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IBIS JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION VOLUME 133, 1991 © 1991 Blackwell Scientific Publications, Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 OEL Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 OEL, UK 25 John Street, London WCIN 2BL, UK Authorization to photocopy for internal or personal 23 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AJ, UK use or for the internal or personal use of specific 3 Cambridge Center, Suite 208, Cambridge, clients is granted by BSP for libraries and other MA 02142, USA users registered within the Copyright Clearance 54 University Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia Center (CCC) transactional Reporting Service, Arnette SA, 2 rue Casimir-Delavigne, 75006 Paris, France provided that the base fee of $05.00 per copy is paid Blackwell Wissenschaft, Meinekestrasse 4, directly to the CCC, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA D-1000 Berlin 15, Germany 01970, USA. This consent does not extend to other Blackwell MZV, Feldgasse 13, A-1238 Vienna, Austria kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution for advertising or promotional purposes, ISSN 0019-1019 for creating new collective works or for resale. Special requests should be addressed to the Editor Printed in Great Britain at The Alden Press, Osney Mead, Oxford 0044-5983/91 $05.00 CONTENTS BOU Officers and Committees S. F. GOODBURN. Territory quality or bird Past Officers and Medallists quality? Factors determining breeding success in the Magpie Pica pica NUMBER 1, JANUARY COMMENTS ANDRE A. DHONDT. How unreliable are EDITORIAL. The new Ibis cuckoldry estimates using heritability T. D. WILLIAMS. Foraging ecology and diet of estimates? Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua at South SABINE G. HENRICH & RUEDI G. NAGER. Can Georgia during winter and an assessment of extra-pair fertilizations be detected by their winter prey consumption differences in maternal and paternal >. A. BOST & P. JOUVENTIN. The breeding heritability estimates? performance of the Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua at the northern edge of its RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL range PUBLICATIONS DAVID J. ANDERSON. Apparent predator- limited distribution of Galapagos Red-footed CURRENT NOTES AND NOTICES Boobies Sula sula ;. WANLESS, M. P. HARRIS & J. A. MORRIS. NUMBER 2, APRIL Foraging range and feeding locations of Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis during chick D. R. BAZELY, P. J. EWINS & R. H. MCCLEERY. rearing Possible effects of local enrichment by gulls $. WANLESS, A. E. BURGER & M. P. HARRIS. on feeding site selection by wintering Diving depths of Shags Phalacrocorax Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis aristotelis breeding on the Isle of May . NEWTON & E. A. GALBRAITH. . N. FLINT. Time and energy limits to the Organochlorines and mercury in the eggs of foraging radius of Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos from STAFFAN BENSCH, DENNIS HASSELQUIST, Scotland ANDERS HEDENSTROM & ULF OTTOSSON. .. YOUNG, G. M. ZHENG & Z. W. ZHANG. Rapid moult among palaearctic passerines Winter movements and habitat use by in West Africa—an adaptation to the Cabot’s Tragopan Tragopan caboti in oncoming dry season? southeastern China 3. J. ORMEROD & STEPHANIE J. TYLER. The MURRAY C. GRANT. Relationships between egg influence of stream acidification and size, chick size at hatching, and chick riparian land use on the feeding ecology of survival in the Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Grey Wagtails Motacilla cinerea in Wales RONALD W. SUMMERS & LESLIE G. ANTERO JARVINEN. A meta-analytic study of UNDERHILL. The relationship between body the effects of female age on laying-date and size and time of breeding in Icelandic clutch-size in the Great Tit Parus major and Redshanks Tringa t. robusta the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca GUDMUNDUR A. GUDMUNDSSON, AKE . W. DUCKWORTH. Responses of breeding Reed LINDSTROM & THOMAS ALERSTAM. Optimal Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus to mounts fat loads and long-distance flights by of Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, Cuckoo migrating Knots Calidris canutus, Cuculus canorus and Jay Garrulus glandarius Sanderlings C. alba and Turnstones Arenaria >. J. FEARE. Intraspecific nest parasitism in interpres Starlings Sturnus vulgaris: effects of . J. HATCHWELL. The feeding ecology of disturbance on laying females young Guillemots Uria aalge on Skomer THEO MEIJER. The effect of a period of food Island, Wales restriction on gonad size and moult of male . NEWTON, I. WYLLIE & A. ASHER. Mortality and female Starlings Sturnus vulgaris under causes in British Barn Owls Tyto alba, with a constant photoperiod discussion of aldrin—-dieldrin poisoning CONTENTS N. KANG, C. J. HAILS & J. B. SIGURDSSON. OLAV HOGSTAD. The effect of social dominance Nest construction and egg-laying in Edible- on foraging by the Three-toed Woodpecker nest Swiftlets Aerodramus spp. and the Picoides tridactylus implications for harvesting LES CHRISTIDIS & RICHARD SCHODDE. JULIET VICKERY. Breeding density of Dippers Relationships of Australo-Papuan Cinclus cinclus, Grey Wagtails Motacilla songbirds—protein evidence cinerea and Common Sandpipers Actitis STEPHANIE J. TYLER & S. J. ORMEROD. The hypoleucos in relation to the acidity of influence of stream acidification and streams in south-west Scotland riparian land-use on the breeding biology of JUAN MORENO, LARS GUSTAFSSON, ALLAN Grey Wagtails Motacilla cinerea in Wales CARLSON & TOMAS PART. The cost of JAIME POTTI & SAGRARIO MONTALVO. Male incubation in relation to clutch-size in the colour variation in Spanish Pied Flycatchers Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis Ficedula hypoleuca MARILYN M. JONES. Muscle protein loss in WILL PEACH, STEPHEN BAILLIE & laying House Sparrows Passer domesticus LES UNDERHILL. Survival of British Sedge PHILIP A. F. BYLE. Parental provisioning in Warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus in the Dunnock Prunella modularis: the effects relation to west African rainfall of a variable mating system T. R. BIRKHEAD, B. J. HATCHWELL & N. B. DAVIES. Sperm competition and the COMMENT reproductive organs of the male and female DOUGLAS H. JOHNSON. Further comments on Dunnock Prunella modularis estimating nest success A. DAWSON. Photoperiodic control of testicular regression and moult in male House RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL Sparrows Passer domesticus PUBLICATIONS RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL BOU: RECORDS COMMITTEE: FOURTEENTH PUBLICATIONS REPORT (AUGUST 1990) BOU GODMAN-SALVIN MEDAL CURRENT NOTES AND NOTICES CITATION NUMBER 3, JULY BOU UNION MEDAL CITATION EDMUND FP. G. SMITH, PETER ARCTANDER, THE YEAR’S WORK: REPORT OF JON FJELDSA & OSMAN GEDOW AMIR. COUNCIL 1990 A new species of shrike (Laniidae: Laniarius) from Somalia, verified by DNA sequence CURRENT NOTES AND NOTICES data from the only known individual DAVID M. BRYANT & PAUL TATNER. NUMBER 4, OCTOBER Intraspecies variation in avian energy expenditure: correlates and constraints STEPHEN HUNTER. The impact of avian D. PHILIP WHITFIELD & JEREMY BRADE. The predator-scavengers on King Penguin breeding behaviour of the Knot Calidris Aptenodytes patagonicus chicks at Marion canutus Island PIERRE YESOU. The sympatric breeding of . BRETAGNOLLE, M. CARRUTHERS, Larus fuscus, L. cachinnans and L. argentatus M. CUBITT, F. BIORET & J.-P. CUILLANDRE. in western France Six captures of a dark-rumped, fork-tailed M. BOLTON, P. MONAGHAN & D. C. HOUSTON. storm-petrel in the northeastern Atlantic An improved technique for estimating $. M. PERCIVAL. The population structure of pectoral muscle protein condition from body Greenland Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis measurements of live gulls on the wintering grounds on Islay CONTENTS E. C. REES, J. M. BLACK, C. J. SPRAY & SUPPLEMENT 1 S. THORISSON. Comparative study of the What is the future for long-term bird studies? breeding success of Whooper Swans Cygnus EDITORIAL. Long-term studies of birds cygnus nesting in upland and lowland CHARLES J. KREBS. The experimental regions of Iceland paradigm and long-term population studies BORJA HEREDIA, JUAN C. ALONSO & L. R. TAYLOR. Proper studies and the Art of FERNANDO HIRALDO. Space and habitat use the Soluble by Red Kites Milvus milvus during winter in G. M. DUNNET. Population studies of the the Guadalquivir marshes: a comparison Fulmar on Eynhallow, Orkney Islands between resident and wintering populations MYRFYN OWEN & JEFFREY M. BLACK. Geese JEAN-MARC THIOLLAY. Foraging, home range and their future fortune use and social behaviour of a group-living RAYMOND J. O'CONNOR. Long-term bird rainforest raptor, the Red-throated Caracara population studies in the United States Daptrius americanus C. M. PERRINS. Tits and their caterpillar food CHERI L. GRATTO-TREVOR. Parental care in supply Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla: J. S. BRADLEY, I. J. SKIRA & R. D. WOOLER. brood desertion by females A long-term study of Short-tailed ROSEMARIE GNAM & R. F. ROCKWELL. Shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris on Fisher Reproductive potential and output of the Island, Australia Bahama Parrot Amazona leucocephala MICHAEL W. PIENKOWSKI. Using long-term bahamensis ornithological studies in setting targets for M. G. BROOKER & L. C. BROOKER. Eggshell conservation in Britain strength in cuckoos and cowbirds I. NEWTON. Habitat variation and population HERBERT BIEBACH, WOLFGANG FRIEDRICH, regulation in Sparrowhawks GEORG HEINE, LUKAS JENNI, SUSANNE JAMES D. NICHOLS. Extensive monitoring JENNI-EIERMANN & DIETER SCHMIDL. The programmes viewed as long-term daily pattern of autumn bird migration in population studies: the case of North the northern Sahara American waterfowl . S. THOMPSON & D. B. A. THOMPSON. Greenshanks Tringa nebularia and long-term COMMENTS studies of breeding waders J. S. PARKER, T. R. BIRKHEAD, S. K. JOSHUA, . MOSS & A. WATSON. Population cycles and S. TAYLOR & M. S. CLARK. Sex ratio in a kin selection in Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus population of Guillemots Uria aalge determined by chromosome analysis scoticus JEREMY D. GREENWOOD & STEPHEN R. FRANK R. LAMBERT. Fruit-eating by Purple- BAILLIE. Effects of density-dependence and naped Sunbirds Hypogramma weather on population changes of English hypogrammicum in Borneo passerines using a non-experimental paradigm RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS POSTER PRESENTATIONS BOU: RECORDS COMMITTEE; DAVID T. PARKIN & JON H. WETTON. The FIFTEENTH REPORT (APRIL 1991) heritability of tarsus-length in House Sparrows Passer domesticus KEITH L. BILDSTEIN, PETER FREDERICK & BOU: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1991 JAMES JOHNSTON. Long-term studies of American White Ibises Eudocimus albus CURRENT NOTES AND NOTICES breeding in coastal South Carolina CONTENTS I. R. TAYLOR. The dynamics of a cyclic H. P. KOLLAR & M. SEITER. Sex ratio and predator-prey system: the Barn Owl Tyto population dynamics of Great Bustards alba and field vole Microtus agrestis Otis tarda 135 JANINE VAN VESSEM. Population dynamics CHARLES M. FRANCIS & FRED COOKE. Changes of breeding Grey Herons Ardea cinerea in survival rates of Lesser Snow Geese 136 in Flanders, Belgium, during the period W. R. P. BOURNE. Arabian seabirds 137 1981-1989 BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION OFFICERS AND COUNCIL 1991 President Janet Kear, PhD Vice Presidents I. Newton, DPhil S. Howe, BSc L. G. Grimes, PhD Editor Secretary Treasurer P. J. Jones, DPhil C. J. Feare, PhD N. J. Crocker, ACIB Council The Officers (as above) M. Owen, PhD J. H. R. Boswall D. T. Parkin, PhD C. M. Lessells, DPhil C. A. R. Helm, BA J. J. D. Greenwood, PhD M. R. W. Rands, DPhil M. W. Pienkowski, PhD MEETINGS CoMMITTEE H. Q. P. Crick (Chairman), A. Dawson, RECORDS COMMITTEE A. G. Knox (Chairman), T. P. Inskipp C. Fisher, P. Monaghan, P. J. S. Olney, R. E. F. Peal (BOC (Secretary),P .R . Colston, i.D awson,B . LitJ.t H.l Maerch,ant , Representative); Mrs G. Bonham attends. J. R. Mather, D. T. Parkin, K. Vinicombe, P. Lansdown (ex-officio); Mrs G. Bonham attends. ORNITHOLOGICAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE C. M. Perrins (Chair- PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE P. J. Jones (ChairmN.a J.n Cr)oc,ker , man), J. P. Croxall, C. F. Mason, M. R. W. Rands; Mrs G. L. G. Grimes, C. J. Feare, C. A. R. Helm, D. T. Parkin; Mrs G. Bonham attends. Bonham attends. PAST OFFICERS PRESIDENTS 1930-31 W. A. Durnford & Sir John R. Bradford, DSc, FRS 1859-1867 Col. Henry Maurice Drummond-Hay 1931-32 Sir Malcolm C. C. Seton, KCB & H. F. Witherby, MBE 1867-1896 Lord Lilford 1932-33 F.H. Guillemard, MA, MD & H. L. Popham, MA 1896-1913 Frederick Du Cane Godman, FRS 1933-34 A. L. Butler & C. J. Holdsworth 1913-1918 Col. Robert George Wardlaw-Ramsay 1934-36 The Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain & P. R. Lowe, OBE, MB 1918-1921 William Eagle Clarke, ISO, LLD, FRSE 1936-38 H. E. Howard & C. Oldham 1921-1922 Henry John Elwes, FRS 1938-40 D. Seth-Smith & N. B. Kinnear 1923-1928 Lord Rothschild, DSc, FRS 1940-43 Col. R. Meinertzhagen, DSO & H. Whistler 1928-1933 William Lutley Sclater, MA 1943-45 W. P. Lowe & D. A. Bannerman, MBE, ScD 1933-1938 Harry Forbes Witherby, MBE 1945-47 G. E. Lodge & A. L. Thomson, CD, DSc 1938-1943 Percy Roycroft Lowe, OBE, MB 1947-49 Sir Hugh S. Gladstone, MA & B. W. Tucker, MA 1943-1948 Sir Norman B. Kinnear, CB 1949-51 Miss E. V. Baxter, FRSE & C. W. Mackworth-Praed 1948-1955 Sir A. Landsborough Thomson, CB, OBE, DSc 1951-53 Lt-Col. J. K. Stanford, OBE, MC & W. H. Thorpe, ScD, FRS 1955-1960 William Homan Thorpe, ScD, FRS 1953-55 A. W. Boyd, MC 1960-1965 Reginald Ernest Moreau, MA 1953-56 J. M. Harrison, DSC, MRCS & W. H. Thorpe, ScD, FRS 1965-1970 Vero C. Wynne-Edwards, DSc, MA, FRS, FRSE, FRSC 1954-57 D.L. wack, ScD, FRS 1970-1975 Guy Mountfort, OBE 1955-58 Miss E. P. Leach, MBE 1975-1979 Sir Hugh Elliott, Bt, OBE, MA 1956-59 H. G. Alexander, MA 1979-1983 Stanley Cramp, OBE, BA 1957-60 Miss P. Barclay-Smith, MBE 1983-1987 James F. Monk, DM 1958-61 E. M. Nicholson, CB 1987-1990 David W. Snow, DSc 1959-62 N. F. Ticehurst, MA, FRCS 1960-63 Capt. C. R. S. Pitman, CBE VICE PRESIDENTS 1961-64 Sir Philip Manson-Bahr, CMG 1922-23 Lord Rothschild, DSc, FRS & W. L. Sclater, MA 1962-65 V. C. Wynne-Edwards, FRS 1923-24 A. H. Evans, ScD & E. G. B. Meade-Waldo 1963-66 The Rev. E. A. Armstrong, MA 1924-25 E. J. O. Hartert, PhD & G. M. Mathews, FRSE 1964-66 W. B. Alexander, MA 1925-26 F. Nicholson & Lt-Col. G. Rippon 1965-67 H.S. Southern, MA & J. D. MacDonald, FRSE 1926-27 Col. S. R. Clark, CB & W. L. Sclater, MA 1966-69 C. W. Benson, OBE 1927-28 Maj.-Gen. Sir Percy Z. Cox, GCMG 1967-70 R. A. Hinde, ScD Brig.-Gen. H. R. Kelham, CB 1969-71 E. J. Hosking, FRPS 1928-29 Sir Frederick J. Jackson, KCMG & F. S. Mitchell 1969-72 D.L. Lack, ScD, FRS 1929-30 E. Bidwell & Rear Adm. H. Lynes, CB, CMG 1970-73 Sir Hugh Elliott, Bt, OBE, MA 1971-74 B. Campbell, PhD TREASURERS 1972-75 G. V. T. Matthews, PhD 1951-55 C. W. Mackworth-Praed, MA 1973-77 Mrs B. P. Hall 1956-76 A. G. S. Bryson, CA 1976-84 P. J. Wilkinson, MA 1974-78 S. Cramp, OBE 1975-79 D. W. Snow, DSc 1977-81 Prof. N. W. Moore, PhD EDITORS 1978-82 J. F. Monk, DM 1859-1864 P. L. Sclater, MA, FRS 1979-83 J. H. Elgood, MA 1865-1870 A. Newton, MA, FRS 1981-84 R. Gillmor, SWLA 1871-1876 O. Salvin, MA, FRS 1982-85 J. C. Coulson, DA 1877-1882 O. Salvin & P. L. Sclater 1983-86 C. M. Perrins, DPhil 1883-1888 P. L. Sclater & H. Saunders 1985-88 P. J. S. Olney, BSc 1889-1894 P. L. Sclater 1987-90 J. P. Croxall, PhD 1895-1900 P. L. Sclater & H. Saunders 1988-90 J. Kear, PhD 1901-1912 P.L. Sclater A. H. Evans, MA 1913-1928 W. L. Sclater, MA SECRETARIES AND TREASURERS 1928- W. L. Sclater & H. C. Robinson 1858-1864 Prof. A. Newton, FRS 1929-1930 W.L. Sclater 1864-1870 O. Salvin, FRS 1931-1941 C. B. Ticehurst, MA 1870-1882 F. D. Godman, FRS 1941-1947 Capt. C. H. B. Grant 1882-1889 H. E. Dresser 1947-1960 R. E. Moreau, MA 1889-1897 F. D. Godman, FRS assisted by D. W. Snow, DPhil 1952-56 1897-1898 O. Salvin, FRS assisted by J. F. Monk, DM 1956-60 1898-1901 E. W. Oates 1960-1966 J. F. Monk, DM 1901-1907 H. Saunders assisted by N. P. Ashmole 1960-62 1907-1913 J. L. Bonhote, MA assisted by 1. Newton, DPhil 1965-67 1913-1936 E.C. S. Baker, CIB, OBE 1966-1968 The Rev. P. H. T. Hartley, MA 1936-1944 C. W. Mackworth-Praed, MA assisted by 1. Newton 1966-67 1940-1944 G. C. Low, MD (Acting) 1968 R. S. Bailey, DPhil (acting) 1944-1945 B. G. Harrison 1968-1973 D. W. Snow, DPhil 1945-1951 Miss P. Barclay-Smith assisted by R. S. Bailey 1968-71 assisted by Mrs B. P. Hall 1971-73 SECRETARIES 1973-1980 Earl of Cranbrook, PhD 1951-52 E. Banks 1967-72 J. F. Monk, DM assisted by Mrs E. M. Northcote, BSc 1973-78 1952-62 G. Mountfort 1972-81 P. J. S. Olney, BSc 1980-1988 J. Kear, PhD 1962-67 Sir Hugh Elliott, Bt assisted by B. D. S. Smith 1980-86 MEDALLISTS FOUNDERS GOLD MEDAL 1973 Mrs B. P. Hall 1984 S. Cramp Presented to the four original Members surviving at the Jubilee 1975 K.H.Voous - 1987 I. Newton Celebration, 9 December 1908 1976 K. Williamson 1988 J. F. Monk F. D. Godman W. H. Hudleston 1979 K.E. L. Simmons 1989 R. Spencer P. S. Godman P. L. Sclater 1980 G. V. T. Matthews 1991 F. B. M. Campbell UNION MEDAL W. Goodfellow 1967 Salim Ali GODMAN-SALVIN MEDAL C. H. B. Grant P. A. D. Hollom W. E. Clarke 1962 E. M. Nicholson G. C. Shortridge G. Mountfort E. Hartert 1966 R. E. Moreau A. F. R. Wollaston J. M. M. Fisher W. L. Sclater 1968 W. H. Thorpe W. P. Lowe C. R. S. Pitman H. Lynes 1969 N. Tinbergen W. B. Alexander C. W. Mackworth-Praed H. F. Witherby 1971 Sir Julian S. Huxley E. A. Armstrong L. H. Brown P. R. Lowe 1977 V. C. Wynne-Edwards D. A. Bannerman S. Marchant R. Meinertzhagen 1982 D. W. Snow Miss E. V. Baster H. N. Southern D. L. Lack 1988 C. M. Perrins P. M. Scott B. Stonehouse Sir A. Landsborough 1990 G. H. Dunnet 1960 C. W. Benson D. Goodwin Thomson 1991 D. A. Ratcliffe N. W. Moore

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