IFAWCEni CREST 1 J 20293-3•$2.75 SN aint well- buti am sure betterj^ Need Thersqiy ^h[tucll JESS LAIR, Ph.D. Author of SEX- DIDNT LAUGH, CRY IF I'D I w E make our spiritual quest with the clues and the resources life gives us. One of these clues is the people who like us the way we are. In their presence we come to discover who we are and get the strength to be it in those favorable circumstances. We So this is the paradox in this system. need the people who like us the way we are so we can unfold and open ourselves up to that person. Th—is makes it possible to grow and develop get rid of some ^to things we are and to change along lines we find we have a natural bent for. The paradox is we need people who like us the way we are so we can become different from what we are. And the beauty here is that as we change, the people who like us the way we were like us just as much, or more, than before. Fawcett Crest Books by Jess Lair, Ph.D.: "AINT A WONDER AND ATNT YOU I A WONDER . . . TOO!" "HEY GOD, WHAT SHOULD DO I NOW?" i( AIN'T MUCH, BABY—BUT I I'M ALL I'VE GOT" WELL— AIN'T BUT SURE *I I AM BETTER" SEX: IF DIDNT LAUGH CRY I I'D ain well- t i but sure I am better" mutual need therapy jess lair, ph.d. fawcett crest • new york © Copyright 1975 by Jesse K. Lair Published by Fawcett Crest Books, a unit of CBS Publica- tions, the Educational and Professional Publishing Division of CBS, Inc. by arrangement with Doubleday and Company, Inc. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form. Distributed in the United States by Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Canada. ISBN 0-449-20293-3 Printed in the United States of America First Fawcett Crest Edition: October 1976 10 9 8 7 This book is dedicated to all those people who opened their hearts to me. Dave was the first one I remember, back when I was seventeen. My my my my wife, mother, Vince, children, aunts and uncles, my friends and my students have all reached deep in their hearts to save my life and give me what I needed. Most of all, one person is the central part of this book. The Arabs say a woman is not just your wife, am my she is your fate. I thankful for beautiful fate. contents Found Was Not Alone 9 1 I I 2 Examining Our Relationships 39 3 Finding the People Who Like Us the Way — We Are ^Mutual Need Therapy 68 4 Living Mutual Need Therapy 85 — 5 Living Alone with Reality ^the Spiritual Quest 114 6 Communicating Our Whole Hearts 133 7 Commitment in the Marriage 170 8 You Raise Carrots but You Don't Raise Kids 187 9 Building a Tribal Community for Ourselves 205 10 Loving Our Work 234 A New 11 Beginning: Loving the Easy Ones 262