I/79/tro pleaRcinhceT/FADI TSN)E EFILM ARA PDDENFOEIHAOLT(SSEAIIVRFTEGRDEATNI )800/39/AHG( TMNU ET NMAHI S R C SDTK THENSCIASSAOICIS TVFAFSO ATL OEVKAL yB IR O.F K Od.FnPA a A.ERJDG.G - NOSNAD CIR GD ANDAOOF ENROUITTLAUSINAG RFOO EHT DETINUSNOITAN ROME, 1997 ehT noitangis eddeyolpme dna eht noitatneserp fo slairetam ni siht troper od ton ylpmi eht noisserpxe fno oyiannhaiwpo reveo snto eht trap fo e hnto idt oaeo srFfiu ontdalngua rceOi hr dtgseAntoiintUaN gninrecnoc eht lagel sutats fo yna ,yrtnuoc ,yrotirret ytic ro aera fo sti ,seitirohtua ro gninrecnoc eht .seir asd rnr eusoi o’t fbnnsoootiritfatimiled :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 ECAFERP sihT troper stneserp eht stluser fo a seirehsif gnirotinome mmargorp detucexe morf hcraM 5991 llit rebmeceD 6991 ni mutartS IIV fo ekaL atloV )anahG( yb eht ,tcejorp detargetnI tnempoleveD fo lanasitrA s eirehsiF )FADI( rednu eht sigea fo .PDNU/OAF ehT rojamog sla erew ote nimreted eht latot hctac fo mutartS IIV , ot niag thgisni otni eht tneserp sutats fo eht detiolpxe hsif skcots ni mutartS IIV dna ot poleved na etairporppad ohtem hnc ai dech.e rebwa leostefohfulkohtoawVL A lluf emarf yevrus sawdeirrac ;tuo a lanoitidart hctaC dna t roffE gnirotinom emmargorp dehsilbatse dna hsiF skcotS tnemssessA enod htiwa htgnel - desab gnirotinom .emmargor pgniredisnoC taht lareves stcepsa fo eht tnereffid gnirotinom semmargorp erew etiuq wen rof anahG dna tahte mos slanoisseforp denrecnoc yam ton eb railimaf htiw eht tnereffid ,sdohteme ht stluser ni siht troper era ton detneserp sa a etelpmocc ifitneics/lacinhcet .troper dnuorgkcaB noitamrofni si dedivorp revenehw dedeen d na segatnavdasid/segatnavda fo ehttnereffid sdohtem era .dessucsid, revewoH sisylana fo seirehsif detaler atad tonnac edulcxe scitsitats dna siht dluoct on eb .dediova oN dnuorgkcab noitamrofni si nevig rof eht tnereffidl acitsitats sesylana ,desu tub erehw elbissop eht stluser era dessucsid ni an on - cifitneics yaw o t neodiitvaocri pdfnoi wsoehire hastiafd nac e.bdesylana oN lsannoiifsulc neorca nward morf eht deni asttblouser no eht sutats fo eht skcots dna elbissop tnemeganam snoitpo sa ylno mutartS IIV fo e kaL atloV saw .derevoc ehT niamp esopru fo si httroper si noo tietdaimvroorfpni d hl scued diober e. ohcsoel athwufhofetntthokleewao rmLVn eoefhftid ,ijeY ,anahG ,yraurbeF7991 .J.G ed faarG )sdnalr e ,hemthaetdNre t,sNmOAITAD NOUCOSFIFEN( gro.ocsifen@faarGed gro.ocsifen.www gro.hsiften.www .K.PirofO - nosnaD [email protected] ,etu thict rsraneeItsaeWR C.S.I. R, P.O.Box 38, ACHIMOTA, GHANA :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 ST NEE LTFBNOAOTC 1. INTRODUCTION ................................ ................................ ...................... 1 1.1 P R PSEIREHSI FSUOIVER EX ESTCEJO N IDETUC L EKA V ATLO ................................ .... 1 2. STRATUM VII OF LA EKATLOV ................................ .......................... 4 3. THE FRAME SURVEY ................................ ................................ ............ 5 4. THE CATCH AS SESSMENT SURVEY. ................................ ................ 11 4.1 M SDOHTE ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 11 4.1.1 Sampling and data collection ................................ ................................ ....... 11 4.2 S SCITSITAT ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 12 3.V4“ EZI SEGALLI ” SV G“ NOITACO LLACIHPARGOE ” R CNOITACIFITART SSA AIRETI .... 13 4.4 E TO TEH TF ONOITAMITS LAUNN ALA F OHCTAC S MUTART VII FO L EKA V ATLO . .... 15 4.4.1 Non - stratified catch estimation. ................................ ................................ ... 15 de sduoht e1M.1.4.4 ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 15 2.s1e.o4n.a4C ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 15 staobh c3n.i1W.4.4 ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 18 stim ieLcnedifn odC nhact alcat o4T.1.4.4 ................................ ................................ ... 19 4.4.2 Estimates of total cat hc n n o,i mihluttatarra cotrhiNnt tf“eSdiiCnwtaarts South” ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 19 sretem a1yr.ea2Kp.4.4 ................................ ................................ ................................ 19 . s2lhe.aco2ttn.oaa4Tcc.4 ................................ ................................ .......................... 20 .staobhc ne3ih.wT2.4.4 ................................ ................................ ............................... 22 stim ieLcnedifn odC nhact alcat o4T.2.4.4 ................................ ................................ ... 24 4.4.3 Comparison of catch estimates. ................................ ................................ ... 25 4.4.4 nA sisylana fo hctac sdnert dna noitalopartxe rof eht elohw fo ekaLatloV .. 25 4.5 S ONOITISOPMO CSEICEP N IHCTA CEH TF S MUTART VII ................................ ........ 29 4.5.1 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 29 g1n.o1L.5.4 -sdne rmtret ................................ ................................ .............................. 29 secnereff ildacihpargo e2G.1.5.4 ................................ ................................ .................. 29 2.5.4staobhcniW ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 31 3 .n5o .sh4 it Ari sawetphlmtu osfCeor etyheetkvrrauMS ................................ .... 31 noitcu d hols rai1PtF.o3T.5.4 ................................ ................................ ....................... 31 noitisopm osceice p2S.3.5.4 ................................ ................................ ......................... 33 4.6 B INHCE TDN ALACIGOLOI SNOITCARETN ILAC ................................ ....................... 33 4.6.1 The im level rt ecftaoapw ................................ ................................ .............. 33 2.6.4 secnereffiD nihtiw mutartSIIV ................................ ................................ ..... 35 .5 HTGNEL DESABCOTS T NMKEAMRSGSOERSPSA ME. ............... 38 5.1 S SRAE GDN ASEICEP ................................ ................................ ............................ 38 5.2 S EMMARGOR PGNILPMA ................................ ................................ ...................... 38 3.5A ATA DF OSISYLAN ................................ ................................ ............................. 39 sretema rhatpw o1r.G3.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 39 5.3.2 Mortalities ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 39 3.3.5 dleiY rep tiurcseiRsylanA ................................ ................................ ............ 40 5.3.4 Estimation of fishing mortality from Cohort Analysis ................................ .. 40 5. 3e.v5itcsiidseyrlPanA ................................ ................................ ...................... 40 :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 5.4 H ARBME MSITNODONYSIME SUEC ................................ ................................ ........ 42 sretema rhatpw o1r.G4.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 42 5.4.2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 43 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 43 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.4.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 44 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.2.4.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 44 3.4.5staobhcniW ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 46 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 46 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V3.4.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 47 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.3.4.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 48 5.4.4 Thompson and Bell prediction for H. membraceus ................................ ....... 49 5.5 C GIDORGI NSYHTHCISYRH SUTATI ................................ ................................ ........ 51 sretema rhatpw o1r.G5.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 51 5.5.2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 52 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 52 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.5.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 53 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.2.5.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 53 3.5.5staobhcniW ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 55 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 55 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V3.5.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 57 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.3.5.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 57 5.5.4 Thompson and Bell pre diction for C. nigrodigitatus ................................ .... 59 5.6 C SUTARU ASYHTHCISYRH ................................ ................................ .................... 61 sretema rhatpw o1r.G6.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 61 5.6 .2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 62 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 62 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.6.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 63 sisyla ntAiurc erR edple ................................ ................................ ............... 63 3.6.5staobhcniW ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 65 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 65 Virtual sisyla nnAoitalupoP ................................ ................................ ............. 66 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.3.6.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 66 5.6.4 Thompson and Bell prediction for C. auratus ................................ .............. 68 7.5L EIBUO COEBA ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 69 sretema rhatpw o1r.G7.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 69 5.7.2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 70 5.7 1.2. ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 70 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.7.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 71 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.2.7.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 71 3.7.5staobhcniW ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 73 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 73 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V3.7.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 74 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.3.7.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 74 5.7.4 Thompson and Bell prediction for L. coubie ................................ ................ 76 5.8 S SUIDEMRETN IEBLIHC ................................ ................................ ........................ 78 sretema rhatpw o1r.G8.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 78 5.8.2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 79 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 79 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.8.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 80 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.2.8.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 80 3.8.5staobhcniW ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 81 :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 81 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V3.8.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 82 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.3.8.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 83 5.8.4 Thompson and Bell prediction for S. intermedius ................................ ......... 84 5.9 S SUELILA GNODOREHTORA ................................ ................................ .................. 86 sretema rhatpw o1r.G9.5 ................................ ................................ ...................... 86 5.9.2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 87 ytilatroMsetar ................................ ................................ ................................ . 87 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.9.5 ................................ ................................ ............. 88 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.2.9.5 ................................ ................................ ............... 88 5.9.3 Thompson and Bell prediction for S. galileus ................................ ............... 89 5.10 O ER SUCITOLI NSIMORHCO ................................ ................................ ................. 91 sretem ahrta wp1o.r0G1.5 ................................ ................................ .................... 91 5.10.2 Gillnets ................................ ................................ ................................ ...... 92 Mortality rat se ................................ ................................ ............................... 92 sisyl annoAitalu ploaPut r2i.V2.01.5 ................................ ................................ ............ 93 sisyla ntAiurc er Redple i3Y.2.01.5 ................................ ................................ .............. 93 5.10.3 Thompson and Bell prediction for O. niloticus ................................ ........... 94 5.10.4 Remarks ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 95 5.11 M SEICEP SITLU & RAE GITLUM T DN ANOSPMOH B SISYLAN ALLE ......................... 95 :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 . i SUMMARY nI 6991/5991 FADI deirrac tuo a seirehsif gnirotinom emmargorp nim utarts IIV fo ekaL .atloV ehT emmargorp dessapmocne a lluf emarf ,yevrus a hctacd na htgn eda lneammargo rgpnirotin otmroffe - dsesab tock -.emmargo rtpnemssessa se s sitirrhaoTmpmeurs 1 s tel huf sstso yt teeee nelrhmvdehutarnstsruaeefsrrp kc o e tdhesntmamarg ogrnpiroti ntormo f dfhneca t eafhcot - .tnemssessa ehT emar fy edvertuasci dtnaiht ta tneserp 88 2segalli vera detacol ni stratum ,IIV htiw 8608 ,seonac 853 ,staobhcniw htiw a latot noitalupop fo 000,001d na 0.0n0e,m0r4ehs innfIosira phmtoicw ehtoicos - c iymeovnrouc sefo 2991 e hrtebmun fo seonac d adhesaerc n%i32 morf 005,6 ot ,860,8 eht rebmun f on edmerseahesricfni yb m odrefnil cyeldthg isltsaobhc nrfieowb m euehnlt i0h0w0 ,0o00t40 ,m8 o1%r 2f21 380 to 358 . sisylanA fo hctac atad ylr ade elstceaccniedrneiffi dni sehctac no sisab foe ht ,lnaociithapnao rzgoeg htiw e ht tsseehhgcitha cni eht htuoS dna eh ttsewoltac nsiehc eht lartneC trap fo mutarts .IIV eroferehT ti saw dediced ton ot yfitarts rof, egraL“ muideM ro ” l glsnaeimghSaslilf isva saw enod s eng minrmiearirot lgturoibarnepom ireti rncoitacifitar tsssaet igsnidn ae l hfntooitac ollacihpargo ee ghe tsout a. ehT latot hctac fo mutarts IIV fo ekaL atloV saw detamitse htiw dna tuohtiw ;wol edbetnese re prsatlus ee rhd tnnaoitacifitarts . Non stratified Stratified )raey/t( )raey/t( stenlli gegarevA 22422 27843 stenlli g.xaM 26065 34056 stenlli gniM 1877 9 20988 hcni wegarevA 5559 6005 hcni w.xaM 7054 6511 hcni wniM 4064 5745 l leagarevA 27981 33848 ll a.xaM 33119 40567 ll aniM 22843 26743 mutartS IIV fo atloV decudorp neewteb 000.82 dna 008,33 sennot ni6 991 gnidneped no eht dohtem desu rof eht .noitamitse euD ot eht tcapmi fo ehtr ewol sehctac ni eht lartne Caera ti s adwe dnuolic tntaoacchitf istiar td seyerdansisecednna m uI e tI a traVfetr6 aoroklo9s mftaof9 e hiSLV10ns lct0nieats8ohtae,ttoc3t3 . 1 The full results of the frame survey were presented in a separate report; de Graaf, G.J. and irofO - ,no s,n.aKD .,P6991 stluse Rfo a llu fem ayrefvrus n imutar tIsIV fo ek a,LatloV ,,,teOnmAe oFmd,Rul8ce0oi0dF/39/AHG/PD:IF 1996. :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 tI si niatrec taht eht ylsuoiverp desup noitcudor etamitse fo 000,44 raey/tr of eht elohw fo ekaL atloV si narednu - ,noitamitse sa eht lautca latot hctac fom utartS raey /0t08. 3y3daer lsIaiIV . ehT latot noitcudorp fo ekaL atloV tsom ylekil lliw eb dnuora 000,051 - 200,000 t/year (180 - 240 kg/ )ha theli u aw l laufanan otov nDois0aStli3U lhsiTim a laitna t,sybtuistnauq fi derapmoc htiw eht launna eniram sehctac fo000,003 - 400,000 y tfiovitc u t d e cnonhr e or e teetnipoksdboittaurrctoo pa itsraeehi st f,dir ntataseiuyj/t cruo slearru tsainht e . sulpruS noitcudorp sledom hcus sa refeahcS ro xoF nac ylno eb desu rofe ht noitanimrete dfo eht mum iexlabmaniats udsleiy dna mumixam gnihsif troffe fieht .slavre trnailu gdeerta dyspeiuv reumsarf t iee scrson ee penhism riTcioteeccfp nfsaiitdsid no i sfto e ennhli tlehihtgtroN ro eht htuoS . nI eht htroN a egral trap fo eht hctac stsisnoc fo O. niloticus , L. coubie dna S. galileus . elihW ni eht htuoS eht owt aipalit seiceps era tsomla tnesba dnae ht klub fo eht hctac stsisnoc fo .Csutarua , C. n sutatigidorgi dna .Hsuecarbmem . sihT .htu od Snlaartn e,Chtr onnNioitacifitar tfesocnatrop me ihstesser tescnereffid ehT thnce tmyasecsversuss adna eht tek rydaeemvtrauc sitdanhit Tilapia spp , syhthcisyrhCpps . dna sitnodonyS/sitnodonysimeH.pps ar e eht rojam .seicepse rehT era revewoh egral secnereffid neewteb eht owt .setamitse nI eht tekram yevruse ht eerht denoitnem seiceps tneserper ,%97 elihw ni eht hctac tnemssessa yevrusy eht tneserper ylno .%34 nI eht tekram yevrus Tilapia spp . are the most ,t nealtirhowpmi rehtO“ ”seiceps era eht tsom tnatropmi ni eht hctac tnemssessa .yevrus e hT :y bdesua cyleki ltso mer asecnereffid • a f disnnpa a.rsTtaobhc n disnwtaenl lyilgn iganmire vyoecv rtunsemsse shsca teahct afin era ton .derevoc ehT rettal sraeg c i drfy ynei leeravcentreeeriiavwpaasosmh gnihctac Tilapia spp. tI setacidni taht ni eht hctac tnemssessa yevrus e rom .d eeoes vtbusaeh pnyotitacifitarts • Tilapia spp gnieb eht tsehgih decirp seiceps dna tsom ylekil ,dlos elihw ehts sel elbauleapvs seic era desu r.onfo ietmpomhu snoc A ll aymesv rdul suyofcir esviht .nonemonehp tI smees taht ereht si a noitaler neewteb eht retaw level dna eht hsif. hctac desae r dcynenbas i uEs aU ieecPfhnCotil c eeth datdhetdulc ndeol b cuetoricoferehT ebmun r f oseon adcna .l e avdeelc ruAed te snariiow tsirlysaulse maenfnrioagle rhtob srotcaf no eht EUPC detacidni taht htob la isttrnaepiciffeo cera tnacifingis P( < )50.0 ; sdaebircs e ednb ancoital eer hdtna E U=PC - .oN*57200.0 fo seonac +velretaW*8590,0 le +7230,01 e gcfnnooaltr onep ihmsatiegsas esritssy lsainhaT - term data - erutc ie phetsuac esbeires ret ahwg i fhdooir egapnir usdnoitavres beov a e hfwriae lecr oemmoc edbluoc -slevel . :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 secnereffiD ni eht rojam srotcaf gnicneulfni ehtEUPC - eonac ni eht e erht lbaucsihpargoeg - det n s e A tes gVd lre nnOneuardiiNahspeasAte sgura yatelararantas .wol eeblb aet hnti naeM seulav fo eht egareva hsem ,ezis eht rebmun fo ,seldnub eht rebmunf o syad eht sraeg era tes dna eht rebmun fo stnatsissa rep eonacni eht, nrehtron lartnec dna nrehtuos aera fo mutartS IIV fo ekaL .atloV tnereffid(s tpircsrepus .) etc nneaetcraiecffiifdningdiis mutartS ehzsiesM No of bundles tseysaD .oN fo stnatsissa North 2.14 a – 0.05 1.56 a – 0.05 1.03 a – 0.03 2.02 a – 0.04 lartneC 2.71 b – 0.05 1.91 b – 0.04 1.34 b – 0.02 1.79 c – 0.03 South 2.60 b – 0.07 1.62 b – 0.08 1.73 c – 0.52 2.52 c – 0.06 se c e dntrsn enaaur mreeo otu e rrfffntefIeaoaahfIf crtiVft itdiuyfSdbeihntgiS ocdtednemmoc e sr tidi nsaehct a nceicnereff ied hntialp xyeltcer itd ety onnac arry out n ina -.)tcejo rkpn adBlro We(rut urfa ee n hnstiisyla nhatped htg nAel - desabkcots - e h.Tatl oeVk andLieilp pena baecmmargo rtpnemssessa stluser fo hcus a emmargorp ni mutarts IIV dedivorp tnatropmi noitamrofni noe ht .skcots Ahtgnel - desapb s ufn tooneaiohtttsamr odfen dieeedheitn venomarmcpargor eht skcots nihtiw a trohs emit ,doirep ni nosirapmo chtiw eht gnolemit - dseediereens rof eh tlanoitisdualrptrus - noitcudo r.psledom tI si erofere hytlgn odretdsnemmocer ot h ttyg urnaorealc - sab .atl oeVk afeLolo he whnetimmargo rdpe hsyt t tgfl fi noueoleeshahletuTrq -a tdaedni a stendbhonote pselde ddoemsab - tes eht( htgnel .)seicneuqerf llamS elpmas ,sezis sa semitemos saw eht esac nie ht emmargorp detucexe ni mutartS ,IIV ylsuoiresepmah sr eht sisylana dna secudere ht ytiliba ifloer e h.tstluser Ahtgnel - desab emmargorp rof eht elohw fo ekaL atloV sia yllacifitne i,cdsetrop p l su flttssieiliwu seelrbai leedriv oyr lpln l odienwsaicr erxoejam .yllaicnani fdna cmtionfriiFo tpaoneics stn non eioes she tutrfwl lpe uowcitctanvi irosfdcifid sutats fo eht skcots ni mutarts IIV fo ekaL atloV ;esuaceb elpmas sezis erew ;wolt i saw demussa taht ereht saw eno tinu fo ;kcots htworg sretemarap erew tond etadilav yb ,gniega htiloto ,sgnidaere tc. ,revewoH fi eht atad era ,elbailer ehts tluser etacidni taht eht skcots era ylsuoiresrevo - ,detiolpxe erofereht ehty ranimilerp devlo vsnrie kyacmi l lonl pradalwu othrso ps e idrnheittnes esripsylana . sretemaraP sa detamitse rof eht rojam seicepsyb ehthtgnel - desab kcots - .wol edbesiramm ues reammargo rtpnemssessa :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001 seicepS sre thetmwaorraGp stenlliG hcniW R /lYeR R/Y T&B R /lYeR R/Y T & B L ¥ K j E E F F F F E E F F F F tneserp xam tneserp xam dleiy rotcaf eulav rotcaf tneserp xam tneserp xam iy rotcaf dle eulav rotcaf suec a.rHbmem 44.0 0.55 3.02 0.72 0.62 2.82 2.0 1.1 0.6 0.72 0.52 2.91 2.0 0.5 0.2 C. auratus 31.0 0.60 2.76 0.61 0.54 2.00 1.5 1.6 1.0 0.68 0.59 2.74 1.6 1.1 0.6 C. nigrodigitatus 44.5 0.65 3.12 0.70 0.48 2.81 1.0 0.4 0.3 0.64 0.45 2.22 1.3 0.8 0.6 S. intermedius 30.0 0.80 2.85 0.65 0.57 2.90 1.4 2.0 1.7 0.51 0.57 1.64 2.0 1.4 1.1 L. coubie 75.0 0.70 3.50 0.52 0.41 1.21 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.77 0.46 3.87 1.0 0.4 0.4 O. niloticus 33.5 0.55 2.59 0.30 0.47 0.38 1.2 3.1 1.7 S. gal ileus 32.5 0.25 2.42 0.60 0.46 1.11 0.9 0.4 0.2 :C \faarged \anahG \ cod.79lanif 29 -7 -2001