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Hyperbolicity and Quasi-hyperbolicity in Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C2 Eric Bedford and John Smillie §0. Introduction. The iteration of holomorphic mappings may be approached from the 6 dynamical and the analytic/geometric points of view. One of the challenges of holomorphic 1 dynamics is to clarify the interplay between these points of view. Analytically we can look, for 0 instance, where the iterates {fn : n ≥ 0} are (or are not) locally equicontinuous. Dynamically, 2 wecanlookforexpansion/contractionalongorbits. ByFriedland-Milnor[FM]weknowthatthe n a dynamically interesting polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2 are given by the finite compositions J of complex H´enon mappings. 3 We start with thebasic dichotomy into bounded/unboundedorbits; K± are the sets where 2 the forward/backward orbits are bounded. Thus K± and K := K+∩K− are the analogues of ] the filled Julia sets for polynomial maps of C. The sets where the forward/backward iterates S are not equicontinuous are given by J± := ∂K±. These are the analogues of the Julia set in D C and are the complements of the sets of Lyapunov stability in forward/backward time. The . h chaotic dynamics takes place inside the set J := J+ ∩J−. t a Another analogue of the Julia set in dimension two is the boundary J∗ := ∂ K ⊂ J, m S where ∂ denotes the Shilov boundary (in the sense of function algebras). In [BS3] we showed S [ that J∗ is equal to the closure of the set S of saddle periodic points. Additional dynamical 1 properties/characterizations for J∗ were obtained in [BS1,3] and [BLS]. v There are several reasons to be interested in hyperbolic polynomial diffeomorphisms. Our 8 6 understanding of chaotic dynamical systems is most complete in the hyperbolic case. It is 2 also interesting to know how the locus of hyperbolic maps sits in the parameter space and 6 0 the relation between hyperbolicity and structural stability (see [DL] and [BD]). We take hy- . perbolicity to mean that the system is hyperbolic on its chain recurrent set. For polynomial 1 0 diffeomorphisms this is equivalent to the condition that the set J is a hyperbolic set, though 6 the chain recurrent set may be larger than J, (see [BS1]). Further, it was shown that J = J∗ 1 for hyperbolic maps, and the stable manifolds Ws give a Riemann surface lamination of J+. In : v fact, [BS8, Theorem 8.3] characterized hyperbolicity onJ in termsof theexistenceof transverse i X Riemann surface laminations of J+ and J− in a neighborhood of J. We will strengthen this r characterization in Theorem 4.4. a Hyperbolicityinvolvesuniformexpansionandcontraction,aswellastransversalitybetween expanding and contracting directions. In [BS8] we defined a canonical metric k k# on the q unstable space Eu ⊂ T C2 for each saddle q ∈ S. A map is said to be quasi expanding if Df q q expandsthis metric uniformly (independentlyof q ∈ S) in thestrong sense that there is a κ > 1 with ||Df v||# ≥ κ||v||# for any nonzero v ∈ Eu. For quasi expanding maps, this extends q f(q) q q to x ∈ J∗. In [BS8] it was shown that every hyperbolic map is quasi expanding, with k·k# equivalent to the Euclidean norm. A map is quasi contracting if its inverse is quasi expanding. We let B(q,r) denote the ball of radius r centered at q and let Ws denote the connected q,r component of Ws∩B(q,r) containing x. A geometric characterization of quasi expansion is the q Proper, Bounded Area Condition: there exists r > 0 such that for all saddles q ∈ S, (i) Wu q,r is proper, i.e., closed in B(q,r), and (ii) the area of Wu is uniformly bounded. This means q,r that the degree of local folding of the manifolds {Wu : q ∈ S} near a saddle point q will be q 0 1 bounded. On the other hand, if {Wu : q ∈ S} if is part of a lamination, then there is no local q folding. Quasi expansion may be viewed as a 2-dimensional analogue of semi-hyperbolicity for polynomial maps of C (see the Appendix of [BS8]). An important motivation for us was the work of Carleson, Jones and Yoccoz [CJY], who showed that semi-hyperbolicity was equivalent to a number of geometric and potential-theoretic properties. Amapwillbesaidtobequasi-hyperbolicifitisbothquasiexpandingandquasicontracting (with no requirement of transversality between stable and unstable directions). Quasi hyper- bolic maps share many properties with hyperbolic ones, and we use this to apply hyperbolic methods in more general contexts. In the non-hyperbolic case, the canonical metric k k# may not equivalent to the euclidean metric on C2. However there is a useful filtration of J∗ by a finitenumberof sets J∗ , each of which carries a metric k k#,ms,mu. This metric k k#,ms,mu ms,mu x is equivalent to Euclidean metric for x ∈ J , but it blows up as x approaches a stratum ms,mu with larger values of (ms,mu). For maximal values of (ms,mu), J∗ is compact and a ms,mu uniformly hyperbolic set. In Theorem 1 we represent stable manifolds as holomorphic mappings ξs : C → C2, and x we write Ws := ξs(C), with Ws := {Ws : x ∈ J∗}. By part (ii) of Theorem 1, {Ws : q ∈ S} x x x q extends continuously to Ws. Each Ws is contained in the stable set x Ws := {z ∈ C2 : lim dist(fn(x),fn(z)) = 0} x n→∞ which, dynamically, is the attracting basin of x. Because of Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 3.4, we call Ws a stable manifold (as is done in [BD]) even though we do not know yet whether Ws x x always coincides with Ws. x Theorem 1. Suppose that f is quasi-contracting. With the notation above, we have (i) For each x ∈ J∗, there is an injective holomorphic immersion ξs : C → J+ ⊂ C2 such that x Ws ⊂ Ws. x x (ii) There exists r > 0 such that if 0 < r < r , then Ws is a (closed) subvariety of B(x,r), 0 0 x,r and thedependenceof theclosures J∗ ∋ x 7→ Ws is continuous in theHausdorff topology. x,r If f is quasi-expanding, then Theorem 1 holds for ξu and Wu. We write Ws/u for the x x families of the stable/unstable manifolds. These stable/unstable manifolds are smooth so it makes sense to say that they have transverse or tangential intersection. With this, we may characterize uniform hyperbolicity. Theorem 2. Suppose that f is quasi-hyperbolic. Then f is uniformly hyperbolic on J∗ if and only if there is no tangency between Ws and Wu. Theorem 2 was proved earlier in [BSr] for real H´enon maps of maximal entropy. This condition is equivalent to J ⊂ R2, and by [BS8] such maps are quasi hyperbolic. One purpose of the present paper is to extend the work of [BSr] from the context of real, maximal entropy to the more general setting of quasi hyperbolicity. Theorem 1 will be proved in §3, and Theorem 2 will be proved in §4. §1. Invariant families of parametrized curves. [BS8] gives several distinct but equivalent ways of defining quasi-expansion. One of these is the Proper, Bounded Area Condition, which makes no explicit reference to expansion. There are also a number of other definitions which use the pluri-complex Green function G+, which is characterized by the properties: 2 (i) G+ is continuous on C2, G+ = 0 on K+, and G+ > 0 on C2 −K+, (ii) G+ is pluri-subharmonic on C2, and pluri-harmonic on C2 −K+, (iii) G+(z) ≤ log(||z||+1)+O(1), and limsup G+(z)/log(||z||+1) = 1. z→∞ A convenient formula (see [H], [FS], [BS1]) is that G+ is the super-exponential rate of escape of orbits to infinity: G+(z) = lim (deg(f))−nlog(||fn(z)||+1) . n→∞ Oneoftheequivalentdefinitionsofquasi-expansionconcernstheexistenceofalargenormal familyofentirecurvesimbeddedinJ−. Wewillusethisasourdefinitionandderiveanumberof its properties. We let Ψ be an f-invariant family of injective holomorphic maps ψ : C → J− ⊂ C2 such that ψ′(ζ) 6= 0 for all ζ ∈ C and which satisfy the disjointness (1.1) and normalization (1.2) conditions: If ψ ,ψ ∈ Ψ, then either ψ (C) = ψ (C), or ψ (C)∩ψ (C) = ∅ (1.1) 1 2 1 2 1 2 and maxG+(ψ(ζ)) = 1, (1.2) |ζ|≤1 We note that if ψ satisfies (1.2), then so does the “rotated” parametrization ψ(eiaζ) for any a ∈ R. If x = ψ(0), then by the disjointness condition, we may write ψ = ψ . Any other φ ∈ Ψ x with φ(0) = x and which also satisfies (1.2) will be rotated reparametrization of ψ . Thus the x image of ψ determines the map ψ up to precomposition by a rotation of C. x x Let X ⊂ J be a set with J∗ ⊂ X. We let Ψ := {ψ : x ∈ X} be an invariant family as x above. Ne give the two principal examples of families Ψ, which exist for all H´enon maps. For one of them, Ψ , the curves are the unstable manifolds of saddle points and are thus pairwise S disjoint. ThisisExample1below, andis whatwas used in[BS8]. ForExample2wework inside a single slice: all of the curves are the same unstable manifold Wu(q), but the parametrizations are different. Example 1. (Saddle Points) We let X := S be the set of periodic points of saddle type. Suppose that fN(p) = p, and the multipliers of DfN at p are ν ,ν ∈ C with |ν | < 1 < |ν |. s u s u For each p ∈ S, there is a uniformization ξ : C → Wu(p) such that ξ (0) = p, and fN(ξ (ζ)) = p p p ξ (ν ζ). We may change the parametrization so that ψ (ζ) := ξ (αζ) satisfies (1.2). It follows p u p p that Ψ := {ψ : p ∈ S} satisfies the conditions above. S p Example 2. (Recentered Unstable Manifold) Let q denote any saddle point, and let ξ : C → Wu(q) be the uniformization. By [BLS], Wu(q)∩Ws(q) is a dense subset of J∗, and q we choose X ⊂ Wu(q)∩J such that J∗ ⊂ X. For y ∈ X, let ζ ∈ C be such that ξ (ζ ) = y. y q y We may “re-center” the parametrization of this curve to the point y, i.e., we choose α ∈ C so that ψ (ζ) := ξ (αζ +ζ ) satisfies (1.2). Thus Ψ := {ψ : y ∈ X} satisfies the conditions y q y qR y above. We say that f is quasi expanding* if Ψ is a normal family, which means that if {ψ } ⊂ Ψ is j any sequence, then there is a subsequence {ψ } which converges uniformly on compact subsets jk of C to an entire map ψ : C → C2. We let Ψ denote the set of such normal limits, and for b x ∈ X we set Ψ := {ψ ∈ Ψ : ψ(0) = x}. There are quasi-expanding maps f for which ψ ∈ Ψ x b b b may fail to be 1-to-1, and there may be ζ where ψ′(ζ ) = 0. Thus the elements of Ψ may not 0 0 x b be essentially unique modulo rotation of parameters. * Ourdefinitionofquasiexpansionisslightly differentfrom[BS8]becauseoftheintroduction of the set X, which allows us to deal more flexibly with the possibility that J∗ 6= J. 3 Proposition 1.1. If f is quasi-expanding, then Ψ satisfies (1.1) and (1.2). b Proof. It is evident that (1.2) must hold. If (1.1) fails, there are ζ ,ζ ∈ C and ψ ,ψ ∈ Ψˆ 1 2 1 2 such that ψ (ζ ) = ψ (ζ ), but ψ (C) 6= ψ (C). Thus x˜ := ψ (ζ ) = ψ (ζ ) is an isolated 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 point of ψ (C)∩ψ (C). On the other hand, ψ is the locally uniform limit of ψ ∈ Ψ (and 1 2 1 1,j similarly for ψ ). By the continuity of complex intersections, there is an intersection point of 2 ψ (C)∩ψ (C) near x˜ when j is sufficiently large. Now if we choose k sufficiently large, there 1,j 2 is intersection point of ψ (C)∩ψ (C) near x˜. This contradicts (1.1) for the original family 1,j 2,k Ψ. For x ∈ X and r > 0 we let B(x,r) ⊂ C2 denote the ball of radius r, centered at x. For ψ ∈ Ψ , we let D = D (r) denote the connected component of the open set ψ−1(B(x,r)) x ψ ψ b containing the origin. By (1.2), ψ is non-constant, and we can choose r > 0 small enough that ψ : D → B(x,r) is proper, which corresponds to the property that |ψ| = r > 0 on ∂D . ψ ψ We may choose a uniform r that works for all x ∈ J∗. By the Maximum Principle, D is ψ a topological disk, so by the Riemann Mapping Theorem it is conformally equivalent to the unit disk. For x ∈ X and ψ ∈ Ψ , the fact that ψ is non constant means that there is an x b integer m ≥ 1 and ~a ∈ C2 such that ψ(ζ) = x +~aζm + ···, where the dots indicate higher powers of ζ. Thus there are r,ρ > 0 such that dist(ψ(ζ),x) ≥ r for all |ζ| = ρ. This means that D ⊂ {|ζ| < ρ}. Since |ψ′| is bounded by some number M on |ζ| ≤ ρ, we know that ψ {|ζ| < r/M} ⊂ D . By the compactness of Ψ, we have: ψ b Proposition 1.2. For sufficiently small r > 0, there are 0 < ρ < ρ such that {|ζ| < ρ } ⊂ 1 2 1 D ⊂ {|ζ| < ρ } for all ψ ∈ Ψ. ψ 2 b Let r be as in Proposition 1.2, and let x ∈ X and ψ ∈ Ψ . As in §0, we define Wu := bx x,r ψ(D ), and we denote the family of these disks by Wu := {Wu : x ∈ X}. ψ r x,r Proposition 1.3. The set Wu is well defined and does not depend on the choice of ψ ∈ Ψ , x bx and ψ : D → B(x,r) is a proper imbedding. Further, Wu has the following properties: ψ x (i) Wu is a nonsingular subvariety of B(x,r). x,r (ii) The family Wu has uniformly bounded area: sup Area(Wu ) < ∞. r x∈X x,r (iii) X ∋ x 7→ Wu is continuous in the Hausdorff topology. x,r Proof. We start by proving uniqueness of the set Wu. By the construction of D given above, x ψ it follows that ψ : D → B(x,r) is proper. If there are ψ ,ψ ∈ Ψ with Wu 6= Wu , then there are points ζ ,ζψ∈ C with 0 < |ζ |,|ζ | < ρ such that1ψ 2(ζ ) =bxψ (ζ ). Nψo1w forψj2= 1,2, 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 (n) (n) ψ is the limit of maps ψ , n → ∞. As in the proof of Proposition 1.1, there are points ζ j j j (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) with ζ → ζ as n → ∞, and ψ (ζ ) = ψ (ζ ). This, however, violates (1.1). j j 1 1 2 2 The proof of item (i) is nontrivial and is a consequence of Proposition 12 of [LP]. Items (ii) and (iii), on the other hand, are easy consequences of the normality of Ψ. In particular, for (iii) we use the uniqueness of Wu , together with the fact that ψ : D → B(x,r) is proper. Thus x,r x ψ convergence of Wu in Hausdorff topology is a consequence of uniform convergence of ψ . x,r x §2. Expanded metric. We continue to work with Ψ as above. If x ∈ X, then f(ψ ) differs x from ψ by a linear reparametrization, so there exists λ ∈ C such that f(x) x f(ψ (ζ)) = ψ (λ ζ). (2.1) x f(x) x 4 For λ ∈ C, we define the linear map L (ζ) := λζ. The composition ψ−1 ◦f ◦ψ : C → C λ f(x) x x f(x) is an invertible holomorphic map fixing the origin, so by (2.1), we have ψ−1 ◦f ◦φ = L for f(x) x λx some λ ∈ C. This means that the action of f on the curves ψ (C) is that the curve through x x x is taken to the curve through f(x), and the uniformizing parameters precompose by the linear maps L : C → C . λx x f(x) The condition (1.2) may be interpreted as saying that the unit disk {|ζ| < 1} is the largest disk centered at the origin and contained in the set {G+ ◦ ψ < 1} ⊂ C . Under f x x (equivalently L ) this is taken to the disk {|ζ| < |λ |} ⊂ C . A basic property of G+ is λx x f(x) that G+◦f = deg(f)G+, and deg(f) ≥ 2 > 1. Since {|ζ| < |λ |} is then the largest disk inside x {G+ < deg(f)}, it follows that |λ | > 1. x Now we give a second interpretation of |λ |. For each x ∈ X, we define Eu to be the x x 1-dimensional subspace of T (C2) spanned by ψ′(0). We let |·| denote the Euclidean norm x x e and define a new norm on Eu: x |v| kvk# := e , v ∈ Eu. x |ψ′(0)| x x e With this definition, the (operator) norm of ψ′(0) is 1. By the chain rule, we have x D f ·ψ′(0) = ψ′ (0)·λ (2.2) x x f(x) x Thus the operator norm of the restriction of D f to Eu with respect to the metric k·k# is x x x given by kD f(v)k# kD fk# = x f(x) = |λ |, for v ∈ Eu x x kvk# x x x We define three rate of growth functions: m (r) := maxG+(ψ(ζ)), m(r) := inf m (r), M(r) := sup m (r) ψ ψ ψ |ζ|≤r ψ∈Ψ ψ∈Ψ b b With this notation, we see that for x ∈ X, |λ | is defined by the condition m (|λ |) = d. x ψ x f(x) Proposition 2.1. If f is quasi-expanding, then the following hold: (i) M(r) < ∞ for all r < ∞. (ii) m(r) > 0 for all r > 0 (iii) Let κ be such that M(κ) = deg(f). Then κ > 1, and |λ | ≥ κ for all x ∈ X. x Proof. These properties are proved in [BS8] and follow from the normality of the family Ψ. In fact, each of these conditions is equivalent to quasi expansion (see [BS8]). Proposition 2.2. If f is quasi-expanding, then for sufficiently large N, f−N maps Wu in- r side itself. That is, for each x ∈ X, f−N(Wu ) ⊂ Wu . Further, if y ∈ Wu , then x,r f−N(x),r x,r dist(f−n(x),f−n(y)) → 0 like a constant times κ−n as n → +∞. Proof. Let ρ , ρ are as in Proposition 1.2, let κ is as in Proposition 2.1, and let N be large 1 2 enough that ρ κN > ρ . Thus 1 2 f−NWxu,r ⊂ ψf−N(x)(|ζ| < κ−Nρ2) ⊂ ψf−N(x)(Df−N(x)) = Wfu−N(x),r For the last assertion, by the normality of Ψ we have |ψ′(ζ)| ≤ C for all ψ ∈ Ψ and |ζ| ≤ ρ . 2 Now for any two points of Vu, we may write them as y′ = ψ (ζ′) and y′′ = ψ (ζ). The distance x x x between the ζ-coordinates of f−n(y′) and f−n(y′′) is κ−n|ζ′ − ζ′′|. Thus we conclude that dist(f−n(y′),f−n(y′′)) ≤ ρ κ−nC, which proves the last assertion. 2 5 Proposition 2.3. If f is quasi-expanding, then for x ∈ J∗ and x′ ∈ Wu ∩J∗ with x 6= x′, x,r there is an N > 0 such that fn(x′) ∈/ Wu for n ≥ N. fn(x),r Proof. The proof of this is similar to the proof of the last assertion in Proposition 2.2. The point x is given by ψ (0), and there is ζ′ ∈ D such that x′ = ψ (ζ′). The ζ-coordinate of x x x fn(x′) has modulus bounded below by |ζ′|κn, which is larger than ρ for n large, and so it does 2 not belong to D . This means that fn(x′) ∈/ Wu . fn(x) fn(x′),r §3. Stable manifolds. We will prove Theorem 1 in this section. We continue to assume that f is quasi-hyperbolic. We have defined Wu and ξu := ξ for a quasi-expanding map f, x,r x x and we will write Ws and ξs for the corresponding local stable manifolds and parametrizing x x maps for f−1. When f is hyperbolic, Ws is the family of stable manifolds; and when f is quasi-hyperbolic but not hyperbolic, Ws still has many of the properties of a family of stable manifolds for a hyperbolic diffeomorphism. Proposition 3.1. If f is quasi-contracting, then for all x ∈ J∗, Ws = S f−nWs is a x n≥0 fn(x),r manifold consisting of stable points, i.e., Ws ⊂ Ws. x x Proof. We let ρ and ρ be as in Proposition 1.2. Thus Ws ⊃ ψs (|ζ| < ρ ). By 1 2 fn(x),r fn(x) 1 quasi-contraction, we have that f−n(Ws ) ⊃ ψs(|ζ| < κnρ ). Thus Ws will contain all of fn(x),r x 1 x,r ψs(C). For the second statement, Proposition 2.2, applied to f−1, shows that Ws , and thus x x,r Ws is contained in Ws. x x We will show that the local disks Ws and Wu have a weak sort of transversality. For x,r x,r a set E ⊂ C2 and ǫ > 0, we will let Eǫ denote the ǫ-neighborhood of E, i.e. set of points of distance less than ǫ from E. Lemma 3.2. Let f be quasi-hyperbolic, and let r > 0 be the as in §1. Then for r < r < r 1 2 there exist r ,ǫ > 0 with the following property. Let B ⊂ B ⊂ B ⊂ C2 be concentric balls 0 0 1 2 such that B has radius r . Then j j (i) For x′,x′′ ∈ B ∩J∗, the intersections Ws ∩B and Wu ∩B are closed subsets of B , 0 x′,r 2 x′′,r 2 2 (ii) Ws ∩Wu ∩B is nonempty, and x′,r x′′,r 1 (iii) (Ws )ǫ ∩(Wu )ǫ ⊂ B . x′,r x′′,r 1 (iv) diam(cid:0){x′,x′′}∪(Wxs′,r ∩Wxu′′,r)(cid:1) → 0 as dist(x′,x′′) → 0. Proof. First, we know that J∗ ∋ x 7→ Wu is continuous in the Hausdorff topology. Since x,r r < r, we may take r > 0 sufficiently small that Wu ∩ B will be closed in B . Thus 2 0 x r2 r2 Wu ∩B and Ws ∩B are subvarieties of B . Since these varieties do not actually coincide x,r r2 x,r r2 r2 in a neighborhood of x, we may choose r small enough that Wu ∩Ws ∩B = {x}. The 2 x,r x,r r2 intersection of complex varieties has a continuity property. Specifically, for any r > 0, we 1 may choose r > 0 sufficiently small that the intersection Wu ∩Ws ∩B is contained in B . 0 x′ x′′ r2 r1 Further, we may choose ǫ > 0 sufficiently small that the ǫ-neighborhood is also contained in B . Finally, we note that (iii) implies that the intersection points of Ws ∩ Wu cannot r1 x′,r x′′,r escape to the boundary of B , so (iv) is a consequence of continuity in the Hausdorff topology. 1 If we set g := f|J∗, then we see that the manifolds Ws give the stable sets for g in the following sense: 6 Theorem 3.3. If f is quasi-hyperbolic, then for all x ∈ J∗, Ws ∩J∗ = Ws ∩J∗. x x Proof. By Proposition 3.1, we need to show the containment ‘⊃’. Suppose that z ∈ Ws ∩J∗. x We will show that for n sufficiently large, the local varieties Ws and Ws intersect. fn(z),r fn(x),r Thus by Proposition 3.1, we have z ∈ Ws. x Now let r ,r ,r and ǫ be as in Lemma 3.2. There exists N sufficiently large that fn(z) ∈ 0 1 2 B(fn(x),r ) for all n ≥ N. We may suppose that Ws and Ws are disjoint, for 0 fn(x),r fn(z),r otherwise we would have Ws = Ws , and thus Ws = Ws. By Lemma 3.2, the set fn(x) fn(z) x z S := Wu ∩Ws(fn(z),r) is nonempty for all n ≥ N. On the other hand, fj(S ) = S , n fn(x),r n n+j which contradicts Proposition 2.3. We also have a local uniqueness result for local varieties. Corollary 3.4. Let f bequasi-hyperbolic, and let x ∈ J∗. If U is a sufficiently small neighbor- hood of x, and V is an irreducible subvariety of U with V ∩U ⊂ Ws, then Ws ∩U = V ∩U. x x x x,r x Proof. By Theorem 3.3, we know that J∗ ∩V = J∗ ∩Ws . Since J∗ is an infinite set with x x,r accumulation points, the result follows. We conclude this section with a result that is proved much along the lines of Theorem 9.6 of [BLS]: Theorem 3.5. Let f be quasi-hyperbolic, and let T ,T ⊂ J∗ be closed, invariant subsets. 1 2 Then S Ws ∩J∗ and (S Ws)∩(S Wu) are dense subsets of J∗. x∈T1 x x∈T1 x y∈T2 y §4. Characterization of hyperbolicity. This section is devoted to a proof of Theorem 2.* We start by recalling some notation and results from [BS8]. For ψ : C → C2, we define the order at ζ = 0 to be Ord(ψ) := min{m ≥ 1 : ψ(m)(0) 6= 0}. For x ∈ J∗, we define τs/u(x) = max Ord(ψ). The quantity τu(x) measures the failure of Wu to be a lamination in a ψ∈Ψˆs/u x neighborhood. More precisely, let π : C2 → Eu denote a linear projection. Then for y ∈ J∗ x close to x, π : Wu → Eu is a branched cover over a neighborhood of x. By local folding, we y,r x mean that there will be y near x for which the local branching order is τu(x). Thus there is no neighborhood of x on which Wu can be a lamination. Looking at Ws at the same time, we see that there will be y′,y′′ ∈ J∗ such that Ws ∩Wu contains τs(y′)τu(y′′) points near x. y′,r y′′,r Consider ψ ∈ Ψu with j = Ord(ψ ). We have ψ (ζ) = x+a ζj +···, where a ∈ C2 is x x x x j j nonzero, and ‘···’ indicates terms of higher order. Further, a = ψ(j)(0)/j! spans the unstable j tangent space Eu. Let us define x (cid:12)ψ(j)(0)(cid:12) γu(x) := inf (cid:12) (cid:12) ψx∈Ψˆux,Ord(ψx)=τu(x)=j(cid:12)(cid:12) j! (cid:12)(cid:12)e where |·| denotes the euclidean metric on C2. For x ∈ J∗ with τu(x) = j, we define a metric e on a vector v ∈ Eu by x |v| kvk#,j := e x γu(x) * It might appear that we could obtain a result stronger than is stated in Theorem 2, since the paper [F] claims that: If J∗ is a hyperbolic set, then J = J∗. However, the proof given in [F] seems to be incomplete. 7 This metric is uniformly expanded on the set {x ∈ J∗ : τu(x) = j}, but it need not be bounded with respect to |·| as x approaches points x′ ∈ J∗ where τu(x′) > j. We define e J∗ := {x ∈ J∗ : τs(x) = ms,τu(x) = mu}. ms,mu We say thatthepair(ms,mu) ismaximal if J∗ 6= ∅, andwheneverms ≥ ms andmu ≥ mu, ms,mu 1 1 then J∗ = ∅ unless ms = ms and mu = mu. If (ms,mu) is maximal, the metrics k·k#,ms, ms,mu 1 1 1 1 and k · k#,mu are equivalent to | · | on Es and Eu on J . It follows that: J∗ is a e x x ms,mu ms,mu compact, hyperbolic set whenever (ms,mu) is a maximal pair. From [BS8] we have: Theorem 4.1. J∗ is a dense, open subset of J∗. Further, f is uniformly hyperbolic on J∗ if 1,1 and only if J∗ = J∗. 1,1 Proof of Theorem 2. If J∗ = J∗, then f is uniformly hyperbolic, and thus the stable and 1,1 unstable families Ws and Wu are transverse. Conversely, suppose that J∗ is a proper subset 1,1 of J∗. In this case, there is a maximal pair (ms,mu) 6= (1,1), and J∗ := J∗ is a hyperbolic 0 ms,mu subset of J∗. We may suppose that ms > 1. Given δ,ρ > 0, we cover J∗ with finitely many 0 compact sets X such that for each ι there is a translation and rotation of coordinates so that ι s/u X ⊂ ∆ ×∆ . WesetN = ∆ ×∆ . Forx ∈ X , weletW denotetheconnectedcomponent ι δ δ ι ρ ρ ι x,ρ s/u of W ∩N containing x. Shrinking δ,ρ if necessary, we may assume that for x ∈ X , each x,ρ ι ι Wu is “horizontal” in N , i.e., a graph over the first coordinate, and each Ws is “vertical”. x,ρ ι x,ρ Set Ws,u = {Ws,u : x ∈ X }. By the hyperbolicity of J∗, there are cone fields with respect to Xι x,r ι 0 which f is uniformly expanding in the horizontal direction of N and uniformly contracting in ι the vertical direction. Now let us choose a neighborhood N0 of J0∗ such that f(N0) ⊂ SιNι, and τs < ms on Wu −N . This is possible because J∗ ∩Wu is dense in J∗ by Corollary 3.5. If τs = ms on J∗ 0 J∗ 0 0 J∗ ∩Wu , then by the upper-semicontinuity of τs, it would follow that τs = ms on all of J∗, J∗ 0 which is not possible by Theorem 4.1. Figure 1. For y ∈ J∗ there is a sequence (y ) ⊂ J∗ such that y → y , and ψs ∈ Ψs converges ∞ 0 j j ∞ yj yj to a map ψs with the property that Ord(ψs ) = ms. We may suppose that y ∈ X , so ∞ ∞ ∞ ι that Ws is horizontal in N . In order for ψs to have order ms > 1, it is necessary that y∞,ρ ι ∞ the nearby Ws are ms-fold branched covers with respect to the coordinate projection to the yj,ρ tangent space of Ws . Since Ws is a lamination, we see that we cannot have y ∈ Ws . y∞,ρ Xι j Xι Since y ∈ J∗, Wu is horizontal in N = ∆ ×∆ in the sense that it is a graph over the first ∞ 0 y∞ ι ρ ρ factor ∆ and bounded away from ∆ ×∂∆ρ. It follows that the intersection Ws ∩Wu ρ ρ yj,r y∞,r 8 consists of ms points. By Proposition 2.2, these points get closer together as we map forward under f. Now since y ∈/ Ws , it follows that fn(y ) cannot remain in N ∩N for all n > 0. Thus j Xι j ι 0 there is an nj > 0 such that fk(yj) ∈ N0 for 0 ≤ k < nj, and fnj(yj) ∈ Nι −N0. We may pass to a subsequence so that the points z := fnj(y ) all belong to the same set N −N . By j j ι 0 hyperbolicity, Wu is a family of graphs horizontal in N , and we conclude that a subsequence Xi ι of the points z converges to a point z ∈ Wu . j ∞ Xi Now we consider themultiplicity of the intersection between Ws and Wu at z . The z∞,ρ z∞,ρ ∞ set Ws ∩Wu consists of ms points, and by part (iv) of Lemma 3.2, these points coalesce yj,r y∞,r as j → ∞. Thus by the continuity of the intersection multiplicity in the complex setting, the intersection multiplicity is ms. On the other hand, let ψˆs be the limit of the maps ψs . It ∞ zj follows thatOrd(ψˆs ) ≤ τs(z ) < ms. We concludethatthecurves mustintersect tangentially. ∞ ∞ Proposition 4.2. If a point x ∈ J∗ and Wu(x) and Ws(x) are tangent to order k then ms,mu the forward limit set of x is contained in J∗ with p ≥ ms and q ≥ (k +1)mu the backward p,q limit set of x is contained in J∗ with p ≥ (k+1)ms and q ≥ mu. p′,q′ Proof. We prove the first statement. The second statement follows by considering f−1. Consider the case when ms = mu = 1. Say that ψ (ζ) parametrizes Wu(x) and φ (ζ) x x parametrizes Ws(x). Since Wu(x) and Ws(x) are tangent to order k we can assume that for some c 6= 0, ψ (ζ) = φ (cζ) + ··· where the dots represent terms or order greater than x x k. Write fn(ψ (ζ)) = ψ (λ ζ) and fn(φ (ζ)) = φ (µ ζ). For some κ > 1 we have x fn(x) n x fn(x) n λ ≥ κn and µ ≤ κ−n. n n Now fn(ψ (ζ)) = fn(φ (cζ)) up to terms of order greater than k. Write ψ (ζ) = x x fn(x) fn(x)+~a ζ+~a ζ2+···andφ (ζ) = fn(x)+~b ζ+~b ζ2+···. Thenwehaveψ (λ ζ) 1,n 2,n fn(x) 1,n 2,n fn(x) n is equal to φ (cµ ζ) up to order k so by comparing coefficients we get ~a λj =~b cjµj fn(x) n j,n n j,n n for j = 1,...,k. By normality |b | is bounded by a constant depending on j but not n so j,n |~a | ≤ C κ−2n|cj|. We conclude that for j = 1,...,k, |~a | → 0 as n → ∞. In particular if j,n j j,n x′ is in the forward limit set of x then taking φx′ to be a convergent subsequence of φfn(x) the coefficients of φx′(ζ) vanish for j = 1,...,k. If there is a map ϕ in Φu which vanishes to order ℓ then ϕ (ζ) can be written as the x x x composition of a map ξ and a map α of order ℓ. Arguing as above we see that the limits x ϕ α vanish to order at least (k+1)ℓ. fn(x) Corollary 4.3. For f quasi-hyperbolic there is a bound on the order of tangency between stable and unstable manifolds. Proof. In [BS8] it is shown that the set J∗ is empty for ms and mu large. ms,mu Theorem 4.4. If f is quasi-hyperbolic, then the condition that J+ is laminated in a neigh- borhood of J∗ is equivalent to the condition that J− is laminated a neighborhood of J∗; and either condition is equivalent to hyperbolicity on J∗. Proof. If f is quasi-hyperbolic but not hyperbolic, then by Theorem 2 there is a tangency of order k ≥ 1 so by Proposition 4.2 both J∗ and J∗ are non-empty so neither J+ nor J− are 1,k k,1 laminated in a neighborhood of J∗. In [RT] an example is given of a H´enon diffeomorphism for which J+ is laminated. On the other hand, this example has a semi-parabolic fixed point, which implies that it is not quasi expanding, and thus we conclude from the results of [BS8] that J− is not laminated. 9 References [BLS] E.Bedford,M.LyubichandJ.Smillie,PolynomialdiffeomorphismsofC2. IV:Themeasure of maximal entropy and laminar currents. Invent. Math. 112 (1993), no. 1, 77–125. [BS1] E. Bedford and J. 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