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IBM-2 configuration mixing and its geometric interpretation for germanium isotopes E. Padilla-Rodal1,2, O. Castan˜os1, R. Bijker1, and A. Galindo-Uribarri2 1Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM, 04510 M´exico, D.F., M´exico and 2Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,Tennessee 37831 The low energy spectra, electric quadrupole transitions, and quadrupole moments for the ger- manium isotopes are determined in the formalism of the IBM-2 with configuration mixing. These calculated observables reproduce well the available experimental information including the newly obtained data for radioactive neutron-rich 78,80,82Ge isotopes. Using a matrix formulation, a ge- ometric interpretation of the model was established. The two energy surfaces determined after mixing, carry information about the deformation parameters of the nucleus. For the even-even Ge isotopes the obtained results are consistent with the shape transition that takes place around the neutron numberN =40. Los niveles de baja energ´ıa, las transiciones cuadrupolares el´ectricas y los momentos cuadrupo- 6 lares de los is´otopos de germanio son determinados en el formalismo del IBM-2 con mezcla de 0 configuraciones. Lasobservablescalculadasreproducenbienlainformaci´onexperimentaldisponible 0 incluyendo datos obtenidos recientemente para los is´otopos radiactivos con exceso de neutrones 2 78,80,82Ge. Utilizando una formulaci´on matricial, se estableci´o una interpretaci´on geom´etrica del n modelo. Las dos superficies de energ´ıa determinadas despu´es de la mezcla, contienen informaci´on a acercadelospar´ametrosdedeformaci´on delnu´cleo. Losresultadosobtenidosparalosis´otopospar- J par de Ge son consistentes con la transici´on de fase que ocurre alrededor del nu´mero de neutrones 9 N =40. 1 1 I. INTRODUCTION v 0 RecentresultsonCoulombexcitationexperiments ofradioactiveneutron-richGe isotopesatthe HolifieldRadioac- 6 tive Ion Beam Facility allowed the study of the systematic trend of B(E2;0+ 2+) between the sub-shell closure at 0 1 → 1 1 N =40 and the major-shell N =50 [1]. The new information on the E2 transition strengths constitutes a stringent 0 test for the nuclear models [1, 2] and has motivated us to revisit the use of the Interacting Boson Model (IBM) for 6 these isotopes. Previous work [3], using a version of the IBM-2 with configuration mixing, has shown that a good 0 description of the stable germanium nuclei can be obtained. In the present work we apply the standard, two-particle / h two-hole, IBM-2 with configuration mixing [4] to the stable nuclei and extrapolate the model predictions to the t recently explored radioactive neutron-rich isotopes 78,80Ge and the single-closed shell nucleus 82Ge. - l The irregular neutron-dependence of important observables such as the excitation energy of the 0+ states, the c 2 relative values of the B(E2)′s and the population cross sections in two-neutron-transfer reactions [5] have suggested u n that a structural change takes place around N = 40 for Ge isotopes. In combination with the measurement of the : electric quadrupole moments associated with the 2+ and 2+ states [6, 7], this experimental data has been taken as v 1 2 evidence of a shape transition and the coexistence of two different kinds of deformations for this isotopic chain [8]. i X Formanyyearsseveraltheoreticalmechanismshavebeenproposedtoexplainthesephenomenasimultaneouslyina r consistentway. Forexample,intheearlyseventiesthevariationofthe0+2 excitationenergieswasexplainedunderthe a assumptionofasecondminimainthepotentialenergysurface[9]. Howeverthesuccessofthisdescriptionwaslimited as the excited states were not well reproduced. Investigations of the nuclear structure with the dynamic deformation theory [10] were also performed leading to the determination of potential energy surfaces and energy levels of the Ge isotopes. Although these calculations were not able to predict correctly the 2+ state for the 72Ge, the results implied 2 that the Ge nuclei were very soft and present an oblate-prolate shape phase transition [11]. Another relevant work that uses a boson Hamiltonian to describe the quadrupole degrees of freedom for the Ge isotopes, is the study based onthecouplingofpairingandcollectivequadrupolevibrationalmodes[12]throughabosonexpansionprocedure[13]. ThisformalismdescribesuccessfullymanyfeaturesoftheGeisotopes,althoughithadsomedifficultiesinfittingsome of the two-nucleontransfer cross sections. II. IBM-2 WITH CONFIGURATION MIXING FOR GE ISOTOPES Under the assumption that the 0+ states in the germanium isotopes arise from an intruder configuration, in this 2 contributionwe reconsiderthe formalismof the IBM-2 with configurationmixing to describe the nuclear structure of thesenuclei. IntheIBM-2thenucleusismodeledasasystemoftwotypesofinteractingbosons,proton-andneutron- bosons, that can have angular momentum and parity JP = 0+,2+ and are denoted by the creation(annihilation) operators s†(s ), and d†(d ), respectively, where ρ=π indicates protons and ρ=ν is used for neutrons. ρ ρ ρ ρ 2 A Nν χν ε [MeV] κ [MeV] ∆ [MeV] e2 [eb] 68 4 1.45 1.40 (1.40) -0.20 (-0.25) 3.73 0.052 70 5 1.40 1.40 (1.30) -0.20 (-0.23) 3.35 0.047 72 ¯5 1.30 1.40 (1.30) -0.21 (-0.23) 2.50 0.033 74 ¯4 1.20 1.20 (1.10) -0.21 (-0.23) 0.94 0.032 76 ¯3 1.12 1.00 (1.05) -0.21 (-0.25) 0.03 0.032 78 ¯2 0.92 1.00 (1.00) -0.23 (-0.26) -0.98 0.032 80 ¯1 0.85 1.00 (1.03) -0.24 (-0.27) -1.92 0.032 82 0 1.10 (1.30) -3.00 0.038 TABLE I: Parameters used in this calculation. The bar above the number of neutron-bosons indicates that the bosons correspond to pairs of neutron-holes. The values for the intruder configuration are given in parenthesis. For all the isotopes Nπ=2(4), χπ=-1.2(-1.4), ξ1=ξ2=ξ3=0.05(0.1), α0=α2=0.115 MeV. The effective charges for the normal component, e2, are given in thelast column, while for theintruderwe took e4 =2e2. The mixing calculation consists of first describing the general features of the two configurations in terms of two different IBM-2 calculations and then combining these two results using a mixing operator. Each configuration is described using a Hamiltonian of the form H =εn +κQ Q +M , (1) d π ν πν · where n = (d† d ) denotes the number operator of d-bosons, Q represents the quadrupole operator for d µ,ρ µρ µρ ρ protons and neutrons P Q =(s†d +d†s )(2)+χ (d†d )(2), (2) ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ and M is the Majorana interaction πν e e M =ξ (s† d† d† s†)(2) (s d d s )(2)+ ξ (d† d†)(K)(d d )(K). (3) πν 2 π ν − π ν π ν − π ν K π ν π ν K=1,3 X e e e e The twoHamiltoniansarediagonalizedindependently initsappropriatespace. The activemodelspaceforprotonsin thenormalconfigurationconsistsoftwoproton-bosons,whereastheintruderspaceisconformedoffourproton-bosons, one boson-hole in the 20-28shell and three boson-particles in the 28-50shell. The mixing Hamiltonian that connects this two configurations does not conserve the number of bosons and is given by H =α (s†s† +s s )+α (d† d† +d d )(0). (4) mix 0 π π π π 2 π × π π × π A third parameter,∆, is needed in order to specify the unperturbed energy requiredto excite two protons acrossthe e e closed shell [14]. Using the eigenfunctions of the two separate configurations one forms the matrix elements of H . mix The final wave functions are obtained from the diagonalization of the resulting matrix. In total we used 11 independent parameters per nucleus, specified on Table I. The values of χ , ξ =ξ =ξ , α =α π 1 2 3 0 2 are kept constant for all eight nuclei and χ is taken the same for the normal and intruder configurations. The ν variation of ∆ as function of the neutron number is linear, with the same slope as the one suggested in Ref. [3]. Our ∆ values are larger than the ones given in [3] because we are assumming that the intruder configuration originates from the excitation of one proton pair across the Z = 28 shell gap instead of a proton pair within the same valence space. Accordingto[15]thislinearbehaviorarisesfromthemonopolecontributiontotheneutron-protoninteraction. The calculated low-energy levels for the even 68−82Ge isotopes are shown in Fig. 1 together with the experimental data taken from Ref. [16]. A satisfactory agreement for the entire isotope chain is obtained. The evolution of the mixingastheneutronnumberincreases,canbeseeninFig.1bylookingatthecolumnnexttothetheoreticalspectra for eachisotope. Eachhorizontalbar givesthe eigenfunction composition, the grayportionrepresents the sum of the square coefficents of the normal components, while the white portion represents the same quantity for the intruder components. From the Fig. 1 one observes a one-to-one correspondence between the experimental and theoretical energy levels for68Geand70Geuptoanexcitationenergyof 3MeV,withthe3+ stateof68Geandthe2+ stateof70Geshowing the largest discrepancies. The mixing in the wa∼ve functions of 68Ge1is very small and the tw3o configurations appear well separated with the normal (intruder) component been predominant for the low(high) energy levels; for 70Ge the mixing starts to become important, especially for highenergies,while the normalconfigurationstill dominates at energieslessthan1MeV.For72Gethetheoreticalcalculationyieldsa2+ statewhichhasnoexperimentalcounterpart. 3 3 68Ge 70Ge 72Ge 74Ge EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. B(E2;2+ →0+) 29(3) 27.2 36 (4) 35.9 40 (3) 39.0 60 (3) 62.2 1 1 B(E2;2+ →0+) 4.8 13 (3) 16.5 41 (4) 18.4 <7.8 3.0 1 2 B(E2;2+ →2+) 0.8(3) 4.2 49.7 (189) 68.2 114 (12) 59.4 99.7 (203) 91.5 2 1 B(E2;4+ →2+) 22.9(30) 41.0 18.9 (34) 68.1 64.1 (71) 80.0 66.4 (55) 91.8 1 1 Q(2+) 4.6 3 (6) 2.1 -12 (8) -6.1 -19 (2) -15 1 Q(2+) -0.3 9.8 23 (8) -19.3 26 (6) 13.0 2 76Ge 78Ge 80Ge 82Ge EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. B(E2;2+ →0+) 46 (3) 52.2 44 (3) 40.3 28 (5) 27.6 25 (5) 27.6 1 1 B(E2;2+ →0+) <2.8 1.3 .7 +5 3.0 3.5 3.5 1 2 −2 B(E2;2+ →2+) 74.6 (96) 73.9 39.6 +337 53.2 39.2 39.2 B(E2;4+2 →2+1) 73 (13) 74.5 >−(cid:0)21319(cid:1).8 57.4 39.0 39.0 Q(12+) 1 -14 (4) -15.3 (cid:0) (cid:1) -18.3 -13.6 -0.3 1 Q(2+) 28 (6) 11.7 11.9 5.2 0.2 2 TABLE II: A comparison between the experimental and theoretical B(E2) values and quadrupole moments are given for the Geisotopes from A=68toA=82. Theunitsof theB(E2)valuesaregivenby10−3e2 b2 while forthequadrupolemoments one uses 10−2eb. The existence of such a level has also been suggested by other authors [3] using different theoretical approaches [11]. According to our calculated electromagnetic transitions, 2+ represents the continuation of the 0+ band-head. The 3 2 mixing is maximal for 72Ge with a nearly 50% normal, 50% intruder composition of the eigenfunctions. For 74Ge the two configurations are inverted, and it is now the intruder configuration that dominates the low-energy levels in the spectra, while the normal component becomes important only for higher energy levels. For the isotopes 76Ge to 82Ge,thefitoftheenergylevelsisgoodalthoughthereisanincreasinglackofexperimentalinformationasonemoves to the neutron-rich part of the chain. For those isotopes the mixing seems to be less relevant, as there is only one dominant configuration. The extreme case for this situation is the neutron-closed-shellnucleus 82Ge, that has N =0 ν and therefore a simple IBM-1 calculation is able to reproduce the scarce experimental information available. In Table II we present the most important electric quadrupole transitions between the calculated energy levels for the germaniumisotopes. The values arecomparedwith the experimentalinformationavailable in the literature. The B(E2) values and the quadrupole moments were obtained following the definitions 1 B(E2;L L′) = L′ T(E2) L 2, (5) → 2L+1 |h || || i| 1/2 32π Q(2+) = 2+ T(E2) 2+ 2, (6) i 175 |h i || || i i| (cid:18) (cid:19) with the electric quadrupole transition operator given by T(E2) =e (Q +Q )+e (Q +Q ), (7) 2 π2 ν2 4 π4 ν4 beingQ ,thequadrupoleoperatordefinedinequation(2)forthenormal(j =2)andintruder(j =4)configurations. ρj The values of the boson effective charges e (e = 2e for all isotopes, following the work of Sambataro and Molnar 2 4 2 [15] on the Mo isotopes) were determined by the experimental B(E2;2+ 0+) values. 1 → 1 III. GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION To obtain a geometric interpretation of the model we use the coherent states associated to the IBM-2. The most general form of these states is given by [17] 1 N ,N ,β ,γ ,β ,γ ,φ,θ,ψ = R(φ,θ,ψ) (Γ†)Nπ (Γ†)Nν 0 , (8) | π ν π π ν ν i (N )!(N )! π ν | i π ν with p 1 Γ† = s† +β cosγ d† + β sinγ (d† +d† ) / 1+β2, (9) ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ,0 √2 ρ ρ ρ,2 ρ,−2 ρ (cid:20) (cid:21) q 4 4 EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. ] V e M 2 4 Energy[ 2 32( )0244 223420 42 40032 42034 20 4034 32044 04 ((0402))0 43 02 on 0 0 2 2 24 22 (3) 04 040 Excitati 2 2 20 02 20 20 22 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68Ge 70Ge 72Ge 74Ge 4 ] V EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. EXP. TH. e M 2 [ 4 y 0 0 ation Energ 2 ((240234)) 204034 (40 )((((2242)))) 344002 ((42 )) 0224 ((22 )) 2 t ci 2 Ex 2 2 (2 ) 2 (2 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76Ge 78Ge 80Ge 82Ge FIG. 1: Comparison between the experimental and calculated energy levels for the germanium isotopes. The wave function composition for each theoretical state is given as a normal (gray)-intruder(white) percentage on the right hand side column. where 0 isthe bosonvacuum,andthe Eulerangles,Ω=(φ,θ,ψ), define theorientationofthe deformationvariables | i (β ,γ ) for proton-bosonswith respect to the correspondingto neutron-bosons(β ,γ ) . It has been shown[17] that π π ν ν in the absence of hexadecupole interaction, one can take the Euler angles equal to zero. Using the states (8) with Ω = 0, one can evaluate the matrix elements of the normal(intruder) Hamiltonian, H (H ). The result for the N N+2 normal configuration is N β2 N β2 2κN N β β E (β ,γ ,β ,γ )=ε π π + ν ν + π ν π ν 2cos(γ γ ) Nπ,Nν π π ν ν 1+β2 1+β2 (1+β2)(1+β2) π− ν (cid:18) π ν(cid:19) π ν (cid:18) 2 2 1 χ β cos(γ +2γ ) χ β cos(γ +2γ )+ χ χ β β cos(2γ 2γ ) π π ν π ν ν π ν π ν ν π π ν − 7 − 7 7 − r r (cid:19) N N + ξ π ν (β β )2+2β β (1 cos(γ γ )) , (10) 2(1+β2)(1+β2) π − ν π ν − π − ν π ν (cid:16) (cid:17) whereasfortheintruder,thematrixelementdenotedas: E¯ (β ,γ ,β ,γ ),canbeobtainedfrom(10)byreplacing Nπ,Nν π π ν ν the appropriate Hamiltonian parameters and changing N for N +2. The geometric interpretation of the IBM-2 π π with configuration mixing is determined through the diagonalizationof the matrix energy surface E (β ,γ ;β ,γ ) w(N ,β ) E = Nπ,Nν π π ν ν π π , (11) w(N ,β ) E¯ (β ,γ ;β ,γ )+∆ (cid:20) π π Nπ+2,Nν π π ν ν (cid:21) 5 where w(N ,β ) denotes the matrix element of the mixing Hamiltonian (4) in the coherent states (8), with Ω = 0. π π The explicit form of this term is the following (N +1)(N +2) α w(N ,β )= π π α + 2 β2 . (12) π π 1+β2 0 √5 π p π (cid:18) (cid:19) The solution of the eigenvalue problem of (11) leads to two energy surfaces E (β ,γ ;β ,γ ,∆) = E (β ,γ ;β ,γ )+g(β ,γ ;β ,γ ,∆) ± π π ν ν Nπ,Nν π π ν ν π π ν ν g2(β ,γ ;β ,γ ,∆)+w2(N ,β ) (13) π π ν ν π π ± p where 1 g(β ,γ ;β ,γ ,∆)= E¯ (β ,γ ;β ,γ ) E (β ,γ ;β ,γ )+∆ . (14) π π ν ν 2 Nπ+2,Nν π π ν ν − Nπ,Nν π π ν ν (cid:18) (cid:19) The corresponding eigenfunctions are 1 √R 1 1 √R+1 X+ = √2R √R−+1 , X− = √2R −√R 1 , (15) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) − (cid:21) withR= 1+(w(N ,β )/g(β ,γ ;β ,γ ,∆))2. Fromtheequation(10)onecannoticethatbytakingβ =β β π π π π ν ν π ν → andγπ =γqν γ the contributionof the Majoranainteractionto the energysurface is zero. Under this conditionthe → other terms in (10) reduce to the energy surface associated to the IBM-1 ε¯Nβ N(N 1) E(N,β,γ)= + − a β4+a β3cos3γ+a β2 , (16) 1+β2 (1+β2)2 1 2 3 (cid:0) (cid:1) for the diagonal terms of (11), with 2N N 2κN N χ χ π ν π ν π ν ε¯ = ε+κ , a = 1+ , (17) 1 N N(N 1) − 7 − (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 2κN N 2κN N π ν π ν a = (χ +χ ), a = , (18) 2 π ν 3 − 7 N(N 1) N(N 1) r − − and (N +1)(N +2) α w(N,β)= π π α + 2β2 , (19) s 1+β2 0 √5 (cid:18) (cid:19) forthe non-diagonalterms. Thus oneconcludes thatthe conditiononβ andγ mentionedaboveisequivalentto the ρ ρ projection of the IBM-2 to the IBM-1 [18]. The first step followed in the study of the geometry associated to the IBM-2 plus configuration mixing for the Ge isotopes, was to consider the condition β = β β, γ = γ γ. To convince ourselves that such consideration π ν π ν → → makes sense, we performed a numerical calculation taking a large strength of the Majorana interaction. The result shows that indeed the wave functions as well as the energy levels associated to the ground band are almost not affected. TheenergysurfacesobtainedfortheGeisotopesarepresentedinFig. 2. Wedisplayboththeminimumandexcited energy surfaces(see equation(13)) as 3D-surfaces,togetherwith their correspondingcontour plots. One can see that for68Gethereiscoexistencebetweenasphericalshapeforthe groundbandandanoblateshapeforthe excitedband; in the case of 70Ge there is a coexistence between spherical and γ-unstable deformations; for 72Ge, the most mixed isotope, the lowerenergy band is sphericalwhile excited energylevels are prolate. Accordingto this interpretation, a shapetransitionoccursin74Ge,whereonegetstwodifferentprolateshapesforthegroundandexcitedbands;for76Ge a similar behavior than the one associated to 74Ge is found. Finally, there is a gradual evolution towards spherical shapes for the neutron-richnuclei, in 78Ge the coexistence is between a prolate groundbandand ansphericalexcited band; in 80Ge and 82Ge both energy surfaces are spherical. 6 FIG.2: Energysurfacesassociatedtotheground(white)andexcited(gray)bandsareshowntogetherwiththeircorresponding contour plots for each one of the Ge isotopes. x=βcosγ and y =βsinγ. The left contour plot for each isotope is associated tothegroundbandwhiletherightonebelongstotheexcitedband. Thedotsindicatethedeepestcontourlevelofeachenergy surface. IV. SUMMARY In summary, we have presented a configuration mixing calculation for the even-even Ge isotopes including the radioactive isotopes 78,80,82Ge. The good agreement between the theoretical and the experimental energy spectra, E2 transitions and quadrupole moments, supports the hypothesis that for light germanium isotopes (A = 68 76) − the interplay of two configurations determines the low-energy structure of the nuclei. In this calculation we have assumed that the intruder configuration arises from the two-proton two-hole excitation across the Z = 28 shell gap. Ourextrapolationto heavierisotopes(A=78 82)suggetsthatthe configurationmixing is lessimportant. However − a definitive conclusionrequires more experimental information about these nuclei. By means of a matrix formulation a geometric interpretation of the IBM-2 with configuration mixing was introduced. According to this each nucleus is described as a superposition of two energy surfaces that carry information about the equilibrium deformation parameters. Itisshownthattheprojectionβ =β β andγ =γ γ ofthesetwoenergysurfacesreducestothe π ν π ν → → geometric interpretation of the IBM-1 with configurationmixing. For the Ge isotopes, it is found that increasing the strength of the Majorana interaction does not affect significantly the energies and B(E2) values of the ground state bands, justifying the use of IBM-1 projection to analyze the geometry. One finds that the shape of the ground band evolves from spherical in 68,70,72Ge to prolate in 74,76,78Ge with a shape phase transition from spherical to prolate nuclei occurring between 72Ge and 74Ge. The energy surfaces characterize the ground and excited bands of the Ge isotopeswhichhaveingeneraldifferentshapesandanorthogonalcompositionofthenormal(N)andintruder(N+2) coherent states. 7 Acknowledgments This work was partially supported by CONACyT. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. DOE under the Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. [1] E. Padilla-Rodal, Ph. D. 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