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Identity of Nogra guangxiensis Wei (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae) PDF

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Preview Identity of Nogra guangxiensis Wei (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae)

362 植物研究雑誌第81巻第6号 平成18年12月 Notes Hiroyoshi OHASHI and Yu IOKAWA: Identity of Nogra guangxiensis Wei (Legumino・ sae: Papilionoideae-Phaseoleae) マメ科Nograguangxiensis Weiの正体(大橋広好,五百川 裕) Leveille (1913) described Uraria esquirolii from Guizhou in China based on a specimen,E sqiurol 2544. Soon after,h e (1914) changed position of the species to Apios,a s A. esquirolii (H. Levl.) H. Levl. However,t he species is quite different from these genera in having unifoliolate leaves and lax flowered inflorescences with only a few flowers. Accordingly,t he identity of U. esquirolii had been regarded as unknown (Schinqler 1928,Y ang and Huang 1981),bu t Lauener (1970) clarified the identity as Nogra grahamii (Wall. ex Benth.) Me 町. During our study on Chinese Uraria we examined ap hoto of the holotype of Uraria esquirolii H. Lev. in A (Fig. 1) and con- firmed the determination by Lauener (1970) as correct. Wen oted furthermore the species is identical with Nogra guangxiensis Wei de 四 scribed from Guangxi,so uth central China in 1985. Nogra guangxiensis was published with a detailed illustration on the basis of an old specimen and is distinguished from N. grahamii in having narrowly oblong or long lanceolate leaflets sparsely hirsute on both Fig. 1. Uraria esquirolii H. Lev.,ho lotype (photo) in surfaces, pale yellow corollae, obovate- A. oblong wings with long decurved auricles at the base of the lamina,a nd falcate somewhat acute keel-petals (Wei 1985,1 995,2 001). cies are well illustrated by Thuan (1979) Judging from the original description and il- based on as pecimen from Laos. The floral lustration of the species,h owever,it is refer- characters of N. guangxiensis agree with able to an upper p tof N. grahamii. Nogra those of N. grahamii as shown in the figures 紅 grahamii was first described by Bentham by Gagnepain (1916) and Thuan (1979) (1852) under the illegitimate generic name based on the specimens from Laos,a lthough Grona as G. grahamii Benth. of which the corollae are described as reddish (Baker leaves were “unifoliolata, inferiore late 1876) or bluish (Gagnepain 1916,T huan cordato-ovata,…, superiora ovata oblonga v. 1979),n ot pale yellowish (Wei 1985). We lanceolata,…, pilis paucis rigidis conspersa" think therefore Nogra guangxiensis Wei is a (Bentham 1852). These features of the spe- synonym of Nogra grahαmii (Wall. ex December 2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 6 363 Benth.) Me Edinburgh 30: 239-294. 町. Leveille H. 1913. Decades plantarum novarum,C XII- Nogra grahamii (Benth.) Me in Trans. CXVIII. Fedde,R epert. 52: 191. 町. Amer. Phil. Soc. 24: 201 (1935): Lauener in 一一一 1914.Flore du Kouy-Tcheou. Le Mans. Schindler A. K. 1928. Die Desmodiinen in der Not. Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 30: 250 botanischen Literatur nach Linne. Repert. Spec. (1970); Nguyen van Thuan in Fl. Cambodge Nov. Regni veg. Beih. 49: 1-371. Laos Vietnam 17: 94,p l. 12,f ig. 4-11 Thuan N. van 1979. Nogra Meηi1l. Flore du (1979); Sanjappa,Le g. India: 220 (1992). Cambodge du Laos et duVietnam 17: 94-96. Wei C. F. 1985. A new species of Nogra from China. [Fig. 1] Guihaia 5: 351-352. Grona grahamii Benth. in Miq.,P l. Jungh. 一一一 1995.Nogra Merr. In: Lee S. (edよFl.Reipubl. 234 (1852); Baker in Hook.f.,F l. Brit. Ind. Pop. Sin. 41: 229-231. Science Press,B eijing (in 2: 191 (1856); Gagnep. in Lecomte,F l. Gen. Chinese). Indoch. 2: 406,fi g. 39: 8-13 (1916). 一一一2001.Nogra Merr. In: Li P. Q.,F u L. K., and Hong T. (eds.),Hi gher Plants of China 7: 214-215. Uraria esquirolii H. Levl. in Repert. Spec. Qingdao Publishing house,Q ingdao. Nov. Regni Veg. 12: 191 (1913) [Type: Yang Y. C. and Huang P. H. 1981. A revision of the China. Kouy-Tcheou: Lo-Jang (Tchee-Pia), genus Uraria Desv. (Leguminosae) in China. Bull. aout 1909. Jos. Esquiro12544 (E holo; photo Bot. Res. N.E. Forest. Ins ,.tHarbin 1(3): 1-20. in A)]. Apios esquirolii (H. Levl.) H. Lev ,.l Fl. 中国のマメ科フジボグサ属に,貴州省で採られ Kouy-Tcheou: 225 (1914). たUrariaesquirolii H. Levl.という手重カfあり, その 正体は不明で、あったが, Levei1leのコレクション Nogra guangxiensis Wei in Guihaia 5: 351 を研究したエジンパラ植物園 (E) のLauener (1985) [Type: China. Guangxi: Tiane. 19 (1970)によって,Nogra grahamii (Wall. ex Benth.) Aug. 1959. C. T. Li 601220 (SCBI)],& in Me江であることが明らかにされた.ι esquirolii Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 41: 229,p l. 56 のホロタイプはEにある.ハーバード大学植物標 本館アーノルド樹木園標本室 (A)にはそのホロ (1995),& in Higher Plants of China 7: 214 タイプの写真があり,それを調べ, これがN. (2001),sy n. nov. grahamiiであることを確認した.さらに,貴州省 Distribution: India, Myanmar, Thailand, から記載されたN.guangxiensおWeiもN.grahamii Laos,C hina (Guangxi and SWG uizhou). と同種であることが分かつた.N. guangxiensisは 中国植物誌41:229,p l. 56に詳しい図があり (Wei References 1995),広西省と貴州省西南部に分布するとされ る (Wei2001) .結局,N. grahamiiはインドから Baker J. G. 1876. Grona,Lo ur. In: Hooker J. D.,T he 中国南部まで点在することになる. Flora of British India 2: 191. L. Reeve & Co. Ltd., (Botanical Garden,T ohoku University, Kent. Sendai,9 80-心0862JAPAN, Bentham G. 1852. Leguminosae. In: Miquel F. A. W., Plantae Junghuhrianae. pp. 205-269. E-mail: oha部shi@mail.旬tai泊ns.tωohoku.a郎仏C吋j. Department of Biology, Gagnepain F. 1916. Grona Lour. In: Lecomte H. (edよ Joetsu University of Education, Flore Generale de l'lndochine 2: 405--407. Joetsu,N iigata,9 43-8512 JAPAN) Lauener L. A. 1970. Catalogue of the names published by Hector Leveille. Notes Royal Bot. Gard.

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