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Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.15817main (cid:13)c ESO2011 January11,2011 Identifying XMM-Newton observations affected by solar wind ⋆ charge exchange - Part II J.A.Carter1,S.Sembay1,andA.M.Read1 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofLeicester,Leicester,LE17RH,UK e-mail:[email protected] e-mail:[email protected] e-mail:[email protected] 1 1 Received;accepted 0 2 ABSTRACT n Aims.WewishedtoanalyseasampleofobservationsfromtheXMM-NewtonScienceArchivetosearchforevidenceofexospheric a J solarwindchargeexchange(SWCX)emission. Methods.Weanalysed3012observationsuptoandincludingrevolution1773.Themethodemployedextendsfromthatoftheprevi- 0 ouslypublishedpaperbytheseauthorsonthistopic.WedetecttemporalvariabilityinthediffuseX-raybackgroundwithinanarrow 1 low-energybandandcontrastthistoacontinuum.Thelow-energybandwaschosentorepresentthekeyindicatorsofchargeexchange emissionandthecontinuumwasexpectedtobefreeofSWCX. ] M Results.Approximately3.4%ofobservationsstudiedareaffected.WediscussourresultswithreferencetotheXMM-Newtonmis- sion.WefurtherinvestigateremarkablecasesbyconsideringthestateofthesolarwindandtheorientationofXMM-Newtonatthe I timeoftheseobservations.Wepresentamethodtoapproximatetheexpectedemissionfromobservations,basedongivensolarwind h. parameterstakenfromanupstreamsolarwindmonitor.WealsocomparetheincidenceofSWCXcaseswithsolaractivity. p Conclusions.We present a comprehensive study of the majority of the suitable and publically available XMM-Newton Science - Archivetodate,withrespecttotheoccurrenceofSWCXenhancements.WepresentourSWCX-affectedsubsetofthisdataset.The o mean exospheric-SWCX flux observed within this SWCX-affected subset was 15.4 keVcm−2s−1sr−1 in the energy band 0.25 to r 2.5keV.ExosphericSWCXispreferentiallydetectedwhenXMM-NewtonobservesthroughthesubsolarregionoftheEarth’smag- t s netosheath.Themodeldevelopedtoestimatetheexpectedemissionreturnsfluxeswithinafactorofafewoftheobservedvaluesin a themajorityofcases,withameanvalueat83%. [ Keywords.X-rays-diffusebackground-Sun:solar-terrestrialrelation-methods:dataanalysis 1 v 8 1. Introduction comets, within the heliosphere and at the heliospheric bound- 4 8 arywheretheouterreachesoftheinterplanetarymagneticfield This paper follows that of Carter&Sembay (2008) (hereafter 1 encounter that of the surrounding interstellar medium. Those PaperI),wherebyasetofapproximately180XMM-Newtonob- . charge exchange processes that result in the emission of X- 1 servations,takenbetweenrevolutions52and1104(March2000 raysoccurforinteractionsinvolvingahighly-chargedsolarwind 0 untilDecember2005),wereanalysedtosearchforcasesofsolar ion, for example the bare oxygen ion O8+, and a donor neu- 1 wind charge exchange emission (SWCX) occurring within the 1 tralspecies,suchashydrogeninthecaseofgeocoronalSWCX Earth’smagnetosheathorinnearinterplanetaryspace.InPaper : emission. v I we searched for time-variable SWCX signatures and found ThepossibilitiesforviewingexosphericSWCXemissionin i that approximately 6.5% of the observations studied were af- X thevicinityoftheEarthdependontheorbitalandviewingcon- fected.One case ofSWCX showedanextremelyrichemission r line spectrum,which was attributed to a passing CoronalMass straints of the observatoryin use, however one may be able to a detect enhancements due to charge exchange occurring within Ejection(CME)andhasbeendiscussedindetailbyCarteretal. theheliosphere.Thiswillshowfluctuationsonlongertimescales (2010). This paper extends the work of Paper I, to provide a toSWCXoccurringwithintheEarth’sexosphere(Cravensetal. complete sample, covering3012suitable XMM-Newton obser- 2001).SWCX emissionfromwithintheheliosheath(forexam- vations downloaded from the XMM-Newton Science Archive ple resulting from the helium-focusing cone) is a contributor (XSA)1.Weincludedatafrombetweenrevolutions28and1773 to the X-ray emission from the supposed Local Hot Bubble in (February2000untilAugust2009). which the Sun resides (Koutroumpaetal. 2007, 2008), and to SWCX processes occur at many locations within the so- whatlevelitcontributesis undergreatdebate.We concentrate, lar system including planetary magnetosheaths, the corona of however, on SWCX emission occurring in the near vicinity of theEarthandusethetimevariablenatureofthisemissionasour Sendoffprintrequeststo:J.A.Carter markerforselectingaffectedXMM-Newtonobservations. ⋆ Based on observations with XMM-Newton, an ESA Science Mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA In addition to the pioneering work noting the so-called MemberStatesandtheUSA(NASA). Long Term Enhancements (subsequently known to be due to 1 http://xmm.esac.esa.int/xsa/ SWCX emission) within ROSAT observations (Snowdenetal. 2 J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 1995),theassignmentofsuchenhancementstoSWCXemission combined if the same filter was used for both. We considered has also been observed in studies undertaken using data from observationsuptoandincludingrevolution1773(August2009). Suzaku (Fujimotoetal. 2007; Bautzetal. 2009) and Chandra Individual observation event lists were created from the (Smithetal. 2005). Enhancements in soft X-ray band XMM- OriginalDataFilesforeachEPIC-MOScameraandfilteredfor Newton spectra have been attributed to SWCX contamination soft-protoncontaminationusingthepubliclyavailableExtended intheliterature(Snowdenetal.2004;Kuntz&Snowden2008; SourceAnalysisSoftware(ESAS)2package(mos-filtertool).At Snowdenetal. 2009;Henley&Shelton2008). Thishasalmost the time of data processing, ESAS was only available for the exclusivelyinvolvedthecomparisonofmultiplepointingsofthe EPIC-MOScameras.ThistoolfitsaGaussiantoahistogramof samefieldwhichhasenabledtheserendipitousdetectionofthe in-field-of-view count rates in a high energy band (2.5keV to low-energyenhancement,mostnotablyaroundtheOviihelium- 12.0keV).Timeperiodswithcountratesbeyondathresholdof liketripletatapproximately0.56keV.ObservationsoftheGroth- ±1.5σ away from the peak of this Gaussian were removedby Westfall Strip, Polaris Flare region and the Hubble Deep Field applyingaGoodTimeInterval(GTI)filetotheeventlists.The as discussed in Kuntz&Snowden (2008) were included in the GTIfilescreatedforeachEPIC-MOSeventlistwerecombined analysisofPaperIascontrolcasesforourmethod. togethertoformoneEPIC-MOSGTIfileandthisfilewasreap- The XMM-Newton observatory(Jansenetal. 2001) has the pliedtoboththeMOS1andMOS2eventliststoprovidesimulta- largest collecting area in the band 0.2 to 10keV of all X- neouscoverageduringeachobservation.Resolvedpointsources ray telescopes currently in orbit and the European Photon (fromlistscreatedforthe2XMMcatalogue(Watsonetal.2009) Imaging Camera (EPIC) suite of instruments on board (two usingaminimumlikelihoodthreshold≥6),wereremovedfrom MOS(Turneretal.2001)andonepn(Stru¨deretal.2001)CCD the field of viewby extractingeventsin a circularregionof35 cameras)providemediumspectralresolution( E ∼17).During arcsecondsradiusaboutthesourceposition.Thoseobservations ∆E variousperiodsofitsorbitanddependingonobservationalcon- judged, after a visual inspection (and prior to creation of any straints,XMM-NewtonmayviewregionsoftheEarth’smagne- spectra, see Section 4), to show residual source contamination tosheathwhicharepredictedtoexhibitthehighestX-rayemis- (thewingsofthepointspreadfunctionoftheEPIC-MOScam- sivityduetoSWCXbetweenhighlychargedsolarwindionsand era beingevidentin an image of the eventfile) passed through hydrogen in the Earth’s exosphere (Robertsonetal. 2006, and an additionalspatialfiltering stage using a largerextractionre- references therein). We use data from the EPIC-MOS cameras giontofurthercleanthedataset.Amoredetaileddescriptionof to identify times of variability in a low energyband thatis not thefilteringstepsandnatureofsoftprotoncontaminationcanbe mirroredinahigherenergyband,toselectthoseperiodswesus- foundinPaperIandCarteretal.(2010). pecthavebeenaffectedbyvariableSWCX. The method employed here followed the first steps as de- SWCX emission can be considered as a contaminant scribed in detail within Paper I. In summary, two lightcurves by sections of the community wishing to study Galactic or with bin size of 1ks were created for each observation from Extragalacticsourcesbeyondtheheliosheath.Understandingthe eventswithinthefullfield-of-view(radiusof13.3arcminutes). occurrence and nature of the emission is important therefore When both EPIC-MOS cameras were used during an observa- for the process of elimination from astronomical observations. tion and employed the same filter, events from both cameras However, SWCX emission can be used to provide diagnostics were usedto constructthe lightcurves.The firstlightcurvewas of the solar wind. X-rays emitted from the comas of comets chosentorepresentthecontinuum,coveringeventswithenergies have been suggested and used for this purpose (Cravens 1997; in the range2.5keV to 5.0keV. The second lightcurvewas ex- Dennerletal. 1997; Lisseetal. 2001; Bodewitsetal. 2007). tractedusingeventswithenergiesintherange0.5to0.7keVto A detailed study of the heavy ion constituents of a CME coverthestrongSWCXemissionfromOviiandOviii(theline- was discussed in Carteretal. (2010). In addition, exospheric- bandlightcurve).Thisenergyrangeincorporatesemissionener- SWCX may be used to test models of dynamical processes gies from the Ovii triplet and resonance lines which are dom- within the Earth’s magnetosheath and the solar-terrestrial con- inated by the forbiddenline transition at 0.56keV. Lightcurves nection,suchasflux-transfereventsorboundarylayerphenom- werethenexposure-correctedforperiodsremovedduringthefil- ena(Collieretal.2010). teringsteps.AstheMOS1andMOS2eventfilesforeachobser- The layout of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we de- vation,priortothelightcurvecreation,werefilteredusingasin- scribe the method employed to identify those observations of gleGTIfilewhichisnotenergyspecific,theexposure-coverage interest.InSection3wepresenttheoverallresultsforthewhole for each bin was the same for the line-band and continuum samplestudiedandcomparetheoccurrenceofSWCX withthe lightcurves. Therefore the same exposure-correction factor for solar cycle. In Section 4 we describe fitting spectral models to anindividualbinwasappliedtobothlightcurvesinthisstep.We cases of SWCX enhancement data. In Section 5 we discuss in keepbinsofthelightcurvewithatleast60%ofthefullexposure moredetailseveralofthoseobservationsaffectedbySWCX.In forthatbinandrejecttheremainingbins(incontrasttoPaperI Section 6 we describe a modelof the expectedX-ray emission whenwekeptallbinswithatleast40%exposure).Lightcurves using the orbitof XMM-Newton and the solar wind conditions wererejectedfromfurtheranalysisiftheywerelessthan5ksin atthetimeoftheobservation.Wefinishwithourdiscussionand length. By increasing the strictness of the bin coveragethresh- conclusionsinSection7. olds,wereducedtheincidenceoftypeIerrors(thoseincorrectly labelled detections), but ran the risk of increasing the number ofcasesthatwereincorrectlylabelledasnon-detections(i.e.not 2. Dataanalysis showing a deviance from the null hypothesisof a linear fit be- Allobservationaldatausedinthisstudyareavailablethroughthe tween the line-band and continuum (type II errors). We scaled XSAwhereweextracttheOriginalDataFiles(ODF).We con- eachlightcurvebyitsmeantoproduceadjustedlightcurves.The siderobservationstakenbytheEPIC-MOS(Turneretal.2001) countratesfortheline-bandandthecontinuumbandwerethen cameras (MOS1 and MOS2) using the full-frame mode only. always of the same orderwhich facilitated the identificationof Thereforetheobservationsusedprovidedanevensampleacross the mission and the event list data from the cameras could be 2 http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xmm/xmmhp xmmesas.html J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 3 periods of enhancementin the line-band lightcurve. An exam- Table1.Highestrankedobservationbyχ2.Thoseobservations µ pleofthecombined-MOSlightcurveadjustmentprocesscanbe with severe residual soft proton contamination have been ex- foundinFigure1(panelstop-left,top-rightandbottom-left). cluded. We plotted a scatter plot between the two bands (using the adjustedline-bandasthedependentvariable),showninFigure1 Revn. Obsn. χ2 Comment µ (bottom-right).Alinearmodelfittoeachscatterplotwascom- 0369 0103461101 856.7 CometC2000WM1(LINEAR) puted using the IDL procedure, linfit, which minimises the χ2 0808 0164960101 226.6 CometC2001Q4(Neat) statistic. 0342 0085150301 27.2 PaperI&Carteretal.(2010) Wecomputedthereduced-χ2forthefit,hereafterreferredto 0209 0093552701 23.0 PaperI 1014 0305920601 15.0 PaperI as χ2, by dividing the χ2 by the number of bins minus one, to µ 0690 0149630301 14.1 PaperI accountfor the reduction in the numberof degreesof freedom 0623 0150610101 13.5 Newcase made by fitting a linear modelto the data. A high χ2 indicates µ 1177 0406950201 13.3 Comet73p thatasignificantfractionofthepointsdeviatesignificantlyfrom 0339 0054540501 13.2 Newcase the bestfit line. We expectedthese cases wouldbe morelikely 0422 0113050401 12.7 Newcase toshowvariableSWCX-enhancement.Inadditionwecomputed the χ2 valuesfor each individuallightcurvein termsof the de- viationfromthemeanofthatlightcurve.Wecalculatedtheratio method described in this paper tested only for variable SWCX between the line-band and continuum χ2 values to add to our onshorttimescales.SpectralanalysisofsuspectedSWCXcases diagnostic(hereafterdenotedasR ). wasthereforeonlypossiblewhenaclearline-bandenhancement χ 3012 observations made up the final sample to be used periodcouldbeidentifiedduringthedurationoftheobservation. for further analysis. The results from Paper I showed us that We find 103 observations in our sample that show indica- those observations exhibiting both high χ2 and high R were tions of a time-variable exospheric SWCX enhancement, that µ χ mostlikelytoshownear-Earthtime-variableSWCXsignatures. are not excluded from consideration based on the reasons de- Observationsthatfulfilledthesecriteriawereconsideredforfur- scribed above. All of these cases had a χ2 value greater than µ theranalysis,spectrally,temporallyandwithregardtotheorien- or equal to 1.2 and a R value of greater than or equal to 1.0. χ tationofXMM-Newton. These cases make up only ∼20% of all observations that have values of χ2 and R above these thresholds, indicating that al- µ χ though the values of χ2 and R are indicators of a SWCX- 3. Globalresults µ χ enhancement, considerable inspection of an observation on a Allobservationsin ourfinalsample,afteranyrejectionsasde- case-by-casebasisisstillrequired.Themajorityofcasesinthe scribed below, were ranked by χ2. The two highest ranked ob- wholesample havea R valueless than1,indicatingthatthere µ χ servationswereobservationsofcomets.Althoughresolvedpoint is more variation seen in the continuum compared to the line- sourceshavebeenremoved,cometaryX-raysarediffuseandwill band.Thecontinuumincorporatesthebreakenergyat∼3.2keV likely be spread over a large fraction, if not all of the field of inthetwo-powerlawmodelsofresidualsoftprotoncontamina- view. We assume that the dominant variations in the line-band tion (Kuntz&Snowden2008). For higherintensity soft-proton lightcurve that result in such high ranking are due to SWCX flares,theslopeofthepower-lawbecomesflatter.Thereforethe emission occurring within the cometary coma and not to any higherenergyandwidercontinuumwillhaveagreatervariance emissionoccurringwithinthevicinityoftheEarth.We discuss thanthesofter,narrowerline-bandduetothepresenceofunfil- thecometarycasesinSection3.3. teredresidualsoftprotons. Afterrankingtheobservations,wewereabletostudythose Thetop10observationsasrankedbyχ2 aregiveninTable1 µ thatexhibitedthehighestχ2µ andRχ inmoredetailonacaseby (excludingthose observationsthathad beenrejectedfromcon- casebasis. sideration). Three of these top ten result from cometary obser- Observationswere examinedfor residualpointor extended vations, four were identified in the work presented in Paper I sources that may contribute to the high variations in the line- andthreearenew observationsdiscoveredduringthisanalysis. band. Extended or diffuse residual sources that remain in the Manyofthehighestrankedcaseshadpreviouslybeenidentified field ofviewwillnotaffectthisdetectionmethodprovidingno in the literature. It is our intention to make the full ranked list inherent variation occurs within these sources, as expected for ofobservationsusedinthisanalysispublicallyavailableonline sources outside the solar system, in either one of the bands. in the future, most probably through the XMM-Newton EPIC Cases were also examined for residual soft proton contamina- BackgroundWorkingGroup(BGWG)3.Weincludeasummary tion. Although the files used in this analysis have been filtered tablelistingtheSWCXcasesinTableA.1. for periods of soft proton flaring, residual contamination may Ascatterplotofχ2versusR isgiveninFigure2.Thoseob- µ χ remain.Excessivescatterduetoresidualsoftprotoncontamina- servationsexhibitingbothhighχ2 andhighR butwhichdonot tionimpedestheabilitytoidentifyperiodsofexosphericSWCX µ χ showclearSWCXsignatures(i.e.anenhancementinthemean- andwillresultinsometypeIIerrorsinoursample.Also,ifexo- adjustedline-bandlightcurvecomparedtothatofthecontinuum) sphericSWCXoccursthroughouttheentiretyoftheobservation havebeenrejectedfromfurtheranalysis.We discussthe detec- little ornovariationcanbeseeninthelineband,resultingina tion methods of SWCX cases in the literature, other than by a rejectionofthis case. Excessiveandsimultaneousvariationsin searchforatime-variablelow-energycomponentinSection3.2. boththe line-bandand continuumwillresultin a highχ2 yeta µ CometaryX-rayemissionisdiscussedinSection3.3. lowvalueofR .Weconcentrateouranalysisthereforeoncases χ InFigure3weplotthetotalnumberofobservationsandthe thatexhibitbothhighχ2µandhighRχ. fraction of observations that show SWCX enhancements, ver- Forsomeobservationswithshortlightcurves,itwasimpos- sus the GSE-X position of XMM-Newton at the mid-point of sible to identify any time-periods of boosted line-band emis- eachobservation.WecanseefromthisfigurethatXMM-Newton sion(theputativeSWCXenhancementperiods).Theseobserva- tionsweredisregardedasSWCX-enhancementcases.Also,the 3 http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/external/xmm sw cal/background 4 J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 0.4 1.0 -1ct s) 0.3 0.8 e ( unt rat e (ks) 0.6 d co 0.2 osur e p ust Ex 0.4 dj a n- 0.1 o 0.2 N 0.0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (hrs) Time (hrs) 1.8 χ2 : 10.6 µ -1s) Rχ : 4.8 -1s) 1.5 d (ct 1.6 ct an ate ( ne b 1.4 nt r 1.0 e, li d cou nt rat 1.2 e u Adjust 0.5 sted co 1.0 u dj 0.8 A 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Time (hrs) Adjusted count rate, continuum (ct s-1) Fig.1.Lightcurvecorrectionprocedureexampleforobservationwithidentifier0150680101(line-band(black),continuum(red)for panelstop-leftandbottom-left).Topleft:examplelightcurvesshowingapeakintheline-bandthatisnotreflectedinthecontinuum. Topright:exposurecoverageforeachbin,thethresholdat60%ismarkedbythereddashedline.Bottomleft:lightcurvesafterthe adjustmentsforexposurecorrectionandscalingbythemean.Bottomright:examplescatterplotforthisobservation. off distance, at approximately 10R . The XMM-Newton line- E of-sight for these cases traversed the subsolar region (sunward 800 n 600 side) of the magnetosheath,as expectedaccording to the mod- s ob 400 ellingworkofRobertsonetal.(2006).XMM-Newtonviewingis No. 200 constrainedbythefixedsolarpanelsandlimitsimposedtoavoid 0 directlyobservingtheSun,MoonandEarthandisonlyableto 100.0 viewthesunwardsideofthemagnetosheathatcertaintimesof theyear(Carter&Sembay2008). We also consider the seasonal variation of the occurrence 10.0 of SWCX in this sample. 64 SWCX cases occurredduring the χ2µ summermonths(ApriluntilSeptemberinclusive)and39during thewinter(OctoberuntilMarch).MoreexosphericSWCXcases 1.0 areexpectedinthesummermonths,asviewedbyXMM-Newton (Carter&Sembay2008). 0.1 0.1 1.0 10.0 0 200 400 600 800 Rχ No. obsn 3.1.Relationshipwiththesolarcycleandsolarwind Fig.2. χ2 versus R . Red filled circles indicate those observa- µ χ InFigure4weplotthesolarsunspotnumber4fromthelatterhalf tions with time-variable SWCX signatures. Histograms of the of Solar Cycle 23 and mark the times at which XMM-Newton χ2 andR valuesareshowninthesidepanels(usinga binsize µ χ observationswithknownSWCX(thispaper,paperIandXMM- of0.25). Newtonexospheric-SWCXcasesintheliterature)occurred.We plot a histogram of the number of SWCX cases per half year, to remove any bias resulting from the seasonal constraints on is preferentially found on the subsolar side of the Earth when pointing angle experienced by XMM-Newton. Each histogram SWCX enhancementsoccur. In addition, the largest bin of the fractional plot occurs around the nominal magnetopause stand 4 http://www.sidc.be/index.php J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 5 500 0.10 portionoftheirsetaffectedtodifferentdegreesbySWCXemis- sion.Bautzetal.(2009)inferredSWCX-enhancementsinobser- et vationsbySuzakutowardstheclusterAbell1795afterexamina- 400 0.08CX s tionofalow-energylightcurverevealedpeakscoincidentintime W with enhancements in the solar wind proton flux as measured S 300 0.06n by ACE. Henley&Shelton (2010) used a large set of XMM- bsn sn i NewtonobservationstocompareintensitiesfromOviiandOviii o b No. 200 0.04no. o lTinheesyffironmd nseotsunoifvoerbssaelrvaastsioocnisatwiointhbtehtewseaemneentahragnectepdoiSnWtinCgXs. of n emission and the closeness of the the line-of-sight to the sub- o 100 0.02acti solar region of the magnetosheath. In this paper we do see a Fr tendencyforXMM-Newtontobeclusteredaroundthesub-solar regionfortheSWCXcases,asdiscussedinSection3. 0 0.00 OneoftheHenley&Shelton(2010)SWCX-enhancedcases -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 GSE-X (R ) is part of the data set used in this paper, however this was not E detected by our method as no discernable variability occurred Fig.3.Totalnumberofobservations(black)versusGSE-X po- duringtheobservation.CasesofSWCXoccurringintheEarth’s sitionandthefractionofobservationsdetectedwithexospheric exosphere,identified by detectingtime-variableemission, have SWCXenhancements(red). alsobeenobservedbySuzaku(Fujimotoetal.2007;Ezoeetal. 2010).Carteretal.(2010)useda previousobservationofa tar- er 200 getfieldtoconstrainthediffuseX-rayemissioninherenttothat b m 150 lookdirectiontocalculatethestrengthofSWCXemissionlines u pot n 100 adsastoacsieattepdrewseinthteadCinMthEepparsessienngtipnaptheercvoicnitnaiitnysoafnthuemEbearrtohf.pTrhee- s 50 n viously knowncases of SWCX, however,not all of these were u S 0 timevariableandthereforewerenotpickedupbythetechnique 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 usedhere.Theydidhoweverbecometests oftheabilityofthis ear 0.12 Year methodtoidentifySWCX-affectedobservations.Onelimitation alf y 0.10 12 136 SWuinmtemre r of this technique is that SWCX emission occurring at an ap- per h 0.08 188 184 143 praryoxeimmiastseiloynstweaildlynsottatbeeasidpeanrttifioefda.nyInqaudiedsictieonnt,gaenoycoorbosnearlvXed- CX 0.06 128 159238 169 quiescent heliospheric SWCX will in general be several times W 0.04 198 Fract. S 00..00202000 2002 2107034 156 2108006189157169210806817272 3 2010 tAshtrleothinnogcuergrehathsaeacdnoimanntbyeignqraauttiiioeosnncoelfenntteggctehhonsciioqnruvoeonslavwleodXu(-lCrdarybaeveeimdneissaeslit,otanhl.,is2di0us0en1to)ot. Year possibleforthevastmajorityofsingleXMM-Newtonpointings. The greatest advantage of this method is that observations are Fig.4. Top panel: sunspot number versus time. Bottom panel: considered on an individual basis. An XMM-Newton user can the coloured histogram of the fraction of observationsaffected makeajudgementastowhetherextracautionisrequiredwhen by exospheric SWCX is binned into six month periods (blue - analysingtheirresultsforpossibleSWCX-contamination. summer, black - winter). The total number of all observations foreachperiodisnotedabovethebin. 3.3.Cometaryemission bin starts at the start of summer (1st April) or start of winter CometHyakutakewasthefirstcometwhoseX-rayemission,as (1stOctober).AsexpectedforcasesofexosphericSWCX,there observedbyROSATandRXTE(Lisseetal.1996),wasassigned aremorecasesattimesofhighsolaractivityaroundsolarmaxi- to the SWCX emission process (Cravens 1997). This SWCX mumthanwhenapproachingsolarminimum.Also,forthecases emissionoccursfromtheinteractionofthesolarwindwithneu- from 2002 onwardsand approachingsolar minimum,we see a tralspeciesthatoutgasfromthecometasitenterstheinnerso- higherproportionofSWCXcasesinthesummersix-monthpe- lar system, and the amount of out-gassing is dependent on the riodcomparedtothewinterperiod,forthesame year.Thesig- comet’sdistancefromtheSun.Theseneutralspeciesaremainly nificanceof thistrendhowevershouldnotbe overstateddue to water and its dissociation products.The SWCX emission must thelownumberofcasesineachbin. occurincometaryregionswherephotoionisationanddestruction of the neutralspecies can occur.Water and hydroxylions have shortlifetimeswhenexposedtosolarUVphotonsandtherefore 3.2.Multiplepointingsoftargetfields survive the longest in the coma interior, whereas the dissocia- tionproductsofwater(alongwithCOprovidingthecomethasa Multiplepointingstowardsthesametargetallowonetocompare sufficientlyhighcarbonabundance)cansurvivefurtherintothe diffuseandextendedemissionspectralmodelsthatmayexhibit outer coma regions. A detailed description of X-ray emission spectralvariationsindicativeofSWCXcontamination.Thelong from comets, primarily using data from the Chandra observa- termenhancementsoftheROSATall-skymaps,whichweresub- tory,canbefoundinBodewitsetal.(2007);Bodewits(2007). sequentlyattributedto SWCX, werefirstidentifiedbycompar- isons between fields (Snowdenetal. 1995). Kuntz&Snowden SeveralXMM-Newtonobservationsofcometswereincluded (2008) examined multiple XMM-Newton observations of the inthesampleinthispaper.Theχ2µ andRχvaluesforthecomets HubbleDeepField,amongstothertargets,andidentifiedapro- are given in Table 2. The highest overall values of χ2 and R µ χ 6 J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII Table 2. XMM-Newton observation of comets within the data 25 set. 1200 -20) 1 x R02e0v9n. O01b0s3n4.60901 NMacmNeaught-Hartley χ1.2µ5 R1.χ0 1000 206+O ( 00376199 00110631476610110011 CC2o0m0e0tW2pM(E1n(cLkIeN)EAR) 28.506.7 12.959.9 -1s s) 800 157+nd O/ 0720 0113041301 C2001Q4(Neat) 1.2 0.9 e (ct 70) a 01810787 00146046996500120011 CC2o0m0e1tQ734p(Neat) 1232.63.6 1374.92.77 unt rat 600 10-1s x 1 Co -2m 400 c x ( u occurredduringobservationsofcomets.Exampleline-bandand 5 n fl 200 o continuumlightcurvesfrom comet C2001 Q4 (Neat) (observa- Prot tion 0164960101) are shown in Figure 5, where the line-band 0 0 lightcurve clearly dominates and is highly variable. Also, an 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 earlier observation of the same comet exhibited very different Time (hr) values of χ2 and R . Although the upwind solar wind moni- µ χ Fig.5. Lightcurve from comet C2001 Q4 (Neat) that resulted tor Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE level 2, combined in the highest χ2 values (black - SWCX band, red - contin- instrumentdata, Stoneetal. (1998)) protonflux, also shown in µ uum band). The time axis is given in hours since the start of this graph,is steady andnotremarkablein intensity,the comet the XMM-Newton lightcurves. The solar wind proton flux as will more likely be sampling solar wind that originates from a recordedbyACEisgiveninblue.TheO7+toO6+ratioisplotted differentlocationin the solar corona.In Figure 5 we have also usingtheprotonaxisandisshownbythebluedashedline. plotted the O7+ to O6+ ratio, using data from the ACE SWICS instrument.Thisratiovariesslightlyoverthelengthoftheobser- vationbutanyfluctuationsarenotreflectedintheXMM-Newton evidence of SWCX enhancement. Therefore, we have no rea- line-bandlightcurve,furtherimplyingthatthecometissampling sontorejectthisobservationfromtheSWCXset.Wewerecon- a different solar wind to that seen by ACE. The solar wind is cerned that the planet’s movementthroughand possibly outof a collisionless plasma and so its ion composition remains un- thefieldofviewmayhavecausedthiseffect.However,thedom- changedasitflowsawayfromtheSun.SignaturesofSWCXoc- inantmovementisinrightascensionwithamaximumspeedof curringthroughoutthesolarsystemcanthereforebeusedtoin- 8arcsecondsperhour(Branduardi-Raymontetal.2010),result- ferthecompositionofthesolarwind,whichvariesconsiderably inginashiftofonly0.78arcminutesoverthecourseofthe21ks throughoutthesolarcycleandwithsolarlatitude.Ascometary observation. In addition, resolved sources have been removed orbitsarenotrestrictedtotheeclipticplanetheyareidealloca- fromthefieldofviewasforallotherobservations. tionstostudycompositionalsignaturesfromsolarwindoriginat- ingfromavarietyofsolarwindlatitudes(Dennerletal.1997). 4. Spectralanalysis Bodewitsetal. (2007) was able to use cometaryX-rays to dis- tinguishemissionresultingfromthreesolarwindtypes:thecold We continue our study by observing the spectral signatures of and fast wind, the warm and slow wind and the warm and dis- new SWCX cases identified in this paper and in Paper I. We turbed wind. A more complete discussion of cometary X-ray omitthoseSWCXobservationsthathavebeencomprehensively emissionisbeyondthescopeofthispaper. investigatedintheliteratureyetshownotemporalvariabilityin our tests. We also omitobservationsof comets. This set of ob- servationswhichwehaveusedforfurtherstudythroughoutthis 3.4.Planetaryemission paper is hereafter known as the SWCX set and comprises 103 We include within the SWCX set an observation of the planet observations. Saturn, taken on 1st October 2002. This observation has been TheScienceAnalysisSystem(SAS)software(version9.0.0; comprehensivelyanalysedbyBranduardi-Raymontetal.(2010) http://xmm.esac.esa.int/external/xmm data analysis/) was used whoattributetheX-rayfluxtoemissionfromtheplanetarydisk, to produce spectral products and instrument response files for producedbythescatteringofsolarX-raysandanadditionalflu- all observations of the SWCX set. The SAS accesses instru- orescentemissionlineofoxygenat∼0.53keVoriginatingfrom mentcalibrationdatainso-calledcurrentcalibrationfiles(CCFs) therings.ThisobservationwaspreviouslystudiedbyNessetal. which are generally updated separately from SAS release ver- (2004) but they did not investigate any low-energy variability. sions.InthispaperweusedthelatestpublicCCFsreleasedasof We find a high χ2 (2.9) and R (2.3) in our time variability February2010. µ χ testandadistinctstepintheline-bandlightcurve,indicativeof Foreachexospheric-SWCXcaseweextractedspectraforthe a SWCX enhancement, after the same filtering steps as to all EPIC-MOS cameras for the suspected SWCX-affected period other data sets have been applied, including source exclusion and for the suspected SWCX-free period. The SWCX-affected to remove emission from the planet and planetary exosphere. period was when the enhancement in the line-band lightcurve The initial source exclusion radius equates to ∼ 3.7R . was judged (however not by a formal mathematical argument) Saturn Spectra from this observation were extracted from event files to have occurred.The enhancementcould have occurredat the thathadbeenadditionallyfilteredwithalargerextractionregion beginning,middleorendoftheobservation.Theremainingtime of ∼ 10.6R . Even after this additional source extraction periodsin the observationmadeuptheSWCX-free period.We Saturn stepthelightcurveproductionprocedureyieldsmetricsofχ2and usedeventsfromacircularextractionregion,centredondetector µ R of3.1and2.4respectively.TwolaterobservationsofSaturn coordinatepositions(DETX,DETY=-50,-180),withanextrac- χ taken in 2005 were included within our sample but showed no tion radiusof 16000detectorunitsor 13.3arcminutes.We also J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 7 Table3.Principleionspeciesemissionlinesusedinthemodel, plusanyminoremissionlineenergiesused(seetext). 8 7 Ion Energy(keV) Minorenergies(keV) Cv 0.299 0.304,0.308,0.354,0.379 6 Cvi 0.367 0.436,0.459,0.471 es 5 s Nvi 0.420 0.426,0.431,0.523 ca Nvii 0.500 0.593,0.625,0.640,0.650 o. 4 N Ovii 0.561 0.569,0.574,0.713,0.666,0.698,0.723 3 Oviii 0.653 0.775,0.817,0.837,0.849 Nex 1.022 2 Mgxi 1.330 1 Sixiv 2.000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 X-ray flux (keV cm-2 s-1 sr-1) appliedtheflagandpatternselectionexpression’#XMMEA EM Fig.6.Histogramoftotalspectrallyfittedfluxbetween0.25and &&PATTERN<=12&&FLAG==0’.Thispatternselectionse- 2.5keVfortheSWCXset. lectseventswithinthewholevalidX-raypatternlibraryforthe EPIC-MOS and the flag selection removes events from or ad- WeusedVersion12.5.0oftheXSPEC5X-rayspectralfitting jacenttonoisypixelsandknownbrightcolumns.We produced packagetoperformthisanalysis.Wefittedthemodeltoeachdif- instrumentalspectralresponsefilesforeachperiod.Theinstru- ference spectrum by minimisingthe χ2 statistic. We calculated ment effective area files were calculated assuming the source the modelled flux and 1-sigma errorson the flux between 0.25 flux is extended, filling the field of view and with no intrinsic and2.5keVforeachEPIC-MOSinstruments.Thekeywordgiv- spatialstructure. ing the area collected in the spectral extraction (BACKSCAL) was converted into units of steradians and used to convert 4.1.Spectralmodelling the individual flux values to units of keVcm−2s−1sr−1. Fluxes presented here onwards are for a combined error weighted- We knew from the work of Carteretal. (2010) that exospheric average EPIC-MOS flux. The error on the flux was calculated SWCX can occur throughout the entirety of an observation, fromthe individualflux errors,combinedin quadrature.A his- although the line-band lightcurve may show an enhanced and togramof the total spectrally fitted flux for each of the SWCX a steady-state period. We used the spectra from the apparent set can be seen in Figure 6. The minimum flux we observed SWCX-affected period as the source spectra and that from the for a SWCX case was 2.2keVcm−2s−1sr−1 (observation id. apparentSWCX-freeperiodasthebackgroundtoproduceadif- 0112490301)and the maximum 50.1keVcm−2s−1sr−1 (obser- ferencespectrum.Thedifferencespectrumthereforeprovidesa vationid.0085150301,Carteretal.(2010)). lower limit to the SWCX enhancement that has occurred dur- Therelativestrengthsofthecomponentlinestothe SWCX ing an observation. Providing the particle-induced background spectral model varied considerably within the SWCX set. is reasonably constant over the duration of the observation (at Individual line fluxes were calculated by finding the best fit most±10%(DeLuca&Molendi2004))thisfactorwillbeelim- modelusingalllines,asdescribedabove,thensettingotherline inated.Aninspectionofthedifferencespectrawasmadeforen- normalisationstozeroinXSPEC.Thefluxfortheindividualion ergies above 2.5keV, to check for the presence of significant speciescontributionwascalculatedintherange0.25to2.5keV. variable residual soft-proton contamination. Each SWCX-case HighO7+ to O6+ andmagnesiumto oxygenratiosare used showedacountratestatisticallyconsistentwithzeroabovethis asindicatorsofthepresenceofCMEplasma(Zhaoetal.2009; energy. Richardson&Cane2004;Zurbuchen&Richardson2006).Ovii We modelled the resulting difference spectrum for each is the dominantSWCX ion-speciesin the majority of cases. In SWCXcasewithastandardmodelofemissionlines.Thespec- Figure 7 we plot the ratio of the fluxes of the lines Mgxi/Ovii trum from MOS1 and MOS2 were fitted simultaneously, al- to Oviii/Ovii (using those oxygen transitions available to us thoughaglobalnormalisationparameterfortheMOS2spectrum within our X-rayspectral band).To look for plasma signatures was allowed to vary.The relativeline strengthsfor a particular with the highest charge states we only plot those cases where ionspeciesbelow1keV,forexampleOvii(whichinvolvesseven the normalisation of the numerator in the ratio is well con- separatetransitionsincludingtheOviitriplet),weresetusingthe strained. Three observationsare constrained to have both a ra- velocitydependentcross-sectionsoflaboratorychargeexchange tio of Mgxi/Ovii > 0.6 and Oviii/Ovii > 1.0. One of these collisions between highly charged ion and atomic hydrogen, (withidentifier0085150301)wastheobservationpreviouslyas- as found in Bodewits (2007). We assumed a solar wind speed signed to a passing CME and described in Carteretal. (2010). of 400kms−1 forthese cross-sections.We also addedemission These observations are therefore possible candidates for hav- lines from Nex at 1.022keV, Mgxi at 1.330keV and Sixiv at ing observed CME plasma with XMM-Newton and are listed 2keV.Theremaybeemissionfromotherionspeciespresentin in Table 4. We quote the lower limit to the ratio in the case thespectra,such asfromhighlychargedironor aluminium(as wheretheOviifluxisbadlyconstrained,i.e.veryweak.Inthis seeninCarteretal.(2010)),butwewishedtosimplifythemodel tablewealsoquotethemeanvalueoftheO7+ toO6+ ratiodur- appliedtoageneralcaseandthedominantSWCXemissionlines ing the period of the observation, using values taken from the are found below 1keV. We fixed the relative normalisationsof ACE SWICS instrument. This data was only available in two the minor transitionsto that of the principaltransitionfor each of the cases in the table. As ACE is foundat Lagrangianpoint ionspecies.Theprincipal,dominanttransitioninthecaseofCv, L1,wehavetime shiftedthe solarwinddatatoaccountforthe NviandOviiistheforbiddenlinetransition.Theprincipalion transitionsusedinthismodellingcanbeseeninTable3. 5 http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xanadu/xspec/index.html 8 J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII Table 4. SWCX set observations exhibiting the highest Mgxi/OviiandOviii/Oviiratios,orthelowerlimit(95%con- fidence) to this ratio when Ovii is badly constrained. We also navoateilathbeleA, wCEithStWheICstSanmdeaardnvdaelvuieatoiofnthoefOth7i+stroatOio6+girvaetinoawshthene OVII 1.0 error. XI/ g M Revn Obsn Mgxi/ Oviii/ Mean s: e Ovii Ovii O7+/O6+ ux 0342 0085150301 2.5±1.9 8.3±6.4 0.58±0.54 o fl 0494 0109120101 ≥0.60 ≥2.26 1.53±0.83 ati R 0747 0200730401 ≥1.09 ≥2.49 ... 0.1 traveltime to Earth, based on the mean speed of the solar pro- 0.1 1.0 10.0 tons during the XMM-Newton observation. Expected O7+/O6+ Ratio fluxes: OVIII/OVII ratiosfortheslowandfastsolarwindare0.27and0.03respec- Fig.7.RatioofMgxi/OviitoOviii/Oviiwhereavailableforthe tively (Schwadron&Cravens 2000). Both of the observations SWCXset.Whereappropriatewemarkthelowerlimit(red). with ACE SWICS data surpass boththe nominalslow and fast values by a considerable margin and would suggest that ACE detected a CME plasma. Although the identification of CME plasma generally involves many more criteria to be satisfied, XMM-Newton could provide supplementary spectral evidence to studies employing in-situ dedicated solar wind monitors in -1sr) 40 thefieldofsolarsystemspacescience. -1s To test if any relationship exists between the flux of the -2m c SWCX linesandincreasedsolarwindflux,weplotinFigure8 eV 20 the observed flux versus the difference in the mean solar wind k protonflux(asmeasuredbyACE)betweentheSWCX-affected ux ( and SWCX-free periods. We have again time-shifted the ACE y fl a data to account for the distance between L1 and the Earth. X-r 0 Although there is considerable scatter amongst these values, there is a positive correlation between line flux and solar wind proton flux. We include in the plot the linear fit as found by the IDL procedure linfit. Proton flux, for our SWCX set, is a 0 50 100 Solar wind proton flux ( cm-2 s-1× 107) good indicator of the presence of SWCX-enhancement, if not thelevelofthisenhancement.Thisisincontrastwiththeresults Fig.8. Observed flux versus mean solar wind proton flux. The of Henley&Shelton(2010), whose SWCX cases were consid- reddottedlineindicatesalinearfittothedata. ered to be due to SWCX occurring within the heliosphere and thereforenocorrelationwouldbeexpectedbetweenanupstream solarwindmonitorandanySWCX enhancement.Heliospheric tothedata,asdescribedinSection4.Individualfluxesforase- SWCXisexpectedtovaryonlongertimescalesthanexospheric lectionofprominentlinesaregivenforeachcaseinTable5. SWCX and therefore will be harder to identify by the tech- niqueinthispaper.However,atcertaintimesoftheyearXMM- Newtonmayhavealine-of-sightthatpassesthroughthehelium – Observation0150610101(revolution0623) focusing cone, that could potentially produce a variable signal Theline-bandlightcurveshowsaperiodof enhancedcount in the line-bandthatmay bedetectableby thistechnique(vari- rateatthebeginningoftheobservation.TheACEsolarpro- ationsovera fewhours,(Koutroumpaetal.2007)).We discuss ton flux is raised at the beginningof the lightcurve and re- this possibility further in Section 6.1. The flux variations seen ducesasthelightcurveprogresses.Thedifferencespectrum withinourSWCXsetarethereforeduetolocalX-rayemission exhibitsemissionatOvii,Oviii,alongwithevidenceofcar- inthevicinityoftheEarth. bonemissionbelow0.5keV.Thefluxobservedbetween0.25 and2.5keVwas20.6keVcm−2s−1sr−1. – Observation0054540501(revolution0339) Theline-bandlightcurveshowsan enhancementduringthe 5. ExamplecasesofSWCXenhancement latter partof the observation,which is also observedin the In this section we comment on the three newly identified exo- ACE solar proton flux. The difference spectrum exhibits spheric cases from Table 1. Lightcurves for each, over-plotted emissionintheoxygenband,alongwithevidenceofcarbon with the solar proton flux as recorded by ACE, are given in emissionbelow0.5keV.Thefluxobservedbetween0.25and Figure9.Thesolarprotonlightcurveshavebeenadjustedforthe 2.5keVwas7.9keVcm−2s−1sr−1. distancebetweenACEandtheEarthbyaddingadelaybasedon – Observation0113050401(revolution0422) thedistancetoACEandthemeansolarprotonspeed,assuming Theline-bandlightcurveshowsaperiodof enhancedcount aplanarwavefronttravellingontheSun-Earthaxis.Wealsoplot rate at the beginning of the observation. A short enhance- a difference spectrum for each observation by combining data ment period is seen in the ACE solar proton flux and the frombothEPIC-MOScamerasandover-plotthebestfitmodel overallmagnitudeofthisfluxismuchhigherthantheother J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 9 two cases in this section. The flux observed between 0.25 – Using the magnetopause location as a guide, we approxi- and2.5keVwas25.9keVcm−2s−1sr−1. mate the position of the bow shock. We base the shape on asimpleparabolaandcalculatethebowshockstandoffdis- tance using the solar wind pressure and the relationship in 6. Modellingtheexpectedemissivity Khan&Cowley (1999). The magnetosheathand bowshock TheexpectedX-rayemissivityofSWCXemissionfromtheso- togetherdefinethemagnetosheathregion. lar wind interaction with the magnetosheath can be estimated – We create an Earth-centric square image for use in subse- fromthe integratedemission alongthe line-of-sightfor the ob- quentsteps.Thesidelengthoftheimageis200RE.Thisim- server.Wehavedevelopedamodel,applicabletolocalinterplan- ageisdividedintocells,withsidelength0.5RE.Themagne- etary space, to calculate this emission. We have not attempted topauseshapeisprojectedontothisimage.Weareabletouse toincludeanycontributionfromfurtherintotheheliosphere,as animageratherthanacubeduetotheassumptionmadepre- to increase the integration length would lead to greater uncer- viouslyregardingthesymmetryofthemagnetosheathshape tainty in the underlying parameters of the solar wind on large abouttheGSE-Xaxis. spatial scales. We assume that the solar wind parameters used – Wefindtheneutraldensityofhydrogenatomsforeachcell. inthemodelareapproximatelyconstant(excludingthemagne- WeusetheØstgaardetal.(2003)modelforneutralhydrogen tosheathregion)alongtheline-of-sight.Theemissivityexpected densityprofilesaroundtheEarth,butlimitthistoaminimum (Cravens2000)isgivenbytheexpression: densityof0.4cm−3(Fahr1971). – We determine the line-of-sightof the XMM-Newton point- P =αη η hgieVcm−3s−1 (1) ing through the grid by extracting the relevant information χ SW n fromtheODFandconvertingthepositionsandtargetpoint- whereαistheefficiencyfactordependentonvariousaspects ingdirectiontotheGSEcoordinatesystem. ofthechargeexchangesuchastheinteractioncross-sectionand – We find the velocityand density of the solar wind for each theabundancesofthesolarwindions,ηSW isthedensityofthe cell, (Spreiteretal. (1966), K.D. Kuntz private communi- solar wind protons, ηn is the density of the neutral species and cation). As the solar wind passes the bowshock and enters hgiistheirrelativevelocity. themagnetopauseitsdensityincreases(byaboutafactorof ForeachobservationunderstudyinpaperII,wewishtotest fourinthesubsolarregion,ascomparedtotheunperturbed whether any relationship exists between the total SWCX flux value),andthevelocitydropstoaboutonetenth. seenandthetheoreticalintegratedX-rayemissionalongtheline- – The value of α is dependent on the abundances of the ion of-sight(basedonEquation2,Cravens(2000)). species contributing to the charge exchange process, along with the cross-section and energy of each interaction with 1 ∞ F = P dseV cm−2s−1sr−1 (2) the neutral donor in the energy band of interest. The neu- 4πZ χ 0 tral donor is hydrogen in the geocoronalcase. The relative abundancesfoundin the solar wind varyconsiderablywith We take data describing the conditions in the solar wind solar wind state. The composition of the solar wind gener- from ACE (Level2 processed data, merged instrument data us- ally follows abundances seen in the photosphere, but can inghourlyaverages)atthetimeofeachobservation.Weneeded vary by up to a factor of about 2 (fast wind) or 4 (slow toapplyadelayto thesignalreceived,toaccountforthesepa- wind) for elements with first ionisation potential (FIP) be- rationbetweenACEandtheEarth.Thisdelaywillbetimevari- lowtheLyman-αlimitof10.2eV(Richardson&Cane2004, able and will depend on the speed and orientation of the solar and references therein). However, we use the slow solar wind.However,asafirstapproximation,wehavetakentheav- wind abundances for an ion species with respect to oxy- eragesolarprotonspeedofthedataandassumedaplanarwave- gen, as listed in Schwadron&Cravens (2000). We use an front travelling anti-sunward perpendicularto the GSE-X axis. oxygen to hydrogen ratio of 1/1780 for solar wind speeds Wecalculatethedelayrequiredforthewavefronttotravelfrom of ≤ 650kms−1 or 1/1550 for speeds above this threshold. ACEtotheEarth. For this modelling we consider contributions to the emis- Throughoutthisworkweassumeageocentricsolar-ecliptic sionfromtheprincipalandminortransitionsasdescribedin coordinatesystem(GSE),wherepositiveXisdirectedfromthe Section 4.1. Cross-sections for charge exchange transitions EarthtotheSun,positiveYopposesplanetarymotionandposi- are dependenton solar wind speed. We calculate an α map tiveZisparalleltothedirectiontowardsthenortheclipticpole. with the same dimensions and binning as that of the Earth Thenforeachtimebinofanobservation: gridandpopulatethismapwithvaluesofαdependingonthe – We extract the solar wind proton velocity and temperature speedof the solar wind,unperturbedoutside ofthe magne- fromtheACEdata,andfortheseparameterswecalculatea tosheathorperturbedinsidethemagnetosheathasdescribed thermal velocity and average speed, using Equations3 and above. 4. – Wemultiplythesolarwindvelocity,solarwinddensityand neutralhydrogendensitytogetherforeachofthecellsinthe ν = 3k T (3) line-of-sightandmultiplythisvaluebytheefficiencyfactor th b p αforeachcell.Thisistheemissivityofeachcell. hgi= ν2 +u2 (4) – Wesumallcellsintheline-of-sight,accountingforthenum- q th sw berofcellsincludedintheintegral,togivethevalueofthe – Weestimatethepositionofthemagnetopause,basedonthe emissivitymetric,approximatingEquation2. model of Shueetal. (1998). To do this we use information Therearesomeknownlimitationstothismodel,suchas: regarding the strength and direction of the interplanetary magneticfield(B component).Wecurrentlyassumethatthe – There are no magnetosheath cusps (increased density or z magnetopause shape is symmetrical about the GSE-X axis modifications to the velocity of the solar wind specific to andplacethemagnetopausestandoffdistancealongthisaxis. theseregions)includedintheSpreiterapproximation 10 J.A.Carteretal.:IdentifyingXMM-Newtonobservationsaffectedbysolarwindchargeexchange-PartII 0.40 140 0.35 120 70) -1s s) 0.30 100-1s x 1 Count rate (ct 00..2205 468000 -2Proton flux (cm 0.15 20 0.10 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Time (hr) 1.0 140 0.8 120 70) -1s s) 0.6 100-1s x 1 Count rate (ct 0.4 468000 -2Proton flux (cm 0.2 20 0.0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (hr) 1.0 140 120 0.8 70) -1s s) 100-1s x 1 Count rate (ct 00..46 468000 -2Proton flux (cm 20 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (hr) Fig.9.ExamplecasesofSWCXenhancement,for(toprow)observationid.0150610101,(middlerow)observationid.0054540501 and (bottom row) observationid. 0113050401.Each left-handpanelshows the line-band (black)and continuumband (red) non- mean-adjustedlightcurvesalongwiththesolarprotonflux(blue,right-handy-axis).ThesplitbetweentheSWCX-freeandSWCX- affected period is indicated by the dashed vertical line. In the right-hand panels we show the combined EPIC-MOS difference spectrumandthemodelfittedtothedataforeachcase(solidline). Table 5. Most prominent ion line fluxes for example cases. Fluxes are quoted in units of keVcm−2s−1sr−1. Upper limits (95% confidence)aregivenforveryweaklines. Revn Obsn Cvi Nvi Ovii Oviii 0623 0150610101 4.86±1.10 2.19±1.48 7.73±0.37 2.42±0.61 0339 0054540501 5.61±0.85 ≤3.50 11.73±0.27 4.74±0.41 0422 0113050401 9.05±0.41 ≤2.80 11.60±0.27 4.36±0.46

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