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Preview Ibragim Todashev FBI Kill Report by FL Attorney.pdf (PDFy mirror)

JEFFREY L. ASHTON STATE ATTORNEY anes Sree nie NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT ee ee ORANGE AND OSCEOLA COUNTY, FTORTEA cer seu Mach 28,2014 Dbisetns aes Comey Tedenal Bureau af Everts ‘SRE Ponnsytvanne Ave, NV Wrahorgien, DO SUES 40 Dear Diteston Comey: This later dels my review of che May 2 gat oP we Federal rem ol Lecestigeta eraguged in a use o! fence that ineaded the disc sagen iss resuag in the death af Usragimn‘Tadatbes, This \ovigw wus ublealaken ly delete wheter arminy chaipes wo mvapeceprals sponse o the uy af foroo in ag mctanes, Th 2's higleest cot ha - mo. easton insteuce alTiaued the vtimieal cousietion ef’ ¢ law anforestacm officer fhe what was desmeed 2a, runlartil use ePferas | Soo See 9. Cab, 236 $0.24 236, 238 Fl, 1972). Haweeve, the apelote osm Giveclly goverrang th Ninth Indicial Chon of Florida has quostinoe whtiaecuindnal charges are ove apenopriate agsinal 9 Jaw enforersent officer whe oversee his or kor ademal ux ailfea and angcrens sisumstances, See Ste v Sachs, 488 Se-2d 382, 30081 (Ps. Sta NCA 788), The bate ie (Gee ineanose in whether the Inv enferezom.otian's 2 ot delle Frve sas justified hoeatse fe o se rrmoush’y beloved thst ree wos aacaseary to prevert snmainsrt. dade gueat bay bo lec os anstbe la, Sat. 9 776.612C)2012}. Mp review $s ited to that ingle savior sue aud dea wot zdlrees any hor acne af the Sauce Bs lay eLageteld Tcsinvel ved, PACTUAL FINDINGS This ater was <dmalied w any uffie 2x a rele af en inital instigation iy ev azeney, Aw inclpandeye, iv dog wnsesupation was tat ualetlabet by this office sur the purpose tern wing de Srenmstanese aer:nding thease of lore, 1 vat te expres zy apeaveation fr he asec of ye peat and labarstery perstine! im rszendiog to our various neque shtvugint tis proces ‘as m1 most homicide investigations, the thet of Big iideat eae revel by lke wsmnatinn af thoes Vosie caturss of infimmation, The fast fe syoselinest acemnrs. ‘There romain tw gyeiLaseses (0 rolae thoi versions of ths avant Rech vrsions see ell docicaemed in eur inveacigntion, a6 cAssaLaly constr, ans car. bs emparizeg 92 Rone Officers aPths MassachosetsStnte Police (MSE) accoupeniini byw Special Ayent uf she Hederel Rate oF Tasesigeton (FBT) urmeled ta Orlanda, Flora to questi Magia Fedasher about his knowlege? i teigte meee Ul cured in Walken, Meseachasets om Soprember 1, 3014. Peior'o meeting with Me edaskev, thoy fan_liizt heels with som of bis perma bislory. They mors apace tha eas w aillsd Misee! Martial Ars Bigtor jred lateret vigeo cecondings of Figs in which he patted, vers iaBaane of ateroivns conduc ith wreeneesfuiliarvath the enfenl of bis taining inthe mail ans, and Taraad of Mh “cults wf un iuysLaian of aecem prior icteric M4 ‘Todashew denoastise his fighting sills m rsspedieg 104 cond 193% episode ivolving toa opponets “AS KURT: OMNET AVENE = (0, KISS Vhoy vere alko xmre that Mr dedathey had been couperaive wilh 4 Tank Wee agent and had vray subtatiad Wo on inte view unt Kew occasions jaa We di vst, Whats dey atcved ints Orlane ssa ‘Poy leamen that asa emt of events thar Yad o9et ve Wate nthe vitn, Mr. Todcshav wae na knger willing to meet with (een ata secure ocali, bot mont mact vids them 41 his residence, Allon cicuselon, “hep determines thar Ye ris oF meeting bim in wm linsecured omeresene yore omprcighed hy the poternal henerica of obzainmy his eangsrrbon vo thet Savessiguion mu agreed ly suse! Min at his sites Lyon susval a his rosidonoa, Soy fnned Mr Tadashi the parking In he campany of il, Me dashov ited them ing bie resence Eat ‘he interiew a3 the Toad vomainel eiside, Tao OFF cers ef the MESP aon 9 Speciad suger of thy PRI caarad the rozdsneo weit Mr Taachee, The Tesh Fok anatx renaied aside wih the frien. pon ners zy noted a hast af an aselt Filson ub Frat Acar al a decoxtive sind aging ae wal ss For apply tho vest far and one half our, ho Sur ef chem engiged in whut ie deserts by’ th clficors ag a eucperative aoucuerive disonsiva Us eveutalls Tend Mr, Todnshoe (o aka son involvement in “ho tra hemi jgtiom, AL various times, thay que him raking stamments clearly wndialing an expecesion of arrest, presecttion and probable inearcerstin, Towesd the end of these discuss, one of Das ollicus pceste Unt Me. Tudkshiy arvpuge write, alouu doting his myolvomeat i the murders, waick as agreed to de. Oue of the offcors af 18 S9SP then loaves Une residence in oer We wuumanivale Use ues developments (0a proseeor buck in ‘Messuchutty, pasa Lin olside te cesar io the company eho Task orce OFFc2t Wle the verinan sltemeat is being preared, oue of the ollicers mutes changes ia Mr. Todashes’s demaaner that heighlens his concern Base! pun dal bvilaued concer the MSP efi eauover Ibe Hecorative scord aad places x behind a emt sae self a sho eemanee Ls tho knckon —-Maents Laat ‘Ar. Todarhas ve nated an a matteo ie Ugg come af Gietesidenea, in oat ef hice valley tbe hich ae m usiug ue surface apes wich to writs ie sate, ainda Js a ding ass dacs Tealiag wot ofthe uesidones atvepe- area of the campeex. Tas \ISP officer ie seated am ais hema sepa fing frm the eepea ave ani is Udi bic eamcerns sont Mr, Todaev's derseanoe wa Gi other MST’ Ofleet ho hed sapped onside audtas Special Agext ofthe FO wi s seated on the apposite sie of te coftce tah looking at his mene ad While nein is diretiy ubwerving Me, Tedashow, De ovllbe able suldenly is peepee in te tt striking Une Sys gout el the PBL n the bagk ch heed iszad et mmming te the alcs pgs door fonay Lots bath offitets, Me ofesher ebosras te man at oth affiens inthe diction 2° the koko The Special Agent ef the FW, acho i lorked to the ground hy the tones of he tying cee table, lteagts onsuseesstlls, to yeah Att Tadathov by the lag te imerupt fas au. Wr. Todasray thes 193 inne dhe Michor anes and ic heard rusting Uo craw ur cabinets asi wsanching for seething The Speci geal af ie TBI gots lu is Tet, awit blood peor, fem ths stand tng head ule is ‘espou ad bie arle-s oo Br, Haase hy MSP oltre by w loud aise, wees the calze tah fying, thon Mr, Tecate Neeing tsa) the kien” Hes nial eqpaeae isto gull fe wsapom and ruse it but thinkigg Mr, Teacher fs morely facing ont of she redidence, he vers is wun eely iv inauediatdlyiseive tial Me. Teer ha ured and i move i his divetioe varying a foug pule uf sus: sust Roth oles witally describe, in *50RS", Mk Ledaabow heldiag the pols aor his heed (iwwlar visions ofthc Role beius eld asa chib ‘yih hoah hands above te sheulliss and be eu uf de pole Desa hse. The MSP ofbeer would kre clay ia yur revnided starcuetr ‘hate Ohiet, ls hel hig, wes hala move inthe eepe of assis, ‘pith he snd of pale pointed wal hina asin ty he used ele rather an As Me. Tecashey advances on the MSP affecy, the Spsoal Ago ofthe FE Ga three ls few sh at fom “The MSP office, ugh Di aveutieu vas dirs to ir, Padashoe, aud the shots coming Frm is right and save Mr. Todasiow's bndy rime in escrito belay suk by che ahoia Mr Tatar dioppe iv his aves by the foree che hots, bat was not ineaysetat spmng ror luc wat be MSP odie desribes a a Towra tonge, In nt ef she BLT Fret fone Mi, Todas am res sm bn dsb af heron aia vate uiaaatio, piper atvese estacay wl plysiculdueumentryiforense evdenss, end th Fue eum tala the oy “The pevipherat stnassacsouts dea Lue wills wha. various witneseos heard sad are Seely consistent vil the version given hyabs officers “The wanasses iv cles? puosiiy, are the Task Fore O'fice ad ‘Ue sevuad MSP aifies.” The Task Foros OF confi thins MMSE Officer tote ess stextly boiace the sul, slaliog Mr. Tolazhes fad eonissed Ab fiber conics dal @ sevend MSP loffcer nas comumieting wil the Dishict Atorucy atte se ofthe shies. Hi Few tas kin volley of Uke shots, bef pouse, cud thea tour mero, AS he smters the cadence, he ssee Mir. Tecahav on the Noor ih the ed pole wxecbeath ku wal the ecbviaus juris te une Spezia Aemof the FEL The second MSP Olfier’s tesin-any isin all ramets canse.sat er 'IJg "Task Force Offiverthoug’ he bells be fesud rolling belare fae cols and may have even heerd hia mame, He algy evils tno distine sete of shova, bur te les oetait GF tz uum in ech Se. Ale alto vbserved the injseas to de Spocia Ageut of te EBL ‘Unenrmmazcty ne neelhachsot canvass wis pase] a he faucets vad hve been heloful tn have the Mesh rovalloeto eV neighbers eo wat soering, Heskial eunaseing ellartsvelled in a fee witnnrse sith seme rua Inluckog ons sb erocolleenan of se-ng people imide the ree dete ee bearing aecullection of te mumiber of ebots varie, se do remember en divine groupes of als comer, the tenimony of the eye somcsies, “There wae naling sted ia the lescinenye of the patipberd >vinesses shat seul hed suhateral deme qn the tesiscuy ef th evouituesses Meving to ths physieidocumantagytatensie evidence, of eect signiicanss ty imo aly die audis sn vile Zeuundings cP the imeraciers petmacr ths lay &ercearare eis al Me, Taher. Overall, they cool the letinony ofthe eye messes sha cba hat irciqw as coupe end m= cootcive. with wo ito pisses viakence by eilher se efficers ot Mt. Tedaghcy. They coun tat he anfesned my sams mvalvament the “suligse duet uwestigalcn sd ls stents acknedging a9 spectotion of anes and probable ineareccaties. ‘Uk oxplangen ler stopping le uecundig jet pret to the amack is also supped by Ow ecards of plea ents mae jusy aay whe recondiug ceases and snunpeuis betre Ge tek bein sn 1 find nothing suzisions in tha Fark inthe ies deat DNA testiug be pesfuemad om the blogd sens slaty vib i Tho phctosraphe on see rezaenve. LL ba vitally imvaeret othe se bilaty of P's investigation dat ail susie meaawer be usa 29 vitasy comin ok rahe le testimony of 2 egewtmesses These rss sone hc las FBT agent ws the souree ef Uo Riana stems. ping ceppent 1p ris etincamy thar ho was sock ries th sets being ced ‘hon J heeed shat Mi, Todo was st in he buh, may inkl reacton was oes of euautut ual F setually sale 1epon a supe ard dlcussed the findings 828 the Keeazievethoiegiat. Vineet at th: amepey reports kepe away Uren the eyevaluesses ul they eoetd be goertioned he pi iiestignter so that sre eeuld > no cla thar those gas de tho fxep angle ‘he shots sshish stracle Mr, Todashse in ths la and bask, ssi’ 1 nd moet porsaasoy fa uns my orelusieas. Itisalvaye usackorons lo draws song a coadlusion irom Ge provieaatelel enkky oF an single goat. wrmnd The fuwnap bay i Bir to flocbls and movements foe vmpredisable to male Aefiniuive ewnclusians, That aid the angle eC unt of Use particular cho: wad be div (a aekiove ib, nay otitis suber Lins a Shooter wate clevetnd above les wget, (Be paceinsne of ce ale ceangs prechads sec powsbiliy, us shou‘er and sarge: om she same level, with Las anges ether an is Yan's ald knees oc propelling his feom va. postion, This is pricey the azn foaaitel sy Be oeut to ay unesaeyutar savin ruse & having avosss lo cho repo el awe this consianey homcan festinouy aud foeasi¢ Ginding a mest eoupelling sleens 3f reat af the veil ef as ollvees statemm, ‘widally, Fees aby cuzesuned about the anepey Haines abering that ova oF side of the torte of Wr, Tadaghey cod Caaugh his stm atone catering bie body fncongrucis with dee descrpition inthe "307s" ofM Fahey holding te pate ce fs heal (euvokeng wisious af Ihe pule being heid as a chit sith Roth, ands abows te sloeldens and the ant ef the pose behind hoa). My uulssnuug was greatly aided fry the dsealod sasevigians we were able w obvaia lucugh our isrisys math the MSP Omicer His description ofthe mater it wish Me, Tudashey helt the pole and the eaetion Uf has body te vas Hse sverracved any linge easse | had a3 to this seve, veal sig The dacnmen'ary evidanc> of Se change in Bi, Todasher"® rest message wut by tke MSP oliver just pri td avi civ Fat celibate Lis vatson oF the evens dcuetaeyiToresic. evidence detaviod jn ay Beaty acd 1a ty apinion, name of she other physi Ulaubs om she create of the voyrelwasiverepovi of ChieP Investair Zmancs sheds any sera See OOK wy ilaness CONCLUSIONS The version of ever “slay the Spacinl Apeat of dae FBT, sivvidel 1 us in 6 "202" the version of seas provided be de whysialdocuentaryicensic dence in th "302%, anal geod astimeny or Sonint and suport by a svbstutil axaourt oF peripheral ness nd physiealscuml Tor evidence T-sould comamoct ran the aszence of a seal recurded anterview woth tre Azul dealing reese detail ofthe moveraats ofall na-vidnals cauwsdat cauplcatel Une analyse, Eaminitty. we jeore blo ts abvaunsnttisioat deri skwa the MSP ollves For rezsous which ne will mver kom, Mr Tofaoe’s tesponse 60 his inyrending arr snd promeble ‘aoararntion wa net co Tee om he auseace cul she susily acossctle roar cece tet ex right eid him We learmod mach aboot Mir, Todashc> ducing vu invenigeeca, Tn the @arenionts 0 those sto wt Nin fe is Lights vecr rena lummeating, 4 commend Chit lavestigater Perards ve ace 0 suzh lengihs in ay affor tn mnersrae] Me, Todtaey, Thy une cama thread stnon® all wae oho bservetion al he seas, is cae, aeons fghtor Regaudess fli beaten dows Fe wns be sity Aida't hase any qt in im. Peshaps on ahs cozasian, he srmple revert das haste ampoct bie porsoraliy ad ehose wo ge Gora Kghling invesdgation, is chat the actin uf tke Fanoste, My couslivioa, ba Specist Agent sed upon ts feos present wr me in ic FBI wes jie in selFeronge min ston sant by th agen inves wel when revenge Als Ure is ay evidence in his ie‘anco fiat, the nse of pose a ievrurave hove, and in a Hamaaees, to uele the wrda af et ap eaferoeuneal uses uf Aca obsnctin, we question wheter ave sarectr affien Feud ever be an Oe Ase ef faeiens: raszondhe! ar ome segue wale, comely respinse Bt osing foun Judenen.$ pole aAicer ander ths canrmnocs Tons, ide nls a bts eMting Fouton. The ex! tally sine: wil vue eel wk Lr Uso eign hee ton te ret corse uaa tha esl acs th areal ay deranged ng sist socks fo onc Fn fs nage pagent. ics a such SCS sy cb lets Lng Ue he over ee elo img sagen tusy be couiting cms empl hea tase ho ge Bis aetons 4 a0 sr eben oF over hing rs iw sy ater, £53 So2e at 300-91 (ophaes in avin hors is wo een tes instance ace Special Avent cho FBT eommrised ialsntensl missin ar eated wet: any depiee oC lic “Taulone, a compleie review af the impsticatian bas me lo ‘conclude hat srincnal charves agninstshe Speeve Agcet cL Us EBL nol searramed, and tha tbs Qulive laf the Sars Aceamey's tovicw et hs Hsien s exp Sefhey 1. Ashion Sule Mlemtey

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