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Hyperbolicity: Lectures given at the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), held in Cortona (Arezzo), Italy, June 24 – July 2, 1976 PDF

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Preview Hyperbolicity: Lectures given at the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), held in Cortona (Arezzo), Italy, June 24 – July 2, 1976

Giuseppe Da Prato.Giuseppe Geymonat(Eds.) Hyperbolicity Lecturesgiven atthe Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), held inCortona(Arezzo), Italy, June 24 -July 2, 1976 FONDAZIONE CIME ~ Springer ROBERTO CONTI C.LM.E. Foundation clo Dipartimento di Matematica"U. Dini" Viale Morgagni n.67/a 50134 Firenze Italy [email protected] ISBN 978-3-642-11104-4 ISBN 978-3-642-11105-1 (eBook) DOlI0.1007/978-3-642-11105-1 Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York ©Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2011 Reprint ofthe t"ed. C.LM.E., Ed. Liguori,Napoli 1977 With kind permission ofC.LM.E. Printed on acid-free paper Springer.com CENTRO INTERNATIONALE MATEMATICO ESTIVO (C.LM.E) II Ciclo - Cortonada124 giugno a121uglio 1976 HYPERBOLICITY H.Brezis: Firstorder quasilinearequationson atorus ; 5 J. Chazarain-A.Piriou: Problemesmixteshyperboliques: Premierepartie:Lesproblemesmixtes hyperboliquesverifiantlaconditionde Lopatinskiuniforme 17 Deuxieme partie:Propagation et reflexion des singularites.................................................................. 43 L. Garding: Introduction to hyperbolicity...................................... 73 T.Kato: Linear andquasi-linear equationsof evolution ofhyperbolic type 125 K.W.Morton: Numerical methodsfornon-linear hyperbolic equationsofmathematicalphysics 193 CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE MATEMATICO ESTIVO FIRST ORDER QUASILINEAR EQUATIONS ON A TORUS H. BREZIS Corso tenuto a Cortona dal 24 giugno al 21uglio 1976 FIRST ORDER QUASILINEAR EQUATIONS 6N A TORUS Haim BREZIS We report on a joint work with L. Nirenberg detailed proofs are given in [2]. We consider here real functions of x:: (xl' •••,x in /Kn n) which are periodic of period 2rt in each variable, i.e., func- tions defined on the torus J2... , and on.J1. we consider the constant coefficient operator d A u = --u , Let g E: C(IR) and let t <; C(.IL) ; our purpose is to find a real periodic function u on JL satisfying (1) A u + g(u) :: f'{x) • We will give necessary and sufficient conditions for a solution to exist in case g is increasing and a sufficient condition in the general case. ~ 2 J Let N(A):: u E L Au:: 0 (to be under-st ood in the 2 distribution sense). Let P denote the L projec ,ion on NCA). P has the important property that P f ~ 0 when 8 f ~ 0 • Indeed, let f). = (I +). A)-I, so that .... the maximum principle. We shall verify that f>. P f in L2 as ). ~ +ov • We have (A f). ,v) = 0 ~ v€, N(A) and so (f - f). ,v) = 0 Vv e N(A). Since If.AI L'l.. ~ If I L1- we may suppose f ;. ->. if as ,\,-t +01> and if € N(A). Finally IfA/2L1-= 1'l. , = (f, f ) and the conclusion follows directly. .... Note that P 1 =1 and thus P is a contraction in LoO Set g+ = limin! g(u) g- =limsup g(u) u ~ to'Q U ~_oo Our main result is the following Theorem 1. Assume g E C( IR.) is locally':bf bounded variation ~;> and let f ( C(n.) • Suppose there is a 0 such that '::' P f< g -f , + Then (1) has a solution We first derive a Corollary of Theorem 1. Corollary 2. Assume g e c(1R) is increasing and let f 6 C(..n.). Equati on (1) has a (unique) solution ufL00 if and only if' there is a ~> 0 such that (2) holds. Proof of Corollary 2 from Theorem 1. V Observe first that since (A u u) = 0 u f D(A) , it fol- l ows easily that N(A) = R(A)L • 9 Necessity. If ~ is a solution of (1) we have P g(u) =P f Let M~ s~p ess u ; since g is increasing we find g(u) ~ g(M) and therefore P g(u) ~ geM) • Hence P f ~ g(M) <g + a similar argument yields the left hand side of (2). Sufficiency follows from Theorem 1 (g is locally of bounded variation since it is increasing). Uniqueness is obv io~s by monotonicity. The following Lemma plays an essential role in the proof of Theorem 1. Lemma 1. The set of functions of the form AV+S , v ~ C00 is dense in the space of continuous functions. Proof. If f G C we may approximate f arbitrarily close in the maximum norm by a real finite trigonometric sum ;...; = ') ik.x L.. c e k Ikl~N Here k = (~, •••,kn) represents a multi-index of integers, k.x = l k .x . and Ikl = z..1kJ.1 • Then we have f = A v + ~ J J where ~I c ik.x ~ L ik.x v = k e = c e k i 1<.'1 a.k k(T Here J = [k jkl ~ N and a.k F OJ J'= lk lxls N and a.k = °1 10 Note that since f is real valued, so are v and ?; • Proof of Theorem 1. We first construct super and subsolutions u ~ u , i.e., functions satisfying A u + g(a) - f ~ 0 ~ A ~ + g(~) - f • To this end let M be such that g(u) ~ ~ g - ~/4 for u ~ M • u~t OQ By Lemma 1 we may write r for U € C00, ?; f" C""I"1N(A),IR/ c ~ /4. e. By adding a large constant to u we may always suppose U M. We have P f = P~ +PR=~+ PR and consequently f ~ ~ lim g - 3·~/4. Hence A ii + g(u) - f = - ~- R + g(ii) e o. U -'>'1"'» Simi l arly we construct ~ which we may always take to satisfy Now we use a monotone iteration scheme. Let gl' g2 f C(iR..) be non decreasing, bounded functions such that g on I min ~ , max «] . Since g is continuous and locally of bound ed variation, such a decomposition is possible on the finite in- uJ ~ terval [min , max (see e.g. [3] , Theoreme 24-6 and its Corollaires). Then we extend gl and g to be for instance 2 constant outside [min ~ , max Ii] • We will solve using the fact that T is order preserving. 11 2• First note that I + gl + A is invertible in L Indeed A 2 is maximal monotone, gl is monotone continuous on L and thus A + gl is maximal monotone (see e g, [1] Corollaire s 2.7). It is easily verified that (I + gl + A)-l is order preserving and so is T. Since £' u are sub and super solutions we see that £ ~ T £ , u ~ T u • Consequently the sequences satisfy un ~ vn ' un1', vn J,. • Hence both sequences un'vn converge to functiono ~, u and u and u are solutions of (l)~ We illustrate Theorem 1 with two examples. 1 2 n Example 1. Assume a , a , ,a are linearly independent over the rationals (d,e., a.k = 0 with k E" Z n implies k 0). Then (2) takes the form I~I J e; c f dx < g ...l1.. + Indeed in this case N(A) is reduced to constant functions so that P f is the average of f over.fL. All characteristics of A are dense curves (on the torus). Example 2. Suppose n =2 , a1 = a2 =1 • Then (2) takes the r;> form : there is a 0 such that ifr E [0 ~ 2rr] .2.rr ~ -112T Jr f(N S, s) ds .<:: g+ - r o 12 In this case N(A) consists of all functions of the form r 2 (x ) , <P £ L • Here, characteristics of A are close1i l-x2 curves (on the torus) and in fact (1) can be solved along the characteristics. Remarks. 1) The proof of Theorem 1 may be extended to the equation A u + g(x,u) = 0 under appropriate assumptions on g(x,u). 2) If is such that g'> 0 and f satisfies (2) then the solution u of (1) is Coo. This can be proved by a technique of elliptic regularization. Consider u solu- tion of f Using sub and super solutions we first verify that lu~l~c as E ~ O. Then by differentiating (3) k times we obtain lu~IC s C with the aid of the maximum principle. K. 3) Theorem 1 can be extended to variational inequalities - or more generally to maximal monotone graphs g (instead of continuous g). More precisely, let g be a maximal monotone graph in fR and set g+ = Sup R(g), g_ = 1m R(g) • Let f E C(Q.) be such that (2f, holds. Then there exists a solu- tion u ~ L00 of

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