Draftversion October 31,2016 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleAASTeX6v.1.0 IC 3639 – A NEW BONA FIDE COMPTON THICK AGN UNVEILED BY NUSTAR Peter G. Boorman,1 P. Gandhi,1 D. Alexander,2 A. Annuar,2 D. R. Ballantyne,3 F. Bauer,4,5,6 S. E. Boggs,7 W. N. Brandt,8,9,10 M. Brightman,11 F. E. Christensen,12 W. W. Craig,12,13 D. Farrah,14 C. J. Hailey,15 F. A. Harrison,13 S. F. Ho¨nig,1 M. Koss,16 S. M. LaMassa,17 A. Masini,18,19 C. Ricci,4 G. Risaliti,20 D. Stern,21 W. W. Zhang22 6 1 1DepartmentofPhysics&Astronomy,FacultyofPhysicalSciencesandEngineering,UniversityofSouthampton,Southampton, SO171BJ, 0 UK;[email protected] 2 2CentreforExtragalacticAstronomy,DepartmentofPhysics,DurhamUniversity,SouthRoad,Durham,DH13LE,UK t c 3CenterforRelativisticAstrophysics,School ofPhysics,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology, Atlanta,GA30332,USA O 4Instituto deAstrof´ısicaandCentrodeAstroingenier´ıa,FacultaddeF´ısica,PontificiaUniversidadCat´olicadeChile,Casilla306, Santiago 7 22,Chile 2 5MillenniumInstitute ofAstrophysics(MAS),NuncioMonsen˜orS´oteroSanz100,Providencia,Santiago, Chile 6SpaceScienceInstitute, 4750WalnutStreet, Suite205,Boulder,Colorado80301 ] A 7SpaceSciences Laboratory,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA94720,USA G 8DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity,525DaveyLab,UniversityPark,PA16802, USA . 9InstituteforGravitationandtheCosmos,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark,PA16802, USA h p 10DepartmentofPhysics,104DaveyLab,ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark,PA16802,USA - 11CahillCenterforAstronomyandAstrophysics,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, Pasadena, CA91125, USA o 12DTUSpace-National SpaceInstitute, Technical UniversityofDenmark,Elektrovej327,DK-2800Lyngby, Denmark r st 13LawrenceLivermoreNationalLaboratory,Livermore,CA94550, USA a 14DepartmentofPhysics,VirginiaTech,Blacksburg,VA24061, USA [ 15ColumbiaAstrophysicsLaboratory,ColumbiaUniversity,NewYork,NY10027, USA 1 16InstituteforAstronomy,DepartmentofPhysics,ETHZurich,Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse27,CH-8093Zurich,Switzerland v 17NASAPostdoctoral ProgramFellow,NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Code665,Greenbelt, MD20771,USA 7 9 18INAF-OsservatorioAstronomicodiBologna,viaRanzani 1,40127Bologna,Italy 9 19DipartimentodiFisicaeAstronomia(DIFA),Universit`adiBologna,vialeBertiPichat6/2,40127Bologna,Italy 8 20INAFArcetriObservatory,LargoE.Fermi5,50126Firenze,Italy 0 . 21JetPropulsionLaboratory,CaliforniaInstitute ofTechnology, Pasadena, CA91109, USA 0 22X-rayAstrophysicsLaboratory,NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt, MD20771, USA 1 6 1 ABSTRACT : v Weanalysehigh-qualityNuSTARobservationsofthelocal(z=0.011)Seyfert2activegalacticnucleus i (AGN) IC 3639, in conjunction with archival Suzaku and Chandra data. This provides the first X broadbandX-rayspectralanalysisofthesource,spanningnearlytwodecadesinenergy(0.5–30keV). r a PreviousX-rayobservationsofthesourcebelow10keVindicatedstrongreflection/obscurationonthe basis of a pronounced iron fluorescence line at 6.4keV. The hard X-ray energy coverage of NuSTAR, togetherwithself-consistenttoroidalreprocessingmodels,enablesdirectbroadbandconstraintsonthe obscuringcolumn density ofthe source. We find the sourceto be heavily Compton-thick (CTK)with an obscuring column in excess of 3.6×1024cm−2, unconstrained at the upper end. We further find an intrinsic 2–10keV luminosity of log (L [ergs−1]) = 43.4+0.6 to 90% confidence, almost 10 2–10keV −1.1 400 times the observed flux, and consistent with various multi-wavelength diagnostics. Such a high intrinsic to observed flux ratio in addition to an Fe-Kα fluorescence line equivalent width exceeding 2keV is extreme amongst known bona fide CTK AGN, which we suggest are both due to the high level of obscuration present around IC 3639. Our study demonstrates that broadband spectroscopic modelling with NuSTAR enables large corrections for obscuration to be carried out robustly, and emphasises the need for improved modelling of AGN tori showing intense iron fluorescence. Keywords: galaxies:Seyfert – galaxies:active – galaxies:nuclei – techniques:spectroscopic – X- 2 rays:galaxies– X-rays:individual(IC 3639) 1. INTRODUCTION three main components: a Compton reflection hump, peaking at ∼30keV; a strong neutral Fe-Kα fluores- TheoriginofthecosmicX-raybackground(CXB)has cence line at ∼6.4keV (Matt et al. 2000) (strong gener- been under study ever since its discovery more than 60 ally refers to an equivalent width EW&1keV); and an years ago (Giacconi et al. 1962). Spanning from frac- underlying absorbed power law with an upper cut-off tions of a keV (soft X-rays) up to several hundreds of several hundred keV (intrinsic to the AGN, arising of keV (hard X-rays), the general consensus today is from the Comptonisation of accretion disc photons in thatthe majorityofthe CXBarisesfromtheintegrated the corona). The ability to detect the absorbed power emission of discrete sources of radiation, with the most law in the spectrum of a source depends on the level of prominent contribution arising from active galactic nu- obscuration - in heavily CTK sources, this component clei (AGN) (e.g. Mushotzky et al. 2000). The unified is severely weakened and can be entirely undetectable. model of AGN (Antonucci 1993; Netzer 2015) predicts The Compton hump and Fe-Kα line are both reflection thatthe majordifferencesseenbetweendifferentclasses features from the putative torus. of AGN can be attributed to an orientation effect, with X-ray selection is one of the most effective strategies theprimaryradiationsourcebeingsurroundedbyanob- available for detecting CTK sources because hard X- scuringtorusinclinedrelativetoourline-of-sight(LOS). ray photons stand a greater chance of escaping the en- This leads to effectively two types of AGN - those with shrouding obscuring media due to their increased pen- a direct view to the nucleus (largely unobscured) and etrating power. In addition, photons with initial prop- thosewithanobscuredviewto thenucleusfrombehind agation directions out of the LOS can also be detected a putative torus (see Marin 2016 for a recent review on throughComptonscatteringintoourLOS.Forthisrea- the orientation of AGN). In addition, obscured AGN son, the best energy range to observe CTK AGN is havebeenrequiredtofittheCXB,withSetti & Woltjer E>10keV. In general, many synthesis models formu- (1989) requiring a considerable contribution from this lated to date seem to agree that fitting to the peak AGNpopulation. Multiple studies haverevealedthis to flux of the CXB at ∼30keV requires a CTK AGN con- be the case, although with a dependence on X-ray lu- tribution in the range 10–25% (Comastri et al. 1995; minosity (e.g. Lawrence & Elvis 2010). This suggests Gandhi & Fabian 2003; Gilli et al. 2007; Treister et al. heavily obscured AGN may be a major contributor to 2009; Draper & Ballantyne 2010; Akylas et al. 2012; the CXB, and there are many ongoing efforts to study Ueda et al. 2014). The actual number density of thispopulation(e.g. Brandt & Alexander2015,andref- CTK AGN remains unclear, with various recent sam- erences therein). ple observations suggesting a fraction exceeding 20% IntheX-rayband,thetwoimportantinteractionpro- (Goulding et al. 2011; Lansbury et al. 2015; Ricci et al. cessesbetweenphotonsandmattersurroundinganAGN 2015; Koss et al. 2016a). Gandhi et al. (2007) and are photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering. Treister et al. (2009) discuss degeneracy between the Photoelectric absorption is dominant at lower energies, different component parameters (e.g. reflection and ob- whereas Compton scattering dominates in hard X-rays scuration) used to fit the CXB. This is why the shape above ∼10keV up to the Klein-Nishina decline. X- of the CXB cannot be directly used to determine the ray photons with energy greater than a few keV are number of CTK AGN, and further explains the large visible if the LOS obscuring column density (N ) is H .1.5×1024cm−2, and such AGN are named Compton- uncertainty associated with the CTK fraction. ManyX-raymissionstodatehavebeencapableofde- thin (CTN) since the matter is optically thin to Comp- tectingphotonsabove10keV,suchasBeppoSAX,Swift, ton scattering and a significant fraction of the photons Suzaku andINTEGRAL.However,duetoissuesinclud- with E>10keV escape after one or more scatterings. ing high backgroundlevels, relatively small effective ar- This leads to only slight depletion of hard X-rays for eas and low angular resolution, few CTK sources have CTN sources. Sources with column densities greater been identified. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope than this value are classified as Compton-thick (CTK) Array (NuSTAR)(Harrison et al.2013)is the firstmis- since even high-energy X-rays can be diminished via sioninorbitcapableoftrue X-rayimagingintheenergy Compton scattering, leading to the X-ray spectrum be- range ∼3–79keV. Since launch, NuSTAR has not only ingdepressedovertheentireenergyrange. ThehardX- studied well known CTK AGN in detail (Ar´evalo et al. ray spectrum of typical CTK AGN is characterised by 2014; Bauer et al. 2015; Marinucci et al. 2016), it has also helped to identify and confirm numerous CTK candidates in the local Universe (Gandhi et al. 2014; [email protected] 3 Balokovi´cet al. 2014; Annuar et al. 2015; Koss et al. spectrum provided by the BeppoSAX satellite, to- 2015, 2016b), as well as carry out variability stud- gether with multi-wavelength diagnostic information ies focusing on changing-look AGN (Risaliti et al. 2013; (see Risaliti et al. 1999a and references therein for fur- Walton et al. 2014; Rivers et al. 2015; Marinucci et al. ther details on the modelling used). Additionally, 2016; Ricci et al. 2016; Masini et al. 2016). More- the EW of the Fe-Kα emission-line was reported as over, deep NuSTAR surveys have resolved a fraction of 3.20+0.98keV. Such high EWs are extreme though not −1.74 35±5% of the total integrated flux of the CXB in the unheard of, as reported by Levenson et al. (2002). Op- 8–24keV band (Harrison et al. 2015). tical imagesofthe source,aswellassurroundingsource Detailed modelling of individual highly obscured redshifts,inferIC3639tobepartofatriplemergersys- sources is the most effective way to understand the tem (e.g. Figure 1a, upper left panel - IC 3639 is ∼1.′5 spectral components contributing to the missing frac- away from its nearest galaxy neighbour to the North- tion of the peak CXB flux. Here we carry out the East). However, Barnes & Webster (2001) use the HI first robust broad-band X-ray spectral analysis of the detection in this interacting group to suggest that it is nearby Seyfert 2 and candidate CTK AGN IC 3639 free of any significant galaxy interaction or merger. (also called Tololo 1238-364). The source is hosted Miyazawa et al. (2009) analysed the source as part by a barred spiral galaxy (Hubble classification SBbc1) of a sample of 36 AGN observed by Suzaku, includ- with redshift z=0.011 and corresponding luminosity ing the higher energy HXD PIN data. The source distance D=53.6Mpc. This is calculated for a flat cos- was found to have an obscuring column density of mology with H =67.3 kms−1Mpc−1, Ω =0.685 and 7.47+4.81 ×1023cm−2 withphotonindex1.76+0.52,sug- 0 Λ −3.14 −0.44 Ω =0.315(Planck Collaboration2014). Alluncertain- gesting a CTN nature. This could indicate variability M ties are quoted at a 90% confidence level for one inter- betweenthe2007Suzaku observationandthe1999Bep- esting parameter, unless stated otherwise. This paper poSAX observation reported by Risaliti et al. (1999b). uses NuSTAR and archival X-ray data from the Suzaku AsoutlinedinSection1,CTKsourcesarenotoriously andChandra satellites. TheSuzaku satelliteoperatedin hard to detect due to their low count rate in the soft the energy range ∼0.1–600keV and is thus capable of X-ray band. For this reason, one must use particular detecting hard X-rays. However,the hard X-ray energy spectralcharacteristics,indicativeofCTKsources. The rangeofthissatelliteiscoveredbyanon-imagingdetec- first,mostobviousindicationisaprominentFe-Kαfluo- tor, leading to potential complications for faint sources, rescence line. This can occur if the fluorescing material as outlined in Section 3.2.2. Chandra has a high en- is exposed to a greater X-ray flux than is directly ob- ergy limit of ∼8keV, and very high angular resolution served, so that the line appears strong relative to the with a lower energy limit &0.1keV. Consequently, the continuum emission (Krolik & Kallman 1987). different capabilities of NuSTAR, Suzaku and Chandra Other CTK diagnostics are provided through multi- complementeachothersothatamulti-instrumentstudy wavelength analysis. For example, by comparing the provides a broad-band spectral energy range. MIR and X-ray luminosities of the source, which have The paper is structured accordingly: Section 2 ex- been shown to correlate for AGN (Elvis et al. 1978; plainsthetargetselection,withSection3describingthe Krabbe et al. 2001; Horst et al. 2008; Gandhi et al. detailsbehindeachX-rayobservationofthesourceused 2009; Levenson et al. 2009; Mateos et al. 2015; Stern as well as the spectral extraction processes. The corre- 2015;Asmus et al.2015). X-rayobscurationisexpected sponding X-ray spectral fitting and results are outlined to significantly offset CTK sources from this relation. in Sections 4 and 5, respectively. Finally, Section6 out- Indeed, IC 3639 shows an observed weak X-ray (2– lines broadband spectral components determined from 10keV)luminositycomparedtothepredicted valuefrom the fits, the intrinsic luminosity of the source and a this correlation. Another multi-wavelength technique multi-wavelength comparison with other CTK sources. compares emission lines originating in the narrow line We conclude with a summary of our findings in Section region (NLR) on larger scales than the X-ray emis- 7. sion, which arises close to the core of the AGN. Of the multitude of emission lines available for such anal- 2. THE TARGET ysis, one well studied correlation uses the optical [OIII] The first published X-ray data of IC 3639 were re- emission-line flux at λ=5007˚A. Panessa et al. (2006) portedbyRisaliti et al.(1999b),wheretheysuggestthe and Berney et al. (2015), among others, study a cor- sourcetobeCTKwithcolumndensityN >1025cm−2. relation between the observed [OIII] emission-line lu- H This lower limit was determined from a soft X-ray minosity and X-ray (2–10keV) luminosity for a group of Seyfert galaxies, after correcting for obscuration. IC 3639 again shows a weak X-ray flux compared to the 1 http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr observed [OIII] luminosity. This indicates heavy obscu- 4 rationdepletingtheX-rayluminosity. Foracomparison from the corresponding event files. Background counts betweentheratiosofMIRand[OIII]emissionfluxtoX- were extracted from annular regions of outer radius 2.′5 rayflux with the averagevalue for (largely unobscured) and inner radius 0.′75, centred on the source regions to Seyfert 1s, see LaMassa et al. (2010, Figure 2). avoidanycross-contaminationbetweensourceandback- Dadina (2007) reports that the BeppoSAX obser- groundcounts. Thebackgroundregionwaschosentobe vation of IC 3639 in both the 20–100keV and 20– as large as possible in the same module as the source. 50keV bands had negligible detection significance, and The extracted spectra for FPMA and FPMB were place an upper bound on the 20–100keV flux of then analysed using the xspec version 12.9.0 software F 69.12×10−12ergs−1cm−2. Unfortunately, package3. The energy range was constrained to the op- 20–100keV IC 3639 lies below the Swift/BAT all-sky survey limit timum energy range of NuSTAR and grouped so that of ∼1.3×10−11ergs−1cm−2 in the 14–195keV band each bin contained a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of at (Baumgartner et al. 2013). least 4. The resulting spectra are shown in count-rate units in Figure 2. 3. OBSERVATIONS & DATA REDUCTION Figure 1a shows the comparison of the NuSTAR Archival observations for IC 3639 used in this paper FPMA image with an optical Digitised Sky Survey were all extracted from the HEASARC archive2. To- (DSS) image. The blue regions highlight the counter- partsofthemergingtriple,clearlyvisibleintheoptical. gether, we use Suzaku (XIS & HXD), Chandra and re- cent NuSTAR data in this study. Table 1 shows the However, there is no detection of the separate galaxies details of each of these observations. in the NuSTAR image, with the primary emission orig- inating from IC 3639. Satellite Obs. ID Date /y-m-d Exp./ks PI 3.2. Suzaku NuSTAR 60001164002 2015-01-09 58.7 P. Gandhi When fully operational, Suzaku had four CCD X-ray Suzaku 702011010 2007-07-12 53.4 H.Awaki imaging spectrometers(XIS) anda hardX-raydetector Chandra 4844 2004-03-07 9.6 R.Pogge (HXD).TheXIScoveredanenergyrangeof0.4–10keV with typical resolution 120eV.4 During the lifetime of Col. 1: Satellite name; Col. 2: Corresponding observation ID; Col. 3: Date of observation; Col. 4: Unfiltered exposure time Suzaku, one of the four XIS detectors became non- for the observation; Col. 5: Principal Investigator (PI) of the operational,leavingtwofrontilluminated(FI)detectors observation. (XIS0 and XIS3), and one back illuminated (BI) detec- tor (XIS1). HXD was a non-imaging instrument de- Table 1. Details of observations used to analyse IC 3639. signedforobservationsintheenergyrange10–700keV. 3.2.1. XIS First, the ximage software package5 was used to cre- 3.1. NuSTAR ate an image by summing over the three XIS cleaned Data from both focal plane modules (FPMA & event files. Next source counts were extracted from a FPMB) onboard the NuSTAR satellite were pro- circularregionofradius2.′6,withbackgroundcountsex- cessed using the NuSTAR Data Analysis Software tracted from an annular region of inner radius 2.′6 and (NuSTARDAS) within the heasoft package. The outer radius 5.′0. The background annular region was corresponding caldb files were used with the NuS- again centred around the source region to avoid source TARDAS task nupipeline to produce calibrated and and background count contamination. xselect was cleaned event files. The spectra and response files were then used to extract a spectrum for each XIS detector produced using the nuproducts task, after standard cleaned event file using the source and background re- datascreeningprocedures. Thenetcountrateinthe3– gions defined above. Lastly, we used the addascaspec 79keVbandforFPMA&FPMBwere(9.413±0.549)× commandto combine the twoFI XISspectra. The final 10−3countss−1 and (8.018 ± 0.544)× 10−3countss−1, result was two spectra: one for the FI cameras (XIS0 fornetexposuresof58.7ksand58.6ks,respectively(this + XIS3, referred to as XIS03 herein) and one for the corresponds to total count rates of (1.686 ± 0.054)× single BI camera (XIS1). The net exposure times for 10−2countss−1 and (1.648 ± 0.053)× 10−2countss−1 XIS03 and XIS1 were 107.8ks and 53.4ks, respectively. for FPMA & FPMB, respectively). Circular source re- gions of radius 0.′75 were used to extract source counts 3https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/xspec/XspecManual.pdf 4 isas.jaxa.jp/e/enterp/missions/suzaku/index.shtml 2 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi- bin/W3Browse/w3browse.pl 5 https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/xanadu/ximage/ximage.html 5 Figure 1a. (Left)DigitisedSkySurvey (DSS)opticalimageoftheinteractingtriplegalaxygroupsystem,withIC3639shownin thecenter. TheNuSTARextractionregionsforsourceandbackgroundareshowninredwithsolidanddashedlinesrespectively. The other two galaxies present in the triple system are highlighted with blue circles, each of radius 0.′76. (Right) NuSTAR FPMA event file with source and background regions again shown in red solid and dashed lines respectively. The locations of theothertwogalaxiesintheinteractingtriplesystem(visibleinopticalimages)areshownbythebluecircles. Clearly,NuSTAR does not significantly detect these other galaxies in theX-rayenergy range. Figure 1b. (Left) Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 image of IC 3639, with superimposed regions defined from the Chandra image. Theimageconfirmsthebarredspiralclassification describedinSection1,orientatedalmostcompletelyface-on to our LOS. (Right) Full band Chandra image with 0.′5 radius extraction regions for background and annular count extraction region for off-nuclear emission superimposed. The annular extraction region has an inner radius of 0.′05. Scale was determined assuming a distance tothe source of 53.6Mpc. 6 1 0 0. 1 − V ke 0−3 1 1 − s s nt u o c 4 − 10 NuSTAR FPMA NuSTAR FPMB Suzaku XIS1 −5 Suzaku XIS03 0 1 1 2 5 10 20 Energy (keV) Figure 2. The NuSTAR FPMA and FPMB spectra plotted together with the Suzaku XIS spectra in count rate units. All are binned with SNR of 4. The data has been normalised by the area scaling factor present in each response file - this was unity for each observation. XIS1 refers to the single BI detector on Suzaku used to collect the spectral counts, whereas XIS03 refers to thecombined spectra from the two FI detectors, XIS0and XIS1- see Section 3.2.1 for furtherdetails. 7 ThedatawereagaingroupedwithaminimumSNRof4. Additionally the XIS spectral data in the energy range 1.7–1.9keV and 2.1–2.3keV were ignored due to in- strumentalcalibrationuncertaintiesassociatedwiththe 0.01 silicon and gold edges in the spectra6. V−1 The correspondings3p.e2c.2tr.umHXfDor the HXD instrument counts s ke−1 10−3 was generated with the ftools command hxdpinxbpi. The data were then binned to allow a minimum of 500 counts per bin. The energy range 10–700keV 10−4 of HXD is achieved with Gadolinium Silicate (GSO) counters for >50keV and PIN diodes for the range 15 20 25 3"0 35 40 15–50keV. The GSO instrument is significantly less Energy (keV) sensitive than NuSTAR and thus not used here. For Figure 3. The Suzaku HXD spectra plotted in count rate units for gross counts (source+background), 5% gross the PIN instrument, a model has been designed to counts(tocomparetheapproximatethresholdweusetoclas- simulate the non-X-ray background (NXB). In the sify a weak detection - see text for details) and net source 15–40keV range, current systematic uncertainties in countsshowninblack,greenandred,respectively. TheHXD the modelled NXB are estimated to be ∼3.2%. A 15–40keVspectral countsare shown not tobesignificantly detected bySuzaku, as discussed in Section 3.2.2. tuned NXB file for the particle background is provided by the Suzaku team, whereas the CXB is evaluated separatelyandaddedtothetunedbackgroundresulting trum is less than ∼5% of the tuned background, the in a final total background. The modelled CXB is detection is weak, and a source spectrum flux lower ∼5% of the total background for PIN. The ftool than ∼3% of the background would require careful as- command hxdpinxbpi then uses the total background sessment. The IC 3639 source counts are found to be to produce a dead-time corrected PIN source and 0.8−+00..98% of the tuned background counts in the 15– background (NXB+CXB) spectrum. The net source 40keV range. For this reason, we do not use the HXD counts for IC 3639 are shown in red in Figure 3. The datainourspectralanalysisforIC3639. Thisvaluecon- gross counts (source+background) are considerably tradictsMiyazawa et al.(2009)whoreporta15–50keV higher than the net source counts and are shown in fluxofF15−50keV = 1.0×10−11ergs−1cm−2 –approx- black on the same figure for comparison. The source imatelytwoordersofmagnitudehigherthanwefind, as flux was calculated in the energy range 10–40keV for well as greater than the upper limit attained from the a simple power-law model. The corresponding fluxes BeppoSAX satellite mentioned in Section 2. for source+background (F ) and source alone We further find this result to be inconsistent B,15-40keV (F ) are: with NuSTAR. Using a simple powerlaw+gaussian S,15-40keV model fitted to the NuSTAR data, we obtain FB,15-40keV =1.41 ± 0.01 × 10−10 ergs−1cm−2, and F F15P−M5A0keV = 3.0−+00..59 × 10−12ergs−1cm−2 and FS,15-40keV =8.20−+80..2407 × 10−13 ergs−1cm−2. F F15P−M5B0keV = 3.1−+01..40 × 10−12ergs−1cm−2. Extrap- olating these fluxes to the 20–100keV band gives The CXB is known to vary between different instru- F 20−100keV ∼ 1.8 × 10−12ergs−1cm−2 for both Fo- ments on the order of ∼10% in the energy range con- cal Plane Modules, which is fully consistent with sidered here. For this reason, as a consistency check, the upper limit found with the BeppoSAX satellite we compared the background uncertainty from Suzaku (F2B0e–p1p0o0SkAeXV 69.12×10−12ergs−1cm−2). (3− 5%)7 to the error in the total background found Figure 2 shows the Suzaku XIS spectra over-plotted when the CXB flux component carried a 10% uncer- with the NuSTAR data. The spectral data for Suzaku tainty. This altered the tuned background error to XIS and NuSTAR are consistent with each other in 2.9%–4.8%. Thus, within acceptable precision, the to- shape within the common energy range 3–10keV. The tal background appears to be unaltered by potential composite spectrum formed spans approximately two CXB cross-instrument fluctuations. If the source spec- dex in energy,from 0.7–34keV, as a result of the mini- mum SNR grouping procedures for each data set. 3.3. Chandra 6http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/suzaku/analysis/abc/node8.html 7http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/suzaku/analysis/abc/node10.html, The Chandra level 2 event file was obtained from the 7.5.1 heasarc database. A fraction of the total collecting 8 area of the detector was used in the timed exposure the flux of the CPL in the Chandra energy band (0.5– mode setting, where the CCD collects data for a set 8keV) was F CPL = 7.17 × 10−14ergs−1cm−2. 0.5−8.0keV frame time. Selecting a frame time less than the de- faultvalue(3.2sforChandra) reducestheprobabilityof 4. X-RAY SPECTRAL FITTING pile-up. Thisiswheremorethanonephotoninapartic- The resulting spectral data sets for Suzaku XIS and ular bin from the same event is detected. An exposure NuSTAR were used in the energy ranges 0.7–9.0keV timeof0.4sperframewasusedintheobservationofIC and3.0–34.0keV,respectively. Data abovethis thresh- 3639,whichgivesareducedpredictedpile-upfractionof old were excluded due to low SNR. Initially, the Suzaku ∼0.3%. ThissettingwaschosenintheoriginalChandra XIS and NuSTAR data were fitted independently of observationproposaldue to the previously unknown X- eachotherwithasimplepowerlaw+gaussianmodel ray flux of the source, to minimise the risk associated togivethefollowingfluxesinthe2–10keVenergyband: with pile-up. Spectral extraction from the Chandra data was car- NuSTAR: ried out with the ciao 4.7 software package8. We pri- F FPMA =1.81+0.16 × 10−13ergs−1cm−2, 2−10keV −0.41 marily investigated the Chandra image of IC 3639 for F FPMB =1.86+0.17 × 10−13ergs−1cm−2. 2−10keV −0.40 potential contaminants located within the Suzaku and NuSTAR extraction regions. However, no particularly Suzaku XIS: prominentcontaminatingsourceswerevisibleintheim- F XIS03 =1.84 ± 0.24 × 10−13ergs−1cm−2, 2−10keV mediatevicinityoftheAGN.Acomparativelylargecir- F XIS1 =2.12+0.34 × 10−13ergs−1cm−2. 2−10keV −0.32 cular source region of 2.′6 was used with the XIS image due to its larger point spread function (PSF) relative Theoverallmatchbetweenthesefluxesimplieswecan to Chandra. As a result, the XIS spectra will contain analysethedatasetstogether. AChandra spectrumwas some flux from non-AGN related activity, unresolvable extracted from a 3′.′9 circular extraction region. How- by that instrument. To account for this, the Chandra ever,there wereonly 35countspresentinthe 2–10keV imagewasusedtomodelasmuchoftheunresolvednon- band. Byusingthesamepowerlaw+gaussianmodel AGN activity from the Suzaku XIS image as possible. todeterminethefluxaswiththeotherdatasets,weget: An annular Chandra source region with outer radius as F Chandra =9.51+7.83 × 10−14ergs−1cm−2. 2−10keV −9.51 closetothatofthecircularXISsourceregionaspossible This fluxisonlymildly inconsistentwiththe otherdata was created with inner region of radius 0.′05, excluding sets,butalsoconsistentwithzero,duetothelowSNRof the central AGN. A simple power law was fitted to this the data. Giventhis low SNR, we do not use the Chan- spectrum, and was added to the model used with the dra AGNdataforfurtherspectralanalysis,butthecon- Suzaku XIS data. This power law is referred to as the sistency found between this and Suzaku/NuSTAR data contamination power law (CPL) hereafter. sets suggests that we are classifying IC 3639 as a bona Ideally, the outer radius of the annular extraction ra- fide CTK AGN robustly. dius used in the Chandra image would equal the ra- The power-law slope of the composite spectrum diusofthecircularsourceregionusedinthe XISimage. (Suzaku+NuSTAR)ishard,withphotonindexΓ∼1.8 However,asnotedabove,dataweretakenwithacustom and the EW of the Fe-Kα line is very large (EW∼ 1/8 sub-array on ACIS-S3. This meant that Chandra 2.4keV). These are consistent characteristics of a heav- only observed part of the sky covered by the other in- ily obscured AGN. Due to the high EWs found for the struments. As such,the image producedcouldnothave Fe-Kα line witha power-law+Gaussianmodel, we pro- a source regionwider than ∼0.′5, as opposed to the XIS ceeded to fit more physically motivated models as fol- source region of radius 2.′6. Accordingly, we used an lows. annular region of outer radius 0.′5 for the Chandra im- A general model structure was used with each spec- age. The annular counts extraction region and circular trum, included in Equation 1. However, not all models background region of equal radius used with the Chan- used in this study required all the components listed in dra image are shown in the right panel of Figure 1b. the template. Thespecextractcommandwasusedtocreatethespec- Template = const × phabs[gal] × [apec + cpl + spl + tral and response files for use in xspec. The Chandra spectrum was grouped with greater than or equal to 20 (refl + obsc × ipl + f lines)] (1) countsperbinpriortothecplmodelling. Furthermore, Below, we give explicit details for each component in Equation 1: 8 http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/ • const: multiplying constant used to determine the cross-calibration between different instru- 9 ments. The NuSTAR FPMA constant was frozen absorptionthroughtheobscurerviathemul- to unity and the other three constants left free tiplying obsc term. (Madsen et al. 2015 report cross-normalisation – f lines: component describing fluorescence constants within 10% of FPMA). lines believed to arise from photon interac- • phabs[gal]: component used to account for tions with the circumnuclear obscurer. photoelectric absorption through the Milky Way, based on H measurements along the LOS 4.1. Slab models: pexrav and pexmon I (Dickey & Lockman 1990). This is represented Slab models describe X-ray reflection off an infinitely as an obscuring column density in units of cm−2, thick and long flat slab, from a central illuminating and assumed constant between instruments (and source. pexrav (Magdziarz & Zdziarski 1995) com- so was frozen for each data set). The determined prises an exponentially cut-off power law illuminating value was 5.86×1020cm−2. spectrum reflected from neutral material. To acquire • apec (Smith et al. 2001): model component used the reflection component alone, with no direct trans- mitted component, the reflection scaling factor param- as a simple parameterisation of the softer energy eter is set to a value R<0. Other parameters of inter- X-rayemissionassociatedwithathermallyexcited est include the power law photon index; cutoff energy; diffusegassurroundingtheAGN.Detailedstudies abundance of elements heavier than helium; iron abun- of brighter local AGN indicate that photoionisa- dance (relative to the previous abundance) and inclina- tionmayprovideabetterdescriptionofthesoftX- tion angle of the slab (90◦ describes an edge-on config- rayemissioninAGNspectra(e.g. Guainazzi et al. uration; 0◦ describes face-on). The model gave far bet- 2009; Bianchi et al. 2010), but such modelling terreducedchi-squaredvaluesforareflection-dominated would require a higher SNR and better spectral configuration, and as such the reflection scaling factor resolution than currently available for IC 3639. was frozen to −1.0, corresponding to a 50% covering The low-energy spectral shape for IC 3639 found factor. pexrav does not self-consistently include fluo- with Suzaku XIS is far softer than for the higher rescent line emission. As such, a basic Gaussian com- energy portion of the spectrum. ponent was initially added to account for the strong • cpl: component referring to the contamination Fe-Kα line, resulting in an EW∼ 1.4−3.0keV. Alter- power law, used to account for the unresolved natively, the pexmon model (Nandra et al. 2007) com- non-AGNemissioncontaminating theSuzaku XIS bines pexrav with approximatedfluorescencelines and spectralcounts. SeeSection3.3forfurtherdetails. anFe-KαComptonshoulder(Yaqoob & Murphy2011). The fluorescencelinesinclude Fe-Kα,Fe-Kβ andnickel- • spl: component referring to the scattered power Kα. All analysis with slab models refer to the pex- law. This accounts for intrinsic AGN emission mon model hereafter,andaredenoted asmodel P. The that has been scattered into our LOS from re- high EWs found for the Fe-Kα line with the reflection- gions closer to the AGN, such as the NLR. The dominatedpexrav+Gaussianmodelinadditiontothe power law photon index and normalisation were power-law+Gaussian model, we next considered more tied to the intrinsic AGN emission as a simplifi- physicallymotivatedself-consistentobscuredAGNmod- cation. However, a constant multiplying the spl els. componentwasleftfreetoallowavariablefraction of observed flux arising from scattered emission. 4.2. bntorus • The final term in Equation 1 collectively consists Two tabular models are provided by of three parts: Brightman & Nandra (2011) to describe the ob- scurer self-consistently including the intrinsic emission – refl: reflected component, arising from the and reflected line components. The spherical version primary nuclear obscurerand has been mod- describes a covering fraction of one in a geometry elled in varying ways. In this work, we use completely enclosing the source. The presence and slab models (pexrav and pexmon) as well morphology of NLRs in a multitude of sources favours astoroidalgeometrymodels(torusandmy- a coveringfactor <1, implying an anisotropicgeometry torus),describedinSections4.1,4.2and4.3 for the shape of the obscurer in most Seyfert galaxies. respectively. For this reason, preliminary results were developed – obsc × ipl: Most models include the direct with this model, before analysis was carried out with transmitted component (intrinsic power law toroidal models. For further discussion of the NLR of or ipl), after accounting for depletion due to IC 3639, see Section 6.1. 10 The second bntorus model (model T hereafter) was toroidal geometries with high SNR data, refer to the used extensively in this study. This models a toroidal publicly available mytorus examples,9 or see Yaqoob obscurer surrounding the source, with varying opening (2012). and inclination angles. Here, the opening angle de- scribes the conical segment extending from both poles model M = const × phabs × (apec + spl + cpl + of the source (i.e. the half-opening angle). Because the pow * etable {trans. absorption} + obscurerisasphericalsectioninthismodel,thecolumn density along different inclination angles does not vary. atable{scattered} + The rangeof opening angles studied is restrictedby the atable{fluor lines}) (3) inclinationanglesinceforinclinationangleslessthanthe 5. RESULTS FROM SPECTRAL FITTING openingangle,the sourcebecomesunobscured. Thusto allowexplorationofthe full rangeofopening angles,we In this section, we present the results of our X-ray fixed the inclination angle to the upper limit allowed spectral fitting of IC 3639 together with model-specific by the model: 87◦ (Brightman et al. 2015). The tables parameters shown in Table 2. Figures 4a and 4b show providedforbntorusarevalidintheenergyrange0.1– the spectra and best-fit models attained for models T 320keV,uptoobscuringcolumndensitiesof1026cm−2. and M, respectively. First we consider the EW of the Equation2describestheformofmodelTusedinxspec Fe-Kα line. As previously mentioned, an EW of the - allproperties associatedwith the absorberare present order of 1keV can be indicative of strong reflection. in the torus term, and collectively used in the mod- Risaliti et al. (1999b) found the EW for IC 3639 to be elling process. 3.20+0.98keV. In order to determine an EW for the Fe- −1.74 Kα line here, we modelled a restricted energy range of ∼3–9keV with a simple (powerlaw+gaussian) model T = const × phabs × (apec + spl + model. Here the power law was used to represent the cpl + torus) (2) underlying continuum, and the Gaussian was used as Liu & Li (2015) report model T to over-predict the a simple approximation to the Fe-Kα fluorescence line. reflection component for edge-on geometries, resulting Additionally, all four data sets were pre-multiplied by in uncertainties. However,varying the inclination angle cross-calibrationconstantsinthesamewayasdescribed did not drastically alter our fits and consistent results in the template model. wereacquiredbetweenbothmodels TandM,described Due to low signal-to-noise, the continuum normali- next. sation had a large uncertainty. As such, a robust er- ror could not be directly determined on the EW us- 4.3. mytorus ing xspec. Alternatively, we carried out a four dimen- The mytorus model, developed by sional grid to step over all parameters of the model in Murphy & Yaqoob (2009), describes a toroidal-shaped xspec, excluding line energy, which was well defined obscurer with a fixed half-opening angle of 60◦, and and frozen at 6.36keV in the observed frame. The EW free inclination angle. However, because the geometry was calculated for each grid value, and the correspond- here is a doughnut as opposed to a sphere, the LOS ing confidence plot is shown in Figure 5a. The hori- column density will always be less than or equal to the zontal black line represents the 90% confidence region equatorial column density (with equality representing for the chi-squared difference from the best-fit value, an edge-on orientation with respect to the observer). ∆χ2. Here, the 90% confidence level refers to the chi- The full computational form of this model is shown squareddistribution for four free parameterswith value in Equation 3, and encompasses the energy range 0.5– ∆χ2=7.779. Figure 5b shows the model used, fitted to 500keV, for column densities up to 1025cm−2. Three the four data sets. This gave an EW of 2.94+−21..7390keV, separate tables are used to describe this model: the consistentwithRisaliti et al.(1999b). Thisiswellabove transmitted absorption or zeroth order continuum, al- the approximate threshold of 1keV typically associ- teredbyphotoelectricabsorptionandComptonscatter- ated with the presence of CTK obscuration. However, ing; the scattered component, describing Compton scat- Gohil & Ballantyne (2015) find the presence of dust in tering off the torus; and the fluorescence emission for the obscuring medium can enhance the Fe-Kα line de- neutralFe-KαandFe-Kβ togetherwiththeirassociated tection even for CTN gas. This is a further reason for Compton shoulders. This study uses the coupled mode theimportanceofconsistentmodellingtodeterminethe forthismodel,wheremodelparametersaretiedbetween column density more robustly. Additionally, the er- differenttablecomponents(referredtoasmodelMhere- after). Forfurtherdetailsonthedecoupledmode,which is often used for sources showing variability or non- 9 http://mytorus.com/mytorus-examples.html