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Hyperbolic Unit Groups and Quaternion Algebras S. O. Juriaans, I. B. S. Passi∗, A. C. Souza Filho 9 January 14, 2009 0 0 2 Abstract n a WeclassifythequadraticextensionsK =Q[√d]andthefinitegroupsGforwhichthegroup J ring oK[G] of G over the ring oK of integers of K has the property that the group 1(oK[G]) 4 of units of augmentation 1 is hyperbolic. We also construct units in theZ-order (oUK) of the 1 quaternion algebra (K)=`−1,−1´,when it is a division algebra. H H K ] MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary[16U60]. Secondary[16S34,20F67] A [keywords]HyperbolicGroups,QuaternionAlgebras,FreeGroups,GroupRings,Units R . h 1 Introduction t a m The finite groups G for which the unit group (Z[G]) of the integral group ring Z[G] is hyper- U [ bolic, in the sense of M. Gromov [8], have been characterized in [13]. The main aim of this paper is to examine the hyperbolicity of the group (o [G]) of units of augmentation 1 in the group v3 ring oK[G] of G over the ring oK of integers ofU1a qKuadratic extension K =Q[√d] of the field Q of 1 rational numbers, where d is a square-free integer = 1. Our main result (Theorem 4.7) provides a 6 complete characterizationof such group rings o [G6 ]. K 1 2 In the integral case the hyperbolic unit groups are either finite, hence have zero end, or have 9. two or infinitely many ends (see [4, Theorem I.8.32] and [13]); in fact, in this case, the hyperbolic 0 boundaryiseitherempty,orconsistsoftwopoints,orisaCantorset. Inparticular,the hyperbolic 7 boundary is not a (connected) manifold. However, in the case we study here, it turns out that 0 when the unit group is hyperbolic and non-abelian it has one end, and the hyperbolic boundary is : v a compact manifold of constant positive curvature. (See Remark after Theorem 4.7.) i X Ourinvestigationnaturallyleadsustostudyunitsintheorder (o )ofthestandardquaternion K ar algebra H(K) = −1K,−1 , when this algebra is a division algebraH. We construct units, here called Pell and Gauss units, using solutions of certain diophantine quadratic equations. In particular, we exhibit units o(cid:0)f norm(cid:1) 1 in (o ); this construction, when combined with the deep work in [5], helps to provide a s−et of gHenerQa[√to−r7s]for the full unit group ( (o )). U H Q[√−7] ∗ Senior Scientist, INSA. 1 The work reported in this paper corresponds to the first chapter of the third author’s PhD thesis [18], where analogous questions about finite semi-groups, see [10], and RA-loops, see [14], have also been studied. 2 Preliminaries Let Γ be a finitely generated group with identity e and S a finite symmetric set of generators of Γ, e S. Consider the Cayley graph = (Γ,S) of Γ with respect to the generating set S and 6∈ G G d = d the corresponding metric (see [4, chap. 1.1]). The induced metric on the vertex set Γ of S (Γ,S) is then the word metric: for γ , γ Γ, d(γ , γ ) equals the least non-negative integer n 1 2 1 2 sGuch that γ1−1γ2 = s1s2...sn, si ∈ S . Reca∈ll that in a metric space (X, d), the Gromov product (y.z) of elements y, z X with respect to a given element x X is defined to be x ∈ ∈ 1 (y z) = (d(y,x)+d(z,x) d(y,z)), x · 2 − andthatthemetricspaceX issaidtobehyperbolicifthereexistsδ 0suchthatforallw, x, y, z ≥ ∈ X, (x.y) min (x.z) , (y.z) δ. w w w ≥ { }− The group Γ is said to be hyperbolic if the Cayley graph with the metric d is a hyperbolic S G metric space. This is a well-defined notionwhichdepends only onthe groupΓ, andis independent of the chosen generating set S (see [8]). A map f : X Y between topological spaces is said to be proper if f 1(C) X is compact − → ⊆ wheneverC Y iscompact. ForametricspaceX,twopropermaps(rays)r , r :[0, [ X are 1 2 ⊆ ∞−→ definedtobe equivalentif,foreachcompactsetC X,thereexistsn N suchthatr ([n, [),i= i ⊂ ∈ ∞ 1, 2, are in the same path component of X C. Denote by end(r) the equivalence class of the ray \ r, by End(X) the set of the equivalence classes end(r), and by End(X) the cardinality of the set | | End(X). The cardinality End( , d ) for the Cayley graph ( , d ) of Γ does not depend on the S S | G | G generating set S; we thus have the notion of the number of ends of the finitely generated group Γ (see [4], [8]). We next recall some standard results from the theory of hyperbolic groups: 1. Let Γ be a group. If Γ is hyperbolic, then Z2֒ Γ, where Z2 denotes the free Abelian group 6→ of rank 2. [4, Corollary III.Γ3.10(2)] 2. An infinite hyperbolic group contains an element of infinite order. [4, Proposition III.Γ2.22] 3. If Γ is hyperbolic, then there exists n = n(Γ) N such that H n for every torsion ∈ | | ≤ subgroup H <Γ. [4, Theorem III.Γ3.2] and [7, Chapter 8, Corollaire 36] These results will be used freely in the sequel. In view of (1) above, the following observation is quite useful. 2 Lemma 2.1. Let A be a unital ring whose aditive group is torsion free, and let θ , θ A be two 1 2 ∈ 2-nilpotent commuting elements which are Z-linearly independent. Then (A) contains a subgroup U isomorphic to Z2. Proof. Set u=1+θ and v =1+θ . It is clear that u, v (A) and both have infinite order. If 1 2 ∈U 1 = w u v then there exists i, j Z 0 , such that, ui = w = vj. Since ui = 1+iθ and 1 6 ∈ h i∩h i ∈ \{ } vj =1+jθ ,itfollowsthatiθ jθ =0andhence θ , θ isZ-linearlydependent,acontradiction. 2 1 2 1 2 − { } Hence Z2 u, v (A). ≃h i⊆U LetC denote the cyclic groupofordern, S the symmetric groupofdegree 3,D the dihedral n 3 4 groupof order 8, and Q the split extension C ⋊C . Let K be an algebraicnumber field and o 12 3 4 K its ring of integers. The analysis of the implication for torsion subgroups G of a hyperbolic unit group (Z[Γ]) leading to [13, Theorem 3] is easily seen to remain valid for torsion subgroups of hyperbUolic unit groups (o [Γ]). We thus have the following: K U Theorem 2.2. A torsion group G of a hyperbolic unit group (o [Γ]) is isomorphic to one of the K U following groups: 1. C , C , C , an Abelian group of exponent dividing 4 or 6; 5 8 12 2. a Hamiltonian 2-group; 3. S , D , Q , C ⋊C . 3 4 12 4 4 We denote by (K) = (a,b) the generalized quaternion algebra over K: H K (K) = K[i, j : i2 = a, j2 = b, ji = ij =: k]. The set 1, i, j, k is a K-basis of (K). H − { } H Such an algebra is a totally definite quaternion algebra if the field K is totally real and a, b are totally negative. If a, b o , then the set (o ), consisting of the o -linear combinations of the K K K elements 1, i, j and k, ∈is an o -algebra. WHe denote by N the norm map (K) K, sending K H → x=x +x i+x j+x k to N(x)=x2 ax2 bx2+abx2. 1 i j k 1− i − j k Let d = 1 be a square-free integer, K = Q[√d]. Let us recall the basic facts about the ring of integers o6 (see, for example, [11], or [16]). Set K √d, if d 2 or 3 (mod 4) ϑ= ≡ ((1+√d)/2, if d 1 (mod 4). ≡ Then o =Z[ϑ] and the elements 1, ϑ constitute a Z-basis of o . If d<0, then K K 1, ϑ , if d= 1, {± ± } − (o )= 1, ϑ, ϑ2 , if d= 3, (1) K  U {± ± ± } −  1 , otherwise. {± } If d>0, then there exists a unique unit ǫ>1, called the fundamental unit, such that (o )= ǫ . (2) K U ±h i 3 We need the following: Proposition 2.3. Let K =Q[√d], with d=1 a square-free integer, be a quadratic extension of Q, and u (o ). Then ui 1 (mod 2), whe6re K ∈U ≡ 1 if d 1 (mod 8), ≡ i= 2 if d 2, 3 (mod 4),  ≡ 3 if d 5 (mod 8). ≡  Proof. The assertionfollows immediately on considering the prime factorization of the ideal 2o , K see [3, Theorem 1, p.236]. 3 Abelian groups with hyperbolic unit groups Proposition 3.1. Let R be a unitary commutative ring, C = g . Then u = a + (1 a)g, 2 h i − a R 0, 1 is a non-trivial unit in (R[C ]) if, and only if, 2a 1 (R). 1 2 ∈ \{ } U − ∈U Proof. Let C = g and suppose that u = a+(1 a)g, a R 0, 1 is a non-trivial unit in 2 h i − ∈ \{ } R[C ] having augmentation 1. Let ρ : R[C ] M (R) be the regular representation. Clearly 2 2 2 → a 1 a ρ(u)= − . Since u is a unit, it follows that 2a 1=detρ(u) (R). 1 a a − ∈U (cid:18) − (cid:19) Conversely, let a R 0,1 be such that e = 2a 1 (R). It is then easy to see ∈ \ { } − ∈ U that u = a + (1 a)g is a non-trivial unit in R[C ] with inverse v = ae 1 + (1 ae 1)g. 2 − − − − [9, Proposition I] Proposition 3.2. The unit group (o [C ]) is trivial if, and only if, K = Q or an imaginary K 2 U quadratic extension of Q, i.e., d<0. Proof. It is clear from the description (1) of the unit group of o that the equation K 2a 1=u, a o 0, 1 , u (o ) (3) k K − ∈ \{ } ∈U does not have a solution when K =Q or d<0. Suppose d > 1 and ǫ is the fundamental unit in o . In this case we have (o ) = ǫ . By K K Proposition 2.3, ǫi 1+2o for some i 1, 2, 3 . Consequently the equationU(3) has a±sholiution K and so, by Proposit∈ion 3.1, (o [C ]) is∈no{n-trivia}l. K 2 U 4 Theorem 3.3. Let o be the ring of integers of a real quadratic extension K = Q[√d], d > 1 a K square-free integer, ǫ>1 the fundamental unit of o and C = g . Then K 2 h i 1+ǫn 1 ǫn U1(oK[C2])∼=hgi×h 2 + −2 gi∼=C2×Z, where n is the order of ǫ mod 2o . K Proof. Letu (o [C ])beanon-trivialunit. Then,thereexistsa o suchthat,2a 1= ǫm 1 K 2 K for some non-z∈erUo integer m. Since n is the order of ǫ mod 2o , m=∈nq with q Z. We−thus h±ave K ∈ u=a+(1 a)g − = 1 ǫm + 1 ǫmg ±2 ∓2 = 1 ǫnq + 1 ǫnqg ±2 ∓2 = 1+ǫn + 1 ǫng q, or g 1+ǫn + 1 ǫng q. 2 −2 2 −2 Hen(cid:0)ce U1(oK[C2])(cid:1)∼=hgi×(cid:0)h1+2ǫn + 1−2ǫng(cid:1)i∼=C2×Z. As an immediate consequence of the preceding analysis, we have: Corollary 3.4. If K is a quadratic extension of Q, then (o [C ]) is a hyperbolic group. 1 K 2 U Corollary 3.5. Let G be a non-cyclic elementary Abelian 2-group. Then (o [G]) is hyperbolic 1 K if, and only if, o is imaginary. U K Proof. Suppose o is real. Since G is notcyclic, there existg,h G, g = h, o(g)=o(h)=2. By K T1he.orTemhe3re.3fo,rUe1(oK(o[hg)i])co∼=ntCai2n×sZan∼=AUb1(eoliKan[hhgir]o)u.pSionfcerahngki∩2h,hiso=∈it{1is},nUo16t(ohKyp[hegrib])o∩licU.1(CooKn[vhheris])el=y, 1 K i{f }o is imaginaUry, then, proceeding by induction on the order G of G, we can conclude that K (o [G]) is trivial, and hence is hyperbolic. | | 1 K U For an Abelian group G, we denote by r(G) its torsion-free rank. In order to study the hy- perbolicity of (o [G]), it is enough to determine the torsion-free rank r( (o [G])). Since 1 K 1 K iUm(aoKgi[nGa]r)y∼=extUeUn(osKio)n,×thUe1n(orK([G(o]),[Gwe]))h=aver(r(U(o1(o[KG[]G))],))w=herre(aUs(iofKK[Gis])a) −rearl(UqUu(oaKdr)a)t.icIefxKtenissioann, K 1 K then r( (o ))=1, and therUefore U K U r( (o [G]))=r( (o [G])) 1. 1 K K U U − We note that Q[Cn]∼=⊕ Q[ζd], dn X| 5 where ζ is a primitive dth root of unity, and therefore, for any algebraic number field L, d L[Cn]∼=⊕ L⊗QQ[ζd]. dn X| We say that two groups are commensurable with each other when they contain finite index subgroups isomorphic to each other. Since the unit group (o [C ]) is commensurable with (Λ), L n whereΛ= o ,weessentiallyneedtocomputeUthetorsion-freerankofo foUrthe needed case⊕s. d|n L⊗Q[ζd] K⊗Q[ζd] P Proposition 3.6. Let K = Q[√d], with d a square-free integer = 1. The table below shows the torsion-free rank of the groups (o [C ]), n 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 . 6 1 K n U ∈{ } n r( (o [C ])) n r( (o [C ])) 1 K n 1 K n U U 1 if d<0,d= 3 0 if d<0 6 − 2 3 0 if d= 3 1 if d>1 − 1 if d>1 1 if d< 1 6 if d<0 − 4 0 if d= 1 5 2 if d=5 − 2 if d>1 6 if d Z+ 1,5 ∈ \{ } 4 if d< 1 2 if d< 3 − − 1 if d= 1 6 0 if d= 3 8 − − 4 if d=2 3 if d>1 5 if d>2 In all the cases, the computation is elementary and we omit the details. Theorem 3.7. If K =Q[√d], with d a square-free integer =1, then 6 1. (o [C ]) is hyperbolic; 1 K 3 U 2. (o [C ]) is hyperbolic if, and only if, d<0; 1 K 4 U 3. for an Abelian group G of exponent dividing n>2, the group (o [G]) is hyperbolic if, and 1 K U only if, n=4 and d= 1, or n=6 and d= 3 ; − − 4. (o [C ]) is hyperbolic if, and only if, d= 1; 1 K 8 U − 5. (o [C ]) is not hyperbolic. 1 K 5 U 6 Proof. The Proposition 3.6 gives us the torsion-free rank r:=r( (o [C ])) 1 K n U for n 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 . The group (o [C ]) is hyperbolic if, andonly if, r 0, 1 . Thus, itonly 1 K n ∈{ } U ∈{ } remains to consider the case (3). Suppose n = 6 and (o [G]) is hyperbolic. We, hence, have r 0,1 . If G is cyclic, then, 1 K U ∈ { } by Proposition 3.6, we have d = 3. If G is not cyclic, then G = Cl Cm, l, m 1. Since o [C ]֒ o [G], it follows that d−= 3. ∼ 2 × 3 ≥ K 3 K → − Conversely, if n = 6 and d = 3 then, proceeding by induction on G, it can be proved that (o [G]) is hyperbolic. − | | 1 K U The case n=4 can be handled similarly. Proposition3.8. IfK =Q[√d],withdsquare-freeinteger=1,then (o [C ])isnothyperbolic. 1 K 12 6 U Psiornosofo. S[Cinc]e֒K[Co12[]C∼=]Kan⊗dQo[Q[[CC1]2]֒] ∼=oK[⊗CQ]Q.[CT3h×ereCfo4r])e,∼=r(K[C(o3 ×[CC4]]),)we hra(ve(tohe[Cim]m))e+r- K 3 K 12 K 4 K 12 1 K 12 1 K 3 r( (o [C ]))→. → U ≥ U 1 K 4 U Suppose (o [C ])ishyperbolic. Then,sincer( (o [C ]))<2,wehave,bytheProposition 1 K 12 1 K 12 U U 3.6, d 3, 1 . We also have ∈{− − } K[C C ]=(K[C ])[C ]=(K K[√ 3])[C ]= 3× 4 ∼ 3 4 ∼ ⊕ − 4 ∼ K[C ] (K[√ 3])[C ]=2K K[√ 1] 2K[√ 3] K[√ 3+√ 1]. 4 ⊕ − 4 ∼ ⊕ − ⊕ − ⊕ − − Set L = Q[√ 3+√ 1] and suppose d = 3. Then o [C ] ֒ 4o 2o and r( (o )) = 1. K 12 K L L Thus r( (o [C −]))=2,−and we have a contra−diction. → ⊕ U K 12 U Analogously,for d= 1, o [C ]֒ 3o 3o and so r( (o [C ]))=3. Since the extensions K 12 K L K 12 are non-real, we have th−at r( (o [→C ])) =⊕ r( (o [C ])U) 2, and, hence, we again have a 1 K 12 K 12 U U ≥ contradiction. We conclude that (o [C ]) is not hyperbolic. 1 K 12 U 4 Non-Abelian groups with hyperbolic unit groups Theorem 2.2 classifies the finite non-Abelian groups G for which the unit group (Z[G]) 1 U is hyperbolic. These groups are: S , D , Q ,C ⋊ C , and the Hamiltonian 2-group, where 3 4 12 4 4 Q =C ⋊C , with C acting non-trivially on C , and also on C (see [13]). 12 3 4 4 3 4 7 E. Jespers, in [12], classified the finite groups G which have a normal non-Abelian free com- plement in (Z[G]). The group algebra Q[G] of these groups has at most one matrix Wedderburn U component which must be isomorphic to M (Q). 2 Lemma4.1. LetGbeagroupandK aquadraticextension. IfM (K)is aWedderburn component 2 of K[G] then Z2 ֒ (o [G]). In particular, (o [G]) is not hyperbolic. 1 K 1 K →U U Proof. The ring Γ =M (o ) is a Z-order in M (K) and 2 K 2 X = e , e √d Γ 12 12 { }⊂ is a set of commuting nilpotent elements of index 2, where e denotes the elementary matrix. The ij set 1,√d is a linearly independent set over Q, and hence so is X. Therefore, by Lemma 2.1, Z2 ֒{ (Γ}) (o [G]), and so, (o [G]) is not hyperbolic. 1 1 K 1 K →U ⊂U U Corollary 4.2. If G S , D , Q , C ⋊C then (o [G]) is not hyperbolic. 3 4 12 4 4 1 K ∈{ } U Proof. We have that K[G]∼=K⊗Q(Q[G]). For each of the groups under consideration,M2(Q) is a Wedderburn component of Q[G]; it therefore follows that M (K) is a Wedderburn component of 2 K[G]. The preceding lemma implies that (o [G]) is not hyperbolic. 1 K U IfH isanon-AbelianHamiltonian2-group,thenH =E Q ,whereE isanelementaryAbelian 8 × 2-groupand Q is the quaterniongroupof order 8. Since Q contains a cyclic subgroupof order4, 8 8 it follows, by Theorem 3.7, that if (o [Q ]) is hyperbolic, then o is not real. 1 K 8 K U Proposition 4.3. If G is a Hamiltonian 2-group of order greater than 8, then (o [G]) is not 1 K U hyperbolic. Proof. Let G = E Q with E elementary Abelian of order 2n > 1. We then have K[G] = 8 K[E×Q8] ∼= K ⊗Q(×Q[E×Q8]) ∼= K ⊗Q(Q[E])[Q8] ∼= K ⊗Q(2nQ)[Q8] ∼= (2nK)[Q8]. If d = −1 it is well known that KQ has a Wedderburn component isomorphic to M (K) and hence, by 8 2 Lemma 4.1, (o Q ) is not hyperbolic. If d < 1, then, by Proposition 3.6, r( (o [C ])) = 1. 1 K 8 1 K 4 Since C is aUsubgroup of Q , it follows that (−(2no )[C ]) embeds into (o [UG]). Thus, since 4 8 1 K 4 1 K ( o [C ]) has rank 2n 2, (o [G]) isUnot hyperbolic. U U1 2n K 4 ≥ U1 K Q In view of the above Proposition, it follows that Q is the only Hamiltonian 2-group for which 8 (o [G]) can possibly be hyperbolic, and in this case o is the ring of integers of an imaginary 1 K K U extension. By Lemma 4.1, K[Q ] can not have a matrix ring as a Wedderburn component. Since 8 Q[Q8] ∼= 4Q⊕H(Q), we have K[Q8] ∼= K ⊗Q(4Q⊕H(Q)) ∼= 4K ⊕H(K); hence K[Q8] must be a direct sum of division rings, or equivalently, has no non-zero nilpotent elements. In particular, (K) is a division ring. H 8 Theorem 4.4. Let K = Q[√d], with d square-free integer = 1. Then K[Q ] is a direct sum of 8 6 division rings if, and only if, one of the following holds: (i) d 1 (mod 8); ≡ (ii) d 2, or 3 (mod 4), or d 5 (mod 8), and d>0. ≡ ≡ Proof. The assertion follows from [1, Theorem 2.3] ; [3, Theorem 1, p.236] and [17, Theorem 3.2]. Corollary 4.5. If K =Q[√d], where dis anegative square-free integer, then thegroup (o [Q ]) 1 K 8 U is not hyperbolic if d 1 (mod 8). 6≡ Let H : C ]0, [ be the upper half-space model of three-dimensional hyperbolic space and × ∞ Iso(H) its group of isometries. In the quaternion algebra := ( 1, 1) over R, with its usual H H − − basis, we may identify H with the subset z+rj : z C,r R+ . The group PSL(2, C) acts on { ∈ ∈ } H in the following way: ϕ: PSL(2, C) H H × −→ a b (M, P) P :=(aP +b)(cP +d) 1, 7→ c d − (cid:18) (cid:19) where (cP +d) 1 is calculated in . Explicitly, MP =M(z+rj)=z +r j, with − ∗ ∗ H (az+b)(cz+d)+acr2 r z = , and r = . ∗ ∗ cz+d2+ c2r2 cz+d2+ c2r2 | | | | | | | | Let K be an algebraic number field and o its ring of integers. Let K SL ( (o )):= x (o ):N(x)=1 , 1 K K H { ∈H } where N is the norm in (K). Clearly the groups ( (o )) and (o ) SL ( (o )) are com- K K 1 K H U H U × H mensurable. Consider the subfield F = K[i] (K) which is a maximal subfield in (K). The ⊂ H H inner automorphism σ, σ : (K) (K) H −→ H x jxj 1, − 7→ fixes F. The algebra (K)=F Fj is a crossed product and embeds into M (C) as follows: 2 H ⊕ Ψ: (K) ֒ M (C) 2 H → x y (4) x+yj . 7→ σ(y) σ(x) (cid:18) − (cid:19) This embedding enables us to viewSL ( (o )) andSL ( (K)) assubgroupsofSL(2, C)and 1 K 1 H H hence SL ( (K)) acts on H. 1 H 9 Proposition 4.6. Let K = Q[√d], d 1 (mod 8) a square-free negative integer, and o its ring K of integers. Then ( (o )) and (o ≡[Q ]) are hyperbolic groups. K K 8 U H U Proof. ObservethatSL ( (o ))actsonthespaceHand,hence,isadiscretesubgroupofSL (C) 1 K 2 (see[6,Theorem10.1.2,p.4H46]). ThequotientspaceY :=H/SL ( (o ))isaRiemannianmanifold 1 K of constant curvature −1 and, since H is simply connected, we hHave that SL1(H(oK)) ∼= π1(Y). Since d 1 (mod 8), (K) is a division ring and, therefore, co-compactand Y is compact (see [6, Theorem≡10.1.2, itemH(3)]). Hence SL ( (o )) is hyperbolic (see [2, Example 2.25.5]). Since 1 K ( (o )) and (o ) SL ( (o )) areHcommensurable and (o ) = 1, 1 , it follows that K K 1 K K UUU((HoHK(o)K∼=))C2is, whyeUpceornbcollui×cd.eSthinacteHUU(o(oKK[Q[Q8]8)])is∼=hyUp(eorKbo)l×ic.U(oK)×UU(oK)×{U−(oK)}×U(H(oK)) and Combining the results in the present and the preceding section, we have the following main result. Theorem 4.7. Let K = Q[√d], with d square-free integer = 1, and G a finite group. Then (o [G]) is hyperbolic if, and only if, G is one of the groups l6isted below and o (or K) is deter- 1 K K U mined by the corresponding value of d: 1. G C , C and d arbitrary; 2 3 ∈{ } 2. G is an Abelian group of exponent dividing n for: n=2 and d<0, or n=4 and d= 1, or n=6 and d= 3. − − 3. G=C and d<0. 4 4. G=C and d= 1. 8 − 5. G=Q and d<0 and d 1 (mod 8). 8 ≡ RtheemEaurckli.deIfanthsepghreoruepoUf(doiKm[eQn8s]i)onis2h,ypaenrdboElincdtsh(en(tohe[Qhyp])e)rbhoalsicobnoeuneldeamryen∂t(U(s(eoeK[[2Q,8E])x)a∼=mSp2le, K 8 U 2.25.5]). Note that if (Z[G]) is an infinite non-Abelian hyperbolic group, then ∂( (Z[G])) is U U totally disconnected and is a Cantor set. So, in this case, (Z[G]) has infinitely many ends and also is a virtually free group,( [13,Theorem2]and [8, 3]). UHowever,if (o [G]) is a non-Abelian K hyperbolic group, then (o [G]) is an infinite group w§hich is not virtuUally free, has one end and K U ∂( (Z[G])) is a smooth manifold. U 10

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