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Identities between Hecke Eigenforms 7 1 0 2 D. Bao n a J 1 January 13, 2017 1 ] T Abstract N h. In this paper, we study solutions to h = af2 + bfg + g2, where t f,g,h are Hecke newforms with respect to Γ (N) of weight k > 2 a 1 m and a,b = 0. We show that the number of solutions is finite for 6 [ all N. Assuming Maeda’s conjecture, we prove that the Petersson inner product f2,g is nonzero, where f and g are any nonzero cusp 1 h i v eigenformsforSL2(Z)ofweight k and2k, respectively. Asacorollary, 9 we obtain that, assuming Maeda’s conjecture, identities between cusp 8 eigenforms for SL (Z) of the form X2 + n α Y = 0 all are forced 1 2 i=1 i i 3 by dimension considerations. We also give a proof using polynomial 0 identities between eigenforms that the j-fPunction is algebraic on zeros . 1 of Eisenstein series of weight 12k. 0 7 1 : v 1 Introduction i X r a Fourier coefficients of Hecke eigenforms often encode important arithmetic information. Given an identity between eigenforms, one obtains nontrivial relations between their Fourier coefficients and may in further obtain solu- tions to certain related problems in number theory. For instance, let τ(n) be the nth Fourier coefficient of the weight 12 cusp form ∆ for SL (Z) given 2 by ∞ ∞ ∆ = q (1 qn)24 = τ(n)qn − n=1 n=1 Y X 1 and define the weight 11 divisor sum function σ (n) = d11. Then the 11 dn Ramanujan congruence | P τ(n) σ (n) mod 691 11 ≡ can be deduced easily from the identity 1008 756 E E2 = × ∆, 12 − 6 691 where E (respectively E ) is the Eisenstein series of weight 6 (respectively 6 12 12) for SL (Z). 2 SpecificpolynomialidentitiesbetweenHeckeeigenformshavebeenstudiedby many authors. Duke [7] and Ghate [9] independently investigated identities oftheformh = fg between eigenformswithrespecttothefullmodulargroup Γ = SL (Z) and proved that there are only 16 such identities. Emmons [8] 2 extended the search to Γ (p) and found 8 new cases. Later Johnson [11] 0 studied the above equation for Hecke eigenforms with respect to Γ (N) and 1 obtained a complete list of 61 eigenform product identities. J. Beyerl and K. James and H. Xue [2] studied the problem of when an eigenform for SL (Z) is divisible by another eigenform and proved that this can only occur 2 in very special cases. Recently, Richey and Shutty [14] studied polynomial identities and showed that for a fixed polynomial (excluding trivial ones), there are only finitely many decompositions of normalized Hecke eigenforms for SL (Z) described by a given polynomial. 2 Since the product of two eigenforms is rarely an eigenform, in this paper we loosen the constraint and study solutions to the equation h = P(f,g), where h,f,g are Hecke eigenforms and P is a general degree two polynomial. The ring of modular forms is graded by weight, therefore P is necessarily homogeneous, i.e., P(f,g) = af2 + bfg + cg2. With proper normalization, we can assume c = 1. The first main result of this paper is the following: Theorem 1.1. For all N Z and a,b C , there are at most finitely + × ∈ ∈ triples (f,g,h) of newforms with respect to Γ (N) of weight k > 2 satisfying 1 the equation h = af2 +bfg +g2. (1) 2 Theorem 1.1 is obtained by estimating the Fourier coefficients of cusp eigen- forms and its proof is presented in Section 3. In the same section, as further motivation for studying identities between eigenforms, we also give an ele- mentary proof via identities that: Theorem 1.2. Let E (z) be the Eisenstein series of weight 12k, and 12k A := ρ F E (ρ) = 0 for some k Z 12k + { ∈ | ∈ } be the set of zeros for all Eisenstein series of weight 12k with k 1 in the ≥ fundamental domain F for SL (Z). If j is the modular j-function and ρ A, 2 ∈ then j(ρ) is an algebraic number. For a stronger result, which says that j(ρ) is algebraic for any zero ρ of a meromorphic modular form f = ∞n=hanqn for SL2(Z) with an(h) = 1 for which all coefficients lie in a number field, see Corollary 2 of the paper by P Bruinier, Kohnen and Ono [3]. Fouriercoefficients ofa normalized Hecke eigenform areall algebraicintegers. AsforGaloissymmetry between Fouriercoefficients ofnormalizedeigenforms in the space of cusp forms for SL (Z) of weight k 12 , Maeda (see [10] k 2 S ≥ Conjecture 1.2 ) conjectured that: Conjecture 1.3. The Hecke algebra over Q of is simple (that is, a single k S number field) whose Galois closure over Q has Galois group isomorphic to the symmetric group S , where n = dim . n k S Maeda’sconjecturecanbeusedtostudypolynomialidentities between Hecke eigenforms. See J.B. Conrey and D.W. Farmer [4] and J. Beyerl and K. James and H. Xue [2] for some previous work. In this paper, we prove the following: Theorem 1.4. Assuming Maeda’s conjecture for and , if f , k 2k k S S ∈ S g are any nonzero cusp eigenforms, then the Petersson inner product 2k ∈ S f2,g is nonzero. h i Theorem 1.4 says that, assuming Maeda’s conjecture, the square of a cusp eigenform for SL (Z) is ”unbiased”, i.e., it does not lie in the subspace 2 spanned by a proper subset of an eigenbasis. The proof of Theorem 1.4 is presented in Section 4. 3 2 Preliminaries and Convention A standard reference for this section is [6]. Let f be a holomorphic function on the upper half plane = z C Im(z) > 0 . Let γ = (a b) SL (Z). H { ∈ | } c d ∈ 2 Then define the slash operator [γ] of weight k as k f [γ](z) := (cz +d) kf(γz). k − | If Γ is a subgroup of SL (Z), we say that f is a modular form of weight k 2 with respect to Γ if f [γ](z) = f(z) for all z and all γ Γ. Define k | ∈ H ∈ a b a b 1 Γ (N) := SL (Z) ∗ mod N , 1 c d ∈ 2 c d ≡ 0 1 (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) a b Γ (N) := SL (Z) c 0 mod N . 0 c d ∈ 2 ≡ (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:27) (cid:12) (cid:12) Denote by (Γ (N)) the vector space o(cid:12)f weight k modular forms with k 1 M respect to Γ (N). 1 Let χ be a Dirichlet character mod N, i.e., a homomorphism χ : (Z/NZ) × → C . By convention one extends the definition of χ to Z by defining χ(m) = 0 × for gcd(m,N) > 1. In particular the trivial character modulo N extends to the function 1 if gcd(n,N) = 1, 1 (n) = N (0 if gcd(n,N) > 1. Take n (Z/NZ) , and define the diamond operator × ∈ n : (Γ (N)) (Γ (N)) k 1 k 1 h i M → M as n f := f [γ] for any γ = (a b) Γ (N) with d n mod N. Define the h i |k c d ∈ 0 ≡ χ eigenspace (N,χ) := f (Γ (N)) n f = χ(n)f, n (Z/NZ) . k k 1 × M { ∈ M |h i ∀ ∈ } 4 Then one has the following decomposion: (Γ (N)) = (N,χ), k 1 k M M χ M where χ runs through all Dirichlet characters mod N such that χ( 1) = − ( 1)k. See Section 5.2 of [6] for details. − Let f (Γ (N)), since (1 1) Γ (N), one has a Fourier expansion: ∈ Mk 1 0 1 ∈ 1 ∞ f(z) = a (f)qn, q = e2πiz. n n=0 X If a = 0 in the Fourier expansion of f [α] for all α SL (Z), then f is 0 k 2 | ∈ called a cusp form. For a modular form f (Γ (N)) the Petersson inner k 1 ∈ M product of f with g (Γ (N)) is defined by the formula k 1 ∈ S f,g = f(z)g(z)yk 2dxdy, − h i Z /Γ1(N) H wherez = x+iy and /Γ (N)isthequotientspace. See[6]Section5.4. 1 H We define the space (Γ (N)) of weight k Eisenstein series with respect k 1 E to Γ (N) as the orthogonal complement of (Γ (N)) with respect to the 1 k 1 S Petersson inner product, i.e., one has the following orthogonal decomposi- tion: (Γ (N)) = (Γ (N)) (Γ (N)). k 1 k 1 k 1 M S ⊕E We also have decomposition of the cusp space and the space of Eisenstein series in terms of χ eigenspaces: (Γ (N)) = (N,χ), k 1 k S S χ M (Γ (N)) = (N,χ). k 1 k E E χ M 5 See Section 5.11 of [6]. For two Dirichlet characters ψ modulo u and ϕ modulo v such that uv N | and (ψϕ)( 1) = ( 1)k define − − ∞ Eψ,ϕ(z) = δ(ψ)L(1 k,ϕ)+2 σψ,ϕ(n)qn, (2) k − k 1 − n=1 X where δ(ψ) is 1 if ψ = 1 and 0 otherwise, 1 B k,ϕ L(1 k,ϕ) = − − k is the special value of the Dirichlet L function at 1 k, B is the kth k,ϕ − generalized Bernoulli number defined by the equality tk N−1 ϕ(a)teat B := , k,ϕk! eNt 1 k 0 a=0 − X≥ X and the generalized power sum in the Fourier coefficient is σψ,ϕ(n) = ψ(n/m)ϕ(m)mk 1. k 1 − − mn mX>|0 See page 129 in [6]. Let A be the set of triples of (ψ,ϕ,t) such that ψ and ϕ are primitive N,k Dirichlet characters modulo u and v with (ψϕ)( 1) = ( 1)k and t Z + − − ∈ such that tuv N. For any triple (ψ,ϕ,t) A , define N,k | ∈ Eψ,ϕ,t(z) = Eψ,ϕ(tz). (3) k k Let N Z and let k 3. The set + ∈ ≥ Eψ,ϕ,t : (ψ,ϕ,t) A { k ∈ N,k} 6 gives a basis for (Γ (N)) and the set k 1 E Eψ,ϕ,t : (ψ,ϕ,t) A ,ψϕ = χ { k ∈ N,k } gives a basis for (N,χ) (see Theorem 4.5.2 in [6]). k E For k = 2 and k = 1 an explicit basis can also be obtained but is more technical. Therefore we assume k 3 when dealing with Eisenstein series. ≥ For details about the remaining two cases see Chapter 4 in [6]. Now we define Hecke operators. For a reference see page 305 in [12] . Define ∆ (N) to be the set m a b γ = M (Z) c 0 mod N,detγ = m . c d ∈ 2 | ≡ (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) Then ∆ (N) is invariant under right multiplication by elements of Γ (N). m 0 One checks that the set a b S = M (Z) a,d > 0,ad = m,b = 0,...,d 1 0 d ∈ 2 | − (cid:26)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) forms a complete system of representatives for the action of Γ (N). One 0 defines the Hecke operator T End( (N,χ)) as: m k ∈ M f f T = mk/2 1 χ(a )f σ, k m − σ k 7→ | | σ X where σ = aσ bσ S and gcd(m,N) = 1. cσ dσ ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) One can compute the action of T explicitly in terms of the Fourier expan- m sion: ∞ f|kTm = a0 χ(m1)m1k−1 + χ(m1)m1k−1amn/m21qn. mX1|m Xn=1m1X|(m,n) The multiplication rule for weight k operators T is as follows: m 7 TmTn = χ(m1)m1k−1Tmn/m21. (4) m1X|(m,n) An eigenform f (N,χ) is defined as the simultaneous eigenfunction of k ∈ M all T with gcd(m,N) = 1. m If f (N,χ) is an eigenform for the Hecke operators with character χ, k ∈ M i.e., if f T = λ (m)f (gcd(m,N) = 1), (5) k m f | then equation (4) implies that λ (m)λ (n) = χ(m )mk 1λ (mn/m2). f f 1 1− f 1 m1X|(m,n) Comparing the Fourier coefficients in equation (5), one sees that a χ(m )mk 1 = λ (m)a , (6) 0 1 1− f 0 mX1|m χ(m1)m1k−1amn/m21 = λf(m)an. m1X|(m,n) For n = 1 one then has a = λ (m)a . (7) m f 1 Therefore if a = 0 and we normalize f such that a = 1, then a = 1 1 m 6 λ (f). m Eisenstein series are eigenforms. Let Eψ,ϕ,t be the Eisenstein series defined k by equation (3). Then T Eψ,ϕ,t = (ψ(p)+ϕ(p)pk 1)Eψ,ϕ,t p k − k 8 if uv = N or p ∤ N. See Proposition 5.2.3 in [6]. Let M N and d N/M. Let α = (d 0). Then for any f : C | | d 0 1 H → (f [α ])(z) = dk 1f(dz) k d − | defines a linear map [α ] taking (Γ (M)) to (Γ (N)). d k 1 k 1 S S Definition 2.1. Let d be a divisor of N and let i be the map d i : ( (Γ (Nd 1)))2 (Γ (N)) d k 1 − k 1 S → S given by (f,g) f +g [α ]. k d 7→ | The subspace of oldforms of level N is defined by (Γ (N)) := i (( (Γ (Np 1)))2) k 1 p k 1 − S S p|N pXprime and the subspace of newforms at level N is the orthogonal complement with respect to the Petersson inner product, new old (Γ (N)) = ( (Γ (N)) ) . k 1 k 1 ⊥ S S See Section 5.6 in [6]. Let ι be the map (ι f)(z) = f(dz). The main lemma in the theory of d d newforms due to Atkin and Lehner [1] is the following: Theorem 2.2. (Thm. 5.7.1 in [6]) If f S (Γ (N)) has Fourier expansion k 1 ∈ f(z) = a (f)qn with a (f) = 0 whenever gcd(n,N) = 1, then f takes the n n form f = ι f with each f (Γ (N/p)). P pN p p p ∈ Sk 1 | DefinitionP2.3. A newform is a normalized eigenform in (Γ (N))new. k 1 S By Theorem 2.2, if f (N,χ) is a Hecke eigenform with a (f) = 0, then k 1 ∈ M f is not a newform. 9 3 Identities between Hecke eigenforms In this section we study solutions to equation (1) with f,g,h being newforms with respect to Γ (N). The first observation is that if a (0) = a (0) = 0 1 f g then a (1) = 0, which implies h = 0 by equation (7), hence without loss h of generality we can assume that a (0) = 0. We normalize g such that g 6 a (0) = 1. In the following we talk about two cases according to whether or g not a (0) = 0. f Lemma 3.1. Assume that g,f,h satisfies equation (1) with f and g linearly independent over C, and let χ ,χ ,χ be the Dirichlet characters associated g f h with g,f,h respectively. Then χ = χ2 = χ2 = χ χ . h g f f g Proof. Take the diamond operator d and act on the identity h = af2 + h i bfg +g2 to obtain χ (d)h = aχ2(d)f2 +bχ (d)χ (d)fg+χ2(d)g2. h f f g g We then substitute (1) for h to obtain a(χ (d) χ2(d))f2+b(χ (d) χ (d)χ (d))fg+(χ (d) χ2(d))g2 = 0. (8) h − f h − g f h − g Note that since f and g are linearly independent over C, so are f2,fg and g2, which one can easily prove by considering the Wronksian. Then equation (8) implies that a(χ (d) χ2(d)) = b(χ (d) χ (d)χ (d)) = χ (d) χ2(d) = 0. h − f h − g f h − g Since a,b = 0, one finds 6 χ (d) = χ2(d) = χ (d)χ (d) = χ2(d). h f f g g Since d is arbitrary we are done. Proposition 3.2. Suppose that the triple of newforms (f,g,h) is a solution to (1), a (0) = 0 and a (0) = 0. Then f = g. f g 6 6 10

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