THE W. B. STANFORD MEMORIAL LECTURES This lecture series was established by public subscription, to honour the memory of William Bedell Stanford, Regius Professor of Greek in Trinity College, Dublin, from 1940 to 1980, and Chancellor of the University of Dublin from 1982 to 1984. Ideaosfs lavery from AristottoAl ueg ustine PETER GARNSEY Profoefts hsHeo; rs tofo rCIy, 1.'5;",j AII/;qu;/y. Un;",,, ,o;ftC )"'' "h"dge Joa�oe r.eJsu nior � CAMBRIDGE � UNIVERSITY PRESS Publisbhyet dh eP reSsysn dicoaftt heeU niversoifCt aym bridge TheP itBtu ildiTnrgu,m pingSttorne Ceatm,b ridCgBe2 1 R P 40 Wes2t0 tSht reNeetw,Y orkN.Y 1001 t-4211, USA 10 StamfoRroda dO,a kleiMgehlb,o urne 5166A,u stralia er' Camhridgel lnt\'Perersss i19t96y FiN publis1h9e9d6 Reprin1t9e9d9 A c"t.llo!,ue record (or tlJis book is ,mli/,dJle from the British Libr,lr)' GarnsPceYtIe r. Ideas laovefr ys from AtroiA sutgoutslteii Pneet eGra rnsq: p. cm.- (Th\Xe'. B.S t;!!mlefmoorrJi kaclt llfesl Incluhdiehsl iograrpehfiecraelan ncde s index. ISBN 05215-40\xlhardhack),1.74-,\I\ S1BI KpOa,rlclrth ack) 1. Sb\'ery�P\u�b�l:,-iiLn ion�2H. iSsLtlo\r'i�enl;ri t ycr �HlJre Histor\l.S' l.a vearnydt hec hufch-His1w. Tri\tle:. It . .series. HT86I.<;'\979 - \o6.\ '.6 1-JC2906 -14\14Cl r ISBN 0 1111740.\ X hardhack ISBN ° 5'11-411 1 raperh;1Ck Transferred to digital printing 2001 Tof reeadnodfm r iendship I j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j J Contents Abbreviations pagxei Preface XIII Introduction I Slavearnyds latvhee oriyna ntiquity r PARTI ATTITUDES TO SLAVERY 2 Slavearcyc epted 3 Justificaotfsi loanvse ry 4 Slave sycsrtieitmzisec d 5 Faiwro rds 6 Slavecrryi ticized 7 Slaveerays ed PART 11 THEORIES OFS LAVERY SectiI onC lassiHcealll,e niasntRidoc m anp hilosophers 8 Aristotle 107 9 TheS toics 128 Secti2o nE arltyh eologians 10 Philo 157 11 Paul I73 IX Contents Section!_ Church Fathers I2 Ambrose I9I I3 Augustine 206 14 Slavery as metaphor 220 Conclusion Bibliography 244 Index of key texts 260 General index 266 x Abbreviations AARC Attdie il'AccaRdoemmainai stCiocsant tainiana AC L'nAtiquCiltaesq suie AnnaleEsS C Annaleesco:n omiseosc,i ectiets',i lisations ANRW AufstuiengdN iedgearndge rr omiscWheenl t Ath. Atheaneum BA BibliothAeuqguues tinienne Bull.yIj..LR.i br Bulleotfit nh Jeo hRny lanLdisb raMrayn,c hester CCL Coprusc hristrila<nSioenr:i le.s1 tinJ Cj CodexJ,u stinian ClassM.e de.t ClassicMaed ieate ualia Call. Mosaciaruemt R omanammL eguCmo llatio CP ClassiPchaiqlll ogy CQ ClsasciaQl uarterly CSEL Corpusscr iptoreucmec lsiaswtnil caofrinorum CSSH CompaartiSLt'ued ioefSs o cieatnydH istyo r Dig. DigesstealP lan dectJaues,t inian EFH EntrefiFemlndsta,i oHna rdt EGM PhilQou,o do mnipsr obulsi bseir= t Euergyo omda ni sfre e G&R GreeacreI d Rome GRByzSt GreekR,o mar,lm,d B YZallSttiundei es Histe.�R.eI�R.HisHti.s tco<rRliei{l exiollslReHfilsetxoiroilq1use s HSCPh HamrrdS tudiienCs / ,IsPshiiclaoll ogy Ij lnstitutJiuosnteisn.i an Index Indeqxu:a demcia merdt;s; ut dir omanistiei JAC jahrbucfhiA inrti Ikmed C hri!'tentum JECS journo,flE i, nlC)h'r istSitalnc dies jHS journoaflH ellenic Studies ]JP journal of jPuarypirsotliocg y xi Abbreviations . JRS Journal of Roman Studies JThS Journal of Theological Studies . LS A.A. Long andD .N. Sedley, Th� Hellenistic Phi/osophers:d Long and Sedley (1987). MEFR Melanges d'archeologie et d'histoire de l'Ecole frlInfaise de Rome MSNAF MemoiTeS de la societe nationale des antiquaiTes de France NT Novum Testamentum PAPA Proceedings of the American Philological Association PCPhS Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society PG Patrologia Graeca, Migne \ PL PatTologia Latind, Migne PR Philosophical Review REA Revue des etudes anciennes Rech.Aug. Recherches Augustiniennes REG Revue des etudes grecques REL Revue des etudes latines Rev. Ben. Revue benedictine Rev.Et.Aug. Revue des etudes Augustiniennes RlDA Revue internationaLe des droits de I'antiquite RIL Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe de Lettere, Scienze moraii e storiche Riv.It.Sc.Giur. Riuista italiana per le scienze giuridiche RSA Riuista storica dell'Antichita RSCI Riuista di storia della Chiesa in ltalia SC Sources chrt:tiennes SCI Scripta classica israeiica SVF Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta,]. von Arnim TAPA Transactions of the American Philological Association . VT Vetus Testamentum XII Preface Thiiss a reveixstedededn vaernsdi ooftn h Set nafoLredc tuwrheisc h Ih ad htohneo tuogr i vaetT rinyi CtollDeugbe liinAn p r1i9l9 5I.a m mosgtr atetofJ uohlnD illoann dK atehelCno leamna nd tthoec iorl leagiunte hsCe la sssDi ecpratemnfto trh eiri nkviintdaa ntdwia ornm welcoImt eh.o rouegnhjloyym eyds taiynt hedierl tifuglch ampaunsd city. aMuiyde ncweesrl ei lvyea ndr sepoinvsae,n dIl eadr an geerat deaflr otmh eciorm menatnsdc riticisms. Ih aad ni nkltihnamgty hossw tereex pecmteit nocg h ooasq eu ite diffreenstbu jefcortm yl ectugrievste,hn am ytv ishiatpp etnoce doi n cidwei tthh e hounned readn dfi ftiaentinhv ear)rso, fa c attaorsphic eveintnI rihsihs t-oirnyw h iccha esI h avet ot hantkh efmo tr heir toleraaswn ecleal sf otrh ehiors piyt.a lit My presseunbtj heacbste ecnr eienpugp o nm e for somteim e,i n facetv esrni cem,o rteh atnw enyteya argso w,h eonn t hset fao fft he ClassDiepcasr tmeantBt er keleI yh,e arMdo seFsi enyl'Ssa ther Lectuornet sha enc ieencto nomayn d'a uitded'h icsl aosnss lavery. Thawta sm yfi rsitno tdruicottno Aristsoltaetvlheie aonNr oyt.l ong afterwhaarvdisin,ng th e meainmtem ovetdo C amrbidgIe su,c cumbetdoa nu nexpeactnde pde rahpmsi �dir"icntvedi tfartmoi on Fniletyol ectiunhr iess t eaidnc,o l laborwaittiRhoi nc haTrudc ko,n GreekR,o maann de arClhyir stPioalni tTihceoarlTy h.i gsa vmee a n opportunaimto)n;og t hetrhn igst,or enemwy acqunatianv,c'ei th r.atusrlvaaelt heoarndyt o enocunetrA ugusttihnien'kosin sn lga very fotrh fier stti mMeo.r er ecenIdh ya vbee neefide tnormoufsrmlo y stundgyA iugustinit nhece o mpyao nfa numboefrt aleedgn rtaduate studeanntdss e nisocrh oliantr hsce o nteoxfst emintahrasht a vIe orgzaen,dii nt hefi rsitn staonnct eh nee ws ermodnssi coveirne d XIII