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Index ABBREVIATIONS paper, address or lecture discussion on a paper abstract of paper or address IEE Proceedings errata synopsis of a paper published in full in Vol. 138, 1991 another Part of the IEE Proceedings Author index 217 Group, COST Cost 217 intercomparison and Allan, J.. Brown, J.C., and Mellitt, B. see Brown, Athamena, N., Cronin, N.J., and Tinkler, D. see analysis of fibre mode field diameter measure- J Cronin, N.J. ments J p373 Allan, R..N., and Roman, J. Reliability assessment of Attikiouzel, Y., Alder, M.D., and Togneri, R. see hydrothermal generation systems containing Alder, M.D. pumped storage plant C p471 — Y., Haig, T.D., and Alder, M. see Haig, A Allen, N.L., Boutlendj, M., Lightfoot, H.A., and Neville, R.B. see Boutlendj, M. Auckland, D.W., and Varlow, B.R. Dependence of Allen, N.L., and Boutlendj, M. Study of the electric electrical tree inception and growth on mechani- Abbas, N.A.M., and Stoll, R.L. see Stoll, R.L. fields required for streamer propagation in humid cal properties A p5l Abd-El-Barr, H.M. Systematic realisation of binary air A p37 Ayoub, A.K., Masrur, M.A., and Tielking, J.T. see and multivalued logic functions using charge Allwright, J.S., Baldwin, P.J., Boswell, A.G.P., and Masrur, M.A. coupled building blocks G p694 Brewster, D.C. see Baldwin, P.J. Ayuso, A.J. Rubio, Peinado, A.M., Lopez, J.M., Abdel-Halim, M.A., and Manning, C.D. Modelling Alolah, A.I. Capacitance requirements for three Sanchez, V.E., and Segura, J.C. see Peinado, A.M. a laminated brushless exciter-alternator unit in all phase self-excited reluctance generators modes of operation B p87 C pl93 Abdel-Motaleb, I.M., and Lin, H.-K. see Lin, H.-K. Alphones, A., and Tsutsumi, M. Optical probing of B Abdel-Motaleb, I.M., and Ryum, B.R. see Ryum, millimetre waves in semiconductor waveguides BR. H p4 Abdel-Motaleb, Ibrahim M., and Huang, C.N. see Alves de Silva, A.P., Quintana, V.H., and Pang, Bodtker, E., Jensen, B., Jacobsen, G., Christensen, Huang, C.N. G.K.H. Solving data acquisition and processing B., and Skettrup, T. see Jensen, B. Abdul Mottalib, M., and Dasgupta, P. Design and problems in power systems using a pattern Badar, A.H., Maclean, T.S.M., Ghafouri-Siraz, H., testing of easily testable PLA E p357 analysis approach C p365 and Gazey, B.K. Bent slab ray theory for power Abuelma’atti, M.T. Harmonic and intermodulation Aly, M.S., and Wong, T.T.Y. Scattering of a tran- distribution in core and cladding of bent multi- performance of analogue CMOS circuits owing sient electromagnetic wave by a dielectric sphere mode optical fibres J p7 to mobility reduction G p65 H_ pl92 Badar, A.H., and Maclean, T.S.M. Transition and Abuelma’atti, M.T. Modelling of capacitively Aly, = Yamazaki, K., and Falconer, D. see Yama- pure bending losses in multimode and single- (resistively)-loaded uniform RC lines for com- zaki, K. mode bent optical fibres J p261 puter aided analysis G p463 Amarasinghe, S.K., and Green, D.H. see Green, Baker, C.J. K-distributed coherent sea clutter Abuelma’atti, M.T. Nonlinear distortion of an FM D.H F p89 Signal by a passive network G 1 Anagnostou, M.E., and Sparaggis, P.D. Analysis of Baker, C.J., Hair, T., and Lee, T. see Hair, T. Abuelma’atti, M.T. Prediction of RFI demodulation asynchronous multiplexers for periodic traffic in Balasubramanian, R., Mohan, P., and Rao, K.S.P. in BiFET, BiMOS and CMOS operational integrated broadband networks I 1 New Fourier methods for generation system pro- amplifiers G p56 Anand, D.K., Anjanappa, M., and Kirk, J.A. see duction costing C p384 Aburdene, M.F., Nandi, A.K., Constantinides, A.G., Anjanappa, M. Balasubramanian, R., Tripathy, S.C, and and Dologlou, I. see Nandi, A.K. Anastassiou, D., and Papananos, Y. see Papananos, Chandramohanan Nair, PS. see Tripathy, S.C. Adachi, H., Chino, T., Matsuda, K., and Shibata, J. Y. Baldwin, P.J., Boswell, A.G.P., Brewster, D.C., and see Chino, T. Anderson, F., Christensen, W., Fullerton, L., and Allwright, J.S. Iterative calculation of ship-borne Aga, K., Hayashi, H., Yano, H., Kamei, H., and Kortegaard, B. Ultra-wideband beamforming in HF antenna performance H_ pl5I Sasaki, G. see Hayashi, H sparse arrays H p342 Balestra, F., Brini, J., Benachir, M. and Ghibaudo, Agathoklis, P., and Sreeram, V. see Sreeram, V. Ando, M., Murasaki, T., and Kinoshita, T. Elimi- G. see Brini, As Aggarwal, S., and Bhattacharyya, A.B. Low- nation of false singularities in GTD equivalent Ballantyne, J.M., Zhu, L.D., Xiong, F.K., Wang, frequency gain-enhanced CMOS _ operational edge currents H p289 C.M., Chen, Z.H., Hsie, Y.L., and Feak, G.A.B. amplifier G p170 Anjanappa, M., Anand, D.K., and Kirk, J.A. Appli- see Zhu, L.D. Aghvami, A.H., and Sadiq, L. see Sadiq, L cation of stochastic optimal control to thin rib Baloch, A.K., and Rodriguez-Tellez, J. see Ait-Boudaoud, D., Ibrahim, M.K., and Hayes-Gill, machining D_ p228 Rodriguez-Tellez, J. B.R. Novel cell architecture for bit level systolic Ankiewicz, A., and Peng, G.-D. see Peng, G.-D. Bapat, V.N., Roy, B.K., and Saha, D.C. see Roy, arrays multiplication E p21 Antoniou, A. Improved minimax optimisation algo- B.K. Al-Aubidy, K.M., Binns, K.J., and Shimmin, D.W. rithms and their application in the design of Bapi Raju, V., Nanda, J., Bijwe, P.R., Kothari, see Binns, K.J. recursive digital filters G p724 M.L., and Joma, Bashir M. see Nanda, J. Al-Awad, N.A., Krishnamurthi, V., and Sa’id, W.K. Antoniou, A., Sunder, S., Lu, W.-S., and Su, Y. see Bar-Lev, A., and Strum, A. see Strum, A. see Krishnamurthi, V. Sunder, S. Barber, W., Saul, P.H., Taylor, D.G., and Ward, T. Al-Bawy, I, and Farish, O. Charge deposition on Antoniou, A., Venkateswarlu, T., and Eswaran, C. see Saul, P.H. an insulating spacer under impulse-voltage condi- see Venkateswarlu, T. Barlow, K.J. Fabrication of PMOS transistors by tions A pl45 Antoniou, G.E., Mentzelopoulou, S.E., and Glentis, dopant implantation into TiSi, G p587 Al-Bawy, I., and Farish, O. Insulator flashover in G.O. Determination of transfer function of two Barnes, R., and Wong, K.T. Unbalance and harmo- SF, under impulse voltage conditions A p89 dimensional generalised systems using the dis- nic studies for the Channel Tunnel railway system Al-Charchafchi, S.H., and Kanakaris, P. Study of crete Fourier transform D p327 B p4i Hva racpt3o8r3 tuned microstrip rhombic resonators AntTornanospioeunlto se,l ecCt.Sr.o,m aPganneatsi,c Ss.hMi.e,l dianngd inK rai esziyss,t emE .Eo.f Barnra,t uDr.eA .,o fa an d DCLaEvLer tyZ,n SS:. J.M nI,mCpuul sep owrdeespro nsdei spsliagy- Al-Jalili, Y.0. Analysis and detection algorithms for two coaxial cylindrical shells A p28! determined by crosscorrelation G pi60 complex time zeros of bandlimited signals Argiiello, F., Doallo, R., and Zapata, E.L. Semi- Barrow, D.R., Howe, A.F., and Cook, N. The chem- I ps9 systolic architecture for fast Hartley transform: istry oefl ectric fuse arcing A_ p83 Alea, Y.O., and Lockhart, G.B. see Lockhart, decimation in frequency and radix2 G pé65l Barry, P.J., and Williamson, A.G. Statistical model Ari, N., and Blumer, W. see Blumer, W. for UHF radio-wave signals within externally Al-e uaneieh A.lJ., and Rahim, A.H.M.A. see Armistead, C.J., Nyairo, K.O., White, LH. and illuminated multistorey buildings I p307 Rahim, A.H.M.A. Kirkby, P.A. see Nyairo, K.O Baruch, A.E., Meggitt, B.T., Boyle, W.J.O., Grattan, Al-Saqabi, K.H., and Davis, E.W. Extending paral- Armstrong, B.C., and Griffiths, H.D. CFAR detec- K.T.V., and Palmer, A.W. see Meggitt, B.T. lelism to memory hierarchies in massively parallel tion of fluctuating targets in spatially correlated Bastick, M.T., Choi, S.S., Larkin, R., and Ferres, systems E pl93 K-distributed clutter F p139 A.W. see Choi, SS. Al-Taee, M.A., Mellor, P.H., and Binns, K.J. see Armstrong, B.C., and Griffiths, H.D. Use of differ- Basu, S.K., and Goswami, S.K. see Goswami, S.K. Mellor, P.H. ence channel information for detection in mono- Batarseh, I.E., and Lee, C.Q. High-frequency link” Al Zahawi, B.A.T., Jones, B.L., and Drury, W. Elec- pulse radars F pl99 parallel resonant convertor with fourth-order trical characteristics of alternative recovery con- Arnaud, J., and Estéban, M. see Esteban, M commutation network G p34 vertors for slip-energy recovery drives B_ p193 Arrillaga, 3 and Villablanca, M. 24-pulse HVDC Bava, G.P., Maio, I., and Montrosset, I. see Maio, I Alberti, G., Franceschetti, G., Pascazio, V., and conversion C Bawden, P.J., and Moon, T.T. see Moon, T.T. Schirinzi, G. Time-domain convolution of one-bit Arrillaga, J., and Villablanca, M.E. Pulse doubling Beattie, W.C., and Dodds, G.1. see Dodds, G.I. coded radar signals F 8 in parallel convertor configurations with inter- Bedrosian, D.G., and Viach, J. Comments on ‘Algo- Aldeen, M., and Marsh, J.F. Decentralised phase reactors B pl5 rithm for reducing circuit equations in computer proportional-plus-integral design method for Arsov, G. Triac model for computer aided analysis applications G p733 interconnected power systems C p263 and design G 30 Behzadi, M.A., Chotai, A., and Young, P.C. see Alder, C.J., Brewitt-Taylor, C.R. Dixon, M., Arvas, E., and Yang, X. see Yang, X. Chotai, A. Hodges, RD, Irving, L.D., and Rees, H.D. Asano, T., Fukunaga, K., Murata, H., and Izumi, Ben-Tzvi, D., and Sandler, M. Analogue implemen- Microwave and ——— receivers with M. see Fukunaga, K tation of the Hough transform G 57 integral antenna H_ p253 Asensio, A., Feijoo, C., and Perez, F. see Feijoo, C. Benitez, J.G., Montafio, J.C., Ibaifiez, M.C., and Alder, M., Haig, T.D., and Attikiouzel, Y. see Haig, Astbury, S., Williams, L.D., Kirby, R.P., Summer- Ojeda, A.L. see Montafio, J.C. TD. — M.A., Rust, D.J., and Lee, P.A. see Williams, Benachir, M., Brini, J.. Ghibaudo, G., and Balestra, Alder, M.D., Togneri, R. and Attikiouzel, Y. L.D. F. see Brini, J. Dimension of the speech space I p207 Astrom, K.J., Hang, C.C., and Ho, W.K. see Hang, Benaissa, M., Diay, S.S., and Holt, A.G.J. CMOS Aleixandre, V., Vega, P., and Prada, C. see Vega, P. ce. VLSI design of a high-speed Fermat number Ali, W., and Burghart, J.H. Effects of lag controllers Atadan, S. Minimum dimensional state-space for- transform based convolver/correlator using three- on transient response D pl19 mulation of linear systems G p590 input adders G_ pl82 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX Benedetto, S., Hui, R., and Montrosset, I. see Hui, sient recovery voltage C Capponi, G., and Di Maio, B. Versatile strategy for R Boucher, C.C., Elliott, S.J., _ Nelson, P.A. Effect of multistage low-noise amplifiers Benesty, J., and Duhamel, P. Fast constant modulus of errors in the plant model on the performance H_ p380 adaptive algorithm F p379 of — for adaptive feedforward control Capsalis, C.N., Cottis, P.G., and Vaidis, T.C. Propa- Benidir, M. Simple sufficient test for stability of F p3l gation in the presence of two coupled parallel two-dimensional recursive digital _filters pouitieul F., Lemaire-Semail, B., and Razek, A. see gyroelectric cylinders J p199 G p73! Lemaire-Semail , B. Card, H.C., Schneider, C.R., and Moore, W.R Benjamin, R., Titze, W., Brennan, P.V., and Grif- Bouthinon, M., Farail, F., and Roger, A. see Farail, Hebbian plasticity in MOS synapses F p13 fiths, H.D. Symmetric-pair antennas for beam F. Carpenter, C.J. Electromagnetic energy changes due steering, direction finding or isotropic-reception Boutlendj, M., Allen, N.L., Lightfoot, H.A., and to charges moving through constant, or zero, gain H p368 Neville, R.B. Positive DC corona and sparkover magnetic field A p55 Benson, T.M., Pouladian-Kari, R., and Shapland, in short and long rod-plane gaps under variable Carpenter, D.C., and Hil, R.J. see Hill, RJ. A.J. see Pouladian-Kari, R. humidity conditions A_ p31 Carr, S.A., and Grimble, M.J. see Grimble, M.J. Berg, G.J., and Sharaf, T.A.M. see Sharaf, T.A.M. Boutlendj, M., and Allen, N. p see Allen, N.L. Carter, CE, and Choi, S.S. see Choi, S.S. Bernardin, J.P., and Lawandy, N.M. Simultaneous Boyle, W.J Oo. Meggitt, B.T., Grattan, K.T.V., Carter, R.G., and Srivastava, V. see Srivastava, V. self-starting additive pulse mode-locking and Baruch, AE., and Palmer, A.W. see Meggitt, B.T. Cassidy, D.T., and Peters, F.H. see Peters, F.H. second harmonic generation of an Nd: YAG laser Bradley, C., and Helszajn, J. see Helszajn, J. Castella, F.R., and Kuttler, J.R. Optimised array using self-organised germanosilicate optical fibres Brameller, A. and Shahnawaz Ahmed, S. see antenna onulling with phase-only control p281 Shahnawaz Ahmed,S . F p241 meee, A., and Buret, F. Optical detector of elec- Brandao, J.C. Interference effect on the performance Cavaillés, J.A., Erman, M., Riglet, Ph., Jarry, Ph., trical discharges G pé620 of PSK and QAM systems I p331 Martin, BG., Renaud,, M., a Vinchant, JF. see Bershad, N., Macchi, O., and Mboup, M. see Breitholtz, C., Molander, M., and Navarro-Adlemo, Erman, M. Macchi, O. R. Space and time continuous lumped transmis- Cecchetti, M., Pavan, P., Spiazzi, G., Zanoni, E., Bershad, N.J. Analysis of a first order complex sion line model G p661 and Muschitiello, M. see Pavan, P. recursive LMS adaptive predictor F p321 Brennan, P.V. Low cost phased array antenna for Celenk, M., and Datari, S.R. Hypercube concurrent Bestaoui, Y. Design of robotic discrete minimum land-mobile satcom applications H_ pl31 processor implementation of a position invariant energy regulator D p509 Brennan, P.V. Technique allowing rapid frequency object classifier E p73 Bhattacharyya, A.B., and Aggarwal, S. see Aggar- sweeping in aided-acquisition phase-locked loops Chaaban, F.B., Mellor, P.H., and Binns, K.J. see wal, S. > p205 Mellor, P.H Bhattacharyya, A.K. Effects of ground plane trunca- Brennan, P.V., Benjamin, R., Titze, W., and Grif- Chadrasekar, V., Bringi, V.N., Meischner, P., tion on the impedance of a patch antenna fiths, H.D. see Benjamin, R. Hubbert, J., and Golestan, Y. see Bringi, V.N. H p560 Brewitt-Taylor, C.R., Alder, CJ., Dixon, M., — A., Das, B.N., and Gupta, S. see Das, Bhattacharyya, P., and Pal, S. see Pal, S. Hodges, R.D., Irving, L.D., and Rees, H.D. see Bien, Z., Hwang, D.-H., and Oh, S.-R. see Hwang, Alder, C.J. Chakraborty A., Datta, A, and Das, B.N. see D.-H. Brewster, D.C., Baldwin, P.J., Boswell, A.G.P., and Datta, A Bien, Z., and Kim, J.H. see Kim, J.H. Allwright, J.S. see Baldwin, P.J. Chambers, tiA ., and Nandi, A.K. see Nandi, A.K. Bien, Z., and Lee, K.H. see Lee, K.H. Bringi, V.N., Chadrasekar, V., Meischner, P., Chambers, WG., and Dai, Z.D. Simple but effective Biey, M., Coco, S., and Premoli, A. Maximally-flat Hubbert, J., and Golestan, Y. Polarimetric radar modification to a multiplicative congruential rational approximation with multiple critical signatures of preciptation at S- and C-bands random-number generator E pl21 pole-pair G p244 F plo9 Chambers, W.G., and Zein, N.F. see Zein, N.F. Biglieri, E., and Liu, Y.-J. see Liu, Y.-J. Brini, J., Benachir, M., Ghibaudo, G., and Balestra, Chan, P.K., and Wilson, G. see Wilson, G. Bijwe, P.R., Nanda, J., Bapi Raju, V., Kothari, F. Threshold voltage and subthreshold slope of Chan, R., and Siu, W.C. New parallel Hough trans- M.L., and Joma, Bashir M. see Nanda, J. the volume-inversion MOS transistor G p133 form for circles E p335 Bijwe, P.R., Nanda, J.. and Puttabuddhi, K.L. Brown, J.C., Allan, J., and Mellitt, B. Six-pulse = Y.T., Ching, P.C., and Ho, K.C. see Ching, Ranking of line outages in an AC-DC system three-phase rectifier bridge models for calculating i. causing overload and _ voltage problems closeup and remote short circuit transients on Chandramohanan Nair, P.S., Tripathy, S.C., and C p207 DC supplied railways B p303 Balasubramanian, R. see Tripathy, 8.C. Billingsley, J. On the design of position control Brudaru, O., and Megson, G.M. Two-dimensional Chang, C.-C., and Wu, T.-C. Remote password systems D_ p331 systolic array for the column-by-column QD authentication with smart cards E pl65 Billinton, R., and Wenyuan, L. Hybrid approach for algorithm E p40l Chang, C.-H., and Han, K.-W. Gain margins and reliability evaluation of composite generation and Bruder, J.A., and Saffold, J.A. Multipath effects on phase margins for sampled-data control systems transmission systems using Monte-Carlo simula- low-angle tracking at millimetre-wave frequencies with adjustable parameters D p285 tion and enumeration technique C p233 F pl? Chang, C.-N., Wong, Y.-C., and Chen, CH. Hybrid Bilodeau, T.D., and Krzymien, W.A. Simulation Brunn, B., Birbas, A.N., van Rheenen, A.D., Gopin- a analysis for multilayer coplanar lines study of trellis-coded transceivers for high-bit rate ath, A., Chen, C.L., and Smith, F. see Birbas, A.N. H digital ee loops I p503 Bryce, A.C., Marsh, J.H., Gwilliam, R., and Glew, Chang, C. 5SAp plication of pattern recognition tech- Binns, K.J., r.J.,and Vourdas, A. see Liu, Z.J. R.W. Impurity induced disordering in InGaAs/ niques for online security-economy and reactive Binns, K.J., Mellor. P.H., and Al-Taee, M.A. see InGaAlIAs quantum wells using implanted fluo- control of power systems C pl Mellor, P.H rine and boron J p87 Chang, C.Y., Hong, J.W., and Fang, Y.K. Amorp- Binns, K.J., Mellor, P.H., and Chaaban, F.B. see Bryukhovetski, A.S., and Pazynin, L.A. Scalar wave hous Si/SiC phototransistors and avalanche Mellor, P.H. scattering by a rough spere: Bourret’s approx- photodiodes J p226 Binns, K.J., Shimmin, D.W., and Al-Aubidy, K.M. imation for the coherent field of a point source Chang, Chung-Ju, and Chu, Yann-Ju Optimal Implicit rotor-position sensing using motor wind- H_ pl47 design parameters in capacity assignment for a ings for a self-commutating permanent-magnet Bu, W.H., and Fang, M.T.C. see Fang, M.T.C. broadband network I p387 drive system B p28 Buck, B.J., Warner, D.J., Pickering, K.L., Pedder, Chang, J.-M., Olgac, N., oa Platin, B.E. see Olgac, Binns, K.J., Turner, D.R., Shamsadeen, B.N., and D.J., and Pike, S.J. see Warner, D.J. N. Warne, D.F. see Turner, D.R. Bull, D.R., and Horrocks, D.H. Primitive operator Chang, L., and Yeh, C.-C. Resolution threshold for Birbas, A.N., Brunn, B., van Rheenen, A.D., Gopin- digital filters G p401 coherent sources using smoothed eigenstructure ath, A., Chen, C.L., and Smith, F. Low-frequency Bures, J., Black, R.J., and Lapierre, J. see Black, R.J. methods F p470 noise in GaAs MESFETs related to backgating Buret, F., and Beroual, A. see Beroual, A Chang, W.-J., and Chung, H.-Y. see Chung, H.-Y. effects G pl75 Burghart, J.H., and Ali, W. see Ali, W. Chang, W.-T., and Lin, M.-S. Half-band filter Bishop, P.J., and Ridley, B.K. see Ridley, B.K. Burr, A.G. Block codes on a dispersive channel design with odd- polyacunial Chebyshev approx- Black, R.J., Bures, ad and Lapierre, J. Finite- I p95 imation G _ p492 cladding fibres: 2 and local-normal-mode Butler, C.M., Courtney, C.C., Mannikko, P.D., and Chang, Y-C., Liu, L-C., Lee, L-M., and Wang, H-C. poe ering 9 p330 Silvestro, J.W. Flanged parallel-plate waveguide see Liu, L-C , Black, R.J., Lacroix, S., Gonthier, F., and Love, J.D. coupled to a conducting cylinder H p549 Changsheng, J. New method of robust pole assign- Tapered single-mode fibres and devices. Part 2: Buus, J., Robbins, D.J., Ragdale, C.M., and Reid, ment by output feedback D_ p172 Experimental and _ theoretical quantification D.C.J. Transmission characteristics of fibre grat- Chattopadhyay, T. Electro-optic interferometers in J p355 ings J pl55 wideband subcarrier-multiplexed optical commu- Black, R.J., Love, J.D., Henry, W.M., Stewart, W.J., Byrne, D.J., Towers, M.S., and Board, K. Two- nication J Lacroix, S., and Gonthier, F. see Love, J.D. dimensional off-state modelling of high-voltage Chaudhury, S., Subramanian, S., and Partha- Blatt, D.W.E. New method for monitoring and pro- semiconductor devices with floating guard rings sarathy, G. Heuristic search approach to shape tection of high voltage switchyards C p228 plo9 matching in image sequences E p97 Blood, P., Middlemast, I., Sarma, J., Shore, K.A., Cheetham, B.M.G., Mellor, P.H., ond Leigh, S.P. Kucharska, A.I., and Fletcher, E.D. see Middle- Cc see Mellor, P.H. mast, I. Chen, B.-S., Chiou, B-W., and Peng, S.-C. Blumer, W., and Ari, N. NEMP-interaction with Minimum sensitivity IIR filter design using prin- plane multilayer structures A p199 Cabezas, J.C.E., and Diniz, P.S.R. see Diniz, P.S.R. cipal component approach G 74 Board, K., Byrne, D.J., and Towers, M.S. see Byrne, Cai, M., and Ito, M. New type of printed polygonal Chen, C.-H., Hwang, C., Guo, T.-Y., and Shieh, DJ. loop antenna H_ p389 L.-S. see Hwang, c Board, K., Nutt, H.C., and Smith, R. see Nutt, H.C. Callaghan, P., Parker, E.A., and Langley, R.J. Influ- Chen, C.H., Chang, C.-N., and Wong, Y.-C. see = P.S., and Cameron, G.R. see Cameron, ence of supporting dielectric layers on the trans- Chang, C.-N. —— _—— of frequency selective surfaces Chen, C.L., Birbas, A.N., Brunn, B., van Rheenen, Boffey, T.B., Marshall, A.C., Green, J.R., and 4) _— Gopinath, i; and Smith, F. see Birbas, Hague, H. see Marshall, A Cameron, G.R., and Bodger, P.S. New measures for Bokhari, S.A., Keer, M., and Gardiol, F.E. TM dif- assessing the inductive influence of multi- daa CS. and Huo, K.-S. Karhunen—Loeve fraction by a partly leaky halfplane H p397 conductor transmission lines C p358 method for data compression and speech synthe- Bolton, A.G., and Ledwich, G.F. see Ledwich, G.F. Canali, C., Magistrali, F., Paccagnella, A., Sangalli, sis I p377 Bond, L.J., Shiloh, K., and Som, A.K. see Shiloh, K. M., Tedesco, C., and Zanoni, E. Trap-related Chen, C.S., and Yuan, J. see Yuan, J. Bond, L.J., and Clark, R. see Clark, R. effects in AlGaAs/GaAs HEMTs G_ p104 Chen, L.G., and Chen, T.H. Fault-tolerant serial- Bonek, E., Kreuzgruber, P., Scholtz, A.L., and Cannon, P.S., and Dickson, A.H. Signalling effi- parallel multiplier E p276 Osterreicher, J. see Kreuzgruber, P. ciency modelling and measurement of simplex Chen, M.-T., Chu, H.-Y., Huang, C.-L., and Fei, Boon, C.S., and Takao, K. see Takao, K. block encoded MBC systems I p544 L.-W. Power-component definitions and mea- Bordoloi, P.K., and Hazarika, D. see Hazarika, D. Cao, C., Van Lil, E., Van de Capelle, A. and ~~ for a harmonic-polluted power circuit Bose, T.K., Xu, Y., and Bosisio, R.G. see Xu, Y. Van ’t Klooster, K. Plane-polar near-field to far- p Bosisio, K.G., Xu, Y., and Bose, T.K. see Xu, Y. field transformation with three kinds of Fourier- Chen, S.-H., and Hsieh, W.M. Fast algorithm for Boswell, A.G.P., Baldwin, P.J., Brewster, D.C., and Bessel eigenvalue expansions H p463 VQ codebook design I p357 Allwright, J.S. see Baldwin, P.J. Caorsi, S., Gragnani, G.L., and Pastorino, M. Chen, S.-J., Tsai, C.-C., Hsiao, P.-Y., and Feng, Bottauscio, O., Crotti, G., Farina, G., and Vec- Numerical solution to three-dimensional inverse W.-S. see Tsai, C.-C. chiotti, E. Analysis of distribution transformers scattering for dielectric reconstruction purposes Chen, T.C. Towards optimum multilayer filter under fault conditions for determination of tran- H_ p497 design J p241 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX Chen, T.H., Liaw, C.M., Wang, T.C., Cho, G.J., Lee, real-time word recognition F p25 Davis, J.H., Morris, D., and Mayer, C.E. see Morris, C.M., and Wang, C.T. see Liaw, C.M Clarricoats, P.J.B., and Zhou, H. Design and per- D Chen, T.H., and Chen, L.G. see Chen, L.G. formance of a reconfigurable mesh reflector Davis, L.E., Gibson, A.A.P., Sloan, R., and Paul, Chen, W.-T., and Chi, C.-Y. see Chi, C.-Y. antenna. Part 1: Antenna design H p485 D.K. see Gibson, A.A.P. Chen, X.X., and Wu, X.W. see Wu, X.W. Clarricoats, P.J.B., and Zhou, H. Design and per- Davis, L.E., and Smith, P.A. Q of a coaxial cavity Chen, Yuan-Hwang, and Yu, Feng-Peng Broad- formance of a reconfigurable mesh reflector with a _ superconducting inner conductor band adaptive beamforming based on coherent antenna. Pa2:r Antten na performance H p493 A p313 signal subspace wie spatial interpolation pre- Cochrane, P., Deslandes, J.E., and Jones, E.V. see Davis, P.F., and Hooper, A.W. Enprovenent of processing F Deslandes, J.E. greenhouse heating control D_ p24' Chen, Z.H., Zhu, L. D, Xiong, F.K., Wang, C.M., Coco, S., Biey, M., and Premoli, A. see Biey, M. Davison, A.S., and White, LH. Speers analysis of Hsie, YL, Feak, GAB. and Ballantyne, J.M. see Cofrancesco, P., Cristoforetti, A., and Scattolini, R. diode lasers by measurement of polarisation rota- Zhu, L.D. Petri nets based approach to software develop- tion in a birefringent fibre J 48 Cheng, H.D., and Zhang, C.N. see Zhang, C.N. ment for real-time control D 4 Dawson, E., Sridharan, S., and Goldburg, B. see Cheng, K.W.E., and Evans, P.D. Parallel-mode Connolly, M.E., Rice, R.E., Grady, W.M., Lesso, Sridharan, S. — quasiresonant convertor W.G., and Noyola, A.H. see Rice, R.E. De araujo, C.S., and de Castro, J.C. Application of 4 Constantinides, A.G., Nandi, A.K., Aburdene, M.F., power system stabilisers in a plant with identical Cheng, M.-H., and Huang, T.-C. Switched-capacitor and Dologlou, I. see Nandi, A.K. units C pll gc logarithmic A/D and D/A convertors Conte, E., Longo, M., Lops, M., and Ullo, S.L. —e J.C., and de Aratijo, C.S. see De aratjo, G Radar detection of signals with unknown param- Chern, ce L, and Wu, Y.-C. Design of integral vari- eters in K-distributed clutter F p131 De souza, C.E., and Xie, L. see Xie, L. able structure controller and application tol ee Conte, E., Longo, M., and Lops, M. Modelling and DeMassa, T.A., and Sanchez, J.J. see Sanchez, J.J. trohydraulic velocity servosystems simulation of non-Rayleigh radar _ clutter de Toledo, A.F., and Turkmani, A.M.D. see Turk- Chesnoy, J. Model for microwave mode- ecking of F pi2i mani, A.M.D. a laser diode by current modulation J p47 Conti, M., and Turchetti, C. see Turchetti, C. de Villiers, M.C., and Malherbe, J.A.G. Isolation of Cheung, S.W. Simulation study of 8PSK and Cook, N., Barrow, D.R., and Howe, A.F. see the travelling wave contribution to the back- CEI16PSK signals for satellite transmissions Barrow, D.R. scatter pattern of conducting cylinders H p417 I Cooper, J.F., Pitman, K.C., Lindley, M.W., and de la Salle, S., Leithead, W.E., and Reardon, D. see Cheung, S.W., and Clark, A.P. Performance of a Simkin, D. see Pitman, K.C. Leithead, W.E. carrier-recovery loop in a_ satellite modem Corlett, B.J., Lucas, J., and Smith, J.S. Sensors for Debany, W.H., Hartmann, C.R.P., and Snethen, TJ I p32 narrow-gap welding A p213 Algorithm for generating optimal tests for Chew, W.C., Nie, Z., Liu, Q.H., and Lo, Y.T. Cornick, K.J., and Tleis, A.N.D. Computer simula- exclusive-OR networks E p93 Analysis of a probe-fed microstrip disk antenna tion of three-phase prestriking transients in cable- Decoster, D., Harari, J., Vilcot, J.P., Kramer, B., H_ piss connected motor systems B_ pl05 Oguey, C., Salsac, P., and Ripoche, G. see Harari, Chew, W.M., and Evans, P.D. see Evans, P.D. Corsi, F., and — C. Inductive fault analysis J Chi, C.-Y., and Chen, W.-T. Recursive SMLR revisited G p25 Deeb, N.I., and Shahidehpour, S.M. Decomposition deconvolution algorithm for Bernoulli-Gaussian Cory, H., and So I. Electromagnetic wave approach for minimising real power losses in signals F p263 propagation along a chiral slab H_ pSi power systems C p27 Chiang, M.L., Lu, T.C., and Kuo, J.B. Analogue Cosgrove, S.J., and Musgrave, G. Test generation Deeley, E.M., and Kontopoulous, P. Strip speed adaptive neural network circuit G p717 within an expert system environment E p36 measurement using distributed infra-red detectors Chibani, A., and Nakaoka, M. Novel PWM-based Cosmas, J.P., and Hibberd, R. Geometrical testing D p395 control strategy of HF link SMR with sinusoidal of three-dimensional objects with the aid of Deen, M.J., and Yan, Z.X. see Yan, Z.X. line current B_ p219 ‘ pattern recognition E p250 Deergha Rao, K., and Reddy, D.C. New method of Ching, P.C., Chan, Y.T., and Ho, K.C. Constrained Cottis, P.G. Propagation in cylindrical guides with designing adaptive nonlinear filters F pS13 adaptation for time delay estimation with multi- gyroelectric core and cladding J p383 Demery, .. Parsons, and Turkmani, path propagation F p453 Cottis, P.G., Capsalis, C.N., and Vaidis, T.C. see A.M_D. see Parsons, J.D. Chino, T., Matsuda, K., Adachi, H., and Shibata, J. Capsalis, CN. Demery, D.A., Turkmani, A.M.D., and Parsons, Characteristics of photonic parallel memory in Courtney, C.C., Butler, C.M., Mannikko, P.D., and J.D. see Turkmani, A.M.D. relation to fabrication process J pl28 Silvestro, J.W. see Butler, C.M. Demidenko, S.N., Levin, E.M., and Lever, K.V. Chiou, B.-W., Chen, B.-S., and Peng, S.-C. see Chen, Cowan, C.F.N., and Green, A.D.P. see Green, Concurrent self-- checking for microprogrammed B.-S. A.D.P control units: an analytical survey E p377 Chiu, J.H., and Lee, L.S. Maximum likelihood syn- Craig, K.H., and Levy, M.F. Parabolic equation Demidenko, S.N., Levin, E.M., and Lever, K.V. chronisers with arbitrary prior symbol probabil- modelling of the effects of multipath and ducting New approach to synthesis of self-checking ities I p50 on radar systems F p153 microprogrammed control units with specified Cho, G.H., Chung, Y.H., and Shin, B.S. see Chung, Cristoforetti, A., Cofrancesco, P., and Scattolini, R. fault-detection probabilities E p389 Y.H. see Cofrancesco, P. Deng, Z.-L., and Huang, X.-R. Multivariable Cho, G.J., Liaw, C.M., Chen, T.H., Wang. T.C., Lee, Crofts, M., and Jervis, B.W. see Jervis, B.W. decoupling pole assignment self-tuning feed- C.M., and Wang, C. T. see Liaw,C . Cronin, N.J., Athamena, N., and Tinkler, D. Design forward controller D_ p85 Choi, SS, Larkin, R., Bastick, MIT. and Ferres, of millimetre wave grooved targets F p576 Denyer, P.B., and Greer, N.P.J. see Greer, N.P_J. A.W. Effects of underexcitation limiters on oper- Crotti, G., Bottauscio, O., Farina, G., and Vec- Deslandes, J.E., Cochrane, P.. and Jones, E.V. ation of remote generating station C p560 chiotti, E. see Bottauscio, O. Analysis of the error extension mechanisms Choi, S.S., and Carter, C.E. Transposition study Crozier, S.N., Falconer, D.D., and Mahmoud, S.A. within the European plesiochronous digital hier- and field measurements of long radial static- Least sum of squared errors (LSSE) channel esti- archy I p280 reactive power compensated transmission system mation F _ p371 Di Massimo, C., Willis, M.J.. Montague, G.A., C_ p337 Cullen, P.J., Fannin, P.C., Molina, A., and Swords, Tham, M.T., and Morris, A.J. see Willis, MJ Chotai, A., Young, P.C., and Behzadi, M.A. Self- SS. see Fannin, PC. Di, X., Michalski, K.A., and Glisson, A.W. see adaptive design of a nonlinear temperature Cunha, S.H.F., Leite da Silva, A.M., and Melo, Michalski, K.A. control system D p4l A.C.G. see Leite da Silva, A.M. Di Maio, B., and Capponi, G. see Capponi, G Chow, M.H.L., Lee, Y.S., and Wong, J.S.L. see Lee, Cuperman, V., and Pettigrew, R. Robust low- Dias, V.F., and Franca, J.E. see Franca, J.E. ¥S. complexity backward adaptive pitch predictor for Dickinson, E.J.. Kamwa, 1., and Viarouge, P. see Chow, M.H.L., Lee, Y.S., and Wong, J.S.L. Use of low-delay speech coding I 3 Kamwa, I. SPICE in analogue computation and simulation Czarnecki, K., Malag, A., and Fronc, K. see Malag, Dickson, A.H., and Cannon, P.S. see Cannon, P.S. of systems consisting of circuit components and A. Dimolitsas, S. Subjective quality quantification of transfer functions G p282 digital voice communication systems I p585 Chow, Y.L., Yang, J.J., and Fang, D.G. see Yang, Diniz, P.S.R., and Cabezas, J.C.E. Design of FIR J D equalisers by sharpening identical subfilters Chow, Y.L., and Faraji-Dana, R. see Faraji-Dana, G p413 R Dixon, M., Alder, C.J., Brewitt-Taylor, C.R., Christensen, B., Jensen, B., Jacobsen, G., Bodtker, Da silva, L.C., and Ghosh, S. Analysis of rectangu- Hodges, R.D., Irving, L.D., and Rees, H.D. see E., and Skettrup, T. see Jensen, B. lar corrugated structures H p335 Alder, C.J. Christensen, W., Anderson, F., Fullerton, L., and Dai, Z.D., and Chambers, W.G. see Chambers, Diay, S.S., Benaissa, M., and Holt, A.G.J. see Kortegaard, B. see Anderson, F. WG. Benaissa, M. Christopoulos, C., and Hui, S.Y.R. see Hui, S.Y.R. Dana, S.K., and Patranabis, D. Single shunt fault Doallo, R., Argiiello, F., and Zapata, E.L. see Chu, H.-Y., Chen, M.-T., Huang, C.-L., and Fei, diagnosis in ladder structures with a new series of Argiiello, F. L.-W. see Chen, M.-T. numbers G_ p38 Doan, K., and Wong, K.P. see Wong, K.P. Chu, Yann-Ju, and Chang, Chung-Ju see Chang, Daruvala, D.J., Johns, A.T., Lai, L.L., and El-Hami, Dodds, G.I., and Beattie, W.C. Effects of abnormal Chung-Ju M. see Johns, A.T. operating conditions on electrical utility planning Chung, H.-Y., and Chang, W.-J. Constrained Das, B.N., Chakraborty, A., and Gupta, S. Analysis C pil3 variance design for bilinear stochastic continuous of waveguide-fed thick radiating rectangular Dologlou, I., Nandi, A.K., Aburdene, M.F., and systems D pl45 windows in a ground plane H_ pl42 Constantinides, A.G. see Nandi, A.K. Chung, Y.H., Shin, B.S., and Cho, G.H. Bilateral Das, B.N., Datta, A., and Chakraborty, A. see Domanski, M. Low-sensitivity structure for 1-D series resonant inverter for high frequency link Datta, A. and 2-D digital FIR filters G p229 UPS B piS59 Das, D., Kothari, M.L., Kothari, D.P., and Nanda, Domaradzki, P., Henderson, 1.A., McGhee, J., and Chung, Y.M., Lee, C.W., and Lee, S.U. see Lee, J. Variable structure control strategy to auto- Szaniawski, W. see Henderson, I.A. CW. matic generation control of interconnected reheat Dong, Y., and Pota, H.R. Fast transient stability Ciminiera, L., Valenzano, A., and Montuschi, P. see thermal system D_ p579 assessment using large step-size numerical inte- Valenzano, A. Das, B.N., and Somasekhar Rao, P.V.D., Analysis gration C p377 Ciric, IR. Hamid, A.-K., and Hamid, M. see of a junction between rectangular = circular Dou, W.-B., Rong, Y., and Li, S.-F. see Rong, Y. Hamid, waveguides with collinear axes H_ p Douce, J.L., Zhu, Q.M., and Warwick, K. see Zhu, Clark, A.P., and Cheung, S.W. see Cheung, S.W. Dasgupta, P., and Abdul Mottalib, MM. see M Clark, A.R., and Fourie, A.P.C. An improvement to Abdul Mottalib, M. Douligeris, C., and Mazumdar, R. Efficient flow the transmission line model of the folded dipole Datari, S.R., and Celenk, M. see Celenk, M. control in a _ multiclass telecommunications H_ p577 Datta, A., Das, B.N., and Chakraborty, A. Analysis environment I p494 Clark, R., and Bond, L.J. Response of horizontal of a variable height metallic strip in a rectangular Drury, W., Al Zahawi, B.A.T., and Jones, B.L. see axis eddy current coils to layered media: a theo- waveguide H p386 Al Zahawi, B.A.T. retical and experimental study A p248 Datta, D., and Gangopadhyay, R. Performance Du, W., and Kirlin, R.L. see Kirlin, R.L. Clarke, D.W., and Robinson, B.D. see Robinson, analysis of the delay and exclusive-OR type clock Duh, W.-J., Wu, J.-L., and Hsu, S.-H. see Wu, J.-L. B.D. recovery circuit in an APD-based optical receiver Duhamel, P., and Benesty, J. see Benesty, J. Clarke, D.W., and Scattolini, R. Constrained J pi Dujardin, B., Lasri, T., and Leroy, Y. see Lasri, T receding-horizon predictive control D p347 Datta, K.B., and Sen, S. see Sen, S. Dunnett, R.M., Rossiter, J.A., and Kouvaritakis, B. Clarke, T.J.W., Prager, R.W., and Fallside, F. The Davis, E.W., and Al-Saqabi, K.H. see Al- Saqabi, see Rossiter, J.A. modified Kanerva model: theory and results for K.H. Dupuy, J., Rickard, D.A.. and Waters, R.T. see IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX 3 Rickard, D.A. Feeney, M.T., and Parsons, J.D. Cross-correlation Gerhard, R., Krautschneider, W.H., and Kohl, M. Durrant-Whyte, H.F., and Rao, B.S. see Rao, B.S. between 900 MHz signals received on vertically see Krautschneider, W.H. Dutta, H.N., Narayana Rao, D., Krishna Reddy, separated antennas in small-cell mobile radio German, D.M., Haddad, A., and Elayyan, H.S.B. K., Ravi, K.S., Rao, S.V.B., Kesava Murthy, M.J., systems I p8l see Haddad, A. Sarkar, SK. and Reddy, BM. _ see Feher, K., Makrakis, D., and Yongagoglu, A. see Ghafouri-Siraz, H., Badar, A.H., Maclean, T.S.M., Narayana Rao, D. Makrakis, D. and Gazey, B.K. see Badar, A.H. Dutta Roy, S.C., Reddy, M.R.R., and Kumar, B. see Fei, L.-W., Chen, M.-T., Chu, H.-Y., and Huang, Gherardelli, M., Giuii, D., and Fossi, M. see Giuli, Reddy, M.R. R. C.-L. see Chen, M.-T. D. Dwivedi, R., Sharma, A.K., and Srivastava, S.K. see Feijo6, C., Asensio, A., and Pérez, F. New practical Ghibaudo, G., Brini, J., Benachir, M., and Balestra, Sharma, AK. method for measurement error determination in F. see Brini, J. radar systems under real traffic conditions Ghods, A.H., and Rahmat-Samii, Y. Electromag- F p525 netic properties of an insulated dipole antenna Feng, C.-B., and Zheng, W.-X. Robust identification immersed in an arbitrary medium H _ p497 E of stochastic linear systems with correlated noise Ghosh, S., and da Silva, L.C. see Da silva, L.C. 84 Gibson, A.A.P., Sloan, R., Davis, L.E., and Paul, Feng, W.-S., Tsai, C.-C., Chen, S.-J., and Hsiao, D.K. Double valued phase constants in gyrotro- EEiiccihhnehjnoecbrtenir,og ne Kr.,o- fF ra.nC,.a ,l aongadun ed L oCbMoGsuO,gS ge Tn.bs iwRiiehtccluh,re ssi vWe. G _r eCahlp-a1tr5ig5mee FenPg.,- Y.W .sLe.e, Tasanid, RCu.-aCn., Y.Z. see Ruan, Y.Z. Gibpsiocn w,a veGg.u, idaensd MH_c Laupg2h5l8 in, S. Adaptive filter Feng, Y.S., and Nasrabadi, N.M. Dynamic address- theory — not justan LMS F p293 calculation of basic waveforms of signals vector quantisation of RGB colour images Gibson, J.K. Discrete logarithm hash function that C p469 I p225 is collision free and one way E 0 El-Hami, M., Johns, A.T., Lai, L.L., and Daruvala, Fernandes, C.F., and Santos, H.A. Field impover- Gieras, J.F. Analysis of multilayer rotor induction El-DH.Ja.w asreey ,J ohFn.,s , anAd. T. Mbamalu, G.A.N. Underwater iAslh,mGenat, _,Amso/dGeasA s hient eroja_u nctdiioond:e a swiimtuhl atioann macoctoourn t witBh_ hpig5h9e r space harmonics taken into El-tFaM ragrest af5ta9r wayc,ki ngM .v iaA ptphlei cIaRtiWoLnS offi ltseerriineg s-acpapparcoiatcohr FeraZnnaaarlnryodspei,zs MdG.eB l. BPuasrtoa,m eteRr., tWrealnlssiteenatd , traPc.kEi.,n g afnodr Giutltiiio,mn e D.b,eF h Faovsips2oilu,i rl M.o,f agndr ouGnhde rarcdluetltleir, dMu.r inPgo lardiwseal-l and shunt-reactor compensation to an existing El-pMraacstriyc,a l E.A1C., atnrda nsVmaillsesei,o nR .Eli.n e see CV allpe3e,3 0 R.E. Ferrreeciurras ivdea eRsotcihmaa,t ioJn. R., Da nd piP ires, J.J.O. see Pires, Glelnotui,s ,S .EG.. Os.e,e AAnnttoonniioouu,, G.GE..E ., and Mentzelopou- J.J.O. Glew, R.W., Bryce, A.C., Marsh, J.H., and Gwilliam, Elayyan, H.S.B., Haddad, A., and German, D.M. Ferres, A.W., Choi, S.S., Larkin, R., and Bastick, R. see Bryce, A.C. see Haddad, A. M.T. see C hoi, SS. Glisson, A.W., Michalski, K.A., and Di, X. see Eliades, D.E. Path integral analysis of paralaxial Fessas, P., and Mansour, M. Single-channel con- Michalski, K.A. radiowave propagation over a nonlevel plateau H_ ps2i trollability of interconnected systems D Goksu, ¢., and Giines, F. High frequency surface Findler, N.V., and Lo, R. Distributed artificial intel- — induced on a soft-hard cylindrical strip EElllsiBhooetutr,cb heenSri.,,J. , CA..BZC.o.,u chPearrr,i kaCr.,C .,R .P.a,n da ndN elKsiosnh,k , PA..AA.. sseeee Fiolnidgaen,c e E.a, pFparlolsa,c hM .Jt.o, aiarn dt raWffeisct wcaotnetrro,l E.RD. AtptSe5n1u5 - =A pil D., and Zaghloul, M.E. see Zaghloul, ation statistics at 20.6, 31.65 and 52.85 GHz Parrikar, R.P. derived from emission measurements “dfg round- Goldberg, M., and Panchanathan, S. see Panchana- Engberg, J., and Larsen, T. Extended definitions for based microwave radiometers H than, S. npooirstes teHm perpa&t6u res of linear noisy one- and two- FFilteztgcheerra,l d, E.WD..J,. , Maindd diLeamsaesntb,y , IJ.., seSea rPmoa, J., Sh5 ore, GolSdrbiudhragr,a n,B .,S . Sridharan, S., and Dawson, E. see EErrnmOJRspae ttnn,i a,pcu aidloD,M i.,. , MLc.RiM,irg Sclu eVitti,sn acdhPaahpn.att,ni ,dv Jea Jr.rFy.ia,,nl tgeaoPgnrhrd.ia, tt heCmdMas av raitliflndoée,rst ,e cBjt.oJoGi.r.Ans,.t semfKeoa.rsAi t.,n, ,s“y swtS.eJem.s e Grnawd iiteAhn. Lt,- beaaxnstdeer dn Balla odoadp,fte ievPd.e b asecaekl gMoirdipdtalhtemh-ss GGGooolllreead,sym t aaAdnn.i,,sM p. e,Yr .Hs,.ai nvBedrM ianfStgaoihdo,eid mn,Vga . tNVci..hc,Kaa .nl Cn hseaeleda nraSmaloosyodesdeki,las r,Vo. fKI V. . t,h pe8M e7i thsrcehe-- forward and decision feedback equalisation FosFs i, pM3. , Giuli, D., and Gherardelli, M. see Giuli, Gonner,g ,JP. .,, Jaanyda sHuunbdbeerret,, NJ..D s.e,e MBraicnLgie,a nV,. N.T .S.M., and EstFé banp,5 20M. , and Arnaud, J. Evaluation of semicon- D Wu, Z. Scattering by a perfectly conducting finite dJu ctor optical parameters for laser diodes FosTtaetrt,e rsSa.l,l ,T atGt.eDr.sa ll, G.D., and Johnston, R.D. see Gonstizhei evre,r tiFc.a,l Brleacckt,a ngRu.Jl.a,r Laplcartoei x, HS ., apn1d3 7 Love, J.D. Fourie, A.P.C., and Clark, A.R. see Clark, A.R. see Black, RJ. Eswaran, C., Venkateswarlu, T., and Antoniou, A. Evasnees , VePn.kD.a,t easnwda rlCuh,e ngT,. K.W.E. see Cheng, K.W.E. FFroaxKl,.i -cLBh..,, aR.n,d WRua,d i,K .-KL..M,. Listevea , RaJd.,i ,a ndK .MW.u , C. see Wu, GGoonpWti.hJni.a,et rh,B, l acAFk..,,, BRLi.roJ.bv,ae s,a, n dAJ ..DNL..a,,c roBHirexun,nr ny,S,. sBe.We,. MvL.aon,v e,R ShtJee.eDwn.ae rnt,, Evaintsy ,l oPs.sDe.s, ina ncdo uplCehde w,i nWd.uMct.o rsR eduBc tio np 5! of proxim- Fratnhcea , deJs.iEg.,n anofd mDuilatsi, amVp.lFi.f ieSry stesmwaitticch edm-ectahpoacdi toforr GosA.wDa.m,i ,C henS.,K .,C .La.,n d anBda sSum,i thS,. K.F . Dsieree cBti rbsaosl,u tAi.oNn. of FIR decimator circuits G p307 distribution systems C p78 Franceschetti, G., Alberti, G., Pascazio, V., and Grady, W.M., Rice, R.E., Lesso, W.G., Noyola, r Schirinzi, G. see Alberti, G. A.H., and Connolly, M.E. see Rice, R.E. Franceschetti, G., Pascazio, V., and Schirinzi, C. Grady, W.M., and Preston, E.G. see Preston, E.G. Processing of signum coded SAR signal: theory Gragnani, G.L., Caorsi, S., and Pastorino, M. see Fa-Long, Luo, and Jun, Yang Bound on inputs to and experiments F p192 Caorsi, S. neurons of Hopfield continuous-variable neural Frigyes, I. Synchronisation of random bit Grattan, K.T.V., Meggitt, B.T., Boyle, W.J.O., network G_ p671 sequences: application to hitless switching Baruch, A.E., and Palmer, A.W. see Meggitt, B.T. Fabre, A. Analysis of analogue circuit implementa- I 01 Green, A.D.P., and Cowan, C.F.N. Editorial: Pro- tions from translinear blocks p483 Fronc, K., Malag, A., and Czarnecki, K. see Malag, moting realism in neural network research Fahmy, M.M., and Hussein, A.O. see Hussein, A.O. A F Fairhurst, G. Operation of HDLC ABM in harsh Fuchs, U., Herdeg, W.F., and Wendel, H. see Green, A.D.P., and Noakes, P.D. Solving the inter- error environments: a robust extension I p29i Herdeg, W.F. connection problem with a linked assembly of Falconer, D., Yamazaki, K., and Aly, S. see Yama- Fukunaga, K., Murata, H., Asano, T., and Izumi, neural networks F p63 zaki, K. M. Image registration using an image graph and Green, D.H., and Amarasinghe, S.K. Families of Falconer, D.D., Crozier, S.N., and Mahmoud, S.A. its application to map matching E p79 sequences and arrays with good periodic corre- see Crozier, S.N. Fukushima, T., and Funabiki, S. see Funabiki, S. lation properties E p260 Falls, M.J., Fionda, E., and Westwater, E.R. see Fullerton, L., Anderson, F., Christensen, W., and Green, J.R., Marshall, A.C., Boffey, T.B. and Fionda, E. Kortegaard, B. see Anderson, F. Hague, H. see Marshall, A.C. Fallside, F., Clarke, T.J.W., and Prager, R.W. see Funabiki, S., and Fukushima, T. Current com- Green, T.C., and Williams, B.W. see Williams, B.W. Clarke, T.J.W. mands for high-efficiency torque contro! of DC Greer, N.P.J., and Denyer, P.B. New folded cascode Fang, D.-G., Wu, K.-L., Spenuk, M., and Litva, J shunt motor B_ p227 transconductor for bandpass ladder filters see Wu, K.-L. Fung, A., and McLane, P. Phase jitter sensitivity of G p551 Fang, D.G., Yang, J.J., and Chow, Y.L. see Yang, rotationally invariant 8 and 16 point trellis codes Griffiths, H.D., Benjamin, R., Titze, W., and p247 Brennan, P.V. see Benjamin, R. Fang, M.T.C., Taylor, S., Jones, G.R., and Shimmin, Fusco, V.F. Symbolic transfer functions for = H.D., and Armstrong, B.C. see Armstrong, DS. see Taylor, S. MESFET small-signal parameter extraction Fang, M.T.C., and Bu, W.H. Investigation of G p2i7 Grimble, M.J., and Carr, S.A. Observations- ablation-domiiiated AC nozzle arcs A p7l Fyath, R.S., and O'Reilly, J.J. Accurate assessment weighted optimal control of a class of nonlinear Fang, S.J., Lee, C.Q., and Siri, K. see Lee, C.Q. of sensitivity and optimum threshold for semicon- systems 60 Fang, Y.K., Chang, C.Y., and Hong, J.W. see ductor laser preamplified optical receivers Grubb, M.J. Value of variable sources on power Chang, C.Y. J p221 systems C pl49 Fannin, P.C., Molina, A., Swords, S.S., and Cullen, Giines, F., and Goksu, ©. see Goksu, C. P.J. Digital signal processing techniques applied ce W., and Eichenberger, C. see Eichen- to mobile radio channel sounding F p502 | G Tger, Fannin, P.C., and O Séaghdha, D.D. see O Gundrum, H., Rizkalla, M.E., and Michel, H. see Séaghdha, D.D. Rizkalla, ME. Farail, F., Roger, A., and Bouthinon, M. Finite Gameiro, A.M.S., and Rocha, J.R.F.da Sub- Guo, T.-Y., Hwang, C., Shieh, L.-S., and Chen, element method for electromagnetic scattering in optimum bit synchronisers for high-speed bandli- C.-H. see Hwang, C. alossy medium H_ p201 mited waveforms I p1l76 Guosui, Liu, Xiangquan, Shi, Jimhui, Lu, Guoyu, Faraji-Dana, R., and Chow, Y.L. AC resistance of Ganesh, R., and Pahlavan, K. Statistical modelling Yang, and Yaoliang, Song Design of noise two coupled strip conductors H p37 and computer simulation of indoor radio channel FM-CW radar and its implementation F p420 Farina, G., Bottauscio, O., Crotti, G., and Vec- I Guoyu, Yang, Guosui, Liu, Xiangquan, Shi, Jimhui, chiotti, E. see Bottauscio, O. Gangopadhyay, R., and Datta, D. see Datta, D. Lu, and Yaoliang, Song see Guosui, Liu Farish, O., and Al-Bawy, I. see Al-Bawy, I. Gardiol, F.E., Bokhari, S.A.. and Keer, M. see Gupta, M.M., Minamide, N., and Nikiforuk, P.N. Farison, J.B., and Kolla, S.R. Relationship of singu- Bokhari, S.A. see Minamide, N. lar value stability robustness bounds to spectral Gavric’, M. Method of equal probability overvol- —_— S.. Das, B.N., and Chakraborty, A. see Das, radius for discrete systems with application to tages for calculating risk of failure of power trans- digital filters G p5 mission lines C p19 Guu, J.-A., and Wei, C.-H. Tracking technique for Fattouche, M., Jorgenson, M.B., and Nichols, S.T. Gazey, B.K., Badar, A.H., Mclean, T.S.M., and manoeuvring target with correlated measurement see Jorgenson, M.B. Ghafouri-Siraz, H. see Bada: a.H. noises and unknown parameters F p278 Feak, G.A.B., Zhu, L.D., Xiong, F.K., Wang, C.M., Gelenbe, E., and Stafylopatis, A. see Stafylopatis, A. Gwilliam, R., Bryce, A.C., Marsh, J.H., and Glew, Chen, Z.H., Hsie, Y.L., and Ballantyne, J.M. see Genesio, R., and Tesi, A. Chaos prediction in non- R.W. see Br yce, A.C. Zhu, L.D. linear feedback systems D p313 Gyurkovics, E Linear feedback approach to the 4 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX stabilisation of uncertain discrete systems implementation of a fast thinning algorithm using Huang, C.-L., Chen, M.-T., Chu, H.-Y., and Fei, p507 image compression I p615 L.-W. see Chen, M.-T. Hayes-Gill, B.R., Ait-Boudaoud, D., and Ibrahim, Huang, C.N., and Abdel-Motaleb, Ibrahim M MLK. see Ait-Boudaoud, D. Gummel-Poon model for single and double het- H Haykin, S., and Nohara, T.J. see Nohara, T.J. erojunction bipolar transistors G p1l65 Hazarika, D., and Bordoloi, P.K. Modified loss Huang, H.-P., and Tseng, W.-L. Asymptotic obser- coefficients in the determination of optimum gen- ver design for constrained robot systems Hanninen, J., Oksanen, M.I., and Tretyakov, S.A. eration scheduling C p1l66 D p2ii see Oksanen, M.I. Hedrich, H. Lang, H. Wolf, H.D., Korte, L., Huang, T.-C., and Cheng, M.-H. see Cheng, M.-H. Habiballah, 1.0. and Quintana, V.H. Fast- Hoyler, C., and Thanner, C. see Lang, H Huang, X.-R., and Deng, Z.-L. see Deng, Z.-L. decoupled rectangular co-ordinate state estima- Helaly, A., Sebak, A., and Shafai, L. Scattering by a Huang, Y., Yang, N., Lin, S., and Harrington, R.F. tion with efficient data structure management buried conducting object of general shape at low Analysis of a post with arbitrary cross-section Cc 6 frequencies H_ p213 and height in a rectangular waveguide H p475 Haccoun, D., and Kallel, S. Application of multiple Helszajn, J., and Bradley, C. Experimental charac- Hubbert, J., Bringi, V.N., Chadrasekar, V., Meisch- path sequential decoding for intersymbol inter- terisation of a reciprocal microstrip 3-port junc- ner, P., and Golestan, Y. see Bringi, V.N. ference reduction problem I p21 tion H p91 Hubbi, W. Effects of neglecting resistances in XB Haddad, A., Elayyan, H.S.B., and German, D.M. Henderson, 1.A., McGhee, J., Szaniawski, W., and and BX load-flow methods C p452 ZnO surge arrester elements with mixed direct Domaradzki, P. Incorporating high reliability Hui, R., Benedetto, S., and Montrosset, I. Analysis and 50 Hz voltages A p265 into the design of microprocessor-based instru- of direct-discrimination of FSK modulated Hague, H., Marshall, A.C., Boffey, T.B., and Green, mentation A_ pl05 - signal using injection-locked DFB lasers J.R. see Marshall, AC. Henderson, R.K., Ping, Li, and Sewell, J.1. Canon- 76 Haig, T.D., Attikiouzel, Y., and Alder, M. Border ical design of integrated ladder filters G p222 Hui, S.Y.R., and Christopoulos, C. Discrete trans- marriage: matching of contours of serial sections Henderson, R.K., Ping, Li, and Sewell, J.1. Extended form technique for solving coupled integro- I p37l Remez algorithms for filter amplitude and group differential equations in digital computers Haigh, D.G., Psychalinos, C., and Haritantis, I. see delay approximation G p289 p273 Psychalinos, C. Henning, 1.D., Hale, W.B., Sundaresan, H., and Hung, W.W. Dynamic simulation of gas-turbine Hair, T., Lee, T., and Baker, C.J. Statistical proper- Mellis, J. see Hale, W.B. generating unit C p342 ties of multifrequency high-range-resolution sea Henry, W.M., Love, J.D., Stewart, W.J., Black, R.J., Hunt, K.J., and Sbarbaro, D. Neural networks for reflections F p75 Lacroix, S., and Gonthier, F. see Love, J.D. nonlinear internal model control D 31 Hale, W.B., Sundaresan, H., Henning, I.D., and Herdeg, W.F., Wendel, H., and Fuchs, U. Investiga- Hunter, [.C. Design of contiguous RF filterbanks Mellis, J. Vector modulation of split-contact DFB tion of edge scattering by high-resolution polari- with application in channelised receivers lasers J plog sation diversity radar imaging F p400 F p289 Hail, P.S., and Vetierlein, S.J. see Vetterlein, S.J. Herscovici, N., and Kastner, R. see Kastner, R. Huo, K.-S., and Chen, C.S. see Chen, C.S. Halpern, M.E. — tracking with previewed Hetherington, G., Hoyle, R., and Priest, A. see Hussein, A.O., and Fahmy, M.M. Design of 2-D commands D_ p237 Hoyle, R. linear phase variable recursive digital filters for Hamada, S., Ogino, Y., and Nakaoka, M. Saturable Hewett, N.P., Skrimshire, C.P., Learmouth, M.D., parallel form implementation G p335 reactor assisted soft- switching full-bridge DC-DC and Reid, I. see Skrimshire, C.P. Hwang, C., Guo, T.-Y., Shieh, L.-S., and Chen, power convertors B_ p95 Heyker, H.C., Schemmann, M.F.C., Kwaspen, C.-H. Evaluation of the impulse response energy Hamdan, Abdul-Razak, Salam, Md-Sayeed, and J.J.M., and van de Roer, Th.G. see Schemmann, of a 2-D linear discrete separable-denominator Nor, Khalid Mohamed see Salam, Md-Sayeed M.F.C. system G pl25 Hamid, A.-K., Ciric, 1.R., and Hamid, M. Iterative Hibberd, R., and Cosmas, J.P. see Cosmas, J.P. Hwang, C.-T., and Weng, C.-M. see Weng, C.-M. solution of the scattering by an arbitrary configu- Hicks, P.J., Marriott, A.P., and Tsalides, Ph. see Hwang, D.-H., Bien, Z., and Oh, S.-R. Iterative ration of conducting or dielectric spheres Marriott, A.P. learning control method for discrete-time H p56 Hilgers, C.J., and Poelman, A.J. see Poelman, A.J. dynamic systems D p139 Hamid, M., Hamid, A.-K., and Ciric, IR. see Hill, R.J., and Carpenter, D.C. Determination of rail Hwang, G.-J., and Hong, C.-G. see Hong, C.-G. Hamid, A.-K. internal impedance for electric railway traction wr G.J., Hong, C.G., and Ho, S.C. see Hong, Hamilton, D.K. Performance of transfer resistance system simulation B p3ll1 CG. amplifiers with capacitive sources in optical Hirose, K., and Nakano, H. Dual-spiral slot Hwang, J.-S., and Wu, C.-Y. Efficient techniques in applications G antennas H p32 the sizing and constrained optimisation of Hamilton, D.K. Use of inductive compensation for Ho, C.-S. Development of a blackboard shell with CMOS combinational logic circuits E p154 improving bandwidth and noise performance of context blackboard-based controlloop E pl high frequency optical receiver preamplifiers Ho, K.C., Ching, P.C., and Chan, Y.T. see Ching, p P.C. I Han, K.-W., and Chang, C.-H. see Chang, C.-H. Ho, S.C., Hong, C.G., and Hwang, G.J. see Hong, Hanmgi,n imC.uCm.-,v aLriima,n cKe. W.s,t ocahnads tiHco , =W. -Kt.u niGnegn ecroanltirsoeld- Ho,C. WK., Hang, C.C., and Lim, K.W. see Hang, Ibafiez, M.C., Montafio, J.C., Ojeda, A.L., and ler with pols restriction D p25 cc Benitez, J.G. see Montajfio, J.C. Hanmge,n tsC .C.o,f thAes tréZmi,e glKe.Jr.-,N iacnhdo lsH o,t unWi.nKg. fRoerfmiunlea- Hoc,s W .K., Hang, C.C., and Astrém, K.J. see Hang, IbrBa.hRi. m,s ee M.AKi.t,- BoAuidta-oBuodu,d aoDu.d , D., and Hayes-Gill, D pill Hodges, R.D., Alder, C.J., Brewitt-Taylor, C.R., Ikejiri, T., and Kawamoto, A. Erosive failure caused HHaannsne,n ,R .AS..,I. ,a nMda rWseh,b b,J .HP.., W.a nds ee RoWbeebrbt,s, PJ..WS.. Polari- CDirx on, M., Irving, L.D., and Rees, H.D. see Alder, biym mseurrsfeadce idni sicnhsualragtei nogn oitlh e sAu rfapc2e8 8o f epoxy resin HeanwsTsaatevin eo,gn u LiV.d.d,,e e psaWe nendbd bJe,J na cnehpW s.3eT0no.9,f, rAae.nf rdsa ecet SitJveaeen lhe,si endnRe,.x As.eo ef MWeQbWb, HHHooolnBnfteagi,nnr, aiy ti,eAsC -..sGe-aB.lG.,Je., . m,,aeM nn.atd n BdeZ anonalHaiglwshyassaanid,gsr ,, oMfFG. ..,s - qJs.ue eia rnNrZdoeo lnl lgiDhclnaaaegdyaer,r , incFSd.o Sum.cp tliesoexne IIrrvvlADiiilninndggxge,,o, r n,M,M . .LCJ.R..D.JMH..,.,. , SsmeHAieolt ddhSeg,rme ,is t,Mh .,CM ..RJM,...,D .M,.P o Bwraeenlwdli ,t tR-ReT.eaSs.y,,l oraH,n. dD . CS.teRsr.e-,e Haque, M.H. Identification of coherent generators motor performance B_ p277 Irwin, G.W., and Maguire, L.P. see Maguire, L.P. Harfuaonrrsi t,a pbloJew. ,e reD qeucioslsyitsbetrrei,mu m D.dp,oy innaVtim liccotC , eJqp.uP5i.4,v6 a lKernatms er,u sinB.g, HoniBsg t,ic sp Ci.llGos.f , Hao , sSq.uCi.r,r ealn d cHawgea ng,i ndGu.cJt.i oCnh aramcotteorr- IIIssshhhmiiiozkktaaakowwaraa, ,, KHT.B..,_,, aaanpnnddld 3I7KKt ooahtt,aa koiRk.,a ,sYe e. T.sI eteoV h ,K coutRr.av kei , ofY .h ysteresis Osigmuuelya,t ioC.n, Soafl saavc,a laPn.c, haen d phRoitpoodciheo,d esG . wNiutmh ergiucaarld HonCgh,a ng,J .WC.., Y. Chang, C.Y., and Fang, Y.K. see Ismaeel, A.A. Testing for stuck faults in CMOS ring J p2ll Honma, T., Nakano, H., Soga, H., and Yamauchi, J. combinational circuits G p191 Harsmiea,lt eiccLt .i,o gne Knootefhr aasrtpiie,oe nd Mr.ceLog.nu,tl raotali nodn i n Npdaainrsdacamr,eett ee rJ.s m oOfdpoetr iamcuuotnom-- HHooopsepeee, r N,Ga .kSAa..,nW o.R,,o ya,Hn dS .,D aavnids ,M aPl.iFk., seOe. P.D avsiese, RoP.yF,. S. Itoc,Fr aKf.t p5R7a1nu gsiinngg anEdn gpionseietriionngi ng eTexspte rimeSanttesl liftoer airV- Harsdiiiumddcp,etu rolirsnNseg. , cgoeAanr neodrn aat Wiaoitnn1ec rerpsat,ti eo ncR o.Tnp.sa trraaSmiteantttiessr tsi caCol n slpit4nu0ed1 y c ono-f HHHooorrwserneeou, cn Rkges,m,A i. FeV.Dn.,.s, H ,.R ,eB Dma.air nerdno sw,,B ullD,.D ,. DRR..,oR s.e ,as eneBd . ,B ualCnlo,do kD,R. oRb.e Ni.n , sDe.e IIItttooo,tYhh r,,ao Mjn.iHiH,m.c. a,, a ,ln MoMdugu iHkkc.Caa a iiig,,,aA tneM S S..., ,a cJsWteW aeia tvteaCpa anlniala,bb3 bee eaM,,.m -sMcM..,a, n nainModnr gi Y,a ojpiMt.mo,ae ,l aencHd-. HarPistyacnthiasl,i noIs.,, PCs.y chalinos, C., and Haigh, D.G. see HoyBlaer,r owR.,, PDr.iRe.s t, A., and Hetherington, G. Alterna- see Mukai, S. Itoh, R., and Ishizaka, K. Single-phase sinusoidal Harsreei ngHtuoann,g , R.F., Huang, Y., Yang,N . , and Lin, S. tpilvae cecmoennttr oli n CstMraOtSeg iesV LSfIo r dersuilgen- basGed transistor rBe ctifpi3e3r 8 with step-up/down characteristics eWislkin ,D . Wilkin, D.J., and Woolfson, M.S. see HoyHleedrr,i ch,C . H.,L aanngd, ThaH.n,n erW,o lCf., seeH .LD.a,n g, KHo.r te, L., Itoh, R., and Ishizaka, K. Three-phase flyback Hardreilstoa n,n etwPo.rGk.s Oann d nthoen uhnoitf-osrpomt epfafecckte t Es wipt1ch2e3d HsiWa.o-,S . Ps.e-eY .,T saiT,s aiC,. -C.C. -C., Chen, S.-J., and Feng, AB C-DplC4 3 convertor with sinusoidal supply currents Izumi, M., Fukunaga, K., Murata, H., and Asano, Harsetem aDnenb,a nyC,. R.WP..,H Debany, W.H., and Snethen, T.J. Hsikanoo,w lPe.d-gY.e,- baansde d Tsaia,p plCi.c-aCt.i onE xpeirnt cVoLmSpIa ctolary:o uta T. see Fukunaga, K. Hasan, P. Performance analysis of phase-locked compaction E pl loops in the frequency search mode of operation Hsie, Y.L., Zhu, L.D., Xiong, F.K., Wang, C.M., J G p48 Chen, Z.H., Feak, G.A.B., and Ballantyne, J.M. Hasnain, S.B., and Linkens, D.A. see Linkens, D.A. see Zhu, L.D. Hassan, M.A. Numerical modelling technique for Hsieh, W.M., and Chen, S.-H. see Chen, S.-H. Jacobsen, G., Jensen, B., Bodtker, E., Christensen, the radiation of wire antennas near conducting Hsu, S.-H., Wu, J. -L., and Duh, W.-J. see Wu, J.-L. B., and Skettrup, T. see Jensen, B. surfaces H p225 Hsu, Y.-Y., and Yang, C.-C. Design of artificial Jandrell, I.R., and Reynders, J.P. Consideration of Hawkes, H.W. Generation and properties of syn- neural networks for short-term load forecasting. skin effect in high-voltage coaxial systems under thetic aperture polar diagrams for use in DF Part I: Self-organising feature maps for day type transient and steady-state conditions, and its systems F p229 identification C p407 impact on steep travelling waves C Hawkes, H.W. Study of adjacent and co-channel Hsu, Y.-Y., and Yang, C.-C. Design of artificial Janhsen, A., and Hansen, V. Arrays of finite or FM interference reduction I 9 neural networks for short-term load forecasting. infinite extent in multilayered media for use as Hawley, R. 33rd Hunter Memorial Lecture: The Part Il: Multilayer feedforward networks for passive frequency-selective surfaces H pl challenge to UK power engineers (Lecture) peak load and valley load forecasting C p414 Jaros, M., and Turton, R.J. see Turton, R.J. C pi73 Hu, D., and Makin, B. Study of a five-electrode Jarry, Ph., Erman, M., Riglet, Ph., Martin, B.G., Hayashi, H., Yano, H., Aga, K., Kamei, H., and quadrupole levitation system. Part I: Theoretical Renaud,, M., Vinchant, J.F., and Cavaillés, J.A. Sasaki, G. Giga-bit rate receiver OEICs grown by aspects A p320 see Erman, M. OMVPE for a wavelength optical communi- Hu, D., and Makin, B. Study of a five-electrode Jasmon, G.B., and Lee, L.H.C.C. Stability of load- cations J pl64 quadrupole levitation system. Part II: Experi- flow techniques for distribution system voltage Hayat, L., Naqvi, A., and Sandler, M.B. Parallel mental results A p329 stability analysis C p479 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX Javan, H. Noise measure for optimum broadband Kirkby, P.A., Nyairo, K.O., White, I.H., and Armis- H.C., and van de Roer, Th.G. see Schemmann, design G pl tead, C.J. see Nyairo, K.O. M.F.C Jayasundere, N.D., Gong, J., MacLean, T.S.M., and Kirlin, R.L., and Du, W. Improvement on the esti- Kwon, BH., and Song, E.H. Design of current Wu, Z. see Gong, J. mation of covariance matrices by incorporating source using 12-pulse phase-controlled rectifier Jensen, B., Jacobsen, G., Bodtker, E., Christensen, crosscorrelations F p4 B_ pigs B., and Skettrup, T. Performance of novel low Kishk, A.A., Parrikar, R.P., and Elsherbeni, A.Z. see intermediate frequency coherent optical DPSK Parrikar, R.P. L receiver using baseband detection J 1 Kishk, A.A., and Ke, B. see Ke, B. Jervis, B.W., and Crofts, M. Comparison of Kiyokawa, H., and Sun, S.Q. see Sun, S.Q. computer-aided tuning algorithms applied to the Klemm, R. Adaptive airborne MTI with two- Lacroix, S., Black, R.J., Gonthier, F., and Love, J.D. anprouee response of passive analogue filters dimensional motion compensation F p551 see Black, R G p363 Knight, R.B.D., Legg, D.J., and Martin, P. Digital Lacroix, S., Love, J.D., Henry, W.M., Stewart, W.J., Jiang, C.G., and Sun, S.Q. see Sun, S.Q. ‘bridge’ for comparison of AC-DC transfer Black, R.J., and Gonthier, F. see Love, J.D. Jiang, L., and Schill, R.A. Theory for cylindrical, instruments A_ pl69 Ladouceur, F., Love, J.D., and Skinner, I.M. Single open ended, complex cavities supporting all TE), Knight, R.B.D., Legg, D.J., and Martin, P. Use of a. a and rectangular-core waveguides modes: Gyrotron application H p297 current comparators in the calibration of AC-DC 5 Jimhui, Lu, Guosui, Liu, Xiangquan, Shi, Guoyu, transfer standards A_ pl0l Lai, L.L., Johns, A.T., El-Hami, M., and Daruvala, Yang, and Yaoliang, Song see Guosui, Liu Knop, C.M. On the performance of metallic-wall D.J. see Johns, A.T. Jitendra Das, R., and Yoganandam, Y. see conical horas with centrally-loaded dielectric Lam, W.H., and Steele, R. Performance of direct- Yoganandam, Y. material H_ p23 sequence spread-spectrum multiple-access Johns, A.T., Lai, L.L., El-Hami, M., and Daruvala, Knowles, G. SWIFT: stack-based microprocessor systems in mobile radio I pl D.J. New approach to directional fault location for LISP and PROLOG E_ p299 Lang, H., Wolf, H.D., Korte, L., Hedrich, H., for overhead power distribution feeders Koch, T.L., and Koren, U. InP-based photonic inte- Hoyler, C., and Thanner, C. GaAs/AlGaAs C.-pas grated circuits J pl39 quantum well laser for high-speed applications Johnston, R.D., Tatiersall, G.D., and Foster, S. see Kohl, M., Krautschneider, W.H., and Gerhard, R. 117 Tattersall, G.D. see Krautschneider, W.H. Lang, J.H., and Torrey, D.A. see Torrey, D.A. Joma, Bashir M., Nanda, J., Bapi Raju, V., Bijwe, Koivisto, P.K., Oksanen, M., and Lindell, I.V. see Langley, R.J., Callaghan, P., and Parker, E.A. see P.R., and Kothari, M.L. see Nanda, J Oksanen, M. Callaghan, P. Jones, A.H., and Wang, H. see Wang, H. Kolla, S.R., and Farison, J.B. see Farison, J.B. Lapierre, J., Black, R.J., and Bures, J. see Black, R.J. Jones, B.L., Al Zahawi, B.A.T., and Drury, W. see Konar, A., and Mandal, A.K. Microprocessor based Larkin, R., Choi, S.S., Bastick, M.T., and Ferres, Al Zahawi, B.A.T. automatic sun tracker A p237 A.W. see Choi, S.S. Jones, D.A. President’s Inaugural address: Electri- Kondo, S., Mikami, O., Noguchi, Y., Yasaka, H., Larsen, T., and Engberg, J. see Engberg, J. cal engineering; the backbone of society A_ pl and Magari, K. see Mikami, O. Lasenby, J., and Fitzgerald, W.J. A Bayesian Jones, E.V., Deslandes, J.E., and Cochrane, P. see Kontopoulous, P., and Deeley, E.M. see Deeley, approach to high-resolution beamforming Deslandes, J.E. E.M 39 Jones, G.R., Taylor, S., Fang, M.T.C., and Shimmin, Koo, P., Lombardi, F., and Shen, Y.-N. Approach Lasri, T., Dujardin, B., and Leroy, Y. Microwave D.S. see Taylor, S for the reconfiguration of multipipeline arrays sensor for moisture measurements in solid Jones, S., and Spray, A. see Spray, A. E pl3l materials H p481 Jones, T.B., and Warrington, E.M. see Warrington, Kopilovich, L.E., and Sodin, L.G. Two-dimensional Latifi, S. “ag ag of PM2I network by folded E.M aperiodic antenna arrays with a low sidelobe level hypercube E Jorgenson, M.B., Fattouche, M., and Nichols, S.T. H_ p233 Lau, K.S., and Wade, G. Spatial-spectral clustering Applications of minimum redundancy arrays in Koren, U., and Koch, T.L. see Koch, T.L. using recursive spanning trees I p232 adaptive beamforming H p44l1 Korte, L., Lang, H., Wolf, H.D., Hedrich, H., Laverty, S.J., and Barr, D.A. see Barr, D.A. Jun, Yang, and Fa-Long, Luo see Fa-Long, Luo Hoyler, C., and Thanner, C. see Lang, H. Lawandy, N.M., and Bernardin, J.P. see Bernardin, Kortegaard, B., Anderson, F., Christensen, W., and J K Fullerton, L. see Anderson, F. Lazarus, M.J., Rabah, K.V.O, and McKeany, P.S. Koshiba, M., and Kumagami, H. see Kumagami, H. Stabilised power MOS-bipolar modules Kotaki, Y., and Ishikawa, H. Wavelength tunable G p564 Kallel, S., and Haccoun, D. see Haccoun, D. DFB and DBR lasers for coherent optical fibre Learmouth, M.D., Skrimshire, C.P., Hewett, N.P., Kamei, H., Hayashi, H., Yano, H., Aga, K., and communications J pl71 and Reid, I. see Skrimshire, C.P. Sasaki, G. see Hayashi, H Kothari, D.P., Das, D., Kothari, M.L., and Nanda, Ledwich, G.F., and Bolton, A.G. Tracking — Kamwa, I., Viarouge, P., and Dickinson, E.J. Identi- J. see Das, D. inputs using ’ sampled compensators D p242 fication of generalised models of synchronous Kothari, M.L., Das, D., Kothari, D.P., and Nanda, Lee, C.M., Liaw, C.M., Chen, T.H., Wang, T.C., machines from time-domain tests C p485 J. see Das, D. Cho, Gi. and Wang, CT. see Liaw, C.M. Kanakaris, P., and Al-Charchafchi, S.H. see Al- Kothari, M.L., Hari, L., and Nanda, J. see Hari, L. Lee, C.Q., Siri, K., and Fang, S.J. State plane Charchafchi, S.H. Kothari, M.L., Nanda, J., Bapi Raju, V., Bijwe, approach to frequency response of resonant con- Kao, M.-S., and Wu, J. Performance evaluation of P.R., and Joma, Bashir M. see Nanda, J. vertors G p557 coherent subcarrier multiplexed optical distribu- Koumboulis, F.N., and Paraskevopoulos, P.N. see Lee, C.Q., and Batarseh, I.E. see Batarseh, I.E. tion systems with common local oscillators Paraskevopoulos, P.N. Lee, C.Q., and Sooksatra, §. Current programmed J p269 Kouvaritakis, B., Rossiter, J.A., and Dunnett, R.M. control nonresonant coupled parallel resonant Karunadasa, J.P., and Renfrew, A.C. Design and see Rossiter, J.A. convertor G p372 implementation of microprocessor based sliding Kraft, R., Leitch, R., and Luntz, R. see Leitch, R. Lee, C.W., Chung, Y.M., and Lee, S.U. Bit error mode controller for brushless servomotor Kramer, B., Harari, J.. Decost«x, D., Vilcot, J.P., probabilities of CPM signals in the frequency- B p345 hale C., Salsac, P., and “ipoche, G. see Harari, selective fading channels I 65 Kasahara, K., Kurihara, K., Tashiro, Y., Ogura, L., Lee, D.S., Kim, M.G., Kim, H.K., and Youn, M.J. and Sugimoto, M. see Kurihara, K. sonatas W.H., Gerhard, R., and Kohl, M. Controller design of multivariable variable struc- Kaski, K., Saarinen, J., Tomberg, J., and Vehmanen, Current flow between neighbouring trench cells ture systems with nonlinear switching surfaces L. see Saarinen, J. triggered by alpha particle strikes G p689 D Kastner, R. On the convergence of matrix elements Kreuzgruber, P., Bonek, E., Scholtz, A.L., and Lee, H., and Ngo, B. Queuing analysis of the selec- in planar and waveguide problems H_ p532 Osterreicher, J. Modelling of three-port RF trans- tive repeat ARQ scheme 87 Kastner, R., and Herscovici, N. Two stage computa- formers G_ p325 Lee, K.H., and Bien, Z. Initial condition problem of tion of apertures in finite screens H p435 Kriezis, E.E., Antonopoulos, C.S., and Panas, S.M. learning control D_ p525 Kataoka, T., and Ishikawa, T. see Ishikawa, T. see Antonopoulos, C.S. Lee, L-M., Liu, L-C., Wang, H-C., and Chang, Y-C. Kawamoto, A., and Ikejiri, T. see Ikejiri, T. Krishna Reddy, K., Narayana Rao, D., Ravi, K.S., see Liu, L-C. Kazimierczuk, M.K. Class D_ voltage-switching Rao, S.V.B., Kesava Murthy, M.J., Dutta, H.N., Lee, L.H.C.C., and Jasmon, G.B. see Jasmon, G.B. MOSFET power amplifier B p285 Sarkar, S.K. and Reddy, B.M. _ see Lee, L.S., and Chiu, J.H. see Chiu, J.H. Ke, B., and Kishk, A.A. Analysis of' s pherical circu- Narayana Rao, D. Lee, P.A., Williams, L.D., Kirby, R.P., Summerfield, lar microstrip antennas H p542 Krishnamurthi, V., Sa’id, W.K., and Al-Awad, N.A. M.A., Rust, D.J., and Astbury, S. see Williams, Keer, M., Bokhari, S.A., and Gardiol, F.E. sce Phase margin of linear time invariant systems L.D. Bokhari, S.A. from Routh array D Lee, S.B., and Tchah, K.H. Design centring for yield Kennedy, P., and Withington, S. see Withington, S. Krzymien, W.A., and Bilodeau, T.D. see Bilodeau, and noise figure improvement of GaAs Kersten, W.F.J., and van den Heuvel, W.M.C T.D MESFETs G Worst case studies of short-circuit making- Kucharska, A.I., Middlemast, I., Sarma, J., Shore, Lee, S.U., Lee, C.W., and Chung, Y.M. see Lee, currents C pl29 K.A., Fletcher, E.D., and Blood, P. see Middle- C.W Kesava Murthy, M.J., Narayana Rao, D., mast, I. Lee, T., Hair, T., and Baker, C.J. see Hair, T. Krishna Reddy, K., Ravi, K.S., Rao, S.V.B., Kudva, P., Yang, T.-C., and Yang, J.C.S. see Yang, Lee, T.-H. Analytic models for performance evalu- Dutta, H.N., Sarkar, S.K., and Reddy, B.M. see T.-C. ation of single-buffered banyan networks under Narayana Rao, D. Kumagami, H., and Koshiba, M. Finite-element nonuniform traffic E i Khan, R.H., and Mitchell, D.K. Waveform analysis method using Hermitian line elements for planar Lee, T.-H. Performance analysis of efficient concate- for high-frequency FMICW radar F 11 diffused optical waveguides J nated coding scheme for ARQ _ protocols Kibble, B.P. Present state of the electrical units Kumagami, H., and Koshiba, M. Frequency I pl48 (Commissioned IEE review) A_ p187 response of silicon-clad planar diffused optical Lee, T.-H. Throughput efficiency of a class of con- Kim, H.K., Lee, D.S., Kim, M.G., and Youn, M.J. waveguides J p249 tinuous ARQ schemes under Markovian error see Lee, D.S Kumar, B., ir‘ M.R.R., and Dutta Roy, S.C. see patterns I pSil Kim, H.S., and Leon-Garcia, A. Decomposition of Reddy, MRR. Lee, T.-S., and Zoltowski, M.D. see Zoltowski, output —- switches I p407 Kumar, %. and Wells, G. Memory controlled feed- M.D. Kim, J.H., and Bien, Z. Geometric approach for forward lineariser suitable for MMIC implemen- Lee, T.-T., and Shih, C.-L. Discrete-time optimal fault diagnosis in linear dynamic control systems tation H p9 control for linear time-delay systems with deter- D p293 Kuntman, H. Novel modification on SPICE BJT ministic disturbances D p573 Kim, M.G., Lee, D.S., Kim, H.K., and Youn, M.J. model to obtain extended accuracy G _ p673 Lee, Y.-S., and Wu, C.-J. see Wu, C.-J. see Lee, D.S Kunz, U.H., Petczewski, P.M., and Oberschelp, W Lee, Y.-S., and Wu, C.-J. Application of supercon- Kimura, T., Suto, K., and Nishizawa, J. see Suto, K. see Petczewski, P.M. ducting magnetic energy storage unit on damping Kinoshita, K., Rubio, A., and Sainz, J.A. see Rubio, Kuo, J.B., Chiang, M.L., and Lu, T.C. see Chiang, of turbogenerator subsynchronous oscillation MLL. p4i Kinoshita, T., Ando, M., and Murasaki, T. see Kurihara, K., Tashiro, Y., Ogura, I., Sugimoto, M., Lee, Y.S.. Chow, M.H.L., and Wong, J.S.L. see Ando, and Kasahara, K. 32 x 32 two-dimensional array Chow, MHL. Kirby, R.P., Williams, L.D., Summerfield, M.A., of vertical to surface transmission electrophotonic Lee, Y.S., Chow, M.H.L., and Wong, J.S.L. SPICE Rust, DJ., Astbury, S., and Lee, P.A. see Wil- devices with a pnpn structure J pl6l simulation of nonlinear equations and circuits liams, L.D. Kuttler, J.R., and Castella, F.R. see Castella, F.R. G p273 Kirk, J.A., Anjanappa, M., and Anand, D.K. see Kuzminski, K., and Wozniak, P. see Wozniak, P. Legg, D.J., Knight, R.B.D., and Martin, P. see Anjanappa, M Kwaspen, J.J.M., Schemmann, M.F.C., Heyker, Knight, R.B.D. 6 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX Lehto, A., Tuovinen, J., and Raisainen, A. see Tuo- bandwidth sensitivity G p210 Machida, T., Odagawa, T., Sanada, T., Nakai, K.., vinen, J. Liu, W.-C., Sun, C.-Y., and oem, W.-S. Character- Wakao, K., and Yamakoshi, S. see Odagawa, T. Lehto, A., Tuovinen, J., and Raisainen, A. Proposed istics of GaAs graded-- period delta-doped super- Maclean, TSM., Badar, A.H., Ghafouri-Siraz, H., method for measurement of absorption loss and lattice G p629 and Gazey, B. K. see Badar, AH beam efficiency of large mm-wave reflector Liu, W.-C., Sun, C.-Y., and Lour, W.-S. Observation Maclean, T.S.M., and Badar, A.H. see Badar, A.H. antennas in compact — test range by using of multi-state negative differential conductivity in Maddocks, M.C.D., and Smith, M.S. Flat-plate hot and cold loads H_ p13 periodic delta-doped superlattice G p424 steerable antennas for satellite communications Leigh, S.P., Mellor, P.H., and Cheetham, B.M.G. Liu, Y.-J., and Biglieri, E. Fully transparent phase/ and broadcast reception H_ p159 see Mellor, P.H. Doppler invariant trellis-coded modulation Magari, K., Mikami, O., Noguchi, Y., Yasaka, H., Leitch, R., Kraft, R., and Luntz, R. RESCU: a real- I pl05 and Kondo, S. see Mikami, O. Dti me pk2in7o wledge based system for process control Liuf,i elZd. Ja.,n d Voeudrddya sc,u rrAe.n,t alnods sesB ininns ,l inKe.aJr. anMda gnreottaitc- MagMi.s,tr Taelid,e scFo.,, CCa.n,a lain,d CZ.a,n oPnaic,c agEn. elselea ,C anAa.,l iS,a nCg.a lli, Leitch, R.R., and Tokhi, M.O. see Tokhi, M.O. ing permanent magnet machines with a large Maguire, L.P., and Irwin, G.W. ae imple- Leite da Silva, A.M., Melo, A.C.G., and Cunha, number of poles A p289 mentation of Kalman filters D p355 S.H.F. Frequency and duration method for relia- Livingston, E.P., Sangster, A.J.. and Swan, A. see Mahmoud, S.A. Motion detection and estimation of bility evaluation of large-scale hydrothermal gen- Sangster, A.J. multiple moving objects in an image sequence erating systems C p94 Lloris, A., Ortega, J., and Prieto, A. The fast Tamari using the cosine area transform (CAT) I p351 Leithead, W.E., de la Salle, S., and Reardon, D. transform E_ pl47 Mahmoud, S.A., Crozier, S.N., and Falconer, D.D. Role and objectives of control for wind turbines Lo, H.-Y., and Yang, T.C. Balanced high-speed see Crozier, S.N. 135 residue number VLSI multiplier with error detec- Maio, I., Bava, G.P., and Montrosset, I. Mode com- Lemaire-Semail, B., Bouillault, F., and Razek, A. tion G p42l petition and switching in three section DBR Modelling of vector controlled cage induction Lo, R., and Findler, N.V. see Findler, N.V. tunable lasers J p52 motor with FEM B_ p297 Lo, T., and Litva, J. Use of a highly deterministic Majumdar, A.K., and Sarkar, S. see Sarkar, S. Leon-Garcia, A., and Kim, H.S. see Kim, HS. multipath signal model in low-angle tracking Makin, B., and Hu, D. see Hu, D. Leroy, Y., Lasri, T., and Dujardin, B. see Lasri, T. 163 Makrakis, D., Yongagoglu, A., and Feher, K. Detec- Lesso, W.G., Rice, R.E., Grady, W.M., Noyeola, Lo, Y.T., Chew, W.C., Nie, Z., and Liu, Q.H. see tion of partial response signals using noise predic- A.H., and Connolly, M.E. see Rice, R.E. Chew, W.C. tion techniques I p133 Lever, K.V., Demidenko, S.N., and Levin, E.M. see Lobos, T., and Eichhorn, K.-Fr. see Eichhorn, Makrakis, D., and Mathiopoulos, P.T. Differential Demidenko, S.N. K.-Fr. detection of correlative encoded continuous Levin, E.M., Demidenko, S.N., and Lever, K.V. see Lockhart, G.B., and Al-Jalili, Y.O. Analysis and phase modulation schemes using decision feed- Demidenko, S.N. simulation of a hybrid modulation scheme for back I p473 Levy, M.F., and Craig, K.H. see Craig, K.H embedding data in amplitude-modulated signals Malag, A., Czarnecki, K., and Fronc, K. Thermal Lewis, F.L., Mertzios, B.G., and Marszatek, W. I p426 index guiding in (AlGa)As proton-isolated lasers: Analysis of singular bilinear systems using Walsh Lomax, A.M., and White, I.H. Modulation of pico- its origins and reduction by post-implantation functions D p89 second pulses using semiconductor laser ampli- heat treatment J pl3 Li, J.-J., and Weng, C.-M. see Weng, C.-M. fiers J pl78 Malherbe, J.A.G., and de Villiers, M.C. see Li, L., Zhang, M., and Yang, W. see Zhang, M Lombardi, F., Koo, P., and Shen, Y.-N. see Koo, P. de Villiers, M.C. Li, L.-M., Yu, D.-Y., and Wu, S.-Q. see Yu, D.-Y. Longo, M., Conte, E., Lops, M., and Ullo, S.L. see Malik, O.P., Roy, S., and Hope, G.S. see Roy, S. Li, S.-F., Rong, Y., and Dou, W.-B. see Rong, Y. Conte, E Mandal, A.K., and Konar, A. see Konar, A. Liaw, C.M. Optimal controller with prescribed Longo, M., Conte, E., and Lops, M. see Conte, E. Manetti, S. New approach to automatic symbolic dominant energy eigenvalues D 5 Lopez, J.M., Peinado, A.M., Sanchez, V.E., Segura, analysis of electric circuits G p22 Liaw, C.M., Chen, T.H., Wang, T.C., Cho, G.J., Lee, J.C., and Ayuso, A.J. Rubio see Peinado, A.M. Manias, S. Novel full bridge semicontrolled switch C.M., and Wang, C.T. Design and implementa- Lops, M., Conte, E., Longo, M., and Ullo, S.L. see mode rectifier B p252 tion of a single phase current-forced switching Conte, E. Manikas, A.N., and Turner, L.F. Adaptive signal mode bilateral convertor B_ p129 Lops, M., Conte, E., and Longo, M. see Conte, E. parameter estimation and classification tec shnique Lier, E., Rengarajan, S., and Rahmat-Samii, Y. Lour, W- S., Liu, Ww. -C., and Sun, C.-Y. see Liu, p267 Comparison between different rectangular horn Mannaa, H.M., and Singh, S. see Singh, S. elements for array antenna applications Louw, W.J. Matrix analysis of split coaxial balun Mannikko, P.D., Butler, C.M., Courtney, C.C., and H_ p283 H p Silvestro, J.W. see Butler, C.M. Lier, E., and Stoffels, C. Propagation and radiation Love, J.D., Black, R.J., Lacroix, S., and Gonthier, F. Manning, C.D., and Abdel-Halim, M.A. see Abdel- characteristics of rectangular dielectric-loaded see Black, R. Halim, M.A. hybrid mode horn H_ p40 Love, J.D., Henry, W.M., Stewart, W.J., Black, R.J., Mansour, M., and Fessas, P. see Fessas, P. Lightfoot, H.A., Boutlendj, M., Allen, N.L., and Lacroix, S., and Gonthier, F. Tapered single- Marriott, A.P., Tsalides, Ph., and Hicks, PJ. VLSI Neville, R.B. see Boutlendj, M mode fibres and devices. Part 1: Adiabaticity cri- implementation of smart imaging system using Ligthart, L.P., Niemeijer, R.J., and van Sinttruyen, teria J p343 two-dimensional cellular automata G p582 J.S. see Niemeijer, R.J. Love, J.D., Ladouceur, F., and Skinner, I.M. see Mars, P., and Tang, C.K.K. see Tang, C.K.K. Lim, C.C., and Zhao, W. Performance analysis of Ladouceur, F. Marsh, J.F., and Aldeen, M. see Aldeen, M. dynamic multitasking imprecise computation Lowe, D., and Webb, A.R. Time series prediction by Marsh, J.H., Bryce, A.C., Gwilliam, R., and Glew, system E p345 adaptive networks: a dynamical systems per- R.W. see Bryce, A.C. = K.W., Hang, C.C., and Ho, W.K. see Hang, spective F pl7 Marsh, J.H., Hansen, S.I., and Roberts, J.S. see Cc Lowery, A.J. Integrated mode-locked laser design Hansen, S.I. Lin, H.-K., and Abdel-Motaleb, I.M. Small signal with a distributed-Bragg reflector J p39 Marshall, A.C., Boffey, T.B., Green, J.R. and nonquasistatic models for GaAs field effect tran- Lu, K.S., and Wei, J.N. Rational function matrices Hague, H. Optimal —— of electricity distribu- sistors for implementation in SPICE. Part I: and structural controllability and observability tion networks C Modulation-doped field effect transistors D_ p388 Marszalek, W., Lewis, FL. and Mertzios, B.G. see (MODFETs) G_ p735 Lu, a Chiang, M.L., and Kuo, J.B. see Chiang, Lewis, F.L. Lin, H.-K., and Abdel-Motaleb, I.M. Small signal M Marti, J.R., and Soudack, A.C. Ferroresonance in nonquasistatic models for GaAs field effect tran- Lu, W--S., Sunder, S., Antoniou, A., and Su, Y. see power _ systems: Fundamental _ solutions sistors for implementation in SPICE. Part II: Sunder. C p32i Metal semiconductor field effect transistors Lucas, J.,” Corlett, B.J., and Smith, J.S. see Corlett, Martin, B.G., Erman, M., Riglet, Ph., Jarry, Ph., (MESFETs) G_ p749 BJ. Renaud,, M., Vinchant, J.F., and Cavaillés, J.A. Lin, J.. Wang, M., and Roberts, P.D. Composite Luccio, F., and Pinotti, M.C. Minimal synthesis of see Erman, M. dynamic and steady-state approach to stochastic multivalued functions with new operators Martin, P., — R.B.D., and Legg, DJ. see optimising control of steady-state systems with p419 Knight, R output dependent constraints D p123 Lui, P.K., and Muzio, J.C. Boolean matrix trans- Martinelli, c.t os Perfetti, R. Synthesis of feed- Lin, M.-S., and Chang, W.-T. see Chang, W.-T. forms for the parity spectrum and minimisation forward neural analogue-digital convertors Lin, S., Huang, Y., Yang, N., and Harrington, R.F. of modulo-2 canonical expansions E p4l1 G_ p567 see Huang, Y. Luk, K.-M., and Tam, W.-Y. see Tam, W.-Y. Masrur, M.A., Ayoub, A.K., and Tielking, J.T. Linde, L.P. AGC strategy for adaptive digital Luk, K.-M., and Tam, W.-Y. Patch antennas on a Studies on asynchronous operation of synchro- modems employing cyclic channel estimation in spherical body H_ p103 nous machines and related shaft iorsional stresses an HF frequency hopping scenario I p185 Lun, D.P.-K., and Siu, W.-C. Extended diagonal C p47 Lindell, I.V., Oksanen, M., and Koivisto, P.K. see structure for address generation of the prime Mathiopoulos, P.T., and Makrakis, D. see Mak- Oksanen, M. factor algorithm G 9 rakis, D. Lindley, M.W., Pitman, K.C., Simkin, D., and Luntz, R., Leitch, R., and Kraft, R. see Leitch, R. Matsuda, K., Chino, T., Adachi, H., and Shibata, J. Cooper, J.F. see Pitman, K.C. Luo, S., Thorburn, M., and Tripathi, V.K. Model- see Chino, T. Linkens, D.A., and Hasnain, S.B. Self-organising ling of multiple coupled concentric open and Matsuda, K., and Shibata, J. Optical intercon- fuzzy logic control and application to muscle closed microstrip ring structure H_ p573 nections and optical digital computing based on relaxant anaesthesia D p274 Lynch, T.G., MacBean, M.D.A., Walling, R.H., and the photonic parallel memory (PPM) J p67 Liou, J.. Wong, W.W., and Winton, R.S. see Wong, Thurlow, A.R. Design and fabrication of pack- Mayer, C.E., Morris, D., and Davis, J.H. see Morris, W.W. aged InP/InGaAsP multiple quantum well wave- Liou, J. J, and Yuan, J.S. Physics-based large-signal guide components with very low insertion loss Mazilu, D., and Mihalache, D. see Mihalache, D. heterojunction bipolar transistor model for J p3i9 Mazumdar, R., and Douligeris, C. see Douligeris, C. circuit simulation G p97 Mbamalu, G.A.N., and El-Hawary, F. see El- Lisik, Z., and Turowski, M. Two-dimensional simu- Hawary, F. lation of thyristor transient states from conduc- M Mboup, M., Macchi, O., and Bershad, N. see tion to forward blocking G Macchi, O. Litva, J., Wu, K.-L., Fralich, R., and Wu, C. see Wu, McCormick, W.S., and Tsui, J.B.Y. Suboptimal K.-L. Ma, J.-G. Numerical analysis of the characteristics real-time frequency/incident-angle estimator for Litva, J., Wu, K.-L., Spenuk, M., and Fang, D.-G. of TE-modes of gr grel oaded with inhomo- multiple radar pulses F p247 see Wu, K.-L. geneous dielectrics H McCowen, A., and Tran, T.V. Matrix interpretation Litva, J., and Lo, T. see Lo, T. MacBean, M.D.A., Lynch, eG. Walling, R.H., and of the spectral iteration technique for 3D dielec- Liu, Kun, and Prasad, Ramjee Comparing coding Thurlow, A.R. see Lynch, TG. tric scatterers in the resonance region H_ p219 efficiency of vector chain coding and run-length MacLean, T.S.M., Gong, J., Jayasundere, N.D., and McCulloch, R.A., and Tonkin, S.P. see Tonkin, S.P. coding for line drawings I p363 Wu, Z. see Gong, J. McGhee, J., Henderson, I.A., Szaniawski, W., and Liu, L-C., Lee, L-M., Wang, H-C., and Chang, Y-C. Macchi, O. Common formalism for adaptive identi- Domaradzki, P. see Henderson, I.A. Layered neural nets applied in the recognition of fication in signal processing and control McKeany, P.S., Lazarus, M.J., and Rabah, K.V.O voiceless unaspirated stops I 9 F p see Lazarus, M.J Liu, Q.H., Chew, W.C., Nie, Z., and Lo, Y.T. see Macchi, O., Bershad, N., and Mboup, M. Steady- McLane, P., and Fung, A. see Fung, A. Chew, W.C. state superiority of LMS over LS for time- McLaren, D.L., and Nguyen, D.T. Removal of sub- Liu, S.-I, Tsao, H.-W., and Wu, J. CCIlI-based varying line enhancer in noisy environment jective redundancy from DCT-coded images continuous-time filters with reduced gain- p354 I p345 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX McLaughlin, S. Adaptive equalisation via Kalman A.M.S. Noguchi, Y., Mikami, O., Yasaka, H., Magari, K., filtering techniques F p388 Morris, D., Davis, J.H., and Mayer, C.E. Experi- and Kondo, S. see Mikami, O. McLaughlin, S., and Gibson, G. see Gibson, G. mental assessment of phase retrieval holography Nohara, T.J., and Haykin, §. Canadian East Coast McLernon, D.C. New method for the elimination of of radiotelescope H p243 radar trials and the K-distribution F p80 two-dimensional limit cycles in first order struc- Morrow, R., Murphy, N B., and Powell, K.J. see Nor, Khalid Mohamed, Salam, Md-Sayeed, and tures G p541 Murphy, A.B. Hamdan, Abdul-Razak see Salam, Md-Sayeed McWhirter, J.G., Proudler, I.K., and Shepherd, T.J. Miiller, N., and Quintana, V.H. see Quintana, V.H. Novak, L.A. When do singular inputs of an LTI see Proudler, I.K. Muammar, H.K., and Nixon, M. Tristage Hough system not cause discontinuities in state vari- Meggitt, B.T., Boyle, W.J.O., Grattan, K.T.V., transform for multiple ellipse extraction E p27 ables? G pl51 Baruch, A.E., and Palmer, A.W. Heterodyne pro- Muha, P.A. Expert system forSROOT D_ p381 Novak, L.A., and Ranic, Z.M. Minimal- order =, cessing scheme for low coherence interferometric Mukai, S., Itoh, H., Watanabe, M., Mori, M., and nomial satisfying the equality c'p(A)= sensor systems J p393 Yajima, H. see Itoh, H. G pl29 Megson, G.M., and Brudaru, O. see Brudaru, O. Mukai, S., Watanabe, M., Itoh, H., and Yajima, H. Noyola, A.H., Rice, R.E., Grady, W.M., Lesso, Meischner, P., Bringi, V.N., Chadrasekar, V., Stabilisation of fundamental-lateral-mode oscil- W.G., and Connolly, M.E. see Rice, R.E. Hubbert, J., and Golestan, Y. see Bringi, V.N. lations using optical feedback within an inte- Nutt, H.C., Board, K., and Smith, R. Characteristics Mellis, J., Hale, W.B., Sundaresan, H., and Henning, grated amplifier/laser array J p97 of 6-doped FETs in GaAs G 33 I.D. see Hale, W.B Mukherjee, P.K., Sarkar, D., and Sen, S.K. see Nwankpa, C.O., and Shahidehpour, S.M. Stochastic Mellitt, B., Brown, J.C., and Allan, J. see Brown, Sarkar, D. model for power system planning studies J.C Mukhopadhyay, S., and Rao, G.P. Integral equa- C p307 Mellor, P.H., Al-Taee, M.A., and Binns, K.J. Open tion approach to joint state and parameter esti- Nyairo, K.O., White, I.H., Kirkby, P.A., and Armis- loop stability characteristics of synchronous drive mation in continuous-time MIMO systems tead, C.J. Multichannel grating cavity (MGC) incorporating high field permanent magnet motor p93 laser transmitter for wavelength division multi- B_ pl75 Murasaki, T., Ando, M., and Kinoshita, T. see plexing applications J p337 Mellor, P.H., Chaaban, F.B., and Binns, K.J. Esti- Ando, emaarttiho n opfe rpmaarnaemnette-rmsa gnaentd permfootromrasn ce aovfo idrairneg- MurMa.t as,e e HF.u,k uFnuakguan,a gKa., K., Asano, T., and Izumi, O measurement of load angle B p322 Murphy, A.B. Powell, K.J., and Morrow, R. Mellor, P.H., Leigh, S.P., and Cheetham, B.M.G. Thermal treatment of sewage sludge by ohmic O’Connor, W. Forces on semi-infinite overlapping Rfieedrsu ctbiyo n ano f esnpehcatnrcale d disptuolrstei on wiidnt hc lasms odDu laamtpiloin- Murheraatyi,n g A.F.A Silpi2c4o2n implementations of neural net- rseactutraanbgluel arc ase poleAs : plin7f6i nity permeable against MelsLlauomrmp,pl eidng P. Hpp.a,r orcaemsResot beerr tGs ,t hermD.a4,l1 amnodd el Tufronre re,l ectrDi.cRa.l Musawcnohdri ktsiCe elclcohF,e ttiMp,. 3, MP.a vsaene , PaPv.,a nS,p iaPz.z i, G., Zanoni, E., O'MtDay lp=le e pyi,n9 u3m Mb.e r Algm oriutshinmg tsot atper odvuacreia blae syfseteedmb ackof machines of TEFC design B_ p205 Musgrave, G., and Cosgrove, S.J. see Cosgrove, S.J. O'Reilly, J.J., and Fyath, R.S. see Fyath, R.S. MelSo.,H .F.A .Cse.eG .,Le iteL eidtae Sdial vaS,i lvAa.,M . A.M., and Cunha, Muzio, J.C., and Lui, P.K. see Lui, P.K. O'Reilly, J.J., and Salgado, H.M. see Salgado, H.M. Mentzelopoulou, S.E., Antoniou, G.E., and Glentis, N Obesrees chPeetlcpz,e wsWk.i,, PPe.tcMz.e wski, P.M., and Kunz, U.H. G.O. see Antoniou, G.E. Odagawa, T., Machida, T., Sanada, T., Nakai, K., oLeewis, B.F.GL.. , Lewis, F.L., and Marszatek, W. see Naidu, S.R. Time domain model for the ferromag- rWaatke aoop,e raKt.i,o na nodf bYiastmaabkloe shlais,e r dS.i odHeisg h Jr epept7i5t ion Michalski, K.A., Di, X., and Glisson, A.W. Rigorous netic core, including the effects of hysteresis and Ogino, Y., Hamada, S., and Nakaoka, M. see MicaHrRh_neie azsllko,yan psla4iltsa2Ho, .9r , oMfwR. iiEtzt.hkh ea lalTna M, ,a,nMn .uElm.a,or d eassnl dot inGi nu an tdhderi ueulmep,cp terri Hc.-p ploasstetee NNaakjeTWaidhaimdek,,yoa roycK,Ku. . ,r,a r Ken.Oand,dnt dasaa gnpadpO wlpAiaYp c,aea mtniahToke.no,i smhM,ia E,c Gt.Sip .d 1sss8e .eo TO.ed, aSg aanwasady,as t,e Tm.sT :., OguHKHearayrama,mar eidr,aC, ,. ,J . SBH..a ,r arSia,l sacJ,. . DPe.,c osatnedr , RDi.p,o chVei,l cotG, . J.sPe.e, MidAd.Ll,e maFslte,t cheIr.,, SaEr.mDa.,, Ja.n, dS hoBrleo,o d,K .A.P,. KAubcshoarrpstkiav,e NNaakkaain,o ,Y .,H .a,n dS ogOak,a fuHj.i,, HSo.n smeae , OkTa.f,u jain,d S.Y amauchi, J. Oguarnad, KIa.s, aKhuarriah,a raK,. sKe.e , KTuarsihhiarroa,, Y., K. Sugimoto, M., bistability in inhomogeneously pumped quantum Effects of adding a small disk to a spiral antenna Oh,D .-SH..- R., Hwang, D.-H., and Bien, Z. see Hwang, Mihwmaeellnlaalc ahseoe,fr nDdo.in,ol diaennsed a r MJa gzuiilpdu3e,0d 1 Dw. avPerso paign agtriaodne d-pihnedneox- NakHb_aa cnkoe,pd 3 7H5. , bayn d Hai r_o sceo,n dKu.c tsieen g Hirospel,a neK . reflector Ohklio,w -pMr.e,s saunrde Saigtoa,s eoS.u sE ffecbtr eoafk ad omwang netiacl onfgie ld tohne Mikplaamnia,r wO.a,v egNuogiudcehsi , JY ., pY3a6s5a ka, H., Magari, K.., NakHaaomkaad,a , MS.., Hamada, S.. and Ogino, Y. see OjesBduearn,fi atceezA ,. oL.Jf,. a G. sMosoleined t aMifoninsout,la antooJr,. C.J .AC .I bafpi3e0z0, M.C., and and Kondo, S. Emission spectral width broaden- Nakaoka, M., and Chibani, A. see Chibani, A. iJn g pifo r InGaAsP/InP superluminescent diodes Naltee,st Ag.eSn.e rCatoimomne notf sP ALon b‘assyesdt emciartciuci ts’p rocEe durpel 06f or Okaasfesulyjfim-,mf eoctSur.s,i icna gn dd KieerNlrea-cktlariiik,ce Yhn.oo nlllNioonwne lairwn aevfaierlg mu TidEJe sw apvw2ei0st4h ian Minamide, N., Nikiforuk, P.N., and one, = M. Nanda, J., Bapi Raju, V., Bijwe, P.R., Kothari, Decoupling of descriptor systems D M.L., and Joma, Bashir M. New findings of con- Okspaernseino,n Mc.u,r veKso ivainsdt o,f iePl.dKs .,f ora nda cLhiinrdaell l,s laIb. V.w aDvies-- Mitchell, D.K., and Khan, R.H. see Khan, R. i vergence properties of fast decoupled load flow guide H p327 Miyagi, H., and Yamashita, K. see Yamashita, K. algorithms C p218 Miypoalmaortios,a tionT-. preAscecruvriantge opntuicmaelr icfailb re awniatlhy sisth reeo-f NanBdiajw,e , J.P,. RB.i jwe, P.R., and Puttabuddhi, K.L. see OksVaaenncdte onr,t racnMi.srImc.ui,is ts iHoamnne ntihnooefd n ,e lfeoJrc. t, rcaoanmldac gunlTaetrtieintcgy akwroeavfv,le esc tSi.oAin.n layer elliptical cross-section J pl Nanda, J., Das, D., Kothari, M.L., and Kothari, Molhoaamde-fdl,o w At.e chPneirqfuoers manfocre recalo mptairmei soanpsp licoaft ioAnCs NanDd.Pa., sJe.e, HDaarsi,, DL.. , and Kothari, M.L. see Hari, L. Olgmmauocld,t ei lNa.yc,eo rn tPrlcoahtlii rna,lo f sBt.rrEe.um.co ttuaernledsy CohpHae rnagt,pe 5d1 J3. v-eMh.i clSelsi difnogr C ps7 Nandi, A.K., Aburdene, M.F., Constantinides, A.G., horizontal plane motions D p469 Moehcaomneodm-iNc or,di spaKt.,c h anadl goRraisthhimd , foAr. H.tAh.e rmaElff iciuennitt aanndd sDpoeleocghl owu,a veIf. oVramr iactoidoin ngo f vIe ctopr7 6 quantisation Ongaro, R., and Pillonnet, A. Synthetic theory of commitment C p213 Nandi, A.K., and Chambers, J.A. New lattice realis- Poole and Poole-Frenk(ePlF ) effects A p127 Oppenheim, G., and Najim, K. see Najim, K. Mosheae n,B alPa.,s uBbarlaamsaunbriaamna,nR ia n, R., and Rao, K.S.P. taitoino n croift ertihoen preFd ictpi5v4e5 least-squares order selec- Ortega, J., Lloris, A., and Prieto, A. see Lloris, A. Mohtadi, C., Shook, D.S., and Shah, S.L. see Shook, arv aiA ., Hayat, L., and Sandler, M.B. see Hayat, Seaghdha, D.D., and Fannin, P.C. Public telex- DS. It o-fpa3c2s7im ile network interworking facility Moir, T.J. Frequency-domain approach to state- vaio Rao, D., Krishna Reddy, K., Ravi, K.S., Osterreicher, J., Kreuzgruber, P., Bonek, E., and space LQG self-tuning control D p372 Rao, S.V.B., Kesava Murthy, M.J., Dutta, H.N., MMoollRi.a nnasde,ee r,BA .r,e iMt.Fh,ao nlnBtirzen,i ,t Ch.oP l.tCz.,, CS.w,o radnsd, NSa.vS.a,r raon-d AdCiuelmleon,, NassSrpaahrebkraaidrci, , s ScNiKn..tMi .l,la antadin ondRs eFduedsnyig,n, g BYS..SOM..D sAeARe sFetnugHd_,y Yo.fpS 3.t1 r3o po- OOutyhSShcamahnarognrli,,tfz ,, MZZ.A..,.,A L ..SM ah.asn reder ifK,Sr heZau.hzAig.drMeu.bh,ep ro,au nrd,P .T hSe.oMn.g , HeTu.rS.i stsiece PJ. see Fannin, P.C. Natarajan, S. A systematic method ioe obtaining Molwkitdhairn, bDu.i ldRienvgise w Ho n rpa6d1i o propagation into and Natsatartaej aenq,u atSi.,o nasn du siRnagj anM,N AP .K. G_E ffi cpi3e4nl1t algorithm pmautlcthi- areCa upn2i4t 2 commitment with economic dis- Overshott, K.J. Address as the Chaiman of the IEE Momoh, J.A., and Shen, X. Recursive approach to for rational transformation on polynomials eonpetrigmya l sysctoenmtr ol D_ propb5l4e3m of multiarea electric NavGa rrpo5-3A0d lemo, R., Breitholtz, C., and Molander, nSceiteinscem ; Ediutisc paetrimona ne&n t TecAh nolpo2g2y Division: Mag- Montague, G.A., Willis, M.J., Di Massimo, C., M. see Breitholtz, C. Tham, M.T., and Morris, A.J. see Willis, M.J. Nelson, P.A., Boucher, C.C., and Elliott, S.J. see 2 Montafio, J.C., Ibafiez, M.C., Ojeda, A.L. and Boucher, C.C. Benitez, JG. Measurement of the load admit- Neville, R.B., Boutlendj, M., Allen, N.L., and Light- tance and reactive current RMS value in the fre- foot, H.A. see Boutlendj, M. Paccagnella, A., Canali, C., Magistrali, F., Sangalli, quency domain A_ pl38 Ng, B.P. Bearing estimation using unity response M., Tedesco, C., and Zanoni, E. see Canali, c. Montrosset, I., Hui, R., and Benedetto, S. see Hui, beamforming approach H_ p537 Pahlavan, Ks and Ganesh, R. see Ganesh, R. R. Ngo, B., and Lee, H. see Lee. H. Pal, S., and Bhattacharyya, P. Multipeak histogram Montrosset, I., Maio, I., and Bava, G.P. see Maio, I. Nguyen, D.T., and McLaren, D.L. see McLaren, analysis in region splitting: a regularisation Montuschi, P., Valenzano, A., and Ciminiera, L. see D.L. problem E p285 Valenzano, A Nichols, K.G., and Webb, W.T. see Webb, W.T. Palmer, A.W., Meggitt, B.T., Boyle, W.J.0., Moon, T.T., and Bawden, P.J. High resolution RCS Nichols, S.T., Jorgenson, M.B., and Fattouche, M. a.” K.T.V., and Baruch, A.E. see Meggitt, measurements of boats F p218 see Jorgenson, M.B. Moore, W.R, Card, H.C., and Schneider, C.R. see Nie, Z., Chew, W.C., Lin, QO.H., and Lo, Y.7. see Panas, S.M., Antonopoulos, CS., and Kriezis, E.E. Card, H.C. Chew, W.C. see Antonopoulos, C Moore, W.R., and Yassine, H.M. see Yassine, H.M. Niemeijer, R.J., van Sinttruyen, J.S., and Ligthart, Panchanathan, S., ak Goldberg, M. Mini-max Morandi, C,, and Corsi, F. see Corsi, F, LP. Multipolarisation FM-CW Doppler radar = for image adaptive vector quantisation Morgan, G. B., Tsutsumi, M., and Shimasaki, H. see Fol processing for nondistributed targets Tsutsumi, M. rte, GS., and Seraji, F.E. Optical pulse Mori, M., Itoh, H., Mukai, S.. Watanabe, M., and Nikiforuk, P.N., Minamide, N., and Gupta, M.M. response of a fibre ring resonator J p235 Yajima, H. see Itoh, H. see Minamide, N. Pang, G.K.H. Elevator ——s system using Morris, A.J., Tham, M.T., Vagi, F., and Wood, R.K. Nikolopoulos, J., and Yip, G.L. see Yip, G.L. blackboard architecture D see Tham, M.T. Nishizawa, J., Suto, K., and Kimura, T. see Suto, K. Pang, G.K.H., Alves de Silva, ap. a Quintana, Morris, A.)., Willis, M.J., Di Massimo, C., Mon- Nixon, M., and Muammar, H.K. see Muammar, V.H. see Alves de Silva, A.P. tague, G.A., and Tham, M.T. see Willis, M.J. H.K. Papachristou, C.A., and Shieh, J.J. see Shieh, J.J. Morris, A.S., and Zalzala, A.M.S. see Zalzala, Noakes, P.D., and Green, A.D.P. see Green, A.D.P. Papananos, Y., and Anastassiou, D. Analysis and 8 (EE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX VLSI architecture of a nonlinear edge-preserving Prager, R.W., Clarke, T.J.W., and Fallside, F. see design of inverse-free Berlekamp—Massey algo- noise-smoothing image filter G 3 Clarke, T.J.W. rithm E p295 Paraskevopoulos, P.N., and Koumboulis, F.N. Prasad, R. Performance analysis of mobile packet Rees, H.D., Alder, C.J., Brewitt-Taylor, C.R., Dixon, Decoupling and pole assignment in generalised radio networks in real channels with inhibit-sense M., Hodges, R.D., and Irving, L.D. see Alder, Cs. state space systems D p547 multiple access I p458 Reichman, A. Adaptive detection using least-square Paraskevopoulos, P.N., and Koumboulis, F.N. Uni- Prasad, Ramjee, and Liu, Kun see Liu, Kun filters I p239 fying approach to _— for regular and sin- Premoli, A., Biey, M., and Coco, S. see Biey, M. Reid, D.C.J., Buus, J., Robbins, D.J., and Ragdale, gular systems D Preston, E.G., and Grady, W.M. Efficient method C.M. see Buus, J. Parker, E.A., Calan, P, and Langley, R.J. see for calculating power system production cost and Reid, I., Skrimshire, C.P., Learmouth, M.D., and Callaghan, P. reliability C p221 Hewett, N.P. see Skrimshire, C.P. Parker, E.A., and Sheikh, A.N.A. El Convoluted Priest, A., Hoyle, R., and Hetherington, G. see Remiens, D., Hornung, V., Rose, B., and Robein, D. array elements and reduced size unit cells for Hoyle, Buried ridge stripe 1.5 wm GalnAsP/InP laser- frequency-selective surfaces H p19 Prieto, A., Lloris, A., and Ortega, J. see Lloris, A. waveguide integration by a simplified process Parrikar, R.P., Kishk, A.A., and Elsherbeni, A.Z. Proudler, I.K., McWhirter, J.G., and Shepherd, T.J. 57 Scattering from an impedance cylinder embedded Computationally efficient QR decomposition Renaud,, M., Erman, M., Riglet, Ph., Jarry, Ph., in a nonconcentric dielectric cylinder H p1l69 approach to least squares adaptive filtering Martin, B.G., Vinchant, J.F., and Cavailles, J.A. Parsons, J.D., Demery, D.A., and Turkmani, F p34i see Erman, M. A.M.D. Sounding techniques for wideband Psychalinos, C., Haritantis, I, and Haigh, D.G. Renfrew, A.C., and Karunadasa, J.P. see Karuna- mobile radio channels: a review I p437 Switched capacitor circuit synthesis using voltage dasa, J.P. Parsons, J.D., Turkmani, A.M.D., and Demery, inversion principles G 03 Rengarajan, S., Lier, E., and Rahmat-Samii, Y. see D.A. see Turkmani, A.M.D. Pulle, D.W.J. New data base for switched reluctance Lier, E. Parsons, J.D., and Feeney, M.T. see Feeney, M.T. drive simulation B p331 Reynders, J.P., and Jandrell, 1.R. see Jandrell, LR. Parsons, J.D., and Turkmani, A.M.D. see Turk- Puttabuddhi, K.L., Bijwe, P.R., and Nanda, J. see Reynolds, J.H., Tarassenko, L., and Tombs, J.N. see mani, A.M.D. Bijwe, P.R. Tarassenko, L. Parsons, J.D., and Turkmani, A.M.D. Character- Rice, R.E., Grady, W.M., Lesso, W.G., Noyola, iIs atpio5n4 9 of mobile radio signals: model description Q sA.cHh.e,d ulianngd tChornonuoglhl y,u se M.oEf. genPeorwaelri sedg enneertawtoirokn Parthasarathy, G., Chaudhury, S., and Sub- flow programming C p39 ramanian, S. see Chaudhury, S. Quintana, V.H., Alves de Silva, A.P., and Pang, Rickard, D.A., Dupuy, J., and Waters, R.T. Verifica- Pascazio, V., Alberti, G., Franceschetti, G., and G.K.H. see Alves de Silva, A.P. tion of an alternating current corona model for PPaassSFtccroaharziniircnoien,osz ,ci h,Ve. M,tG .t.,Fi r,sa CenaeGc o.er Asslcibh,ee rtttiSi,.,, aGGn .d, aGnrda gSncahnirii,n ziG,. LG.. sseeee QQuuipilnnaohttw,aa ennrLaa. ,,O. nVeV.t.HwH..o,, r kasna dn da HnadMb iiiblaalpleprl,la ihc,a Nt.i 1o.0nP.s a rsteiteto ioHnasiebncigub railt-oyf RidJuslis eeeyn ,tpa s2 9Ba.4 pK .ht,ro atnoascnmodin sdsuBiciostnhi ovpil,itn ye Pd.Je.s iingL na saeMirdQ- iWnd Au_ c edps 2ys5tt0re amns- PatCealo,r sNi,. M.S New protocol for multistage intercon- control C p535 RigRleetn,a udP,h,. , ME.r,m aVni,n chMa.n,t , JaJr.rFy.,, aPnh.d, CMaavratililné,s , B.JG..A,. nection networks E p269 see Erman, M. Patranabis, D., and Dana, S.K. see Dana, S.K. R Ripoche, G., Harari, J., Decoster, D., Vilcot, J.P., Paul, D.K., Gibson, A.A.P., Sloan, R., and Davis, Kramer, B., Oguey, C., and Salsac, P. see Harari, L.E. see Gibson, A.A.P. J Pavan, P., Spiazzi, G., Zanoni, E., Muschitiello, M., Raisadnen, A., Lehto, A., and Tuovinen, J. see Lehto, Rizkalla, M.E., Gundrum, H., and Michel, H. and Cecchetti, M. Latch-up DC triggering and A Design of a fractional phase locked-loop fre- holding characteristics of n-well, twin-tub and Raisanen, A., Tuovinen, J., and Lehto, A. see Tuo- quency synthesiser using a Motorola based epitaxial CMOS technologies G p604 vinen, J. microcontroller A p295 Pazynin, L.A., and Bryukhovetski, A.S. see Bryuk- Rabah, K.V.O, Lazarus, M.J., and McKeany, P.S. Robbins, D.J., Buus, J., Ragdale, C.M., and Reid, hovetski, A.S. see Lazarus, : D.C.J. see Buus, J. Pérez, F., Feijoo, C., and Asensio, A. see Feijoo, C. Rabah, K.V.O. Temperature effects on high power Robein, D., Remiens, D., Hornung, V., and Rose, B. Petczewski, P.M., Oberschelp, W., and Kunz, U.H. low on-resistance MOS-bipolar transistor module see Remiens, D. Optimal model-following control of a positioning G p510 Roberts, D., Mellor, P.H., and Turner, D.R. see drive system with a permanent-magnet synchro- Radhakrishnan, D. Design of CMOS circuits Mellor, P.H. nous motor D_ p267 G ps3 Roberts, J.S., Hansen, S.1, and Marsh, J.H. see Pedder, D.J., Warner, D.J., Pickering, K.L., Buck, Radi, K.M., and Fox, B. Power system economic Hansen, S.I B.J., and Pike, S.J. see Warner, D.J. —— = flexible emergency reserve provision Roberts, P.D., Lin, J., and Wang, M. see Lin, J. Peinado, A.M., Lopez, J.M., Sanchez, V.E., Segura, Pp. Robinson, B.D., and Clarke, D.W. Robustness J.C., and Ayuso, AJ. Rubio Improvements in Ragdale, C.M., Buus, J., Robbins, D.J., and Reid, effects of a prefilter in generalised predictive HMM-based isolated word recognition system D.C.J. see Buus, J. control D 1 p201 Rahim, A.H.M.A., and Al-Sammak, A.LJ. Optimal Robinson, G. Ruien in asymmetric cavities Peng, G.-D., and Ankiewicz, A. New evanescent switching of dynamic braking resistor, reactor or undACe strress es A pll19 re ee for weakly-guiding fibres capacitor for transient stability of power systems Robinson, M.J., and Williamson, S. see Williamson, p89 Pang8 --C., Chen, B.-S., and Chiou, B.-W. see Chen, Rahmat-Samii, Y., Lier, E., and Rengarajan, S. see Rocha, J.R.F. da, and Gameiro, A.M.S. see Lier, E. Gameiro, A.M.S. ven ze Q., and Tijhuis, A.G. see Tijhuis, A.G. Rahmat-Samii, Y., and Ghods, A.H. see Ghods, Rodriguez-Tellez, J. Nev nonlinear large-signal DC Perfetti, R., and Martinelli, G. see Martinelli, G. A.H bipolar junction transistor model G_ p145 Peters, F.H., and Cassidy, D.T. Spectral output of Rajagopal, R., and Ramakrishna Rao, P DOA esti- Rodriguez-Tellez, J.. and Baloch, A.K. Evaluation 1.3m InGaAsP semiconductor diode lasers mation with unknown noise fields: a matrix of packaging strays in discrete semiconductor J plgos decomposition method F p495 devices G pSO01 Pettigrew, R., and Cuperman, V. see Cuperman, V. Rajan, P.K., and Natarajan, S. see Natarajan, S. Roger, A., Farail, F., and Bouthinon, M. see Farail, Piatelli, D., Roncella, R., Saletti, R., and Terreni, P. Ramakrishna Rao, P, and Rajagopal, R. see Raja- F see Roncella, R. gopal, R. Roman, J., and Allan, R.N. see Allan, R.N. Pickering, K.L., Warner, D.J., Pedder, D.J., Buck, Ranic, Z.M., and Novak, L.A. see Novak, L.A. Roncella, R., Saletti, R., Terreni, P., and Piatelli, D. B.J., and Pike, S.J. see Warner, DJ. Rao, B.S., and Durrant-Whyte, H.F. Fully decen- Application of a systolic macrocell-based VLSI Pike, S.J., Warner, D.J., Pickering, K.L., Pedder, tralised algorithm for multisensor Kalman filter- design style to the design of a single-chip high- D.J., and Buck, B.J. see Warner, D.J. ing D p4i3 performance FIR filter G 7 Pillonnet, A., and Ongaro, R. see Ongaro, R. Rao, G.P., and Mukhopadhyay, S. see Mukho- Rong, Y., Dou, W.-B., and Li, S.-F. Generalised Ping, Li, Henderson, R.K., and Sewell, J.1. see Hen- padhyay, S field theory of irregular waveguide partially filled derson, Rao, K.S.P., Balasubramanian, R., and Mohan, P. with longitudinally magnetised ferrite H p412 Pinotti, M.C., and Luccio, F. see Luccio, F. see Balasubramanian, R. Rose, B., Remiens, D., Hornung, V., and Robein, D Pires, J.J.O., and Ferreira da Rocha, J.R. Carrier Rao, S.V.B., Narayana Rao, D., Krishna Reddy, K see Remiens, D. recovery and filtering in optical BPSK hetero- Ravi, K.S., Kesava Murthy, M.J., Dutta, H.N., Rosenhouse, I., and Cory, H. see Cory, H. dyne systems disturbed by phase noise from Sarkar, S.K., and Reddy, B.M. see Rossiter, J.A., Kouvaritakis, B., and Dunnett, R.M. external cavity semiconductor lasers J p284 Narayana Rao, D. Application of generalised predictive control to a Pitman, K.C., Lindley, M.W., Simkin, D., and Rashid, A.H.A., and Mohamed-Nor, K. see boiler-turbine unit for electricity generation Cooper, J.F. Radar absorbers: better by design Mohamed-Nor, K. D p59 F p223 Rathore, T.S. Some more published literature on Roy, B.K., Bapat, V.N., and Saha, D.C. Influence of sh ~ BE, Olgac, N., and Chang, J.-M. see Olgac, current conveyors G p432 Poisson filter constant = ne of Ravi, K.S., Narayana Rao, D., Krishna Reddy, K.., continuous-time models D iain AJ., and Hilgers, C.J. Effectiveness of Rao, S.V.B., Kesava Murthy, M.J., Dutta, H.N., Roy, S., Malik, O.P., and A og“ Gs. Adaptive multinotch logic-p roduct polarisation filters in Sarkar, S.K ., and Reddy, BM. see control of plants using vAa e model for dead- radar for countering rain clutter F p427 Narayana Rao, D. time identification D Pollard, J.K. Multilevel data communication over Ray, S. Analysis of transient behaviour of power Ruan, Y.Z., and Feng, WL RCS calculation of optical fibre I pl62 system circuits containing iron cored coils open cavities by complex ray expansion Ponsioen, Y.P.J.M. Simple approach to calculation Cc gis F p397 of power system transients using the Z-transform Razek, A., Lemaire-Semail, B., and Bouillault, F. see Rubio, A., Sainz, J.A.. and Kinoshita, K. Test C p297 ; Lemaire- Semail, B pattern generation for logic crosstalk faults in Popovic, Lj.M. Analytical expressions for evalu- Reardon, D., Leithead, W.E., and de la Salle, S. see VLS! circuits G pl79 ating screening effect of transmission line earth Leithead, W.E. Russell, 1.A.D., and Webb, P.W. see Webb, P. W. wire C p289 Reddy, B.M., Narayana Rao, D., Krishna Reddy, Rust, D.J., Williams, L.D., Kirby, R.P., Summer- Postlethwaite, B. Empirical comparison ofm ethods K., Ravi, KS, Rao, S.V.B., Kesava Murthy, M.J., field, M.A., Astbury, S., and Lee, P.A. see Wil- of fuzzy relational identification Dust H.N., and Sarkar, S.K. see Narayana Rao, liams, L.D. Poswig, J. Disjoint decomposition of oie func- Ryum, BR., and Abdel-Motaleb, I.M. Effect of tions E p48 Reddy, DC., and Deergha Rao, K. see Deergha recombination current on current gain of HBTs Pota, H.R., and Dong, Y. see Dong, Y o, K. G pills Pouladian-Kari, R., Shapland, A.J., ‘and Benson, Reddy: M.R.R., Dutta Roy, S.C., and Kumar, B. T.M. Development of ferrite line pulse sharpeners Design of efficient second and higher degree FIR for repetitive high power applications H p504 a for midband frequencies S Powell, K.J.. Murphy, A.B., and Morrow, R. see Murphy, A.B. Reed, TS. Wave packet with special relativity Powell, RS. Smith, M.M., Irving, M.R., and Ster- ——— quantum rules, —_* Sa’id, W.K., Krishnamurthi, V., and Al-Awad, N.A ling, 'M.J.H. see Smith, M.M integral A see Krishnamurthi, Prada, C., Vega, P., and Aleixandre, V. see Vega, P. Reed, LS., ‘Shin, M.T., and Truong, TK. *VLSI Saarinen, J., Tomberg, } Vehmanen, L., and Kaski, IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX 2 K. VLSI implementation of Tausworthe random Shadrin, V., and Serzhenko, F. see Serzhenko, F. Smith, M.M., Powell, R.S., Irving, M.R., and Ster- number generator for parallel processing environ- Shafai, L., Helaly, A., and Sebak, A. see Helaly, A ling, M.J.H. Robust algorithm for state estima- ment E 138 Shah, S.L., Shook, D.S., and Mohtadi, C. see Shook, tion in electrical networks C p283 Sadiq, L., and Aghvami, A.H. Performance of an DS. Smith, M.S., and Maddocks, M.C.D. see Maddocks, asynchronous hybrid spread spectrum system in Shahidehpour, S.M., and Deeb, N.I. see Deeb, N_I. M.C.D. the presence of interference, Rician fading and Shahidehpour, S.M., and Nwankpa, C.O. see Smith, P.A., and Davis, L.E. see Davis, L.E. AWGN 1 pill? Nwankpa, C.O. Smith, R., Nutt, H.C., and Board, K. see Nutt, H.C. Saerens, M., and Soquet, A. Neural controller based Shahidehpour, S.M., and Ouyang, Z. see Ouyang, Smyth, D., and Shaout, A. see Shaout, A. on back-propagation algorithm F p55 Snethen, T.J., Debany, W.H., and Hartmann, C.R.P. Saffold, J.A., and Broder, J.A. see Bruder, J.A. Shahnawaz Ahmed, S., and Brameller, A. New algo- see Debany, W.H. Sagar, G., and Sarje, A.K. see Sarje, A-K. rithm for diakoptica) static state estimation Sobocki, R. Function representation of lightning Saha, D.C., Roy, B.K., and Bapat, V.N. see Roy, Cc 85 impulses produced by a testing circuit with con- BK. Shahzadi, B. Use of common factors in numerical ree of voltages and currents at a tested object Sainz, J.A., Rubio, A., and Kinoshita, K. see Rubio, synthesis of RLC one ports G p427 A A. Shamsadeen, B.N., Turner, D.R., Binns, K.J., and Sodin, ihG ., and Kopilovich, L.E. see Kopilovich, Saito, S., and Ohki, M. see Ohki, M. Warne, D.F. see Turner, D.R. LE. Salam, Md-Sayeed, Hamdan, Abdul-Razak, and Shaout, A., and Smyth, D. Performance estimation Soga, H., Nakano, H., Honma,T. , and Yamauchi, J. Nor, Khalid Mohamed Integrating an expert of semirandom data transfer within direct hyper- see Nakano, A system into a thermal unit-commitment algo- cube interconnection network E p213 Som, A.K., Shiloh, K., and Bond, L.J. see Shiloh, K. rithm C p553 Shapland, A.J., Pouladian-Kari, R., and Benson, Somasekhar Rao, PVD, and Das, B.N., see Das, Saletti, R., Roncella, R., Terreni, P., and Piatelli, D T.M. see Pouladian-Kari, R. see Roncella, R. Sharaf, T.A.M., and Berg, G.J. Probabilistic voltage a, E.H ., and Kwon, B.H. see Kwon, B.H. Salgado, H.M., and O'Reilly, J.J. Volterra series stability indexes C p499 Song, 1., and Uhm, TS. Multiplicative noise mode) analysis of distortion in semiconductor laser Shark, L.-K., Terrell, T.J., and Simpson, R.J. New and composite signal detection F p531 diodes J p379 high-speed adaptive frame synchronisers incorpo- Sood, V.K., and Gole, A.M. Minimisation of Salsac, P., Harari, J., Decoster, D., Vilcot, J.P., rating postdetection processing techniques ununcharacteristic harmonics in HVDC conver- Kramer, B. Oguey, C., and Ripoche, G. see I p2 tors through firing angle modulation C p567 Harari,J . sherea, A.K., Dwivedi, R., and Srivastava, S.K. Sooksatra, S., and Lee, C.Q. see Lee, C.Q. Sanada, T., Odagawa, T., Machida, T., Nakai, K., Performance analysis of a solar array under Soquet, A., and Saerens, M. see Saerens, M. Wakao, K., and Yamakoshi, S. see Odagawa, T. shadow condition G_ p30) Soudack, A.C., and Marti, J.R. see Marti, J.R. Sanchez, J.J., and DeMassa, T.A. Review of carrier Sharrif, Z.A.M., Othman, M., and Theong, T.S. Sparaggis, P.D., and Anagnostou, M.E. see Anag- injection in the silicon/silicon-dioxide system Noise analysis for digit slicing FFT F 509 nostou, M.E. G p377 — A.N.A. El, and Parker, E.A. see Parker, Spenuk, M., Wu, K.-L., Litva, J., and Fang, D.-G. Sanchez, V.E., Peinado, A.M., Lopez, J.M., Segura, see u, K.- L. J.C., and Ayuso, A.J. Rubio see Peinado, A.M. Shen, * and Momoh, J.A. see Momoh, J.A. Spiarsi, G., Pavan, P., Zanoni, E., Muschitiello, M., Sandler, M. Algorithm for high precision root Shen, Y.-N., Koo, P., and Lombardi, F. see Koo, P. and Cecchetti, M. see Pavan, P. finding from high order LPC models I p596 Shepherd, TJ. Proudier, LK., and McWhirter, J.G. Spooner, E., andZ Z. see Zunch Sandler, M., and Ben-Tzvi, D. see Ben-Tzvi, D see Proudler, I.K. Spray, A., and Jones, S. PACE: A regular a for Sandler, M.B., Hayat, L., and Naqvi, A. see Hayat, Sheshadri, TS. MHD arcjet onset studies implementing regularly and irregularly structured L. A p286 algorithms Sangalli, M., Canali, C., Magistrali, F., Paccagnella, Shibata, J., Chino, T., Matsuda, K., and Adachi, H. Sreenatha, A.G., a Bhat, M., and Shriv- A., Tedesco, C., and Zanoni, E. seeC anali, C. see Chino, T astava, S.K. see Seetharama Bhat, M. Sangster, A.J., Swan, A., and Livingston, E.P. Shibata, J., and Matsuda, K. see Matsuda, K. Sreeram, V., and Agathoklis, P. New bound for the Backward-wave suppressioni n a very wide-band Shieh, J.J., and Papachristou, C.A. Fine grain stability margin of linear continuous systems helix travelling-wave tube using a slow waveguide mapping strategy for multiprocessor systems D pis filter H p79 Sreeram, V., and Agathoklis, P. Solution of the Lya- Santos, H.A., and Fernandes, C.F. see Fernandes, Shieh, Pie-Ss., Hwang, C., Guo, T.-Y., and Chen, punov equation with system matrix in compan- Cr, C.-H. see Hwang, C. ionform D p529 Sarje, A.K., and Sagar, G. Heuristic mode) for task Shieh, L.S., Zhao, X.M., and Sunkel, J.W. Hybrid Sridharan, S., Dawson, E., and Goldburg, B. Fast allocation in distributed computer systems state-space self-tuning control using dual-rate Fourier transform based speech encryption E p313 sampling D p50 system I p215 Sarkar, D., Mukherjee, P.K., and Sen, S.K. Use of Shih, C.-L., and Lee, T.-T. see Lee, T.-T. Srivastava, A. Switching properties of polysilicon ional finite el ts for computation of Shih, M.T., Reed, I.S., and Truong, T.K. see Reed, emitter transistor operating in _ saturation temperature distribution in the stator of an LS. G p358 induction motor B p75 Shiloh, K., Som, A.K., and Bond, L.J. Character- Srivastava, S.K.,S harma, A.K., and Dwivedi, R. see Sarkar, S., and Majumdar, A.K. Tagged systolic isation of high frequency focused ultrasonic trans- Sharma, A.K. array E p289 ducers using modulation transfer function: Srivastava, V., and Carter, R.G. Design of phase Sarkar, S.K., Narayana Rao, D., Krishna Reddy, Concept and experimental approach A p205 velocity | tapers in coupled-cavity TWTs K., Ravi, K.S., Rao, S.V.B., Kesava Murthy, M.J., Shimasaki, H., Tsutsumi, M., and Morgan, G.B. see H p469 Dutta, H.N., and Reddy, B.M. see Narayana Rao, Tsutsumi, M. Srivastava, V., and Carter, R.G. Determination of D. Shimmin, DS., Taylor, S., Fang, M-T.C., and Jones, sever positions in coupled-cavity TWTs H_ p55 Sarma, J., Middiemast, I., Shore, K.A., Kucharska, G.R. see Taylor, S. Stafylopatis, A., and Gelenbe, E. ee in A.L, Fletcher, E.D., and Blood, P. see Middle- Shimmin, D.W., Binns, K.J., and Al-Aubidy, K.M. parallel processing of finite sequences E p329 mast,| see Binns, KJ. Steele, R., Webb, W.T., and Hanzo, L. see Webb, Sasaki, G., Hayashi, H., Yano, H., Aga, K., and Shin, B.S., Chung, Y.H., and Cho, G.H. see Chung, W.T. Kamei, H. see Hayashi, H. Y.HH. Steele, R., and Lam, W.H. see Lam, W.H. Saul, P.H., Barber, W., Taylor, D.G., and Ward, T. Shook, D.S., Mohtadi, C., and Shah, S.L. Identifica- Steele, R., and Webb, W.T. see Webb, W.T. ape aly 500 MHz function generator tion for long-range predictive contro) D p75 Stefan Johansson, F. Frequency-scanned reflection P. Shore, K.A., Middlemast, I., Sarma, J., Kucharska, gratings consisting of ring patches H p273 Sbarbaro, D., and Hunt, K.J. see Hunt, K.J. A.L, Fletcher, E.D., and Blood, P. see Middle- Stepanenko, Y., and Yuan, J. Model reference Scattolini, R., Cofrancesco, P., and Cristoforetti, A. mast, |. control of nonlinear = with uncertain and see Cofrancesco, P. Shore, K.A., and Wong, Y.C.A. see Wong, Y.C.A. unbounded terms D Scattolini, R., and Clarke, D.W. see Clarke, D.W. Shore, K.A., and Yee, W.M. Theory of self-locking Sterling, M.J.H., Smith, MM, Powell, R.S., and Schemmann, M.F.C., Heyker, H.C. Kwaspen, FM operation in semiconductor lasers J p91 Irving, M.R. see Smith, M.M JJ.M., and van de Roer, Th.G. Microwave Shrivastava, S.K., Seetharama Bhat, M., and Sree- Stern. M.S. Rayleigh quotient solution of semi- impedance measurements on resonant tunnelling natha, A.G. see Seetharama Bhat, M. vectorial field problems for optical waveguides diodes and network model parameter extraction Shukla, P.K., and Turner, L.F. Channel-estimation- with arbitrary index profiles J pi85 H_ p248 based adaptive DFE for fading multipath radio Stewart, W.J., Love, J.D., Henry, W.M., Black, R.J., Schill, R.A., and Jiang, L. see Jiang, L. channels I p525 Lacroix, S., and Gonthier, F. see Love, J.D. Schirinzi, G., Alberti, G., Franceschetti, G., and Silvestro, J.W., Butler, C.M., Courtney, C.C., and Stoffels, C., and Lier, E. see Lier, E. Pascazio, V. see Alberti, G. Mannikko, P.D. see Butler, C.M. Stoll, R.L., — A.A., and Sybulski, J.K. see Schirinzi, G., Franceschetti, G., and Pascazio, V. see Simaan, M., and Yousef, H. see Yousef, H. Tampion, A.A Franceschetti, G. Simkin, D., Pitman, K.C., Lindley, M.W., and Stoll, RL, and Abbas, N.A.M. Measurement of Schneider, C.R., Card, H.C., and Moore, W.R see Cooper, J.F. see Pitman, K.C. eddy-current damping of small synchronous gen- Card, H.C Simmonds, A.J. Electro-rheological valves in a erator with two types of cylindrical solid rotor Scholtz, A. L, Kreuzgruber, P., Bonek, E, and hydraulic circuit D C piso Osterreicher, J. see Kreuzgruber, P. Simpson, R.J., Shark, L.-K., and Terrell, T.J. see Strum, A., and Bar-Lev, A. Design of a multimesa Sebak, A., Helaly,A. , and Shafai, L. see Helaly, A. Shark, L.-K. Impatt diode array optimised for maximum heat Seetharama Bhat, M., Sreenatha, A.G., and Shriv- Singh, S., and Mannaa, H.M. Analysis of infinite dissipation G astava, S.K. Robust low order dynamic controller periodic array of thin wire radiators with dielec- Su, Ching-Chuan Analysis of TEM cells using the for flexible spacecraft D p460 tricloading H p207 finite-difference technique and the conjugate gra- Segura, J.C., Peinado, A.M., Lopez, J.M., Sanchez, Siri, K., Lee, C.Q., and Fang, S.J. see Lee, C.Q. dient method H_ p26l V.E., and Ayuso, A.J. Rubio see Peinado, A.M. Siu, W.-C., and Lun, D.P.-K. see Lun, D.P.-K. Su, S.-L., and Wu, J.-M. see Wu, J.-M Seki, S.. Yamanaka, T., and Yokoyama, K. Two- Siu, W.C., and Chan, R. see Chan, R. Su, Y., Sunder, S., Lu, W.-S., and Antoniou, A. see dimensional analysis of optical waveguides with a Skavantzos, A. Novel approach for implementing Sunder, S. nonuniform finite difference method J p123 convolutions with small tables E p255 Subramanian, S., Chaudhury, S. and Partha- Sen, S., and Datta, K.B. Eigenstructure assignment Skettrup, T., Jensen, B., Jacobsen, G., Bodtker, E., sarathy, G. see Chaudhury, S. in high- gain feedback systems D p16 and Christensen, B. see Jensen, B. Suckley, D. Genetic algorithm in the design of FIR Sen, S.K., Sarkar, D., and Mukherjee, P.K. see Skinner, 1.M., Ladouceur, F., and Love, J.D. see filters G p234 Sarkar, D. Ladouceur, Sugimoto, M., Kurihara, K., Tashiro, Y., Ogura, L., Seraji, F.E., and Pandian, G.S. see Pandian, G.S. Skrimshire, C.P., Learmouth, M.D., Heweti, N.P., and Kasahara, K. see Kurihara, K. ? Serzhenko, F., and Shadrin, V. Optimisation thresh- and Reid, I. High reliability photodetector with Summerfield, M.A., Williams, L.D., Kirby, R.P., old parameters of multiple quantum well infra- integral bandpass filter for receivers in —— Rust, D.J., Astbury, S., and Lee, P.A. see Wil- red photodetector J p299 opticai networks J pl liams, L.D Seshadri, N., Wong, W.C., and Sundberg, C.-E.W. Sloan, R., Gibson, A.A. P, Davis, L.E., and. Paul, Sun, C.-Y. Liu, W.-C., and Lour, W-S. see Liu, see Wong, W.C. D.K. see Gibson, A.A.P. W.-C. Sewell, J.L., , R.K., and Ping, Li see Hen- Smith, F., Birbas, A.N., ‘Brunn, B., van Rheenen, Sun, S.Q., and Jiang, C.G. Decomposition of Czar- derson, RK. A.D., Gopinath, A., and Chen, CL. see Birbas, necki’s reactive current and reactive power Shaaban, H. New decomposition-aggregation AN. approach applied to power system with speed Smith, J.S., Corlett, B.J., and Lucas, J. see Corlett, Sun, S.Q., and Kiyokawa, H. Decomposition of governor C 34 BJ. voltage, current and power B p35 10 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 138, 1991 INDEX

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