I can’t stop thinking. How can anyone? It’s like a writer’s block. Your mind is swirling in a merry dance around your head. Nah. Of course it is not that simple. It is something more than “I can’t do anything, other than thinking about past situations. Thinking about older mess-ups. Thinking about all the mistakes.” I think it’s because I’m alone. Then again, I was always alone, even in the wildest crowds. Look at me. I am not making sense. Forgive me. I haven’t done this before. Let’s see… How do I start? There are stacks of paper in front of me. I am holding my pen. A good pen, not one of those cheap ones. I am sitting at my wooden desk. I sigh. And I start writing. My name is Thomas Jumpler. I haven’t done this before. Writing this way, I mean. And for that, I apologize in advance. I understand how unaccustomed I am to matters of fiction. I chuckle, and the sound is alien to me. I crumple the sheet and grab a new one. I place it on the desk and start over. Hm. Now I think I know how to go on… I feel the muscles in my cheeks pulling back in a wretched smile. “The show is on, motherfucker” I dully note and my hand makes small moves, barely letting the ink drip on the white material. Hi. My name is Tom. And this is my story. Chapter 1 Normal person You know, now that I think about it, everything started on a normal day. Did you ever have one of those? The setup is simple. You do absolutely nothing substantial. Nothing. From brushing your teeth in the morning, to taking the train to your job and then work until you go back home… As I said, nothing substantial. You call your friends to go out for a quick drink in the evening and everyone has already made plans with some other “friends” that you barely know, and it is a bit late to call people from your past without sounding really desperate. One of those days. The normal ones. The boring ones. You stand in the middle of the carriage, with the earpieces hanging on your ears, always listening to your favourite music and trying not to sound like your mother, trying not to ask yourself “What are you doing with your life?” And you know it! Typically, you fail to reply. A normal day. I worked overtime, as always, and then I got home, while the sun had already set, and I was thinking that I could become a bit more fashionable, in the off chance I might become a tad more attractive. I would update my Facebook status and I would watch a monkey smell his own ass on YouTube and things like that. I would pretend I gave a damn and surely I would reach the point where I would shout out to the world: “Hey, asshole, I’m right here”. Deep down, you know who you are. I unlock my door, enter my small apartment, toss my rucksack aside, walk to my downtrodden sofa and there I collapse. I did whatever every person does after work. I sighed, mustered my courage, turned on my laptop, typed in my password; just a little bit after the logo appeared, I was left observing my screen thoughtfully. The folders were the following: “Movies”, “Music” and “Work”. I Picked “Movies” and found a small folder named “lol”. It was full of funny pictures and videos, which would make my day, OK, I admit it, it was full of porn. I smiled upon seeing the folder. Walk up to any guy –and I mean any guy, I dare you, I double dare you- and ask him if he has a hard drive with porn in his computer. He will respond with a wholehearted “no” and a gasp of panic, but you will know the truth, won’t you? A guy with free time is a guy with porn on his hard drive, or at least he’s that guy who visits websites for that specific kind of... And in all fairness, it is just a matter of time for him to admit it, which, in all fairness again, he won’t do anyway. As I was saying then, I was tired from work, I had no mood to read any book at all, I only wished that I could let go, say it as you will. But yes, I opened my porn folder. In a matter of milliseconds, I was in the stash with the “stuff”, which I had sworn to erase as soon as a girl would cross my path. But not sooner. I looked up and down a couple times, until my sight caught a film featuring one of the best porn stars. You know which one I’m talking about… And I shouldn’t forget to mention: the film had a plot. Hm… A plot! Frankly, I have no idea what it was about. I am one of those people who skip to the “good” parts, if you know what I mean… And this time I got in the mood almost immediately. How long since the last time that… Honestly, I don’t even remember any more, which depresses me. But, there you go, that thought only lasted a second, as I had more important things to deal with, like the movie for example. What happened next was registered in my memory as one of the scariest things I have ever experienced in my entire life. I was watching and simultaneously “following” with devotion that scene where the guy is ready to ejaculate on his sexual partner. I remember I even turned the volume down, so the couple living next door would not hear the moans. Alright now, let’s not make a fool of ourselves. I recall perfectly well that I pressed pause in order to get some tissue, pulling it with force from the top of the coffee table… And suddenly, I saw him. He was a massive guy, a beast of a man, dressed in black. It wasn’t his clothes, or the fact that he had the body type of a thug that scared me, nor the fact that, somehow, he was in my flat. It was the fact that he had a knife in his hands, about the same size as my kitchen knife, and that he was wearing a black mask, like those S&M masks, with a zipper on his mouth forming a smile and all you could see was the zipper and his eyes. Bright blue eyes, menacingly overflowing with malice and hatred. I did what every rational human being would have done in my place. I grabbed the tissue box and threw it at his face. It hit him with a thud, while I was busy pulling my pants back up, whichwere already down to my ankles. Unfortunately, that didn’t work. I fell in the middle of the floor and I could hear myself groaning in pain. In the back of my head, I was realizing that my ass was showing and I was trying to get away from an even weirder scenario, even weirder than the one where a guy materializes in my living room that is, which may have derived from the position I was in at the time. God, I thought, let me survive this, and I won’t touch my penis for anything other than peeing. Behind me, I could hear him breathe heavily while he had started walking slowly towards me, which intensified my desire to disappear from that place, a task which, believe me, was harder than you can imagine. In the end, I managed to get up and run, realizing that I was screaming like a little girl. I literally landed face-first on the door, while struggling with the doorknob. After a “COME ON NOW!” muttered through clenched teeth, I finally managed to open the door and ran outside the room. But even there I was confronted by the opposite wall. Fuck! My last hope of salvation was utterly destroyed, as I was landing on the floor again. With my sixth sense I could feel the guy standing over me, while his hand was rising in the air slightly grazing my hair in the process, and I realized how much the knife was shining under the light of the cheap lamps of the place. Is this how I’m going to die? Pants down and ready to pee on myself in terror? Please show me a miracle… “Hey, Mr J!” I heard someone shouting my name. Alright, not my name, but the name she had made up for me. There was only one person who called me like that, by that name I mean… “Christine! Run!” I shouted “he has a knife!” My yelling made her stop. It was the girl next door. She’s a very sweet girl of twenty-four. Long brown hair, and at that moment she was wearing red hot pants, complimenting her ass, and a tank top, which accompanied perfectly the image of her bosom. Lovely firm bosom, I have to say. She stood over me with perplexed brown eyes and spoke in a calm tone, trying to hide her worry for good. “Are you high, Mr J? Are you alright?” her questions appeared one by one. I pointed towards my killer. “He’s there! Watch out! He has a knife.” My last words were ambushed by a short pause and some bewilderment, as nobody was standing where I had pointed my right index. No one. It looks like the guy disappeared into thin air, like he turned into smoke. For some inexplicable reason, I was expecting something like that to happen. I was lying down in the middle of a dirty corridor; my neighbours were shouting at me to shut up, joined by screams that were casting curses, which, even absent-mindedly, you could realize they had something to do with oedipal complexes and homosexuality. Yes, OK, you get an idea of what they were saying, and, no less, I had embarrassed myself in front of Christine. Ah! Let’s not forget. My pants were still down to my ankles. As I said, Christine stood over me and was looking at me curiously with those examining brown eyes. How certain she was that she had reached the right conclusion about my state. “Are you on something, Mr Thomas?” she repeated, louder this time, as if she was talking to a retard, allowing at the same time a smirk to linger on the edge of her lips, obviously in an effort to make me not feel bad. “I prefer Tom” I said with a bit of humour, trying not to offend her as I was finally pulling up my pants and closing my zipper. “I have no idea what it was that attacked me before”, I admitted leaving pretences behind. “I would swear there was someone there”. She smiled. Again. As if her smile would not fade away. “Yes, that has happened to me as well Mr J”. Is it so much trouble to call me Tom? I wonder and try to maintain my calm. “Anyway, there has to be someone there next to you every time you do… you know… that” she said in a conspiring tone. “Yes, I suppose so”, I admitted. What else could I say? “So, ehm…” I cleared my throat to keep talking, “what’s up?” “Ah” she exclaimed at first without thinking and then she continued. “Nothing much. I just got home and heard you scream and came by to see what was happening.” “Thanks” I replied honestly, putting a smile on my lips this time. It is always nice to have someone looking out for you, for a change. Most people, in a similar situation, could not have cared less. My eyes immediately reached the open door to my apartment and Christine’s curiosity led her to do exactly the same. The sound of awkwardness was deafening. And, by the little I know her, Christine is never quiet. “Do you see anything?” she asked out of nowhere, terrifying me. “No, I can’t see anything” I responded absolutely, whole-heartedly, even a bit abruptly. Inside my home, one could see my laptop which had fallen off the table, and it wasn’t just that. The dim light emanating from the screen was enough to illuminate the room just enough, as the porn movie kept on playing. “Should I be seeing something?” she asks. “Man” she says and starts laughing. “You must have taken something really strong” she kept on teasing, punching my arm playfully. “Next time I will keep you company if you want to do your stuff. It helps. Deal?” “Bless you Christine, whatever you say” I almost gave up, or, whatever, my own voice betrayed me and her, for some inexplicable reason, she found all that cute and started laughing once more, at me. “Once I had seen spiders” she admitted out of nowhere while winking at me, intensifying her scheming attitude. The “I know, I’ve been through the same” attitude. I never commented. Encouraged, she kept on going: “I’m telling you, I was in the shit”. I sighed, trying to hold back and not show my annoyance. All these accusations had started to really get on my nerves. “Christine, honestly, I’m not high. Honestly.” “Sure, sure” she acted like she was agreeing with a face of disbelief, which, between us, she made no effort of hiding. “I for one told you: next time, given that there is a next time, it would be good to follow my advice and make sure to have someone with you. You’ll kill yourself one day if you keep acting like this.” I was so desperate that for a split second I believed that she was hinting at something else, that her words were leading to a different kind of proposal… Whatever the meaning of her words may have been though, I just shrugged my shoulders and gave her another smile. “Yes, you are right, thank you again” I said politely. “You wanna go inside?” she asked, reaching for my hand. It felt nice. She smelled like cherry bubble- gum and another sweet scent that I couldn’t quite get. “Yes…” I said, like I was drunk. She was almost dragging me along, and like that I let her guide me into my own flat like a big mesmerized baby, which, to be perfectly clear, was exactly the way I felt after my ordeal. Fuck, it was indeed a hallucination. I saw something that wasn’t there. This is how it was, right? I saw something that can easily reach your eyes and stand there while you are tired or affected. A something that gives birth to moving shadows. Yes, it has to be something like that…. We entered my small flat together. Rather, let’s call things by their own name: my little studio, which means a room and a miniscule bathroom. I don’t know whether I should feel bad that my house is so small or that my entire life’s treasures fit in there. In reality, the only thing that kept me from blushing in shame was that I knew that Christine lived in a place equally as tiny as mine. It was a pyrrhic victory, but a victory nonetheless. I tried to tidy up the mess in the room and sweep everything under the rug, so to speak. And now that I mentioned it, the only rug that was worth anything at all in my house was the one decorating my bathroom. A Tom and Jerry bathmat. This is what’s important to me. Hesitantly, I decided to stop the porn movie that was still on. Thankfully, Christine wasn’t paying much attention to my movements. It seemed like she was fascinated by my fridge magnets, which was very convenient for me, as her body stance was offering me a view of her bum. “They are nice, Mr J” she said softly. Her voice sounded like a cool summer breeze. It was exactly what I needed after that weird incident. I smiled, even though I knew she was not watching me. “Thanks” I said. I suddenly found the topic to be of great interest. “I bought one for each of my birthdays from every place I have visited so far” I continued. Funny. I did not see the reason to share something like that with her; nevertheless, I did so effortlessly. I had this feeling of familiarity with her. She kept on looking around the room. It was her “maiden voyage” in my flat and everything had to appear magical to her eyes. Or, seeing as how there are always two sides to a coin, utterly disappointing and she was merely trying hard not to display any dissatisfaction my belongings may stir in her. Her eyes dashed from my coffee table to my laptop, from my laptop to a “Kill Bill, vol. 1” poster and finally rested on me. “It doesn’t look like you were doing anything weird earlier” she was now realizing, and by the tone of her voice anyone could tell she was certain in her deduction. I tried not to have a fit from in frustration. “I told you right from the start, I am not high”. But then, OK, how do you explain the tall psychopath with the knife? Ten seconds passed in silence. We were struggling to find what we should be saying to each other from now on and, before we started talking, the same word came from both of us and filled the room. “So…” I said. “So…” she said. She smiled. “You first”, as if she was passing down an order. She was polite however. Out of embarrassment, my hand rose to scratch the back of my head. “I don’t know how to say this, but it was really nice of you to come and check on me. Thank you”. Not even trying to hide, she let her joy show right in front of me and, with that smile, in my eyes she looked like an angel. “Yes, anyway, I need someone to borrow some sugar from, right?” she said and winked. We both laughed. That’s how I met her in the first place. Over a cup of sugar. It was a month after I had moved in to the hole where I now live, when there was a sudden knock on the door. “Anybody home? Come on! I know you are there. Please!” I had just come back from work and I wasn’t in the mood for anyone, neither for an excessively friendly neighbour nor for an excessively nosy one. “Who is it?” I shouted rudely, without caring if it showed that I was annoyed. On the contrary I would say. The following meeting is a cliché but what can you do, this is how it happened. “It’s me, Christine. I live in 2B and I need a little sugar, if it’s not too much trouble.” I had no idea who she was back then. So I went to the door, looked through the eyehole, saw a sweet girl and opened the door. I let my eyes wander left and right to the corridor, because you never know what can happen. Especially these days, you have to be very careful, on a permanent basis and still there’s no guarantee of safety. “Hi” she chirped sweetly. “Can I please have a cup of sugar? I want to make a cake and I really… really need it”. She must have been around twenty two back then and the only thing that was different about her was the way she did her nails. Don’t ask how I noticed. I don’t know what to say to that. Even though I was in no mood to talk to anyone, I could not remain rude with so much sweetness concentrated in her. “Of course” I agreed to do her a favour and took the cup she was holding in her hands. “It will only be a minute” I concluded and went to do exactly what she wanted. I filled the cup with sugar to the brim and handed it back to her. “There you go. But don’t forget to let me know how it goes with that cake, OK?” I joked, making her laugh with my remark, and it was as if her happiness was like a ten year-old child’s. “Of course I am going to keep you updated” she promised and turned to leave, but she didn’t make it. She tripped, and the cup fell on the floor, spreading sugar all around us. Her eyes filled with embarrassment and she barely offered me a look, as I was nodding sadly. “Leave that” I calmed her down. “I will clean it up. But I’m afraid there’s not enough sugar left to fill a cup”. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Well, either way, I was thinking I should go to the super market at some point. Thanks a million, anyway, and I’m really sorry for this mess” she said sadly and, without me realizing, she stood on her toes and gave me a warm kiss on the cheek. “My name is Christine, in case you want to know” she said then sweetly. “Tom Jumpler” I introduced myself in turn. “OK Mr J! See you soon then” she said and disappeared as if she had never been there. And like that, over a smashed cup of sugar, I met Christine. Since then, I would see her occasionally around the building, but it took a psychopath for her to finally visit my flat. And now that I mentioned it, you could say that it was a small achievement of mine, getting her here that is. And to think how desperately lonely I had been feeling for a while… But let’s go back to our main story. I smiled. “Do you remember that cup of sugar” I said, pointing out every word, as if that was the right time for games, and I saw her brown eyes filling with clouds. Of course she did. Memory has never done any favours to bad feelings. You’d better keep that in mind and be done with this joke from now on. Memory is being selective at will, in order to remind human minds of her power. At least to those who ever dared defy her. She looked at me in embarrassment; her eyes still lost in mists. “How could I forget?” she mumbled and lowered her gaze to her shoes. Down there she probably felt safer. Who knows? Maybe. Maybe she wanted to hit me instead. Who knows? And then she continued: “I felt really bad and completely stupid”. I had to reassure her. “You could never look stupid, Christine”, I said in a different tone, as I made a cautious step towards her. Not to me I thought, but did not say anything. She looked at me again, deeply in my eyes. She looked scared, but not by the fact that I was slightly hitting on her –if you can consider this hitting on someone- but for me. “I…. I have to go, Mr J, whatever you may be doing with your life…” she mumbled. She had almost reached the door while struggling to complete her sentence, gaining that pause she already owned, and when she felt ready again she said: “Try to take care, alright?” And she left, closing the door behind her. I barely had time to utter a rhetorical question; a solid “what?”, but she was already gone. I quickly tidied up the mess that was covering my furniture and made my space look like a bombed factory; I took a shower and fell on the sofa bed, ready to surrender to sleep. It had been a weird day. Simply weird. “Goodnight…” I said to the walls around me. Sometimes, loneliness pushes you towards doing stupid things like this one. Sometimes, loneliness can be a bit fun. I reset my alarm and went to sleep, just to wake up ten minutes later inside the blur of my mind. And then I repeated that over and over again… I did not get any rest from my dreamless sleep. As if sleeping heavily and sinking into dreaming constitutes the by-product of the purely human need for expression. This has to be why without sleep people wither and lose their motivation. I turned the alarm off by slamming it and stood up. “The first day of your life” I muttered, while briefly looking at the bright dawn outside my window. This I take pride in, hole or not, my small flat had a view. So there was no more time to waste and I got ready for work. Shaved, showered, had coffee in five minutes, wore my white-collar employee uniform and left home. And that’s how another day of routine starts. I walked to the shiny tube platform, with my earphones blasting my favourite music, and when the doors behind me were shutting, for the first time ever, yes, I can boast that much, I found an empty seat. So I sat there and watched outside the window with a lost look on my face, while the frontman was singing in my ears about demons moving in and out of his head and begged his lover to understand. You could say that the general idea behind the song was a bit cliché. But it was nice; it had a soothing effect at the time. Normally, I would have driven to work, but such an endeavour in the middle of the city has to be considered twice. There’s no way to find parking space, and even if you do, it will probably be restricted, soaring petrol prices and unbearable traffic notwithstanding. But you already know all that, don’t you? Life in the city is depressive. There’s nothing natural to it; absolutely nothing. Just massive buildings made of cement. This so-called architecture sometimes makes you think of that Plato theory, which separates architecture from art and practically puts it into a corner, claiming that it is nothing more than an imitation of an imitation, a copy, that is, of the physical world, which is in turn the visualisation of the fictional world of ideas. So to say, three steps away from reality. And anyway, observing these giant cement monstrosities, you could call them phallic monuments in honour of successful people. People who, if I may say so, sold their soul to succeed when they in turn grew up. Imagine that, most of us working for them want to become like them. Could it be that we are the ones thrice-removed from truth? Or is it that we have sunk to its bottom and have no idea where the surface is? You don’t have a job? You have no money. You don’t have money? You have no life. I felt like such a sell-out. I had dreams, you know. I did once. And where are my dreams now? Drowned in a gutter. To tell you the truth, all I wanted to do was write. I wanted to take writing classes at some point. But no, all my college education managed in the end was to promote me to just another employee approaching thirty. And in turn, my job promoted me to just another human being, wasting every day, trying to spend time with friends and living every day watching series and other spectacles on TV. The quantum physics of perception in their full glory, ladies and gentlemen! We are living the century where we exist in the middle of a crowd, yet still feel alone. You hold the door for someone in the countryside and they will say “thanks”. You hold the door for someone in the city and maybe you will get a groan of gratitude, at best. So somewhere around here, the point can be reached where we can rewrite history along these lines: the world is destroyed for some random reason and, just like that, splits in two sub-worlds: “our city”, which is of course the core and a “galaxy system” with the code name “Caeadas” whose kind inhabitants are called to succumb to the majesty of the citizens of this exceedingly rude city-core, which turns out be nothing more than an immense dump of curtsying facades that do not know how to say “thank you” when you are holding a fucking door for them. They are swallowed, so to say, by a bulimic solitude unaccepting of full stops. And you can’t help but wonder with this and that. Do you feel loneliness or is it that, because she herself can’t stand her own existence, comes and finds you? Do you choose her or does she choose you? Suddenly, I felt like calling a friend over the phone, just anyone; I am the only one who has to wake up this early to go to work anyway. A society based on communication, and we are still more alone than in the past. You see people on the tube, when someone finally spots empty seats around, sharing them in such a way as to not sit next to each other, as if that would be a crime. Or saying “hi” to someone automatically means that you are hitting on them or you are just a weird guy. Honestly, I can’t tell you when I started noticing these small things or when I started sounding this bitter and old. I probably needed a girlfriend, someone I could talk to without getting depressed; or even if I did get depressed, someone to hug to make every problem go away. The speaker’s robotic voice on the train scattered my thoughts. “Next stop…” I walked the distance from the station to work. My route always ended to this telecommunication services company, located in a glass tower, providing services exclusively for broadband connections and telemarketing clients. I hated that place, I really hated it, but the money was enough to get by, and even with a little effort, to save some. I opened the door, after passing the doorman’s check first of course, and entered the building. Three years I had been working there and that prick had not said a word to me, just that one time, on my first day here. I crossed the velvet carpet leading towards the elevators. The reception was a polite place, filled with couches for visitors and no smoking signs, everything in shades of white and red. But the tip of the iceberg, the icing on the cake, was the receptionists. Beatrice in particular. She was this bombshell of a blonde, a nice piece of ass, if you would allow me such expressions. Long hair, green eyes, full lips and a social manner that made her appear regal. She was wearing blue formal clothes, outlining her shapely body. She was hot and she knew it. As I was approaching, I heard her speak on the phone at an all-polite, all-fake tone. “Yes sir. Yes, I will be connecting you right away sir.” Finally she spotted me in the relatively empty room and signalled with her index. “Yes sir. Have a nice day”. I approached as she was hanging up and tried to look at her eyes instead of her breasts. Thank goodness, I did not fail. “Good morning Beatrice. How are you?” I asked. Always in the eyes, never the breasts… She turned to her computer and started tapping on the keyboard with the red polished nails, making a scissors-like sound as she was typing. She gave me a quick look and then back to her computer again, acting busy. “Bob wants to talk to you” she said indifferently, which was her standard attitude anyhow. I‘ve been here for all these years, show some interest. Oh well. C’ est la vie. “OK” I said. “Have a nice day”.