,,.FDYMMRe ...S... Jr . E.JD,MC. CP. SSS .OMGA ECOMM.M MTNTTMTS . D A E p O 4 NSp9Pppp p2E,4p9p2T41 N04458p5 9 76 56G11 3 8 5Tpp 53D1 93 80 p722, p731 YYYYYYYYYYuuuuuuuuuuf,,,naannme ,nngg,r ,,,, ZZXa ...,G Z T .JSCE..G.-..E. -SAH--KTS.P.Y.F.S . D..A NPM C.. C M TDDCCppA SSCTD22M P A3TO1pA 10 2 pM P 06 pp pp6 74388 819pp6 632 7 839, p433 SSuurnig,, A.T .-CL.T AO PpT2 69p 13 TTuurnlge,y , T.M-.Y.D . CROSMN pp21499 WWiillkcioex,, FP..GD.. SSEMNT p2p22 50 Z Suryawanshi, H.M. EPA p307 Turner, J.D. SMT p61 Williams, A.J.M. SMT p177 Sutcliffe, A. SEN p35 Turo, A. SMT p317 Williams, B. SMT p163 Zaccarian, L. CTA pl Suto, K. OPT p105, p243 Tyrrell, A. CDT p242 Williams, B.W. EPA p57, p231 Zambonelli, F. SEN p212 SSuuzzuukkii,, YR.. MCTAAP pp131231 TTzzeesn,g , A.Y .C-ST. A EPpA4 7 p253 WWiilllliiaammss,o n,D .BA.. C.R SNE PAp 30p33 93, p485, p497 ZZeantgm,a n,G . MM. APRS Np 29p58 5 SSvwoabmoyd,a , M.A.NJ..S .G TVDI S pp431959 WWiilllliiaammssoonn,, AS.. G.E PAC OpM4 14p 197 ZZhhaanngg,, CH..-ZJ.. MCTAAP ppi24215 , p366 Sweileh, G.M. OPT p287 U Wilmington, D. SMT p49 Zhang, J. EPA p377, VIS p399 Swift, G. CDS p61 Wilson, A. CDS p379 Zhang, J.-G. COM p297 SSwwiongdelre,h urJs.Ht., OAP.LT. pR2S1N7 p51, p317 Uahchinkul, K. CTA p87 WWiisles,o n,G .LB.. CCDTSA pp412695 ZZhhaanngg,, WL.. EGPTAD p2p8141 7 Szafran, J. GTD p578 Uezato, K. EPA p180, GTD p375 Witt, T.J. SMT p154 Zhang, W.-D. CTA p159 Szczepanik, J. GTD p363 Ul-Mustafa, R. CDT p411 Witzigman, B. OPT p339 Zhao, J. GTD p308 T UUlmians, utVh.aP.n , OPMT. VpI3S0 3 p237 WWoojlcczikeoc,h owAs.k iO, PTJ. CpD33S1 pi25 ZZhheano,, WL..- G.C DMTA Pp 29p21 90 Un, C.K. COM pi141 Wolf, W. CDT p197 Zheng, L. OPT p287 Unbehauen, R. CDS p285 Wolfe, L. COM p175 Zhi, X.Z. CTA p83 Tafazolli, R. COM p363 Unlu, M.S. OPT p379 Won, C.Y. EPA p25 Zhou, H. COM p91 Tai, T.L. EPA p559 Uttamchandani, D. SMT p45 Wong, C.-C. CTA p513 Zhu, J.Z. GTD p89 Tajima, S. MAP p99 Uysal, S. MAP p137 Wong, K.M. RSN p100 Zhu, P. SMT pi11 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 Zhu, Q.M. GTD p7 Zibi, A. CDS p285 Znamirowski, L. SMT p117 Zubia, J. OPT p313 Zhu, T.X. GTD p257 Zieniutycz, W. MAP p421 Zongzhou Fu COM p203 Zubov, A.S. MAP p411 Zhuang, N. CDT p47 Zimmer, T. CDS p213 Zotova, N. OPT p254 Zumer, V. SEN p85 Ziaei, K. CTA p428(S) Zlatanoski, M. GTD p463 Zribi, M. CTA p559 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 Subject Index Pattern prediction of extended hemispherical-lens/objective-lens antenna system at millimetre wavelengths MAP p295 Ray tracing fields backscattered from curved dichroic structures MAP p406 Triangular-patch model of bowtie antennas: validation against Brown and Woodward ADAPTIVE CONTROL MAP p465 Adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control for PM synchronous servo motor drives CTA ANTENNA ARRAYS p63 Adaptive H.. neural network tracking controller for electrically driven manipulators CTA p594 Adaptive airborne MTI with tapered antenna arrays RSN p3 Application of adaptive dual controllers to a DC-motor CTA p299 AAddaappttiivvee caatntceenlulaattiioonn ofo f clnuotntsetra tainodn arjya mmiintnegr fefroern cea rraiyn HrFad aar nteRnSnaN apr1ra9y3s RSN p19 Application of adaptive matching pursuit to adaptive control of nonlinear dynamic systems CTA p575 Analysis of mutual coupling in a cavity-backed coaxial array of annular-slot antennas MAP p427 Beaardianpgtsi-voe nloyw nstahrigpet mmoottiioonn caonnatlryosli s RbSasNe d p2o4n 7 a multihypothesis Kalman filter and Analysis of the far-field pattern of an optical waveguide array using the finite-differ- ence beam-propagation method MAP p175 Comtpioons itCeT Aa dapp2ti5v e position controller for induction motor using feedback linearisa- Beamforming for circular and semicircular array antennas for low-cost wireless LAN Desailggno riotfh m a hCyTdrAa ulpic4 28f(o5r)c e control system using a generalised predictive control Desdiagtan cpormomceudnuircea tifoorn sF SSs ywsittehm s widMe APtr anps1m5is3s ion band and rapid rolloff MAP p508 Generalised predictive controller with pole restriction CTA p219 Experimental study of novel resonant circular arrays MAP p92 Heterogeneous intelligent control systems CTA p551 Generalisation of an array-failure-correction method MAP p332 INneduirroeccot ntardoalplteirv e focro ntbruoflf er foor vear lcolaasds coofn tlrionle ari n tia mep-acvkaerty insgw itpclha ntsC OCMT A p2p2174 1 MMoedainfdieerd- liCnhee bgyrsihde-avr raayr raaynst enMnaA P MAp4P5 p309 Nonminimal state space approach to multivariable ramp metering control of motor- Mutual coupling compensation in small planar array antennas MAP pl way bottlenecks CTA p568 New serially fed polarisation-agile linear array of patches MAP p392 Online process estimation by ANNs and Smith controller design CTA p231 Nonlinear nonadaptive space-time processing for airborne early warning radar RSN Recurrent networks for nonlinear adaptive control CTA p177 Robust adaptive control of nonlinear output-feedback systems under bounded distur- Numseyrsitceaml ManAaPly sips 99o f honeycomb antennas with an electromagnetic coupling feed bances CTA p323 Robust training algorithm of multilayered neural networks for identification of non- Numerical optimisation of slot parameters for a concentric array radial line slot antenna MAP pi41 linear dynamic systems CTA SRluildee rr-ecgrualnakt iomne cohfa niindsimr ectc onatdraoplt ivues infgu zzayd apctoinvter ollceorm pduetseidg n toCrqTuAe tpe5c1h3n ique CTA OOppttiicmails atsiwointc h ofd essyingtnh esfoirs etdr ue artriamy e edxecliatya tiaornrsa y usainntge nnaar rayO PpTo lypn7o7m e complex root p364 Ovesrw-atphpei-nhgo riaznodn gernaedtairc aarlrgayo rictahlmisb ratMioAnP uspi4n6g0 echoes from ionised meteor trails SSpMeCe-db acsoendtr ola daopft iuvlet raisnopnuitc -omuottpourt s libnye aardiasipntgi vec onctornotlr olo f wiintdhu cat isoinm plmioftioerds maCtTheAm atpi5-5 RSN p173 cal model EPA p180 Performance of active antenna oscillator arrays under modulation for communication systems MAP p313 Power synthesis of reconfigurable conformal arrays with phase-only control MAP AEROSPACE SYSTEMS 131 Retrodirective beams and their application to low sidelobe pattern synthesis in small planar phased arrays MAP p344 Analysis of a frequency estimator for a class of laser signals with time-varying Space division multiple access (SDMA) field trials. 2. Calibration and linearity issues amplitude RSN p109 SN p79 Basic functional requirements and results for an MSSR on-site evaluator based on RF Space division multiple access (SDMA) field trials. I. Tracking and BER perform- target injection RSN p361 ance RSN p73 Laboratory study of the bi-leader process from an electrically floating conductor. I. General results SMT p185 Minimal state-space model realisation of a nonlinear helicopter CTA p415(4) ANTENNA THEORY Nonlinear robust controller for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems CTA p405(5) Operation of a fault tolerant PM drive for an aerospace fuel pump application EPA p441 Accwealveergaunitd e metMhAoPd for p430G reen’s function of horizontal dipole in parallel plate Adaptive airborne MTI with tapered antenna arrays RSN p3 AMPLIFIERS Adaptive cancellation of nonstationary interference in HF antenna arrays RSN pi9 Analysis of mutual coupling in a cavity-backed coaxial array of annular-slot antennas MAP p427 Effects of impedance mismatch and imperfect isolation on distortion cancellation in Analysis of the far-field pattern of an optical waveguide array using the finite-differ- feedforward amplifiers CDS p35 ence beam-propagation method MAP p175 High-impedance voltage bias circuit for MOS amplifiers CDS p437 Antenna radiation pattern measurement using a near-field wire scattering technique High-performance transimpedance formulation for MESFET- and HBT-based mono- p263 lithic microwave integrated circuits CDS p429 Beamforming for circular and semicircular array antennas for low-cost wireless LAN New method to bias CMOS cascode amplifiers CDS p440 data communications systems MAP p153 Noise performance analysis of bipolar operational amplifier based on the noise Circularly polarised wire antenna with a dual rhombic loop MAP p219 matrix superposition expression CDS p343 Combined EM field/linear and nonlinear circuit simulation using the FDTD method Power amplifier module combined with duplexer CDMA-based PCS phone MAP MAP p185 p486 Control of microstrip antenna radiation characteristics by ground plane size and Pressure sensors interfacing circuit with digital output CDS p332 shape MAP p207 State variable synthesis of single resistance controlled grounded capacitor oscillators CPW-fed slot antenna with wide radiating apertures MAP p104 using only two CFOAs CDS p135 Design of a wideband microstrip bowtie patch antenna MAP p137 Design of circular patch antennas on ferrite substrates MAP p49 ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS Design of corner reflector antennas using FDTD MAP p481 Design procedure for FSS with wide transmission band and rapid rolloff MAP p508 Efficient technique for determining beam scanning characteristics of axisymmetric Design and analysis of a +1 V CMOS four-quadrant analogue multiplier CDS p148 paraboloid reflectors MAP p25 Development of efficient switched network and mixed-mode simulators CDS p24 Exploiting coherent multipath for mainbeam jammer suppression RSN p303 Efficient real-time modelling of substrate coupling in large mixed-signal Spice General entire-domain Galerkin method for analysis of wire antennas in the presence designs, using analogue HDL CDS p180 of dielectric bodies MAP p13 Four-quadrant analogue CMOS multiplier cell for VLSI signal and information Generalisation of an array-failure-correction method MAP p332 processing CDS p132 Low-profile inverted-F antenna with parasitic elements on an infinite ground plane Hardware implementation of a pulse-stream neural network CDS p141 MAP p321 Low-voltage single power supply four-quadrant multiplier using floating-gate MOS- Meander-line grid-array antenna MAP p309 FETs CDS p40 Microstripline- and stripline-fed aperture-coupled cylindrical rectangular microstrip Square-rooting and vector summation circuits using current conveyors CDS p139 antennas MAP p257 Testing of analogue and mixed-signal circuits by using supply current measurements Modified Chebyshev arrays MAP p45 CDS p319 Mutual coupling compensation in small planar array antennas MAP pl Time-domain fault diagnosis of analogue circuits in the presence of noise CDS p125 Near-field-far-field transformation from nonredundant plane-polar data: effective Tracking switched-capacitor CMOS current reference CDS p44 modellings of the source MAP p33 Transient response testing of analogue components in mixed-signal systems: a NF-FF transformation with cylindrical scanning: an effective technique for elongated review CDS p314 antennas MAP p369 Nonlinear nonadaptive space-time processing for airborne early warning radar RSN ANTENNA ACCESSORIES 9 rennet analysis of honeycomb antennas with an electromagnetic coupling feed system MAP p99 Circularly polarised wire antenna with a dual rhombic loop MAP p219 Optimisation of synthesised artay excitations using array polynome complex root Combined EM field/linear and nonlinear circuit simulation using the FDTD method swapping and genetic algorithms MAP p460 MAP p185 Pattern prediction of extended hemispherical-lens/objective-lens antenna system at Cutoff and bandwidth characteristics of a circular coaxial waveguide with four T- millimetre wavelengths MAP p295 septa symmetrically placed in the inner conductor MAP p366 Performance of active antenna oscillator arrays under modulation for communication Design of a wideband microstrip bowtie patch antenna MAP p137 systems MAP p313 Design of circular patch antennas on ferrite substrates MAP p49 Performance of shaped beam quadrifilar antennas on the METOP spacecraft MAP Efficient technique for determining beam scanning characteristics of axisymmetric paraboloid reflectors MAP p25 Power synthesis of reconfigurable conformal arrays with phase-only control MAP Experimental study of novel resonant circular arrays MAP p92 Meander-line grid-array antenna MAP p309 Quasistatic capacitance and frequency-dependent effective permittivity of multilayer Microstripline- and stripline-fed aperture-coupled cylindrical rectangular microstrip microstrip patch antennas MAP p75 antennas MAP p257 Radio propagation characteristics in curved tunnels MAP p327 New serially fed polarisation-agile linear array of patches MAP p392 Ray tracing fields backscattered from curved dichroic structures MAP p406 Numerical analysis of honeycomb antennas with an electromagnetic coupling feed Reflections inside an elliptical dielectric lens antenna MAP p243 system MAP p99 Retrodirective beams and their application to low sidelobe pattern synthesis in small Optical switch design for true time delay array antenna OPT p77 planar phased arrays MAP p344 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998 Scattering analysis of arbitrarily shaped cylinders in a focused beam system MAP CABLES AND OVERHEAD LINES p289 Simple circuit model for coax-fed stacked rectangular microstrip patch antenna Digital distance relaying algorithm for first-zone protection for parallel transmission MAP p268 lines GTD p531 Simple formulas for the gain and far-field of open-ended rectangular waveguides Dynamic quadrature booster as an aid to system stability GTD p41 SquMarAeP sppi8ra0l antenna on dielectric half-space: analysis using an electric field equa- Earntiht-e reitnutreng raplast h GiTmpDe dapn6c2e s of underground cables. I. Numerical integration of infi- tion formulated by a finite-difference technique MAP p70 Earth-return path impedances of underground cables. II. Evaluations using neural Time domain calculation of the parameters of thin wire antennas and scatterers in a networks GTD p627 half-space configuration MAP p57 Effect of realistic system modelling on low-voltage capacitor transient overvoltages Triangular-patch model of bowtie antennas: validation against Brown and Woodward GTD p682 MAP p465 Effect of poe charge on hydrophobicity levels of insulating materials GTD p675 Fault synthetic recognition for an EHV transmission line using a group of neural ARRAY SIGNAL PROCESSING networks with a time-space property GTD p265 Improved symmetrical component-based fault distance estimation for digital distance protection GTD p739 Adaptive airborne MTI with tapered antenna arrays RSN p3 Incomplete Faraday cage effect of helicopters used in platform live-line maintenance Adaptive cancellation of nonstationary interference in HF antenna arrays RSN p19 GTD p145 Analysis of weight error loss with a multichannel beamformer processor RSN p63 Method to improve digital distance relay impedance measurement when used in Beamforming for circular and semicircular array antennas for low-cost wireless LAN series compensated lines protected by a metal oxide varistor GTD p403 data communications systems MAP p153 Multiple regression technique for estimating the insulation strength of series dielec- Blind channel identification based on cyclic statistics RSN p58 trics on distribution systems: a statistical approach GTD p189 Effects of nonzero bandwidth on direction of arrival estimators in array signal Online leakage current monitoring of 400 kV insulator strings in polluted areas processing RSN p317 [reply] GTD p480 Exploiting coherent multipath for mainbeam jammer suppression RSN p303 Performance of uncompensated and series capacitor-compensated 500 kV long trans- Generalisation of an array-failure-correction method MAP p332 mission line under subnormal frequency conditions GTD p315 Generalised array —— model for wireless communication channels with local Reduction of magnetic fields from electric power and installation lines SMT p215 scattering RSN p5 Technical and economical optimisation of overhead power distribution line lightning How narrow is narrow ‘band? RSN p85 protection GTD p239 Improved multiple targets angle tracking algorithm using the joint probabilistic data Test procedures and lifetime data analysis for electro-thermal endurance character- association filter RSN p331 isation of EPR-insulated cables SMT p13 Minimum variance monopulse technique for an adaptive phased array radar RSN Time-domain model for multiconductor power transmission lines GTD p473 p374 Nonlinear nonadaptive space-time processing for airborne early warning radar RSN CALIBRATION ged analysis of ETDGE-an efficient and unbiased TDOA estimator RSN p-3 2 High sensitivity precision relative intensity noise calibration standard using low noise Space division multiple access (SDMA) field trials. 2. Calibration and linearity issues reference laser source SMT p163 RSN p79 Laser-video scanner calibration without the use of a frame store VIS p244 Space division multiple access (SDMA) field trials. 1. Tracking and BER perform- Low permeability reference standards with improved high magnetic field strength ance RSN p73 performance SMT p181 Spatio-temporal radio channel characteristics in urban macrocells RSN p42 Measurements of the temperature dependence of the output voltages of some Zener Two-dimensional ISAR imaging using full polarisation and super-resolution process- diode based voltage standards SMT p154 ing techniques RSN p240 Over-the-horizon radar array calibration using echoes from ionised meteor trails RSN p173 AUDIO EQUIPMENT Polarimetric calibration for wideband synthetic aperture radar imaging RSN p275 Space division multiple access (SDMA) field trials. 2. Calibration and linearity issues RSN p79 Application of Grobner bases for decoding Reed-Solomon codes used on CDs CDT p369 CIRCUIT BREAKERS Fuzzy neural systems for controlling sound localisation in stereophonic reproduction CTA p393(4) Perceptual quantisation of LPC excitation parameters VIS p155 Dynamic quadrature booster as an aid to system stability GTD p41 Reduction of loudspeaker polar response aberrations through the application of Possibilistic-diagnosis theory for fault-section estimation and state identification of psychoacoustic error concealment VIS p11 unobserved protective relays using tabu-search method GTD p722 AUTOMATA THEORY CIRCUIT CAD Implicit manipulation of equivalence classes for large finite state machines CDT Fast search algorithm for tolerance design CDS p19 p395 Modelling of a high- pn lad operated fluorescent lamp in an electronic ballast environment SMT pll11 Parallel optimal statistical design method with response surface modelling using AUTOMATIC TEST SYSTEMS genetic algorithms CDS Static power analysis for power-driven synthesis CDT p89 Algebraic test-pattern generation based on the Reed-Muller spectrum CDT p308 Built-in self-test generator design using nonuniform cellular automata model CDS CIRCUIT COMPONENTS p155 f EleSrceMtcTrono smtaprg2un0cet tiionc ailngdourcittahnmc e fort oma ogsryastpehmy wi(tEhM T)a : rotsaetnasbolre, pealreacllterlo niecxsc itaantido n imfaigeled Anadleyvsiicse s ofC DsSel f-pe9x5c ited electronic ballasts using BJTs/MOSFETs as switching IFIS: an online test methodology CDS pl Model-based analysis of protection system performance GTD p547 CIRCUIT THEORY AND DESIGN Power-oriented partial-scan design approach CDS p229 Usen esosf pdaurraimnegt rgiecn ermaold elalnianegs thaensdi a statSisMtiTc al p3pa0t7t ern recognition in detection of aware- Anasltyrsuictsu reo f ferrormor mperaospuargeatmieonnt s in ScMomTp utpi1n1g7 the Maxwell matrix of multiconductor Analysis of IGBT modules connected in series CDS p354 BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS Automatic generation of reprogrammable microcoded suunuilons within a high-level synthesis environment CDT p155 Combined EM field/linear and nonlinear circuit simulation using the FDTD method Analysis of the second heart sound for diagnosis of paediatric heart disease SMT MAP p185 OWR5 d : Datapath layout optimisation using genetic algorithm and simulated annealing CDT Cardiac left ventricular volume changes assessment by long axis echocardiographical p135 image processing VIS p203 Design space exploration techniques for the codesign of embedded data processing Comparison of methods for harmonic wavelet analysis of heart rate variability SMT systems CDT pl61 -velopment of efficient switched network and mixed-mode simulators CDS p24 Comparison of techniques for time-frequency analysis of the ECG during human ient bipartitioning algorithm for size-constrained circuits CDT p37 ventricular fibrillation SMT p301 Efficient real-time modelling of substrate coupling in large mixed-signal Spice Deconvolution problem to siatiees ultrasonic short pulses SMT p317 designs, using analogue HDL CDS p180 Deformable model of the human iris for measuring ocular torsion from video images Efficient simulation of microstrip circuits using adapted wavelets MAP p354 VIS p213 Fast search algorithm for tolerance design CDS p19 Feature-directed spiral coding of magnetic resonance images VIS p131 Finite-element computation of capacitance networks in multiple-electrode systems: Generation of a prespecified electrom agnetic field on the axis of a two-layer lossy application to ZnO surge arresters SMT p129 cylinder SMT p22 Modelling of a high-frequency operated fluorescent lamp in an electronic ballast Human ECG: nonlinear deterministic versus stochastic aspects SMT p279 environment SMT pli1 Identification of inter-ictal spikes in the EEG using neural network analysis SMT MPT-based branch-and-bound strategy for scheduling problem in high-level synthe- p270 sis CDT p425 Optimal segmentation of cell images VIS p50 Multi-level factorisation technique for pass transistor logic CDS p48 Pseudo-inverse filtering of [VUS images SMT p32 Multiple fault diagnosis in analogue circuits using time domain response features and Reduction of magnetic fields from electric power and installation lines SMT p215 multilayer perceptrons CDS p213 ThrSeMe-Td impe8n5s ional reconstruction algorithm for electrical resistance tomography NNeeww cmuertrheontd ctoo nvbieayso rC MfOorS higcha-sscpoedee d amlpolwi-fpioerwse r CcDurSr enpt4 4s0e nsing CDS p85 Use of parametric modelling and statistical ee recognition in detection of aware- Optimisation of empirical model for IC fabrication process using linear programming ness during general anaesthesia SMT p307 SMT p58 Parallel optimal statistical design method with response surface modelling using BROADCASTING genetic algorithms CDS p7 Passive lossless snubbers for DC/DC converters CDS p396 Quaternary voltage-mode CMOS circuits for multip‘e-valued logic CDS p71 Continuous quality assessment of digitally-coded television pictures VIS p116 Resonant converter in high power factor, high voltage DC applications EPA p307 8 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol 145, 1998

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