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Preview IEE Proceedings. B, Electric Power Applications 1992: Vol 139 Index

index ABBREVIATIONS paper, address or lecture discussion on a paper abstract of paper or address IEE Proceedings errata synopsis of a paper published in full in Vol. 139, 1992 another Part of the IEE Proceedings Author index Allen, N.L., Boutlendj, M., Hughes, R.C., Lightfoot, Auriol, Ph. Ahmad, A. and Johannet, P. see H.A., and Neville, R.B. Analysis and comparison Ahmad, A. of rod—plane and rod—rod gaps as direct voltage Avedillo, M.J., Quintana, J.M., and Huertas, J.L. measurement devices A p279 Efficient state reduction methods for PLA-based Allende, M.A., Bracho, S., Villar, E., Martinez, M., sequential circuits E p491 A and Sanchez, P. see Bracho, S. Allovon, M., and Quillec, M. Interest in AlGalnAs B on InP for optoelectronic applications J pl48 Aarnio, J., Heimala, P., and Stuns, 1. Wide passband Almaini, A.E.A., Miller, J.F., and Xu, L. Automated wavelength multi/demultiplexer at 1!.3/1.55 um synthesis of digital multiplexer networks Baba, E., and Yokozuka, T. see Yokozuka, T. based on etched Fresnel mirror J 8 E p329 Babic, B.S., Bjelogrlic, M.R., Calovic, M.S., and Ris- Abbati, M., Galati, G., and Perna, S. see Galati, G. Alolah, A.l. Errata C p80 tanovic, P.M. see Bjelogrlic, M.R. Abbod, M., Linkens, D.A., and Mahfouf, M. see Alolah, A.l. Steady-state operating limits of three Baden Fuller, A.J., Ridler, N.M., Medley, J.C., and Linkens, D.A. phase self-excited reluctance generator C p261 Runham, M. see Ridler, N.M Aborhey, S. Binary decision based representation Alparone, L., Mongatti, G., Benelli. G., Baronti, S., Baets, R., Willems, J., David, K. znd Morthier, G. implementation of sequential systems E 50 Lotti, F., and Casini, A. see Mongatti, G. see Willems, J. Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Danneville, F., Decoster, Aluffi Pentini, F., Farina, A., and Zirilli, F. Radar Balabhaskar, G., Ko, C.C., and Chin, F. see Ko, D., Delhaye, E., Boissenot, P., Varin, C., Des- detection of targets located in a coherent K dis- cx. champs, F., and Lecuru, I. GaAlAs/GaAs planar tributed clutter background F p239 Balachandran, K., and Murugesan, K. Note on photoconductors and MSM _ photodetectors Amarasinghe, S.K., and Green, D.H. see Green, single-term Walsh series method for singular monolithically integrated with HIGFETs: appli- D.H systems D p347 cation for optical clock distribution J p83 Amato, G., Benedetto, G., Boarino, L., Maringelli, Balakrishnan, W., and Burgess, N. Very-high-speed Acarnley, P.P., and Chai, H. see Chai, H. M., and Spagnolo, R. Photoacoustic and photo- VLSI 2s-complement multiplier using signed Acha, V., and Carrasco, R.A. Maximum-likelihood thermal deflection spectroscopy of semicon- binary digits E p29 synchronisation algorithms for Q?PSK I p597 ductors A pl6l Balasubramanian, R., Lakshmi, S.R., Tripathy, S.C., Achuthan, N.R., Chakravarthy, S.K., and Nayar, Amer, F.Z., and Salama, A.E. see Salama, A.E. and Rao, K.S.P. see Lakshmi, S.R C.V. see Chakravarthy, S.K. Amin, A.A.M. Design, selection and implementation Bangding, Tau, Jian, Huang, Zejia, Jiang, and Jihui, Ackermann, B., Janssen, J.H.H., Sottek, R., and of flash erase EEPROM memory cells G p370 Yu see Jian, Huang van Steen, R.I. New technique for reducing Amini, Z., Lin, J., and Roberts, P.D. Single iterative Bannister, D.J., and Perkins, M. Traceability for on- cogging torque in a class of brushless DC motors algorithm with global feedback for integrated wafer s-parameter measurements A p232 B p3i5 system optimisation and parameter estimatron of Bapi Raju, V., Nanda, J., Bijwe, P.R., and Henry, J. Acosta, L., Moreno, L., and Sanchez, J.L. see large scale industrial processes: optimality, con- see Nanda, J. Moreno, L. vergence and simulation D 7 Barakat, E.H., Al-Qassim, J.M., and Al Rashed, S.A. Adams, M.J., Mudhar, P.S., Mace, D.A.H., Singh, J., Ancell, G.B., and Pahalawaththa, N.C. Effects of New model for peak demand forecasting applied and Fisher, M.A. see Mudhar, P.S. frequency dependence and line parameters on to highly complex load characteristics of a fast Adams, R.G., Steven, G.B., Findlay, P.A., and single ended travelling wave based fault location developing area C pl36 Trainis, S.A. see Steven, G.B. schemes C p332 Barbarossa, S. Detection and imaging of moving Adler, C.L., Lawandy, N.M., and Driscoll, TJ. see Anderson, A.P., Lord, J.A.. and Cook, G.G. see objects with synthetic aperture radar. Part 1: Lawandy, N.M. Lord, J.A. Optimal detection and parameter estimation Aghvami, A.H., and Fines, P. see Fines, P. Anderson, A.P., and Aspden, P.L. see Aspden, P.L. theory F p79 Ahi, K.-A., and Zander, J. see Zander, J. Anderson, S.J. oT remote sensing with HF Barbarossa, S., and Farina, A. Detecticn and Ahluwalia, D.S., and Billimton, R. see Billinton, R. skywave radar F p182 imaging of moving objects with synthetic aper- Ahmad, A., Johannet, P., and Auriol, Ph. Efficient Ando, M., Takahashi, M., Takada, J., and Goto, N. ture radar. Part 2: Joint time-frequency analysis inverse Laplace transform algorithm for transient see Takahashi, M. by Wigner-—Ville distribution F p89 overvoltage calculation C pli7 Andrieux, C., Roboam, X., De Fornel, B., and Barber, M.I., and Watson, D.B. see Watson, D.B. Ahmad, R., and Halsall, F. Performance analysis of Hapiot, J.C. see Roboam, X. Baronti, S., Mongatti, G., Alparone, L., Benelli, G., bridged LANs E Anglada, R., Rubio, A., and Pons, J. see Rubio, A. Lotti, F., and Casini, A. see Mongatti, G. Ahmadi, M., Gargour, C.S., and Ramachandran, V. Antar, Y.M.M., Bhattacharyya, A.K., and Ittipi- Basu, B.N., Sinha, A.K., Verma, R., Gupta, R.K., see Gargour, C.S. boon, A. see Bhattacharyya, A.K. a L.,J oshi, S.N., and Jain, P.K. see Sinha, Ahmadi, M., Mazinani, A. Shridhar, M., and Aravena, J.L., and Porter, W.A. Highly parallel rep- AK. Ramachandran, V. Simple methods for the design resentations for linear maps E pl73 Batchman, T.E., Sluss Jr, J.J., and Tayag, TJ. see of 2D recursive digital filters with noncircular Arches, J.P., Metz, M., Roux, J., Ben Doua, S., and Sluss Jr, J.J. cutoff boundary G p427 Foch, H. see Metz, M. Bateman, A., and Chan, K.Y. see Chan, K.Y. Ainscough, J., Southall, D.M., Oakey, S. and ——s J., Boemo, E.I., Meneses, J., Moreno, Bates, R.J.S., and Walker, S.D. Optical networking Goodwin, A. Behavioural synthesis support , and Lopez Barrio, C. Full systolic binary and signal-processing applications of 790 nm self- system for undergraduate teaching G pl49 raaltiplier G piss pulsating laser diodes J p263 Akbaba, M., and Fakhro, S.Q. New model for Arnold, C.P., Arrillaga, J., Sankar, S.. and Watson, Battelini, J., and Razavi, H.M. see Razavi, H.M. single-unit representation of induction motor N.R. see Arrillaga, J. Baudrand, H., Couffignal, P., and Obregon, J. see loads, including skin effect, for power system Arora, R.K., and Lu, Z. Graphical depiction of the Couffignal, P. transient stability studies B Pp 1 electromagnetic fields of Hermite-Gaussian Beck, M.S., Dickin, FJ., Hoyle, B.S., Hunt, A, Akl, S.G., Orton, G.A., and Peppard, L.E. see modes H p369 Huang, S.M., Ilyas, O., Lenn, C., Waterfall, R.C., Orton, G.A. 7 Arrillaga, J., Sankar, S., Arnold, C.P., and Watson, Williams, R.A., and Xie, C.G. see Dickin, FJ. Akpinar, S. Ermis, M., Ertan, H.B., and Ulgiit, F. N.R. Characteristics of unit-connected HVDC Beck, M.S., Huang, S.M., Xie, C.G., Thorn, R., and see Ermis, M. generator—convertors operating at variable Snowden, D. see Huang, S.M. Al Rashed, % A., Barakat, E.H., and Al-Qassim, J.M. speeds C p295 Beck, M.S., Xie, C.G., Huang, S.M., Hoyle, B.S., see Barakat, E.H . Arrillaga, J., and Medina, A. see Medi Thorn, R., Lenn, C., and Snowden, D. see Xie, Al-Din, M.S.N., Binns, K.J., and Lisboa, P.J.G. see Arrillaga, J., and Villabianca, M.E. see Villablanca, CG. Binns, K.J. M.E. Bekaert, P., Cornick, K.J., and Guardado, J.L. see Al-Ghamdi, F., and El-Hennawy, A. see El- Arruti, A., and Florez, J. Multivariable adaptive Cornick, K.J. Hennawy, A. pole-assignment controller with saturation con- Beker, B., and Ho, T.Q. see Ho, T.Q. Al-Khalili, A.J., Esonu, M.O., Hariri, S., and Al- straints D pl3 Belkadi, M., and Mouftah, H.T. Modelling and test Khalili, D. see Esonu, M.O. Asbury, A.J., Mahfouf, M., Linkens, D.A., Gray, generation for MOS transmission gate stuck- Al-Khalili, D., Esonu, M.O., Al-Khalili, AJ., and W.M., and Peacock, J.E. see Mahfouf, M. open faults G pl7 Hariri, S. see Esonu, M.O. Aspden, P.L., and Anderson, A.P. Identification of Ben Doua, S., Metz, M., Roux, J., Arches, J.P., and Al-Orainy, A.A. Bit error rate performance of FSK- passive intermodulation product generation on Foch, H. see Metz, M. distribution systems with SL _ preamplifiers microwave reflecting surfaces H p337 Benedetto, G., Amato, G., Boarino, L., Maringelli, J p36l Attaianese, C., Pagano, E. and Scarano, M. M., and Spagnolo, R. see Amato, G Al-Qassim, J.M., Barakat, E.H., and Al Rashed, S.A. Numerical feeding algorithms for asynchronous Benedetto, S., Biglieri, E., Luvison, A, and see Barakat, E.H. motors with impressed armature current Zingarelli, V.M oment-based performance evalu- Al-Qutayri, M.A., and Shepherd, P.R. Go/no-go B p44 ation of digital transmission systems I p258 testing of analogue macros G p534 Attia, M.S., Hassan, M.F., and Sultan, M.A. see Benelli, G., Mongatti, G., Alparone, L., Baronti, S., Aideen, M. Class of stabilising decentralised con- Hassan, M.F. Lotti, F., and Casini, A. see Mongatti, G. trollers for interconnected dynamical systems Attikiouzel, Y., Haig, T.D., and Alder, M.D. see Benjamin, R, and Seeds, A.J. Optical beam forming D pi25 Haig, T.D. techniques for phased array antennas H p526 Alder, M.D., Haig, T.D., and Attikiouzel, Y. see Attikiouzel, Y., Togneri, R., and Alder, M.D. see Benmahammed, K. On = of the product Haig, Togneri, R. H(z,, z,)H(z;' , z7')G 3 Alder, OM. D. Togneri, R., and Attikiouzel, Y. see Aubert, B., Chiang, H.-D., Thorp, J.S., Wang, J.-C., Bennett, TA. and Gane, FLL. see Dyson, P.L. Togneri, R. and Lu, J. see Chiang, H.-D. Bennett, J.C., Smith, F.C., and Chambers, B. see Alford, N.NcN., Lancaster, M.J., Maclean, T.S.M., Auchterlonie, L.J., Fletcher, P.N., Hardaker, PJ., Smith, F.C. Wu, Z., Porch, A., and Woodall, P. see Lancaster, and Holt, A.R. see Fletcher, P.N. Benson, F.A., Cudd, P.A., and Tealby, J.M. Leakage M.J. Auckland, D.W., Cooper, J.M., and Varlow, B.R. from coaxial cables A p285 Ali, S.M., Gu, Q., and Sheen, D.M. see Gu, Q. Factors affecting electrical tree testing A p9 Benson, T.M., Bozeat, R.J., and Kendall, P.C. Rig- Allan, J., Brown, J.C., and Mellitt, B. see Brown, Auckland, D.W., Kabir, S.M.F., and Varlow, B.R. orous effective index method for semiconductor J.C. Effect of barriers on the growth of trees in solid rib waveguides J p67 Allan, R.N., and Ubeda, J.R. see Ubeda, J.R. insulation A pl4 Benson, T.M., Kendall, P.C., Matin, M.A., and Allen, J.E., and Uehara, M. see Uehara, M. Stern, M.S. Polarisation correction applied to IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 | scalar analysis of semiconductor rib waveguides Botez, D. High-power monolithic phase-locked Carnimeo, L., Fanti, M.P., Trovato, M., and Tur- J p39 arrays of antiguided semicondcutor diode lasers chiano, B. Graph-theoretic decoupling technique Benyon-Tinker, G., Cheung, P.Y.K., Ferrari, A., and pl4 for the design of synchronous generator control- de Wilde, P. see Cheung, P.Y.K Bouquin, R. Le, and Faucon, G. Using the coher- lers D p337 Berbiche, M., Garcia, G., and Bernussou, J. see ence function for noise reduction I p276 Carpenter, CJ. Electromagnetic energy and power Garcia, G Bour, D.P., and Evans, G.A. Lateral mode discrimi- in terms of charges and potentials instead of fields BerJc eli,p 2% T Optical-microwave phase detection ngautiidoen laisne rsA lGaJl nPp 71s electively buried ridge wave- CarAp ent4e3r3,8 CJ. Electromagnetic theory without Bermudez, J.C.M., Schneider, M.C., and Montoro, Boutayeb, M., and Darouach, M. see Darouach, M. electric flux A 89 C.G. Compatibility of switched capacitor filters Boutlendj, M., Allen, N.L., Hughes, R.C., Lightfoot, Carrasco, R.A., and Acha, V. see Acha, V. with VLSI processes G p413 H.A., and Neville, R.B. see Allen, N.L Carroll, J.E., and Bray, M.E. see Bray, M.E Bernussou, J., Garcia, G., and Berbiche, M. see Boyle, J.-M., and Maciejowski, J.M. Expert aided Carruthers, C., and Mavor, J. Noise characteristics Garcia, G sequential design of multivariable systems of n-channel deep-depletion mode MOS tran- Besslich, Ph.W., and Riege, M.W. see Riege, M.W D 71 sistors G p377 Betz, R.E. Theoretical aspects of control of synchro- Boys, J.T., and Covic, G.A. see Covic, G.A. Carter, C.N., and Waldron, M.A. Mathematical nous reluctance machines B p355 Boys, J.T., and Handley, P.G. see Handley, P.G. model of dry-band arcing on self-supporting, all- Bhargava, V.K., and Hasan, M.A. see Hasan, M.A Boys, J.T.. and Handley, P.G. Spread spectrum dielectric, optical cables strung on overhead Bhattacharya, P.K., Savio, A.D., Kousik, G.S., and switching: low noise modeaes technique for power lines C pl85 Nandakumar, R.P. see Savio, A.D PWM inverter drives B p25 Carter, P.P.S., and Turkmani, A.M.D. Performance Bhattacharyya, A.K., Antar, Y.M.M., and Ittipi- Bozeat, R.J., Benson, T.M., and "Kendall, P.C. see evaluation of Rayleigh and log-normal GMSK boon, A. Full wave analysis for the equivalent Benson, T.M signals in the presence of cochannel interference circuit of an inclined slot on a microstrip ground Bracho, S., Villar, E., Martinez, M., Sanchez, P., and I piS6 plane H p245 Allende, M.A. VLSI design training and educa- Casini, A., Mongatti, G., Alparone, L., Benelli, G Bhattacharyya, A.K., Antar, Y.M.M., and Ittipi- tion in the University of Cantabria within Baronti, S., and Lotti, F. see Mongatti, G. boon, A. Spectral domain analysis of aperture- EUROCHIP G p234 Catelani, M.A., Iuculano, G., Mirri, D., Filicori, F., coupled microstrip patch antennas H 5 Bradford, W.J., and Griffiths, H.D. see Griffiths, and Menchetti, A. Criterion for the performance Bhattacharyya, B.B., Raut, R.. and Faruque, S.M H.D analysis of synchronous and asynchronous sam- see Raut, R Braithwaite, S.J., and Gibbs, J.A. see Gibbs, J.A. pling instruments based on nonlinear processing Bi, G., Coakley, F.P., and Evans, B.G. Rational Bray, M.E., and Carroll, J.E. Crosstalk reduction in P sampling rate conversion structures with semiconductor laser amplifiers J p93 Cavicchi, TJ. DFT time-domain interpolation minimum delay requirements E p477 Brennan, P.V. Impedance matching method using p2 Bi, G., and Jones, E.V. High-performance bit-serial passive lossless feedback H p397 Cederbaum, I. Analogy between VLSI floor- adders and multipliers G pl09 Brennan, P.V., and Houghton, A.W. see Houghton, planning problems and realisation of a resistive Biglieri, E. Benedetto, S. Luvison, A. and A.W network G Zingarelli, V. see Benedetto, S. Bridge, J.P., Ladbrooke, P.H., and Hill, A.J. Char- Celozzi, S., and D’Amore, M. Prediction models of Bijwe, P.R., Nanda, J., Henry, J., and Bapi Raju, V acterisation of GaAs FET and HEMT chips and standing wave patterns of distribution line carrier see Nanda, J packages for accurate hybrid circuit design channels C pl02 Billinton, R., and Ahluwalia, D.S. Incorporation of H_ p330 Centeno, A.E., and Morgan, G.B. Design of milli- a DC link in a composite system adequacy Brosson, P.M., Miles, R.O., Dupertuis, M.A., and metre wave dielectric resonators for integrated assessment — DC system modelling C p2Iil Reinhart, F.K. see Miles, R.O circuits H p307 Billinton, R., and Ahluwalia, D.S. Incorporation of Brown, J.C., Allan, J., and Mellitt, B. Calculation Chai, H., and Acarnley, P.P. Induction motor a DC link in a composite system adequacy and measurement of rail impedances applicable parameter estimation algorithm using spectral assessment composite system analysis to remote short circuit fault currents B p295 analysis B pl65 C p22! Brown, J.C., Allan, J., and Mellitt, B. Calculation of Chakravarthy, S.K., Nayar, C.V., and Achuthan, Billinton, R., and Chowdhury, A.A. Incorporation remote short circuit fault currents for DC rail- N.R. Applying pattern recognition in distance rel- of wind energy conversion systems in convention- ways B p289 aying. Part 1:Concept C p30 al generating capacity adequacy assessment Brown, M.A., and Currie, A. see Currie, A. Chakravarthy, S.K., Nayar, C.V., and Achuthan, . 7 Brown-Goebeler, K.F., Kiely, P.A., Taylor, G.W., N.R. Applying pattern recognition in distance rel- Billinton, R., and Goel, L. Overall adequacy assess- Docter, D.P., Claisse, P.R., Vang, T., Evaldsson, aying. Part 2: Feasibility C p306 ment of an electric power system C p57 P.A., Sargood, S.K., Daryanani, S., and Cooke, P. Chalmers, B.J. Influence of saturation in brushless Bilski, T. Embedding graphs in books: a survey see Kiely, P.A. permanent-magnet motor drives B p51 E pi34 Bucci, O.M., D’Elia, G., Leone, G., and Pierri, R. Chalmers, B.J., and Spooner, E. see Spooner, E. Binns, K.J., Al-Din, M.S.N., and Lisboa, P_J.G. Use Far-field computation from amplitude near-field Chambers, B., Smith, F.C. and Bennett, J.C. see of canned rotors in high-field permanent magnet data on two surfaces: cylindrical case H p143 Smith, F.C. machines 71 Bucci, O.M., and Di Massa, G. Open resonators Chan, K.Y., and Bateman, A. Performance of Binns, KJ., Low, T.S. Lim, K.W , and Rahman, powered by a rectangular waveguide H p323 MPSK trellis-coded modulation in Rayleigh M.F. see Low, T.S Buckley, K.M., and Marks, J.A. see Marks, J.A. fading with an imperfect phase reference Birkmayer, W.S., and Wale, MJ. Proof-of-concept Buechler, J., Luy, J.-F.. Strohm, K.M., and Russer, I p329 model of a coherent optical beam-forming P. see Luy, J.-F. Chan, T.T., Chang, C.S., and Lee, K.K. see Chang, network J p30! Bumby, J.R., and Safi, S.K. see Safi, S.K. Biswas, A., Thorburn, M.A., and Tripathi, V.K. see Burany, N., Huber, L., and Borojevic, D. see Huber, Chang, A.O.T., Kouvaritakis, B., and Rossiter, J.A. Thorburn, M.A I see Kouvaritakis, B. me J.R., Munshi, S., and Roy, C.K. see Munshi, Burgess, N., and Balakrishnan, W. see Balakrish- Chang, C.C., and Laih, C.S. Remote password nan, W authentication with smart cards E p372 Bjclogriig. M.R., Calovié, M.S., Ristanovié, P.M., Burgess, N., and Lever, K.V. Fast linear congruen- Chang, C.S. Co-ordinated static and dynamic moni- and Babic, B.S. System voltage and reactive tial pseudorandom number generators using the toring and optimisation of power systems using a power control: A computer-assisted manual Messerschmitt pipelining transformation parallel architecture and pattern recognition tech- automatic concept C E pl3l niques C pl97 Blair, G.M. Skew-free clock distribution for Burke, S.V., Kendall, P.C., Ritchie, S., Robertson, Chang, C.S., Chan, T.T., and Lee, K.K. Network standard-cell VLSI designs G p265 M.J., and Robson, P.N. Analysis of rib waveguide switching and voltage evaluation using an expert Blanshard, J.M.V., Desai, R.A., Lowery, AJ., Chris- coupler filters J p59 system in AC railway systems B pl topoulos, C., Naylor, P.. and Gregson, K. see Buron, A., Ruiz, G., and Michell, J. see Ruiz, G. Chang, J.-D., and Chen, T.-H. see Chen, T.-H. Desai, R.A Burr, A.G. Comparison of coherent and non- Chang, K.-S., Lu, S.-T., Wu, Y.-P., and Chou, C Blaumoser, M., Wieczorek, A., Fink, R., Oswald, J., coherent modulation in the presence of phase Correction algorithms in a laser scanning dimen- Schwarz, J., and Vogtle, K.H. see Wieczorek, A noise I pl47 sion measurement system A_ p57 Boarino, L., Amato, G., Benedetto, G., Maringelli, Butler, C.M., Mannikko, P.D., and Courtney, C.C. Chang, R.F., Chen, W.T., and Wang, J.S. Image M., and Spagnolo, R. see Amato, G see Mannikko, P.D sequence coding using adaptive tree-structured Bodger, P.S.. MacDonald, S.J., and Elder, P.A. see Butler, C.M., and Silvestro, J.W. see Silvestro, J.W. vector quantisation with multipath searching MacDonald, SJ I p Boemo, E.1., Arechabala, J. Meneses, J.. Moreno, Cc Chang, S, Chen, Y-C, and Lin, P-L see Chen, Y-C F., and Lopez Barrio, C. see Arechabala, J Chang, Y.-J., Wu, J.-L.C., and Ho, H.-J. Optimal Boissenot, P., Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Danneville, virtual circuit routing in computer networks F., Decoster, D., Delhaye, E.. Varin, C., Des- Cadirci, L, and Ermis, M. Double-output induction I p62 champs, F., and Lecuru, I. see Aboudou, A. generator operating at subsynchronous and Chang-Liao, K.-S., and Hwu, J.-G. Performance Boix, R.R., Martel, J.. and Horno, M. see Martel, J supersynchronous speeds: steady-state per- prediction and function recovery of CMOS cir- Bokhari, S.A.. Mosig, J.R., and Gardiol, F.E. Radi- formance optimisation and wind-energy recovery cuits damaged by Co-60 irradiation G p319 ation pattern computation of microstrip antennas 29 Charalambous, C. Conjugate gradient algorithm for on finite size ground planes H p278 Cai, Z., Xiao, S., Bornemann, J., and Vahldieck, R. efficient training of artificial neural networks Bolis, S.. Economou, E.G., and Philokyprou, G Tensor-based characteristic impedance calcu- G p30l Scheduling delay protocols integrating voice and lations of microstrips on ferrite-dielectric sub- Charalambous, C., and Saleh, M.M. Design of zero- dataonabus LAN I y7 Strates for integrated phase shifter applications phase spherically symmetric N-dimensional IIR Bolton, H.R., and Dolan, J.E. see Dolan, J.E _H_ pl25 digital filters G 19 Bond, L.J., and Yang, J. see Yang, J Calovic, M.S., Bjelogrlic, M.R., Ristanovic, P.M., Chebbo, A.M., Irving, M.R., and Sterling, M.J.H. Bons, J.H., Johannessen, A.B. Prasad, R., and and Babic, B.S. see Bjelogrlic, M.R. Reactive power dispatch incorporating voltage Weyland, N.BJ. see Johannessen, A.B Cameron, R.G. Model validation by the distortion stability C p253 Bonwick, W.J., and Hession, PJ. Fast measurement method: linear state space systems D p296 Chebbo, A.M., Irving, M.R., and Sterling, M.J.H. of real and reactive power in three-phase circuits Cantoni, A., Hill, M., and Moors, T. see Hill, M. Voltage collapse proximity indicator: behaviour A p5l Caorsi, S., Gragnani, G.L., and Pastorino, M. and a. C p24i Boon, C.S., and Takao, K. see Takao, K Numerical solution to three-dimensional inverse Chen, B.-S., Peng, S.-C., and Chiou, B.-W. IIR filter Bor, S.-S., and Yang, T.-L. see Yang, T.-L. ue for dielectric reconstruction purposes ~~ via optimal Hankel-norm approximation Bornemann, J., Cai, Z., Xiao, S., and Vahidieck, R 5 586 see Cai, Z Capstick, M.H. Darwazeh, 1, Lane, P.M. Chen, C.-H., Guo, T.-Y., Hwang, C., and Shieh, Borojevic, D., Huber, L., and Burany, N. see Huber, Marnane, W.P., Moreira, P., Watkins, L.R., and L.-S. see Guo, T.-Y. L O'Reilly, J.J. see Darwazeh, I. Chen, C.-H., and Chen, Y.-H. see Chen, Y.-H. Bosco, G.C., Pogliano, U. and Zago, G. see Carballo, P.P., Sarmiento, R., and Nijiez, A. see Chen, C.-P., Chen, P.-C. Liu, B.-D., and Wang, Pogliano, U Sarmiento, R J.-F. see Chen, P.-C. Bosgra, O.H., Steinbuch, M., Terlouw, J.C. and Carlosena, A. Miiller, D. and Moschytz, GS. Chen, C.H., Liu, B.D., Tsay, C.S., and Fuh, R.L. see Smit, S.G. see Steinbuch, M Resistively variable capacitors using general Liu, B.D. Bosisio, R.G., and Xu, Y. see Xu, Y impedance convertors G p507 Chen, C.S., Ma, S., Zhou, H., and Yuan, J. see Ma, Bossavit, A. Complementary formulations in Carlson, B.D., and Willner, W. Antenna pattern S. steady-state eddy-current theory A p265 synthesis using weighted least squares H_ pill Chen, C.Y.R., and Singh, U. see Singh, U. IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 Chen, D.J., and Sheu, B.J. Generalised approach to Clarke, D.W., and Demircioglu, H. see Demircioglu, reactive currents in three-phase asymmetrical cir- automatic custom layout of analogue ICs H cuits with nonsinusoidal voltage B p347 G p4 Clarke, RJ. On transform coding of motion- Chen, G.P., Malik, O.P., Hope, G.S., Qin, Y.H., and compensated difference images I p372 D Xu, G.Y. see Malik, O.P. Clarke, R.J., and Cordell, PJ. see Cordell, P_J. Chen, H.-T., and Wong, K.-L. see Wong, K.-L. Clarke, R.J., and Soryani, M. see Soryani, M. Chen, P.-C., Liu, B.-D., Wang, J.-F.. and Chen, Clarke, R.J., and Wang, Q. see Wang, Q. D’Amore, M., and Celozzi, S. see Celozzi, S. C.-P. New partial scan design based on hard fault Clarke, R.N., Jenkins, S., and Warham, A.G.P. see D’Elia, G., Bucci, O.M., Leone, G., and Pierri, R. distribution analysis E p457 Jenkins, S. see Bucci, O.M. Chen, S., Grant, P.M., and Cowan, C.F.N. Orthog- Clarke, R.N., Johnson, R.H., Green, J.L., Robinson, D'Souza, M.F., and Collier, R.J. see Collier, RJ. onal least-squares algorithm for training multi- M.P., and Preece, A.W. see Johnson, R.H Dabrowski, A. Menzi, U., and Moschytz, GS. output radial basis function networks F p378 Clarke, R.N., and Lynch, A.C. see Lynch, A.C. Design of switched-capacitor FIR filters with Chen, S.-H., Lee, L.-S., and Hwang, H.-K. see Lee, Cluett, W.R., and Wang, L. Frequency smoothing — to a low-power MFSK receiver L.-S. using Laguerre model D p88 50 Chen, T.-C., and Pan, C.-T. Modelling and design Coakley, F.P., Bi, G., and Evans, B.G. see Bi, G. Dagless, E.L., and Chen, X. see Chen, X. of a single phase AC to DC convertor B 5 Coakley, F.P., Yim, W.H., and Evans, B.G. see Yim, Dai, H., and Sinha, N.K. Robust identification of Chen, T.-H., and Chang, J.-D. Open wye-open delta W.H. systems using block-pulse functions D p308 and open delta-open delta transformer models for Cobley, R. VLSI design and CAE at Exeter Uni- Dale, B.G., and Shaw, P. Statistical process control rigorous distribution system analysis C p227 versity G pl83 in PCB manufacture: what are the lessons? Chen, W.T., Chang, R.F., and Wang, J.S. see Chang, Coelho, J., Leite da Silva, A.M., and Melo, A.C.G. A pis2 R.F. see Leite da Silva, A.M. Dall, J., Jorgensen, J.H., Christensen, E.L., and Chen, X., Chen, Z., and Lai, H. see Chen, Z. Coles, A.N., Constable, J.A., White, I.H., and Cun- Madsen, S.N. Real-time processor for the Danish Chen, X., and Dagless, E.L. Adaptive linear phase ningham, D.G. see Constable, J.A. airborne SAR F _ plli5 complex-—real steered algorithms F p283 Colley, M.J., Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Green, Dallago, E., and Sassone, G. Analogue simulation Chen, X., and Leslie, .M. Neural adaptive conges- A.D.P., Mack, R.J., Monaghan, S., Noakes, P.D., of a DC brushless drive B p245 tion control for broadband ATM _ networks Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. Damborg, M., Weerasooriya, S., El-Sharkawi, M.A., I p233 Collier, R.J.. and D’Souza, M.F. Comparison of and Marks II, R.J. see Weerasooriya, S. Chen, X.-H., and Oksman, J. BER performance junctions in both dielectic guides and metallic Danneville, F.. Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Decoster, analysis of 4-CCL and 5-CCL codes in slotted guides above 75GHz A _ p226 D., Delhaye, E., Boissenot, P., Varin, C., Des- indoor CDMA systems I p79 Collier, R.J., and D’Souza, M.F. Phase shifters for champs, F., and Lecuru, I. see Aboudou, A. Chen, X.H., Lu, W.X., and Oksman, J. Use of code dielectric guides H p202 Darbyshire, E.P., and Gott, G.F. A chirp modem sensing technique in the receiver-based spreading Conlon, M., Wilcox, DJ., Hurley, W.G., and incorporating interference excision I p395 code protocol and its performance analysis McHale, T.P. see Wilcox, D.J. Darouach, M., and Boutayeb, M. Recursive state I pss Constable, J.A., White, I.H., Coles, A.N., and Cun- and parameter estimation of SISO singular Chen, X.H., and Oksman, J. Busy code broad- ningham, D.G. Harmonic and phase distortion of systems D p204 casting and sensing protocol for collision-free analogue amplitude-modulated signals in bulk Darwazeh, I., Lane, P.M., Marnane, W.P., Moreira, CDMA packet radio networks and its per- near travelling-wave semiconductor optical P., Watkins, L.R., Capstick, M.H., and O'Reilly, formance analysis I p613 amplifiers J p389 J.J. GaAs MMIC optical receiver with embedded Chen, X.S., and Neudorfer, P. Digital model for Constantinides, A.G., and Skodras, A.N. see signal processing G p241 transient studies of a three-phase five-legged Skodras, A.N. Daryanani, S.. Kiely, P.A., Taylor, G.W., Docter, transformer C p35l Constantinou, C.C., and Jones, R.C. Path-integral D.P., Claisse, P.R., Vang, . Evaldsson, P.A., Chen, Y-C, Lin, P-L, and Chang, S Design of analysis of an arbitrarily tapered, multimode, Sargood, S.K., Cooke, P., and Brown-Goebeler, output tracking via variable structure system: for graded-index waveguide; the inverse-square-law K.F. see Kiely, P.A. plants with redundant inputs D p421 and parabolictapers J p365 Das R, Jitedra, and Yoganandam, Y. Effect of Chen, Y., Simpson, T.L., and Ho, T.Q. Highly effi- Cook, G.G., Lord, J.A., and Anderson, A.P. see system noise on the performance of a non- cient technique for solving radiation and scat- Lord, J.A coherent monopulse processor F tering problems H_ p7 Cooke, GH., and Williams, K.T. New thyristor David, A.K., and Li, Y.Z. Consumer rationality Chen, Y.-H., and Chen, C.-H. Direction-of-arrival assisted diverter switch for on load transformer assumptions in the real-time pricing of electricity and frequency estimations for narrowband tap changers B p5S07 C p3is sources using two single rotation invariance algo- Cooke, P., Kiely, P.A., Taylor, G.W., Docter, D.P., David, K., Willems, J., Morthier, G., and Baets, R. rithms with the marked subspace p Claisse, P.R., Vang, T., Evaldsson, P.A., Sargood, see Willems, J. Chen, Z., Chen, X., and Lai, H. Effect of beam S.K., Daryanani, S., and Brown-Goebeler, K.F. Davies, E.R. Accurate filter for removing impulse power on imaging characteristics of Gaussian see Kiely, P.A. noise from one- or two-dimensional signals beams with a defocusing GRIN rod lens Cooper, C.B., Jweiles, Z.A.. and Khan, G.A. Contri- E pili J p309 bution of single-phase motors to system fault Davies, E.R. Modelling peak shapes obtained by Cheng, C.-F., and Wang, W.-J. see Wang, W.-). level C p359 Hough transform E Cheng, K.W.E., and Evans, P.D. Constant fre- Cooper, J.M., Auckland, D.W., and Varlow, B.R. Davies, E.R. Simple two-stage method for the accu- quency, two-stage quasiresonant convertor see Auckland, D.W. rate location of Hough transform peaks B p227 Cordell, P.J., and Clarke, R.J. Low bit-rate image E p242 Cherepanov, A.S., Tretyakov, S.A., and Oksanen, sequence coding using spatial decomposition Davis, L.E., and Dmitriyev, V.A. see Dmitriyev, M.I. see Tretyakov, S.A. I p575 V.A. Cherkaoui, M., Machmoum, M., Le Doeuff, R., and Cormier, R., Hori, N., and Kanai, K. see Hori, N. De La Rue, R.M., Zhou, Y., Laybourn, PJ.R., and Sargos, F.M. see Machmoum, M. Cornick, K.J., Guardado, J.L., and Bekaert, P. Magill, J.V. see Zhou, Y. Chern, T.-L., and Wu, Y.-C. Integral variable struc- Interturn voltages in machine windings evaluated De wilde, P., Cheung, P.Y.K. Ferrari, A. and ture control approach for robot manipulators from on-site test results and computer simulation Benyon-Tinker, G. see Cheung, P.Y.K. D piéi B p238 De Fornel, B. Roboam, X., Andrieux, C., and Cheung, J.C.S., Wilson, B., and Ghassemlooy, Z. see Cory, H., and Tamir, T. Coupling processes in cir- Hapiot, J.C. see Roboam, X. Wilson, B. cular open chirowaveguides H pl65 De La Rue, R.M., and Shenoy, M.R. see Shenoy, Cheung, P.Y.K., Ferrari, A. de Wilde, P., and Couffignal, P.. Obregon, J.. and Baudrand, H. M.R. Benyon-Tinker, G. Neural network processor: A Equivalent circuit of a cavity coupled to a feeding Debernardi, P., and Montrosset, I. TE and TM vehicle for teaching system design G p. line and its dependence on the electric or mag- coupling coefficients for index-gain multigrating Chiang, H.-D., Thorp, J.S., Wang, J.-C., Lu, J., and netic nature of output coupling structure waveguides J Aubert, B. Optimal controller placements in H_ p22! Debono, P., Stylianou, A., and Vardaxoglou, J.C. large-scale linear systems D p79 Courtney, C.C., Mannikko, P.D., and Butler, C.M. see Stylianou, A. Chiang, Y.-C., Tzuang, C.-K.C., and Su, S. Design see Mannikko, P.D. Decoster, D., Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Danneville, of a three-dimensional gap-coupled suspended Covic, G.A., and Boys, J.T. Operating restrictions F., Delhaye, E., Boissenot, P., Varin, C., Des- substrate stripline bandpass filter H p376 for third harmonic control of flux in induction champs, F., and Lecuru, I. see Aboudou, A. Chin, F., Ko, C.C., and Balabhaskar, G. see Ko, machines B 5 Delhaye, E., Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Danneville, cx. Cowan, C.F.N., Chen, S., and Grant, P.M. see F., Decoster, D., Boissenot, < Varin, C., Des- Chin, F., Ko, C.C., and Wen, J. see Ko, C.C. Chen, S. champs, F., and Lecuru, I. see Aboudou, A. Chiodo, E., Losi, A., Mongelluzzo, R., and Rossi, F. Cox, C.H. Gain and noise figure in analogue fibre- Demircioglu, H., and Clarke, D.W. CGPC with Capability chart for electrical power systems optic links J p238 guaranteed stability properties D p371 C p p7i Crisan, O., and Mohtadi, M.A. Efficient identifica- Desai, R.A. Lowery, A.J., Christopoulos, C., Chiou, B.-W., Chen, B.-S., and Peng, S.-C. see Chen, tion of binding inequality constraints in the Naylor, P., Blanshard, J.M.V., and Gregson, K. B.-S. optimal power flow Newton approach C p365 Computer modelling of microwave cooking using Chong, J.W.W., and Forbes, R.G. Design of basic Cristina, S., and Orlandi, A. Calculation of the the transmission-line model A p30 CMOS cell library G p256 induced effects due to a lightning stroke Deschamps, F., Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Dannevil- Chou, C., Chang, K.-S., Lu, S.-T., and Wu, Y.-P. see B p374 le, F., Decoster, D., Delhaye, E., Boissenot, P., Chang, K.-S. Cronin, L.B., and Kemp, C.J. Current shunts and Varin, C., and Lecuru, I. see Aboudou, A. H.-C., Feng, W.-S., and Kuo, J.B. Simple resistors in use in NAMAS accredited labor- Di Massa, G., and Bucci, O.M. see Bucci, O.M. analytical model for short-channel MOS devices atories A pl79 Di, X., Glisson, A.W., and Michalski, K.A. Analysis G_ p40s Cruz, J.L., Navarro, E.A., Such, V., and Gimeno, B. of a dielectric resonator antenna in a cylindrical Chowdhury, A.A., and Billinton, R. see Billinton, R. see Navarro, E.A. conducting cavity: TE and TM modes H_ p453 Christensen, E.L., Dall, J., Jorgensen, J.H., and Cryan, R.A., and Unwin, R.T. Reed-Solomon coded Diab, H.B., and Tabbara, H.S. Educational tool for Madsen, S.N. see Dall, J. homodyne digital pulse position modulation design of parallel processing systems A pl Christopoulos, C. Desai, R.A. Lowery, A.J., I pl40 Dias, V.F., Palmisano, G., O'Leary, P., and Malo- Naylor, P., Blanshard, J.M.V., and Gregson, K. Cubiss, C., Elliott, J.A.. Grant, P.M., and McDon- berti, F. Fundamental limitations of switched- see Desai, R.A. nell, J.T.E. see Elliott, J.A. capacitor sigma-delta modulators G p27 Christopoulos, C., and Hui, S.Y.R. see Hui, S.Y.R. Cudd, P.A., Benson, F.A., and Tealby, J.M. see Dias, V.F., Palmisano, G., and Maloberti, F. Noise Cichocki, A., and Lobos, T. Adaptive analogue Benson, F.A. in mixed continuous-time switched-capacitor network for real-time estimation of basic wave- Culshaw, B., and Jin, W. see Jin, W. sigma-delta modulators G p680 forms of voltages and currents C p343 Cunningham, D.G., Constable, J.A.. White, I.H., Dickin, F.J., Hoyle, B.S., Hunt, A, Huang, S.M., Ciminiera, L., Montuschi, P., and Valenzano, A. see and Coles, A.N. see Constable, J.A. Ilyas, O., Lenn, C., Waterfall, R.C., Williams, Montuschi, P. Currie, A., and Brown, M.A. Wide-swath SAR R.A., Xie, C.G., and Beck, M.S. Tomographic Claassen, M., and Harth, W. Field rate equation F pl22 imaging of industrial process equipment: tech- and linewidth of semiconductor laser with inho- Czarkowski, D., and Kazimierczuk, M.K. Static- niques and applications G p72 mogeneous resonator medium J p50 and dynamic-circuit models of PWM_ buck- Diez, T., Luque, E., and Ripoll, A. see Luque, E. Claisse, P.R., Kiely, P.A. Taylor, G.W., Docter, derived DC-DC convertors G Ding, H., and Fahmy, M.M. Synchronised linear D.P., Vang, T., Evaldsson, P.A., Sargood, S.K., Czarnecki, L.S. Distortion power in systems with almost periodically time-varying adaptive filter Daryanani, S., Cooke, P., and Brown-Goebeler, nonsinusoidal voltage B p276 I p4. K.F. see Kiely, P.A. Czarnecki, L.S. Minimisation of unbalanced and Djukanovic, M., Sobajic, DJ. and Pao, Y.-H. IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 3 Neural net based determination of generator- Daryanani, S., Cooke, P., and Brown-Goebeler, G sh: eddin7g requirements in electric power systems EvaKn.sF,. Bs.eeG .,K ieBli,y ,G .P, _Aa nd Coakley, F.P. see Bi, G. Dmitriyev, V.A. and Davis, L.E. Nonreciprocal Evans, B.G., Yim, W.H., and Coakley, F.P. see Yim, Galati, G., Perna, S., and Abbati, M. Quasibistatic devices using ferrite ring resonators H p257 random arrays F pl93 Docter, D.P., Kiely, P.A. Taylor, G.W., Claisse, Evans, G.A., and Bour, D.P. see Bour, D.P. Gamberger, D. Inversion of integer matrices in P.R., Vang, T., Evaldsson, P.A., Sargood, S.K., Evans, P.D., and Cheng, K.W.E. see Cheng, K.W.E residue number system E p46 Daryanani, S., Cooke, P., and Brown-Goebeler, Evans, P.D., and Heffernan, W.J.B. see Heffernan, Ganesh, R., and Pahlavan, K. Statistical character- K.F. see Kiely, P.A WJB isation of a partitioned indoor radio channel Dolan, J.E. Improved TLM method for the solution Evans, P.S.A., Pritchard, T.1, and Taylor, D. see I p539 of coupled circuit equations A p315 Pritchard, T Gao, D.S., Morikuni, J.J., and Kang, S.M. see Mori- Dolan, J.E., and Bolton, H.R. Gyromagnetic inter- Excell, P.S. Microwave breakdown in a point-t- kuni, J.J. pretation of the magnetisation characteristics of plane electrode gap A p89 Garcia, G., Bernussou, J., and Berbiche, M. Pattern fast-pulsed amorphous tapes A p1l29 recognition applied to transient stability analysis Doulai, P., and Ledwich, G. Co-ordinated three- of power systems with —— including phase hysteretic-control scheme for active power F voltage and speed regulation B_ p32l filtering B Gardiol, F.E., Bokhari, S.A., and Mosig, J.R. see Driscoll, TJ., Lawandy, N.M., and Adler, C.L. see Bokhari, S.A. Lawandy, N Fabre, A.. and Houle, J.-L. Voltage-mode and Gargour, C.S., Ramachandran, V., and Ahmadi, M. Diiser, H., Méhrie, M., Rozenweig, M., and Griitz- current-mode Sallen-Key implementations based Inversion of continued-fraction expansion of macher, D. see Méhrle, M on translinear conveyors 1 multidimensional transfer functions using deriv- Duan, G.-R. Simple algorithm for robust pole Fahmy, M.M., and Ding, H. see Ding, H. atives and graphs G p395 assignment in linear output feedback D p465 Fairman, F., and Shi, Z. see Shi, Z. Gazor, S., and Farhang-Boroujeny, B. see Farhang- Dubey, V.K., Lim, N.K., and Gunawan, E. Per- Fakhro, S.Q., and Akbaba, M. see Akbaba, M. Boroujeny, B. formance evaluation of pragmatic TCM codes Fallside, F. Two trends in artificial neural networks Gevorgian, S.S. Design considerations for an opti- through band-limited nonlinear satellite channel F p369 cally excited semiconductor microstrip gap at a computer simulation approach I pl5S Fantacci, R. Throughput efficiency and queueing microwave frequencies J p153 Duffy, M.C. Three-phase motor in railway traction analysis of generalised stop-and-wait ARQ proto- Ghassemlooy, Z., Wilson, B., and Cheung, J.C.S. see A p329 cols I p25!I Wilson, B. Dunlop, J., Girma, D., and Lysaght, P. Alternative Fanti, M.P., Carnimeo, L., Trovato, M., and Tur- Ghosh, A.K., and Paparao, P. Performance of approach to ASIC design methodology based on chiano, B. see Carnimeo, L. modified Faddeev algorithm on optical pro- reconfigurable logic devices G p217 Farhang-Boroujeny, B., and Gazor, S. Selection of cessors J 25 Dupertuis, M.A., Miles, R.O., Reinhart, F.K., and orthonormal! transforms for improving the per- Ghosh, D., and Patranabis, D. Software based lin- Brosson, P.M. see Miles, R.O formance of the transform domain normalised earisation of thermistor type nonlinearity Durga Prasad, G., Jana, A.K., and Dutta Gupta, LMS algorithm F p327 G p339 P.B. see Jana, A.K Farina, A., Aluffi Pentini, F., and Zirilli, F. see Gibbard, M.J., and Merchant, R.W. see Merchant, Dutta Gupta, P.B., Jana, A.K.,. and Durga Prasad, Aluffi Pentini, F R.W G. see Jana, A.K Farina, A., and Barbarossa, S. see Barbarossa, S. Gibbs, ‘LA, and Braithwaite, S.J. Convolutionally Dyson, P.L., and Bennett, J.A. Exact ray path calcu- Farnworth, R.G., Last, J.D., and Searle, M.D. see encoded FFH-MFSK: demodulation and fre- lations using realistic ionospheres H p407 Last, J.D quency tracking over frequency-varying jammed Faruque, S.M., Raut, R., and Bhattacharyya, B.B. channels I p386 see Raut, Gill, D.C., and Goodman, C.J. Computer-based Faucon, G., and Bouquin, R. Le see Bouquin, R. Le optimisation techniques for mass transit railway Feng, G., and Palaniswami, M. Adaptive implemen- signalling design B p261 tation of internal — principle for continuous Gillner, L. Comparative study of some travelling- Economou, E.G., Bolis, S., and Philokyprou, G. see time systems D wave semiconductor laser amplifier models Bolis, S Feng, W.-S., Chow, H.- c , and Kuo, J.B. see Chow, J p33 Edirisooriya, G., and Robinson, J.P. Performance of H.-C Gillner, L. Modulation properties of a near signature registers in the presence of correlated ore Z.-M., Xiao, C.-S., and Shan, X.-M. see Xiao, travelling-wave semiconductor laser amplifier errors E p393 J p33l Edmunds, J.M., and Zhang, B.S. see Zhang, B.S Pa C.F.. and Santos, H.A. Probabilistic Gimeno, B., Navarro, E.A., Such, V., and Cruz, J.L Eguchi, M., Koshiba, M., Saitoh, H., and Hirayama, approach for hot electron transport G p569 see Navarro, E.A. K. see Koshiba, M Ferrari, A., Cheung, P.Y.K., de Wilde, P., and Gionas, I., Lin, J., and Roberts, P.D. see Lin, J. El-Ela, Adel Ali Abou Fast and accurate technique Benyon-Tinker, G. see Cheung, P.Y.K. Girma, D., Dunlop, J., and Lysaght, P. see Dunlop, for power system state estimation C p7 Ferreira, J.A. Analytical computation of AC resist- J. El-Hajj, A.. Kabalan, K.Y., and Harrington, R.F ance of round and rectangular litz wire windings Glisson, A.W., Di, X., and Michalski, K.A. see Di, see Kabalan, K.Y B p2 Xx. El-Hajj, A.. Kabalan, K.Y., and Yehia, M. Simula- Ferreira, L.A.F.M. Short-term scheduling of a Goddard, J.W.F., and Thurai, M. see Thurai, M. tion of a class of integrated circuits using spread- pumped storage plant C 2 Godec, Z., and Sarunac, R. Steady-state tem- sheets G y Ferreira, L.A.F.M. Tellegen theorem and modelling perature rises of ONAN/ONAF/OFAF trans- El-Hennawy, A. and Al-Ghamdi, F. Study and of power systems — PV buses and nonlinear for- formers C p448 characterisation of MOSFET integrated magne- mulas G pl36 Goel, L., and Billinton, R. see Billinton, R. todetector based on hot carrier detection Filicori, F., Catelani, M.A., luculano, G., Mirri, D., Goldberg, L., Esman, R.D., and Williams, K.J. Gen- G pll9% and Menchetti, A. see Catelani, M.A eration and control of microwave signals by El-Maghraby, M.H., Thejel, R.H., and Ibrahim, Findlay, P.A. Steven, G.B. Adams, R.G., and optical techniques J p288 M.M. New approach for the analysis of a three- Trainis, S.A. see Steven, G.B Goldberg, M., and Wang, L. see Wang, L. phase induction motor of different ratings con- Fines, P., and Aghvami, A.H. A comparison study Goodall, R.M., Warren-Forward, Mi. and Pratt, nected to a single-phase supply B pi45 of low bit rate DE-QPSK, TCM 8-ary PSK and D.J. see Warren-Forward, M_J. El-Sharkawi, M.A., Weerasooriya, S., Damborg, M., 16-ary DE-QAM fully digital demodulators oper- Goodman, C.J., and Gill, D.C. see Gill, D.C. and Marks II, R.J. see Weerasooriya, S ating over a land mobile satellite link I p319 Goodman, D.J., and Wong, W.C. see Wong, W.C. Elder, P.A.. MacDonald, S.J. and Bodger, P.S. see Fink, R., Wieczorek, A., Blaumoser, M., Oswald, J., Goodwin, A., Ainscough, J., Southall, D.M., and MacDonald, SJ Schwarz, J., and Végtle, K.H. see Wieczorek, A. Oakey, S. see Ainscough, J. Elia, M., Losana, C., and Neri, F. Note on the com- Fisher, D.G., and Lu, W. see Lu, Goodwin, M.J., Kirkby, CJ.G., Moseley, A.J. plete decoding of Kerdock codes I p24 Fisher, M.A., Mudhar, P.S., Mace, D.A.H., Singh, J., Robbins, DJ., Kearley, M.Q., and Thompson, J. Eliades, D.E. Paraxial radio-wave propagation over and Adams, M.J. see Mudhar, P.S. see Kirkby, C.J.G. a ridge or valley H p424 Fleming, PJ., Ruano, A.E.B., and Jones, D.I. see Goodyear, C.C., Greenwood, A.R., and Martin, Eliades, D.E. Path integral analysis of paraxial Ruano, A.E.B. PA. see Greenwood, A.R. radiowave propagation over a cliffedge H p84 Fletcher, P.N., Hardaker, P.J., Auchterlonie, L.J., Goto, N., Takahashi, M., Takada, J., and Ando, M. Elliott, J.A., Cubiss, C., Grant, P.M., and McDon- and Holt, A.R. Comparison of experimental and see Takahashi, M. nell, J.T.E. Real-time simulation of videophone theoretical scattering effects from melting ice Gott, G.F., and Darbyshire, E.P. see Darbyshire, image coding algorithms on reconfigurable multi- spheres at microwave and millimetre-wave fre- computers E p269 quencies H p545 Gragnani, G.L., Caorsi, S., and Pastorino, M. see Emura, K., and Jacobsen, G. see Jacobsen, G Florez, J., and Arruti, A. see Arruti, A. Caorsi, Endean, V.G. Adaptive learning circuit based on the Foch, H., Metz, M., Roux, J., Ben Doua, S., and Gramss, T. Fast learning-algorithms for a self- Walsh transform G p23 Arches, J.P. see Metz, M optimising neural network with an application to Endean, V.G. Electromagnetic field energy contain- Forbes, R.G. and Chong, J.W.W. see Chong, isolated word recognition F p391 ment A_ pl37 JI.W.W Grant, .M ., Chen, S. and Cowan, C.F.N. see England, PJ. and Rodriguez-Tellez, J. see Forsyth, A.J.. Ma, S.H., and Leung, Y.T. Dynamic Chen Rodriguez-Tellez, J characteristics of the class E DC/DC convertor Grant, PM, Elliott, J.A., Cubiss, C., and McDon- Er, M.H., and Ng, B.C. Linear antenna array design using sampled-data modelling B nell, J.T.E. see Elliott, J.A. with partial adaptivity H p25 ; Fortune, P.M., Hanzo, L., Salami, R., and Steele, R. Grant, P.M., Hamilton, R.J., and Pringle, R.D. see Ermis, M., Ertan, H.B., Akpinar, E., and Uigiit, F see Hanzo, L Hamilton, RJ. Autonomous wind energy conversion system with Foulkes, P. Using predicted irradiation profiles to Grant, P.M., Mowbray, R.S., and Pringle, R.D. see a simple controller for maximum-power transfer extract shape information from infrared images Mowbray, R.S. B 2 I p569 Graovac, M., and Nahman, J. see Nahman, J. Ermis, M., and Cadirci, 1. see Cadirci, I Franceschetti, G., Lanari, R., Pascazio, V., and Schi- Grattan, C.L. Compact-scan, plane-polar micro- Ermutlu, M.E., Lindell, 1.V.. and Sihvola, A.H. see rinzi, G. WASAR: a wide-angle SAR processor wave holographic technique for reflector antenna Lindell, LV : F plo? profile measurement H p91 Ertan, H.B., Ermis, M., Akpinar, E., and Ulgiit, F Frater, M.R., and Pike, D.B. Computer-aided inter- Gray, W.M., Mahfouf, M., Linkens, D.A., Asbury, see Ermis, M active filter design using templates G p277 A.J., and Peacock, J.E. see Mahfouf, M. Eskicioglu, A.M., and Sevaioglu, O. Feasibility of Friedrich, M., and Rochotzki, R. see Rochotzki, R. Green, A.D.P., Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, Lyapunov functions for power system transient Fu, J., and Song, B. see Song, B. M.J., Mack, R.J.. Monaghan, S., Noakes, P.D., stability analysis by the controlling UEP method Fuchs, W.K., and Kuo, S.-Y. see Kuo, S.-Y. Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. C pis2 Fuh, R.L., Liu, B.D., Tsay, C.S., and Chen, C.H. see Green, D.H., and Amarasinghe, S.K. Sequences and Esman, R.D., Goldberg, L., and Williams, K.J. see Liu, B.D arrays derived from nonprimitive irreducible Goldberg, L Fujita, H., and Sakui, M. see Sakui, M. polynomials E p363 Esonu, M.O., Al-Khalili, AJ., Hariri, S.. and Al- Fujiwara, T.. Yamada, H., and Oka, H. Electro- Green, D.H., and Khuwaja, G.A. Simplification of Khalili, D. Systolic arrays: how to choose them optical measurement of an induced toroidal elec- switching functions expressed in Reed-Muller E pi79 tric field in water A p84 algebraic form E pSil Evaldsson, P.A., Kiely, P.A., Taylor, G.W., Docter, Fyath, R.S., Medeiros, C.R., and O'Reilly, J.J. see Green, J.L., Johnson, R.H., Robinson, M.P., Preece, D.P., Claisse, P.R. Vang, T., Sargood, S.K., Medeiros, C.R. A.W., and Clarke, R.N. see Johnson, R.H 4 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 Greenwood, A.R., Goodyear, C.C., and Martin, Hari, L., Nanda, J., and Kothari, M.L. see Nanda, J. Holmes, P.G., Patterson, E.B., and Morley, D. see P.A. Measurements of vocal tract shapes using Hariri, S., Esonu, M.O., Al-Khalili, AJ. and Al- Patterson, E.B. magnetic resonance imaging I p553 Khalili, D. see Esonu, M.O. Holmes, P.G., and Salama, M.H. see Salama, M.H. Gregson, K., Desai, R.A., Lowery, AJ., Christo- Harmuth, H.F., and Mohamed, N.J. Large-current Holt, A.G.J., and Gudvangen, S. see Gudvangen, S. poulos, C., Naylor, P., and Blanshard, J.M.V. see radiators H p358 Holt, A.R., Fletcher, P.N., Hardaker, P.J., and i, R.A. Harn, L., and Kiesler, T. see Kiesler, T. Auchterlonie, L.J. see Fletcher, P.N. Griffiths, H.D. Remote sensing by radar F pl05 Harn, L., and Lin, H.-Y. Integration of user authen- Hong, Y.Y. Enhanced Newton optimal power flow Griffiths, H.D., and Bradford, W.J. Digital gener- tication and access control E p139 approach: experiences in Taiwan power system ation of high time-bandwidth product linear FM Harrington, R.F., Kabalan, K.Y., and El-Hajj, A. c Pp. waveforms for radar altimeters F p160 see Kabalan, K.Y. Hope, G.S., Kuloor, S., and Malik, O.P. see Kuloor, Grimble, MJ. LOG optimal control design for Harrison, C.G.M., Jones, P.L., and King, D. VLSI S uncertain systems D p2l project management in an undergraduate course Hope, G.S., Malik, O.P., Chen, G.P., Qin, Y.H., and Grimble, M.J. Youla parameterised two and a half G pl67 Xu, G.Y. see Malik, O.P. degrees of freedom LQG controller and robust- Harrison, 1, Munu, M., Wilkin, D., and Woolfson, Hori, N., Cormier, R., and Kanai, K. On matched ness improvement cost weighting D pl47 M.S. see Munu, M. pole-zero discrete-time models D p273 Group, COST 217 Interlaboratory evaluation of Harrison, P.G., and Naraghi, F. Fixed point model Horno, M., Martel, J., and Boix, R.R. see Martel, J. theoretical modelling techniques for single-mode for adaptive token passing bus protocol E p50 Hoskin, J.D., Hobson, R.F., Simmons, J.L., and optical fibres J p353 Harry, J.E, and Yahya, A.A. Conditions for Spilsbury, R.W. see Hobson, R.F. Griitzmacher, D., MGhrie, M., Rozenweig, M., and coalescence of multiple electric discharges Hosticka, B.J., Hahn, H., and Timmermann, D. see Diiser, H. see Mohrie, M A p210 Hahn, H. Gu, G., and Misra, P. Identification of linear time- Harth, W., and Claassen, M. see Claassen, M. Houghton, A.W., and Brennan, P.V. Phased array invariant systems from frequency-response data Hasan, A.S., Krishnaparandhama, T., and Howaidi, control using phase-locked-loop phase shifters corrupted by bounded noise D p135 A.M. Load flow analysis by G-S reduction and H_ p3l Gu, Q., Sheen, D.M., and Ali, S.M. Analysis of tran- restoration method C p383 Houle, J.-L., and Fabre, A. see Fabre, A. sients in frequency-dependent interconnections Hasan, M.A., and Bhargava, V.K. Division and bit- Howaidi, A.M., Hasan, A.S., and Krishnaparand- and planar circuits with nonlinear loads serial multiplication over GF(q™) hama, T. see Hasan, A.S. H p38 Hassan, M.F., Sultan, M.A., and Attia, M.S. Fault Howard, R., Young, D.J., Lo, K.L., McDonald, J.R., Guardado, J.L., Cornick, K.J., and Bekaert, P. see detection in large-scale stochastic dynamic and Rye, J. see Young, D.J. Cornick, K.J. systems D pll9 Howes, R., Redman-White, W., Nichols, K.G., Gudvangen, S., and Holt, A.GJ. Computation of Hassani, H.R., and Mirshekar-Syahkal, D. Analysis Murray, S.J., and Mole, PJ. Silicon-on-sapphire 2-dimensional fast transforms and image filtering of triangular patch antennas including radome MOSFET model for analogue circuit simulation on transputer networks E effects H p25 G p33 Guggenbihl, W., and Robertini, A. see Robertini, A. Hatano, H. Radiation hardened high performance Hoyle, B.S., Dickin, F.J., Hunt, A, Huang, S.M., Guillon, P., Madrangeas, B., Jarry, B., Larroque, J., CMOS VLSI circuit designs G p287 Ilyas, O., Lenn, C., Waterfall, R.C., Williams, Theron, B., and Parise, D. see Madrangeas, B. Hatzopoulos, A.A., and Kontoleon, J.M. Fault R.A., Xie, C.G., and Beck, M.S. see Dickin, FJ. Gunawan, E., Dubey, V.K., and Lim, N.K. see diagnosis in large analogue circuits based on Hoyle, B.S., Xie, C.G., Huang, S.M., Thorn, R., Dubey, V.K. hybrid decomposition G p3il Lenn, C., Snowden, D., and Beck, M.S. see Xie, Guo, T.-Y., Hwang, C., Shieh, L.-S., and Chen, Hausien, H.H., and Martin, J.D. see Martin, J.D. CG. C.-H. Reduced-order models of 2-D linear dis- Hawken, R.E., Yu, J., and Sandler, M.B. see Yu, J. Hsiao, P.-Y., and Yan, J.-T. Designing a comple- crete separable-denominator system using bilin- Haykin, S., Reilly, J.P. Kezys, V., and Vertats- mentary design rule checker based on a binary ear Routh approximations G chitsch, E. Some aspects of array signal pro- balanced quad list quadtree E p3ll Guoging, Yang, Songcan, Chen, and Jun, Lu Multi- cessing F pl Hsu, Y.-Y., and Ho, K.-L. Fuzzy expert systems: an layer parallel distributed pattern recognition Haykin, S., shoes, Q.T, and Wong, K.M. see application to short-term load forecasting system model using sparse RAM nets E pl44 Zhang, Q.T Cc 7 Gupta, M.S. Power combining efficiency and its Haykin, S., Zhang, Q.T., and Wong, K.M. see Hu, X., Yee, H., and Ng, T.S. Discrete time system optimisation H p233 Zhang, Q.T. stability analysis using polynomial arrays Gupta, R.K., Sinha, A.K., Verma, R., Kumar, L., Hedelin. P, and Hagen, R. see Hagen, R. 395 Joshi, S.N., Jain, P.K., and Basu, B.N. see Sinha, Heffernan, W.J.B., and Evans, P.D. Comparative Huang, J., and Munro, N. Intelligent advisory A assessment of zero voltage switched off-line system for achieving diagonal dominance Gyugyi, L. Unified power-flow control concept for power convertor topologies B p71 D p4i flexible AC transmission systems C p323 Heimala, P., Aarnio, J., and Stuns, I. see Aarnio, J. Huang, J.-H. and Kleinrock, L. Throughput Helszajn, J. Eigenvalue description of the quarter analysis and protocol design for CSMA and wave plate H plil0 BTMA protocols under noisy environments H Helszajn, J.. and Nisbet, W.T. Complex gyrator I p289 circuit of junction circulators using weakly mag- Huang, K.-M., and Yang, Y.-P. see Yang, Y.-P. netised ring resonators H p319 Huang, S.M., Dickin, F.J., Hoyle, B.S.. Hunt, A Habibi, S.R., and Richards, RJ. Sliding mode Henderson, D., Roddie, A.G., and Smith, A.J.A. Ilyas, O., Lenn, C., Waterfall, R.C., Williams, control of an electrically powered industrial robot Recent developments in the calibration of fast R.A., Xie, C.G., and Beck, M.S. see Dickin, FJ. D p207 sampling oscilloscopes A p254 Huang, S.M., Xie, C.G., Hoyle, B.S., Thorn, R., Hagen, R., and Hedelin, P. Spectral coding by LSP Henkel, W., and Keller, P. Probability of frame syn- Lenn, C., Snowden, D., and Beck, M.S. see Xie, frequencies — scalar and segmented VQ-methods chronisation failure for binary and complex- CG. I plig valued sequences I p29 Huang, S.M., Xie, C.G., Thorn, R., Snowden, D., Hahn, H., Hosticka, B.J.. and Timmermann, D. Henry, J., Nanda, J., Bijwe, P.R., and Bapi Raju, V. and Beck, M.S. Design of sensor electronics for Alternative signal processor arithmetic for modi- see Nanda, J. electrical capacitance tomography G_ p83 fied implementation of a normalised adaptive Henry, J., Nanda, J., Hari, L., and Kothari, M.L. see Huang, Y., Lancaster, M.J., Wu, Z., and Maclean, channel equaliser F p36 Nanda, J T.S.M. see Lancaster, M.J. Haig, T.D., Attikiouzel, Y., and Alder, M.D. Border Herdeg, W.F., Wendel, H., and Réde, B. Novel type Huber, L., Borojevic, D., and Burany, N. Analysis, following: new definition gives improved borders of scattering centre in horizontally polarised design and implementation of the space-vector I p206 bistatic edge scattering H pll3 modulator for forced-commutated cyclo- Hall, PS. Dual polarisation antenna arrays with Hession, P.J., and Bonwick, W.J. see Bonwick, W.J. convertors B_ pl03 sequentiallly rotated feeding 5 Hicks, J.B., and Laughton, M.A. Tokamak poloidal Hudson, S., and Hannah, J.M. Structured know- Halsall, F., and Ahmad, R. see Ahmad, R. field power supplies C pl66 ledge manipulation system for real-time engineer- Hamada, M., Yamamoto, E., Suda, K., Nogiwa, S., Hicks, P.J., Srisuchinwong, B., Tsalides, Ph., York, ing applications E p59 and Oki, T. see Yamamoto, E. T.A., and Thanailakis, A. see Srisuchinwong, B. Huertas, J.L., Avedillo, M.J., and Quintana, J.M. see Hamada, S., and Nakaoka, M. Family of saturable Hill, AJ., Bridge, J.P., and Ladbrooke, P.H. see Avedillo, M.J. reactor assisted soft-switching PWM DC-DC Bridge, J.P. Huertas, J.L., Linares-Barranco, B., Rodriguez- convertors B 95 Hill, M., Cantoni, A., and Moors, - Asynchronous Vazquez, A., and Sanchez-Sinencio, E. see Hamada, S., and Nakaoka, M. Steady-state analysis transfer mode receiver E Linares-Barranco, B. and performance of a saturable reactor assisted Himonas, S.D. Adaptive censored aaanide- of CFAR Hughes, R.C., Allen, N.L., Boutlendj, M., Lightfoot, soft-switching DC-DC convertor B p281 detection F p247 H.A., and Neville, R.B. see Allen, N.L. Hamilton, L.R., Wandzura, S.M., Thorington, C.B., Hirayama, K., Koshiba, M., Saitoh, H., and Eguchi, Hui, S.Y.R., and Christopoulos, C. Discrete trans- and Turley, R.S. see Wandzura, S.M. M. see Koshiba, M. form technique for solving nonlinear circuits and Hamilton, R.J., Pringle, R.D., and Grant, P.M. Syn- Hijipieris, G., and Potter, C.M. see Potter, C.M. equations A p32l tactic techniques for pattern recognition on o, C.-S. KBIF: a frame system capable of per- Hunt, A, Dickin, F.J.. Hoyle, B.S.. Huang, S.M., sampled data signals E p156 forming inexact reasoning involving various inex- Ilyas, O., Lenn, C., Waterfall, R.C. Williams, Hamlaoui, M.N., and Spooner, E. Slotless armature actness factors E p280 R.A., Xie, C.G., and Beck, M.S. see Dickin, FJ. > machines with multiplex connection Ho, H.-J., Chang, Y.-J., and Wu, J.-L.C. see Chang, Hunt, KJ. Polynomial optimisation of discrete-time B pi75 -J multivariable regulators D p190 Hamoud, O. Correspondence: Unbalance and har- Ho, J.-C., Yang, J.-F.. and Kaveh, M. Parallel Hurley, W.G., Wilcox, D.J.. McHale, T.P., and monic studies for the channel tunnel railway adaptive rooting algorithm for general frequency Conlon, M. see Wilcox, D.J. system B p4i8 estimation and direction finding F 3 Hwang, C., Guo, T.-Y., Shieh, L.-S., and Chen, Handley, P.G., and Boys, J.T. see Boys, J.T. Ho, K.-L., and Hsu, Y.-Y. see Hsu, Y.-Y. C.-H. see Guo, T.-Y. Handley, P.G., and Boys, J.T. Practical real-time Ho, S.-J., and Lin, C.-A. see Lin, C.-A. Hwang, C.L. Design of servocontroller via the PWM modulators: an assessment B p96 Ho, T.Q., Chen, Y., and Simpson, T.L. see Chen, Y. sliding mode ae D 39 Handley, P.G., and Boys, J.T. Resolution corrected Ho, T.Q., and Beker, B. Asymmetric microstrip Hwang, H.-K., Lee, L.-S., and Chen, S.-H. see Lee, modulation: the practical realisation of ideal lines on anisotropic substrates with material axes L.-S. PWM waveforms B 2 inclined in the transverse plane H p421 Hwang, Jen-Sheng, and Wu, Chung-Yu New fast Hannah, J.M., and Hudson, S. see Hudson, S. Hobson, R.F., Hoskin, J.D., Simmons, J.L., and fixed-delay sizing algorithm for high-performance Hansen, R.C., and Kramer, E. Correction to ‘short- Spilsbury, R.W. SAM-I: a prototype machine for CMOS combinationa! logic circuits and its appli- pulse excitation of reflector antennas’ H_ pl19 dynamic, array-oriented programming languages cations E p379 Hanzo, L., Salami, R., Steele, R., and Fortune, P.M. E p335 Hwu, J.-G., and Chang-Liao, K.-S. see Chang-Liao, Transmission of digitally encoded speech at 1.2 Hoile, G.A., and Reader, H.C. Nonlinear MOSFET Kbaud for PCN 37 model for the design of RF power amplifiers Hapiot, J.C. Roboam, X., Andrieux, C. and G p574 De Fornel, B. see Roboam, X Holburn, D.M., Moore, D.F., Nockolds, C.E., and I Happel, L.P., and Jayasumana, A.P. Performance of Rosolen, G.C. see Moore, DF. a RISC machine with two level caches E p22! Holden, G.J., and Wyatt, L.R. see Wyatt, L.R. Hardaker, P.J., Fletcher, P.N., Auchterlonie, L.J., Holden, GJ, and Wyatt, L.R. Extraction of sea Ibrahim, M.M., El-Maghraby, M.H., and Thejel, and Holt, A.R. see Fletcher, P.N. state in shallow water using HF radar F pl75 R.H. see El-Maghraby, M.H. Hari, L., Nanda, J., Kothari, M.L., and Henry, J. see Holland, O.E., and Snaith, M.A. Neural control of Ikegaya, M., Yamauchi, J., and Nakano, H. see Nanda, J. locomotion in a quadrupedal robot F p431 Yamauchi,J . IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 Ilyas, O., Dickin, F_J., Hoyle, B.S.. Hunt, A, Huang, Kumar, L., Jain, P.K., and Basu, B.N. see Sinha, Low-voltage InGaAs/InP multiple-quantum-well S.M., Lenn, C., Waterfall, R.C., Williams, R.A., A.K reflective Fabry-Perot modulators for optical Xie, C.G., and Beck, M.S. see Dickin, FJ Joshi, S.N., and Srivastava, V. see Srivastava, V. communications at microwave frequencies Inderjit, .. and Sachidananda, M. Rigorous analysis Jou, LC., Ju, R.H., and Tsay, M.K. see Ju, R.H. J p249 of ag roove guide H p449 Ju, R.H., Jou, LC., and Tsay, M.K. Global study on Kleinrock, L., and Huang, J.-H. see Huang, J.-H. Iqbal, M.S., and Poon, F.S.F. see Poon, F.S.F data compression techniques for digital Chinese Ko, C.C. Resolution of coherent sources in power Iqbal, M.S., and Poon, F.S.F. Packet level access character patterns E pl inversion arrays with a fast zero tracking algo- control scheme for internetwork security Jun, Lu, Guoging, Yang, and Songcan, Chen see rithm I p45 I pl6s Guoging, Yang Ko, C.C., Balabhaskar, G., and Chin, F. On the Ireton, M.A., Li, X., and Xydeas, C.S. see Li, X Jweiles, Z.A., Cooper, C.B., and Khan, G.A. see stationary points of the output power versus Irving, M.R., Chebbo, A.M., and Sterling, MJ.H Cooper, C.B response zero 7 surface in power see Chebbo, A.M inversion arrays F Isernia, T., Leone, G., and Pierri, R.N ew approach K Ko, C.C., Wen, J., “on ‘Chin, F. Adaptive null- to antenna testing from near field phaseless data steering algorithm for separating multiple direc- the cylindrical scanning H p363 tional sources in linear power-inversion arrays Ittipiboon, A., Bhattacharyya, A.K., and Antar, Kabalan, K.Y., El-Hajj, A.. and Harrington, R.F H Y.M.M. see Bhattacharyya, A.K Characteristic modes of a slot in a conducting Kokkos, A., O'Reilly, J.J., Popplewell, A., and Wil- luculano, G., Catelani, M.A., Mirri, D., Filicori, F., cylinder and their use for penetration and scat- liams, S. Evaluation of a class of error control and Menchetti, A. see Catelani, M.A tering: TM case H p2 line codes: an error performance perspective os K.Y., El-Hajj, A.. and Yehia, M. see El- I pl28 Hajj, KolundiZija, B.M., and Popovic, B.D. Entire domain J Kabir, $M .F., Auckland, D.W., and Varlow, B.R. Galerkin method for analysis of generalised wire see Auckland, D.W antennas and scatterers H_ pl7 Kagan, N. and Ter-Gazarian, A.G. see Ter- Kontoleon, J.M., and Hatzopoulos, A.A. see Hatzo- Jorgensen, J.H., Dall, J. Christensen, E.L., and Gazarian, A.G poulos, A.A. Madsen, S.N. see Dall, J Kajihara, S., Rubio, A., and Kinoshita, K. see Kopilovich, L.E. New approach to constructing Jackson, R.D., and Wijesundera, D.S. see Wijesun- Rubio, A two-dimensional aperture synthesis systems dera, D.S Kamala, R., and Kudalkar, V. Propagation charac- F p365 Jacobsen, G., and Emura, K. Performance of teristics of graded-index elliptic-core fibres Koshiba, M., Saitoh, H., Eguchi, M., and Hirayama, CPFSK systems with tight IF filtering and opti- J p348 K. Simple scalar finite element approach to mised delay time J piS8 Kambhampati, C.. Tham, M.T., Montague, G.A., optical rib waveguides J pl66 Jain, P.K., Sinha, A.K., Verma, R., Gupta, R.K., and Morris, A.J. Optimising control of fermenta- Kothari, M.L., Nanda, J., Hari, L., and Henry, J. see Kumar, L., Joshi, S.N., and Basu, B.N. see Sinha, tion processes D ) Nanda, J. AK Kanai, K., Hori, N., and Cormier, R. see Hori, N. Kothari, M.L., Nanda, J., and Hari, L. see Nanda, J. Jalaleddine, S.M.S., and Johnson, L.G. Associative Kanellakis, A., Tzafestas, S., and Theodorou, N. see Koumboulis, F.N., and Paraskevopoulos, P.N. On memory integrated circuit based on neural Tzafestas, S the pole assignment of generalised state space mutual inhibition G p445 Kang, S.B., and Ngan, K.N. see Ngan, K.N. systems via state feedback D p106 James, R.E., and Su, Q. see Su, Q Kang, S.M., Morikuni, J.J., and Gao, D.S. see Mori- Kousik, G.S., Savio, A.D., Bhattacharya, P.K., and Jana, A.K., Dutta Gupta, P.B., and Durga Prasad, kun, JJ Nandakumar, R.P. see Savio, A.D. G. Hybrid method to determine bus voltage and Kang, W.-J., and Lee, J.-H. see Lee, J.-H Kouvaritakis, B., Rossiter, J.A.. and Chang, A.O.T. an- gle BITfTo r line outage contingency evaluation Kao, M.-S., Lee, Y.-H., Wu, J., and Tsao, H.-W. see Gain/phase decomposition and generalised pre- Lee, Y.-H dictive control of scalar systems D p97 Janssen, J.H.H., Ackermann, B., Sottek, R. and Kaplan, B.Z., and Rabinovici, R. see Rabinovici, R. Kouvaritakis, B., Rossiter, J.A., and “mae A.O.T van Steen, R.I. see Ackermann, B Kaplan, G., and Shamai, S. On the achievable infor- Stable generalised predictive control: an algo- Jarry, B., Madrangeas, B., Guillon, P., Larroque, J., mation ratesof DPSK I p31! rithm with guaranteed stability D p349 Theron, B., and Parise, D. see Madrangeas, B Karady, G.G. Principles of fault limitation by a res- Kouvaritakis, B., and Rossiter, J.A. Use of bicausal Jayasumana, A.P., and Happel, L.P. see Happel, onant LC circuit C pl weighting sequences in least squares identification L.P Kaveh, M., Ho, J.-C., and Yang, J.-F. see Ho, J.-C of open-loop unstable dynamic systems Jen, C.-W., and Lee, C.L. see Lee, C.1 Kazimierczuk, M.K. Synthesis of phase-modulated D p328 Jen, C.-W., and Liu, C.-M. see Liu, C.-M resonant DC/AC inverters and DC/DC conver- Kramer, E., and Hansen, R.C. see Hansen, R.C. Jen, Y., and Lee, C. Robust speed control of a tors B p387 Krauss, T., and Laybourn, P.J.R. Very low thresh- pump-controlled motor system D _ p503 Kazimierczuk, M.K., and Czarkowski, D. see Czar- old current operation of semiconductor ring Jenkins, S., Warham, A.G.P., and Clarke, R.N. Use kowski, D lasers J p383 of open-ended coaxial line sensor with a laminar Kazimierczuk, M.K., and Szaraniec, W. Analysis of Krishnaparandhama, T., Hasan, A.S., and Howaidi, or liquid dielectric backed by a conducting plane a Class E rectifier with a series capacitor .M. see Hasan, A.S. H pl79 G p269 Kuan, K.K., and Warwick, K. Real-time expert Jian, Huang, Zejia, Jiang, Jihui, Yu, and Bangding, Kazimierczuk, M.K., and Szaraniec, W. Class-D system for fault location on high voltage under- Tau Application of a modified H — ~ method in zero-voltage-switching inverter with only one ground distribution cables C p235 three-dimensional eddy-current problems shunt capacitor B 9 Kudalkar, V., and Kamala, R. see Kamala, R. A pl07 Kearley, M.Q., Kirkby, CJ.G. Goodwin, MJ. Kuloor, S., Hope, G.S., and Malik, O.P. Environ- Jiang, J.. and Jones, S. Word-based dynamic algo- Moseley, AJ., Robbins, D.J., and Thompson, J. mentally constrained unit commitment rithms for data compression I p582 see Kirkby, CJ.G C pl22 Jiang, Ziping, and McCall, M. Phase-locking phe- Kegel, A., Misser, H.S., and Prasad, R. see Misser, Kumar, L., Sinha, A.K.. Verma, R., Gupta, R.K., nomena in coupled waveguide semiconductor H.S Joshi, S.N., Jain, P.K., and Basu, B.N. see Sinha, lasers J p88 Keller, P., and Henkel, W. see Henkel, W AK Jihui, Yu, Jian, Huang, Zejia, Jiang, and Bangding, Kelly, R.G. Students’ experiences of a first year Kuo, J.B., Chow, H.-C., and Feng, W.-S. see Chow, Tau see Jian, Huang engineering course A - Jin, J.-M., Volakis, J.L.. and Liepa, V.V. Fictitious Kemp, C.J., and Cronin, L.B. see Cronin, L.B. Kuo, S.-Y., and Fuchs, W.K. Modelling and algo- absorber for truncating finite element meshes in Kendall, P.C., Benson, T.M., Matin, M.A. and rithms for spare allocation in reconfigurable scattering H p472 Stern, M.S. see Benson, T.M. VLSI E p323 Jin, W., and Culshaw, B. Signal-feedback induced Kendall, P.C., Benson, T.M., and Bozeat, RJ. see Kurzyn, M.S. Two-level state estimation for large intensity modulation in a fibre optic gyro system Benson, T.M power system. Part 1: Algorithms and Part 2: J p3is Kendall, P.C., Burke, S.V., Ritchie, S., Robertson, Computational experience C pi75 Joeressen, O., Oerder, M., Serra, R.. and Meyr, H M.J., and Robson, P.N. see Burke, S.V Kuzuoglu, M., and Onder, M. see Onder, M. DIRECS: system design of a 100 Mbit/s digital Kenington, P.B. Efficiency of feedforward amplifiers Kwon, Y.-S., Pickup, LE.D., and Russell, A.P. see receiver G p222 G ps9! Pickup, LE.D. Johannessen, A.B., Prasad, R., Weyland, N.B.J., and Kenington, P.B., and Wilkinson, R.J. see Wilkinson, Bons, J.H. Coding efficiency of multiring differen- RJ L tial chain coding I p224 Kennedy, R.A. and Pulford, G.W. see Pulford, Johannet, P.. Ahmad, A., and Auriol, Ph. see G.W Ahmad, A Keyhani, A., and Moon, S.I1. Maximum likelihood Ladbrooke, P.H., Bridge, J.P. and Hill, AJ. see Johnson, C.M., and Palmer, P.R. Influence of gate estimation of synchronous machine parameters Bridge, J.P drive and anode circuit conditions on the turn-off and study of noise effect from DC flux decay data Ladouceur, F., Marcuse, D. and Love, J.D. see performance of GTO thyristors B p62 C pi Marcuse, D. Johnson, L.G., and Jalaleddine, S.M.S. see Jalaled- Kezys, V., Haykin, S., Reilly, J.P, and Vertats- Lai, F., Lee, H.-C., and Parng, T.-M. see Lee, H.-C. dine, $.M.S chitsch, E. see Haykin, S. Lai, H., Chen, Z., and Chen, X. see Chen, Z. Johnson, R.H., Green, J.L., Robinson, M.P., Preece, Khan, G.A., Cooper, C.B., and Jweiles, Z.A. see Laih, C.S., and Chang, C.C. see Chang, C.C. A.W., and Clarke, R.N. Resonant open ended Cooper, C.B Lakhtakia, A., and Weiglhofer, W.S. Scattering by coaxial line sensor for measuring complex permit- Khuwaja, G.A., and Green, D.H. see Green, D.H. an electrically small bianisotropic sphere in a tivity A p26l Kiely, P.A.. Taylor, G.W., Docter, D.P., Claisse, gyroelectromagnetic uniaxial medium H_ p217 Jones, D.L, Ruano, A.E.B., and Fleming, PJ. see P.R., Vang, T., Evaldsson, P.A., Sargood, S.K., Lakshmi, S.R., Tripathy, S.C. Rao, K.S.P. and Ruano, A.E.B Daryanani, S., Cooke, P., and Brown-Goebeler, Balasubramanian, R. Production costing using Jones, E.V., and Bi, G. see Bi, G K.F. Demonstration of a smart pixel using DOES mixed-radix and Winograd Fourier transforms Jones, N.B., and Loudon, G.H. Classification tech- device technology J C p536 niques for the extraction of nonperiodic tran- Kiesler, T., and Harn, L. Cryptographic master-key- Lam, K.P. Time-range reasoning for micro- sienis from noise an application § in generation scheme and its application to public processor systems diagnosis: a probabilistic electromyography A p74 key distribution E p203 extension E p308 Jones, O.C. UK electrical standards: an overview Kildal, P.-S., and Moldsvor, A. see Moldsvor, A. Lam, V.M.T., Poole, C.R., and Yip, P.C.L. Exact A p2li4 Kildal, P.-S., and Zieniutycz, W. see Zieniutycz, W. noise figure of a noisy two-port with feedback Jones, P.L. The UK ECAD initiative 1986-1991: an Kim, K.-B., Song, J.-H., Yoon, T.-W., Kim, K.-H., 73 appraisal G pl43 and Youn, M.-J. see Song, J.-H. Lamb, J.W. Beam-mode expansion applied to focal- Jones, P.L.. Harrison, C.G.M., and King, D. see Kim, K.-H., Song, J.-H., Yoon, T.-W., Kim, K.-B., region fields H p513 Harrison, C.G.M and Youn, M.-J. see Song, J.-H. Lambkin, P.M., Montrosset, L, and Shore, K.A. Jones, R.C., and Constantinou, C.C. see Constantin- Kim, S.Y., Lee, J.M., and Ra, J.W. see Lee, J.M. Guided modes in nonlinear periodic structures ou, C.C Kimura, T., Suto, K., and Nishizawa, J. see Suto, K. J pi73 Jones, S. 100 Mbit/s adaptive data compressor King, D., Harrison, C.G.M., and Jones, P.L. see Lanari, R., Franceschetti, G., Pascazio, V., and Schi- design using selectively shiftable content- Harrison, C.G.M. rinzi, G. see Franceschetti, G. addressable memory G p498 Kinoshita, K., Rubio, A. and Kajihara, S. see Lancaster, M.J., Maclean, T.S.M., Wu, Z., Porch, Jones, S., and Jiang, J. see Jiang, J Rubio, A A., Woodall, P., and Alford, N.NcN. Supercon- Jones, S., and Spray, A. see Spray, A Kirkby, CJ.G. Goodwin, MJ. Moseley, AJ. ducting microwave resonators H pi49 Joshi, S.N., Sinha, A.K., Verma, R., Gupta, R.K., Robbins, D.J., Kearley, M.Q., and Thompson, J. Lancaster, MJ.. Wu, Z., Maclean, T.S.M., and 6 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 Huang, Y. Supercooled and superconducting Li, Y.Z., and David, A.K. see David, A.K. KJ. Comparison of two control strategies in small-loop and dipole antennas H p264 Liang, G., and Wilkes, D.M. An improved Hessian development of high-torque electronically com- Lane, P.M., Darwazeh, 1, Marnane, W.P., Moreira, matrix for recursive maximum likelihood ARMA mutated drive B p26 P., Watkins, L.R., Capstick, M.H., and O'Reilly, estimation F p212 Lowery, A.J. Comparison between two recent large- J.J. see Darwazeh, I. Liaw, C.M., and Tseng, C.W. High-performance signal dynamic DFB laser models J p402 Lane, P.M., Watkins, L.R., and O'Reilly, J.J. Dis- speed controller for voltage-source inverter-fed Lowery, A.J. Transmission-line laser modelling of tributed microwave filter realisation providing induction motor drives B p220 semiconductor laser amplified optical communi- close to optimum performance for multigigabit Liepa, V.V., Jin, J.-M., and Volakis, J.L. see Jin, cations systems J p80 optical communications J 80 J.-M. Lowery, A.J., Desai, R.A. Christopoulos, C., Langley, R.J., Lee, C.K., and Parker, E.A. see Lee, Lightfoot, H.A., Allen, N.L., Boutlendj, M., Hughes, Naylor, P., Blanshard, J.M.V., and Gregson, K. C.K. R.C., and Neville, R.B. see Allen, N.L. see Desai, R.A. Lara-Barron, M.M., and Lockhart, G.B. Packet- Lim, K.W., Low, T.S., Rahman, M.F., and Binns, Lu, J., Chiang, H.-D., Thorp, J.S., Wang, J.-C., and based embedded encoding for transmission of K.J. see Low, T.S. Aubert, B. see Chiang, H.-D. low-bit-rate-encoded speech in packet networks Lim, N.K., Dubey, V.K., and Gunawan, E. see Lu, S.-T., Chang, K.-S., Wu, Y.-P., and Chou, C. see I 82 Dubey, V.K. Chang, K.-S. Larroque, J., Madrangeas, B., Jarry, B., Guillon, P., Lin, C.-A., and Ho, S.-J. Controller design for linear Lu, W., and Fish=r, D.G. Multirate adaptive infer- Theron, B., and Parise, D. see Madrangeas, B. multivariable systems with periodic inputs ential estimation D pl81 Larsen, T. Extended source and load operating P 1 a — Chen, X.H., and Oksman, J. see Chen, noise temperatures of nonlinear systems Lin, C.-M., and Tu, M.-H. see Tu, M.-H. H_ pi2l Lin, H.-Y., and Harn, L. see Harn, L. Lu, Z., and Arora, R.K. see Arora, R.K. Larsen, T. Noise temperatures of multiresponse Lin, J., Amini, Z., and Roberts, P.D. see Amini, Z. Lucyszyn, S., Magnier, V., Reader, H.C. and systems H_ p309 Lin, J., Gionas, I., and Roberts, P.D. Stability of Robertson, I.D. Ultrawideband measurement of Laska, B. and Winternheimer, S. see Win- steady-state optimising control systems multiple-port MMICs using nonideal test fixtures ternheimer, S. 81 and a2-portANA A_ p235 Lassen, H.E., Pan, X., Olesen, H., and Tromborg, B. Lin, K.-J., and Wu, C.-W. Realisation of pipelined Luque, E., Ripoll, A., and Diez, T. Heuristic algo- see Pan, X. mesh algorithms on hypercubes E p189 rithms for register allocation E p73 Last, J.D., Farnworth, R.G., and Searle, M.D. Effect Lin, P-L, Chen, Y-C, and Chang, S see Chen, Y-C Luttrell, S.P. Self-supervised adaptive networks of skywave interference on the coverage of Lin, T.-P., and Liu, J.-C. see Liu, J.-C. Loran-C F p306 Lin, Y., and Shafai, L. Analysis of biconical micro- Luvison, A. Benedetto, S., Biglieri, E., and Latifi, S. Identification of operational subcubes in strip antennas H 83 Zingarelli, V. see Benedetto, S. unreliable hypercubes E pll7 Linares-Barranco, B., Rodriguez-Vazquez, A., Luy, J.-F., Strohm, K.M., Buechler, J., and Russer, Lau, B.S., and Wong, K.P. see Wong, K.P. Sanchez-Sinencio, E., and Huertas, J.L. Gener- P. Silicon Poa millimetre-wave integrated Laughton, M.A., and Hicks, J.B. see Hicks, J.B. ation, design and tuning of OTA-C_high- circuits H Lawandy, N.M., Driscoll, T.J., and Adler, C.L. Test frequency sinusoidal oscillators G p557 = GL. and Sykas, E.D. see Sykas, of directional photoionisation models of second Lindell, I.V., Ermutlu, M.E., and Sihvola, A.H. Elec- harmonic generation in optical fibres J pl33 trostatic image theory for layered dielectric Lynch, A.C., and Clarke, R.N. Open resonators: Lawson, S.S., and Wicks, A. Design of efficient sphere H pl improvement of confidence in measurement of digital filters satisfying arbitrary loss and delay Linkens, D.A., Mahfouf, M., Asbury, A.J., Gray, loss A_ p22l specifications G pé6ll W.M., and Peacock, J.E. see Mahfouf, M. Lysaght, P., Dunlop, J., and Girma, D. see Dunlop, Laybourn, P.J.R., Zhou, Y., Magill, J.V., and De La Linkens, D.A., Mahfouf, M., and Abbod, M. Self- J. Rue, R.M. see Zhou, Y. adaptive and self-organising control applied to Laybourn, P.J.R., and Krauss, T. see Krauss, T. nonlinear multivariable anaesthesia: a compara- Le Doeuff, R.. Machmoum, M., Sargos, F.M., and tive model-based study D p3 M Cherkaoui, M. see Machmoum, M. Linnartz, J.-P.M.G. Slotted ALOHA land-mobile Lecuru, I., Aboudou, A., Vilcot, J.P., Danneville, F., radio networks with site diversity I p58 Decoster, D., Delhaye, E., Boissenot, P., Varin, Liou, J.J. Semiconductor device physics and model- Ma, S., Zhou, H., Chen, C.S., and Yuan, J. Decod- C., and Deschamps, F. see Aboudou, A. ling. Part 1: Overview of fundamental theories ing complement-closed codes with coordinate- Ledwich, G., and Doulai, P. see Doulai, P. and equations G disjoint decomposition I p488 Lee, C., and Jen, Y. see Jen, Y. Liou, J.J. Semiconductor device physics and model- Ma, S.H., Forsyth, A.J., and Leung, Y.T. see Lee, C.K., Langley, RJ., and Parker, E.A. Com- ling. Part 2: Overview of models and their appli- Forsyth, A.J. pound reflector antennas H_ pl35 cations G p655 Maamria, K., and Nakamura, T. Simple antenna Lee, C.L., and Jen, C.-W. Bit-sliced median filter Liou, J.J., and Shakouri, H. see Shakouri, H. for circular polarisation H_ p15S7 design based on mer gate G p63 Liou, J.J., and Yuan, J.S. Optically driven photo- MacDonald, S.J., Bodger, P.S., and Elder, P.A. Bio- Lee, H.-C., Lai, F., and Parng, T.-M. MARS: a conductive devices for power switching applica- logical cell alignmenfto r electrofusion A pll2 RISC based 4:5. function units Lisp machine tion. Part bh Thermal modelling including heat Mace, D.A.H., Mudhar, P.S., Singh, J., Fisher, M.A., E p410 sink G and Adams, M.J. see Mudhar, P.S. Lee, J., and Shiozaki, A. Decoding delays of orchard Lisboa, PIG. Binns, K.J., and Al-Din, M.S.N. see Machaé, J. Analysis of discontinuities in waveguid- codes I p4i3 Binns, K J. ing structures by MAB method H_ p35 Lee, J.-H., and Kang, W.-J. Designing filters for Liu, B.-D., Chen, P.-C. Wang, J.-F., and Chen, Machmoum, M., Le Doeuff, R., Sargos, F.M., and polyphase filter banks G p363 C.-P. see Chen, P.-C. Cherkaoui, M. Steady-state analysis of a doubly Lee, J.M., Kim, S.Y., and Ra, J.W. Filtering effects Liu, B.D., Tsay, C.S., Chen, C.H., and Fuh, R.L. fed asynchronous machine supplied by a current- on permittivity profiles reconstructed by a spec- Novel A/D convertor with median filtering of controlled cycloconvertor in the rotor B_ pll4 tral inverse scattering technique H_ p programmable window length G p62! Maciejowski, J.M., and Boyle, J.-M. see Boyle, J.-M. Lee, K.K., Chang, C.S., and Chan, T.T. see Chang, Liu, C.-M., and Jen, C.-W. On the design of VLSI Mack, R.J., Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, CS. arrays for discrete Fourier transform G_ p54l1 M.J., Green, A.D.P., Monaghan, S., Noakes, P.D., Lee, L.-S., Hwang, H.-K., and Chen, S.-H. Asym- Liu, C.-Y., and Prasad, R. see Prasad, R. Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. metric modulation indices in full/partial response Liu, G.P. Mean regulators for discrete systems Maclean, T.S.M., Lancaster, M.J., Wu, Z., Porch, multi-H phase-coded modulations with different D p67 A., Woodall, P., and Alford, N.NcN. see Lancas- phase pulse functions I p508 Liu, J.-C., and Lin, T.-P. Recursive Hartley filter ter, MJ. . T.-S. Fast implementation of root-farm eigen- a new efficient digital-prefilter structure Maclean, T.S.M., Lancaster, M.J., Wu, Z., and based methods for detecting closely spaced G p438 Huang, Y. see Lancaster, M.J. sources F p288 Liu, T., and Lombardi, F. On the reduction of the Madrangeas, B., Jarry, B., Guillon, P., Larroque, J., Lee, T.S., and Perng, M.H. see Perng, M.H. programming cost of soft switches for reconfigur- Theron, B., and Parise, D. Three-pole dielectric Lee, W.-S.R. Performance analysis of slotted rings able two-dimensional arrays E p262 resonators microwave bandpass active filter with finite buffers E p215 Lo, K.L., Young, D.J., McDonald, J.R., Howard, R., H_ p205 Lee, Y.-H., Wu, J.. Kao, M.-S., and Tsao, H.-W. and Rye, J. see Young, D.J. Madsen, S.N., Dall, J., Jorgensen, J.H., and Chris- Performance analysis of wavelength division- and Lo, K.L., Zeng, P.L., Marchand, E., and Pinkerton, tensen, E.L. see Dall, J. subcarrier-multiplexing (WDM-SCM) transmis- A. New bad-data detection and identification Magill, J.V., Zhou, Y., Laybourn, P.J.R., and De La sion using fibre Brillouin amplification J p272 technique based on rotation of measurement Rue, R.M. see Zhou, Y. Leitch, R., and Quek, C. Architecture for integrated order for sequential state estimation C p387 Magnier, V., Lucyszyn, S., Reader, H.C. and process supervision D_ p317 Lobos, T. Fast estimation of symmetrical com- Robertson, I.D. see Lucyszyn, S. Leite da Silva, A.M., Coelho, J., and Melo, A.C.G. ponents in realtime C p27 Magott, J. Performance evaluation of communicat- Uncertainty considerations in frequency and Lobos, T., and Cichocki, A. see Cichocki, A. ing ~~ processes (CSP) using Petri nets duration analysis for large hydrothermal gener- Lockhart, G.B., and Lara-Barron, M.M. see Lara- Pp.2 37 ating systems C p277 Barron, M.M. Mahfouf, M., Linkens, D.A., Asbury, A.J., Gray, Leite da Silva, A.M., and Pires de Souza, E.J.S. see Loizou, P.C., and Spanias, A.S. see Spanias, A.S. W.M., and Peacock, J.E. Generalised predictive Pires de Souza, E.J.S. Lombardi, F., Shen, Y.-N., and Muzio, J. FFT control (GPC) in the ——- — D p404 Lenn, C., Dickin, F.J., Hoyle, B.S., Hunt, A, Huang, architecture for WSI with concurrent error detec- Mahfouf, M., Linkens, D.A., and Abbod, M. see S.M., Ilyas, O., Waterfall, R.C., Williams, R.A., tion and fault location E pl3 Linkens, D.A. Xie, C.G., and Beck, M.S. see Dickin, FJ. Lombardi, F., and Liu, T. see Liu, T. Malik, O.P. Application of a power system stabili- Lenn, C., Xie, C.G., Huang, S.M., Hoyle, B.S., Lopes, E.P., and Lopes, E.P. see Lopes, E.P. ser and a static VAR controller to a multi- Thorn, R., Snowden, D., and Beck, MLS. see Xie, Lopes, E.P., and Lopes, E.P. Electromagnetic geo- machine power system C p300 CG. physical tomography F p27 Malik, O.P., Chen, G.P., Hope, G.S., Qin, Y.H., and Leone, G., Bucci, O.M., D’Elia, G., and Pierri, R. Lopez Barrio, C., Arechabala, J.. Boemo, E.L, Xu, G.Y. Adaptive self-optimising pole shifting see Bucci, O.M. Meneses, J., and Moreno, F. see Arechabala, J. control algorithm D p429 Leone, G., Isernia, T., and Pierri, R. see Isernia, T. Lord, J.A., Cook, G.G., and Anderson, A.P. Recon- Malik, O.P., Kuloor, S., and Hope, G.S. see Kuloor, Leslie, I.M., and Chen, X. see Chen, X. struction of the excitation of an array antenna S Leslie, T.C., and Singh, B. Sigma-delta modulators from the measured near-field intensity using Maloberti, F., Dias, V.F., Palmisano, G., and with multibit quantising elements and single-bit phase retrieval H p392 O'Leary, P. see Dias, V.F. feedback G p356 Losana, C., Elia, M., and Neri, F. see Elia, M. Maloberti, F., Dias, V.F., and Palmisano, G. see Leung, Y.T., Forsyth, AJ., and Ma, S.H. see Losi, A., Chiodo, E., Mongelluzzo, R., and Rossi, F. Dias, V.F. Forsyth, A.J. see Chiodo, E. Manenkov, A.B. Reflection of the surface mode Levanon, N. Analytic comparison of four robust Lotti, F., Mongatti, G., Alparone, L., Benelli, G., from an abrupt-ended dielectric tube waveguide algorithms for post-detection integration Baronti, S., and Casini, A. see Mongatti, G. J plo4 F p67 Loudon, G.H., and Jones, N.B. see Jones, N.B. Manenkov, A.B. Reflection of the surface mode Levanon, N., and Ravid, R. see Ravid, R. Lovatt, H.C., and Stephenson, J.M. Influence of from an abruptly ended W-fibre J pl0l Lever, K.V., and Burgess, N. see Burgess, N. number of poles per phase in switched reluctance Manias, S., Prasad, A.R., and Ziogas, P.D. see Levy, G.F. Optical fibre ring resonators: analysis of motors B_ p307 Prasad, A.R. transient response J p313 Love, J.D., Marcuse, D., and Ladouceur, F. see Manikopoulos, C.N. Neural network approach to Li, X., Ireton, M.A., and Xydeas, C.S. Detection of Marcuse, D. DPCM system design for image coding I p501 the extreme points of closed contours I p198 Low, T.S., Lim, K.W., Rahman, M.F., and Binns, Mannikko, P.D., Courtney, C.C., and Butler, C.M. 7 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 Slotted parallel-piate 7 coupled to a Optimal multilayer filter design using real coded see Willems, J. conducting cylinder H genetic algorithms J 13 Moschonas, C.A., Vasilakos, A.V., and Paximadis, Maquin, D., Ragot, J., and F aad D. see Ragot, J. Middelhoek, M.G. Improved objective function for C.T. see Vasilakos, A.V. Mar, J. and Yuh, HJ. Analysis and simulation of device model parameter extraction G p126 Moschytz, G.S., Carlosena, A., and Miiller, D. see automatic bias reduction circuit in a coherent Midwinter, J.E. Photonics in switching: the next 25 Carlosena, A. detector G p57 years of optical communications? Moschytz, G.S., Dabrowski, A., and Menzi, U. see Marchand, E., Lo, K.I , Zeng, P.L., and Pinkerton, Miles, R.O., Dupertuis, M.A., Reinhart, F.K., and Dabrowski, A. A. see Lo, K.L Brosson, P.M. Gain measurements in InGaAs Moseley, AJ.. Kirkby, CJ.G., Goodwin, M.J., Marcuse, D., Ladouceur, F., and Love, J.D. Vector InGaAsP multiquantum-well broad-area lasers Robbins, D.J., Kearley, M.Q., and Thompson, J. modes of D-shaped fibres J pli7 J p33 see Kirkby, C.J.G. Maringelli, M.. Amato, G., Benedetto, G., Boarino, Miller, J.F., Almaini, AEA. and Xu, L. see Mosig, J.R., Bokhari, S.A., and Gardiol, F.E. see L., and Spagnolo, R. see Amato, G Almaini, A.E.A. Bokhari, S.A. Markham, K.C. Time-to-go estimation from infra- Miller, S.L. Performance of a coherent optical PSK Mouftah, H.T., and Belkadi, M. see Belkadi, M. red images I p356 receiver employing optical amplification Mowbray, R.S., Pringle, R.D., and Grant, P.M. Marks, J.A.. and Buckley, K.M ona rooting J p2is Increased CDMA system capacity through method for source localisation F p32 Milojevic, D.J., and Popovic, B.M. Improved algo- adaptive cochannel interference regeneration and Marks Il, RJ. Weerasooriya, S., El- aes rithm for the deinterleaving of radar pulses cancellation I p5i5 M.A., and Damborg, M. see Weerasooriya, S. F p98 Miiller, D., Carlosena, A., and Moschytz, G.S. see Marnane, W.P., Darwazeh, I., Lane, P.M., Moreira, Minh Vu, K. Optimal setting for discrete PID con- Carlosena, A. P., Watkins, L.R., Capstick, M.H., and O'Reilly, trollers D p3l Mudhar, P.S., Mace, D.A.H., Singh, J., Fisher, M.A., J.J. see Darwazeh, I Mirri, D., Catelani, M.A., luculano, G., Filicori, F., and Adams, M.J. Active optical combiner switch Marsden, DJ. Fixed-voltage thyristor convertor and Menchetti, A. see Catelani, M.A. J p79 rolling-stock transformers to control DC traction Mirshekar-Syahkal, D. and Hassani, H.R. see Munro, N., and Huang, J. see Huang, J. motors B p209 Hassani, H.R. Munshi, S., Roy, C.K., and Biswas, J.R. Computer Marsden, DJ. Variable-voltage diode convertor Misra, P., and Gu, G. see Gu, G. studies of the performance of transformer wind- rolling-stock transformers to control DC traction Misser, H.S., Kegel, A., and Prasad, R. Monte Carlo ings against chopped impulse voltages C p286 motors B 97 simulation of direct sequence spread spectrum for Munu, M., Harrison, L., Wilkin, D., and Woolfson, Marshall, S. Application of image contours to three indoor radio communication in a Rician fading M.S. Comparison of adaptive target-tracking aspects of image processing: compression, shape channel I p620 algorithms for phased-array radar F p336 recognition and stereopsis I pl Mittra, R., Michielssen, E., and Ranjithan, S. see Murad, H.A., and Sebakhy, O.A. see Sebakhy, O.A. Martinez, M., Bracho, S., Villar, E., Sanchez, P., and Michielssen, E. Murray, A.F., Tombs, J.N., and Tarassenko, L. see Allende, M.A. see Bracho, S. Mizan, M., and McGowan, R. Residual phase noise Tombs, J.N. Martel, J., Boix, R.R.. and Horno, M. Analysis of performance of X-band GaAs FET amplifiers at Murray, SJ. Howes, R. Redman-White, W., broadside coupled microstrip open-end discontin- liquid nitrogen temperature G p37 Nichols, K.G., and Mole, P.J. see Howes, R. uities H p239 MGhrle, M., Rozenweig, M., Diiser, H., and Griitz- Murtagh, P., and Tsoi, A.C. Implementation issues Martin, J.D., and Hausien, H.H. PPM versus PCM macher, D. Fundamental characteristics of of sigmoid function and its derivative for VLSI for optical local-area networks I p241 InGaAs/InGaAsP-MQW-SCH-lasers emitting in digital neural networks E Martin, J.D., and Shepherd, P.R. see Shepherd, P.R 1.3 um wavelength range J p29 Murugesan, K., and Balachandran, K. see Bala- Martin, J.M., and Rodriguez, E. see Rodriguez, E. Moeneclaey, M., and Wang, J. Multiple hops, chandran, K. Martin, P.A.. Greenwood, A.R., and Goodyear, symbol fast frequency-hopping spread spectrum Muthukrishnan, C.R., and Satyanarayanan, R. see C.C. see Greenwood, A.R multiple access with coding for indoor radio Satyanarayanan, R. Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, MJ., Green, I p9s5 Muzio, J.,L ombardi, F., and Shen, Y.-N. see Lom- A.D.P., Mack, R.J.. Monaghan, S., Noakes, P.D., Mohamed, N.J., and Harmuth, H.F. see Harmuth, bardi,F Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. VLSI design: devel- H.F Myers, DJ., Vincent, J.M., and Waite, J.B. see opments in teaching and research at the Uni- Mohtadi, M.A., and Crisan, O. see Crisan, O. Vincent, J.M. versity of Essex G pl7 Mokhtari, H., Nyeck, A., Tosser-Roussey, C., and Massara, R.E., and Younis, A.T. see Younis, A.T Tosser-Roussey, A. Finite difference method and N Mathew, G., Narasimhan, S.V., and Shivaprasad, Pspice simulation applied to the coaxial cable in A.P. Computationally simple ADPCM based on a linear temperature gradient A p39 exponential power estimator I p53 Moldsvor, A. and Kildal, P.-S. Systematic Nahman, J., and Graovac, M. Load modelling for Matin, M.A., Benson, T.M., Kendall, P.C. and approach to control feed scattering and multiple generating capacity reliability evaluation using Stern, M.S. see Benson, T.M reflections in symmetrical primary-fed reflector the frequency and duration method C p529 Mavor, J., and Carruthers, C. see Carruthers, C antennas H Nair, R.A. Plural hybrid mode multiflare conical Mazinani, A.. Ahmadi, M. Shridhar, M., and Mole, P_J., Howes, R., Redman-White, W., Nichols, horn with reduced cross polarisation and sidelobe Ramachandran, V. see Ahmadi, M K.G., and Murray, S.J. see Howes, R. levels H p385 Mazumder, P. Layout optimisation for yield Monaghan, S., Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, Nakamura, T., and Maamria, K. see Maamria, K. enhancement in on-chip-VLSI/WSI parallel pro- M.J., Green, A.D.P., Mack, R.J., Noakes, P.D., Nakano, H., Yamauchi, J.. and tkegaya, M. see cessing E p2l Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. Yamauchi, J. McCall, M., and Jiang, Ziping see Jiang, Ziping Mongatti, G., Alparone, L., Benelli, G., Baronti, S., Nakaoka, M., and Hamada, S. see Hamada, S. — anny, J.V., and McQuillan, S.E. see McQuillan, Lotti, F., and Casini, A. Progressive image trans- Nanda, J., Bijwe, P.R., Henry, J., and Bapi Raju, V. S.E mission by content driven Laplacian pyramid General purpose fast decoupled power flow McC anny, J.V., and Woods, R.F. see Woods, R.F encoding I p495 Cc 7 McDonald, J.R., Young, DJ., Lo, K.L., Howard, R., Mongelluzzo, R., Chiodo, E., Losi, A., and Rossi, F. Nanda, J., Hari, L.. Kothari, M.L.,. and Henry, J. and Rye, J. see Young, DJ see Chiodo, E Extremely fast economic load dispatch algorithm McDonnell, J.T.E., Elliott, J.A.. Cubiss, C., and Mongia, R.K. Theoretical and experimental reson- through modified co-ordination equations Grant, P.M. see Elliott, J.A ant frequencies of rectangular dielectric reson- C P p39 McGee, W.F., and Zhang, G. see Zhang, G ators H Nanda, J., Hari, L., and Kothari, M.L. Challenging McGowan, R., and Mizan, M. see Mizan, M Monro, D.M., and Sherlock, B.G. see Sherlock, algorithm for optimal reactive power dispatch McHale, T.P.. Wilcox, DJ. Hurley, W.G., and B.G through classical co-ordination equations Conlon, M. see Wilcox, DJ Montague, G.A.. Kambhampati, C., Tham, M.T., C p93 McHale, T.P., and Wilcox, DJ. see Wilcox, DJ and Morris, A.J. see Kambhampati, C. Nandakumar, R.P. Savio, A.D., Bhattacharya, McMichael, D.W. BARTIN: minimising Bayes risk Montoro, C.G., Bermudez, J.C.M., and Schneider, P.K., and Kousik, G.S. see Savio, A.D. and incorporating priors using supervised learn- M.C. see Bermudez, J.C.M Naraghi, F., and Harrison, P.G. see Harrison, P.G. ing networks F p413 Montrosset, L, Lambkin, P.M., and Shore, K.A. see Narasimhan, S.V., Mathew, G., and Shivaprasad, McQuillan, S.E.. and McCanny, J.V. VLSI module Lambkin, P.M. A.P. see Mathew, G for high-performance multiply, square root and Montrosset, 1, and Debernardi, P. see Debernardi, Nashashibi, A., Ulaby, F.T., and Sarabandi, K. see divide E p505 Pp Ulaby, F.T. McWhirter, J.G. Algorithmic engineering in adapt- Montrosset, I., and Paradisi, A. see Paradisi, A. Navarro, E.A., Such, V., Gimeno, B., and Cruz, J.L. ive signal processing F p226 Montuschi, P. Parallel architectures for higher- Analysis of H-plane waveguide discontinuities Medeiros, C.R., Fyath, RS, and O'Reilly, JJ radix division E pl0l with an improved finite-difference time domain Multigigabit optically preamplified receiver Montuschi, P., Ciminiera, L., and Valenzano, A. algorithm H p designs with improved timing tolerance Time characteristics of IEEE 802.4 token bus Navarro, E.A., and Such, V. Study of TE and TM J pil43 protocol E p8l modes in waveguides of arbitrary cross-section Medina, A., and Arrillaga, J. Simulation of multi- Moon, S.L, and Keyhani, A. see Keyhani, A using an FD-TD formulation H p491 limb power transformers in the harmonic domain Moore, D.F., Holbura, D.M., Nockolds, C.E., and Nayar, C.V., Chakravarthy, S.K., and Achuthan, C p269 Rosolen, G.C. CMOS ring oscillators as teaching N.R. see Chakravarthy, S.K. Medley, J.C., Ridler, N.M., Baden Fuller, AJ., and tools G pl99 Naylor, P., Desai, R.A. Lowery, A.J. Christo- Runham, M. see Ridler, N.M Moors, T., Hill, M., and Cantoni, A. see Hill, M. poulos, C., Blanshard, J.M.V., and Gregson, K. = B., Brown, J.C., and Allan, J. see Brown, Moraga, C., and Stankovic, R.S. see Stankovicé, R.S. see Desai, R.A. Moreira, P., Darwazeh, L, Lane, P.M., Marnane, Neri, F., Elia, M., and Losana, C. see Elia, M. neio, A.CG., Leite da Silva, A.M., and Coelho, J W.P.. Watkins, L.R. Capstick, M.H. and Neudorfer, P., and Chen, X.S. see Chen, X.S. see Leite da Silva, A.M O'Reilly, J.J. see Darwazeh, I. Neville, R.B., Ailen, N.L., Boutlendj, M., Hughes, Menchetti, A., Catelani, M.A., Iuculano, G., Mirri, Moreno, F., Arechabala, J., Boemo, E.1., Meneses, R.C., and Lightfoot, H.A. see Allen, N.L. D., and Filicori, F. see Catelani, M.A. J., and Lopez Barrio, C. see Arechabala, J. Ng, B.C., and Er, M.H. see Er, M.H. Meneses, J., Arechabala, J.. Boemo, E.1., Moreno, Moreno, L., Acosta, L., and Sanchez, J.L. Design of Ng, B.P. Array shape self-calibration technique for F., and Lopez Barrio, C. see Arechabala,J algorithms for spatial-time reduction complexity direction finding problems H p521 Menzi, U., Dgbrowski, A., and Moschytz, G.S. see of dynamic programming D p172 Ng, T.S., Hu, X., and Yee, H. see Hu, X. Degbrowski, A Morgan, G.B., and Centeno, A.E. see Centeno, A.E. Ngan, K.N., and Kang, S.B. 3-D object recognition Merchant, R.W., and Gibbard, MJ. Identification Morgan, V.T. Effect of mixed convection on the using fuzzy quaternions I p561 of synchronous machine parameters from stand- external thermal resistance of single-core and ea T.T. Corona discharge streamer model still tests using recursive estimation with the multicore bundled cables in air C pl09 Pp. 1 bilinear operator C pi57 Morgan, V.T., and Slaninka, P. see Slaninka, P. Nichols, K.G., Howes, R., Redman-White, W., Metz, M., Roux, J., Ben Doua, S., Arches, J.P., and Morikuni, J.J., Gao, D.S., and Kang, S.M. Model- Murray, S.J., and Mole, PJ. see Howes, R. Foch, H. New ZVS-PWM inverter switching ling of optical logic gates for computer simulation Nicolas, J., and Vucetic, B. see Vucetic, B. limits and operating area B p86 J pilos Nisbet, W.T., and Helszajn, J. see Helszajn, J. Meyr, H., Joeressen, O., Oerder, M., and Serra, R. Morley, D., Patterson, E.B., and Holmes, P.G. see Nishizawa, J., Suto, K., and Kimura, T. see Suto, K. see Joeressen, O Patterson, E.B. Noakes, P.D., Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, Michalski, K.A., Di, X., and Glisson, A.W. see Di, Morris, A.J.. Kambhampati, C., Tham, M.T., and M.J., Green, A.D.P., Mack, R.J., Monaghan, S xX Montague, G.A. see Kambhampati, C. Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. Michell, J., Ruiz, G., and Burdén, A. see Ruiz, G. Morris, A.S., and Zomaya, A.Y. see Zomaya, A.Y. Nockolds, C.E., Moore, D.F., Holburn, D.M., and Michielssen, E. Ranjithan, S, and Mittra, R Morthier, G., Willems, J., David, K., and Baets, R. Rosolen, G.C. see Moore, D.F. 8 IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 Nofal, M., and Steele, R. see Steele, R. laysis of an all-optical gate using a multisection opment of generic testing strategies for mixed- Nogiwa, S., Yamamoto, E., Hamada, M., Suda, K., travelling wave amplifier J signal integrated circuits G and Oki, T. see Yamamoto, E. Paraskevopoulos, P.N., and Koumboulis, F.N. see Pulford, G.W., and Kennedy, R.A. Maximum a pos- Nowrouzian, B. Theory and design of LDI lattice Koumboulis, F.N. teriori decision feedback detection I p546 digital and switched-capacitor filters G p517 Parise, D., Madrangeas, B., Jarry, B., Guillon, P., Puzovic, R., and Stankovic, L. see Stankovié, L. Ntonme, J., Tonye, E., and Temdenou, J.-B. see Larroque, J., and Theron, B. see Madrangeas, B. Tonye, E. Parker, E.A., Lee, C.K., and Langley, R.J. see Lee, Q Najiez, A., Sarmiento, R., and Carballo, P.P. see CK Sarmiento, R. Parng, T.-M., Lee, H.-C., and Lai, F. see Lee, H.-C. Nussey, LD. Chronic disease management sup- Pascazio, V., Franceschetti, G., Lanari, R., and Schi- QinX,u ,Y .GH..Y,. Msaelei kM,a lOi.kP,. ,O .CPh.e n, G.P., Hope, G.S., and ported by informatics: example diabetes rinzi, G. see Franceschetti, G A pls3 Pastorino, M., Caorsi, S., and Gragnani, G.L. see Quaia, S., and Tosato, F. see Tosato, F. NyeTcoks,s erA-.R, ouMsoskehyt,a riA., seHe. ,M oTkohstsaerri-,R ouHs. sey, C., and PatCealo,r sSi.,B . S.F ast super decoupled loadflow C pl3 QQuuiegkl,e yC,. , Sa.nFd., LeWiatlckhe, , R. Rs.eLe. , Leaitncdh , WRe.b b, P.W. see Pathak, P.H., and Somers, G.A. see Somers, G.A. Walke, R.L. O Patranabis, D., and Ghosh, D. see Ghosh, D. Quillec, M., and Allovon, M. see Allovon, M. Patterson, E.B., Holmes, P.G., and Morley, D. Elec- QuiAnvtedainlal,o , J.MM..J,. Avedillo, M.J., and Huertas, J.L. see O'Kelly, D. Calculation of the transient per- tronic design automation (EDA) techniques for formance of protective current transformers the design of power electronic control systems including core hysteresis C p455 G pig R O'Kelly, D. Impact and transient excitation of mag- Paximadis, C.T., Vasilakos, A.V., and Moschonas, netic plate including hysteresis and eddy-current C.A. see Vasilakos, A.V. Ra, J.W., Lee, J.M., and Kim, S.Y. see Lee, J.M. action A p Peacock, A.J., and Wheeler, J.C.G. Development of Rabinovici, R., and Kaplan, B.Z. Simple and direct O'Leary, P., Dias, V.F., Palmisano, G., and Malo- aerial fibre optic cables for operation on 400 kV computer simulation of continuous-mode reson- berti, F. see Dias, V.F. power lines A p ant convertors in steady state G p4ll O'Reilly, J.J.. Darwazeh, L, Lane, P.M., Marnane, Peacock, J.E., Mahfouf, M., Linkens, D.A., Asbury, Ragot, J., Maquin, D., and Sauter, D. Data vali- W.P., Moreira, P., Watkins, L.R., and Capstick, A.J., and Gray, W.M. see Mahfouf, M. dation using orthogonal filters D p47 M.H. see Darwazeh, I. Peng, S.-C., Chen, B.-S., and Chiou, B.-W. see Chen, Rahman, M.F., Low, T.S., Lim, K.W., and Binns, O'Reilly, J.J., Kokkos, A., Poppleweli, A., and Wil- B.-S. K.J. see Low, T.S. liams, S. see Kokkos, A. Peppard, L.E., Orton, G.A., and Akl, S.G. see Ramirez-Angulo, J. Low-voltage BICMOS vertical O'Reilly, J.J., Lane, P.M., and Watkins, L.R. see Orton, G.A. OTA G p553 ne, P.M. Perkins, M., and Bannister, D.J. see Bannister, D_J. Ramachandran, V., Ahmadi, M., Mazinani, A., and O'Reilly, J.J.. Medeiros, C.R., and Fyath, R.S. see Perkowski, M.A., and Schafer, I. see Schafer, I. Shridhar, M. see Ahmadi, M. Medeiros, C.R. Perna, S., Galati, G., and Abbati, M. see Galati, G. Ramachandran, V., Gargour, C.S., and Ahmadi, M. O'Reilly, J.J. eee A., and Williams, S. see Perng, M.H., and Lee, T.S. Nearly decoupled robust see Gargour, C.S. Popplewell,A MIMO control systems design D p53 Ranade, A.C., and Sircar, P. see Sircar, P. O'Reilly, J.J., and Popplewell, A. see Popplewell, A. Philokyprou, G., Bolis, S., and Economou, E.G. see Ranjithan, S., Michielssen, E., and Mittra, R. see Oakey, S., Ainscough, J. Southall, D.M., and Bolis, S. Michielssen, E. Goodwin, A. see Ainscough, J. Pichon, L., and Razek, A. Electromagnetic field Rao, K.S.P., Lakshmi, S.R.. Tripathy, S.C. and Obregon, J., Couffignal, P.. and Baudrand, H. see computations in a three-dimensional cavity with Balasubramanian, R. see Lakshmi, S.R. Couffignal, P. a waveguide junction of a frequency standard Rao, T.C.K. Radiation characteristics of a circular Oerder, M., Joeressen, O., Serra, R., and Meyr, H. Pp 343 waveguide containing a chiral medium H see Joeressen, O. Pickup, LE.D., Russell, A.P.. and Kwon, Y.-S. Raut, R., Bhattacharyya, B.B., and Faruque, S.M. Oka, H., Fujiwara, T.. and Yamada, H. see Fuji- Analysis of current waveforms in permanent- Systolic array architecture implementation of wara, magnet synchronous/stepping motors and syn- Se switched-capacitor filters Oki, T., Yamamoto, E., Hamada, M., Suda, K., and thesis of a stabilising signal B p534 Pp. Nogiwa, S. see Yamamoto, E. Pickup, LE.D. and Russell, A.P. Analysis of Ravid, R., and Levanon, N. Maximum-likelihood Oksanen, M.L, Tretyakov, S.A., and Cherepanov, frequency- and amplitude-modulation in the sta- CFAR for Weibull background F p256 AS. see Tretyakov, S.A. bilisation of permanent-magnet synchronous/ Raychaudhuri, D. Time-of-arrival-based Oksman, J., Chen, X.H., and Lu, W.X. see Chen, stepping motors B p336 retransmission scheduling for unslotted random X.H. Pierri, R., Bucci, O.M., D’Elia, G., and Leone, G access channels I Oksman, J., and Chen, X.-H. see Chen, X.-H. see Bucci, O.M. Razavi, H.M., and Battelini, J. Design of a residue Oksman, J., and Chen, X.H. see Chen, X.H. Pierri, R., Isernia, T., and Leone, G. see Isernia, T. arithmetic multiplier G p581 Okui, S. Probability of co-channel interference for Pike, D.B., and Frater, M.R. see Frater, M.R. Razek, A., and Pichon, L. see Pichon, L. selection diversity reception in the Nakagami m- Pinkerton, A., Lo, K.L., Zeng, P.L., and Marchand, Reader, H.C., Lucyszyn, S., Magnier, V., and fading channel I E. see Lo, K.L. Robertson, I.D. see Lucyszyn, S. Olesen, H., Pan, X., Tromborg, B., and Lassen, H.E. Pires de Souza, E.J.S., and Leite da Silva, A.M. An Reader, H.C., and Hoile, G.A. see Hoile, G.A. see Pan, X. efficient methodology for coherency-based Redman- White, W., Howes, R., Nichols, K.G., Olivier, P.D. Approximating irrational transfer dynamic equivalents C p371 Murray, S.J., and Mole, PJ. see Howes, R. functions using Lagrange interpolation formula Platte, W. Effect of surface recombination on micro- Reed, ILS. Wave packet with special relativity D p9 wave performance of laser-induced DBR gratings demonstrating quantum rules, Schrédinger’s Onder, M., and Kuzuoglu, M. Reconstruction of in silicon coplanar waveguides J p399 equation and the propagator integral A 4343 permittivity and conductivity profiles of a dielec- Pogliano, U., Bosco, G.C., and Zago, G. Balanced Reilly, J.P., Haykin, S. Kezys, V., and Vertats- tric slab in the time domain by descent methods transconductance amplifier for precision com- chitsch, E. see Haykin, S. 35 parison of AC/DC thermal current convertors Reinhart, F.K., Miles, R.O., Dupertuis, M.A., and Orlandi, A., and Cristina, S. see Cristina, S. A P.p 2i8 Brosson, P.M. see Miles, R.O. Orton, G.A., Peppard, L.E., and Akl, S.G. Bi-way Pons, J., Rubio, A., and Anglada, R. see Rubio, A. Richards, R.J., and Habibi, S.R. see Habibi, S.R. sorter: a two-dimensional systolic array Poole, C.R., Lam, V.M.T., and Yip, P.C.L. see Lam, Ridler, N.M., Medley, J.C., Baden Fuller, A.J., and E pl47 V.M.T. Runham, M. Computer generated equivalent Osowski, S. Neural network for estimation of har- Poon, F.S.F., and Iqbal, M.S. see Iqbal, M.S. circuit models for coaxial-line offset open circuits monic components in a power system C pi29 Poon, F.S.F., and Iqbal, M.S. Design of a physical A p229 Osowski, S. Optimisation approach to the analysis layer security mechanism for CSMA/CD net- Riege, M.W., and Besslich, Ph.W. Low-complexity of piecewise-linear convex circuits G p295 works I pl03 synthesis of incompletely specified multiple- Oswald, J., Wieczorek, A., Blaumoser, M., Fink, R., Popovic, B.D., and Kolundzija, B.M. see Kolund2- output mod-2 sums E p355 Schwarz, J., and Vogtle, K.H. see Wieczorek, A. ija, BLM. Ripoll, A., Luque, E., and Diez,T . see Luque, E. Othman, M., Sharrif, Z.A.M., and Theong, T.S. see Popovic, B.M., and Milojevic, DJ. see Milojevic, Ristanovic, P.M., Bjelogrlic, M.R., Calovic, M.S., Sharrif, Z.A.M. DJ and Babic, B.S. see Bjelogrlic, M. R. Ouda, M., and Sebak, A. Scattering from lossy Popplewell, A., Kokkos, A., O'Reilly, J.J., and Wil- Ritchie, G.J., Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, dielectric cylinders using a freeones current liams, S. see Kokkos, A. M.J., Green, A.D.P., Mack, R.J., Monaghan, S., model with P dary conditions Popplewell, A., O'Reilly, J.J., and Williams, S. Noakes, P.D., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. H p429 Architectures for fast encoding and error detec- Ritchie, S., Burke, S.V., Kendall, P.C., Robertson, Ovramenko, S., and Wyrzykowski, R. see Wyrzy- tion of cyclic codes I M.J., and Robson, P.N. see Burke, S.V. kowski, R Popplewell, A., and O'Reilly, J.J. Runlength limited Ro, R., Varadan, V.V., and Varadan, V.K. Electro- binary error control codes I p349 magnetic activity and absorption in microwave P Porch, A., Lancaster, M.J., Maclean, T.S.M., Wu, chiral composites H p441 Z., Woodall, P., and Alford, N.NcN. see Lancas- = B., Herdeg, W.F., and Wendel, H. see Herdeg, Pagano, E., Attaianese, C., and Scarano, M. see ter, MJ. Attaianese, C. Porter, W.A., and Aravena, J.L. see Aravena, J.L. Rénabiick, S., Walgama, K.S., and Sternby, J. see — N.C., and Ancell, G.B. see Ancell, Potter, C.M., and Hijipieris, G. Improvements in Walgama, K.S. G.B. ultra-broadband TEM coupler design H_ pi71 Robbins, DJ., Kirkby, CJ.G., Goodwin, M.J., Pahlavan, K., and Ganesh, R. see Ganesh, R. Prasad, A.R., Ziogas, P.D., and Manias, S. Passive Moseley, A.J., Kearley, M.Q., and Thompson, J. Pal Chaudhuri, P., Roy Chowdhury, D. and input current waveshaping method for three- see Kirkby, C.J.G. Sen Gupta, I. see Roy Chowdhury, D phase diode rectifiers B p512 Robertini, A., and Guggenbiihl, W. Modelling and Palaniswami, M., and Feng, G. see Feng, G. Prasad, R., Johannessen, A.B., Weyland, N.B.J., and settling times of amplifiers in SC circuits Palmer, P.R., and Johnson, C.M. see Johnson, C.M. Bons, JH. see Johannessen, A. pl3 Palmisano, G., Dias, V.F., O'Leary, P., and Malo- Prasad, R., Misser, H.S., and Kegel, A. see Misser, Roberts, P.D., Amini, Z., and Lin, J. see Amini, Z. berti, F. see Dias, V.F. HS. Roberts, P.D., Lin, J., and Gionas, I. see Lin, J. Palmisano, G., Dias, V.F.. and Maloberti, F. see Prasad, R., and Liu, C.-Y. Throughput analysis of Roberts, S., and Tarassenko, L. Analysis of the sleep Dias, V.F. some mobile packet radio protocols in Rician EEG using a multilayer network with spatial Pan, C.-T., and Chen, T.-C. see Chen, T.-C. fading channels I p297 organisation F p420 Pan, X., Olesen, H., Tromborg, B., and Lassen, H.E. Pratt, D.J.. Warren-Forward, M.J., and Goodall, Robertson, I.D., Lucyszyn, S., Magnier, V., and Analytic description of the standing wave effect in R.M. see Warren-Forward, M.J. Reader, H.C. see Lucyszyn, S. DFB lasers J pl89 Pratt, R.H., Smowton, P.M., and Thomas, B. see Robertson, M.J., Burke, S.V., Kendall, P.C., Ritchie, Panayirci, E. Jitter analysis of a phase-locked digital Smowton, P.M. S., and Robson, P.N. see Burke, S.V. timing recovery system I Preece, A.W., Johnson, R.H., Green, J.L., Robinson, Robinson, J.P., and Edirisooriya, G. see Edirisoo- Panchanathan, S. Universal architecture for matrix M.P., and Clarke, R.N. see Johnson, R.H. riya, G. transposition E p387 Pringle, R.D., Hamilton, R.J., and Grant, P.M. see Robinson, M.P., Johnson, R.H., Green, J.L., Preece, Pao, Y.-H., Djukanovic, M., and Sobajic, DJ. see Hamilton, RJ. A.W., and Clarke, R.N. see Johnson, R.H Djukanovic, M. Pringle, R.D., Mowbray, R.S., and Grant, P.M. see Roboam, X., Andrieux, C., De Fornel, B. and Paparao, P., and Ghosh, A.K. see Ghosh, A.K. Mowbray, R.S. Hapiot, J.C. Rotor flux observation and control Paradisi, A., and Montrosset, I. Performance ana- Pritchard, TI, Evans, P.S.A., and Taylor, D. Devel- in squirrel-cage induction motor: reliability with IEE PROCEEDINGS, Vol. 139, 1992 9 respect to parameters variations D p363 Sangwine, S.J. Diagnosis of multiple faults in com- Simmons, J.L., Hobson, R.F. Hoskin, J.D.. and Robson, P.N., Burke, S.V., Kendall, P.C., Ritchie, S., binational digital circuits by modelling of tran- Spilsbury, R.W. see Hobson, R.F. and Robertson, M.J. see Burke, S.V sition propagation along critical paths G p594 Simpson, H.R. Correctness analysis for class of Rochotzki, R., and Friedrich, M. Temperature mea- Sankar, S., Arrillaga, J., Arnold, C.P., and Watson, asynchronous communication mechanisms surements of polymer substrates (PMMA) in an N.R. see Arrillaga, J. E p35 RF discharge A _ p6l Santos, H.A., and Fernandes, C.F. see Fernandes, Simpson, T.L., Chen, Y., and Ho, T.Q. see Chen, Y. Roddie, A.G., Henderson, D., and Smith, A.J.A. see CF. Singh, B., and Leslie, T.C. see Leslie, T.C. Henderson, D Sarabandi, K., Ulaby, F.T., and Nashashibi, A. see Singh, C., and Sarkar, D. Practical considerations in Rodriguez, E., and Martin, J.M. Theory and design Ulaby, F.T. the optimisation of induction motor design of interferometric synthetic aperture radars Sargood, S.K., Kiely, P.A., Taylor, G.W., Docter, B p365 F pl47 D.P., Claisse, P.R.. Vang, T., Evaldsson, P.A., Singh, J., Mudhar, P.S., Mace, D.A.H., Fisher, M.A., Rodriguez-Vazquez, A., Linares-Barranco, B., Daryanani, S., Cooke, P., and Brown-Goebeler, and Adams, M.J. see Mudhar, P.S. Sanchez-Sinencio, E., and Huertas, J.L. see K.F. see Kiely, P.A Singh, U., and Chen, C.Y.R. Technique for 1- Linares-Barranco, B Sargos, F.M., Machmoum, M., Le Doeuff, R.. and dimensional VLSI layout generation G p635 Rodriguez-Tellez, J. Microwave probe for circuit Cherkaoui, M. see Machmoum, M. Sinha, A.K., Verma, R., Gupta, R.K., Kumar, L., device testing G p333 Sarkar, D., and Singh, C. see Singh, C. Joshi, S.N., Jain, P.K., and Basu, B.N. Simplified Rodriguez-Tellez, J. and England, PJ. Five- Sarmiento, R., Carballo, P.P., and Nijiez, A. High tape model of arbitrarily-loaded helical slow- parameter DC GaAs MESFET model for nonlin- speed primitives of hardware accelerators for wave structures of a_ travelling-wave tube ear circuit design G p325 DSP in GaAs technology G p205 H_ p347 Rosolen, G.C., Moore, D.F., Holburn, D.M., and Sarunac, R., and Godec, Z. see Godec, Z. Sinha, N.K., and Dai, H. see Dai, H. Nockolds, C.E. see Moore, D.F Sassone, G., and Dallago, E. see Dallago, E. Sircar, P., and Ranade, A.C. Nonuniform sampling Rossi, F., Chiodo, E., Losi, A., and Mongelluzzo, R Satyanarayanan, R., and Muthukrishnan, C.R. and study of transient systems response see Chiodo, E Message-efficient distributed mutual exclusion Skodras, A.N., and Constantinides, A.G. Efficient Rossiter, J.A., Kouvaritakis, B., and Chang, A.O.T incorporating the ‘least recently used’ fairness cri- computation of the split-radix FFT F p56 see Kouvaritakis, B terion E p50l Slaninka, P., and Morgan, V.T. External thermal Rossiter, J.A.. and Kouvaritakis, B. see Kouvari- Sauter, D., Ragot, J., and Maquin, D. see Ragot, J. resistance of power cable in nonuniform soil takis, B Savio, A.D., Bhatiacharya, P.K., Kousik, G.S., and A pili? Roux, J., Metz, M., Ben Doua, S., Arches, J.P., and Nandakumar, R.P. The effect of substrate resis- Sluss Jr, J.J.. Tayag, TJ., and Batchman, T-.E. Foch, H. see Metz, M tivity on threshold voltage shifts due to radiation- Effects of impurities on photocarrier mobility in Rowden, C.G, and Zhao, Z. see Zhao, Z induced damage in IGFET G Bi, ,SiO,, J p357 Roy, C.K., Munshi, S., and Biswas, J.R. see Munshi, Scarano, M., Attaianese, C., and Pagano, E. see Smit, S.G., Stembuch, M., Terlouw, J.C. and Ss Attaianese, C. Bosgra, O.H. see Steinbuch, M. Roy Chowdhury, D. Sen Gupta, I, and Schafer, 1, and Perkowski, M.A. Multiple valued Smith, A.J.A., Henderson, D., and Roddie, A.G. see Pal Chaudhuri, P. Cellular automata based input generalised Reed-Muller forms E p519 Henderson, D. pattern generator for testing RAM E p469 Schirinzi, G., Franceschetti, G., Lanari, R., and Pas- Smith, F.C., Chambers, B., and Bennett, J.C. Cali- Rozenweig, M., Mohrile, M., Diiser, H., and Griitz- cazio, V. see Franceschetti, G. bration techniques for free space reflection coeffi- macher, D. see Méhrle, M Schneider, M.C., Bermudez, J.C.M., and Montoro, cient measurements A p247 Ruano, A.E.B., Fleming, P.J.. and Jones, D.I. Con- C.G. see Bermudez, J.C.M. Smowton, P.M., Thomas, B., and Pratt, R.H. Fre- nectionist approach to PID autotuning Schwarz, J., Wieczorek, A., Blaumoser, M., Fink, R., quency stabilisation of visible output laser diodes D p279 Oswald, J., and Vogtle, K.H. see Wieczorek, A J p75 Rubio, A., Kajihara, S., and Kinoshita, K. Class of Searle, M.D., Last, J.D., and Farnworth, R.G. see Snaith, M.A., and Holland, O.E. see Holland, O.E. undetectable stuck-open branches in CMOS Last, J.D Snowden, D., Huang, S.M., Xie, C.G., Thorn, R., memory elements G p503 Sebak, A., and Ouda, M. see Ouda, M and Beck, M.S. see Huang, S.M. Rubio, A., Pons, J., and Anglada, R. Crosstalk toler- Sebakhy, O.A. and Murad, H.A. Design of Snowden, D., Xie, C.G., Huang, S.M., Hoyle, B.S., ant latch circuit G p5 restricted complexity digital regulators using Thorn, R., Lenn, C., and Beck, M.S. see Xie, C.G. Ruiz, G., Michell, J.. and Burdon, A. Switch-level explicit criterion minimisation D p25! Séderstrém, T., and Stoica, P. see Stoica, P. fault detection and diagnosis environment for Seeds, ” and Benjamin, R. see Benjamin, R. Sobajic, D.J., Djukanovic, M., and Pao, Y.-H. see MOS Cont circuits using spectral techniques — AJ., and Zaglanikis, C.D. see Zaglanikis, Djukanovic, M. E p293 D Sobocki, R. Numerical approximation of heat run Runham, M., Ridler, N.M., Medley, J.C., and Baden Seker S.S. VHF/UHF radiowave propagation test results of transformers by means of : ae Fuller, A.J. see Ridler, N.M through forests: modelling and experimental exponential and power functions C Rupprecht, W., Wesolowski, K., and Zhao, C.M. see observations H 72 Soinski, M. Angular dependencies in Fe- SS com- Wesolowski, K Sen Gupta, 1, Roy Chowdhury, D., and mercial soft magnetic materials A p273 Russell, A.P., Pickup, LE.D., and Kwon, Y.-S. see Pal Chaudhuri, P. see Roy Chowdhury, D. Somers, G.A., and Pathak, P.H. Uniform GTD Pickup, LE.D Serizawa, Y., Watanabe, Y., and Takeshita, S. solution for the diffraction by metallic tapes on Russell, A.P., and Pickup, 1.E.D. see Pickup, L.E.D Multipath propagation effects on digital radio panelled compact-range reflectors H p297 Russer, P., Luy, J.-F., Strohm, K.M., and Buechler, equipped with a plane reflector repeater Song, B., and Fu, J. Efficient analysis of finline J. see Luy, J.-F I 176 structures by the boundary-element method Rye, J.. Young, DJ., Lo, K.L , McDonald, J.R., and Serra, R., Joeressen, O., Oerder, M., and Meyr, H. pll6 Howard, R. see Young, DJ see Joeressen, O Song, B., and Fu, J. Modified indirect boundary Sevaioglu, O., and Eskicioglu, A.M. see Eskicioglu, element technique and its application to electro- S A.M magnetic potential preblems H p292 Shafai, L., and Lin, Y. see Lin, Y Song, J.-H., Yoon, T.-W., Kim, K.-H., Kim, K.-B., Shakouri, H., and Liou, J.J. Optically driven photo- and Youn, M.-J. Control loop study of a load Sanchez, J.L., Moreno, L., and Acosta, L. see conductive devices for power switching applica- commutated CSI-fed induction motor B_ p183 Moreno, L tion. Part I: Theory and experimental results Song, Y.H. Novel adaptive control scheme for Sanchez, P., Bracho, S., Villar, E.. Martinez, M., and G p343 improving power system stability C p423 Allende, M.A. see Bracho, S. Shamai, S., and Kaplan, G. see Kaplan, G. Songcan, Chen, Guoging, Yang, and Jun, Lu see Sanchez-Sinencio, E. Linares-Barranco, B., Shan, X.-M., Xiao, C.-S., and Feng, Z.-M. see Xiao, Guoging, Yang Rodriguez-Vazquez, A.. and Huertas, J.L. see C.-S Sorrentino, C.M., and Suresh Babu, B.N. see Linares-Barranco, B Shaout, A.. and Suk, M. Distance measure for Suresh Babu, B.N. Sachidananda, M., and Inderjit, .s ee Inderjit, attributed fuzzy tournaments E 373 Soryani, M., and Clarke, R.J. Segmented coding of Safi, S.K.. and Bumby, J.R. Analysis of magnetic Sharrif, Z.A.M. Othman, M., and Theong, T.S. digital image sequences I p212 fields in the slotted structure of a superconduct- Noise analysis for digit slicing FFT F 4278 Sottek, R., Ackermann, B., Janssen, J.H.H., and ing AC generator C p4il Shaw, P., and Dale, B.G. see Dale, B.G. van Steen, R.1. see Ackermann, B. Sagar, V.K.. Massara, R.E., Standeven, J., Colley, Sheen, D.M., Gu, Q., and Ali, S.M. see Gu, Q. Southall, D.M., Ainscough, J., Oakey, S. and M.J., Green, A.D.P., Mack, R.J.. Monaghan, S., Shen, Y.-N., Lombardi, F., and Muzio, J. see Lom- Goodwin, A. see Ainscough, J. Noakes, P.D., and Ritchie, GJ. see Massara, R.E bardi, F Spagnolo, R., Amato, G., Benedetto, G., Boarino, Saitoh, H., Koshiba, M., Eguchi, M., and Hirayama, Shenoy, M.R., and De La Rue, R.M. On the L., and Maringelli, M. see Amato, G. K. see Koshiba, M refractive index of rutile J pl63 Spanias, A.S., and Loizou, P.C. Mixed Fourier/ Sakagami, I Frequency domain behaviour of Shepherd, P.R. and Al-Qutayri, M.A. see Al- Walsh transform scheme for speech coding at 4.0 coupled-line digital frequency multipliers Qutayri, M.A. kbit/s I p473 27! Shepherd, P.R., and Martin, J.D. Implementation of Spilsbury, R.W., Hobson, R.F., Hoskin, J.D., and Sakui, M., and Fujita, H. Calculation of harmonic an IC design teaching course G pl6l Simmons, J.L. see Hobson, R.F. currents in a three-phase convertor with unbal- Sherlock, B.G., and Monro, D.M. Moving discrete Spooner, E., and Chalmers, BJ. ‘TORUS’: A slo- anced power supply conditions B 78 Fourier transform F p279 tless, toroidal-stator, permanent-magnet gener- Salama, A.E., and Amer, F.Z. Parameter identifica- Sheshadri, T.S. Current density on cathode surface ator B 97 tion approach to fault ome of switched of MPD thrusters A_ pl25 Spooner, E., and Hamlaoui, M.N. see Hamlaoui, capacitor circuits G Sheu, B.J., and Chen, DJ. see Chen, D_J. M.N. Salama, H., and Seteen P.G. Modelling and Shi, Z., and Fairman, F. A cumulant based TK Spray, A., and Jones, S. Performance trade-offs of dynamic performance of variable-frequency-fed method for the harmonic retrieval problem globally clocked data-driven arrays G p527 induction motors B p19! F p22! Spreadbury, PJ. Eight-digit voltage measurements: Salami, R., Hanzo, L., Steele, R., and Fortune, P.M Shieh, L.-S., Guo, T.-Y., Hwang, C., and Chen, how meaningful are they? A 3 see Hanzo, L -H. see Guo, T.-Y. Srisuchinwong, B., Tsalides, Ph., York, T.A., Hicks, Saleh, M.M., and Charalambous, C see Chara- Shiozaki, A., and Lee, J. see Lee,J . P.J., and Thanailakis, A. VLSI implementation of lambous,C Shiv, J., and Wu, J.-L. see Wu, J.-L. mod-p multipliers using homomorphisms and Salehi, M. Capacity and coding for memories with Shivaprasad, A.P.. Mathew, G., and Narasimhan, hybrid cellular automata E real-time noisy defect information at encoder and S.V. see Mathew, G. Srivastava, A. Low temperature behaviour of decoder I pil3 Shore, K.A., Lambkin, P.M., and Montrosset, I. see channel transit time constant in MOS transistor Salous, S. IF digital generation of FMCW wave- Lambkin, P.M. P forms for wideband channel characterisation Shore, K.A., and Wong, Y.C.A. see Wong, Y.C.A. Srivastava, V., and Joshi, S.N. Improved nonlinear I p281 Shridhar, M., Ahmadi, M., Mazinani, A., and model for multisignal analysis of helix TWTs Salvatore, L., and Stasi, S. Application of EKF to Ramachandran, V. see Ahmadi, M. H_ pl29 parameter and state estimation of pmsm drive Shukla, P.K., and Turner, L.F. Examination of an Standeven, J., Massara, R.E., Colley, M.J., Green, piss adaptive DFE and MLSE/near-MLSE for fading A.D.P., Mack, R.J., Monaghan, S., Noakes, P.D., Sandler, M. New synthesis techniques for high multipath radio channels I p418 Ritchie, G.J., and Sagar, V.K. see Massara, R.E. order all-pole filters G p9 Sihvola, A.H., Lindell, 1.V., and Ermutlu, M.E. see Stankovic, L., and Puzovic, R. Noise analysis for Sandler, M.B., Yu, J., and Hawken, R.E. see Yu, J. Lindell, LV. digit slicing FFT (Reply) F 4278 Sangster, A.J. Scattering analysis of a waveguide Silvestro, J.W., and Butler, C.M. TE scattering from Stankovic, R.S., and Moraga, C. Methods for detec- slot pra4d4ia tor enclosed in a parallel plate polariser aH _ perpfle0cst ly conducting wedge loaded by a slot ttiioonn s of Es ompe4 2!p roperties of multiple-valued func- 10 IEE PROCEEDINGS. Vol. 139. 1992

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