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ICD-10-CA Complete Alphabetical Index PDF

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International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Tenth Revision, Canada Volume Two — Alphabetical Index Canadian Institute for Health Information 2015 INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES AND RELATED HEALTH PROBLEMS TENTH REVISION, CANADA VERSION 2015 PDF FILE LICENCE AGREEMENT The terms and conditions below form a binding agreement between the “Licensee” (as defined below) and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (“CIHI”), a not-for-profit Canadian corporation having offices at 495 Richmond Road, Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 4H6, Phone: 613-241-7860, Fax: 613- 241-8120, Email: [email protected]. 1. The “Licensee” is a corporation, government agency, or individual wishing to use the:  The Tenth Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, as modified for Canadian use (“ICD-10-CA”), with or without  The system of procedure codes entitled the Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (the “CCI”). 2. In order to use the ICD-10-CA and/or the CCI (“ICD-10-CA/CCI”) provided as a PDF file, the Licensee must accept the terms of this agreement. The Licensee’s use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI indicates the Licensee has agreed to be bound by this agreement. If the Licensee does not or cannot agree to any of this agreement’s terms or conditions, the Licensee may not use the ICD- 10-CA/CCI. Note:  If you wish to use the ICD-10-CA/CCI on behalf of your employer, you must have your employer’s authorisation because such use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI will make your employer the Licensee and legally bind your employer to these terms.  When the terms of this agreement bind your employer, you as the Licensee’s employee are also bound.  The terms of this agreement apply to the ICD-10-CA/CCI provided as a PDF file, not to another ICD-10-CA/CCI provided by CIHI to the Licensee under separate terms. 3. This agreement is effective immediately upon the Licensee’s first use (“Licence Commencement”) of the ICD-10-CA/CCI. 4. This section intentionally left blank. OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT NOTICES 5. The Licensee acknowledges the ownership of the Tenth Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, or ICD-10, by the World Health Organization (the “WHO”) and the ownership of the ICD-10-CA and CCI by CIHI, and that CIHI and the WHO retain all their respective rights in and title to these products. 6. The Licensee obtains no title in or other rights to the ICD-10-CA/CCI beside those use rights expressly granted to the Licensee by this agreement. 7. Reproductions of all or part of the ICD-10-CA/CCI made and/or used by the Licensee will employ the following notices to acknowledge CIHI’s and the WHO’s ownership of the ICD-10-CA/CCI: International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) Copyright © World Health Organization 1992. All rights reserved. The Canadian version, ICD-10-CA, was modified by permission for Canadian Government purposes. The ICD-10-CA and the CCI are property of the Canadian Institute for Health Information. © 2001 Canadian Institute for Health Information LICENCE AND USE RESTRICTIONS 8. (a) CIHI grants the Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to make non-commercial use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI in Canada for the purposes of the Licensee’s own research, study, and/or data collection and analysis during the term of this agreement (“Licensed Use”). For clarity, the Licensee may  Make copies of the ICD-10-CA/CCI for backup purposes,  Not alter or other change the ICD-10-CA/CCI,  Not further distribute to others or sub-licence use of ICD-10-CA/CCI except as this agreement expressly permits, and  Not make any commercial use, such as incorporating the ICD-10-CA/CCI into any product that is or may be sold to others. (b) The Licensee may authorise as many of its employees to use and reproduce parts of the ICD- 10-CA/CCI on the Licensee’s behalf in compliance with the provisions of this agreement as are reasonably necessary for the Licensee’s legitimate needs. 9. This section intentionally left blank. 10. Any use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI not expressly and clearly permitted under this agreement, including but not limited to modification or commercial use, requires CIHI’s express, prior, written authorisation under a separate agreement and may, at CIHI’s option, require the payment of licence fees. 11. The Licensee may not use the ICD-10-CA/CCI in any manner that could reasonably be seen as competing with CIHI’s business in Canada or with any CIHI-licensed software producers. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES 12. The ICD-10-CA/CCI is provided “as is” and without warranties of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. The Licensee bears all risks associated with use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI. TERM AND TERMINATION 13. The term of this agreement begins at the Licence Commencement and ends when the Licensee has deleted or destroyed its copies, including partial copies, of the ICD-10-CA/CCI in its possession or control, unless the agreement is terminated earlier. 14. Due to the nature of the licence granted by CIHI above, CIHI may immediately terminate this agreement for convenience, or if the Licensee is in breach of any provision of this agreement, by providing the Licensee with notice. The Licensee may terminate this agreement for convenience upon 30 days’ notice to CIHI. 15. This section intentionally left blank. 16. The Licensee will not make any use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI after the termination of this agreement by CIHI without CIHI’s express, prior, written authorisation. NOTICE 17. Due to the nature of the distribution of the ICD-10-CA/CCI, the Licensee will be deemed to have been given notice by CIHI upon CIHI posting the notice on CIHI’s website if the Licensee did not provide its correct Contact Information, or updated Contact Information, to CIHI as required by this agreement. 18. Any notice to be given by the Licensee to CIHI will be directed to the attention of the Manager of Classifications & Terminologies, at the Canadian Institute for Health Information, 495 Richmond Road, Suite 600, Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 4H6, Fax: 613-241-8120, email: [email protected]. 19. All notices and other communications between the parties and related to this agreement will be in writing. For clarity, writing contained in electronic mail is acceptable for the purposes of this section. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT INFRINGEMENT 20. If Licensee becomes aware of any infringement of CIHI’s intellectual property rights in the ICD- 10-CA/CCI, the Licensee will promptly notify CIHI and use commercially reasonable efforts to help CIHI protect those rights. 21. In the event of a claim alleging infringement of intellectual property rights involving the Licensee and relating to the ICD-10-CA/CCI, CIHI will, in its sole discretion, elect to defend or settle the claim. The Licensee will take all steps and provide all documents and other things requested by CIHI to assist in settling or defending, as the case may be, such a claim. 22. This section intentionally left blank. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 23. In no event will CIHI or the WHO be liable to the licensee for any damages whatsoever, including without limitation direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, even if CIHI has been advised of the possibility of such damage or claim, or it is foreseeable. CIHI shall have no liability to the licensee for any damage or loss of any kind arising out of or resulting from the licensee’s possession or use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI regardless of whether such liability is based in tort (including negligence), contract (including fundamental breach) or otherwise in connection with this agreement. The limitations of this section shall apply whether or not the alleged breach or default is a breach of a fundamental condition or term. INDEMNITY 24. The Licensee shall indemnify CIHI and the WHO from and against all claims, damages, losses, actions, and other proceedings, reasonable costs, and expenses (including legal fees), howsoever caused, including without limitation, breach of contract, strict liability, tort (including negligence) or any other legal or equitable theory, resulting from or arising out of the Licensee’s use of the ICD-10-CA/CCI. GENERAL PROVISIONS 25. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter. 26. Sections 5, 6, 16, 21, 23, 24, and 31 survive the termination or expiration of this agreement and continue in full force and effect. 27. If any provision (in whole or in part) of this agreement is deemed void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court or other lawful authority, the agreement will continue in force with the void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated. 28. A party's failure or delay to exercise any right or obligation under this agreement will not preclude that party from exercising the right or obligation in the future. 29. The Licensee may not assign this agreement without CIHI’s prior, express, written consent. 30. This agreement may only be amended by the mutual agreement of the parties in writing. 31. This agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Canadian province of Ontario without regard to its conflicts-of-laws provisions. The Licensee agrees and acknowledges that any dispute arising in connection with this agreement will be settled by the courts in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. -- End of agreement -- ISBN 1-55392-804-0 (PDF) — Volume 1—International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Canada (ICD-10-CA) - Tabular List ISBN 1-55392-805-9 (PDF) — Volume 2—International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision, Canada (ICD-10-CA) - Alphabetical Index ISBN 1-55392-806-7 (PDF) — Volume 3—Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (CCI) - Tabular List ISBN 1-55392-807-5 (PDF) — Volume 4—Canadian Classification of Health Interventions (CCI) - Alphabetical Index Ces publications sont disponibles en français sous les titres: Volume 1 — Classification statistique internationale des maladies et des problèmes de santé connexes, Dixième révision, Canada (CIM-10-CA) - Table analytique ISBN 1-55392-808-3 (PDF) Volume 2 — Classification statistique internationale des maladies et des problèmes de santé connexes, Dixième révision, Canada (CIM-10-CA) - Index alphabétique ISBN 1-55392-809-1 (PDF) Volume 3 — Classification canadienne des interventions en santé (CCI) - Table analytique ISBN 1-55392-810-5 (PDF) Volume 4 — Classification canadienne des interventions en santé (CCI) - Index alphabétique ISBN 1-55392-811-3 (PDF) ICD-10-CA is based upon the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). © World Health Organization 1992. All rights reserved. Modified by permission for Canadian Government purposes, by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. © 2015 Canadian Institute for Health Information ™ Registered Trade-mark of the Canadian Institute for Health Information Contents Conventions used in the Alphabetical Index 1 Section I — Alphabetical index to diseases and nature of injury 3 Section II — External causes of injury 539 Section III — Table of drugs and chemicals 585 Conventions used in the Alphabetical Index Parentheses In the Index, as in the Tabular List, parentheses have a special meaning. A term that is followed by other terms in parentheses is classified to the given code number whether any of the terms in parentheses are reported or not. For example: Abscess (embolic) (infective) (metastatic) (multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) brain (any part) G06.0 Brain abscess is classified to G06.0 regardless of the part of the organ affected and whether or not the abscess is described as embolic, infective, metastatic, multiple, pyogenic, or septic. Cross-references Some categories, particularly those subject to notes linking them with other categories, require rather complex indexing arrangements. To avoid repeating this arrangement for each of the inclusion terms involved, a cross-reference is used. This may take a number of forms, as in the following examples: Inflammation - bone - see Osteomyelitis This indicates that the term "Inflammation, bone" is to be coded in the same way as the term "Osteomyelitis". On looking up the latter term, the coder will find listed various forms of osteomyelitis: acute, acute hematogenous, chronic, etc. When a term has a number of modifiers which might be listed beneath more than one term, the cross-reference (see also ...) is used. Paralysis - shaking (see also Parkinsonism) G20) If the term "shaking paralysis" is the only term on the medical record, the code number is G20, but if any other information is present which is not found indented below, then reference should be made to "Parkinsonism". There alternative codes will be found for the condition if further or otherwise qualified as, for example, due to drugs or syphilitic. Enlargement, enlarged - see also Hypertrophy If the site for enlargement is not found among the indentations beneath "Enlargement", the indentations beneath "Hypertrophy" should be referred to, where a more complete list of sites is given. Bladder - see condition Hereditary - see condition As stated previously, anatomical sites and very general adjectival modifiers are not usually used as lead terms in the Index and one is instructed to look up the disease or injury reported on the medical record and under that term to find the site or adjectival modifier. Abdomen, abdominal - see also condition - acute R10.0 - convulsive equivalent G40.8 - muscle deficiency syndrome Q79.4 The term "acute abdomen" is coded to R10.0; "abdominal convulsive equivalent" is coded to G40.8; and "abdominal muscle deficiency syndrome" is coded to Q79.4. For other abdominal conditions, one should look up the disease or injury reported. 1 INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES Abbreviation NEC The letters NEC stand for "not elsewhere classified". They are added after terms classified to residual or unspecific categories and to terms in themselves ill defined as a warning that specified forms of the conditions are classified differently. If the medical record includes more precise information the coding should be modified accordingly, e.g. Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) Q89.9 aorta (arch) NEC Q25.4 The term "anomaly of aorta" is classified to Q25.4 only if no more precise description appears on the medical record. If a more precise term, e.g. atresia or aorta, is recorded, this term should be looked up for the appropriate code. Special signs The following special signs will be found attached to certain code numbers or index terms: †/*Dagger and asterisk used to designate the etiology code and the manifestation code respectively, for terms subject to dual classification. # Attached to certain terms in the list of sites under "Neoplasm" to refer the coder to Notes 2 and 3, respectively, at the start of that list. 2

The system of procedure codes entitled the Canadian Classification of Health . ICD-10-CA is based upon the International Statistical Classification of 2015 Canadian Institute for Health Information . head movement R25.0.
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