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idara t arjuman al-sunnah PDF

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ii~t .; n EHSAN ELAHI ZAHEER ted by Dr. Abdullah (Ph.D.) IDARA T ARJUMAN AL-SUNNAH hadm .ahore (Paklltan, Phone No 41 .J I 30, 4' 3131 BAREILAWIS History and Beliefs By EHSAN ELAHI ZAHEER Translated by Dr. Abdullah (Ph.D.) IDARA TARJUMAN AL-SUNNAH 475 Shadman Colony Lahore (Pakistan) Phone No: 413130. 413131 Ailrightsreserved by the Idara First Published in 1985 Printed by Rasheed Ahmad Chaudhry at Maktaba Jadeed Press, 4-Shara Fatima Jinnah, Lahore-3. CONTENTS Chapters page Translator's Note 15 Foreword J7 Preface 25 Bareilawis 25 The need ofwritingabook on them 26 Excommunicationof Muslims by them 27 UnityandIntergration 30 Chapter — I Bareilawis: Their History and Founder 33 The FounderofiBareil* is His Diseases 34 His Callousness and Harshness 36 Exaggerationsof thesepoopleabouthim 37 Infallible 39 Lies 41 His Family 42 Accusingthe Bareilawiand rtis Family of being aShia byhis,Adversaries .44 His Livelihood 45 His Habits 48- HisMethod 49 HisWorks 51 The Liesof thesepeopleandtheirExaggeration 53 The Realities 60 The Opposition ofthe Bareilawi to Jihadand Mujahidin. 6'1 Agentsof the Imperialism |6l The Khilafat Movement 67 Non-Cooperation Movement 68 The Fatwa ofthe Bareilawi for Suspension ofJihad. 70. His Death 7* The Exaggerationof the Bareilawis aboutthe Bareilawi 73' The DefamationoftheCompanionsofthe Prophet 73. More Liesand Fabrications 76 The Leaders of Bareilawiyyat , 78 Nairn al-Din 78 Amjad Ali 79 DidarAli 79 HashmatAli 80 Ahmad Yar 80 Chapter-II Bareilawiyyat and itsDoctrines 83 The Beliefs and Doctrinesof Bareilawiyyat 83 Seeking help and relief from others besides Allah 85 Seeking help from Prophet 85 Seeking help from Shaikh Abdal-QadirJilani 86 Seeking help from Ahmad Zaruq 87 Seeking help from Ibn-Alwan,Muhammad al-Hanafi andSayyid al-Badawi 88 Seeking help from Abu Imran, the Sufi Imams, Musa al-Kazimiand Ibnal-Furghul 89 Refutationon the basis ofthe Quranicverses 90 The Verses of the Qur'an 91 Al-Bareilawi .91 The Power andAuthority of the Prophets 96 and the Saints The Verses of the Qur'an 97 The Beliefof the Bareilawi 102 The Prophet, the Sustainer and the Donor 103 Shaikh Jilani, theGiver of Lifeand Death 107 The Bareillawi too 109 HisTomb too 110 Selection from hisTafsir (exegesis) The Hearing of the Dead 113 The Dead hear 113 The Prophets are alive and hear 115 The death did notoccur to the Prophet 115 There is no difference between his life and death 116 The saintstoo arealive 116 Refutation on the basisofthe Qur'an ofthe Quran'icverse by al-Alusiand Rashid Rida 118 The question of the knowledge ofthe Unseen 122 The word of Allah,the Exalted 123 The Prophetspossessthe knowledge ofthe Unseen 124 The Prophet (peace be upon him) knows the fine unseen things 124 These unseen thingsarenot known to anyone except to Allah—form the Qu>'an—from theSunna 125 The Bareilawis oppose the explicit Qur'anic verses 129 TheSaints too knowthe five unseenthings 135 And soand so The Qur'anic verses belie them 135 The events too falsify them The Question of the Humaneness of the Prophet (peace be upon him) 136 The explicit verses indicate the Humaneness ofthe Prophet 136 TheTraditionsoftheProphettoo 140 TheOpposition to the Qur'an and Hadith by the Bareilawis The Messenger of Allah is light from Allah TheThrone and supreme authority (Kursi ) have beencreated from the lightof the Prophet 147 The Angelstoo have beencreated from the light of the Prophet The Prophet had no shade . 149 Allah came down in Medina in the shape of ISO the Prophet The Question of Omnipresence and Omnis- 151 cience of the ProphetThe Messenger of Allah isOmnipresentand Omniscient He witnessed theCreation ofAdam and 152 whatever happened to him The Prophet keepswatch overthe Creationsand 152 theChiefs ofthe righteousseehim Theversesofthe Qur'an falsify them 154 The eventsofthe Lifeofthe Prophettoo 155 belie them. Chapter-III The Bareilawisand theirTeachings '°1 TheTeachings oftheBareilawiyyat 182 Sunna and Innovation in Religion Plastering thegraveswithgypsum and building 184 erection overthem The Haoafi jurists and their viewpoint about 165 the plastering of the graves with gypsum buildingerectionsoverthem The reward for putting covers, turbans and 171 garments on the graves Lighting lamps at thegraves 171 The Teachingsof the Hanafi Fiqh 172 Theearly centuries The religiousfestivals and thedeath anniversaries 173 The Qur'an, the offering of al-Fatiha and holds feasts after the death of aperson on appointed days 173 The Birthday ceremony of the Prophet 175 The Teachings of eating, drinking, usurping • and plundering TheTeachingsof Islam 176 Going round the graves TheTeachingsofthe Hanafis 177 The discourse on the birthday ceremony of the Propheton holdingfeasts after the death of a person 177 Hiringsome persons for recitationof the Qur'an 178 Visiting the sacred relics and gettingblessing from them Getting blessing from the tombs of the ProphetsandSaints 178 Gettingblessings fromthefigures andIllustra tions 178 TheOfferings to the attendantsof the graves who lookafter thevisitors 179 TheTeachings oftheProphet (peace beuponhim) 179 The legal device for expiation for the liabili tiesdue to thedead The kissing of both thumbs after hearing the nameof the Prophet duringad-han Refutationof thispractice Igl Writingon the shroud igi Supplicationafterthe funeral prayer 199 Thecalling ofad-hanat thegrave. 204 Chapter-IV The Bareilawis and Excommunication of the Muslims 215 Excommunication of the Muslims in general The Islam ofthe Bareilawis 216 Declaring Abd al-Wahhab and hisfollowers to beunbelievers 217 Declaring the Deobandies to hounbelievers 222 Excommunicationofthe Nadawis Excommunicationofthe poetsof reformation 223 Excommunication of the leadersof education Excommunicationof thepoliticians Excommunication of those who raised the standard ofJihad 226 Excommunication of the missionaries of hte Islamic state The opinion of Abd al-Hayy Lucknawi about the Bareilawi and Bareilawiyyat 228 Excommunication ofother Muslims The causesof excommunication of these people 232 Thecauseof excommunicationof Ahl al-Hadith The beliefofthissect Theexcommunication ofShaikh Ismail of Delhi 232 . The causeof hisexcommunication Declaring the Imam of Ahl al-Hadith in the sub-continentShaikh Nadhir Husain of Delhi 235 The method ofthe Bareilawi and Bareilawiyyat Abusesand blames Excommunication ofthose who admire Deoband 236 Those who cooperatewith the Deobandis The heresy of the Deobandis is more severe . than the heresy oftheJews and Hindus 237 Command to urinate upon the literature of the Deobandis 238 The excommunication of the Nadawis They belong to thecompanions ofhell 238 All these groupsare Wahhabis TheWahhabis are more mean than Iblis 239 Funeral prayer should not be offered over theirdead 241 One should not pray behind them 241 The law about their mosques The law about their ad-han 243 The prohibition ofadmission oftheWahhabis to the mosques ofthe Bareilawis 243 Whoever offers funeral prayer over their dead is aWahhabi One who offers funeral prayer over aWahhabi 243 Havingassociation and dealings with them Drinking water from their well The law abouttheaddressofsolemnisationof marriage by aWahhabi andhismarriage The marriage of a Wahhabi is not valid either with human beingorwith ananimal 244 Zakatshould not be paid to them The children should not be sent to them for education The animal slaughtered by theJews, Christiansandthe illegitimatechild islawful 244 TheWahhabis are moredisgraceful thanthedogs

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and. Generel .. pilgrimage (Hajj), thus making the common man stray from the straight path. sustenances."™. A Mufti of the Bareilawis said: "The whole world and all the matters lie in the hand of the Messenger of Allah. (peace be upon him).
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