IMPORTANTNOTICE NOTFORDISTRIBUTIONTOANYU.S.PERSONORTOANYPERSONORADDRESSINTHEU.S. THE SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE AVAILABLE ONLY TO INVESTORS LOCATED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES WHO ARE NOT U.S. PERSONS (AS DEFINED IN REGULATION S UNDERTHE SECURITIES ACT) PURCHASING THE SECURITIES IN AN OFFSHORE TRANSACTION INRELIANCEONREGULATIONSUNDERTHESECURITIESACT. IMPORTANT: You must read the following before continuing. The following applies to the offering circular following this page, and you are therefore advised to read this carefully before reading, accessing or making anyother use of the offering circular. In accessing the offering circular, you agree to be bound bythe followingtermsandconditions,includinganymodificationstothemanytimeyoureceiveanyinformationfrom usasaresultofsuchaccess. NOTHING IN THIS ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION CONSTITUTES AN OFFER TO SELL OR THE SOLICITATIONOF ANOFFERTO BUY THE SECURITIESOF THE ISSUER IN THE UNITED STATES ORANYOTHERJURISDICTION WHEREITISUNLAWFULTODOSO. THESECURITIESHAVENOT BEEN, AND WILL NOT BE, REGISTERED UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED (THE "SECURITIES ACT"), OR THE SECURITIES LAWS OF ANY STATE OF THE U.S. OROTHER JURISDICTION AND THE SECURITIES MAY NOTBEOFFEREDOR SOLD WITHIN THE U.S. OR TO, OR FOR THE ACCOUNT OR BENEFIT OF, U.S. PERSONS (AS DEFINED IN REGULATION S UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT), EXCEPTPURSUANT TO AN EXEMPTION FROM, OR IN A TRANSACTION NOT SUBJECT TO, THE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE SECURITIESACTAND APPLICABLESTATEORLOCALSECURITIESLAWS. THE FOLLOWING OFFERING CIRCULAR MAY NOTBE FORWARDED OR DISTRIBUTED TO ANY OTHER PERSON AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER, AND IN PARTICULAR,MAYNOTBEFORWARDED TOANYU.S.PERSONORTO ANYU.S. ADDRESS. ANY FORWARDING, DISTRIBUTIONORREPRODUCTIONOF THISDOCUMENTIN WHOLEORINPART IS UNAUTHORISED. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS DIRECTIVE MAY RESULT IN A VIOLATIONOFTHESECURITIES ACTORTHEAPPLICABLELAWSOFOTHERJURISDICTIONS. The offering circular has been delivered to you on the basis that you are a person into whose possession this prospectusmay belawfullydeliveredinaccordance withthelaws ofthe jurisdictioninwhich you arelocated. By accessing the prospectus, you shall be deemed to have confirmed and represented to us that (a) you have understood and agree to the terms set out herein, (b) you consent to delivery of the offering circular by electronictransmission,(c) you arenotaU.S. person (withinthemeaningofRegulationSunderthe Securities Act)oractingfortheaccountorbenefitofaU.S.personandtheelectronicmailaddressthat you have givento usandto whichthise-mailhas beendeliveredis notlocatedintheUnitedStates,itsterritoriesandpossessions (including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Wake Island and the Northern Mariana Islands)ortheDistrictofColumbiaand(d)if you area personintheUnitedKingdom,then you area person who (i) has professional experience in matters relating to investments or (ii) is a high net worth entity falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Financial Services and Markets Act (Financial Promotion) Order 2005. The offering circularhas been sentto you inanelectronicform.You arereminded that documentstransmitted via this medium may be altered or changed during the process of electronic transmission and consequently neither Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc (in such capacity as the "Arranger" and the "Lead Manager")noranypersonwho controlsitnoranydirector,officer,employeenoragentofitoraffiliateofany suchperson accepts anyliabilityorresponsibilitywhatsoeverin respectofany differencebetween the offering distributed to you in electronic format and the hard copy version available to you on request from the Lead Manager. i MIDASFUNDINGUKPLC (incorporatedinEnglandandWaleswithlimitedliabilitywithregistrationnumber9517620) £100,000,000CommercialMortgageBackedFloatingRateNotesdue2022 (the"Notes") InitialPrincipalAmount Issue Interest Margin(1) ExpectedMaturity FinalMaturityDate oftheNotes Price ReferenceRate Date(2) £100,000,000 100% three-month 2.05percent. 6December2019 6December2022 LIBOR (1) TheNoteswillbearinterestatthree-monthLIBORplustheMarginspecifiedabove (2) Basedontheassumptionssetoutin"YIELD,PREPAYMENTANDMATURITYCONSIDERATIONS"atpage135. ClosingDate The IssuerexpectstoissuetheNotesonorabout24April2015(the"ClosingDate"). UnderlyingAssets The IssuerwillmakepaymentsontheNotesfrom(i)principalandinterestreceivedwith respect to a £100,000,000 paripassu tranche (the "Loan")ofa£330,000,000 loan(the "Whole Loan") advanced by Morgan Stanley Bank, N.A, as original lender (the "Originator") pursuant to the senior facility agreement dated 3 December 2014 and amended on 13 January 2015 (the "Senior Facility Agreement") and (ii) its pro rata portionofallotherfeesandamountspayableto the Issueraslenderofrecordunderthe Senior Facility Agreement. Payments of amounts under the Loan will be applied in accordance with the Pre-Enforcement Priority of Payments or the Post-Enforcement PriorityofPayments,asapplicable,andallocatedtotheNotes. The WholeLoanissecuredbyaportfolioofcommercialpropertieslocatedintheUnited Kingdom(eacha"Property"andcollectivelythe"Properties"orthe"Portfolio"). DuringthelifeoftheNotestheRevenueReceiptsareexpectedtobesufficienttopaythe interestamountsundertheNotes. Seethesectionsentitled"THELOANANDRELATEDSECURITY","DESCRIPTIONOF THEPORTFOLIO"and"SALEOFASSETS"formoredetails. RedemptionProvisions Information on any optional and mandatoryredemption of the Notes is summarised on page6"OVERVIEW OF THE TRANSACTION − OVERVIEW OF THE KEY TERMS OF THENOTES"andsetoutinfullinCondition6(RedemptionandCancellation). CreditRatings RatingshavenotbeenrequestedorassignedtotheNotes. Before making any decision to invest in the Notes, prospective Noteholders should pay particular attention to the sectionentitled"RISKFACTORS"inthisOfferingCircular,startingonpage18. ArrangerandLeadManager MorganStanley&Co.Internationalplc The dateofthisOfferingCircularis22April2015 ii Listing This Offering Circular ("Offering Circular") comprises a prospectus (the "Prospectus"), for the purpose of Directive 2003/71/EC (as amended by the Commission Powers (Prospectus) Directive 2008/11 EC and the Amending Directive 2010/73EU)(the"ProspectusDirective").Referencesthroughoutthisdocumenttothis "Offering Circular" shall be taken to read "Prospectus" for such purpose. The Prospectus has been approved by the Central Bank of Ireland (the "Central Bank of Ireland") as competent authority under the Prospectus Directive. The Central Bank of Ireland only approves this prospectus as meeting the requirements imposed under Irish andEUlawpursuantto theProspectusDirective.Applicationhasbeenmadeto theIrish Stock Exchange plc (the "Irish Stock Exchange") for the Notes to be admitted to the Official List (the "Official List") and trading on its regulated market. The regulated market of the Irish Stock Exchange is a regulated market for the purposes of Directive 2004/39/EC. Obligations The Notes will be limited recourse obligations of the Issuer alone and will not be guaranteed by, or be the responsibility of, any other entity. The Notes will not be obligations of the Arranger, the Lead Manager, the Originator, the Seller, any of their affiliatesoranyotherpartynamedinthisOfferingCircular. RetentionUndertaking The Issuer is of the opinion that Article 405 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 21, 2013, known as the Capital Requirements Regulation ("CRR") and Article 51 of Regulation (EU) 231/2013 (the "AIFMRegulation")do notapplyto theissueoftheNotes.In additiontheIssuerisof theviewthattheriskretentionrequirementsprovidedforundertheSolvencyIIDirective (once it comes into force) will not apply to the issuance of the Notes. See the sections entitled "REGULATORY DISCLOSURE" and "RISK FACTORS – C. LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS –Regulatory initiatives may result in increased regulatory capital requirements and/or decreased liquidity in respect of the Notes" of thisOfferingCircularformoredetails. CreditEnhancement No structuralcreditsupportwillbe provided forthe Notes.Paymentsto bemade under theLoanwillrankparipassuwithotherpaymentsto bemadeunderthe WholeLoan. In connectionwiththe Whole Loan,aloanto valueratio willhaveto be maintainedbythe Borrowerinaccordance withthe SeniorFacilityAgreement,the detailsofwhich areset out in the section entitled "THE LOAN AND THE RELATED SECURITY − Financial Covenants". THE NOTES OFFERED HEREBY HAVE NOT BEEN AND WILL NOT BE REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT, OR ANY STATE SECURITIES LAWS AND THE ISSUER HAS NOT BEEN REGISTERED AND WILL NOT BE REGISTERED UNDER THE UNITED STATES INVESTMENTCOMPANY ACTOF 1940 (THE "INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT") IN RELIANCE ON THE EXCLUSION PROVIDED BY SECTION 3(c)(5)(C) OF THAT ACT. THE NOTES ARE BEING OFFERED AND SOLD ONLY TO PERSONS WHO ARE NOT U.S. PERSONS (AS DEFINED IN REGULATION S ("REGULATION S") IN OFFSHORE TRANSACTIONSINRELIANCEONREGULATIONSUNDERTHESECURITIESACT. THE "RISK FACTORS" SECTION CONTAINS DETAILS OF CERTAIN RISKS AND OTHER FACTORS THAT SHOULDBEGIVENPARTICULARCONSIDERATIONBEFOREINVESTING IN THENOTES.PROSPECTIVE INVESTORSSHOULDBEAWAREOF THEISSUESSUMMARISEDWITHINTHATSECTION. Ifanywithholdingordeductionfororonaccountoftaxisapplicableto paymentsofinterestonand/orrepaymentsof principal of the Notes, such payments and/or repayments will be made subject to such withholding or deduction, withouttheIssuerbeingobligedtopayanyadditionalamountsasaconsequence. TheNoteswillberepresentedbyaglobalnoteinregisteredform(the"GlobalNote")andwillbedepositedwith,and registered in the name of a nominee for the common depositary (the "Common Depositary") for Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V.,1 Boulevarddu Roi Albert II,1210 Brussels,Belgium,as operatoroftheEuroclearsystem ("Euroclear") and Clearstream Banking, société anonyme, 42 Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg ("Clearstream, Luxembourg")onorabouttheClosingDate. Ownershipinterestsin theGlobalNotewillbe shownon, andtransfers iii thereof will only be effected through, records maintained by Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg and their respective participants. The Global Note will be exchangeable for Definitive Notes in registered form onlyin certain limitedcircumstancesassetoutinthisOfferingCircular. iv IMPORTANTNOTICE ThedistributionofthisOfferingCircularandtheofferingoftheNotesincertainjurisdictionsmayberestrictedbylaw. No representation is made bythe Issuer, the Originator, the Seller, the Note Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee, the Lead Manager, the Arranger oranyother IssuerRelated Partythatthis OfferingCircularmay be lawfullydistributed, orthatthe Notesmay belawfullyofferedin compliance withanyapplicable registrationorotherrequirementsin any such jurisdiction, or pursuant to an exemption available thereunder, and none of them assumes anyresponsibility for facilitating anysuch distribution oroffering. In particular, no action has been taken bythe Issuer, the Originator, the Seller,theNoteTrustee,theIssuerSecurityTrustee,theArranger,the LeadManageroranyother IssuerRelatedParty which would permit a public offering of the Notes or distribution of this Offering Circular in any jurisdiction where actionforthatpurposeisrequired.Accordingly,theNotesmaynotbeofferedorsold,directlyorindirectly,andneither this Offering Circular nor any advertisement or other offering material may be distributed or published, in any jurisdiction,exceptundercircumstancesthatwillresultincompliancewithanyapplicablelawsandregulationsandthe LeadManagerhasrepresentedthatalloffersandsalesbyitwillbemadeonsuchterms.Personsintowhosepossession this Offering Circular comes are required by the Issuer and the Lead Manager to inform themselves about and to observeanysuchrestrictions. The IssueracceptsresponsibilityfortheinformationcontainedinthisOfferingCircular. To the bestofthe knowledge and beliefofthe Issuer(havingtakenallreasonable care to ensurethatsuch isthecase),theinformationcontained in this Offering Circular is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Whereinformationhasbeenindicatedtohavebeensourcedfromathirdparty,the Issuerconfirmsthatthisinformation has been accurately reproduced and that, as far as the Issuer is aware and is able to ascertain from information publishedbysuchthirdparty,nofactshavebeenomittedwhichwouldrenderthereproducedinformationinaccurateor misleading. The Issuer has not verified the figures, market data and other information contained in the publicly available sources and does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the figures, market data or other informationfromthepubliclyavailablesources. U.S. Bank Trustees Limited, Elavon Financial Services Limited, UK Branch and Elavon Financial Services Limited accept joint and several responsibility for the information contained in the section of this Offering Circular entitled "DESCRIPTION OF THE NOTE TRUSTEE, THE ISSUER SECURITY TRUSTEE, THE CASH MANAGER, THE OPERATINGBANK,THEAGENT BANK,THEPRINCIPAL PAYINGAGENT AND REGISTRAR"atpage44 (insofar as the same relates to each of them respectively). To the best of the knowledge and belief of U.S. Bank Trustees Limited,ElavonFinancialServices Limited,UKBranchandElavonFinancialServices Limited(each havingtakenall reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in the section of this Offering Circular entitled "DESCRIPTION OF THE NOTE TRUSTEE, THE ISSUER SECURITY TRUSTEE, THE CASH MANAGER, THE OPERATING BANK, THE AGENT BANK, THE PRINCIPAL PAYING AGENT AND REGISTRAR" at page 44 (insofar as the same relates to each of them respectively) is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likelytoaffecttheimportofsuchinformation. This information relating to U.S. Bank Trustees Limited, Elavon Financial Services Limited, UK Branch and Elavon FinancialServices Limitedcontainedin the sectionofthisOffering Circularentitled "DESCRIPTIONOFTHENOTE TRUSTEE, THE ISSUER SECURITY TRUSTEE, THE CASH MANAGER, THE OPERATING BANK, THE AGENT BANK,THEPRINCIPALPAYINGAGENTANDREGISTRAR"atpage44hasbeenaccuratelyreproducedandasfaras the Issuer is aware and is able to ascertain from information published by U.S. Bank Trustees Limited, Elavon Financial Services Limited, UK Branch and Elavon Financial Services Limited no facts have been omitted which wouldrenderthereproducedinformationinaccurateormisleading. This information relating to the Borrowers contained in the section of this Offering Circular entitled "THE BORROWERS"atpage45hasbeenaccuratelyreproducedandasfarastheIssuerisawareandisabletoascertainfrom information published bythe Borrowers no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced information inaccurateormisleading. Knight Frank LLP ("Knight Frank") accepts responsibility for the Initial Appraisal. To the best of Knight Frank's knowledgeandbelief(havingtakenallreasonablecaretoensurethatsuchisthecase),theinformationcontainedinthe Initial Appraisal is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the accuracy of such informationasatthedateofthevaluation. v No person is or has been authorised in connection with the issue and sale of the Notes to give any information or to make any representation not contained in this Offering Circular and, if given or made, such information or representation must not be relied upon as having been authorised by or on behalf of the Issuer, the Originator, the Seller,the Arranger, the Lead Manager orany associated bodyofthe Originator,the Seller,the Arrangerorthe Lead ManageroranyotherIssuerRelatedPartyoranyoftheirrespectiveaffiliatesorshareholdersortheshareholdersofthe Issuer.Neitherthe deliveryofthisOfferingCircularnoranysaleorallotmentmadeinconnectionwiththeofferingof any of the Notes shall, under any circumstances, constitute a representation or create any implication that there has been anychange in the information contained herein since the date hereof or that the information contained herein is correctasofanytimesubsequenttoitsdate. THENOTESHAVENOTBEENAPPROVEDORDISAPPROVEDBYTHEUNITEDSTATESSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, ANY STATE SECURITIES COMMISSION OR ANY OTHER REGULATORY AUTHORITY, NOR HAVE ANY OF THE FOREGOING AUTHORITIES PASSED UPON THE ACCURACY OR ADEQUACY OF THIS OFFERING CIRCULAR. ANY REPRESENTATION TO THE CONTRARY IS A CRIMINALOFFENCE. The Notes and interest thereon will not be obligations or responsibilities of any person other than the Issuer, which obligationswillbelimitedrecourseobligationsinaccordancewiththetermsthereof.Inparticular,theNoteswillnotbe obligationsorresponsibilitiesof,orbeguaranteedby,theOriginator,theSeller,theArranger,theLeadManagerorany associatedbodyoftheOriginator,the Seller, the Arranger,the Lead Manager oranyother IssuerRelatedPartyorany of their respective affiliates or shareholders or the shareholders of the Issuer and none of such persons accepts any liabilitywhatsoeverinrespectofanyfailurebytheIssuertomakepaymentofanyamountdueontheNotes. vi OFFEREEACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EachpersonreceivingthisOfferingCircular,byacceptancehereof,herebyacknowledgesthat: This Offering Circular has been prepared bythe Issuer solelyfor the purpose of offering the Notes described herein. Notwithstanding any investigation that the Lead Manager may have made with respect to the information set forth herein, thisOffering Circulardoes notconstitute,and shall notbe construed as, anyrepresentationorwarrantybythe LeadManageras to theadequacyoraccuracyoftheinformationsetforthherein.DeliveryofthisOfferingCircularto any person other than a prospective Noteholder and those persons, if any, retained to advise such prospective Noteholder with respect to the possible offer and sale of the Notes is unauthorised, and any disclosure of any of its contents for any purpose other than considering an investment in the Notes is strictly prohibited. A prospective Noteholder shall not be entitled to, and must not rely on this Offering Circular unless it was furnished to such prospectiveNoteholderdirectlybytheIssuerortheLeadManager. The obligations of the parties to the transactions contemplated herein are set forth in and will be governed bycertain documentsdescribedherein,andallofthestatementsandinformationcontainedhereinarequalifiedintheirentiretyby reference to such documents. This Offering Circular contains summaries, which the Issuer believes to be accurate, of certainofthesedocuments, butforacompletedescriptionoftherightsandobligationssummarisedherein,referenceis herebymadetotheactualdocuments,copiesofwhichmay(ongivingreasonablenotice)beobtainedfromthePrincipal PayingAgent. EACHPERSONRECEIVING THISOFFERINGCIRCULAR ACKNOWLEDGESTHAT(A)SUCHPERSONHAS BEEN AFFORDED AN OPPORTUNITY TO REQUEST AND TO REVIEW, AND HAS RECEIVED, ALL ADDITIONALINFORMATION CONSIDERED BY ITTO BE NECESSARY TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF ORTO SUPPLEMENT THE INFORMATION HEREIN,(B) SUCH PERSON HAS NOTRELIEDON THE LEAD MANAGER OR ANY PERSON AFFILIATED WITH THE LEAD MANAGER IN CONNECTION WITH ITS INVESTIGATIONOF THE ACCURACYOF SUCH INFORMATIONOR ITS INVESTMENTDECISION, (C)NO PERSONHAS BEEN AUTHORISED TO GIVE ANY INFORMATION OR TO MAKE ANYREPRESENTATION REGARDING THENOTESOTHER THAN ASCONTAINEDHEREIN, AND IF GIVEN ORMADE, ANY SUCH OTHER INFORMATION OR REPRESENTATION SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS HAVING BEEN AUTHORISED, AND(D)NEITHERTHEDELIVERYOF THISOFFERINGCIRCULARNORANYSALEMADE HEREUNDERWILLCREATE ANY IMPLICATION THATTHE INFORMATIONHEREIN ISCORRECTAS AT ANY TIME SINCE THE DATE HEREOF. EACH PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER SHOULD CONSULT ITS OWN BUSINESS,LEGALAND TAXADVISORSFORINVESTMENT, LEGALANDTAXADVICE AND ASTO THE DESIRABILITYANDCONSEQUENCESOF ANINVESTMENTINTHENOTES. FORWARD-LOOKINGSTATEMENTS Certainmatterscontained herein areforward-lookingstatements. Such statementsappear ina numberofplacesin this Offering Circular, including with respect to assumptions on prepayment and certain other characteristics of the Loan and reflect significant assumptions and subjective judgments by the Issuer that may or may not prove to be correct. Such statements may be identified by reference to a future period or periods and the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "could", "believes", "expects", "projects", "anticipates", "continues", "intends", "plans" or similar terms. Consequently, future results may differ from the Issuer's expectations due to a variety of factors, including (but not limited to) the economic environment and changes in governmental regulations, fiscal policy, planningortaxlaws intheUnitedKingdom. Moreover,pastfinancialperformanceshouldnotbeconsidered a reliableindicatoroffutureperformanceandprospectivepurchasersoftheNotesarecautionedthatanysuchstatements are not guarantees of performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Issuer.TheLeadManagerhasnotattemptedtoverifyanysuchstatements,nordoesitmakeanyrepresentation,express orimplied,withrespectthereto. Prospectivepurchasers shouldtherefore notplace unduereliance onanyoftheseforward-looking statements.Neither the Issuer nor the Lead Manager assumes any obligation to update these forward-looking statements or to update the reasonsforwhichactualresultscoulddiffermateriallyfromthoseanticipatedintheforward-lookingstatements. REFERENCESTOCURRENCIES AllreferencesinthisOfferingCircularto"sterling"or"pounds",or"£"aretothelawfulcurrencyforthetimebeing oftheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthern Ireland(the"UK" orthe"UnitedKingdom")andreferencesto "euro" or "Euro" are to the currency introduced at the commencement of the third stage of European economic and vii monetaryunionpursuantto the Treatyestablishing the EuropeanCommunity,asamended bythe TreatyonEuropean Union,asamendedbytheTreatyofAmsterdam. WebsitesreferredtointhisOfferingCirculardonotformpartoftheOfferingCircular. INTERPRETATION ThelanguageofthisOfferingCircularisEnglish. An index of capitalised terms used in this Offering Circular is set in the section entitled "INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS"onpage277. GENERALNOTICETOINVESTORS Otherthanthe approval bytheCentralBank ofIreland ofthisOffering Circularas a "prospectus" in accordance with therequirementsoftheProspectusDirective and therelevantimplementingmeasuresin Ireland, no actionhasbeenor will be taken to permit a public offering of the Notes or the distribution of this Offering Circular in any jurisdiction where action for that purpose is required. The distribution of this Offering Circular and the offering of the Notes in certainjurisdictionsmayberestrictedbylaw.PersonsintowhosepossessionthisOfferingCircular(oranyparthereof) comes are required by the Issuer and the Lead Manager to inform themselves about, and to observe, any such restrictions.Neitherthis Offering Circularnoranypartofitconstitutesanofferof,oran invitationbyoronbehalfof theIssuerortheLeadManagertosubscribefororpurchaseanyoftheNotesandneitherthisOfferingCircular,norany parthereof,maybeusedfororinconnectionwithanofferto,orsolicitationby,anypersoninanyjurisdictionorinany circumstancesinwhichsuchofferorsolicitationisnotauthorisedortoanypersontowhomitisunlawfultomakesuch offerorsolicitation. ForafurtherdescriptionofcertainrestrictionsonoffersandsalesoftheNotesanddistributionofthisOfferingCircular (oranyparthereof)seesection"SUBSCRIPTIONANDSALE"atpage181. viii REGULATORYDISCLOSURE The Issueris ofthe opinionthatthetransaction described in thisOffering Circularin connection withtheissuanceof the Notes (the "Transaction") is not a "securitisation" for the purposes of Article 405 of the CRR, Article 51 of RegulationNo.231/2013(the"AIFMRegulation")or(onceitcomesintoforce)theSolvencyIIDirective. Article 4(1)(61) of the CRR defines a "securitisation" as a transaction or scheme, whereby the credit risk associated with an exposure or pool of exposures is tranched, having both of the following characteristics: (a) payments in the transaction or scheme are dependent upon the performance of the exposure or pool of exposures; and (b) the subordinationoftranchesdeterminesthedistributionoflossesduringtheongoinglifeofthetransactionorscheme. Pursuantto Article4(1)(61)oftheCRRatransactionwillonlybea"securitisation"ifthecreditriskassociatedwithan exposureorpoolofexposuresistranched.InthecontextoftheTransactionprincipalpaymentsontheLoanreceivedby or on behalf of the Issuer before enforcement will be passed through to make payments of principal and (after the delivery of a Note Acceleration Notice) principal and interest on the Notes. The Transaction does not involve the issuance of a separate class of notes which are subordinated to the Notes in right of any payments. Therefore, an investmentintheNoteswillnotreflectadifferentdegreeofcreditriskoftheexposuretotheunderlyingLoan. AlthoughtheTransactionhasthecharacteristicthatthe"paymentsinthetransactionorschemearedependentuponthe performance ofthe exposure",there isan absence ofcreditrisk tranching.No subordinated notewillbeissued which canabsorbprincipallossesinordertopermitongoingpaymentstobemadetotheNotes. Notwithstandingtheforegoinganalysis, eachprospectiveNoteholderisresponsiblefordeterminingitsownregulatory positionandindependentlyassessingwhetherornotArticle405 oftheCRR,Article51oftheAIFMRegulationorthe Solvency IIDirective (as the case maybe)will be applied to itsexposureto the Notes. Investorssubjectto the CRR, theAIFMRegulationor(onceitcomesinto force)theSolvencyIIDirectiveshouldconsulttheirregulatorshouldthey requireguidanceinrelationto theregulatorycapitaltreatmentthattheirregulatorwouldapplyto aninvestmentinthe Notes.Article405oftheCRR,Article51oftheAIFMRegulation,theSolvencyIIDirectiveand/oranyfurtherchange thereto,regulationorregulatorytreatmentofthe Notesforsomeorallinvestorsmay negativelyimpacttheregulatory position of individual investors and have a negative impact on the price and liquidityof the Notes in the secondary market. None of the Issuer, the Originator, the Seller, the Note Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee, the Lead Manager, the Arranger, the IssuerCorporateServices Provider noranyother IssuerRelatedPartymakes anyrepresentationthatthe information described above or in this Offering Circular is sufficient in all circumstances for such purposes. See the section entitled "RISK FACTORS – C. LEGAL AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS –Regulatory initiatives may resultin increased regulatorycapitalrequirementsand/ordecreased liquidityin respectoftheNotes"ofthisOffering Circular. The addressoftheOriginatoris201 SouthMainStreet,5thFloor,SaltLakeCity, Utah84111-2215,UnitedStatesand oneofthesignificantbusinessactivitiesoftheOriginatoriscommerciallending. ix INITIALAPPRAISALDISCLAIMER The valuationsinthe InitialAppraisalhavebeenusedforthepurposesofthistransactionandthroughoutthisOffering Circular.PleaseseeAppendix1(InitialAppraisal)fortheInitialAppraisal. KnightFrankdoesnothaveanymaterialinterestintheIssuer. KnightFrank(a)hasgiven and has notwithdrawnitswritten consent bothto theinclusioninthisOfferingCircularof theInitialAppraisalandto referencesto theInitialAppraisalintheformandcontextinwhichtheyappear,and(b)has authorisedandacceptsresponsibilityforthe InitialAppraisal. Withtheexceptionofthe InitialAppraisal,KnightFrank doesnotaccept anyliabilityinrelationto the informationcontainedin the OfferingCircularoranyotherinformation providedbytheIssueroranyotherpartyinconnectionwiththeissueoftheNotes. Prospective Noteholders should be aware that the valuation of the Properties set out in the Initial Appraisal is 21November2014andwascarriedoutpriortothedateofthisOfferingCircular.KnightFrank hasnotbeenrequested toupdateorrevisethevaluationofanyofthePropertiesforthepurposesoftheInitialAppraisal,norwillitbeaskedto do so priorto theissueoftheNotes.Accordingly,theinformationincludedinthe InitialAppraisal maynotreflectthe current physical, economic, competitive, market or other conditions with respect to the Properties. None of the Borrowers, the Arranger and the Lead Manager, the Originator, the Seller, the Cash Manager, the Note Trustee, the Issuer Security Trustee, the Senior Security Trustee, the Facility Agent, the Issuer Corporate Services Provider, the PrincipalPaying Agent,theAgentBank,theAccountBank,theRegistraroranyother IssuerRelatedPartyoranyother partyreferredtointhisOfferingCircularareresponsiblefortheinformationcontainedinthe InitialAppraisal. The information contained in the Initial Appraisal must be considered together with all of the information contained elsewhere in this Offering Circular, including, without limitation, the statements made in the section entitled "RISK FACTORS – F. CONSIDERATIONS RELATING TOTHE LOAN AND THE LOAN SECURITY – Valuations". All of the information contained in the Initial Appraisal is subject to the same limitations, qualifications and restrictions contained in the other portions of this Offering Circular. Prospective Noteholders are strongly urged to read this OfferingCircularinitsentiretypriortoaccessingtheInitialAppraisal. TheOriginatorandtheFacilityAgentengagedKnightFrank(amemberoftheRoyalInstitutionofCharteredSurveyors ("RICS")) to produce an appraisal of the Properties dated 19 December 2014 with an effective valuation date of 21 November 2014 in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Valuation − Professional Standards2014 Global&UKeditionincludingtheInternationalValuationStandards. Asummaryofsuchappraisalof thePropertiesissetoutinAppendix1(InitialAppraisal)ofthisOfferingCircular(the"InitialAppraisal"). x