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I FIRST IMPRESSIONS InitiEanlg lisCho nfrontawtiitohnA fricans WHEN THE ATLANTIC NATIONS OF EUROPE BEGAN EXPANDING overseianst hes ixteecnetnht urPyo,r tuglaeld t hew ayi nA frica andt ot hee aswth ilSep aifno undead g reaetm pirien A mericIat. wasn otu ntitlh er eigonfE lizabtehtahEt n glishmceanm et or ealize thaotv erseeaxsp loratainodpn l antaticoonuslb dr inhgo mew ealth, powerg,l orayn,d f ascinaitnifnogr matBiyo tnh.e e arlyye arosft he seventeecnetnht uErnyg lishmheand d evelopae tda stfeo re mpire andf ort aleosfa dventuarned d iscoveMroyr.et hani su suailn h u­ man affairosn,e m an,t heg reacth ronicRliecrh arHda kluyhta,d rouseedn thusiafsomrw esteprlna ntianngd h ads tirrtehden ation withhi sm onumentcaolm pilatiTohneP, r inciNpaavli gatiVoonys­, agesT,r affiqueasn dD iscoveroifte hse E ngliNsaht ionH.e rew asa workt ow idena peopleh'osr izonIst.se xhilaraatcincgo unotfs voyagteos aqlula rteorfts h eg lob(es ombey f oreignienrt sr,a nsla­ tionc)o nstituat neadt ionhaylm n,a sermona,n adventusrteo ry, anda scienttirfieca tiIstwe a.s t hesaec counttosg,e thweirt ho nes addedd urintgh efi rsqtu artoefrt hes eventeecnetnht ubryyH ak­ luyts'usc cesSsaomru ePlu rchawsh,i chfi rsatc quainEtnegdl ishmen at homwei tht hen ewldyi scovelraendd osf A frica. Englivsohy agedrisdn ott oucuhp ont hes horeosfW estA frica untialf te1r5 5n0e,a rlay c entuarfyt ePrr incHee nryt heN avigator had mounttehdes ustaiPnoerdt ugutehsreu ssotu thwafrodra water passatgoet heO rienUts.u alElnyg lishmceanm et oA frictaot rade goodsw itht hen ativetsh;ep rinciphaalz ardosf t hesvee ntures provetdo b e climatdei,s eaasned,t hej ealooupsp ositiooftn h e "Portingwahlos "h adl ongs inceen trenchtehde mselvine sf orts alontgh ec oasTth.e earliEensgtl isdhe scriptoifoW ness tA frica were wribtyta ednv enturtoruasd emresn, who hadn o speciianl­ tereisntc onverttihnegn ativoers,e xcepfto rt hef amouHsa wkins [4] WHI TE OVER BLACK FirIstm press sion [5] voyageisno, t herwliasyei nhga ndosn themE.x tensiEvneg lipsahr ­ Whosel ikelinseesesme' mde n tob e, ticipatiinot nh es lavter addei dn otd eveloupn tiwle lli ntot he buta lals b lackaesc oles. seventeecnetnht urTyh.e fi rspte rmaneEnntg lisseht tlemoennt th e TheiCra ptaicnoem etso m e Africacno aswta sa tK ormantiinn 1 631a,n dt heR oyalA frican asn akeda sm y naile, Companwya sn otc hartefroerda nothfeorr tyye arsI.n1i tiatlhleyr,e ­ Noth aving woirth toen etsi e foreE,n glicsohn tawcitt hA fricadnisdn ott akpel acper imariliyn toc oveorn ceh ist aile.s a contewxhti chp rejudgtehde N egroa sa slavaet,l easnto ta sa Evenm ores ympatheotbisce rvseeresm etdo fi ndb lacknea smso st slavoef E nglishmReant.h erE,n glishmmeent N egroemse relays salieqnuta liitnyN egroes":a lthoutghhep eoplwee reb lackaen d anothseorr otf m en. nakedy,e tt hewye rec ivil"! ." Englishmfeonu ntdh en ativoefsAf ricav erdyi fferefnrto mt hem­ Englishmaecnt ualdleys criNbeegdr oeassb lack-aenx aggerated selvesN.eg roesl ooked diffetrheenirtre; l igiwoans u n-Christian; termw hichi n itseslufg gestthsa tt heN egro'cso mplexihoand theimra nnero fl iviwnags a nythibnugt E nglisthh;e ys eemetdo powefruli mpacutp ont heipre rceptiEovnesnt. h ep eoploefsn orth­ bea particullairbliyd insooursot f p eoplAel.l t hescel ustoefrp se r­ ernA fricsae emesdo d arkt hatE nglishmteenn detdo c altlh em ceptiownesr er elatteod each other,t hetyhm oauyg bhe spread "blacka"n d letf urthreerfi nemengtos b y theb oardB.l ackness aparfto ri nspectainodnt ,h ewye rer elataeldso t oc ircumstaonfc es becames o generalalsys ociawtietdh A frictah ate verAyf rican contaicntA frictao,p reviouasclcyu mulattreadd iticoonnsc erning seemead blacmka n.I nS hakespeadraey',ts h eM oorsi,n cluding thastt ranagned d istacnotn tineanntdt, o c ertasipne ciqaula litoife s Othellwoe,r ec ommonlpyo rtrayaesdp itchbyl acakn dt het erms Englissohc ieotnyt hee veo fi tesx pansiionnt toh eN ewW orld. Moor Negro and useda lmositn terchangeWaibtlhyc .u5r ioiunsc on­ sistenhcoyw,e veErn,g lishmreenc ognitzheadAt f ricasnosu tohf t he 1.T HE BLACKNESS WITHOUT Saharwae ren ota ta llt hes amep eoplaes t hem uchm oref amiliar Moors.S6o metimtehse yr eferrteodN egroeass " blacMko ors"t o Them osta rresticnhga racteroifts htein ce wldyi scovered distingutihsehmf romt hep eopleosf N orthA fricDau.r ingt he Africwaans h isc oloTrr.a velerrasr eflayi lteodc ommenutp oni t; seventeecnetnht utrhye distibnecctaimomeno refi rmleys tablished indeewdh en descriNbeignrgo etsh eyf requenbtelgya nw ithc om­ andi ndeewdr itecrasm et os tretshsed ifferenicnce o lopra,r tlbye ­ plexioann dt henm ovedo n tod res(so rr athelra cko fi t)a nd causteh edye lightiencd o rrecttihnegip rr edecesasnodrp sa rtlbye­ mannerAst. CapeV erde",T hespee oplaer ea llb lackaen,d a re causNee groeswe reb eintga keunp a ss lavaensd M oorsi,n creasingly, callNeedg rowsi,t h(matn ya ppareslalv,i nbge forteh eiprr iviti2 es." RoberBta kern'asr ratpioveem r ecounthiinsgt wov oyagetsot he 3." TheF il'lltV oyagoef Robert tBoa kGeuri ni•e• . 1562," in Richard WestA friccaona sitn1 56a2n d1 56fi3r sitn trodutcheedn a tivweist h HakluyTth,e P rincipall Navigationasn,d D iVsocioavegreiosef st heE nglish theseen gagilnign es: Natio•n • • (London1,5 il9,) 1 32T.h e entirpeoe m waso mitteidn t he1 598 edition. And enteriinng[ ar iverw]e, s ee 4." TheV oyagoef M . GeorgFee nne.r. .W rittebny W alteWrr en"( 1566), HakluyPtr,i ncipNaalv igatioVnIs,2, 7 0.A llen suingr eferenacreest o this a numbeorf b lackseo ules, repridn t1e598e ditiuonnl esost herwiisen dicated. I. KennetGh. D avieTsh,e R oyalA fricaCno mpany( London1,9 57)3,8 -46; 5.W arneGrr enelRliec eT,u rk.M oora ndP ersiiannE ngliLsiht eratfurroem JohnW . Blakter,a nasn.d e d.E,u ropeainnsW estA fric1a4,5 0-156D0o;c uments 1550-16w6i0t.hP articuRleafre rentcoet heD rama( unpubPlh.. Dd.i ssH.a,r ­ toI llusttrhaetN ea turaen dS copoef P ortuguese EntienrW persitAs fer ica, the vardU nivers1i9t2y6.) 4,0 1-2nR;o berRt. C awleyT.h e Voyagearnsd E lizabe­ Abortive AtotfeC mapstt ilitaoCn rse ate Emapni reT herea,n dt heE arlEyn g­ thanD rama( Bosto1n9,3 8,)3 1;S amueCl. C hew,T heC rescent thaenR do se: lisVho yagetsoB arbarya ndG uinea( WorksI ssuebdy theH akluty Socie2tdy , Islaamn dE nglanddu rintgh eR enaissa(nNc.Ye. ,1 937)5,21-2W4y;l iSey pher. Ser.,8[179 4]2) ,I, I2 5-604· Guine'asC aptiKvien gsB:r itiAsnht i-SlaLvietreyr atoufrt eh eX V/IItChe ntury 2."Thev oyagmea deb y M. JohnH awkin.s. . t ot hec oasotf G uineaan d (ChapHeill l1.9 42)2.6 . theI ndieosf N ovaH ispan.i.a. 1564,i"nR icharHda kluyTth,e P rincipal 6.A n earliyn stanicsie n " TheS econVdo yagteo G uine.a .. "( 1554i)n, N1a2vv oilg.• sa1 t5i9Vo8eno dsy.(,a G gleaTssr,ga o{fi1w9q,0u 3ea-<1sn5 dX)D ..i1 s5c.So eveKe arotifhte ehsre Ei Bnnegevl eirsNOlhaayt k ieosSo•n.ci• al• , HAfairkcalnuuyPstTr,.hi enH ciisNptaaovlrai nygd aD teisVocInr,s1i ,6p 7to-if[6oA S8Cnfe. o.re ti. hca eana dso sfot chieNa otmtiaaodnbeslb T eyh Leiongs Theoriyn t heE arlLyi teratoufrV eo yagaen dE xploratiinoA nf rica ThereiCno ntain•e.d. ,t ranJso.h nP ory 1600e]d,.R oberBtr own3, v ols. (Londo1n8,g 6,)I ,1 30. Ph.Dd.i ss.U,n ivel'lloiftC ya lifornBiear,k el1e9y4,4 )1,2 0-23. [6] WHITE OVER BLACK FirIsmtp rensss io [7] weren otI.n t hem ored etailaendda ccurarteep oratbso uWte st coolrsA. S panicshhr onitcrlaen slaintteEodn gliisnh1 555w asfi lled Africoaft he seventceeennttuhr y, moNreegorvoeeris,nd ifferent witwho ndeart t hidsi vers"iOtnye:o ft hem arveylous thynges that regiownesr ed escriabsev da ryicnogn siderianbc loym plexiIonn . god usetihnt hec ompositoifmo ann ,i sc olourweh:i chdeo ubtlesse Englanhdo,w evetrh,ei nitiiamlp ressoifoN ne groewsa sn ota p­ cann otb eec onsydewrietdh owgtree aatd miratiinob ne holdionnge preciamboldyi fiedt:h efi rmesfta catb outth eN egrow ast hahte tob ew hitaen da no thebrl ackbee,i ngec olouruetst ercloynet rary. was" bla"c k. Suml ykewytsoe byee lowweh ichiesb etwebnlea cakne dw hitaen:d Thep owerfiumlp acwth icthh eN egroc'osl omra deu ponE ng­ otheorfo thecro lourist w aesr eo fd yvelrisv er8e Ass.t "h ipsa ssage lishmemnu sth aveb eenp artloyw ingt os uddennoefsc so ntact. suggestthsej, u xtaposoiftb iloanca kn dw hitwea st hem osts triking Thought heB iblaesw elals t hea rtasn dl iteraotfua rnet iquaintdy marveolfa llA.n df orE nglishmtehnij su xtaposiwtaismo onr et han theM iddlAeg eso fferesdo mes ligihntt roducttoit ohne" Ethio"p e, ac uriosity. Englanidm'mse diaatceq uaintwaintcbhel ack-skipnenoepdlc easm e witrhe latriavpei diWhtiyl.et hev irtumaoln opohleyl bdy V enetian InE nglanpde rhamposr et hani ns outheErunr opteh, ec oncept shipisn E nglandf'osr eitgrna dper iotro t hes ixteecnetnht ury ofb lacknweasssl oadewdi thi ntenmseea ninLgo.n gb eforteh ey meantt hapte oplmeu chd arketrh aEnn glishmweenr en ote ntirely fountdh asto mem enw ereb lacEkn,g lishmfeonu nidn t hei deoaf unfamiliraera,lb llya cmke n werev irtuaulnlkyn owne xcepats blacknae wsasy o fe xpresssionmgeo ft heimro sti ngrainvaeldu es. vaguelrye ferrteodi nt heh azyl iterataubroeu tt hes ub-Sahara No othecro loerx cepwth itceo nveyseodm uche motioniamlp act. whichh adfi lterdeodw nf roma ntiquiNtayt.i vWee stA fricans As describbye tdh eO xfoErndg lDiischt iothneam erya,n inogf probabfilrys ta ppeareidn L ondoni n 1554i; nt haty earfi ve blabcekfo rteh es ixteecnetnht uirnyc lud"eDde,e plsyt ainweidt h "Negroest,h"el eagsi timateW itlrlaidaTemor w rsorne portweedr,e dirts;o ileddi,r tfyo,u l... .H avingd arko r deadlpyu rposes, taketno E nglan"dk,e pt tthielcylo ulsdp eakteh el anguagaen,d" malignapnetr;t aintioon rgi nvolvdienagt dhe,a dlbya;n efudli,s as­ thenbr ougbhta ck ag"atiobn e a helpteo E nglishmwehno"w ere troussi,n is.t.e.r.F ouli,n iquitaoturso,c iohuosr,r ibwliec,k ed. engageidnt radwei tNhe groeosnt hec oasHta.k luylta'tse dri scus­ . .I n.d icating dciesngsruarcleei,,a biltiot pyu nishment, etc." sioonf t heseN egroewsh,oh es ai"dc oulwde Ia grewei tohu rm eates Blacwka sa ne motionally cpoalrottrih,seh a ann dmaiadn ds ymbol andd rinketsh"o ug"ht hec oldaen dm oysta irdeo th somewhat ofb asenaensdse vials ,i gonfd angearn dr epulsion. offentdh em,s"u ggetshtastt h es"eb lacMkoeo resw"e rea novelttoy Embeddeidn t hec onceopftb lacknweasssi tdsi reocptp osite­ EnglishmeInnt. h'i rse spetchteE nglish expewraisme anrckee dly whiteneNsos o.t hecro losrosc learilmyp lioepdp osition, "beinge differefnrto m tohfat th eS paniasnhd Portugwuheofs oerc enturies colouruetst ercloynet rarnyo" o;t herwse res of requenutsleydt o hadb eeni nc losceo ntawcitt Nho rtAhf ricaan dh ada ctuableleyn denotpeo larization: invadeadn ds ubjecbteyd p eoplbeo thd arkearn dm oreh ighly Everyweh itwei lhla vei tsbl acke, civilitzheadnt hemselTvheesi .m pacotf t heN egroc'osl owra st he Ande versywee etiets so wre.1I morep owerfuuplo nE nglishmmeonr,e ovbeerc,a uEsneg lanpdr'isn ­ cipaclo ntawcitt hA fricacnasm ei nW estA fricaan dt heC ongo Whitea ndb laccko nnotpeudr iatnyd fi lthinveisrsg,i naintdsy i n , whermee nw eren otm ereldya rkbu ta lmoslti terballalcyko :n eo f virtauned b asenebsesa,u tayn du glinebsesn,e ficeanncdee viGold, thef airest-snkaitninoesndus d denclaym e ftaocf ea cwei tho neo f andt hed eviJ.1° I thed arkepseto ploense arth. 8.F ranciscLo6 pedze G 6mara,i nP eteMra rty(rD 'AngherTah)e,D ecadeosf Viewefdr omo nes tandpoEinngtl,i shmweenr em erelpya rticipat­ theN eweW orld•e • • t• ranRsi.c harEdd en( Londo1n5,5 5, )i nE dwardA rber. ingi nE uroped'iss covtehraytt h es tranmgeen w hos toorde vealed ed.T,h eF irsTth reEen gliBsoho ks onA. meric• a• • (BirminghaEmn.g .1,8 85). 338. byE uropeaenx pansioovne rsecaasm ei na na stoundvianrgi eotfy 9.T homas PercyR.e liquoefsA. ncienEtn glisPho etry• • . • ed. RoberAt. Willmot(tLo ndon1,8 57,)2 7( Sir Cauplti.2n, es.t an1z)a. 7.H akluyPtr,i nciNpaavli gatiVoIn,s1 ,7 62,00 ,2 17-1J8u.s hto wl ittEluer o­ 10.N umerous examples in MiddSlhea kEensgpleitashrheeB, ,i blaen,d M ilton peanksn ewa bouAtf ricpar iotro t heP ortugueesxpel oratiisoe nvsi deinntT . areg ivebny P .J .H eathe"rC,o lour SymboFloilskLm o,r"e 5.9 (19481)6,9 --7°, Simar",L ag eograpdheiI e' Africqeunet rdaaln sl 'antiqeutia tu(: m oyenA ge," 175""7188.2 -8603 ;( 19492)0,8 -12666->],6 . Seea lsHoa rolRd. I saacs." Blacesksn LaR evue Congola3i s(e1,9 121)-.2 38.1-10124.5 -6292.5 5-2,288-310,44&-41. andW hitenesEsn,c"o untelt1 r,( 19638)-.2 1C;a roliFn.eE .S purgeoSnh.a ke- [8J WHITE OVER BLACK FirIsmtp ressions [9] Whitenemsosr,e ovecra,r riae ds pecisailg nificafnocrEe l izabe­ My mistreesysea'sr en othinlgi kteh es un ; thanE nglishmietnw :a sp,a rticulwahrelncy o mplementbeyrd ed, Corailsf arm orer edt hanh erl iprse'd : thec oloorf p erfehcutm anb eauteys,p eciaflelmya bleea utTyh.i s Ifs nowb ew hitweh,y t henh erb reasatrsed un ; ideawla sa lreacdeyn turoiledis nE lizabettihm'esP a ndt heir fair 1£h airbsew irebsl.a cwki regsr owo nh erh ead . Queenw asi tvse reym bodimenhte:rc heekwse re" rosiensa bedo f Ih aves eerno sedsa mask'rde,da ndw hit e, lilli(eEsl.i"z abweatsnh a turaplallybe u tl ikmea nyl aditehse na nd Butn os uchr osesese Ii nh erc heeks .ls sincseh ef reshehneerd" lillaitet sh"ec osmettiacb l1e2.A )n adoring SomeE lizabethfaonusn db lackneasns u glym asks.u perficbiuatl natioknn ewp reciswehlayta beautiQfuuele nl ookeldi ke. always demaantdtienngt ion. Herc hee,kh eerc hnin eh,e rn eckh,e rn ose, IsB yrrbhroaw neW?h o dotht heq uestiaosnk e ? Thisw asa lilltyhea,wt a sa r ose; Herf aciesp urea sE bonijee abtl ack e, Herh andseo w hitaes w halebso ne, It'hsa rdt ok nowh erf acfer omh erf airmea ske , Herfi ngetri pwti thC assidone; Beautiien h ers eemebse atui set itloll ack e. Herb osomes,l eeakseP aripsl aster, Nay,s he'ssn ow-whibtuetf. o rt hartu sssekti n, Heldu ppt woob owleosfA labaster.lIl Whichl ikae v aildeo thk eeph erw hiteniens. l? Shakespehairmes eflofu ntdh el ilayn dt her osae c ompellniantg u­ A centulrayt belra cknsetsisrl elq uiraepdo logayn dm itigatoinone: raclo alition. oft hee arliaetstte mpttosd elinetahteeW estA fricaNne gro asa 'Tibse auttyr ulbyl enwth,o sree da ndw hite heroicch aractAeprh,r aB ehn'pso pulasrt orOyr oono(k1o6 88), Natureo'wsn s weeatn dc unninhga ndl aiodn .14 presentNeedg roeassc apabolfeb lushianngd t urnipnagl 1e8.I tw as By contratshteN, e grow asu glyb,y r easoonfh isc oloarn da lso importainfti ,n calculabtlhya Etsn og,l isdhi scovoefrb yl acAkf ri­ his" horrCiudr Ies" "adnids figurleidpa"sn dn ose.AllsI S hakespeare cancsa mea ta timweh ent hea cceptsetda ndaorfdi deable autwya s wrotaep ologeticoaflh liysb lacmki stress, a faicro mplexioofrn o saen dw hiteN.e groenso to nlyf ailteodfi t thiisd eablu ts eemetdh ev erpyi ctuorfep erverse negation.tll spearIem'asg erayn dW hatIt TellUss (Bosto1n9,5 8)6,4 ,6 6--69,1 58A;r raBh. Fromt hefi rshto,w evemra,n yE ngliosbhs ervdeirssp layae cde r· EVart"sC,o loSry mbolisPms,y"c hoanaRleyvtiiecw6 , ( 19191)2.9 -MD:o n Cam­ eronA llen",S ymbolCiocl ori nt heL iteratoufr teh eE nglisRhe naissance," taisno phsiticataiboonu tth eN egroc'osl oDre.s piatnee thnocentric PhilologQiucaarlt er1l5y (,1 9368)1,""9 2;a ndf ora different persFpreacntciisv e, tendentcoyfi ndb lacknreespsu lsimvaen.yw ritewresr ef ullayw are B.G ummere",O nth e SymbolUisce o ft heC olorBsl acakn dW hitei nG ermanic thaNte groest hemselmviegsh hta ved ifferetnats tAesse .a rlays1 621 TraditioHna,v"e rfoCrOdl leSgteu di1e s(,1 88g,)1 12-62. II. WalteCrl ydeC urryT,h e MiddlEen glisIhd eaolf P ersonBaela utyA;s onew ritetro ldo ft he" Jettcyo loured" Negroesi.n t "hWehior Foundi nt heM etricRaolm anceCsh,r onicalnedsL ,e gendosft heX llI,X IV,a nd XV Centuri(eBsa ltim1o9r1e6,)3 ,,8 0-98. HakluyPtr,i nciNpaavli gatiVoIn,3s 8,4 C.u rryM,i ddlEen gliIsdhe aolfP ersonal 12.E lkiCna lhouWni lsonE,n glandE'lsi za( CambridMgaes,s .1,9 39)3,3 7; Beauty6,4 -661.1 3-1i4n.d irecmtalkye sa bundantdleya rh ow veryf arN egro CharlCeasr roClalm denT,h eE lizabethWaonm an (HoustoNn.Y, . a,n dL ondon, womenw erefro m matchipnrge valEenngtl iisdhe aflosrb eautinfousle lsi,p asn,d 1952)ch,a p.7 :C awleVyo,y agearnsd ElizabetDhraamna ,8 5;E lizabJeetnhk ins, breasts. Elizabetthhe G reat( London1,9 58)6,2 ,1 00,1 59,2 96;G amalieBlr adford, 16.So nnetC XXX; seea lson os.C XXVIIC.X XXI,C XXXII.S hakespeare's ElizabetWhoamne n,e d.H arolOd. White( Boston1,9 36),8 2,2 12;V ioleAt. "DarkL ady"i sd iscusbsye Gde orgBe. H arrison,S hakespeuanrdee rE lizabeth WilsonQ,u eenE lizabetMha'isd so fH onoura ndL adieosf t heP rivyC hamber (N.Y .,1 933),64.3-1607. (NY.. ,n .d•. 4)- 5H.u gh PlatD,e lightfeosrL adies, Written bOyrS iigri nally 17.H amson. Shakespe3alrcrel,l q,u otinWge everE,p igram(s1 599T)h,i rd Hugh PlatF,i rsPtr inteidn I 602L,o ndonE,n glanedd,. V ioleatn dH alW . Week. Epig1.2 ,In B yrrham. Trovill(iHoenr riInl..,l1 939), 8979"."1 9042,- 3c,o ntaiandsv icoen cosmetics. 18.A phraB ehn.O roonokOor;,t heR oyalS lavMeo,n tageu Summeresd.. T,h e 13·[ GeorgPeu ttenhamP?a]r,t henia(d1e5s7 9q)u,o teidn W ilson,E ngland's Workso fA phraB ehnV, (Londo1n9.1 5)1,45. Eliza2,4 2. 19.I nt heM iddle Aag measn '"sc omplexiwoans"c onceived as revealing his 14·T welftNhi ghtI,, v ,2 59-6W0., J.C raige,d .T,h e CompletWeo rkso f temperament bietcs ahuoswee hdi sp articubllaern odf h umorse,a ch ofw hich Shakes(pLeoanrdNe.o Y. n,T, o ro1n94t3o.)F ,o ort heexrp resosfti hoiidnsesa l , wasa ssociatwiethd certacionl orLsy:n nT horndike",D eC omplexioniIbsuiss,," A MidsummghetrDs.r NeiaI,im 1,,2 8-29I;l li,,9 8-99I;l lii,1, 3 7-44. 49 (19583)9.8 -40Y8e.tE nglishmseene mn ott oh avem adee fforttsol intkh e 15·L ovei nI tsE cstacyq,u oteidn C awleVy,o yagearnsd E lizabethDarna ma, Negros'ksi conl ors pecificatlolh yi sb iloer d ominanhtu mora ndh encteo h is 86n;" A Lettewrr ittferno mG oa . .. by oneT homa.S teven..a . 1579," temperament. [10] WHITE OVER BLACK FirIstm pressions [11] natibveea uty most deliingc hotn,tIeAmndpdot e p aintth eD ivell thitsi met,h ed evelopmoefnt th es lavter adteoA mericwaa sb egin. whitet"h;i ass sertbieocna mea lmosat c ommonplaacned e ven nintgo t ransftohremN egroc'osl ofrr oma marveiln taon i ssuIen. turneudp a hundreadn dfi ftyye arlsa teirn NewportRh,o de whatw ass ureal rye markacbolmep laifnotrt hem asteorfa slaving IslandM.a2n0ya ccounotfsA fricrae ported extphlaittch ietN ley­ vessCealp,t aiTnh omasP hillwirpost ien 1 964t hahte c oulndo t gro'psr efereinncc eo lowrass i nvertsoet heE uropeanE'vse.n2t 1h e "imagiwnhey t hesyh oulbde d espifso'rdt heicro loubre,i nwgh at Negrof'esa tuwreersec oncedteodb ea ppealitnoN ge groeBsy. t he thecya nnohte lpa,n dt hee ffecotft hec limaitthe a sp leasG'odd t o latsee venteecnetnht uriyn,a. changisnogc iaatmlo sphersoem,e appointth emI. can'tth intkh eries a nyi ntrinsviaclkui en o ne observdeercisd ed thaNte grtoh'jese btl acknweasssm oreh andsome coloumro ret hana nothenro,rt hawth itiesb etttehra nb lacokn,l y thant hel ighttearw nyh uest;h ibsu ddinagp preciatiwvaesn ess wet hinikts ob ecauwseea res oa,n da rep ronteo j udgfea vourably usualcloyu pletdh,o ugwiht,h expreisosnosf d istafsotre" Large ino uro wnc asaes,w elals t heb lackwsh,o i nod ium oft hec olour, Breastthsi,c Lki psa,n db roaNdo striwlhsi"c mha nyN egroe"sr ec­ sayt,h ed eviilsw hitaen,d s op ainhti m.U" D urintgh ee ighteenth kon'tdh eB eautioefts h eC ountr22y .A"s o net ravealdemri ringly centutrhye N egroc'osl owra st oc omei ntsoe rvicaen a arsg ument describaendA fricqaune en",S hew asi ndifferetnatllalyn dw ell for" diversitatrhieaonr"io efs b eaut2y5;E uroped'iss coveorfy shap'odfa, p erfebclta chka;d n otb igL ipnso rw ass hefl atN os'asd "blackasn"d" tawnioevse"r sheeasl pendu rtuar neo verle lativism. mosto ft heN ativaerse b,u tw elfle atuar'ndd v ercyo mely28 .B"y Morei mportasnoft a ra st heN egrwoa sc oncernheidsc, o lowra st o remaifno rc enturies itwh haadbt e enf romt hefi rsta, s tanding 20.P [eteHr[]e ylyMni]cr,o cosmuOsra, LittDlees criptoifto hne G reaWto rld. problefmo rn aturpahli losophers. A Treatise Historical', PoGleiotgirooaTlphlhe,io oolUo,g ic(aOlxlf or1d6,u ), 379P:e teHre ylynM,I KP6KOl:MOl:.A LittDlees criptitohne G roef aWto rld, 3de d.( Oxford1,6 27,)7 35Tih eG oldeCno asto,r a DescriptioofGn u inntry• • • Togethweirt ha RelatioofnS uchP ersonAss, G otW onderfEsutla tebsy T heir 2.TH E CAUSESO F COMPLEXION TradeT hithe(rL ondo1n6,6 5)3,: T homasP hilliAp sJ,o urnalo fa Voyage Madei nt heH annibaolfL ondonA,n n.I 69IJ6,9 f4r,o mE nglantdoC apeM on· Blachku manb eingwse ren oto nlys tartlbiuntge x­ seradioenA, f ricanad; ThencAel ontgh eC oasotf G uintryt oW hidaw,t heI sland tremepluyz zliTnhge.c omplexoifoNn e gropeoss epdr obleambso ut OfS t.T homasa,n dS oF orwardt oB arbadoeWsi.t ha CursoryA ccounotf t he Countryt,h eP eoplTeh,e iMra nnerFso,r tTsr,a dee,t ci.n,J ohna ndA wsham itnsa turees,p eciiatlpsle yr manenacnedu tiliittcysa, u saen do rigin, Churchirlolm,p sA. C, ollectoifVo ony agaensd T ravels,S omeN ow FirsPtr inted andi tssi gnificance. tAhletshweoe urgerh a thseerp arate questions. fromO riginMaaln usmptsO.t herTsr anslaOtuetdo fF oreign Languages, and therwea sa pronouncteedn denacmyo ngE nglishmen otahnedr Now FirsPtub lishienEd n gli•s.h. ,6v ols(.L ondon, 17,0V 4I-,23 129)T: h omas Browne",O ft heB lackneossfN egroes,C"h arlSeasy lede.,, T he Works ofS ir Europeatnofs o rmultahteep roblemi nt ermosfc ausatailoonn feo,r ThomaBsr owne3, v ols(.L ondo1n9,0 4-07)II,3, 8 3-8N4e:w por(tR .I .M]e rcury, ift hantu tc oulbde c racktehde o thearn swerwsou ldb er eadily Jan1.1 1,7 68Se.e KarlP earsoEn.N, e ttleshainpd,C .H .U sherA, M onographo n forthcomiifnt gh;ec ausoef h umanb lacknceosusl bde e xplained, AlbiniisnmM an (DepartmoefnA tp plieMda themat[iocsr S tatistUincsi]v,e rsity CollegUen,i versiotfyL ondonD,r aperCso'm panyR esearcMhe moirBsi,o metric theint nsa turaen ds ignificwaonuclefd o llow. Ser6.,,8 ,9 [6v ol![.L]o ndo1n9," -13]I),4, 8. Nott hatth ep roblewma sc ompletely Tnhoeva enlc.i eGnrte eks 21.P eteMra rtyr( D'AngherDae) O,r beN ovo:T heE ighDte cadeosf P eter hadt oucheudp oni tw ithoeuvte rre alcloym intgo g ripwsi thi t. MartyDr' Anghertar,a nFsr.a ncAi.sM acNuttII ,v ols(.N .Ya.n dL ondon1,9 11). II3,9 :M organG odwynT,h eN egro'asn dI ndiaAnsd voca•t e• •( Londo1n6,80 ), The stoofrP yh aetodnr'isv itnhgec harisoutn w ildly through the Ill;T he WoroksfM ichaeDlr aytonE,s q.4, vols(.Lo ndon1,7 53)I,I I1,1 77: heavenaspp arenstelryv eadsa n explanatfioortn h eE thiopian's W. Gifforde,d .T,h e Workso fB enJ onso9n ,v ols.( Londo1n8,1 6)V,I I1,1 : blackneevsesn b eforwer ittreenc ordasn,dt racoefst hiasn cient CawleyV,oy agerasn dE lizabethDarna ma,J 2n.C f.K atheriGneeo rge, "The CiviliWzesetd Lo oksa tP rimitAifvrei ca1:4 00-1800. SAt udiyn E thnocentrism," fablwee rset idlrli ftaibnogu dtu rintgh es eventeenth century. Isis,4 9 (1958)6,2-7 2. 211.F rancis MoorTer,a velisn tot heI nlanPda rtosf A fricCao:n tainilJn g The..tE thiopitahneswn e rweh itaen df ayre, Descriptiooftn heS everalN ationsf ort heS pacoef S ixH undreMdi leusp the Thoughb yt hew orlds combussitnicmoean d eb lack RiverG ambitJ• . . (Londo1n7,8 81),31. Whenw antoPnh aetoovne rthrtehweS un.26 113.N athaniUerli ngA, H istooryf t heV oyagelJsn dT roveolfsC aptN.a thlJniel Urin•g• . (Londo1n7,2 6)4,0- 41.A lsoB ehn.O roonok1o3,6 ;J ohnB arboA.t, Descriptoifto hne C oastso fN ortha ndS outh·Guiannedao ;f E thiopIinlJf erior, 24.P hilliJposu,r nailnC, h urchiclolm,p sV.o,y ageVsI,,2 19. Vulgarly A.•n.g •o l•i anC hurch,iro lmlps.V,o yageVs,,10 0;W illiaSmn elgrave. 25.S ypheGru,i neaC'asp tive K5i1n.g s, If New Accounotf S omeP artosf G uinealJ,n dt heS laveT·ra de • • •( London. 26.R .W arwickB onded, .,T heP oeticWaolr ks ofW illitJmB asse( I60:J-I6.U) 1754• 4)0- 41:M oore, Traveilnst toh eI nlanPda rt2sH,O ,11 14- (Londo1n8,9 S)2,7 9:C onwayZ irkl"eT,h eE arlHyi stoorfyt heI deao fth e [12] WHITE OVER BLACK. FirsItm presssi on [lg] Lesfsa ncifuPltloyl,e mhya dm adet hei mportasnutg gesttihoantt h e NationL,a nguagSee,x eC,o nditioanl,lm ayb eeO ne inh imt haits Negro'bsl ackneasnsd w oollhya irw erec ausebdy exposutroet he One,a ndo nelbyl essfeodre ver2.9 " hots una ndh adp ointeodu tt hapte oplien n orthecrlni mates were Ing eneratlh,em osts atisfacatnosrwyet ro t hep roblewma ss ome whitea ndt hosien t emperaatree aasn intermedicaotleo rA.r2i7s ­ sorotf r eferentcoet hea ctioonf t hes un,w hethetrh es unw as totlAen,t igonuPsl,i nya,n dP lutarcahn, i mpressbiavtet eorfya u­ assumetdo h aves corchtehde s kind,r awnt heb ileo,rb lackentehde thorithiaesdp, a sseadl ontgh ef amilisatro royf a blacbka byb orn bloodP.e opllei vinogn theL ineh ado bviousbleye ng ettitnogo intao whitfea mil(yt ellttarlaeco ef s omeE thiopiaannc est,ob ru)t much ofi t;a ftearl le,v enE nglishmweenr ed arkenebdy a little thiwsa ss carcemluyc hh elpa st oo rigincaalu seT.h e ideat hat exposurHeo.w much moret,h enw,i tht heN egroewsh o were" so blacbka biemsi ghtr esulftr omm aternailm pressidounrsi ncgo n­ scorchaendd v exewdi tht heh eato ft hes unnet,h aitn m anyp laces ceptioonrp regnanfcoyu ndc redendcuer intgh eM iddlAeg esa nd theyc ursiet w heni tr iset3h0 .T"h e sun'hse atw asi tseslofm etimes tookc enturtioed si eo uti,f i ndeeidte vehra se ntirelBye.f2o8rt eh e describaesad c urse-nao tu nnaturraela ctioonn t hep arot ft hose fifteenctehn turtyh,o ught,h eq uestioofnt heN egro'cso locra n Englishmwehno visitedW etshteA fricacno aswth eret hew eather hardlbye s aitdo h aved rawn tahtet entioofE nn glishmoerni ndeed was" ofs uchp utrifyqiunagl ittihea,ti tr ottetdh ec oateosf t heir ofE uropeagnesn erally. backs3.1 T"h isa ssociatoifto hne N egroc'os lowri tht hes unb ecame The openinogf W estA fricaan d thed evelopmeonft N egro a commonplaicneE lizabetlhiatne ratausrt eh;eP rincoef M orocco slavewrhyi,c hf ort hefi rstti meb roughEtn glishmferne quenitnltyo apologiz"eMdi,s limkee notf orm y complexioTnh,e; shadow'd firsthacnodn tawcitt hr ealbllya cNke groemsa,d et heq uestifoanr liveorfyt heb urnishs'udn ,T/o whom I am a neighboaunrd n ear moreu rgent apnrdo videadn irresisptliabylger oufnodr a waken­ bred.32" ings cientciufirci osiTthye. r angeo fp ossibalnes werwsa sr igidly Unfortunattehliyts h eorrya nh eadlonign toa stubborfna cotf restrichtoewde,v ebry, t hev irtuaulnliyv ersaasls umptidoinc,t ated naturweh ichs implcyo uldn otb e overriddiefnt :h ee quatorial by churcahn dS criptutrhea,ta llm ankinds temmefdr oma single inhabitaonfAt fsr icwae reb lackenbeydt hes unw,h yn ott hep eople sourcGei.o rdanBor uno'sst atemeinnt1 5 91 that" nos oundt hink­ livinong thes amel inien A mericaL?o girce quirtehde mt ob et he ingp ersowni lrle fetrh eE thiopiatnots h es amep rotoplaasst th e samec olorA.s Ptolemyf'oSr midabaluyt horitatGievoeg raphia Jewisohn e"w asu northodaotxb estI.n deeidt i si mpossifbullel tyo statetdh ilso gi"cR,e asohne rsealsfs ertthsa ta lla nimalasn,d all understatnhdev arious eafftoe rxtpsl aintihnegN egroc'osm plexion plantlsi kewihsaev,ea similaruintdye rt he sakmien do fc limaotre withoubte ariningm indt hes trengotfht het raditwihoinc hi n1 641 unders imilar wecaotnhdeirt iotnhsa,ti sw,h en undtehre s ame madet hec hronictlheerR ,e verenSda muePlu rchapsr,o claviemh e­ paralloerlw sh,e ns ituataettd h es ame distfarnocmee i ther p3o3 le." mently":t het awneyM oore,b lackNee grod,u skiLei byana,s h­ 29.T [homasB]e ndyshe",T he Historoyf AnthropologAyn,t"h ropological colourIendd iano,l ive-coloAumreerdi casnh,o ulwdi tht hew hiter SocieotfyL ondonM,e moirsI, (1863-643)5,5 ;S amuelP urchaPsu,r chahsi s Europeabne comeo nes heep-fuonldd,e ro neg reaSth eepheatridl,l PilgrimaOgre R.e latioonfst heW orlda ndt heR eligioOnbss ervedi nA llA ges andP laceDsi scoverferdo,m t heC reatiuonnt oT hisP resen2td, e d.( London, thimso rtalibteiien sgw allowuepd o fL ifew,e em aya llb eo nea,s h e 1614,)6 56. andt hef athearr eo ne. ..withouatn ym ored istinctoifCo onl our, 30." SeconVdo yaget o Guinea,H"a kluytP,r incipNaalv igatioVnIs,,1 67; CawleyV,o yagerasn dE lizabetDhraanm a,8 8-891,5 9-6A0 .r emarkabelayr ly InheritanocfAe c quireCdh aractaenrsd o fP angenesiAsm,e"r icaPnh ilosophical suggestitohn ats un-blackesnkeidna ffordepdr otection atghaeis nusn"t a si f SocietTyr,a nsactiNoenws Se,r .,3 5 (1945-4P6t).i, i 1,4 5T.h e originsatlo royf naturiazl'dw"a sm adeb yJ ohnO gilbAyf,r ica: BaeniA ncgc uraDtees criptoifo n Phaetoins i nT homasB ulfinchB,u lfinchM'yst hology( NY.. :M odernl ibrary, theR egionosf ,E gyptB,a rbarLyy,b iaa,n dB illedulgtehreiL da,n do fN egroes, n.d.,3) 6 -42E;d itHha miltoMny,t hology( NY.. :M entor1,9 53)1,3 1-34. Guinee,E,t hiopiaan,d t heA byssin.e.s. Collectaendd Translatferdo mM ost 27.[ ClaudiPUtSo]l emTye,t rabibtlroasn,as n.d e d.F .E .R obbins( Cambridge, AuthentiAcukt horasn,d A ugmentewdi thL ateOrb servati(oLnosn don1,6 70), Mass.a,n dL ondon1,9 40,)1 21-2453,9 . 445· 28.C onwayZ irkl"eT,h eK nowledgoefH eredity b1e9f00o,r"Le . C .D unn,e d., 31." The FirsVto yaget oG uinea and Be(n1i5n5"3 H)a,k luytP,r incipal Genetiicnst he2 0thC enturEys:s ayosn t he ProgorfeG sesn etidcusr inIgt sF irst NavigatiVoIn,s1 ,4 8. 50 Years( N.Y .,1 951)4,2 ;T horndik"eD,e ComplexionibuIss,i"4s ,9 (1958), 32.T he Merchanotf V eni,c IeI,i ,1 -3a;l soB enJ onson",M asqueo fB lack­ 400D;o n CameroAnl lenT,h eL egenodf N oah:R enaissaRnactei onaliinsA mr t, nessG,i"ff orde,d .W,o r kso fJ onsoVnI,I 1,2 . Sciencaen,d Letter(sU rbana1,9 49)1,1 9.F or an interiensgtm odification, 33·E dwardL . Stevenson, atnrda ends..G, e ograPhoyf Claudiupst olemy Browne",O ft heB lacknesso fN egroesS,a"y leed,. W,o rkso fB rowneI,I 3,7 5-'76. (NY.. ,1 932)3,1 -32. [14] WHITE OVER BLACK FirIsmtp rensss io [15] Yetb yt hem iddloeft he sixteenthi twc aesbn etcuormyi pnegr fectly andn ortheArmne ricwae res implnyo tw hiteniunpgv ernyo ticea­ apparetnhta tth eI ndialnisv iinngt heh ottersetg ioonfst heN ew blyS.t iltlh.ee videnocne t himsa ttewra sb yn o meanse ntirely Worldc oulbdy n os tretocfth h ei maginatbei odne scriabseb dl ack. definitaen,d s omeo bservfeerlstt h aitt w asn oty eta lli nh and. Theyw ere" olivoer"" tawnya,n"d m oreovtehra yh adl ongh air Thought heyc oncedtehda lti ghtenoifnb gl acskk ibny m ixture rathtehra nt hec uriowuoso lo fN egroes; ctlheeawyre lryea differ­ witEhu ropeasnhso ulbder uleodu to ft hee xperimetnhte,sw er iters ent soofrm te n.P eteMra rtytrh,e o fficial Spanischh rcoonuirctl er thoughtth eyd etectae pde rceptiwbhliet enionfgt heu nmixed whosaec counRtisc haErdde nt ranslaitn1e 5d5 5m,a det hep oinats Africraens idiinnc go ldcelri mataensdt. h ebyo lstetrheedic ra sbey earlays 1 516a, t rifloev er-enthusiatsobt eis cuarlel:y a"liltn h at emphasizhionwgl onigt w asg ointgot akteo w hiten tuhpeA frican navigathieo[ nC,o lumbunse]v ewre ntoeu teo ft hep aralelolfe s completely.aa Ethio.p.e. .[ Yett]h eE thiopiaanrse all blacket,h ehyarv inge Fromt heb eginnihnogw,e vemra,n yE nglishmweenr ec ertain hearceu rlmdo rel ykweu llteh ehne arBeu.t t hespee opl[ei Anm er­ thatth eN egrob'lsa cknweasssp ermaneanntd i nnataen dt hanto ica.]. .a rew hytew,i tlho ngheea rea,n do fy ellocwoel o.u"Fr ortu­ amounotf c olwda sg ointgo a lteirtT .h erwea sg ooda uthoriint y nateliytd idn ott akleo ngt oc almd ownt hiesn trancionvge,r ly Jeremi1a3h: 23; "tChaeEn t hiopicahna nghei ss kino;r t hel eop­ Nordipcr esentaotfit ohneI ndiaTno.w ardt hee ndo ft hec entury ardh issp ots?" Elizabethan drasmtaotceikxs ptrse sus"siteoodn the RicharHda kluypti ckeudpE den'osw na ccouonfta voyagoef1 554 washa nE thiowph it"ea si ndicatsihnegei rm possibiIlni1 t5y7.a8s T whichh adc arefully tnhoattthe edI ndiawnesr e" neithbelra cke, voyagaenrd s peculagteiovger aphGeero.r gBee sta,n nounctehda t norw ithc urIdaen ds horwto oI Io nt heihre adsas,t heoy fA fricke "Im y selhfa ves eenaen E thiopiaasbn l ackas ec olber oughitn to haveb,u to ft hec olouorfa nO livwei,t hlo nagn db lackhee aroen Englanwdh.o t akinga fairEen gliwsohm ant ow ifeb,e gaat s onne their he34a Cdlse.a"r tlhyem ethoodf a ccountfionrhg u manc om­ ina lrle speacstb sl ackaest hef athwears . ..w herebiyts eemeth plexiboynl atitjuudsedt i dn otw orkT.h ew orsotf i tw ast hatth e thibsl acknperso ceedreatthh eorfs omen aturianlf ectoifot nh at formudliad n ots eema ltogetwhreorn gs,i nciet was apparent that man,w hichw ass os trontgh,a nte ithtehre n aturoef t heC lime, ing enermaeln i nh otc limatteesn detdo b ed arketrh ani nc old neithtehreg oodc omplexiooftn h em other concucroruilndagen, y onesT.h e tenaciotfty h eo ldl ogiwca s maniifnem satn yw riters thinga ltearn,dt herefwoereec ,a nnoitm putiet ton atthuero eft he whoc luntgo t hel atitudeixnpalla natainodnm aintainsetdo utly ClimeT.h"e b lacknoefst sh eN egroeBse,s dte cide"dp.r oceedoeft h thafto ro neo rm anyr easotnhsea ctucalli maotnet heg rounwda s somen aturianlfl ectoifto hne fi rsitn habitoafnt thsa cto untry, and moret emperaitneA merictah ani nG uineaan dm en accordingly soa lthle wholper ogeniteh eomfd escendaerdes. t iploll luted with lesdsa rk.a5 thes ameb lootf i nfectiS8oT nh.e"w ell-knpohwyns icSiiaTrnh omas Anothedirffi cuylw titthh ec limaetxipcl anatoifso kni cno loarr ose Brownpeu tt hem attetrh iwsa yi n1 646: asl engtheneixnpge rieanucgem entkendo wledagbeo uNte groesI.f Ift hef ervouorf t heS un.o ri ntemperhaetaeot f d imed ids oleolcyc asion theh eaotf t hes unc ausetdh eN egrob'lsa cknetshse,nh isr emoval thicso mplexisounr.e al ym igratioornc hangteh eremoifg hcta usae s en­ toc olndo rthecroluyn troiuegsh tto r esuilnth ilso siintge; v einf h e siblief,n ota totamlu tatiownh;i chn otwithstandeixnpge[r.i]e nwiclel didn oth imseslufr renhdiespr e culicaorl osru,r ehliysd escendants nota dmit.F orN egroest ransplanatletdh,o uignht coo ladn dp hlegmatick mustB.y mid-seventceeennttuh riytw asb ecominign creasingly habitaticoonnst.i ntuhee ihru eb othi nt hemselvaensda, l stoh eigre nera­ apparetnhta tth iesx pectatwiaosin l flo undeNde:g roiensE urope tionesx;c eptth emyi xw ithd ifferecnotm plexiownhse;r ebnyo twithstand­ ingt heroen lys ucceead rsem issioonf t heitri ncturtehse;r ree maining 34.M artyDre,c adeosf N eweW orldet,r anEsd.e n8,8 ,3 87-8"8S;e conVdo yage toG uineaH,a"k luyPtr,i nciNpaavli gatiVoIn,s1 ,7 6. 36.A widelpyo pulawro rk[T.h omasB urnet]T,h e Theoryo ft heE arth. .. 35.B othM artyarn d Hakluydti dso int hep recedipnags sageJsa;m esS ped­ theF irsTtw o Books. . • , 2d ed. (London1,6 91)1,9 1, IbIk,c. h ap.2 , ding, RobLe.Er Uti sD,o uglaDs. H eathe,d s.T,h e Workso fF rancBiasc on• . • , announcetdh at" aftseorm eg eneratitohnesyb ecome altogetlhiekrte h ep eople 14v ols(.Lo ndon,1 857-74I)I,,4 7 3J;o hnS eldenn'ost eisn W orksO fM ichael oft he Counwthreyr et heya re.O"v ingtoVno,y agteo S uratetd,.R awlinso2n8,5 . DraytonI,I ,6 75;J ohnO vingtoAn ,V oyageto S uratitn, t heY earI 869e,d . wasa tp aintso d enyt hi"sc urreOnpti nion." H. G.R awlinso(nL ondon1,9 29• )2 85. Fao mro re genesrtaalt emeonftt hei n­ 37·C awleyV,o yagearnsd E lizabetDhraanm a8,7 -88. fluencoef c limatoen complexioMna,t thewH aleT,h e Primitive Origoifn ation 38." Experienacensd r easonosf t heS pherteo.p roovael lp arteso ft hew orlde MankindC,o nsideraenddE xamineAdc coridngt ot heL ighotf N ature( London, habitabalned, t hereby toc onfutteh ep OSitioofn t hefi veZ ones,H"a kluyt, 1677, )100-101. PrinciNpavailg atioVInIs..2 62-63_ [16] WHITE OVER BLACK FisrtI mpressions untom anyd escenat sst ronshga doowf t heiOrr iginaalnsdi; f t heyp re­ theA mericaannsd E ast-Inditahnois'n, h abittihnesg a mep arallel servteh eicro pulatieonntsi rteh,e y smtaiilnlt atihne icro mplexio. .n•s• zonesa,r en otb lack41. E"v en laast aes 1 73f5e wm en werew illing And sol ikewifsaeio rr w hitpee opltrea nslatiendh otteCro untrirees­ top restsh em atteorf c ausatsioofn a ra sJ ohnA tkinas ,n aval ceivneo t impresasmioounnst itnogt hicso mplexion. surgeownh,o d eclarbeldu nttlhya "tt hoi'tb ea littHleet erodox, Brownwea sc ertatihna btl acknweasssp ermaneanntd t haitt w as I am persuadtehdeb lacakn dw hitRea ceha vea,b o rigisnep,r ung transmititnte hde spe(r"me vetnh eiarb ortiaornes adlussok y"), fromd ifferent-cofilrosuPtra erde nt42s T.o" caltlh ipso siti"oan buth ew asf afrr oms urweh yt hissh oulhda vbee ens oO.n ep ossible littHleet erodowxa"sl ikcea lliwnagt ear l ittwleet . explanathieos nu,g gesitnea d d isploafyi ntellecdtaurailnw ga,s Thel ogiccaolm plemetnott h eq uestiooftn h eN egroc'hsa ngien thaNte groehsa da lwaybse enb lacak ,p ossibiwlhiitcyhB ,r owne colowra sw hethetrh eE uropeabny r emovitnoga torrcildi mate noterdai,s etdh et roublespormoeb leomfh owa nimaglostt oA mer­ wouldbe come daorrke evre nb lacSko.m ethionfga consensonu s icaan dm anyo theqru estioonnt sh eo rigoifnt hingTsh.i sw as faasr thipso inetm ergeidnt hes eventeecnetnht ury, unsdienrcse tandably ash ed aregdo ,b uth eh adfi rmly fsoertta h c asfeo rt hei nnateness Englishmdeindn otr elitshhep rospeocftt u rniinngt Noe groes by ofb lacknweistsha quasi-geenxeptliacn atwihoinc cho nfirmetdh e prolongreeds ideinnct eh eierx panditnrgo piceamlp irBe.y the permanenocfte h ec olowri thouutn,f ortunadtoeilnyag,n ythitnog eighteecnetnht uriytw asg enerally undtehrastEt uoroodp ean explaiitnos ri gincaalu se.311 complexiwoonusl db ed arkenbeydt ropiscuanla ndw eathebru,t Similvaire wwse rfeo rwardbeyda numbeorf w ritedrusr intgh e thaat returtnoc oolcerl imatweosu ldr estotrheeo rigincaoll or; nexhtu ndreyde arAsn. e ssayiins1 t6 9d5e clartehda" tf otri me out evenE uropean chbiolrdnri enhn o tc limatweosu lbde t horoughly ofm indt"h erhea db eenb lacmke nw itwho ollhya iarn dt haittw as whitaetfi rst!3 "plaitnh,e icro louarn dw oola rei nnatoer, semifnraolmt heifirr st Therwea sa na lternattoit vhee snea turaleixsptliacn atiotnhse of beginning"-prwehdesnet lhya "tb eginning" had thoecw cruir·r ed Negro'bsl ackneSsosm.e w ritefresl tth atG od'csu rsoen Ham tere videndtildyn otc arteo s ayS.o mep ointhso,w evesre,e metdo (Cham)o,r u ponh iss onC anaana,n da llt heir descewnadsa nts himc lea"rT:h icso lou(rw hicahp peatrosb ea si ngeniatned,a s entirseulffiyc ietnoat c coufnotrt hec oloorfN egroeTsh.i sc oulbde originaaslt ,h aitn w hitecso)u lndo tp roceferdo ma nya ccident; ana ppealienxgp lanateisopne,c ifaolrml eyn l ikGee orgBee swth o becausweh,e na nimaalrsea ccidentablllayct kh,e dyo n otp rocreate wishetdos tretshse" naturianlf ectioofbn l"a cknaensdsf ort hose constanbtllayco kn es(,a tsh en egrodeos). "" A negrowei lall ways whoh opedt oi ncorportahteNe e groc'osm plexisoenc urewliyt hin bea negroeh,e"c oncludfierdm ly",c arrhyi mt oG reenlaginvde, thea ccepted hoifsm taonrkyi ndT.he originsatlo riyn G enes9i s himc halfke,e adn dm anaghei mn evesro m anyw ays40. B"y t hefi rst and1 0w ast haatf tetrh eF loodH,a m hadl ookeudpo n hisf ather's haloff t hee ighteecnetnht utrhye m ajoriotfwy r itewresr ec ertain nakedneassNs o ahl ayd runki nh ist entb,u tt heo thetrw os ons, blackniensm sa n wasp ermanenta.n a Acsc oupnuth lishientd h e Shema ndJ a phethha,d c overtehde ifra thweirt holuoto ikngu pon ChurchiVlolysa'g eisn 1 732d eclarberdi sk"lSyo.m es upposteh e him;w henN oaha wokhee c urseCda naans,o no fH am,s ayitnhga t reaso[nw hyN egroeasr eb lackt]ob e,b ecause tpheoospell ei ve hew ouldb ea "servaonfst e rvanutnst"oh isb rotheGrisv.e tnh is betwixtt rtohpei ciknts h et orrziodn ewsh,e rteh ep erpetsucaolr ch­ 41.B arboDte,s criptoifto hne C oastCsh,u rchiclalm,p sV.o,y ageVs,8, . ingh eaotf t hes unb lacketnhse ma,s i td oetsh ee arthi ns omep arts, 42.J ohnA tkinAs ,V oyagteo G uineaB,r asialn,d theW est-IndIine Hsi;s whicmha keist l ooaks i fb urnbty fi reB.u tt hivsa nishes presently, ifM ajestSyh'isp st,h eS walloawn dW eymout•h • • (Londo1n7,3 5),39. 43.F orr epresentoaptiinvieo nTsh,e Workso ft heR ightR everendJ oseph wec onsidtehraE tu ropealnisv iwnigt hitnh et ropictkhso,e' v esro HallD,. D.,B ishoopf E xetearn dA fterwarodfN so rwich1,0 vols(.O xford, longw,i lnle vetru rnb lacokr s ootayn;d t haBtl acklsi vimnagn y 1863)I,,1 26fJ;o hnW attsA] ,T rueR elatioofnt heI nhumanan dU nparlaelled yearisnE uropew,i ll albwraeyesbd l acokr s ootcyh ildrBeens.i des Acitonsa,n dB arbaroMuusr dres,O fN egroeosr MoorsC:o mmitteodn Three EnglishmiennO l dC alabianrG uine.y. .[ 1672i]nT, h omasO sbornAe C,o llec­ 36389-.B8 'r0 o.w ne",O ft heB lackneosfNs e groes.S"a yleed,. W,o rkso fB rowneI,I , tNieogrnoO 'fasV n odyI angdeaisna dAn Tdsrv aovcea•lt2.s2e• ;, T, w o2vE oslssa.yS cso,t(t ,Le od1.n. 7Sd4oo5mn)e,I,r IT s,5r 1a5c;CtXo sId,Iw ,2y 8n;, 40.T wo EssaySse,n itn a Lettefrro mO xfortdo,a Noblmeani nL ondonT.h e GeorgReo bertTsh,eF ourY earVso yagoefsC aptG.e orgReo bertBse;i nag S eries FirsCto ncerninSgo meE rrorAsb outt heC reationG,e neraFll ooda,n d the OfU ncommonE ventWsh,i chB efelHli m ina Voyagteo t heI slanodfst he Peoplionfgt heW orld• • • By L.P .M asteorf A. rtsz.6 95i,n W alteSrc otetd,. , CanariCeasp,e d eV erdea,n dB arbadoferso,m W henceH e WasB oundt ot he SomersT ractXsI,I .l iedd .( Londo1n81, 4 ),117-18. Coasto fG uiney. .. (London,1 726)1,8 0-81. [18] WH ITE OVER BLACK FirIsmtp ressions textt,h eq uestiboenc omewsh ya talweh ichlo gicailmlpyl iesdl av­ suciht w asp robabdleyn iemdo reo ftetnh ana ffirmed.S45i rT homas eryb uta bsolutneoltyh inagb oustk icno losrh oulhda veb ecomaen Brownet,h efi rsEtn glishmtaond iscutshseN egroc'osl oirn g reat autonomouasn dp opulaerx planatoifot nh eN egro'bsl ackness. detairlu,l eodu tH am'sc ursaes w ellas s implcel imatciacu sation Probabloyv,e rt hev eryl ongr un,t hidse velopmewnats o wing afteerx plainitnhga tt hestew oe xplanatiwoenrset heo nlyo nes parttloyt hea ncieansts ociaotfih oena wti ths ensualaintdwy i tthh e "generarlelcye iveYde.tP" e teHre ylywna sl ettiHnagm 'sc ursien to factth asto meE thiopihaansdb eene nslavbeydE uropeasnisn ce courjtu stw henB rownew ast ossiintgo ut:i nt hreseu ccessive ancietnitm es. editioonfhs i sg randioMsiec rochoesi mgnuosr tehde s toriyn 1 621, Whati sm orea rresttihnegr,de i de xisat s pecific tebxatsuifasol r callead s lighatlltye rveedr sioofni ta "foolitsahl ei"n 1 627a,n d utiliztihnecg u rsaes a n explanatfioornb lackness--ibtwu at sa repeatheidsd eniailn 1666b uta tt hel asmto mentc oncedtehda t specificJaelwliys rha thetrh ana ChristoinaenT. h ewr itingosft he "possiebnloyu gthh eC ursoef G od on Chaamn do nh isp osterity greacth urcfha thesrusc ha sS t.J eromaen dS tA.u gustirneef erred (thougfho rs omec ausuen knowtn ou s)h atha ni nfluenocnei t.46" tot hec ursien c onnectwiiotnhs lavebruytn otw ithN egroeTsh.e y Thee xtraordipnearrsyi stoefnt cheii sd eian t hef acoef c enturies casually actcheeap stseudm ptitohnaA tfr icanwse red escended from ofi ncessraenftu tatwiaosnp robabsluys tainbeyd a feelitnhga t oneo rs everoafHl a m'sf ousro nsa,n a ssumptiwohni cbhe camuen i· blacknceosusl sdc arcbeela yn ythibngu at c ursaen db yt hec ommon versianlC hristenddeosmp ittheeo bscuroifti yto sr igiTnhse.y w ere needt oc onfirtmh ef acotsfn aturbey s pecirfiecf eretnocS ec ripture. probabalwya re, moretohvaettrh ,et ermH amo riginaclolnyn oted Inc ontratsott h ec limattihce orGyo,d 'csu rsper ovidae sda tisfying both" darka"n d" hoty,"e tt hefya ilteods eizteh iosb viooupsp ortu· purposivewnheiscsth h es un'ssc orchhienagct o ulndo tm atchu ntil nittyo h elpe xplatihne N egro'cso mplexiIonnc .o ntratshtea p­ thee ighteenctehn turTyh.e difficulwtiyt ht hes toroyf Ham's proximatceolnyt emporaneToaulsm udiacn d Midrashsiocu rces indiscrewtaisot nh ate xtraordinsatrrielnyu oeuxse geswiass re­ containseudc hs uggestiaostn hsa "tH am wass mittiennh iss kin," quireidno rdetro b rinigtt ob earo nt heN egrob'lsa cskk inF.a ced thaNto aht olHda m "yousre ewdi lble u glayn dd ark-skinannedd ," withd ifficultiineb so tht hec limataincd S criptuerxapll anation, thaHta m wasf ath"eorf C anaawnh ob roughctu rsienst toh ew orld, somes eekearfst etrr utthh reuwp t heihra ndisn g reahtu miliatnyd ofC anaanw how asc urseodf,C anaanw ho darkenetdh ef aceosf accountbelda cknienst sh eA fricaanno themra nifestaotfiG oond 's mankind,"C aonfa a"nt hneo toriwooursl d-darkener," omnipotepnrto videnTchei.sw asP eteHre ylyns'osl uti(oantl east Whilei tp robabilsyn otp ossibtlote r acae d irelcitn oef i nflu­ in1 627.) encei,t s eemsv eryl ikeltyh att hesoeb servatiaoffnesc tesdo me 45.F ora ffirmatioRnisc,h arJdo bsoTnh,e G oldeTnr adeO:r ,a Discoveorfty h e Christwiraint edrusr intgh el atMee dievaanld R enaissaynecaero sf RiveGra mbraa,n dt heG oldeTnr adeo ft heA ethiopia(n1s6 23e)d,.C harleGs. reviviCnhgr istiinatne riens t Jewiwsriht ingIst.i ss uggestive that Kingsl(eTye ingmouthD.e vonshi1r9e0,4 )6,5 -66; ThoHmearsb erSto,m eY ears the fiCrhstr istiuatni lizatoifto hniss thceammee d urintgh es ix­ Travelisn toD iverPsa rtso f Afrcia,a nd Asiat he GreDaets,c ribiMnogr e Particullyta hreE mpireso fP ersiaan dI ndust.a. n. [ 4the d.] (London, 1677), teentche ntury-tfihresg tr eacte ntuoryfo verseeaxsp loratAiso n. 16.T he onlym onographo n thes ubjecmti stakenaltyt ributthees idteoa shoulbde comcel eairn t hichsa ptert,h erwea sr easofno rr estless Lutherapnasr ticulaanrdl y offe1r6s7 7a st hed ateo ft he fierxstp licsitta temcnt; Englishmteonl ayh oldo fa hand-me·docwunr sweh ichh adb een Albert Per"bLaa lR,a ce Negree t la Maledictidoen C ham,"R evued e l'Univerds'iOtUt!a wa1,0 (19401)5,7 -5I9t.w asd enieidn 1 583p,e rhapasse arly expoundeodr iginablyl ay p eoplweh o hadt hemselrveesst lessly as1 566b,y J ohnB odinM.e thodf ort heE asyC omprehensoifoH ni stortyr,a ns. soughat l anodf f reedom." BeatriRceey nold(sN .Y .• 19458)7,.A llenL,e genodf N oah,1 19s.h owtsh atth e Whent hes toroyfH am'sc ursdei db ecomree laticvoemlmyo ni n idewaa sn otu nknowni nt he1 6thc enturayn ds uggestthsa ti tm ay havee xisted priotro theR enaissanAcne .i mportan1t4 th-ccntEunrgyl islhe gatlr eatise thes eventeecnetnht uirtyw asu tiliazlemdo setn tiraelsay n e xpla­ referrteodt hec ursoen Ham inc onnectiwoint hs lavebruyt n ott heN egro; natioonfc olorra thtehra na sj ustificaftoirNo engr o slavearnyd a s AndrewH orneT.h eM irroorf ] ustic.e•s. ,e d.W illiaCm. R obinso(nW ash­ ingtoDn..C .,1 903,)1 23-24. 44.T he quotatioanrse f romI .E psteienta l.t,r ansT.h,e B abylonian Talmud, 46.B rowne".O ft heB lackneosfsN egroesS.a"y lee,d.• Workso fB rowneI,I . g5v ols(.L ondo1n9,3 5-00S)a,n hedrIiIn7,,4 5H:. F reedmaann dM auricSei mon, 368-8H5[;e ylynMji,c Tocosm4u0s3,;H eyl)'MnI.K POK9l:Me(l:1 627).P7et7r1I; tran.s. M idrasRha bbah1,0 v ols(.L ondon1,9 39)I,, 2 93;H arryS perlianngd HeylynC.o smographiine ,F OBlolork sC.o natinnigt heC horo(!rabahnideH istorie MauriceS imont,r an,sT .heZ ohar5, v ols(.L ondon1,9 �\I)I,,2 46-47· Oft heW holeW orld. . ., 3de d.( London1.G6 6). 1016. [20] WHITE OVE R BLACK FirIsmtp ressions [21] The inhabita(ntthso ugah g reapta rotf t hicso untr[yA mericlai]e tihn Ino nes enshee atheniwsamsl esas " problefmo"rC hristitahnasn thes amep arallweiltlEh thiopLiyab,i aan,d N umidiaar)eo f rae asonable an exerciisnes elf-definition: the headtehfienne dbc yo ndition fairceo mplexiaonnd,v erlyi tt(lieaf t a lli)n clintionb gl ackneSsost eh.a t negatitohnep ropeCrh ristliiafnIe n.a nothseern steh,ep resenocfe thee xtraordiannadrc yo ntinuvailcli noiftt yh eS unnei,s n ot( ass ome heatheniisntm h ew orlcdo nstitaunti emdp erattiovi en tensification imaginet)h ee fficiencta usoef b lacknestsheo:u giht m ay muchf urther sucha colouars:w ees eei no urc ountrlya ssewsh,o sef aceasr ea lwaies ofr eligiocuosm mitmenFtr.o mi tosr igiCnh ristiawnaista y u niver­ exposetdow indea ndw eatheOrt.h ermso.r ew isie nt heiorw ne conceite. salipsrto,s elytriezlinigg iaonnd,t hes acreadn ds eculhairs toroife s thougthh icso ncekinto wn oc onfederpaltaei;n ecloyn clutdhee g enerative Christiamnaidtemy a nifetshten ecessoiftb yr inginnogn -Christians seedo ft heA fricatonb se blackbeu,t o ft heA mericatnobs e whitea: inttoh ef oldF.o r Englishtmheennt,,h eh eathenisNme gorfo ewsa s foolissuhp piotsioann.d c onvincneodto nloyu to fe xperienbcuetn, a turall ato ncea counter-iomfat ghee iorw nr eligiaonnda summonst o PhilosopAhsif eo.rt hafto olitsahlo ef C ham'ksno winhgi wsi fien t heA rke. whereupbonyd ivinceu rshei ss onC huswi tha lhli sp osteri(twyh,i cthh ey eradicaanti em portant disbteitnwceteitnoh net wop eoples. saya reA fricawnesr)ea lbll ackiet:i ss ov ainteh.a It wilnlo te ndeavour The interacotfito hne stew of aceotfst hec oncepotfh eathenism tor eteiltlS. o thatw e mustw holyr efeirt t oG odsp eculiwairl aln d madef ora peculidairffi culOtny .t heo neh andt,o a ctu pont hef elt ordinance."T necessoiftc yo nvertNienggr oesw ouldh aveb eent oe radictahtee Faiern ougphe rhapbsu.tt hiwsa ss carcaenley x planattioos nt and poinotf d istincwthiiocnh E nglishmfeonu ndm ostf amiliaarn d thet esotf c enturitehsec; a usoef t heN egroc'osl owra st or emaian mostr eadicloym prehensiYbeltie .ft heyd idn ota ctu pont his confusinmgy sterEyv.e nS irT homasB rownea'dsm irabilnyg enious necessciotnyt,i nuheeda theniasmmo ngN egroewso uldr emaiann andm anfuelff ortastr esolutwihoinc,wh e ref ari na dvancoef h is unwelcome remtionEd negrl ishmtehna tt heyw eren otm eeting contemporarfiaelst'e,r ed obnacdelh ye hadfi nished explaining theiorb ligattiootn hse iorw nf aith-ntoort heb enightNeedg roes. whatw asn otth ec ausoeft heN egrob'lsa ckness. Englishmreens olvtehdii sm plicdiilte mmbay d oinngo thing. Int hel ongr un,o fc oursteh,e N egro's color gartetaatiensetd Considertihnegs trengotfht heC hristitarna ditiiotin s,a lmost significannoctae s a scientpirfiocb lem absua t s ocifaalc tE.n glish. startltihnagt Englishment or feasiploendtd o the discoovfe ry men foundb lackneisnhs u manb eingas p eculiaanrd i mportant heatheniisnAm f ricwai tha tl eastth er udimenotfsa campaign for poinotf d ifferenTchee.N egroc'osl osre th imr adicaalplya frrto m conversiAolnt.h ougthh ei mpulsteos preaCdh ristiasneietmyts o EnglishmIetna .l so searsva e hdi ghlvyi sibllaeb eild entifytihen g haveb eenw eakeri n Englishmtehna n,s ay,i n theC atholic nativoefsa distacnotn tinewnhti cfho ra geCsh ristihaandsk nown Portugueistce a,n nobte s aitdh aEtn glishmweenr ei ndifferteon t asa lando fm enr adicadlelfye ctiinvr ee ligion. theo bligatiimopno seudp ont hemb yt heo versedaiss coveorfit ehse sixteenctehn turWyh.i let heyw ereb adloyu to fp ractiactet he busineosfsc onverns i(oagaiinn c ontratsott heP ortugueasned) 3.D EFECTIRVEEL IGION whilteh ehya dn evebre forbee enf acewdi tht hep ractidciaffilc ulties Whiled istincatpipveea ransceetA fricaonvse ri ntoa involviendC hristianeinztiincrgoe n tinetnhtesy,n onethelweesrse novecla tegoorfmy e n,t heirre ligious cosnedttih teimao pna rftr om ablteo c ontemplwaittehe quanimiatnyde vene agernteshsep ros­ Englishmienna moref amiliwaary .E nglishmaennd C hristians pecto fc onvertitnhgeh eatheInn.d eetdh eyw ents of ara st o everywhewreer es ufficienatclqyu aintweidt ht hec oncepotf h ea­ conclutdhea t convetrhtein nagt iviensA mericwaa ss ufficiently thenistmh atth ecyo nfronittelsdi virnegp resentawtiitvheosu t puz­ importatnodt e mandE nglish setttlheemrAeesn.i t tt urneodu tt,h e zlemenCte.r taintlhyer athesru ddedni scovethraytt hew orlwda s well-publiEcnigzleids h profgorrca omn verting Ipnrdoidauncse d teeminwgi thh eathen pemoapdleef orh eightenveidv idnaensds vermye agerre sulbtust,t hea voweidn tenticoenrst aiwnelryeg en­ urgenciyn a long-stanpdrionbgl emb;u ti tw ast hef actth att his uineI.tw asi nm arkecdo ntratshte,r efotrheaE,tn glishmdiedn n ot problewma sa lreawdeyl flo rmulatleodn gb eforcoen tacwti thA f­ avows imiliianrt enticoonnsc erninAgf ricaunnst itlh el ateei ght­ ricwah ichp roveidm portainnts hapinEgn glisrhe actitoont he eentche nturFyu.l lays m ucha sw iths kicno lotrh,o uglhe scso n­ Negrod'esf ective religious condition. sciousElnyg,l ishmdeins tinguibsehtewde etnh eh eatheniosfmI sn ­ dianasn do fN egroes. 47.H eylyMnI, KPOKO(l:1M6O27l:) , 771- The suggestciovneg ruenocfet hestew ind istinctbieotnwse en

and to the east while Spain founded a great empire in America. It was not until . Theory in the Early Literature of Voyage and Exploration in Africa . ed., The First Three English Books on A.merica . 113-14. indirectly makes abundantly dear how very far Negro Ser., 6, 8, 9 [6 vol! .. Andrew Horne.
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