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Index IEE Proceedings Communications Vol. 143, 1996 Author Index Farrell, P.G. p273, p281 Leung, Y.-W. p133 S Faulkner, M. p212 Li Bin p68 Fiebig, U.-.G. p380 Li Lemin pli2 Fonseka, J.P. p373 Li Ping p247 Schormans, J.A. p363 A Lim, B.1. p56 Serrat-Fernandez, J. p73 G Linge, N. p182 Sharma, N.K. p317 Lopez, F.J. p273 Shen, W.-Z. p149 Abdul Rahman, A.M. p182 Lu, E.-H. p129 Shin, S.K. p61 AAldia,c hAi.,A . F. p4p321 , p267 Gell, M.A. p347 Steele, R. p231 Ghaderi, M. p78 Sun Hairong pi12 AAzzazroiu,z ,J . E.pE1.8 9 p259 Ghanbari, M. p98, p189 M Sweeney, P. p6l Giambene, G. p289 Glavas, E. p93 Manoukian, H.H. p241 T B Grant, P.M. p219 Mazumdar, R.R. p206 Gregori, E. p12 McLaughlin, S. p219 Bakalidis, G.N. p93 Gulliver, T.A. p117 MMeelslcihairn-iS,m itF.h , p3P.2M5. p335 TTahgelbee,r geP,.U . F. p3p1270 6 BBeaakumlaize,u, MN.. C. pl p250 H MMoolrienlaa,n d,A . W.pK3.1 1 p117 TTsiatlcihdeense,r , P.M .Rp.9 3 p122 BBroirfeflal,a , M.AA. . p3p2251 2 Honary, B. p241 MMouslegrr,e w,L .E.B . pp323159 TTusrannegr,, DL..H .Kp.3 41 p197 Cc I N U Carrasco, R.A. p273, p281, p347 Ibrahim, A.M. p369 Nandi, A.K. p259 Un, C.K. p162, p356 Chang, T. p129 Ibrahim, M.M. p369 Ng, T.-S. p37 CChhaartbtietr,j eeG,. P.pK2.4 1 p396 Ni, J. p197 Ww Chen, S. p219 J Chen, X.H. p47 O Cheng, T.-H. p141 Wang, J. p389 Cheng, Y.-J. p149 Jorgenson, M. p117 Wei, L. p297 Chiaraluce, F. p325 Oksman, J. p47 Wells, M.C. p304 Choi, B.D. p105 K Wong, W.C. p56 Choi, D.B. pS P Choi, D.I. pS, p105 Y Chung, H. p356 Karandikar, A. p396 Conti, M. p12 Khademi, M. p155 Paoloni, F.J. pi55 Cruickshank, D.G.M. p226 Kousa, M. p341 Paranchych, D.W. p250 Yang, C.-N. p177 Kumar, S. p78 Park, C.Y. p356 Yang, T. p197 Pointon, C.T. p347 Yip, K.-W. p37 D Yousef, S.Y. p363 L Yum, T.-S. p133 R DDaaglimuakul-asR,o yoA,. Jp.9 8 p73 Laih, C.-S. p177 Z Del Re, E. p289 Lee, C.-C. p231 Rao, K. p396 Deng, R.H. p29 Lee, J.H. p162 Raveendra, K.R. p87 Dodds, D.E. p78 Lee, T.-H. p149 Roorda, P.D. p167 Zhou, H. p29 Leung, V.C.M. p167 F Fannin, P.C. p311 Fantacci, R. p289 IEE Proc. - Commun., Vol 147, 1996 Subject Index COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS Graph-theory-based protocol to provide centralised management of an extended ADAPTIVE CONTROL LAN topology p182 Optical power distribution in wireless infrared LANs p93 Orwell-D: medium access control for data, speech and two-layer video p189 Closed-loop power control in CDMA systems p231 Sojourn time analysis of prioritised DQDB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic input pl12 AMPLIFIERS DATA COMMUNICATION Stability analysis of Cartesian feedback linearisation for amplifiers with weak non- linearities p212 Graph-theory-based protocol to provide centralised management of an extended LAN topology p182 ANTENNA ARRAYS Orwell-D: medium access control for data, speech and two-layer video p189 Sojourn time analysis of prioritised DQDB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic input pl12 Increasing the capacity of GSM cellular radio using adaptive antennas p304 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS ARRAY SIGNAL PROCESSING Design and performance evaluation of a distributed knockout switch with input and Increasing the capacity of GSM cellular radio using adaptive antennas p304 output buffers p149 Ring-TCM for M-PSK modulation: AWGN channels and DSP implementation p273 CLOSED LOOP SYSTEMS Use of second order Markov chains to model digital symbol synchroniser perform- ance p250 Closed-loop power control in CDMA systems p231 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY CODES AND DECODING Adaptive phase diversity for MDPSK reception p267 Cellular CDMA overlay systems p389 Array codes over rings and their trellis decoding p241 Increasing the capacity of GSM cellular radio using adaptive antennas p304 Design of efficient balanced codes with minimum distance 4 p177 Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 Destructive collision-free protocol for distributed DS/CDMA wireless networks Optimum time diversity for channels subject to pulse-burst interference p43 using code-sensing and thip-rate-division techniques p47 Evaluation of efficient trellis methods for soft decision decoding of Reed-Sclomon codes p61 ELECTRIC VARIABLES CONTROL Generalised T-codes: extended construction algorithm for self-synchronising codes 122 Closed-loop power control in CDMA systems p231 Hybrid-ARQ system for HF channels based on codeword partitioning p73 New decoder for double-error-correcting binary BCH codes p129 Noncoherent detection with Viterbi decoding for GMSK signals p373 ERRORS AND ERROR ANALYSIS Performance and statistical analysis of two-layer MPEG coding algorithms for ATM networks p155 PPreervfeonrtmiavnec ef loowf Rcoenetdr-olS olmoemtohond cfoodre sp acwkietht dviedpeeon denpt9 8 symbol errors p117 Estoinm astaetdel libtiet emrroobri lper obcahbainlnietly ofp 2D97S -SSMA/MDPSK with differential phase detector Reduced-state trellis and its decoding for full-response CPM p68 Reduced-state trellis and its decoding for full-response CPM p68 Reliability-throughput: optimisation for adaptive forward error correction systems p341 FEEDBACK Ring-TCM for fixed and fading channels: land-mobile satellite fading channels with QAM p281 Ring-TCM for M-PSK modulation: AWGN channels and DSP implementation p273 Noncoherent detection with Viterbi decoding for GMSK signals p373 Simple method for generating distance spectrum and multiplicities of convolutional codes p247 INTERFERENCE SUPPRESSION Type-1 hybrid ARQ scheme with time diversity for binary digital FM cellular radio p29 Adaptive phase diversity for MDPSK reception p267 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM THEORY Cellular CDMA overlay systems p389 Increasing the capacity of GSM cellular radio using adaptive antennas p304 Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 Analysis of bandwidth allocation schemes for transmission of VBR video traffic on a Optimum time diversity for channels subject to pulse-burst interference p43 FODA satellite network p12 ATM switch capable of supporting unichannel and multichannel transmission p141 Bayesian decision feedback equaliser for overcoming co-channel interference p219 ISDN Cellular CDMA overlay systems p389 Closed-loop power control in CDMA systems p231 Performance and statistical analysis of two-layer MPEG coding algorithms for ATM Design and performance evaluation of a distributed knockout switch with input and networks p155 output buffers p149 Performance, interarrival, and correlation analysis of four-phase MMPP model in Destructive collision-free protocol for distributed DS/CDMA wireless networks ATM-based B-ISDN p363 using code-sensing and chip-rate-division techniques p47 Preventive flow control method for packet video p98 Discrete-time model for digital communications over a frequency-selective Rician fading WSSUS channel p37 Dynamic control of time slot assignment in multiaccess reservation protocols p167 MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES Graph-theory-based protocol to provide centralised management of an extended LAN topology p182 Hybrid-ARQ system for HF channels based on codeword partitioning p73 Connection optimisation for two types of videoconference p133 Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 Discrete-time analysis of the leaky bucket scheme with threshold-based token gener- Optimal blocked random access algorithm for CDMA-random access systems p396 ation intervals p105 Optimum time diversity for channels subject to pulse-burst interference p43 Fast adaptive polynomial I and Q predistorter with global optimisation p78 Orwell-D: medium access control for data, speech and two-layer video p189 Graph-theory-based protocol to provide centralised management of an extended Performance analysis of an output queueing ATM switch with heterogeneous traffic LAN topology p182 and multiple QoS p356 Performance and statistical analysis of two-layer MPEG coding algorithms for ATM networks p155 Performance analysis of nonpersistent idle-signal casting multiple access with colli- sion-detection (ICMA/CD) protocol p162 Reliability-throughput: optimisation for adaptive forward error correction systems Performance, interarrival, and correlation analysis of four-phase MMPP model in p341 ATM-based B-ISDN p363 Sojourn time analysis of prioritised DODB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic Performance of fault tolerant ATM switches p317 input pl12 Queueing system with queue length dependent service times and its application to cell discarding scheme in ATM networks pS MICROWAVE CIRCUITS Reliability-throughput: optimisation for adaptive forward error correction systems p341 Sojourn time analysis of prioritised DQDB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic Stability analysis of Cartesian feedback linearisation for amplifiers with weak non- input pl12 linearities p212 Source modelling, queueing analysis, and bandwidth allocation for VBR MPEG-2 video traffic in ATM networks p197 MODULATION Suppression of multiple access interference in a DS-CDMA system using Wiener filtering and parallel cancellation p226 Use of second order Markov chains to model digital symbol synchroniser perform- Adaptive differential detection for M-ary DPSK p21 ance p250 Adaptive phase diversity for MDPSK reception p267 Digital transmission using multimode phase-continuous chirp signals p87 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY Estimated bit error probability of DS-SSMA/MDPSK with differential phase detector on satellite mobile channel p297 Fast adaptive polynomial I and Q predistorter with global optimisation p78 Array codes over rings and their trellis decoding p241 Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 New reduced load heuristic for computing blocking in large multirate loss networks Optimum time diversity for channels subject to pulse-burst interference p43 p206 Procedure for automatic recognition of analogue and digital modulations p259 Simple method for generating distance spectrum and multiplicities of convolutional Stability analysis of Cartesian feedback linearisation for amplifiers with weak non- codes p247 linearities p212 402 IEE Proc. - Commun., Vol 147, 1996 MODULATORS AND DEMODULATORS RADIO SYSTEMS Use of second order Markov chains to model digital symbol synchroniser perform- Adaptive differential detection for M-ary DPSK p21 ance p250 Adaptive phase diversity for MDPSK reception p267 Analysis of bandwidth allocation schemes for transmission of VBR video traffic on a MULTIMEDIA FODA satellite network p12 Analysis of mobile radio channel sounding measurements in inner city Dublin at 1.808 GHz p311 Orwell-D: medium access control for data, speech and two-layer video p189 Call blocking performance for dynamic channel allocation technique in future mobile satellite systems p289 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS CCellolsuelda-rl oCopD MpAo weorv erclonatyr ols ysitne mCsD MpA3 89s ystems p231 Destructive collision-free protocol for distributed DS/CDMA wireless networks Bayesian decision feedback equaliser for overcoming co-channel interference p219 using code-sensing and chip-rate-division techniques Cellular CDMA overlay systems p389 Digital transmission using multimode phase-continuous chirp signals p87 Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 Discrete-time model for digital communications over a frequency-selective Rician New reduced load heuristic for computing blocking in large multirate loss networks fading WSSUS channel p37 Pp. Dynamic control of time slot assignment in multiaccess reservation protocols p167 Performance, interarrival, and correlation analysis of four-phase MMPP model in Estimated bit error probability of DS-SSMA/MDPSK with differential phase detector ATM-based B-ISDN p363 on satellite mobile channel p297 Simple method for generating distance spectrum and multiplicities of convolutional Fast adaptive polynomial | and Q predistorter with global optimisation p78 codes p247 Hybrid-ARQ system for HF channels based on codeword partitioning p73 Increasing the capacity of GSM cellular radio using adaptive antennas p304 Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 OPTICAL IMAGE PROCESSING Noncoherent detection with Viterbi decoding for GMSK signals p373 Optimum time diversity for channels subject to pulse-burst interference p43 Performance analysis of optical receivers with space diversity reception p369 Performance analysis of nonpersistent idle-signal casting multiple access with colli- Performance and statistical analysis of two-layer MPEG coding algorithms for ATM sion-detection (ICMA/CD) protocol p162 networks p155 Ring-TCM for fixed and fading channels: land-mobile satellite fading channels with Preventive flow control method for packet video p98 QAM Synchronised call handoff performance model p56 OPTICAL LINKS AND EQUIPMENT Type-1 hybrid ARQ scheme with time diversity for binary digital FM cellular radio p29 Lossless packet switching with small buffers p335 RADIOWAVE PROPAGATION Optical power distribution in wireless infrared LANs p93 Performance analysis of optical receivers with space diversity reception p369 Analysis of mobile radio channel sounding measurements in inner city Dublin at 1.808 GHz p311 OPTIMAL CONTROL SELF-ADJUSTING SYSTEMS Optimal blocked random access algorithm for CDMA-random access systems p396 Closed-loop power control in CDMA systems p231 OPTIMISATION SIGNAL DETECTION Connection optimisation for two types of videoconference p133 Fast adaptive polynomial I and Q predistorter with global optimisation p78 Reliability-throughput: optimisation for adaptive forward error correction systems Estimated bit error probability of DS-SSMA/MDPSK with differential phase detector p341 on satellite mobile channel p297 Synchronised call handoff performance model p56 Noncoherent detection with Viterbi decoding for GMSK signals p373 SIGNAL PROCESSING PARAMETER ESTIMATION Adaptive differential detection for M-ary DPSK p21 Closed-loop power control in CDMA systems p231 Bayesian decision feedback equaliser for overcoming co-channel interference p219 Nonlinear dynamics in telecommunication systems: complex behaviour in nonlinear Digital transmission using multimode phase-continuous chirp signals p87 processing systems p347 Estimated bit error probability of DS-SSMA/MDPSK with differential phase detector Reliability-throughput: optimisation for adaptive forward error correction systems on satellite mobile channel p297 p341 Fast adaptive polynomial | and Q predistorter with global optimisation p78 Increasing the capacity of GSM cellular radio using adaptive antennas p304 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Noncoherent detection with Viterbi decoding for GMSK signals p373 Nonlinear dynamics in telecommunication systems: complex behaviour in nonlinear processing systems p347 Sojionuprunt tpilm1e 2 analysis of prioritised DQDB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic Procedure for automatic recognition of analogue and digital modulations p259 Suppression of multiple access interference in a DS-CDMA system using Wiener filtering and parallel cancellation p226 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS STABILITY Adaptive phase diversity for MDPSK reception p267 Analysis of mobile radio channel sounding measurements in inner city Dublin at Nonlinear dynamics in telecommunication systems: complex behaviour in nonlinear 1.808 GHz p31l processing systems p347 Bayesian decision feedback equaliser for overcoming co-channel interference p219 Call blocking performance for dynamic channel allocation technique in future mobile satellite systems p289 SWITCHING SYSTEMS Cellular CDMA overlay systems p389 Design and performance evaluation of a distributed knockout switch with input and Design and performance evaluation of a distributed knockout switch with input and output buffers p149 output buffers p149 Digital transmission using multimode phase-continuous chirp signals p87 Lossless packet switching with small buffers p335 Discrete-time analysis of the leaky bucket scheme with threshold-based token gener- Performance of fault tolerant ATM switches p317 ation intervals p105 Dynamic control of time slot assignment in multiaccess reservation protocols »167 SWITCHING THEORY Iterative interference cancellation for FFH/MFSK MA systems p380 New reduced load heuristic for computing blocking in large multirate loss networks 206 ATM switch capable of supporting unichannel and multichannel transmission p141 Optimal blocked random access algorithm for CDMA-random access systems p396 Design and performance evaluation of a distributed knockout switch with input and Performance analysis of an output queueing ATM switch with heterogeneous traffic output buffers p149 and multiple QoS p356 Discrete-time analysis of the leaky bucket scheme with threshold-based token gener- Performance analysis of nonpersistent idle-signal casting multiple access with colli- ation intervals p105 sion-detection (ICMA/CD) protocol p162 Lossless packet switching with small buffers p335 Performance analysis of optical receivers with space diversity reception p369 New reduced load heuristic for computing blocking in large multirate loss networks Performance and statistical analysis of two-layer MPEG coding algorithms for ATM 206 networks p155 Nonlinear dynamics in telecommunication systems: complex behaviour in nonlinear Performance, interarrival, and correlation analysis of four-phase MMPP model in processing systems p347 ATM-based B-ISDN p363 Orwell-D: medium access control for data, speech and two-layer video p189 Procedure for automatic recognition of analogue and digital modulations p259 Performance analysis of an output queueing ATM switch with heterogeneous traffic Queueing system with queue length dependent service times and its application to and multiple QoS p356 cell discarding scheme in ATM networks p5 Performance and statistical analysis of two-layer MPEG coding algorithms for ATM Reduced-state trellis and its decoding for full-response CPM p68 networks p155 Serving system with the correlated component of overflow traffic having changed Performance, interarrival, and correlation analysis of four-phase MMPP model in serving intensity pl ATM-based B-ISDN p363 Sojourn time analysis of prioritised DQODB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic Performance of fault tolerant ATM switches p317 input pl Preventive flow control method for packet video p98 Source modelling, queueing analysis, and bandwidth allocation for VBR MPEG-2 Queueing system with queue length dependent service times and its application to video traffic in ATM networks p197 cell discarding scheme in ATM networks p5 Statistical multiplexing of random processes in packet switching networks p325 Serving system with the correlated component of overflow traffic having changed Synchronised call handoff performance model p56 serving intensity pl Use of second order Markov chains to model digital symbol synchroniser perform- Sojourn time analysis of prioritised DQDB (IEEE802.6) MAN with bursty traffic ance p250 input pll2 IEE Proc. - Commun., Vol 147, 1996 403 Souvricdee o mtordaeflfilci ngin, AqTuMe ueinnegt woarnkasl ysisp,1 97a nd ban; dwidth allocNaeti on for VBR MPEG-2 OPrewreflolr-mDa:n cem eadnidu ms tataicscteiscsal caonnatlryosli s foorf dtawtoa-, lasypeere chM PaEnGd tcwood-ilnagy era lgvoirdietoh msp 1f8o9r ATM Statistical multiplexing of random processes in packet switching networks p325 networks p155 Ring-TCM for M-PSK modulation: AWGN channels and DSP implemeatation p273 TELECOMMUNICATION Source modelling, queueing analysis, and bandwidth allocation for VBR MPEG-2 video traffic in ATM networks p197 blocking performance for dynamic channel allocation technique in future mobile lite systems p289 TELEVISION Cr on optimisation for two types of videoconference p133 Graph-theory-based protocol to provide centralised management of an extended Preventive flow control method for packet video p98 LAN topology p182 IEE Proc. - Commun., Vol 147, 1996

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