38 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 Identification of feeding stimulants for Pacific coast wireworm by use of a filter paper assay (Coleoptera: Elateridae) DAVID R. HORTONS CHRISTELLE GUEDOT, and PETER J. LANDOLT ABSTRACT Sugars and several plant essential oils were evaluated as feeding stimulants for larvae of Pacific coast wireworm, Limonius camis (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Compounds were evaluated by quantifying biting rates of wireworms on treated filter paper disks, modifying a method used previously in assays withAgriotes spp. wireworms. Independent counts ofthe same disk showed that the method led to repeatable estimates ofbiting rate. Higher rates ofbiting were obtained on filter paper disks ifthose disks had been treated with sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, and galactose, than ifthe disks were left untreated. Sucrose and fructose were more stimulatory than the otherthree sugars. Biting rates declined with decreasing concentrations of sugars in water. Combining a highly stimulatory sugar (sucrose) with certain plant essential oils m some cases led to non-additive (both synergistic and antagonistic) effects on biting rates. We discuss the possible role for this type ofassay in developing insecticide-laced baits forattract-and-kill programs. KeyWords: Limonius canus, feeding assay, phagostimulants, synergism, plantessential oils INTRODUCTION Wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) are America. Difficulties in developing field- important subterranean pests in a number of effective baits may often be due to wireworm vegetable and grain crops worldwide. The behavior. Specifically, a bait that is highly Pacific coast wireworm, Limonius canus attractive when free ofa toxicant may become LeConte, inhabits irrigated soils of western repellent to wirewonns with addition of a North America, where it is a pest in potatoes, toxicant (Lehman 1933; Woodworth 1938). vegetables, and grain crops (Lane and Stone Similar problems may affect how well coating 1960). Grower difficulties in managing this of grain seed with insecticide protects and other wireworm pests can be attributed to germinating seed from wireworms. Protection a number of factors, including a shortage of of treated seed from wireworm damage may chemicals effective against wireworms, lack often be due to pre- or post-contact repellency of efficient monitoring tools, and incomplete ofthe insecticide rather than to actual kill of understanding of wireworm basic biology the pest (Long and Lilly 1958; van Herk and (Jansson and Seal 1994). Vernon 2007; Vernon etal. 2009). Wireworm larvae are attracted to various A long-term aim of our research program types of food-based baits, including baits is to develop a toxicant-laced bait that can be composed ofgerminating seed; wheat and rice used in an attract-and-kill program for flours; and rolled oats (Apablaza et al. 1977; managing L. canus. Ongoing trials with a Toba and Turner 1983; Horton and Landolt food-based bait laced with an insecticide 2002). Historical success in drawing (formulation currently proprietary) have wireworms to food-based baits under field shown mixed resufts: rates ofkill in laboratory conditions has prompted efforts, beginning at trials are inconsistent, apparently due in part least as early as the 1930s, to develop to antifeedant effects associated with presence insecticide-laced baits for use in wireworm of the toxicant (DRH pers. obs.). Improving control (Lehman 1933; Woodworth 1938). bait palatability by the addition of feeding Yet, almost 80 years following these first stimulants could lead to increased rates ofkill efforts, no toxicant-laced bait is commercially if the stimulant prompts higher rates of available for controlling wireworms in North feeding even in the presence of the toxicant. 'USDA-ARS, 5230 Konnowac Pass Road, Wapato, WA98951 USA, (509)454-5639,[email protected] J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 39 Compounds that elicit increased feeding by then used this assay method to examine biting Limonius wireworms have yet to be rates ofL. canus in response to several sugars specifically identified and assayed, and this at different concentrations. Sugars have been has slowed our efforts to develop a shown to prompt feeding by a number ofroot- consistently effective bait. feeding insects (e.g., Thorpe et al. 1947; The objective ofthis study was to develop Allsopp 1992; Bemklau and Bjostad 2008), an assay method suitable for testing and may be stimulatory enough under some compounds as potential feeding stimulants for conditions to reduce the deterrent effects of L. canus. Assays to determine whether certain otherwise repellent chemicals (Shields and compounds prompt feeding behaviour of Mitchell 1995; Bemklau et al. 2011). We next subterranean insects generally involve tested whether one particular sugar (sucrose) application oftest products to a substrate that in combination with other plant compounds allows feeding by the insect. We modified a acted synergistically with those compounds in filter paper assay developed over 50 years ago eliciting the biting response. We examined to examine biting response of Agriotes spp. combinations of several plant essential oils wireworms (Thorpe et al. 1947; Crombie and with sucrose, as plant essential oils have been Darrah 1947), and determined whether the shown to both deter and elevate feeding by method would be suitable for identifying phytophagous insects (Tanton 1965; Klepzig compounds that elicit feeding ofL, canus. We and Schlyter 1999). MATERIALS AND METHODS Source of insects. Mid-sized to large presented to wireworms in either paired- larvae (1.2-L4 cm in length) ofL. cams were choice or no-choice assays. The treated disks collected in spring from fields located near were placed in plastic petri dishes (14.5 cm Yakima, WA and Hermiston, OR, The insects diameter x 2 cm deep) filled with 200 ml of were collected by baiting with balls of sand (Quikrete Premium Playground Sand, moistened rolled oats (Horton and Landolt Quikrete, Atlanta, GA) moistened with 30 ml 2002). The Yakima field was fallow at the of tap water. In positioning a treated disk in time ofbaiting, but had been planted to either the petri dish, we first filled each dish wheat or potato crops in preceding years. approximately one-quarter full with the Wireworms at the Hermiston site were moistened sand and placed the disk on the collected along a fence line adjacent to potato surface ofthe sand. The disk was then covered or wheat crops. Larvae were stored in groups with enough additional sand to fill the petri of20-30 in 35 x 25 x 10 cm plastic tubs filled dish approximately three-quarters full, with moistened potting soil until they were Wireworms (see below for numbers used in used in the assays. Tubs were kept at room each assay) were placed on the surface ofthe temperature (22-23°C). Small plugs of sand layer at the center ofeach petri dish and moistened rolled oats were added to each tub allowed to enter the soil. The insects were every 7-10 d, and removed after 48 h; randomly assigned to treatments, to ensure otherwise, the larvae were kept unfed. Larvae that any variation in feeding rates associated were used within 1-3 weeks of having been with wireworm size was randomly allocated collected. Assays were done in May and June across the different treatments. The assays of2009 and 2012. Wireworms were discarded were conducted at room temperature. Petri following each assay. dishes were kept covered to prevent the sand Quantification of biting response. from drying. Feeding response was assayed by quantifying After24 h ofexposure to wireworms, disks biting marks of wireworms on treated filter were examined for feeding damage. In studies paper disks (Thorpe et al. 1947; Crombie and with Agriotes sputator (L,), Agriotes lineatus Darrah 1947). Filter paper disks (Grade 413 (L.), and Agriotes obscurus (L.) (Thorpe et al. qualitative filterpaper, 5.5 cm diameter; VWR 1947; Crombie and Darrah 1947), the Scientific Products, West Chester, PA) were stimulatory response was quantified by treated with individual compounds or with counfing bite marks on the disks. However, combinafions of compounds (see below) and we found that it was often difficult to 40 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 determine where physically on a disk a given feeding stimulation, by pairing atreatment and bite mark began and ended, which made this control disk in our feeding arenas (as in method somewhat subjective. This approach Wensler and Dudzinski 1972). Paired disks was especially problematic when highly were set 1 cm apart in the petri dish and stimulatory products were tested, as these buried in sand as described above. Eachpaired products often led to large contiguous patches comparison was replicated 10 times. Three of damage on disks, histead, we quantified wirewonns were used per feeding arena, and biting rates on a disk by placing the disk on a allowed to feed for 24 hrs. light table, covering it with a transparent grid For each pair of disks, we subtracted (0.5 X 0.5 cm squares), and then counting the control results (number of grid squares number of squares in which any bite marks showing feeding damage) from treatment disk were observed (Fig. 1). Both sides of each results. Thus, large positive values indicate disk were examined. Squares in which the that the sugar was highly stimulatory, whereas feeding damage was observable on both sides values near zero indicate that damage was of the filter paper disk were counted only similar on sugar-free and sugar-treated disks. once. Two people examined each disk, and an These arithmetic differences were then used in average ofthe two counts was used in the data a two-way factorial analysis of variance to summary and analyses. To examine assess the effects of sugar type and sugar repeatability of this method for estimating concentration on biting response. A Tukey- biting rates, correlation analysis was used to Kramer means separation test was used to determine whether counts were consistent compare sugars following a significant between the two people. The assessments of ANOVA. To test whether a particular sugar at repeatability were done using the PROC a specific concentration was significantly CORRprogram in SAS (SAS Institute 2010). stimulatory, we compared simple effects (1) Sugars as feeding stimulants. Five means (i.e., a specific sugar at a specific sugars were assayed: D-sucrose, D-fructose, concentration) to a hypothesized value ofzero, D-glucose, D-maltose, and D-galactose using a t-statistic. Thus, a mean found to be (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Each sugar significantly larger than zero was evidence was tested at five concentrations in deionized that the sugar at that particular concentration water: 2% (2 g per 100 ml of water), 1%, was stimulatory. Analyses were done with the 0.5%, 0.25%, and 0.125%. Each filter paper PROC GLIMMIX program in SAS (SAS disk received 200 |^1 of solution delivered by Institute 2010). pipette, which led to quantities of sugar per (2) Additive and non-additive effects of disk between 4 mg (2% solutions) and 0.25 sucrose and plant essential oils. These trials mg (0.125% solutions). Control disks received were done to determine whether our filter an equivalent amount of deionized water. paper assay could be used to demonstrate non- Disks were assayed immediately following additive (synergism or antagonism) effects of treatment. We used a choice test to examine plant essential oils if combined with a sugar. El Figure 1. Sucrose-treated disk showing feeding damage (left photograph), and the same disk on light box showinggrid (0.5 x 0.5 cm squares) used in quantifying damage (right photograph). J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 41 We examined five plant essential oils in the disks that were free of both sucrose and the presence and absence of sucrose: lemon plant oil, which led to difficulties in {Citrus limon), garlic (Allium sativum), winter conducting analysis of variance tests (due to savory {Satureja montana), cedarwood variance assumptions ofANOVA). Therefore, {Juniperus virginiana), and tea tree we redefined our two sucrose levels (i.e., (Melaleuca alternifolia) (Herbal Advantage, present vs. absent) as sucrose present (0.2%) Rogersville, MO; Mountain Rose Herbs, versus sucrose highly dilute (0.02%), thus Eugene, OR). These compounds were chosen substituting an extremely dilute level of because preliminary trials suggested that a sucrose for our no-sucrose level. This highly range of effects (synergistic to antagonistic) dilute level of sucrose prompted some biting would be produced when the compounds were by wireworms, and this in turn allowed us to used in combination with a sugar. Sucrose useANOVAto examine results. was chosen for these trials because this sugar Filter paper disks were first treated with was found in our assays with sugars to elicit 200 |Lil of the diluted plant oil in methylene substantial rates ofbiting (see Results). chloride or with 200 jul ofmethylene chloride The literature ofinsect feeding trials is not (for those treatments in which plant oil was always consistent in how synergism and not present). Disks were allowed to dry, and antagonism are defined and demonstrated. We then were treated with 200 jil of the used an experimental design that allowed us to appropriate sucrose solution (either 0.2%) or statistically demonstrate either of these two the highly dilute solution). The disks were effects as the interaction term in a factorial immediately placed singly in moistened sand analysis ofvariance. The design was a 2 x 2 and petri dishes as described above for the (sucrose x plant oil) factorial experiment in sugar trials. A single wireworm was added to which sucrose was at one of two levels each petri dish and allowed to feed for 24 h. (present vs. absent) and the plant essential oil At the end of 24 h, biting rates (numbers of of interest was at one of two levels (present squares showing damage) were quantified for vs. absent). Thus, unlike the previous trial each disk using methods described above. We with sugars, this assay was done using a no- had 20 replicates ofeachtreatment. choice design having (for a given plant oil) Number of squares showing damage was four possible treatments. A significant compared among treatments using ANOVA interaction term in the analysis of variance for a 2 X 2 factorial design. Ifthe interaction would be evidence of non-additive effects: term was significant, we examined interaction i.e., biting rate in the combined sucrose + graphs to assess whether biting rates in the plant oil treatment was either higher combination treatment were higher than (synergism) or lower (antagonism) than the expected under an additive model (synergism) sum oftheirseparate effects. or lower than expected under an additive All plant oils were diluted in solvent as 10 model (antagonism), and used the PDIFF mg of the product in 100 ml of methylene command in SAS to examine comparisons of chloride. Sucrose was diluted to 0.2% in simple effects means (e.g., plant oil effects deionized water. In preliminary trials, we separately at each level ofsucrose). found that wireworms often failed to feed on RESULTS (1) Sugars as feeding stimulants. prompted biting by L. canus (Fig. 3); each Estimates of biting rates (= numbers of mean is the average of the arithmetic squares showing damage) were highly differences in grid squares showing damage, correlated between the first count and second between the paired sugar-treated and control count (Fig. 2; data shown only forthe sucrose- disks. Both concentration (F4,225 = 11.8, P < treated disks), suggesting that our counting 0.0001) and type of sugar (F4.225 = 28.9, P < method provided an objective and quantifiable 0.0001) affected biting rates. The sugar x index of biting rates. We observed biting concentration term was non-significant (P = marks in virtually all replications, except at 0.28). A means separation test showed that the most dilute rate (Fig, 2). All five sugars sucrose was significantly more stimulatory 42 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 than fructose, and that both products prompted 80 2% more biting than glucose, maltose, and galactose (Fig. 4; the latter three sugars were 60 y statistically the same in their effects). O 40 Stimulatory effects disappeared at concentrations of 0.125% for fhjctose, and at 20 0.5% for glucose, maltose, and galactose (assessed using /-tests to compare each mean 0 in Fig. 3 to zero); all concentrations ofsucrose were stimulatory. (2) Additive and non-additive effects of sucrose and plant essential oils. Resuhs with the five plant essential oils are shown as a series ofinteraction graphs (Fig. 5), in which (+) indicates presence of the compound and (-) indicates that the compound is absent (plant oil) oris at a highly dilute concentration (sucrose at 0.02%). Additive (Fig. 5A), synergistic (Fig. 5BC), and antagonistic (Fig. 5DE) effects were each observed. Winter savory elicited biting responses whether in the presence or absence of sucrose (main effects ofplant oil: Fi,76 = 19.1, P < 0.0001); sucrose also was highly stimulatory (Fi.76 = 100.6, P < 0.0001). The effects of winter savory and sucrose were additive, as shown by the non- significant interaction term (sucrose x plant oil: Fi,76 = 0.6, P = 0.44) and the parallel lines in the interaction graph (Fig. 5A), Two plant oils (tea tree and lemon) exhibited synergistic effects with sucrose, as shown by a significant interaction term (sucrose x plant oil: tea tree - Fij6 = 8.0, P - 0.006; lemon - Fi.76 = 5.1, P = 0.026) and the nonparallel lines in the interaction graphs (Fig, 5B and C). For both plant oils, addition ofthe plant compound to sucrose (-) disks did not cause an increase in biting rates (comparison of simple-effects means, plant oil (+) versus plant oil (-) at sucrose (-): tea tree - t76 = 0.8, P = 0.44; lemon - t76 = 1.9, P = 0.06). Conversely, addition of the plant oil to sucrose-treated disks did elicit higher rates of biting (plant oil (+) versus plant oil (-) at 0 20 40 60 80 sucrose (+): tea tree - t76 = 4.8, P < 0.0001; lemBoont-h17c6e=da5r.w1o, Pod<a0n.d000ga1r).lic appeared to Numberofs(qpuearrsoens w1i)th damage inhibit response ofwireworms to presence of sucrose (Fig. 5D and E). The plant oil x Figure 2. Scatter plots showing results for sucrose interaction was significant for both first (person 1) and second (person 2) products (cedarwood: Fi,76 = 4.6, P = 0.035; estimates ofdamage; sucrose-treated disks (N garlic: Fije = 5.3, P = 0.025). Addition of = 10 disks per concentration). Correlations either plant oil to sucrose (-) disks failed to varied between 0.930 (2% concentration) and cause significant changes in biting response 0.982 (0.5% concentration). J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 43 Concentration Figure 3. Mean (+ SEM) arithmetic difference between treatment (sugar) and control disks in number of squares showing feeding damage. Means are shown as a function of sugar concentration. Eachmean is basedupon 10 replicates. (cedarwood: tie = 0.8, P = 0.43; garlic: tie = compared to rates seen on the sucrose (+) 0.7, P = 0.52). In contrast, adding either plant treatment (cedarwood: tie = 2.2, P = 0.029; oil to the sucrose (+) disks actually led to garlic: t76 = 2.6, P= 0.011). statistically significant drops in biting rates DISCUSSION The plant-associated cues that mediate Gould 1985), pith wafers (Thomas and White feeding by wireworms or other subterranean 1971), or agar (Tanton 1965). The assay insects are often inadequately known, in large developed here provided a repeatable means part due to difficuhies in studying these for estimating biting response ofL. camis on insects (Johnson and Gregory 2006; Johnson treated filterpaperdisks. and Nielson 2012). This shortcoming may be Cues that prompt feeding by root-feeding especially pronounced for generalist species Coleoptera often include any ofseveral sugars such as L. canus, given that its generalized (Chrysomelidae: Bernklau and Bjostad 2008; feeding habits provide no obvious clues as to Scarabaeidae: Wensler and Dudzinski 1972, what plant compounds might elicit feeding. Ladd 1988, Allsopp 1992; and Elateridae: Several different approaches have been used Thorpe et al. 1947, Crombie and Darrah to screen compounds as potential feeding 1947). Indeed, in a review of subterranean stimulants or deterrents for either generalist or insects and their interactions with host plants, specialist root-feeders, most of which Johnson and Gregory (2006) showed that 48% comprise an analysis of feeding or biting of the chemical compounds shown to activity by the insect on a substrate that has stimulate feeding by root-feeding insects were been treated with the compound of interest. sugars. Thorpe et al. (1947) showed that the Substrates used in these assays have been wireworms Agriotes Imeatus, A. sputator, and quite diverse, and include at a minimum A. obscurus were stimulated to bite filter products such as filter paper disks (Thorpe et paper disks if those disks had been treated al 1947; Wensler and Dudzinski 1972; with a sugar. Varietal differences in Bernklau and Bjostad 2005), cellulose susceptibility of potato tubers to wireworm membrane disks (Ladd 1988; Allsopp 1992), feeding are affected in part by levels ofsugars thin sections of potato tuber (Villani and in the tubers (Olsson and Jonasson 1995). 44 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 Here, we showed that biting of filter paper essential oils are known to affect both short- disks by L. camts was induced by any offive and long-distance attraction and aversion sugars, with sucrose and fructose being the responses ofphytophagous insects (Landolt et most stimulatory (Fig. 3). hitensity offeeding, al. 1999; Robacker 2007; Youssef al 2009). as estimated by counting bite marks, showed a Similarly, gustatory signals from plant decline with decreasing concentration ofsugar essential oils may inhibit or elicit feeding in the solutions, to the extent that highly dilute response (Tanton 1965; Klepzig and Schlyter concentrations of most products were not 1999). Thus, the additive or synergistic effects stimulatory (Fig. 3). observed here between sucrose and tea tree or Plant compounds may interact either sucrose and lemon theoretically could have positively or negatively to affect feeding rates been the result ofeither oftwo processes: (1) of phytophagous insects (Hsiao and Fraenkel the plant essential oil acted as an additional 1968; Shanks and Doss 1987). Sugars have feeding stimulant; or, (2) the plant oil acted as been shown to act synergistically with other an olfactory cue that attracted the wireworm to (non-sugar) compounds in eliciting feeding the treated disk, and biting was then elicited behavior by above-ground and below-ground by the sucrose. Antagonistic effects (Fig. phytophagous insects (Crombie and Darrah 5DE) could have been due to inhibition of 1947; Shanks and Doss 1987; Bartlet et al. sugar receptors by the second compound 1994). Our assays with plant essential oils in (Ishikawa et al. 1969) or because the plant combination with sucrose demonstrated any of essential oil was modestly repellent (e.g., van three effects, depending upon the plant oil: Herk et al. 2010) and slowed how rapidly additive, synergistic, and antagonistic. The wirewomis approached the sucrose-treated exact mechanisms leading to these resuhs are disks. not clear, but could have included both Historical efforts to use insecticide-laced gustation and olfaction. Volatiles from plant baits for controlling wireworms have often fructose glucose maltose galactose 10 20 30 Mean biting response Figure 4. Diffogram showing results ofTukey-Kramer test for separating sugar means. Diagonal, upward sloping line depicts equality. Each solid circle shows joint location oftwo sugar means; the associated solid or dashed lines show confidence intervals for treatment differences (Tukey- adjusted). A confidence inter\al that intersects the equality line indicates that those two means are not statistically different (shown as dashed lines); a confidence interval that fails to intersect the equality line indicates that those two means are statistically different (shown as solid lines). ' J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 45 O) c — — CD ' ' ^ Sucrose(-) Sucrose(+) Sucrose(-) Sucrose(+) Sucrose(-) Sucrose(+) (0 CD Sucrose(-) Sucrose(+) Sucrose(-) Sucrose(+) Figure 5. Interaction graphs showing the separate and combined effects of sucrose and plant essential oils on damage to filterpaper disks. A: an additive effect; B and C: synergistic effects; D andE: antagonistic effects. Eachmean basedupon 20 replicates. 46 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 been unsuccessful (Lehman 1933; Woodworth phagostimulant (Bemklau and Bjostad 2005; 1938), apparently due to antifeedant or Bemklau etal. 2011). The studies summarized repellent effects ofthe toxicant (see also Long here provide a simple tool for screening of and Lilly 1958; van Herk and Vernon 2007). compounds for gustatory effects, including Addition of an appropriate phagostimulant non-additive effects elicited by combinations could theoretically lead to improved rates of ofproducts, with possible longer-term benefits kill. For example, in trials with western com of developing a palatable bait. Additional rootworm larvae, Diabrotica virgifera compounds such as proteins or fatty acids LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), shown in filter paper assays to elicit biting addition of a phagostimulant to insecticide- responses ofother wireworm species (Thorpe treated disks offilter paper led to higher rates et al 1947) also merit attention for effects on offeeding on disks and increased kill oflarvae Limouius spp. wireworms. than found in the absence of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Kathie Johnson, Merilee Bayer, appreciated. 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