Identification of pannexins in rat nasal mucosa Toyoaki Ohbuchi, M.D., Nobusuke Hohchi, M.D., Jun-ichi Ohkubo, M.D., Koichi Hashida, M.D., Hiroki Koizumi, M.D., Tetsuro Wakasugi, M.D., Fumiko Takenaga, M.D., and Hideaki Suzuki, M.D., Ph.D. ABSTRACT Pannexinsareasecondfamilyofgap-junctionproteinsinvertebrates,classifiedaspannexin-1,pannexin-2,andpannexin-3. Pannexin-1 is one of the candidates for channel-mediated ATP release into the extracellular space. In airway epithelia, ATP signalingmodulatesmultiplecellularfunctionssuchasmucus/ionsecretionandmucociliaryclearancesystems.However,the expression of pannexins in the upper airway has not been investigated. Nasal septal mucosae were collected from adult male Wistar rats aged 20–24 weeks. The expression of pannexin-1, pannexin-2, and pannexin-3 was examined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and by whole-mount fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Transcripts for pannexin-1, pannexin-2, and pannexin-3 were detected in nasal septal mucosae of adult rats by RT-PCR. Distinct immuno- histochemical fluorescence for pannexin-1 was observed in the epithelial layer, whereas there was no immunoreactivity for pannexin-2 or pannexin-3. This is the first article establishing the existence of pannexins (predominantly pannexin-1) in the upperairway,suggestingtheirpossibleparticipationinthephysiologicalfunctionsofATPreleaseandsignalinginthistissue. (Allergy Rhinol 4:e63–e65, 2013; doi: 10.2500/ar.2013.4.0052) Pannexins in vertebrates are a family of transmem- However,therearenopreviousreportsontheexpres- brane channel proteins that are homologous to sion of pannexins in the upper airway. innexins, which are invertebrate gap-junction pro- Inthisstudy,weinvestigatedtheexpressionofpan- teins.1 The pannexin family contains three subtypes: nexinsinthenasalmucosaofrats.Thisreportprovides pannexin-1, pannexin-2, and pannexin-3. These pro- the first evidence for the presence of pannexins in the teinshavenosignificantsequencesimilaritytoconnex- upper airway. ins, the prototypical vertebrate gap-junction proteins.2 The expression of pannexins has been reported in the MATERIALS AND METHODS brain,1,3muscle,bone,andskin.Pannexin-1isthemost Sampling of Rat Nasal Septal Mucosa thoroughlyinvestigatedmemberofthepannexinfam- ily; it forms an ATP-permeable, large-conductance Eight adult male Wistar rats (Kyudo, Saga, Japan) ((cid:1)500 pS), nonselective channel.4,5 aged 20–24 weeks were used. The animals were Current evidence suggests that release of ATP into housed in standard plastic cages at 23–25°C in a 12- the extracellular space is mediated by two different hour light/dark cycle. All experiments were per- mechanisms, including vesicle exocytosis and release formed in accordance with the guidelines of the Phys- throughaconductivechannelsuchaspannexin-1.4,5In iologic Society of Japan and approved by the Ethics the airway, extracellular ATP is important for the reg- CommitteeofAnimalCareandExperimentation,Uni- ulation of mucus/ion secretion and mucociliary clear- versity of Occupational and Environmental Health. ancesystems.6–9Recentworkshowsthatpannexin-1is Anesthesia was administered to the rats by diethyl expressed on the apical surface of primary-cultured ether inhalation, and the animals were decapitated. lung epithelial cells and participates in ATP release.10 Thedorsumnasiwassurgicallycutopenatthemidline (Fig. 1 A), and the nasal septal mucosa was collected. Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction From the Department of Otorhinolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, School of The collected mucosal segments for each animal Medicine,UniversityofOccupationalandEnvironmentalHealth,Kitakyushu,Japan TOhbuchireceivedfunding,inpart,byaGrant-in-AidforYoungScientists(B;no. werepooledinapolymerasechainreaction(PCR)tube 24791816)fromMEXT/JSPSandbyaUOEHResearchGrantforthePromotionof withcarrierpoly-ARNA(Qiagen,Valencia,CA).Total Occupational Health. H Suzuki received funding, in part, by a Grant-in-Aid for RNAwaspurifiedwithanRNeasyMicroKit(Qiagen) ScientificResearch(C;no.22591893)fromMEXT/JSPS.Theremainingauthorshave noconflictsofinteresttodeclarepertainingtothisarticle according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The pu- AddresscorrespondencetoHideakiSuzuki,M.D.,Ph.D.,DepartmentofOtorhino- rified total RNA was mixed with 5 (cid:1)M of oligo-(dT) laryngology–HeadandNeckSurgery,SchoolofMedicine,UniversityofOccupational primers (Takara, Shiga, Japan) and 1 mM of dNTPs and Environmental Health, 1-1 Iseigaoka, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu, 807-8555 Japan (Takara), heated at 65°C for 5 minutes, and cooled on E-mailaddress:[email protected] ice. The sample was then mixed with 1(cid:2) PrimeScript Copyright©2013,OceanSidePublications,Inc.,U.S.A. Buffer (Takara), 40 U of RNase inhibitor (Takara), and Allergy & Rhinology e63 Figure 1. Pannexin expression and localization in rat nasal mucosa. (A) Photographofthedissectionoftherat nasalcavity.Thedorsumnasiissur- gically cut open at the midline, and the nasal cavity is exposed. (B) Ex- pression of pannexin mRNA tran- scripts in rat nasal mucosa. Product sizes for pannexin-1, pannexin-2, pannexin-3, and glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) are185,258,336,and429bp,respec- tively. The 100-bp marker ladder is denotedasMs;thebrightbandsindi- cate500-bp.(C)Photomicrographsof whole-mount immunohistochemical fluorescencestainingofratnasalmu- cosa.A,Pannexin-1;b,pannexin-2;c, pannexin-3; d, negative control. Dis- tinct fluorescence for pannexin-1 is observed in the epithelial layer; there is no immunoreactivity for pan- nexin-2orpannexin-3(scalebarindi- cates,60(cid:1)m). 200UofPrimeScriptRTase(Takara),inatotalvolume NM_199398.1; product size, 336 bp); and 5(cid:4)-CAT GCC of 40 (cid:1)L. Reverse transcription (RT) was performed at GCC TGG AGA AAC CTG CCA-3(cid:4) (forward) and 5(cid:4)- 42°Cfor60minutes.Afterthereactionwasstoppedat GGGCTCCCCAGGCCCCTCCTGT-3(cid:4)(reverse)for 70°Cfor15minutes,theproductswerestoredat(cid:3)20°C GAPDH (GenBank accession no., NM_017008.3; prod- until further use. uct size, 429 bp). Amplification was performed by de- PCR amplification of pannexin-1, pannexin-2, pan- naturingat94°Cfor30seconds,40cyclesof94°Cfor30 nexin-3, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydroge- seconds, 55°C for 1 minute, 72°C for 1 minute, and a nase (GAPDH, positive control) mRNAs was per- final extension at 72°C for 5 minutes. The amplified formed in a 50-(cid:1)L reaction mixture containing 3.3 (cid:1)L products were analyzed by electrophoresis in a 2% of cDNA template, 1(cid:2) Ex Taq Buffer, 0.2 mM of agarosegel,stainedwithethidiumbromide,andvisu- dNTPs,0.12(cid:1)Meachoftheforwardandreverseprim- alizedunderUVirradiation.Gelimageswerecaptured ers, and 0.05 U of Ex Taq (Takara). The following sets with an AE-6905 Hours Image Saver HR (ATTO, To- of primers, which were consistent with previous re- kyo, Japan). ports,11,12wereused:5(cid:4)-TTCTTCCCCTACATCCTG CT-3(cid:4)(forward)and5(cid:4)-GGTCCATCTCTCAGGTCC AA-3(cid:4) (reverse) for pannexin-1 (GenBank accession Whole-Mount Fluorescence Immunohistochemistry no.,NM_199397.1;productsize,185bp);5(cid:4)-TGGACA The nasal mucosa was fixed with 4% paraformalde- TCGTATTGCTCTGC-3(cid:4)(forward)and5(cid:4)-CCACGT hydein0.1Mofphosphate-bufferedsaline(PBS)atpH TGT CGT ACA TGA GG-3(cid:4) (reverse) for pannexin-2 7.4 for 4 hours at room temperature and washed with (GenBank accession no., NM_199409.2; product size, PBS. After 1 hour of incubation with 1% fetal bovine 258 bp); 5(cid:4)-GAC CCC CTG AAA CAC TTT GA-3(cid:4) serum and 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS, the mucosa was (forward)and5(cid:4)-TCTAACCCACTGGCCTTCAC-3(cid:4) washed and incubated at 4°C for 2 hours with rabbit (reverse) for pannexin-3 (GenBank accession no., anti-rat pannexin-1 polyclonal antibody (1:500), rabbit e64 Fall 2013, Vol. 4, No. 2 anti-ratpannexin-2polyclonalantibody(1:500),orrab- fluorescence staining) of pannexin-1, pannexin-2, and bit anti-rat pannexin-3 polyclonal antibody (1:500; all pannexin-3 in each animal. At the current time, defin- fromAbcam,Cambridge,U.K.)inPBS.Afterwashing, itive evidence to explain these variations is lacking. the samples were incubated with the fluorescently la- Additional biochemical evidence is needed. beledsecondaryantibody,AlexaFluor488-conjugated Inconclusion,weinvestigatedtheexpressionofpan- goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:500; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), nexins in rat nasal mucosae. 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