Identifying the QCD Phase Transitions via the Gravitational Wave Frequency Wei-jie Fu,1 Zhan Bai,2 and Yu-xin Liu2,3,4,∗ 1Institute of Theoretical Physics, School of Physics & Optoelectronic Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, P.R. China 2DepartmentofPhysicsandStateKeyLaboratoryofNuclearPhysicsandTechnology,PekingUniversity,Beijing100871,China 3Collaborative Innovation Center of Quantum Matter, Beijing 100871, China 4Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China We investigate the nonradial oscillations of newly born neutron stars (NSs) and strange quark stars(SQSs). Thisisdonewiththerelativisticnuclearfieldtheorywithhyperondegreesoffreedom employedtodescribetheequationofstateforthestellarmatterinNSs,andwithboththeMITbag modelandtheNambu–Jona-LasiniomodeladoptedtoconstructtheconfigurationsoftheSQSs. We findthatthegravitational-mode(g-mode)eigenfrequenciesofnewlybornSQSsareaboutoneorder 7 of magnitude lower than those of NSs, which is independent of models implemented to describe 1 the equation of state for the strange quark matter. Meanwhile the eigenfrequencies of the other 0 modes of nonradial oscillations, e.g., fundamental (f)- and pressure (p)-modes, are much larger 2 than those of the g-mode. In the light of the first direct observation of gravitational waves, it is n promising to employ the gravitational waves to identify the QCD phase transition in high density a strong interaction matter. J 2 PACSnumbers: 25.75.Nq,04.30.Tv,26.60.Kp,97.60.Bw ] h I. INTRODUCTION and the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) p at Dubna [15]. Indeed significant progresses have been - p made in recent years from experimental measurements, The first direct observation of gravitational waves e for instance, the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at h from a binary black hole (BH) merger on September RHIC[16–18],aimingtogetholdoftheexistenceandlo- [ 14, 2015 by LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo cationof the criticalend point (CEP)in the QCD phase Collaboration [1], has opened up a new era for the as- 1 diagram [18, 19]. The QCD phase structure, however, tronomy, viz. the gravitational wave astronomy. The v is far from being unveiled, because of the notorious sign potential high-frequency sources sought by earth-based 8 problem at finite chemical potential, which prevents the 1 gravitational-wave detectors, such as LIGO, VIRGO, first-principle lattice QCD simulations from getting ac- 4 GEO600, TAMA300, include not only the BH/BH 0 merger and ringdown,as the source of the gravitational- cesstohighdensityregime[20]. Inturn,thegravitational 0 waveeventGW150914[1],butalsothetidaldisruptionof wave astronomy provides a potential, new approach to . study the QCD at extreme densities. 1 a neutron star (NS) by its companion BH in NS/BH bi- 0 naries, spinning NSs, type-II supernovae,proto-neutron- Many observable differences have been proposed to 7 starsproducedbytheaccretion-inducedcollapseofwhite identify the QCD phase transitionin compactstars,i.e., 1 dwarfstars,etc.,formoredetailsaboutthegravitational- to distinguish SQSs from NSs. SQSs are found to have : v wavesources,see,e.g., Refs.[2,3]. Remarkably,NSs,be- largerdissipationrateofradialvibrations[21]andhigher i sides the BHs, are important sources of high-frequency bulk viscosity [22]. The cooling of SQSs is more rapid X gravitationalwaves. than that of NSs within the first 30 years [23]. It was r a Ontheotherhand,NSs,ascompactobjectsinthecos- found that the spin rate of SQSs can be much closer to mos, are ideal laboratories for physics in extreme envi- theKeplerlimitthanthatofNSs[24]. InRef.[25]three- ronments,suchasthestronggravitationalfields,QCDat dimensional relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of high density, high magnetic fields, etc., see, e.g., Ref. [4] the coalescence of SQSs are performed, and relevant fordetails. Infact,therehavebeenalongstandingdebate gravitational-wave signals are extracted in comparison whether the QCD phase transition takes place in the in- to NS coalescence. Recently, it has been found that the teriorofthesecompactstars,i.e., whetherstrangequark observation of old SQSs can set important limits on the stars (SQSs) are also potential candidates for them [5– scatteringcrosssectionsbetweenthelightquarksandthe 11]. To answer this question, one can, of course, resort bosonic non-interacting dark matter [26]. to earth-based heavy-ion collision experiments, such as We have studied the eigenfrequencies of the at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider (RHIC) [12, 13], gravitational-mode, i.e., the g-mode, oscillation of the LargeHadronCollider (LHC) at CERN[14], the Fa- newly born SQSs and NSs in Ref. [27], and found cility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI that the eigenfrequencies of SQSs are much lower than those of NSs, because the components of a SQS are almost extremely relativistic particles while nucleons in a NS are non-relativistic. Furthermore, simulations of ∗ [email protected] core-collapse supernovae have indicated that g-mode os- 2 cillations of the supernovae core may be excited [28, 29], Then Eq. (4) follows readily as and serve as efficient sources of gravitational waves [30– ∆ρ+ρ∇·ξ =0. (6) 33],formorerelateddiscussionsaboutthesimulationsof core-collapse supernovae, see e.g. [34, 35]. In this work For a stellar oscillation with an eigenfrequency ω, all weextendourstudiesinRef.[27]tonotonlyconsidering the perturbative quantities, i.e., ξ, δp, δρ, and δφ, are the hyperon degrees of freedom for the equation of dependent on time through a temporal factor e−iωt. In- state (EOS) of the matter in NSs but also including serting this factor into the EoM (in Eq. (2)), we arrive other nonradial modes, such as the f- and p-modes, at for comparison. Details about the calculations will be ∇(δp) δρ presented, and the dependence of the eigenfrequencies −ω2ξ =− − ∇φ−∇(δφ). (7) on different equations of state will also be discussed. ρ ρ The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II the non- Furthermore,wehavethelinearizedPoissonequationfor radial oscillations of a nonrotating, unmagnetized, and the gravitationalpotential, i.e., fluid star are briefly described. In Sec. III the model of newly born NSs is constructedand discussed. In Sec. IV ∇2δφ=4πGδρ, (8) we employ the MIT bag model to construct the config- urations of the newly born SQSs. In Sec. V we present where G is the gravitational constant. Eqs. (6)–(8) con- the numerical results and discussions. In Sec. VI the stitute a closed set of equations of nonradial oscillations Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model is adopted to described the for a nonrotating, fluid star. In the following we will EOS of state of the strange quark matter, and relevant rewrite those vectorial equations in component formal- calculatedresultsoftheg-modeeigenfrequenciesarepre- ism. Thetransversalcomponentofdisplacementξ⊥,i.e., sented. Section VII summarizes our conclusions. perpendicular to the radial direction, is easily deduced from Eq. (7), which reads II. NONRADIAL OSCILLATIONS OF A STAR ξ⊥ = ∇⊥(δp) + ∇⊥(δφ), (9) ω2ρ ω2 In this section, we reiterate briefly the nonradial os- with cillations of a nonrotating, unmagnetized, and fluid star 1 ∂ 1 ∂ (for details, see e.g., Refs. [36–38]). Assuming the equi- ∇⊥ = eθ+ eϕ. (10) r∂θ rsinθ∂ϕ librium configuration of the star to be spherically sym- metric, the pressure p , density ρ and the gravitational Substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (6), one arrives at 0 0 potentialφ arefunctionsofonlytheradialcoordinater. 0 ∆ρ 1 ∂ 1 1 A vector field of displacement ξ(r,t) describes the oscil- + (r2ξ )+ ∇2(δp)+ ∇2(δφ)=0, lations, and the Eulerian perturbations of the pressure, ρ r2∂r r ω2ρ ⊥ ω2 ⊥ density andthe potentialareδp, δρandδφ, respectively. (11) The Newtonian equation of motion (EoM) reads with ∂2ξ −∇p−ρ∇φ=ρ∂t2 , (1) ∇2⊥ = r2s1inθ∂∂θ (cid:18)sinθ∂∂θ(cid:19)+ r2s1in2θ∂∂ϕ22 . (12) where p = p +δp, as well as ρ and φ. Assuming the 0 perturbationsaresmall,andonlykeepinglineartermsof Both the δp and δφ in an eigenmode of the oscilla- the perturbations, we are led to tions can be factorized into products of a spherical har- monic Y (θ,ϕ) andaradialcoordinatedependent func- ∂2ξ lm −∇δp−δρ∇φ −ρ ∇δφ=ρ , (2) tion. Thus, for an eigenmode, Eq. (11) is simplified to 0 0 0∂t2 the following equation: where we have employed equilibrium equation, i.e., 1 ∂ l(l+1)δp l(l+1) ∆ρ −∇p0−ρ0∇φ0 =0. (3) r2∂r(r2ξr)− ω2r2 ρ − ω2r2 δφ+ ρ =0. (13) In a slight abuse of notation we employ p, ρ and φ to Considering the adiabatic sound speed c defined as s denote the equilibrium values from now on, rather than those with subscript 0. c2 ≡ ∂p = ∆p, (14) Furthermore,wehavecontinuityequationwhichreads s (cid:18)∂ρ(cid:19) ∆ρ adia δρ+∇·(ρξ)=0. (4) one has Here,it is moreconvenientto adoptthe Lagrangianper- ∆p (δ+ξ·∇)p ∆ρ= = turbations ∆, which is related with the Eulerian formal- c2 c2 s s ism through the following relation, i.e., δp−ξ gρ r = , (15) ∆=δ+ξ·∇. (5) c2 s 3 where we have employed the local gravitational acceler- For the convenience of numerical computations in the ation g ≡−∇φ. Inserting Eq. (15) into Eq. (13), we are following, we parameterize the displacement vector as: left with ξ =(ηrer+rη⊥∇⊥)Ylm(θ,ϕ)e−iωt. (24) ∂ g l(l+1) r2 δp (r2ξ )= (r2ξ )+ − ∂r r c2 r (cid:20) ω2 c2(cid:21)(cid:18) ρ (cid:19) Recalling Eq. (9), we have s s + l(l+1)δφ. (16) ξr(r,θ,ϕ,t)=ηr(r)Ylm(θ,ϕ)e−iωt, ω2 δp(r,θ,ϕ,t) The radialcomponentofthe EoMin Eq.(7) is readily rω2ρ =η⊥(r)Ylm(θ,ϕ)e−iωt. (25) obtained, which is given by Insertingthese twoequationsintoEqs.(16)and(21), we 1∂(δp) δρ ∂(δφ) obtain −ω2ξ =− − g− . (17) r ρ ∂r ρ ∂r dη gr η ω2r2 η r = −2 r + l(l+1)− ⊥ , (26) For the δρ, one has dr (cid:18)c2 (cid:19) r (cid:20) c2 (cid:21) r s s δρ=(∆−ξ·∇)ρ= ∆p −ξ dρ dη⊥= 1− ωB2V ηr + ωB2Vr −1 η⊥ . (27) c2 rdr dr (cid:18) ω2 (cid:19) r (cid:18) g (cid:19) r s ∆p ξ dp = − r Inordertodeterminetheeigenfrequencyofamodeofos- c2 c2dr s e cillations,onealsoneedstheboundaryconditionswhich, ρ δp 1 1 ρ in the stellar center, is given by = +g2 − (r2ξ ), (18) (cid:18)c2(cid:19)(cid:18) ρ (cid:19) (cid:18)c2 c2(cid:19)(cid:18)gr2(cid:19) r s e s η =Alrl−1, η =Arl−1 (r →0), (28) r ⊥ wherewehaveintroducedanothersoundspeed,i.e.,equi- librium sound speed c , defined by whereA is anarbitraryconstant,andis relatedwith the e amplitude of the oscillation. While at the outer surface dp dp/dr of the star, the Lagrangian perturbation of the pressure c2 ≡ = . (19) e (cid:18)dρ(cid:19) dρ/dr is vanishing, i.e., equi In the same time, we have ∆p=(δ+ξ·∇)p =(ω2rη −gη )ρ=0 (r =R). (29) ∂(δp) ∂ δp gρ δp ⊥ r =ρ − . (20) ∂r ∂r (cid:18) ρ (cid:19) c2 (cid:18) ρ (cid:19) In our calculations we employ the Newtonian hydro- e staticequations,ratherthanthoseofgeneralrelativity,to Substituting Eqs. (18) and (20) into Eq. (17), one is led determine the equilibrium configurations of newly born to NSs and SQSs, in order to coincide with Eqs. (16) and ∂ δp ω2−ω2 ω2 δp ∂δφ (21) or Eqs. (26) and (27). Then, the adiabatic, equilib- = BV (r2ξ )+ BV − , riumsoundspeed, c andc respectively,andthe Brunt- ∂r (cid:18) ρ (cid:19) r2 r g (cid:18) ρ (cid:19) ∂r s e Va¨is¨al¨a frequency ω can be obtained as functions of (21) BV the radial coordinate r. Solving the equations of nonradial oscillations with whereω istheBrunt-Va¨is¨al¨afrequency,whichisgiven BV Cowling approximation in Eqs. (26) and (27), together by with the boundary conditions in Eqs. (28) and (29), one 1 1 obtains three classes of modes of oscillations, which are ω2 =g2 − . (22) BV (cid:18)c2 c2(cid:19) the gravitational-mode(g-mode), fundamental-mode (f- e s mode), and the pressure-mode (p-mode), respectively. In the same way, the Poisson equation for perturba- Generally speaking, stellar oscillations of g-mode origi- tions of the gravitational potential in Eq. (8) can be re- nate from the buoyancy in the star and, thus, the eigen- formulated as frequencyofg-modeisintimatelylinkedtoBrunt-Va¨is¨al¨a frequency ω . f-mode and p-mode, however, result 1 ∂ ∂δφ ρ BV r2 =4πG ω2 (r2ξ ) from the pressure inside the star, and f-mode is in fact r2∂r (cid:18) ∂r (cid:19) (cid:20) BV (cid:18)gr2(cid:19) r a particular mode of p-modes, with the number of the ρ δp l(l+1)δφ radial node being zero. The eigenfrequencies of f-mode + + . (23) (cid:18)c2(cid:19)(cid:18) ρ (cid:19)(cid:21) r2 and p-mode are therefore related only with the sound s speed of the stellar matter. Of the three classes of oscil- Inthefollowingcalculations,weadoptthesocalledCowl- lation modes, g-mode is our main focus in the following, ingapproximation[39], i.e., neglectingtheperturbations becauseitmaybeasourceofthegravitationalwave[28– of the gravitationalpotential δφ. 33]. 4 III. MODELLING THE NEWLY BORN sors, which read NEUTRON STARS ω ≡∂ ω −∂ ω , (31) µν µ ν ν µ ρ ≡∂ ρ −∂ ρ , (32) µν µ ν ν µ In this section as well as those below, we will con- structmodels of newly bornNSs andSQSs,respectively. andta isthe Paulimatrices withtr(tatb)=δab/2. Inthe In comparison with ordinary NSs after cooling, such as meanfieldapproximation,the Diracequationforbaryon pulsars,newlybornNSsinacore-collapsesupernovafea- i follows readily as ture two significant properties: one is the high temper- iγ ∂µ−(m −g σ)−g γ0ω −g γ0t ρ Ψ =0, ature. The inner temperature of pulsars is of order of µ i σi ωi 0 ρi 3i 03 i 109K and below, while that of newly born NSs can be (cid:2) (cid:3) (33) higher than 1011K. The other is the high abundance of and thus, the dispersion relation for baryons reads neutrinos or leptons. In the first tens of seconds after the core bounce in a core-collapse supernova, neutrinos E = p2+m∗2+g ω +g ρ t , (34) i i ωi 0 ρi 03 3i and antineutrinos of different flavors are trapped in the q stellar matter of high temperatures and densities, since with effective mass theirmeanfreepathsaresmallerthanthesizeofNSs[40]. m∗ =m −g σ. (35) Herewewillnotdelveintotheevolutionandstructureof i i σi thenewlybornNSs,formoredetails,see,e.g., Refs.[41– and t is the 3-component of the isospin of baryon i. 3i 45]. In this work we extend our former calculations in The thermodynamicalpotentialdensity for baryonsin Ref. [27] to allow for the existence of hyperons, besides the formalism of RMF is given by nucleons. Afluidelementinsidethestarcanbedescribed by three independent variables, such as the baryon den- Ω =−T 2 d3k ln 1+e−(Ei∗(k)−µ∗i)/T sity ρB, the entropy per baryon S, and the lepton frac- B Xi Z (2π)3(cid:26) h i tionY =Y +Y (Y =ρ /ρ ). Surely,one canuse the electroLn fracetionνYe ini lieuiofBY , which are related with +ln 1+e−(Ei∗(k)+µ∗i)/T e L h i(cid:27) each other through beta equilibrium conditions. In our 1 1 calculationsweemploytherelativisticmeanfield(RMF) + m2σ2+ bm (g σ)3 theory at finite temperature to describe the interactions 2 σ 3 N σN 1 1 1 among baryons [4, 46], while assume all other compo- + c(g σ)4− m2ω2− m2ρ2 , (36) nents of the star to be non-interacting. The Lagrangian 4 σN 2 ω 0 2 ρ 03 density of the RMF is given by with temperature T and E∗ = (p2+m∗2)1/2. µ∗ is the i i i effective chemical potential, which is defined as L= Ψ¯i iγµ∂µ−(mi−gσiσ)−gωiγµωµ−gρiγµti·ρµ Ψi µ∗i =µi−gωiω0−t3igρiρ03. (37) Xi (cid:2) (cid:3) EmployingEq.(36), one caneasilyobtainother thermo- 1 + ∂ σ∂µσ−m2σ2 dynamical quantities, the number density, for instance, 2 µ σ (cid:0) (cid:1) reading 1 1 − 3bmN(gσNσ)3− 4c(gσNσ)4 ρ =−∂ΩB 1 1 i ∂µ − ω ωµν + m2ω ωµ i 4 µν 2 ω µ d3k =2 f(E∗(k))−f¯(E∗(k)) , (38) − 1ρ ·ρµν + 1m2ρ ·ρµ, (30) Z (2π)3h i i i 4 µν 2 ρ µ with the Fermi-Dirac distribution functions being 1 where Ψ (i = p,n,Λ,Σ±,0,Ξ−,0) are the baryon octet f(E∗(k))= , (39) i i exp[(E∗(k)−µ∗)/T]+1 fields, which interact through exchanging mesons with i i coupling strength gji (j refers to the meson σ, ρ and ω, f¯(E∗(k))= 1 . (40) i stands for the baryons). The isoscalar-scalar meson σ i exp[(E∗(k)+µ∗)/T]+1 i i provides attractive interactions between baryons, while And the entropy density is given by the isoscalar-vector meson ω accounts for repulsive in- teractions. The isovector-vector ρ meson distinguishes S =−∂ΩB between baryons with different isospin, and thus plays B ∂T a significant role in determining, e.g., the symmetry en- 2 d3k kdE∗(k) = E∗(k)+ i −µ∗ f(E∗(k)) eσr-gmyeosofnthiennEuqcl.ea(3r0m)aatrteera.lsNootimepthearattsievlef-itnotetrhaectcioornrsecotf TZ (2π)3Xi h(cid:16) i 3 dk i(cid:17) i descriptionofthe nuclearmatter inthe RMFformalism. + E∗(k)+ kdEi∗(k) +µ∗ f¯(E∗(k)) . (41) ω and ρ in Eq. (30) are the vector meson field ten- i 3 dk i i µν µν (cid:16) (cid:17) i 5 The pressure is given by To proceed, we summarize some thermodynamical quantities relevant to electrons, neutrinos and photons, pB =−ΩB all of which are assumed to be non-interacting in our d3k kdE∗(k) calculations. Furthermore, masses of electrons and neu- =Xi 2Z (2π)3 3 dik hf(Ei∗(k))+f¯(Ei∗(k))i trinos are also neglected. For the electrons, one has 1 1 1 1 − m2σ2− bm (g σ)3− c(g σ)4 ρ = µ3+π2µ T2 , (49) 2 σ 3 N σN 4 σN e 3π2 e e (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 1 1 7π4 + m2ω2+ m2ρ2 . (42) ε = µ4+2π2µ2T2+ T4 , (50) 2 ω 0 2 ρ 03 e 4π2 e e 15 (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 7π4 Moreover,the energydensity forthestronglyinteracting p = µ4+2π2µ2T2+ T4 , (51) e 12π2 e e 15 baryons takes the form: (cid:0) (cid:1) T 7π2 S = µ2+ T2 , (52) ε =TS + µ ρ −p e 3 e 15 B B i i N (cid:0) (cid:1) Xi which are the number density, energy density, pressure, d3k =Xi 2Z (2π)3Ei∗(k)hf(Ei∗(k))+f¯(Ei∗(k))i tarnodntchheemenitcraolppyodteenntsiiatyl., rFeosrpethcteiveelleyc,traonndnµeeuitsritnhoes,eolence- has 1 1 1 + m2σ2+ bm (g σ)3+ c(g σ)4 2 σ 3 N σN 4 σN 1 + 1m2ω2+ 1m2ρ2 . (43) ρνe = 6π2 µ3νe +π2µνeT2 , (53) 2 ω 0 2 ρ 03 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) 7π4 ε = µ4 +2π2µ2 T2+ T4 , (54) Inthemeanfieldapproximation,expectedvaluesofthe νe 8π2 νe νe 15 (cid:0) (cid:1) meson fields are determined through their stationarity 1 7π4 p = µ4 +2π2µ2 T2+ T4 , (55) conditions, i.e., νe 24π2 νe νe 15 (cid:0) (cid:1) T 7π2 ∂Ω ∂Ω ∂Ω S = µ2 + T2 , (56) B = B = B =0, (44) νe 6 νe 15 ∂σ ∂ω ∂ρ (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 03 with the chemical potential for electron neutrinos µ . which produce the following three equations of motion Since the chemical potentials for µ and τ neutrinos aνree for mesons: vanishing,wewillnotdistinguishbetweenthem, anduse ν to denote them. The thermodynamicalquantities rel- m2σ = g ρs−bm g3 σ2−cg4 σ3, (45) x σ σi i N σN σN evant to ν read x Xi m2ω = g ρ , (46) 7π2 7π2 7π2 ω 0 ωi i ε = T4, p = T4, S = T3. (57) Xi νx 60 νx 180 νx 45 m2ρ = g t ρ , (47) ρ 03 ρi 3i i At last, for photons we have Xi π2 π2 4π2 with the scalar density for baryons given by ε = T4, p = T4, S = T3. (58) γ 15 γ 45 γ 45 d3k m∗ ρs =2 i f(E∗(k))+f¯(E∗(k)) . (48) Summing up all the contributions of the components, i Z (2π)3Ei∗(k)h i i i we obtain the energy density, pressure, and the entropy densityofthestellarmatterofanewlybornNS,asgiven Now, it is left to specify the parameters in the RMF, by which are fixed by fitting the properties of nuclear mat- ter,includingthesaturationbaryonnumberdensityρ = 0 ε=ε +ε +ε +ε +ε , (59) 0.16fm−3, binding energy per nucleon E/A=−16MeV, B e νe νx γ effective mass of nucleon at ρ0 m∗N = 0.75mN with p=pB +pe+pνe +pνx +pγ, (60) mN = 938MeV, the incompressibility K = 240MeV, S′ =S +S +S +S +S , (61) B e νe νx γ and the symmetry energy E = 30.5 MeV. The ob- s tained parameters are given by (gσN/mσ)2=10.32fm2, respectively, where we save notation S for other use in (gωN/mω)2 = 5.41 fm2, (gρN/mρ)2 = 3.84 fm2, b = the following. Because ofthe high temperature andden- 6.97×10−3 and c=−4.85×10−3, respectively. For the sity inside a newly born NS, the timescale of arriving couplings between hyperons and mesons, we adopt the at a beta equilibrium is of order of ∼ 10−8s [47], being following relations: g = 0.7g , g =0.783g and much smaller than the period of the nonradial oscilla- σH σN ωH ωN g =0.783g , for more details, see e.g. Ref. [4]. tions about 10−4 ∼ 10−2s. Thus, it is reasonable to ρH ρN 6 assume that the stellar matter is always in beta equilib- the massive strange quark, we have rium, which entails that the chemical potentials for the baryon octets read ρ =6 d3k f(E (k))−f¯(E (k)) , (67) s Z (2π)3 s s (cid:2) (cid:3) d3k µi =µn−Qi(µe−µνe), (62) εs =6Z (2π)3Es(k) f(Es(k))+f¯(Es(k)) , (68) (cid:2) (cid:3) d3k kdE (k) with electric charge Q for baryon i. Therefore, we have p =6 s f(E (k))+f¯(E (k)) , (69) i s Z (2π)3 3 dk s s three independent chemical potentials, i.e., µ , µ , and (cid:2) (cid:3) n e µνe. Given a baryon number density ρB = iρi, an S = 6 d3k E (k)+ kdEs(k) −µ f(E (k)) electronabundanceYe oraleptonabundanceYPL,andan s T Z (2π)3h(cid:16) s 3 dk s(cid:17) s entropy per baryon S = S′/ρ , combined with the con- straintthatthe stellar matterBis electric chargefree, i.e., + Es(k)+ k3dEdsk(k) +µs f¯(Es(k)) , (70) Q ρ = 0 with j running over baryons and leptons, (cid:16) (cid:17) i j j j Pone can obtain the three independent chemical poten- withE (k)=(k2+m2)1/2 andthefermionicdistribution s s tialsandallotherthermodynamicalquantitiesmentioned function givenin Eqs. (39) and (40), but with the chem- above, by solving Eqs. (45)–(47) and (61). ical potential replaced by that of strange quarks. Ther- modynamics relevant to electrons, neutrinos, and ther- mal photons have already presented in the last section, and here what we need in addition are those related to gluons, which read IV. NEWLY BORN STRANGE QUARK STARS—IN MIT BAG MODEL 8π2 8π2 32π2 ε = T4, p = T4, S = T3, (71) g 15 g 45 g 45 In this section we employ the simplest model of the where interactions among gluons are neglected as well. strange quark matter, i.e., the MIT bag model [48, 49], Finally, one obtains the thermodynamical quantities de- todescribetheEOSofthematterinanewlybornSQS.A scribing the stellar matter of a newly born SQS as more sophisticated Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model descrip- tion, which incorporate the information of the dynami- ε= ε +ε +ε +ε +ε +ε +B, (72) i e νe νx γ g calchiralsymmetry breakingof QCD, will be delayedto (cid:16)i=Xu,d,s (cid:17) Sec.VI. Newly born SQS matter is usually assumed to be composed of three flavor quarks (u, d, and s), elec- p= pi +pe+pνe +pνx +pγ +pg−B, (73) trons, neutrinos, thermal photons and gluons. Parame- (cid:16)i=Xu,d,s (cid:17) ters in the bag model are chosen to be mu = md = 0, S′ = S +S +S +S +S +S , (74) m = 150MeV, and a bag constant B1/4 = 154.5MeV, i e νe νx γ g s (cid:16)i=Xu,d,s (cid:17) which,fortheSQSmatter,produceamassperbaryonof 928MeV,beingslightlysmallerthanthat931MeVinsta- where B is the bag constant. Similar with the stellar blest nucleus 56Fe, that is consistent with the conjecture matter of a newly born NS, strange quark matter in a on the strange quark matter [7]. For more discussions newly born SQS is also in beta equilibrium, leading to about the MIT bag model, see, e.g., Ref. [49]. the relations for the chemical potentials: To proceed, we present some thermodynamical quan- µ +µ =µ +µ , (75) titiesrelevanttothematterofnewlybornSQSs. Forthe e u d νe u and d quarks, since they are relativistic, i.e., massless, µ =µ . (76) s d one has Like in the NS case, in order to determine the equi- librium configuration of a SQS, one also needs sev- 1 ρ = µ3 +π2µ T2 , (63) eral conservation conditions, such as the baryonnumber u π2 u u εu = 4π32(cid:0) µ4u+2π2µ2uT(cid:1)2+ 71π54T4 , (64) Y(ρeu++Yρνde+=ρYs)L/,3a=ndρBth,eleepletoctnrincucmhbaregredneneusittryalabcounnddiatniocne pu = 4π12(cid:0)µ4u+2π2µ2uT2+ 71π54T4(cid:1), (65) 23ρu− 31ρd− 31ρs−ρe =0. (77) (cid:0) (cid:1) 7π2 S =T µ2 + T2 . (66) u u 15 V. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS (cid:0) (cid:1) Same expressions also apply to d quarks. Notations in As we have discussed above, neutrinos are trapped in the equationsabovearethe same as thosein Sec.III.For a newly born NS or SQS, and thus the adiabatic sound 7 TABLE I. Eigenfrequencies (Hz) of quadrupole (l = 2) os- 80 cillations of g-mode for newly born NSs and SQSs at three instants of time (ms) after the core bounces (Quoted from l=2 Table I in Ref. [27]). 60 n=1 Radial order Neutron Star Strange Quark Star Hz] of g-mode [40 f t=100 t=200 t=300 t=100 t=200 t=300 n=1 717.6 774.6 780.3 82.3 78.0 63.1 t=200ms 20 n=2 443.5 467.3 464.2 52.6 45.5 40.0 n=3 323.8 339.0 337.5 35.3 30.8 27.8 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 m [MeV] s speed in Eq. (14) can be rewritten as FIG. 1. Eigenfrequency of the g-mode for a SQS with l = 2 ∂p andn=1,asafunctionofthestrangequarkmassm ,where c2 = . (78) s s (cid:18)∂ρ(cid:19) we choose t=200msillustratively. S,YL It might has been noticed that, to determine c as well s as the equilibrium sound speed c in Eq. (19), equilib- Thus, the eigenfrequencies of the g-mode oscillations for e rium configuration of a star, i.e., the dependence of ρ , newly born NSs calculated in this work are identical to B S, and Y or Y on the radial coordinate, has to be pro- those presentedin the Table I in Ref. [27]. We quote the L e vided. Following Ref. [27], we employ the equilibrium result here in Table I for the convenience of discussion. configurationsofnewly bornNSs, obtainedin2Dhydro- Notethatg-modequadrupolepulsationsofcompactstars dynamic simulations of core-collapse supernovae by the with low radial orders, especially n=1, are significantly Arizona Group [50]. In our calculations we choose three potential sources of gravitational waves [31–33], which representative instants of time, i.e., t = 100, 200 and are hopefully to be detected in the near future by such 300ms,afterthecorebouncesinthe core-collapsesuper- as Advanced LIGO. One can see from Table I that, for novae. Since the eigenfrequencies of g-mode vary only a the g-mode quadrupole oscillations of NSs with n = 1, little during the first second after the core bounces, for the eigenfrequencies are 717.6, 774.6 and 780.3Hz, re- instance, it has been found that the eigenfrequencies re- spectively, for the three different instants. These results sides in a narrowrange of 727Hz∼819Hz, from 0.3s to areconsistentwithsupernovaesimulations[29,30]aswell 1s in a newly born NS model [51], we restrict computa- as those computed from general relativity [51]. In con- tions in this work within 300ms for simplicity. trast to the case of NSs, eigenfrequencies of the g-mode We integrate Eqs. (26) and (27) from the center to for SQSs with n = 1, l = 2, at the three representative a radius of about 20km, where convective instabilities instantsafterthecorebounces,are82.3,78.0and63.1Hz set in [50]. The stellar mass of the newly born NS in- respectively, which are lower by an order of magnitude. side the radius of 20km is chosen to be 0.8M⊙, 0.95M⊙ Table I also shows the results for higher radial orders and 1.05M⊙ at t = 100, 200 and 300ms, respectively, with n > 1. One can still find that eigenfrequencies of in agreement with the supernovae simulations [50]. The NSs are larger than those of SQSs by an order of magni- mass increases with time, because mantle materials of tude. It was found in Ref. [27] that this difference arises the progenitor star are accreted onto the newly born NS fromthefactthatnucleons,themajorcomponentsofthe continuously. stellar matter of NSs, are massive and non-relativistic, For newly born SQSs, following Ref. [27] we assume whereas SQSs are composed of relativistic particles. In that the dependence of the entropy S and lepton abun- fact, nonvanishing g-mode eigenfrequencies of a SQS are dance YL on the radial coordinate for newly born SQSs, attributed to a finite strange quark mass ms, since the is the sameas forNSs. In comparisonwith NSs, anewly masses of u and d quarks are negligible. Therefore, if we bornSQShasasmallersize,witharadiusofabout10km deal with m as a parameter, and reduce it from a finite s wherethepressurevanishes. ThestellarmassoftheSQS value to zero artificially, one would have expected that in our calculations is chosen to be the same as the NS, the g-mode eigenfrequency of a SQS decreases with m , s for the three different instants after the core bounces. and finally vanishes when m = 0. This expectation is s Inthiswork,fornewlybornNSs,weextendourformer confirmedbythe numericalresultshowninFig.1,where calculations in Ref. [27] to include the hyperon degrees we have chosen the instant t=200ms for an illustrative offreedom. However,since the stellarmassesare alljust purpose. Note that the mass of strange quark is much aboutonesolarmassforthethreeinstantsoftime,which smaller than that of nucleons, which is the reason why results in that the baryon densities in the stellar center the eigenfrequencies of g-mode oscillations of a SQS are are less than 2ρ , we find then that the hyperons do not much smaller than those of a NS. 0 appear in the newly born NSs for all the three instants. In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 we show the eigenfunctions of the 8 1 1.5 1 0.5 1 m] n = 1 n = 2 n = 3 k 0.5 0.5 [ 0 ⊥ η 0 η,r -0.5 η 0 r -0.5 η⊥ -1 -0.5 -1 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 r[km] r[km] r[km] 3 1.2 2 m] n = 1 1 n = 2 1.5 n = 3 k / 2 0.8 g r e 0.6 1 8 4 0 1 1 0.4 × 0.5 [ε 0.2 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 r[km] r[km] r[km] FIG. 2. Upper panels: radial ηr and nonradial η⊥ components of the displacement in Eq. (24) as functions of the radial coordinater,fortheg-modeeigen-oscillationsofanewlybornNSwithl=2,andn=1, 2, 3,respectively. t=200msischosen as a representative instant of time. Lower panels: corresponding energy of stellar oscillations per unit of theradial coordinate as a function of r. quadrupoleoscillationsofg-mode,describedbythecom- obtained by solving the nonradial oscillation equations ponents of the displacement η and η as functions of in Eq. (26) and Eq. (27). In this work we would like to r ⊥ the radial coordinate, for the newly born NS and SQS, present some results for the f- and p-modes, in compar- respectively. Herewechoosetheradialordern=1, 2, 3, ison with the relevant ones of g-mode. In the following and t = 200ms after the core bounce as a representa- weemploy p todenote the pressuremode withangular l n tive instant. Note that the amplitude of oscillations is index l and the radial order n, and f the fundamental l normalizedsothatthe maximalvalue ofη is1km. Fur- mode with angular index l. r thermore,theenergyofthestellaroscillationofaneigen- mode is given by [36] TABLE II. Eigenfrequencies (Hz) of quadrupole (l = 2) os- ω2 R cillations of f- andp-modesfor newly bornNSsandSQSsat E = ρr2 η2+l(l+1)η2 dr. (79) 2 Z r ⊥ threeinstants of time (ms) after thecore bounces. 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) Modes Neutron Star Strange Quark Star In Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 we also show the oscillation energy t=100 t=200 t=300 t=100 t=200 t=300 per unit of the radial coordinate, viz. 2f 1103 1133 1176 2980 2997 3016 2p1 2265 2426 2494 18282 17330 16792 ω2 ε= ρr2 η2+l(l+1)η2 , (80) 2p2 3780 4054 4179 28792 27288 26438 2 r ⊥ 2p3 5319 5702 5869 38988 36950 35798 (cid:2) (cid:3) for the g-mode oscillations of the newly born NS and SQS, respectively. We find that the energy density ε in Eq. (80) for the SQS is lower than that for the NS by In Table II we show our obtained eigenfrequencies of two orders of magnitude, because of the big difference of quadrupoleoscillationsoff-andp-modesfornewlyborn eigenfrequencies. NSs and SQSs at the three representative instants. One Uptonow,wehaveonlydiscussedthestellarnonradial canobserveevidentlythattheeigenfrequenciesoff-and oscillations of g-mode. In fact, besides the gravitational p-modesarelargerthanthoseoftheg-modeforbothNSs mode, there are other modes for nonradial oscillations, and SQSs, which is because they have different origins. such as the f-mode, i.e., the mode with the radial or- Oscillations of g-mode arise from the buoyancy inside der n = 0, and the p-mode, both of which can also be the star, but those of f- and p-modes result from the 9 1.2 ηr 1 1 0.8 η⊥ m] n = 2 n = 3 k 0.5 0.5 [ ⊥ 0.4 η , 0 0 r η 0 n = 1 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 r[km] r[km] r[km] 3 1 0.6 m] 2.5 0.8 0.5 k / 2 n = 1 n = 2 0.4 n = 3 g 0.6 r e 1.5 0.3 6 40 0.4 1 1 0.2 × [ε 0.5 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 r[km] r[km] r[km] FIG. 3. Same as Fig. 2, but for a newly born SQS. pressure. As discussed in detail in Ref. [27], the eigen- tailsaboutthe NJLmodelandapplicationsofthe model frequencies of g-mode are closely related with the differ- in hadron physics and QCD phase diagram, see, e.g., ence of the equilibrium and adiabatic sound speeds, i.e., Refs.[54–56]. TheLagrangiandensityforthe2+1flavour the Brunt-Va¨is¨al¨a frequency in Eq. (22), while those of NJL model is given by [57] f- and p-modes are connected with the value of sound 8 speeds. Thedifferencebetweenthe twosoundspeedsare L=ψ¯(iγ ∂µ−mˆ )ψ+G ψ¯τ ψ 2+ ψ¯iγ τ ψ 2 much smaller than each of them, thus the eigenfrequen- µ 0 a 5 a cies ofg-mode are smallerthan those off- andp-modes. Xa=0(cid:2)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) In Table II we also find that, for the f- and p-modes, −K detf ψ¯(1+γ5)ψ +detf ψ¯(1−γ5)ψ , eigenfrequencies of SQSs are larger than those of NSs, (cid:2) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:3)(81) in contradistinction to the g-mode. This is because the with the quark fields ψ = (ψ ,ψ ,ψ )T, the matrix of SQSs are more compact than NSs, and specifically den- u d s the current quark masses mˆ = diag(m ,m ,m ). We sities inthe outer regionofthe NSs aresignificantlylow, 0 u d s choosem :=m =m andm <m assameasthecase which leads to smaller sound speeds there. In Fig. 4 we l u d l s in Sec. IV. The four fermion interactions in Eq. (81) is showtheeigenfunctionsofseveralf-andp-modesforthe symmetric under the transformations of U(3) ⊗U(3) NS and SQS. L R in the flavour space, with the interaction strength G. τ = 21 and Gell-Mann matrices τ (i = 1,...,8) 0 3 f i VI. NEWLY BORN STRANGE QUARK arenorqmalizedsuchthatwe havetr(τ τ )=2δ . The ’t a b ab STARS—IN NJL MODEL HooftinteractionsinEq.(81),withthecouplingstrength K, break the symmetry of U (1), but keep that of A In Sec. IV we employ the MIT bag model to describe SU(3) ⊗SU(3) . The parameters in the model read: L R the quark matter and construct the configuration of the the current mass of light quarks m = 5.5 MeV, the l SQS. Nonperturbative QCD is characteristic of the dy- strangequarkmassm =140.7MeV,coupling strengths s namicalchiralsymmetrybreaking(DCSB)atlowenergy. GΛ2 = 1.835 and KΛ5 = 12.36, with the UV cut- Since there is no explicit demonstration of the DCSB in off Λ = 602.3 MeV. These parameters are fixed by the bag model, it can not describe the important fea- fitting observables in vacuum, including π meson mass ture of QCD. In this section we would like to adopt m = 135.0 MeV, K meson mass m = 497.7 MeV, η′ π K the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model [52, 53], which mesonmassmη′ =957.8MeV,andtheπdecayconstant possesses the chiral symmetry and DCSB, for more de- f =92.4MeV, for more details, see, e.g., Ref. [57]. π 10 1.2 0.4 1.5 1 ηr 0.2 1 m] 0.8 η⊥ 0 k 0.6 -0.2 0.5 p [⊥ 2f -0.4 2p1 2 2 η 0.4 -0.6 0 , NS ηr 0.2 -0.8 -0.5 0 -1 -0.2 -1.2 -1 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 r[km] r[km] r[km] 1.2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 p 2 2 m] 0.8 f k 0.6 2 0 0 [ p ⊥ 2 1 η 0.4 -0.5 -0.5 , ηr 0.2 SQS -1 -1 0 -0.2 -1.5 -1.5 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 r[km] r[km] r[km] FIG. 4. ηr and η⊥ as functions of the radial coordinate, for the f- and p-modes of a newly born NS (upper panels) and SQS (lower panels) with l=2. t=200ms is chosen as a representativeinstant of time. The thermodynamical potential density in the mean µ, respectively. In the same way, employing the ther- field approximation reads modynamicalpotential inEq.(82), one canobtainother thermodynamical quantities, such as the quark number d3k Ω =−2N β−1ln 1+e−β(Ei(k)−µi) density reading QM ci=Xu,d,sZ (2π)3(cid:26) h i +β−1ln 1+e−β(Ei(k)+µi) +E i(cid:27) h i +2G φu2+φd2+φs2 −4Kφuφdφs+C, ρ =− ∂ΩQM (cid:0) (cid:1) (82) i ∂µi d3k whereC isaconstant,tobe determinedinthefollowing. =2N f E (k) −f¯ E (k) , (86) The subscript QM denotes quark matter and Nc = 3 is cZ (2π)3h (cid:0) i (cid:1) (cid:0) i (cid:1)i thenumberofcolours. Thedispersionrelationforquarks is given by E (k)= k2+M2, (83) i q i the entropy density with the constituent quark mass of flavour i, i.e., M i being M =mi −4Gφ +2Kφ φ , (84) i 0 i j k ∂Ω where φ is the quark condensate of flavour i, reading SQM =− QM i ∂T φi =−2NcZ (d23πk)3MEiih1−f(cid:0)Ei(k)(cid:1)−f¯(cid:0)Ei(k)(cid:1)i, =2TNc i=Xu,d,sZ (d2π3k)3h(cid:16)Ei(k)+ 3Eki2(k) −µi(cid:17) (85) k2 ×f E (k) + E (k)+ +µ f¯ E (k) , i i i i wheref andf¯arethefermionicdistributionfunctionsin (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) 3Ei(k) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1)i Eq. (39) and (40) with E∗ and µ∗ replaced with E and (87)