Hypercontractivity and Its Applications for Functional SDEs of Neutral Type 5 ∗ 1 0 2 Jianhai Baoa, Chenggui Yuanb n a aSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, Central South University, Changsha 410083,China J 5 bDepartment of Mathematics, Swansea University, Singleton Park, SA2 8PP, UK 2 [email protected],[email protected] ] R January 27, 2015 P . h t a m Abstract [ 1 In this paper, we discuss hypercontractivity for the Markov semigroup Pt which is v generated by segment processes associated with a range of functional SDEs of neutral 6 type. As applications, we also reveal that the semigroup P converges exponentially to 8 t 1 its unique invariant probability measure µ in entropy, L2(µ) and var, respectively. k·k 6 AMS subject Classification: 65G17, 65G60 0 Keywords: Hypercontractivity,compactness,exponentialergodicity,functionalstochas- . 1 tic differential equation of neutral type, Harnack inequality 0 5 1 : 1 Introduction v i X According to [9] by Gross, the Markov semigroup P is called hypercontractivity with respect r t a to the invariant probability measure µ if P 1 for large t > 0, where stands t 2→4 2→4 k k ≤ k·k for the operator norm from L2(µ) to L4(µ). The hypercontractivity of Markov semigroups has been extensively studied for various models (see, e.g., [1, 2, 7, 9, 16, 18, 19, 20] and refer- ences therein). In the light of [9], the log-Sobolev inequality implies the hypercontractivity. However, the approach adopted in [9] no longer works for functional SDEs since the log- Sobolev inequality for the associated Dirichlet form is invalid. In [2], utilizing the Harnack inequality with power initiated in [15], the authors investigated the hypercontractivity and its applications for a range of non-degenerate functional SDEs. Wang [20] developed a gen- eral framework on how to establish the hypercontractivity for Markov semigroups (see [20, Theorem 2.1]). Meanwhile, he applied successfully the theory to finite/infinite dimensional stochastic Hamiltonian systems. ∗ supported in part by NSFC (No.11401592). 1 In this paper, as a continuation of our work [2], we are still interested in the hypercon- tractivity and its applications, however, for a kind of functional SDEs of neutral type. For a functional SDE of neutral type, we mean an SDE which not only depends on the past and the present values but also involves derivatives with delays (see, e.g., [11, Chapter 6]). Such equation has also been utilized to model some evolution phenomena arising in, e.g., physics, biology and engineering. See, e.g., Kolmanovskii-Nosov [10] concerning the theory in aeroe- lasticity, Mao [11] with regard to the collision problem in electrodynamics, and Slemrod [13] for the oscillatory systems, to name a few. For large deviation of functional SDEs of neutral type, we refer to Bao-Yuan [5]. We introduce some notation. Let (Rn, , , ) be an n-dimensional Euclidean space, h· ·i |· | and W(t) an n-dimensional Brownian motion defined on a complete filtered proba- t≥0 { } bility space (Ω,F, F ,P). For a closed interval I R, C(I;Rn) denotes the col- t t≥0 { } ⊂ lection of all continuous functions f : I Rn. For a fixed constant r > 0, let C := 0 7→ C([ r ,0];Rn) endowed with the uniform norm f := sup f(θ) for f C. For − 0 k k∞ −r0≤θ≤0| | ∈ X( ) C([ r , );Rn) and t 0, define the segment process X C by X (θ) := X(t+θ), 0 t t · ∈ − ∞ ≥ ∈ θ [ r ,0]. Rn Rn means the family of all n n matrices. P(C) stands for the set of all 0 ∈ − ⊗ × probability measures on C, and var denotes the total variation norm. k·k In the paper, we focus on a functional SDE of neutral type in the framework (1.1) d X(t)+LX = Z(X(t))+b(X ) dt+σdW(t), t > 0, X = ξ C, t t 0 { } { } ∈ where, for any φ C, ∈ 0 (1.2) Lφ := κ φ(θ)dθ, with κ (0,1), Z ∈ −r0 Z : Rn Rn and b : C Rn are progressively measurable, and σ Rn Rn is an invertible 7→ 7→ ∈ ⊗ matrix. Throughout the paper, for any x,y Rn and ξ,η C, we assume that ∈ ∈ (H1) Z and b are Lipschitzian with Lipschitz constants L > 0 and L > 0, respectively, i.e., 1 2 Z(x) Z(y) L x y and b(ξ) b(η) L ξ η ; 1 2 ∞ | − | ≤ | − | | − | ≤ k − k (H2) There exist constants λ > λ > 0 such that 1 2 2 Z(ξ(0)) Z(η(0))+b(ξ) b(η),ξ(0) η(0)+L(ξ η) λ ξ η 2 λ ξ(0) η(0) 2. h − − − − i ≤ 2k − k∞− 1| − | On the basis of (H1) and κ (0,1), (1.1) admits a unique strong solution X(t) ∈ { }t≥−r0 (see, e.g., [11, Theorem 2.2, p204]). The dissipative-type condition (H2) is imposed to reveal the long-time behavior of segment process X . For more details, please refer to Lemmas t t≥0 { } 2.2-2.4below. Moreover, forillustrative examples such that(H2)holds, wewould liketorefer to, e.g., [12, Example 5.2]. On occasions, to emphasize the initial datum X = ξ C, we 0 ∈ write X(t;ξ) instead of X(t) , and X (ξ) in lieu of X , respectively. { }t≥−r0 { }t≥−r0 { t }t≥0 { t}t≥0 2 As we present in the beginning of the second paragraph, in this paper, we intend to investigate the hypercontractivity and its applications for the Markov semigroup (1.3) P f(ξ) := Ef(X (ξ)), f B (C), ξ C. t t b ∈ ∈ Our main result in this paper is stated as below. Theorem 1.1. Let (H1)-(H2) hold and assume κ (0,1), and suppose further that ∈ (κr2λ +λ )eρr0 (1.4) 1 κr2eρr0 > 0 and λ := ρ 0 1 2 > 0. − 0 − (1 κ)(1 κr2eρr0) − − 0 with ρ = λ /(1+κ). Then, the following assertions hold. 1 (1) P has a unique invariant probability measure µ. t (2) P is hypercontractive. t (3) P is compact on L2(µ) for large enough t > 0, and there exist c,α > 0 such that t µ((P f)logP f) ce−αtµ(f logf) t t ≤ (4) There exists a constant C > 0 such that P µ 2 := sup µ (P f µ(f))2 Ce−λt, t 0. k t − k2 t − ≤ ≥ µ(f2)≤1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (5) There exist two constants t ,C > 0 such that 0 kPtξ −Ptηk2var ≤ Ckξ −ηk2∞e−λt, t ≥ t0, where Pξ stands for the law of Xξ for (t,ξ) [0, ) C. t t ∈ ∞ × Compared with [2, 14, 20], this paper contains the following new points: (1) Theorem 1.1 works for functional SDEs of neutral type and covers [2, Theorem 1.1] whenever κ = 0; (2) The argument of Lemma 2.5 gives some new ideas on how to establish the dimensional- free Harnack inequality for functional SDEs of neutral type. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we investigate Gauss-type concentration property (see Lemma 2.2), existence and uniqueness of invariant measure (see Lemma 2.4), and the Harnack inequality (see Lemma 2.5), and devote to completing the proof of Theorem 1.1. 3 2 Proof of Theorem 1.1 [20, Theorem 2.1], which is stated as Lemma 2.1 below for presentation convenience, es- tablishes a general result on the hypercontractivity of Markov semigroups. For the present situation, the key point in the proof of Theorem 1.1 is to realize (i)-(iii) in [20, Theorem 2.1], one by one. Let (E,B,µ) be a probability space, and P a Markov semigroup on B (E) such that µ t b is P -invariant. Recall that a process (X ,Y ) on E E is called a coupling associated with t t t × the semigroup P if t P f(ξ) = E(f(X ) ξ), P f(η) = E(f(Y ) η), f B (E), t 0. t t t t b | | ∈ ≥ Lemma 2.1. Assume thatthe following threeconditions holdfor somemeasurable functions ρ : E E (0, ) and φ : [0, ) (0, ) with lim φ(t) = 0 : t→∞ × 7→ ∞ ∞ 7→ ∞ (i) There exist constants t ,c > 0 such that 0 0 (P f(ξ))2 (P f2(η))ec0ρ(ξ,η)2, f B (E), ξ,η E; t0 ≤ t0 ∈ b ∈ (ii) For any ξ,η E E, there exists a coupling X ,Y associated with P such that t t t ∈ × ρ(X ,Y ) φ(t)ρ(ξ,η), t 0; t t ≤ ≥ (iii) There exists ε > 0 such that (µ µ)(eερ2) < . × ∞ Then µ is the unique invariant probability measure of P , P is hypercontractive and compact t t in L2(µ) for large t > 0. Hereinafter, we first investigate the following exponential-type estimate, which plays a crucial role in discussing the hypercontractivity. Lemma 2.2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.1, there exist ε,c > 0 such that (2.1) EeεkXtξk2∞ ec(1+kξk2∞), t 0, ξ C. ≤ ≥ ∈ Proof. For η(θ) 0,θ [ r ,0], by (H2) and (1.4), we deduce that 0 ≡ ∈ − 2 ξ(0)+Lξ,Z(ξ(0))+b(ξ) h i (2.2) = 2 ξ(0) η(0)+L(ξ η),Z(ξ(0)) Z(η(0))+b(ξ) b(η)+Z(η(0))+b(η) h − − − − i c λ′ ξ(0) 2+λ′ ξ 2 ≤ 0 − 1| | 2k k∞ for some constants c > 0 and λ′,λ′ > 0 such that 0 1 2 (2.3) 1 κr2eρ′r0 > 0, λ′ := ρ′ (κr02λ′1 +λ′2)eρ′r0 > 0, − 0 − (1 κ)(1 κr2eρ′r0) − − 0 4 where ρ′ = λ′/(1+ κ). For simplicity, let Γ(t) := X(t) + LX . By Itˆo’s formula, it follows 1 t from (2.2) that (2.4) d eρ′t Γ(t) 2 eρ′t ρ′ Γ(t) 2 +c λ′ X(t) 2 +λ′ X 2 dt+dM(t), { | | } ≤ { | | 0 − 1| | 2k tk∞} where dM(t) := 2eρ′t Γ(t),σdW(t) . Recall the following elementary inequality: h i (2.5) (a+b)2 (1+δ)a2 +(1+δ−1)b2, a,b R, δ > 0. ≤ ∈ So one has Γ(t) 2 (1+κ) X(t) 2+(1+κ−1) LX 2, t | | ≤ | | | | which, together with Lφ κ φ for φ C and κ (0,1), leads to ∞ | | ≤ k k ∈ ∈ 1 X(t) 2 Γ(t) 2 +κr2 X 2 . −| | ≤ −1+κ| | 0k tk∞ Substituting this into (2.4) gives that c t (2.6) eρ′t Γ(t) 2 Γ(0) 2 + 0eρ′t +N(t)+(κr2λ′ +λ′) eρ′s X 2 ds, | | ≤ | | ρ′ 0 1 2 Z k sk∞ 0 where N(t) := sup M(s). Choosing δ = κ in (2.5) and noting Lφ κr φ for 0≤s≤t 1−κ | | ≤ 0k k∞ φ C and κ (0,1) into consideration, we derive that ∈ ∈ 1 eρ′s X(s) 2 eρ′s Γ(s) 2 +κr2eρ′r0 sup (eρ′(s+θ) X(s+θ) 2) | | ≤ 1 κ | | 0 | | − −r0≤θ≤0 1 eρ′s Γ(s) 2 +κr2eρ′r0 sup (eρ′u X(u) 2). ≤ 1 κ | | 0 | | − s−r0≤u≤s We then have 1 sup (eρ′s X(s) 2) κr2eρ′r0 ξ 2 + sup (eρ′s Γ(s) 2)+κr2eρ′r0 sup (eρ′s X(s) 2) | | ≤ 0 k k∞ 1 κ | | 0 | | 0≤s≤t 0≤s≤t 0≤s≤t − so that, due to (2.3), (2.7) sup (eρ′s X(s) 2) κr02eρ′r0 ξ 2 +λ′′ sup (eρ′s Γ(s) 2), 0≤s≤t | | ≤ 1−κr02eρ′r0k k∞ 0≤s≤t | | in which λ′′ := (1 κ)−1(1 κr2eρ′r0)−1. Moreover, it is easy to see that − − 0 (2.8) eρ′t X 2 eρ′r0 sup (eρ′s X(s) 2). k tk∞ ≤ | | t−r0≤s≤t Thus, from (2.7) and (2.8), we infer that (2.9) eρ′t X 2 c ξ 2 +λ′′eρ′r0 sup (eρ′s Γ(s) 2) k tk∞ ≤ 1k k∞ | | 0≤s≤t 5 for some c > 0. Taking (2.6) and (2.9) into account yields that 1 t (2.10) eρ′t X 2 c ξ 2 +c (N(t)+eρ′t)+γ′ eρ′s X 2 ds k tk∞ ≤ 1k k∞ 2 Z k sk∞ 0 for some c > 0, where γ′ := λ′′eρ′r0(κλ′ +λ′). By Gronwall’s inequality and (2.3), one has 2 1 2 t X 2 c (1+ ξ 2 )+c e−ρ′tN(t)+c e−ρ′s−λ′(t−s)N(s)ds k tk∞ ≤ 3 k k∞ 3 3Z 0 for some constant c > 0, where λ′ > 0 is defined in (2.3). Hence, for any ε > 0, we have 3 EeεkXtk2∞ ec3(1+kξk2∞) I I , 1 2 ≤ × p in which t I := Eexp 2c ε e−ρ′s−λ′(t−s)N(s)ds and I := Eexp 2c εe−ρ′tN(t) . 1 3 2 3 (cid:20) Z (cid:21) 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) Next, on following arguments of [2, (2.4) and (2.5)], there exists ε > 0 and c > 0 such that 4 λ′ t eλ′tEeεkXtk2∞ ec4(1+kξk2∞)+λ′t + eλ′sEeεkXsk2∞ds. ≤ 2 Z −r0 Consequently, an application of the Gronwall inequality gives that EeεkXtk2∞ ec4(1+kξk2∞) + λ′ t ec4(1+kξk2∞)e−λ′(t2−s)ds, ≤ 2 Z −r0 and the desired assertion (2.1) follows immediately due to λ′ > 0. Remark 2.1. In Lemma 2.2, if κ = 0, then the first condition in (1.4) is definitely true, and the second one reduces to λ > λ eλ2r0, which is imposed in [2, Lemma 2.1] to show the 1 2 Gauss-type concentration property of the unique invariant probability measure for a range of non-degenerate functional SDEs. Remark 2.2. By an inspection of argument of Lemma 2.2, we observe that Lemma 2.2 still holds for a general neutral term G : C Rn provided that G(ξ) κ ξ for ξ C and ∞ 7→ | | ≤ k k ∈ κ (0,1). However, in Lemma 2.2, we only consider the linear case G(ξ) = Lξ,ξ C, this ∈ ∈ is for the consistency with the Harnack inequality to be established in Lemma 2.5 below. The lemma below states that segment processes with different initial datum close to each other when the time tends to infinity. Lemma 2.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.1, there exists a constant c > 0 such that (2.11) X (ξ) X (η) 2 ce−λt ξ η 2 , k t − t k∞ ≤ k − k∞ where λ > 0 is given in (1.4). 6 Proof. For simplicity, set Φ(t) := X(t;ξ) X(t;η)+L(X (ξ) X (η)). t t − − By the chain rule, for ρ = λ /(1+κ), it follows that 1 d(eρt Φ(t) 2) eρt ρ Φ(t) 2 λ X(t;ξ) X(t;η) 2 +λ X (ξ) X (η) 2 dt. | | ≤ { | | − 1| − | 2k t − t k∞} Thus, carrying out a similar argument to derive (2.10), we can deduce that t eρt X (ξ) X (η) 2 C ξ η 2 +(ρ λ) eρs X (ξ) X (η) 2 ds k t − t k∞ ≤ 1k − k∞ − Z k s − s k∞ 0 for some constant C > 0, where λ > 0 is defined as in (1.4). Next, by virtue of Gronwall’s 1 inequality, one finds X (ξ) X (η) 2 C e−λt ξ η 2 . k t − t k∞ ≤ 1 k − k∞ The proof is, therefore, complete. Lemma 2.4. Let the conditions of Theorem 1.1 hold. Then, the Markov semigroup P , t defined in (1.3), admits a unique invariant probability measure µ P(C). ∈ Proof. The method of the proof is similar to that of Lemma 2.4 in [2], for the convenience of the reader, we give a sketch of the proof. Let W be the L1-Wasserstein distance induced by the distance ρ(ξ,η) := 1 ξ η ; that is ∞ ∧k − k W(µ ,µ ) := inf π(ρ), µ ,µ P(C), 1 2 1 2 π∈C(µ1,µ2) ∈ where C(µ ,µ ) is the set of all couplings of µ and µ . It is well known that P(C) is a 1 2 1 2 complete metric space with respect to the distance W (see, e.g., [6, Lemma 5.3 and Lemma 5.4]), and the convergence inW is equivalent to the weak convergence whenever ρ is bounded (see, e.g., [6, Theorem 5.6]). Let Pξ be the law of X (ξ). So, to show existence of an invariant t t measure, it is sufficient to claim that Pξ is a W-Cauchy sequence, i.e., t (2.12) lim W(Pξ ,Pξ ) = 0. t1,t2→∞ t1 t2 For any t > t > 0, consider the following neutral SDEs of neutral type 2 1 d X(t)+LX = Z(X(t))+b(X ) dt+σdW(t), t [0,t ], X = ξ, t t 2 0 { } { } ∈ and d X(t)+LX = Z(X(t))+b(X ) dt+σdW(t), t [t t ,t ], X = ξ. { t} { t } ∈ 2 − 1 2 t2−t1 Then the laws ofX (ξ)andX (ξ)arePξ andPξ , respectively. Also, following anargument t2 t2 t2 t1 of (2.10), we can obtain that t eρtE X X 2 C E X ξ 2 +(ρ λ) eρsE X X 2 ds k t − tk∞ ≤ 2 k t2−t1 − k∞ − Z k s − sk∞ t2−t1 7 for some constant C > 0, in which λ > 0 is defined as in (1.4). According to the Gronwall 2 inequality, one finds E X X 2 C e−λ(t−t2+t1)E X ξ 2 . k t − tk∞ ≤ 2 k t2−t1 − k∞ This, in addition to (2.1), gives that E X X 2 C e−λt1, k t2 − t1k∞ ≤ 2 which further implies W(Pξt1,Pξt2) ≤ EkXt2 −Xt1k∞ ≤ C2e−λ2t1. p Then, (2.12) holds by taking t . So, there exists µξ P(C) such that 1 → ∞ ∈ (2.13) lim W(Pξ,µξ) = 0. t t→∞ Thus, the desired assertion follows provided that we can show that µξ is independent of ξ C. To this end, note that ∈ W(µξ,µη) W(Pξ,µξ)+W(Pη,µη)+W(Pξ,Pη). ≤ t t t t Taking t and using (2.11) and (2.13), we conclude that µξ µη for any ξ,η C. → ∞ ≡ ∈ Hence, we conclude that µξ is independent of ξ C. ∈ The condition (i) in Lemma 2.1 is concerned with the dimension-free Harnack inequality which is initiated in [15]. To the best of our knowledge, coupling by change of measure (see, e.g., the monograph [19]) and Malliavin calculus (see, e.g., [4]) are two popular approaches to establish the Harnack inequality, which has considerable applications in contractivity properties, functional inequalities, short-time behaviors of infinite-dimensional diffusions, as well as heat kernel estimates (see, e.g., Wang [19, 17]). For the Harnack inequality of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs), we refer to the monograph [19]. For the Harnack inequality of SDEs with memory, we would like to refer to [8] for functional SDEs with additive noises, [14] for functional SDEs with multiplicative noises, [3] for stochastic functional Hamiltonian systems with degenerate noises, and [4] for functional SPDEs with additive noises. In this paper, we also adopt the coupling by change of measure (see, e.g., the monograph [19]) to establish the Harnack inequality for (1.1). However, due to the appearance of neutral term, as we observe below, it becomes more tricky to investigate the Harnack inequality for the functional SDE of neutral type (1.1). For ξ (θ) x and η (θ) y with θ [ r ,0], from (H1) and (H2), there exists κ R x y 0 1 ≡ ≡ ∈ − ∈ such that (2.14) Z(x) Z(y),x y κ x y 2, x,y Rn. 1 h − − i ≤ − | − | ∈ 8 Lemma 2.5. Let the assumptions of Theorem 1.1 hold. Then, there exists a constant c > 0 such that (2.15) (P f(ξ))2 (P f2(η))eckξ−ηk2∞, f B (C), ξ, η C, t > r . t t b 0 ≤ ∈ ∈ Proof. We adopt the coupling by change of measures (see, e.g., the monograph [19]) to establish the Harnack inequality (2.15). Let Y(s) solve an SDE without memory s≥0 { } d Y(s)+LX s { } (2.16) X(s) Y(s) = Z(Y(s))+b(X )+g(s)1 (s) − ds+σdW(s), s > 0, s [0,τ) · X(s) Y(s) n o | − | with Y = η C, where 0 ∈ τ := inf s 0 : X(s) = Y(s) { ≥ } is the coupling time and g : [0, ) R is a continuous mapping to be determined. By + ∞ 7→ (2.14) and the chain rule, d(eκ1s X(s) Y(s) ) = κ eκ1s X(s) Y(s) ds+eκ1s g(s)1 (s) 1 [0,τ) | − | | − | {− + X(s) Y(s) −1 X(s) Y(s),Z(X(s)) Z(Y(s)) ds | − | h − − i} eκ1sg(s)ds, s < τ. ≤ − Thus, one has s (2.17) X(s) Y(s) e−κ1s ξ(0) η(0) e−κ1s eκ1rg(r)dr, s τ. | − | ≤ | − |− Z ≤ 0 In (2.17), in particular, choosing ξ(0) η(0) eκ1r (2.18) g(r) = | − | , r [0,t] te2κ1rdr ∈ 0 R leads to ξ(0) η(0) (e2κ1t−κ1s eκ1s) (2.19) X(s) Y(s) | − | − , s τ. | − | ≤ e2κ1t 1 ≤ − If t < τ, (2.19) implies X(t) = Y(t), which contradicts the definition of coupling time τ. Consequently, we have τ t. Also, by the chain rule, for any ε > 0, we obtain from (2.14) ≤ and X(τ) = Y(τ) that (ε+ X(t) Y(t) 2)1/2 = (ε+ X(τ) Y(τ) 2)1/2 | − | | − | t + (ε+ X(s) Y(s) 2)−1/2 X(s) Y(s),Z(X(s)) Z(Y(s)) ds Z | − | h − − i τ t √ε κ (ε+ X(s) Y(s) 2)−1/2(ε+ X(s) Y(s) 2 ε)ds 1 ≤ − Z | − | | − | − τ t (1+ κ (t τ))√ε+ κ (ε+ X(s) Y(s) 2)1/2ds, t > τ. 1 1 ≤ | | − | |Z | − | τ 9 Taking ε 0 and utilizing Gronwall’s inequality, we conclude that X(t) = Y(t) for any t τ. ↓ ≥ Hence, X = Y , and t+r0 t+r0 ξ(0) η(0) (e2κ1t−κ1s eκ1s) (2.20) X(s) Y(s) | − | − =: G(s), s t. | − | ≤ e2κ1t 1 ≤ − Let s W(s) := σ−1h(r)dr +W(s), s [0,t+r ], 0 Z ∈ 0 where f r h(r) : = ξ(r r ) η(r r )+Y(r) X(r) 1 (r)+ Λ(u)du 1 (r) { − 0 − − 0 − } [0,r0] (cid:16)Zr−r0 (cid:17) (r0,t+r0] X(r) Y(r) + 1 g(r) − +b(X ) b(Y ) [0,τ) r r X(r) Y(r) − n o | − | =: h (r)1 (r)+h (r)1 (r)+h (r). 1 [0,r0] 2 (r0,t+r0] 3 HereinΛ(u) := Z(Y(u)) Z(X(u))+g(u)1 (u) X(u)−Y(u) ,u [s r ,s].Foranys [0,r ], − [0,τ) ·|X(u)−Y(u)| ∈ − 0 ∈ 0 note that s r0 h (r)dr + η(u r ) ξ(u r ) du 1 0 0 Z Z { − − − } 0 0 −s 0 = η(s+θ) ξ(s+θ) dθ + Y(s+θ) X(s+θ) dθ (2.21) Z { − } Z { − } −r0 −s 0 0 = η(s+θ) ξ(s+θ) 1 dθ+ Y(s+θ) X(s+θ) 1 dθ {s+θ≤0} {s+θ>0} Z { − } Z { − } −r0 −r0 = L(Y X ). s s − From (1.1) and (2.16), it is trivial to see that r (2.22) Y(r) X(r) = η(0) ξ(0)+ Λ(u)du, r 0. − − Z ≥ 0 For arbitrary s (r ,t+r ], according to (2.22), it follows that 0 0 ∈ r0 s (η(0) ξ(0))r + (r u)Λ(u)du+ h (r)dr 0 0 2 − Z − Z 0 r0 r0 = (η(0) ξ(0))r + (r u)Λ(u)du 0 0 − Z − 0 s r−r0 r ′ + r Λ(u)du+ (r u)Λ(u)du dr 0 (2.23) Zr0 (cid:16) Z0 Zr−r0 − (cid:17) s−r0 s = (η(0) ξ(0))r +r Λ(u)du+ (s u)Λ(u)du 0 0 − Z Z − 0 s−r0 0 s+θ = η(0) ξ(0)+ Λ(u)du dθ Z − Z −r0n 0 o = L(Y X ). s s − 10