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Hymns of Worship and Remembrance PDF

272 Pages·2016·20.152 MB·English
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Copyright 1950 by Gospel Perpetuating Fund Fort Dodge, Iowa Printed in the United States of America HYMNS OF WORSHIP AND REMEMBRANCE Scriptural Hymns selected for Worship, Breaking of Bread and Prayer. Also Second Coming, Christian En- couragement, Weddings, Funerals a n d Baptisms. Gospel Hymns have been omitted. PUBLISHED BY GOSPEL PERPETUATING FUND Fort Dodge, Iowa FOREWORD HE hymns in this book are the result of a real exercise before the Lord on the part of many who had felt, for a long time, that a new hymn book was needed, which should contain a selection of the most suitable hymns from the four or five dif- ferent hymn books currently used by assemblies of Christians who seek to gather in Scriptural simplicity, and also to include some other hymns not found in these books. It has taken well over a year to compile these hymns, select appropriate tunes, and agree as to their wording. Each com- piler was consulted individually as to this selection, and the advice of other experienced brethren sought. Later on, a group met together in Toronto for the final editing of the book. The selection of the words was by far the biggest task. Some wrote asking that the original words of the author be retained; while others requested that the version in their own particular hymn book be used. The majority of old hymns used today have been altered over a period of years, and this accounts for the many versions of the same hymn. Some owners of copyrighted hymns adopt the reasonable attitude that they would rather have the compilers of a hymn book change a few words of a hymn in order to give it greater acceptance, than to discard it altogether, for people usually want to sing what they believe. The compilers feel that this is a fair basis upon which to judge the worth of a hymn. Thus, in this book, the best version has been retained, and other minor changes kept to a minimum. No issue was raised in regard to the use of the singular “I” or the plural “we.” That is, whether we should join, as individuals, and collectively sing “I”; or lose our individual identity. and sing “we.” Such well-known hymns as: “When I Survey the Won- drous Cross” have therefore been left unchanged. Other hymns, written in both the singular and the plural were selected purely on the merit of their words. Grateful appreciation is extended to those many brethren who spent long hours gathering lists of hymns and tunes in order to assist the compilers. The compilers, in turn, have worked together with consideration and harmony to produce what they sincerely believe is the best collection of hymns that are particularly suitable for worship and the remembrance of our Lord J esus Christ. The compilers recommend that, as far as possible, each hymn be sung to the tune indicated. However, at the foot of many of the hymns an alternate tune, which may be better known or pre- ferred, is suggested, together with its number in the book. It will also prove helpful if the one whose responsibility it is to raise the tune would mark his own copy, and put the first line of the hymn most generally associated with the name of the tune along side of it. For example, “What a Friend We Have In Jesus,” is associated with the tune named “Erie.” The hymn, “Love Divine, all Love Excelling” is usually sung to the tune en- titled “Beecher,” while “Nearer My God to Thee” is linked to the tune “Bethany.” A complete index of all the tunes will be found at the back of the book. The hymns have been classified according to their general subject matter, and this classification is indicated on the top of each page in the following order: “Opening and Praise,” “Wor- ship,” “Remembrance and the Cross,” “Second Coming and Glory,” “Closing and Encouragement,” “Prayer,” “Miscellaneous,” “Marriage,” “Funeral,” “Baptism,” and “The Word of God.” Six different indexes in the order named will be found at the back of the book. 1. The names of the authors or translators of the words of the hymns. 2. The names of the composers of the tunes, or their sources. 3. A complete list of the various meters, together with their names and the numbers of the hymns in which they appear. 4. An alphabetical list of the names of all these tunes, and the numbers of the hymns to which these tunes have been put. 5. The first line of each verse of each hymn and the chorus, except the first verse. This should prove to be a great aid in locating any hymn in the book, when the first line of the first verse has been forgotten. 6. The first line of the first verse, and the title of the hymn; or the General Index. We humbly commend this collection of hymns to the One, Who is the “Head over all things to the Church, which is His body,” (Eph. 1:22-23), with the earnest desire that, through its judicious use, much spiritual and intelligent worship shall ascend to the One who seeks the worship of His blood-bought people, (John 4:23-24); and that the remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ, our risen and glorified Lord and Savior, may be sweet to those He has redeemed by His own most precious blood. (I Cor. 11: 23-26) . May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God our Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit rest upon all that “in every place call upon the name of J esus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.” (I Cor. 1:2). THE COMPILERS Topical Index Opening and Praise ____________ .Numbcrs 1 to 32 Worship -- , -_ ,.,,.Numbers 33 to 140 Remembrance and the Cross ___________ Numbers 141 to 192 Second Coming and Glory ,_ -.Numbers 193 to 223 Closing and Encouragement _____ ,Numbers 224 to 307 Prayer _____________________________________________ Numbers 308 to 329 Miscellaneous ................................ Numbers 330 to 332 Marriage _________________________________________ Numbers 333 to 337 Funeral ............................................ Numbers 338 to 340 Baptism Numbers 341 to 343 The Word of God _. __________________________ Numbers 344 to 350 "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.”—Ephesians 5 : l 9. HYMNS of WORSHIP and REMEMBRANCE OPENING AND PRAISE Awake. My Soul. in Joyful Lays I LOVING KINDNESS L M With refrain Samuel Medley 1738-1799 “Christian Lyre” 1830 4—3:.” a e ..H_ - -_. -—— n-__— .._o - P"--_,'"'- 1:: ._. f+—— 7 - i— . - ___ _ l _. I 1. A - wake, my soul, in joy-ful lays, And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise; 2. He saw me ru - med by the fall, Yetloved me not-with-stand-ing all; 3. Tho’num’rous hosts of might-y foes, Tho’earth and hell my way op- ose, 4. When trouble, like a gloom-y cloud, Has gath- ered thick and thundered oud, 5. Soon shall we mount and soar a - way To the bright realmsof end-less day, He just - ly claimsa song from me, His 10v - ing - kind—ness, oh, how free! He saved me from my lost es - tate, His lov - ing - kind-ness, oh, how great! He safe - 1y loads my soul a - long, His lov - ing - kind-ness, oh, how strong! He near my soul has al-ways stood, His lov - ing — kind-ness, oh, how good! And sing, with rap-ture and sur - prise, His lov - ing - kind-ness, in the skies. I 1 I I ix“ 1. , L. 1- -0. .1. 1— 1— : J1 41 -o- Q ./==__--_ — ~-_==' . ___._:=-_.§ :' . ‘ . — — ' m' _- -I——— l J -I_ :1“- — __ . -.-==—-======u= ——-: g . . ~ “ . A L&EEE: , ._- mm --'-: l Lov-ing-kind-ness, lov - ing-kind-ness, His 10v - ing - kind-ness, oh, how free! Lov-ing-kind-ness, 10v - ing-kind-ness, His lov - ing - kind-ness, oh, how great! Lov-ing-kind—ness, lov — ing-kind—ness, His 10v - ing - kind-ness, oh, how strong! Lov-ing-kind-ness, lov - ing-kind-ness, His 10v - ing - kind-ness, oh, how good! Lov-ing-kind—ness, lov - ing-kind-ness, His lov - ing- kmd-ness, in the skies. H "4E-. ?.fl. .’1. 'l _ 0 fl-- —- —--.2 :_, : =.- 2=\ =:.fl. -=.=.. =’3‘ : {m --/-_-—__-_I h—_—-- ' ' -'__’-I I 7 H u Alternate: Ernan, No. 19. omit last brace OPENING AND PRAISE 2 A Debtor to Mercy Alone CONTRAST L M D Augustus M. Toplady 1740-1778 Lewis Edson 1748-1820 D _ :flq---I I-"—I-'.-=K_ _='— . I-==— III'O"_'_I-‘_ —- -"—-I -'-- .-'- .-"I- -‘I— QI-O-I_~—_— l. A debt-or to mer-cy a - lone, Of cov - e-nant mer-cy I sing, 2. The work which His goodness be-gan, The arm of His strength will complete; 3. My name from the palms of His hands E - ter - ni - ty will not 9 - rase; (“=ra- . I"_ - — — — -l __I—— ==_ o-—I_l—____I_—I--_-—= I— L. _II_I—I—I—I—I-I_ _I--.---.-I— —;-— |__Ip—g_g—g—9—9-I-_ I _ - EE_— :F—W:==E=-- N 01' fear,with God’s righteousness on, My person and of -f’rings to bring. His prom-ise is Yea and A-men, And nev -er was for-feit-ed yet. Im - prest on His heart, it re-mains In marks of in- del - i- ble grace. QT: ‘ '::.'_.._.:: £7555 =='= . ii I _ D D D _ p D p . ' g r ' I ' -' —-= '4 I-n—_—.-_--I— ._-_ _ -'--_ flit . '---'-'- -'-I_=-I__-'_- -Kl- gr 0 l- -—_—- _.-I _ The ter-rors of law and of God With me can have noth-ing to do; Things fu-ture,nor things that are now, N 01: all things be-low or a-bove, Yes! I to the end shall en-dure, As sure as the ear-nest is giv’n; o O 0" II-I' - -- fl_-I— ' I.-'-'_'-I=__I-I ----- _—=_ I—I_I_I—I-I— My Sav-ior’s o - be-dience and blood Hide all my transgressions from view. Can make Him His pur-pose fore-go, Or sev - er my soul from His love. More hap-py, but not more se-cure, The souls of the bless-ed in heav’n. EFEE O . . , -"E'o -—E,.=.=_ o .——...-._. - I o --_—_ gig OPENING AND PRAISE As Sinners Saved 3 DUKE STR EET L M James H. Evans 1785-1849 John L. Hatton 1793 l 1. As sin-ners saved we glad - ly praise The Au-thor of re - deem-ing grace; 2. Thy love’sa ref - uge ev - er nigh, Thy watchfulnm a mountainhigh; 3. Thy faithful-ness for ev - er sure, For endless a - ges shall en—dure; 4. Whileall thin change, Thou changest not, For- etting ne’er, though oft for-got; 5. Lord, we wo dthen re — joice and praise The urce of all this wondrous grace; AM van VIII?- q: 1 \w 1‘ n J Fa-ther, ’tis Thineal - might-y ow’r Se-curesus when the tempests low’r. Thy name’s a. rock, which winds 3. - bove And waves be-low can nev ~ er move. Thy per-fect work shall ev - er prove The depth of Thine un—ceas-ing love. Thy love,im- mu - ta. - bly the same, Dis-plays the glo - ry of Thy name. Farther, Thine ev - er - last - ing pow’r Will keep us safe in dan-ger’s hour. r‘ _-O-| l llfil 4 Break Forth and Sing - Isaac Watts 1674-1748 ST. THOMAS S M Alt W. Hammond 1745 Aaron Williams 1731-1776 . H 1. Break forth and sing the song Of “G10 - ry to the Lamb!” 2. Sing of His dy - ing love; Sing of His ris - ing pow’r; 3. Sing on your heav’n-ly road; Ye sons of glo - ry, sing; 4. Soon shall we hear Him say, “Ye ran - somed pil-grims, comc;” 5. Then shall each rap - tured tongue, His full - est praise pro-claim; l J. i {’14. Wake ev - ’ry heart and ev - ’ry tongue, To praise the Sav-ior’s name! Sing how He in - ter-cedes a - bove For those whose sins He bore. To the as - cend - ed Lamb of God, Your cheer-ful prais-es bring. Soon will He call us hence a - way, And take us to His home. And sweet - er voic - es wake the song Of “Glo - ry to the Lamb!” Alternates: St. Michael No. 67; Boylston No. 100 OPENING AND PRAISE 5 Boundless Love BOUNDLESS LOVE C M With refrain Robert Boswell James McGranahan 1840-1907 - " —‘ —- =%=-EE=-=—I- ugh; ==I. .I--- . . —— ‘llr-E It: _— | O + ' - -' 0 | l 1. - hold, whatlove,what boundlesslove, The Fa - ther hath be- stowed 2. No lon-ger far from Him, but now By “pre - ciousblood”made nigh; 3. What we in glo - ry soon shall be, It doth not yet ap - pear; 4. With such a bless-ed hope in view, We would more he - ly be, ”3 -1} -' 0 _ —-I' I— him: — . . .a-- __ ”I , L- I_‘ -l--l--——I— I7: —- __——-—'__—I_— I On sin-ners lost, that we should be Now called the sons of God! Ac - cept- ed in the “Well-be-loved,” Near to God’s heart we lie. But when our pre - cions Lord we see, We shall His im- age bear. More like our ris - en, glo--rious Lord, Whose face we soon shall see. 4578' -'—"_ __— —. ==-9 EEEE:-.— =EE 1 HJJ’ Be - hold, whatmannor of love! . . . . .Whatman--ner of What mm-ner .of love, on. ’ "-r___ =--:._—==-=.==-._==_- — a—v—v - ' :_—I/ - ==='_U—I__I__I: love the Fa - ther hath be-stowed up - on us, That we that 9 A O r‘ O o r o ‘- AI — --——-- _ \U‘ ———_—— _-——_ _ v- _ —_——_—_- _/_ _- - we should be called, Should be called the sons the sons of God,

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