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Hydrometallurgy, 34 (1994) 399-400 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam Contents Vol. 34 Vol. 34 No. 1 Research papers Kinetics of acid leaching refining of an industrial Fe-Si alloy F. MargaridoJ,.P . Martins, M.O. Figueiredaon d M.H. Bast0os.................ccssccseseseeeesesenenerees Kinetics of cuprous sulphide leaching in acidic solutions P. Wandzilaandk Z. Adamczyk scence Simultaneous dissolution ofz inc ferrite and precipitation of ammonium jarosite F. Elgersma, G.J. Witkamp and G.M. van Rosmalen A fundamental rotating disk study of gold dissolution in iodine-iodide solutions T.N. Angelidis, K.A. Kydros and K.A. Matis Influence of process re-extraction—crystallization parameters on the properties of ammonium uranyl-tricarbonate crystals B. Yahi and A. Kebir Recovery of gold from thiourea solutions by flotation A.I. Zouboulis, K.A. Kydros and K.A. Matis Study of gold (III )-HCl-amine Alamine 304 extraction equilibrium system F.J. Alguacil and C. Caravaca Separation of neodymium from lighter rare earths using alkyl phosphonic acid, PC 88A N.V. Thakur, D.V. Jayawant, N.S. lyer and K.S. Koppiker Electrochemical recovery of bismuth in acidic media using a niobium electrode M. Zertoubi, M. Chatelut and O. Vittori Electrolytic manganese dioxide from chloride electrolyte J. Prabhakar Rethinaraj, S.C. Chockalingam, S. Kulandaisamy and S. Visvanathan Meeting Announcement Vol. 34 No. 2 Heavy metals in the environment. Part II: a hydrochloric acid leaching process for the recovery of nickel value from a spent catalyst A.J. Chaudhary, J.D. Donaldson, S.C. Boddington and S.M. Grimes. ................c-:ceseeeseeeeeeees The catalytic effect of some cations on the biological leaching of aS panish complex sulphide M.E. Escudero, F. Gonzalez, M.L. Blazquez, A. Ballester and C. Gomez Carbon paste electrodes in mineral processing: an electrochemical study of galena E. Ahlberg and J. Asbjérnsson Formation of ammonium paratungstate tetra- and hexa-hydrate. I: stability 3... Vem Fest, G5. WOR Gi GEO. Vitae FRG GIIID eceesecsectnncnvensrsesencsescnsssncnssenvesesvesenes Kinetics of dissolution of ZnO, MgO and their solid solutions in aqueous sulphuric acid Spee J. GuSpiel and W. Riesenkampf rene Dissolution characteristics of scheelite in HCI-C,H,OH-H,0 and HCI-C,H,OH solutions i. Girgin and F. Erkal....... seiipeieaiabteiinicebdhietahineapieesbadennsaaianlhiiaiahecndniabiaaniiaiaaaitil esitilinheiaiiiglanhpalitiiaitinsI 2 0304-386X/94/$07.00 © 1994 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 400 Electrodialysis of copper-thiourea solutions re, Pe, Te, BN I Sa CIO nics ciensncncscnssnninensenentnanninnsseeninesecsinnmmmnnnatesnciion . 231 Leaching behaviour of nickel in aqueous chlorine solutions and its application in the recovery of nickel frém a spent catalyst P. Alex, T.K. Mukherjee and M. Sundaresan Technical Notes The effect of some surfactants on the cathodic and anodic polarization of zinc and on the cathodic polarization of nickel electrodes in sulphate electrolytes EE EE a ee ee Se NENT Silver extraction from a refractory type ore by thiourea leaching NITE OUT, TTT ccnp ena ndehapiibeltieaiiineiliaaialsia” Ee ore a LEDf ol ote rr eT ETI TET Te EN A eR FEN ET ORR NAR re 275 ORNL AE ATT RIT TCT NS Ae NT ee OR Le TE NE TTS 277 Vol. 34 No. 3 Alkaline decomposition—cyanidation kinetics of argentian plumbojarosite ee aii. Se iti IIT, III vncceunenesiennneleipaiem ieipengeieleaiiiipedciiiniaehmahnagsnatiiominen Development of kinetic equations for the extraction of copper by LIX65N based on interfacial reaction mechanism CR EE RE ee ee RN SC Investigations into the separation of nitrate complexes of yttrium(II1) from neodymium (III) on anion exchangers of different cross-linking in the system CH,OH-H,O-HNO, es ee I ITT os icscsesenenensicensienpennnnitinitiniienenioniitaehaiainndtanaenedinmniiitiidibiniiatie 307 Diluent effect on extraction of tellurium(IV) and selenium (IV ) by tri-n butyl phosphate ey IOUT TL: SITsbnncpandieeaenliel o eleiaiisieeaaalaes 319 Sodium salts of DZEHPA, PC-88A and Cyanex-272 and their mixtures as extractants for cobalt(II) eee eg ean, eID URIS WSO a ceccrncnccsnnnsessensnnsoenonnsencoubetnentournhetinemtnnsnnases 331 Hypothesis about the origin of copper electrorefining slime ER ER EES ESS SE AECL Roar Sane eer Nes en ene een Ek er RS Sere HA NS DO nD 343 Solvent extraction separation studies of iron (III), cobalt (II), nickel (I1) and copper (II) from aqueous solution with |—phenyl—3—methyl—4-( p—nitrobenzoyl! )—5—pyrazolone M.O.C. Ogwuegbu and N.C. Oforka Practical application of potential-pH diagrams for Au-CS(NH,).—H,O and Ag-CS(NH;)>- H,0 systems for leaching gold and silver with acidic thiourea solution V. GaSpar, A.S. Mejerovich, M.A. Meretukov and J. Schmied] ...................cccccccccceeeeseeeeeeneeeeees 369 Refractory gold-bearing ores: a review of treatment methods and recent advances in oiotechnological techniques etekei ml 383 EE oe ene ae NE Pree Fe See ene 397 a. aa ae eeteatblienintinepetlemnteiinaiinaaatiianianntmdaeaneR 399 Guide for Authors Notes for Electronic Text Preparation

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