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Hyperbolicity and genuine nonlinearity conditions for certain p-systems of conservation laws, weak solutions and the entropy condition 6 1 0 Edgardo P´erez 2 D´epartement deMath´ematiques n a Universit´ede Brest, 6, rueVictor le Gorgeu, 29285 Brest, France J [email protected] 1 3 Krzysztof Ro´zga ] P Department of Mathematical Sciences A University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez,Puerto Rico 00681-9018 . h [email protected] t a m February 2, 2016 [ 1 v 4 6 Abstract 2 0 0 . 2 We consider a p-system of conservation laws that emerges in one 0 dimensionalelasticitytheory. Suchsystemisdeterminedbyafunction 6 W, called strain-energy function. We consider four forms of W which 1 are known in the literature. These are St.Venant-Kirchhoff, Ogden, : v Kirchhoff modified, Blatz-Ko-Ogden forms. In each of those cases we i X determine the conditions for the parameters ρ0, µ and λ, under which the corresponding system is hyperbolic and genuinely nonlinear. We r a alsoestablishwhatitmeansaweaksolutionofaninitialandboundary value problem. Next we concentrate on a particular problem whose weak solution is obtained in a linear theory by means of D’Alembert’s formula. In cases under consideration the p-systems are nonlinear, so wesolvethememployingRankine-Hugoniotconditions. Finallyweask if such solutions satisfy the entropy condition. For a standardentropy function we provide a complete answer,except of the Blatz-Ko-Ogden case. Forageneralstrictlyconvexentropyfunctiontheresultisthatfor theinitialvalueofvelocityfunctionnearzerothesesolutionssatisfythe entropy condition, under the assumption of hyperbolicity and genuine nonlinearity. 1 2 E. P´erez and K. Ro´zga 1 Introduction The mathematical theory of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws were started by Eberhardt Hopf in 1950, followed in a series of studies by Olga Oleinik, Peter D. Lax and James Glimm [9] . The class of conservation laws is a very important class of partial differential equations because as their name indicates, they include those equations that model conservation laws of physics (mass, momentum, energy, etc). As important examples of hyperbolic systems of balance laws arising in continuum physics we have: Euler’s equations for compressible gas flow, the one dimensional shallow water equations [6], Maxwell’s equations in nonlinear dielectrics, Lundquist’s equations of magnetohydrodynamics and Boltzmann equation in thermodynamics [3] and equations of elasticity [11]. One of the main motivations of the theory of hyperbolic systems is that they describe for the most part real physical problems, because they are consistent with the fact that the physical signals have a finite propagation speed [11]. Such systems even with smooth initial conditions may fail to have a solution for all time, in such cases we have to extend the concept of classical solutions to the concept of a weak solution or generalized solution [6]. In the case of hyperbolic systems, the notion of weak solution based on distributionsdoesnotguaranteeuniqueness,anditisnecessarytodevisead- missibilitycriteriathatwillhopefullysingleoutauniqueweaksolution. Sev- eral such criteria have indeed been proposed, motivated by physical and/or mathematical considerations. Itseemsthataconsensushasbeenreached on thisissueforsuchsolutions,theyarecalledentropyconditions[4]. Neverthe- less, to the question about existence and uniqueness of generalized solutions subject to the entropy conditions, the answer is, in general, open. For the scalar conservation law, thequestionsexistence anduniquenessarebasically settled [6]. For genuinely nonlinear systems, existence (but not uniqueness) is known for initial data of small total variation [14]. Some of the main contributors to the field are Lax , Glimm , DiPerna, Tartar, Godunov, Liu, Smoller and Oleinik [8], [7], [2] . Allofthismotivatesustostudysystemsofconservationlawsthatemerge in the theory of elasticity. These systems are determined by constitutive relations between the stress and strain. For hyperelastic materials, the con- stitutive relations can be written in a simpler form. Now the stress is deter- mined by ascalar function of thestrain called thestrain-energy function W. A further simplification of a stress-strain relation is obtained for isotropic materials. In applications some specific strain-energy functions are used; in our work we consider four different forms of W. In all our studies we restrict ourselves to the case of one dimensional elasticity. The first important question that arises is the following: given the Hyperbolicity and genuine nonlinearity conditions for certain p-systems 3 functionW,isthecorrespondingsystemofPDE’shyperbolic? Byanswering it, we can assess how good the model correspondingto that particular W is. Thereexistsalsoanotherimportantconditioncalledgenuinenonlinearity condition, which is related to the entropy condition, [14]. According to our previous remarks the entropy condition can be considered a physical one. This implies an importance of genuine nonlinearity condition as well. For that reason our second question is about the validity of that particular condition for the models under study. Our third important question is how manageable is the entropy condi- tion, that is, given a weak solution of the elasticity system, can we conclude if it is or not an entropy solution? In general, except of the linear case, it is not easy to answer that question, because in the entropy condition there appear two functions: entropy and entropy-flux, which satisfy a given non- linear system of PDE’s, the first of them is convex and otherwise they are arbitrary. For this reason we restrict ourselves to study the entropy condition for a relatively simple weak solutions, which correspond to a well understood physical situation of what can be called a compression shock. Such solu- tions are obtained easily in linear case by means of D’Alembert’s formula and by analogy in nonlinear case, employing the Rankine-Hugoniot condi- tions. If for a given model (W function) such solution does not satisfy the entropy condition, we can consider the model as inadequate to describe the compression shock. In this work we give answers to all mentioned above questions. The obtained results do not appear in the reviewed literature. It has to beadded also that the concept of a weak solution is well known in the literature. For example in [6] one can find a definition of a weak solution of an initial value problem for a system of conservation laws in two variables. Using a general idea of that concept we define what it means to be a weak solution of an initial and boundary value problem for p-systems. This definition does not appear explicitly in the reviewed literature. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 the main notation and concepts are introduced: conservation laws, hyperbolic system, weak so- lution, Rankine-Hugoniot condition, genuine nonlinearity, entropy/entropy- fluxpair. Next,wegiveabriefpresentationofbasicconceptsofthetheoryof elasticity, such as, deformation gradient, deformation tensor, second Piola- Kirchhoff stress tensor and first Piola-tensor. We also present four forms of W (strain-energy function) appearing in the theory of elasticity, to model a behavior of certain materials. We refer to them as: St.Venant-Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff modified, Ogden and Blatz-Ko-Ogden functions. In Section 3 we consider one dimensional reduction of the system of partial differential equations for elasticity, which depends on the strain- energyfunction W andresults inap-system. Also, weintroducethenotions of hyperbolicity, no interpenetration of matter and genuine nonlinearity. 4 E. P´erez and K. Ro´zga InSection4weprovidetheconceptofweaksolutionsforvariousversions of an IBVP (initial and boundary value problem) for a p-system, including a particular case of IBVP, IBVP , and we find its solutions employing the V0 Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, we denote such solution by S(V ). 0 In Section 5 we discuss the notions of an entropy/entropy-flux pair for a p-system,entropycondition,entropyconditionforasolutionofIBVP and V0 standard entropy function. We also establish the importance of the require- ments of hyperbolicity(strict) and genuine nonlinearity, as being essential in proving if a weak solution is an entropy solution. In Section 6 weshow the resultsconcerning to hyperbolicity andgenuine nonlinearity for the models under consideration and the entropy condition corresponding to a standard entropy function for a solution of IBVP . V0 Finally, in Section 7 we present a summary of the main conclusions of our research. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Conservation laws and related concepts We begin this section with some essential definitions, that we will use in the course of this work. A conservation law asserts that the change in the total amount of a physical entity contained in any bounded region G Rn of space is due to ⊂ the flux of that entity across the boundary of G. In particular, the rate of change is d udX = F(u)ndS, (1) dt − ZG Z∂G where u = u(X,t) = (u1(X,t),...,um(X,t)) (X Rn,t 0) measures ∈ ≥ the density of the physical entity under discussion, the vector F : Rm Mm n describes its flux and n is the outward normal to the × → boundary ∂G of G. Here u and F are C1 functions. Rewriting (1), we deduce u dX = F(u)ndS = divF(u)dX. (2) t − − ZG Z∂G ZG As the region G Rn was arbitrary, we derive from (2) this initial-value ⊂ problem for a general system of conservation laws: u +divF(u) = 0 in Rn (0, ) t × ∞ (3) ( u = g on Rn t = 0 ×{ } where g = (g1,...,gm) is a given function describing the initial distribu- tionofu = (u1,...,um).Inparticular,theinitial-valueproblemforasystem of conservation laws in one-dimensional space, takes the following form Hyperbolicity and genuine nonlinearity conditions for certain p-systems 5 u +F(u) = 0 in R (0, ) (4) t X × ∞ with initial condition given by u(X,t) = g on R t = 0 (5) ×{ } where F :Rm Rm and g : R Rm are given and u :R [0, ) Rm is → → × ∞ → the unknown, u = u(X,t) [6]. For C1 functions the conservation law (4) is equivalent to u +B(u)u = 0 in R (0, ) (6) t X × ∞ where B: Rm Mm m is given by B(z) = DF(z), for × → z = (z ,...,z ) Rm, where 1 m ∈ F1 F1 z1 ··· zm DF(z) =  ... ... ... . (7) Fm Fm  z1 ··· zm    If for each z Rm the eigenvalues of B(z) are real and distinct, we call ∈ the system (6) strictly hyperbolic [6]. A system of conservation laws (6) is said to be genuinely nonlinear in a region Ω Rn if ⊆ λ r = 0, k k ∇ · 6 fork = 1,2,...,natallpointsinΩ, whereλ (z)aretheeigenvalues ofB(z), k with corresponding eigenvectors r (z) [14]. k Definition 1. The p-system is a conservation law being this collection of two equations: u2 p(u1) = 0 (Newton’s law) t − X (8) ( u1t −u2X = 0 (compatibility condition) in R (0, ), where p : R R is given. Here F(z) = ( p(z ), z ) for 1 2 × ∞ → − − z = (z ,z ) [6]. 1 2 Definition 2. A weak solution of (4) is a function u L (R (0, );Rm) ∞ ∈ × ∞ such that ∞ ∞ ∞ (u φ +F(u) φ )dXdt+ (g φ) dX = 0 t X t=0 · · · | Z0 Z Z −∞ −∞ for every smooth φ :R [0, ) Rm, with compact support [6]. × ∞ → 6 E. P´erez and K. Ro´zga 2.2 Basic notions of Elasticity Theory We consider a continuous body which occupies a connected open subset of a three-dimensional Euclidean point space, and we refer to such a subset as a configuration of the body. We identify an arbitrary configuration as a reference configuration and denote this by B0. Let points in B0 be la- belled by their position vectors X = (X1,X2,X3), where X1,X2 and X3 are coordinates relative to an arbitrary chosen Cartesian orthogonal coor- dinate system. Now suppose that the body is deformed from B0 so that it occupies a new configuration, which is denoted by Bt. We refer to Bt as the deformed configuration of the body. The deformation is represented by the mappingφt : B0 Bt which takes pointsX inB0 topoints x= (x1,x2,x3) → in Bt, where x1,x2 and x3 are coordinates relative to the same Cartesian orthogonal coordinate system as X1,X2 and X3. Thus, the position vector of the point X in Bt, which is denoted by x, is x= φ(X,t) φt(X). ≡ The mapping φ is called the deformation from B0 to Bt. We require φt tobesufficiently smooth,orientation preservingandinvertible. Thelasttwo requirements mean physically, that no interpenetration of matter occurs. 2.2.1 Deformation gradient, deformation tensor, strain-energy function and time evolution of an elastic body Now,weintroducesomebasicdefinitionsofElasticity theory,namely: defor- mation gradient, deformation tensor, second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, first Piola-tensor [11]. We restrict our discussion to hyperelastic, homoge- neous and isotropic materials. Fa(X,t) = ∂φa (Deformation gradient ), a,A 1,2,3 . • A ∂XA ∈ { } C = FTF or componentwise by C = δ FiFj, A,B 1,2,3 . • AB ij A B ∈ { } (Deformation tensor). Principal invariants of C: • I = tr(C),I = (det(C))tr(C 1),I (C)= det(C). 1 2 − 3 (Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor) • ∂W ∂W ∂W ∂W SAB = 2 GAB + I + I C 1 I C 2 , 2 3 − 3 − ∂I ∂I ∂I − ∂I (cid:26) 1 (cid:18) 2 3 (cid:19) 2 (cid:27) where GAB is Kronecker’s delta and W is the strain-energy function. (The first Piola-tensor) • PiA = FiSBA = FiS1A+FiS2A +FiS3A, where i,A,B 1,2,3 . B 1 2 3 ∈ { } Hyperbolicity and genuine nonlinearity conditions for certain p-systems 7 We consider the following four forms of W, [11]: 1. St.Venant-Kirchhoff λ µ W = (I 3)2 + (I2 2I 2I +3). (9) 8 1− 4 1 − 2 − 1 2. Kirchhoff modified λ µ W = (lnI )2+ (I2 2I 2I +3). (10) 8 3 4 1 − 2− 1 3. Ogden µ λ W = I 3 2ln( I ) + ( I 1)2. (11) 1 3 3 2 − − 2 − (cid:0) p (cid:1) p 4. Blatz-Ko-Ogden µ 1 µ I 1 β 2 β W = f2[(I1−3)+β(I3− −1)]+(1−f)2 I −3+β(I3 −1) . (12) (cid:20) 3 (cid:21) We can see that the functions (9)-(11) depend on two parameters: Lam´e moduli λ and µ, where λ,µ > 0. In (12) β = λ and this W depends also 2µ on a parameter f restricted by 0 < f < 1. Finally, the components of the mapping φ(X,t) = (φ1(X,t),φ2(X,t),φ3(X,t)) are subject to the following system of PDE’s, describing the evolution of an elastic body: ∂2φi ∂PiA ρ = . (13) 0 ∂t2 ∂XA Here ρ = ρ (X) is the mass density in reference configuration assumed 0 0 further to be constant. 3 One-dimensional reduction for certain models of elastic materials In this section we present the reduction to the one-dimensional case, which we will maintain in all the paper. Also, we rewrite the requirements of: hyperbolicity, no interpenetration of matter and genuine nonlinearity, to the one-dimensional case. We assume that there is a motion of particles only in the direction of X1-axis, that is: φ1(X,t) = X1+U(X1,t) φ2(X,t) = X2 (14)  φ3(X,t) = X3.   8 E. P´erez and K. Ro´zga Then Fi,C ,C 1,I ,I and I become A AB A−B 1 2 3 ∂∂Xφ11 ∂∂Xφ12 ∂∂Xφ13 ∂∂Xφ11 0 0   Fi = ∂φ2 ∂φ2 ∂φ2 =  0 1 0 . (15) A ∂X1 ∂X2 ∂X3          ∂φ3 ∂φ3 ∂φ3   0 0 1   ∂X1 ∂X2 ∂X3        (F1)2 0 0 1/(F1)2 0 0 1 1 C = 0 1 0 ,C 1 = 0 1 0 . (16) AB   A−B   0 0 1 0 0 1     I = 2+(F1)2,I = 2(F1)2+1,I = (F1)2. 1 1 2 1 3 1 Therefore the system (13) becomes ∂2φi ∂(PiA) ρ = . 0 ∂t2 ∂XA More specifically, ∂2φ1 ρ = P,11+P,12+P,13, 0 ∂t 1 2 3 ∂2φ2 ρ = P,21+P,22+P,23, (17) 0 ∂t 1 2 3 ∂2φ3 ρ = P,31+P,32+P,33. 0 ∂t 1 2 3 Notice that P11 = F1S11+F1S21+F1S31 = F1S11,P12 = P21 = P13 = 1 2 3 1 P31 = P23 = P32 = 0,P22 = S22,P33 = S33, and ∂φ1 = ∂U, ∂φ2 =0 = ∂φ3. ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂t Consequently (17) is reduced to one equation, which after denoting X1 by X and putting P = P11, reads ρ0 ∂2U ∂P = . (18) ∂t2 ∂X SettingV = ∂U andΓ = ∂U oneobtains ap-systemoffirstorderPDE’s: ∂t ∂X V (P(Γ)) = 0 t− X (19) Γ V = 0 t X (cid:26) − Remark 1. Under the assumption (14) the requirement of no interpenetra- tion of matter means that φ >0, i.e., 1+U > 0. X X Notice that, the p-system (19) can be rewritten as u +B(u)u = 0 (20) t X Hyperbolicity and genuine nonlinearity conditions for certain p-systems 9 0 P (Γ) where u = (V,Γ) and B = − ′ . The eigenvalues of B are 1 0 (cid:18) − (cid:19) λ = P (Γ) and λ = P (Γ) with corresponding eigenvectors r = 1 ′ 2 ′ 1 − ( P (Γ),1) and r = ( P (Γ),1). ′ p 2 − p′ p p Remark 2. Note that for our case of a p-system, no interpenetration of matter condition, φ > 0, is equivalent to Γ > 1, since φ = 1+U . X X X − Remark 3. The p-system (20) is strictly hyperbolic if P > 0, ev- ′ • erywhere in the domain of P(Γ). The p-system (20) is genuinely nonlinear in a region Ω of the do- • main of P(Γ) if P = 0 everywhere in Ω. ′′ 6 Indeed, it is so since λ r = λ r = P′′(Γ) . −∇ 1· 1 ∇ 2· 2 2√P′(Γ) By continuity of P (Γ), genuine nonlinearity means that P (Γ) is of ′′ ′′ constant sign in Ω. However we will call a p-system (20) genuinely nonlinear if P < 0, since this requirement plays an important role in ′′ studying entropy inequality. We remark also that hyperbolicity condition is an essential physical re- quirement,sinceitguarantees thatparticles have afinitepropagation speed. Now, we obtain explicit forms of the function P for the models under con- sideration. Indeed, St.Venant-Kirchhoff: P(Γ) = λ+2µ (1+Γ)(2+Γ)Γ. 2ρ0 Modified Kirchhoff: P(Γ) = 1(cid:0) µ(1(cid:1)+Γ)3 µ(1+Γ)+λln(1+Γ) . ρ0 − (1+Γ) (cid:18) (cid:19) Ogden: P(Γ) = 1 λΓ+µ(2+Γ)Γ . ρ0 Γ+1 Blatz-Ko and Ogden: (cid:0) (cid:1) µ(1+Γ) (1 f) P(Γ) = f 1 (1+Γ)−2β−2 + − (1+Γ)2β+2 1 . (21) ρ − (1+Γ)4 − 0 ( (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21)) Definition 3. If P(Γ) = (λ+2µ)Γ, the model is called linear model. ρ0 4 Weak solution of an IBVP for a p-system In this section we give the concept of weak solutions for various versions of an IBVP (initial and boundary value problem), for a p-system, including a particular case of IBVP, IBVP . V0 We also provide notions of an entropy/entropy-flux pair and entropy condi- tion for a solution of IBVP . V0 10 E. P´erez and K. Ro´zga Our aim is to give an answer to the question about a weak solution for an IVBP for (19) with these initial and boundary conditions: V(X,0) = f(X) Γ(X,0) = g(X) (22)   P(Γ(0,t))+a(t)V(0,t) = c(t) or  V(X,0) = f(X) Γ(X,0) = g(X) (23)   V(0,t)+b(t)P(Γ(0,t)) = c(t). To define a weaksolution of such IBVP in the first quadrant of the  Xt-plane, we use arbitrary C1 functions ϕ, ψ and χ, ϕ,ψ,χ : [0, ) [0, ) R ∞ × ∞ → of compact supports. We refer to those functions as test functions. Proposition 1. Let f,g,a and c be C1 functions on [0, ), and let V(X,t), ∞ Γ(X,t) be C1 functions on [0, )2, such that P(Γ(X,t)) is C1 on ([0, )2). ∞ ∞ Then the pair (V,Γ) is a classical solution of IBVP (19),(22), if and only if for all ϕ and ψ, with ψ satisfying the condition ψ(0,t) = 0, it holds ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ g(X)ψ(X,0)dX Γψ dtdX+ Vψ dXdt = 0 (24) t X − − Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 and ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ f(X)ϕ(X,0)dX Vϕ dtdX + c(t)ϕ(0,t)dt t − − Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 ∞ ∞ ∞ + P(Γ)ϕ dXdt g(X)a(0)ϕ(X,0)dX X − Z0 Z0 Z0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ (a(t)ϕ(X,t)) ΓdtdX + a(t)ϕ (X,t)VdXdt = 0. (25) t X − Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 Proof. Indeed,assumingthat(V,Γ) isaclassical solutionof IBVP(19),(22), we multiply the first equation in (19) by ϕ, integrating by parts and using the initial and boundary conditions (22) we obtain ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ f(X)ϕ(X,0)dX V(X,t)ϕ (X,t)dtdX + c(t)ϕ(0,t)dt t − − Z0 Z0 Z0 Z0 ∞ ∞ ∞ a(t)V(0,t)ϕ(0,t)dt+ P(Γ)ϕ (X,t)dXdt = 0. X − Z0 Z0 Z0 (26)

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