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Water-Resources investigations Report 96-4277 Hydrology and Tree-Distribution Patterns of Karst Wetlands at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee Prepared by the United States Geological Survey in cooperation with the United States Air Force, Arnold Engineering Development Center Cover photograph: Flooded interior of Sinking Pond. Photograph by W.J. Wolfe. Hydrology and Tree-Distribution Patterns of Karst Wetlands at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee BY WILLIAM J. WOLFE United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4277 Prepared in cooperation with the United States Air Force, Arnold Engineering Development Center Nashville, Tennessee 1996 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BRUCE BABBITT, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Gordon P. Eaton, Director Any use of trade, product, or firm name in this report is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey. For additional information write to: Copies of this report may be purchased from: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Information Services 810 Broadway, Suite 500 Box 25286 Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Denver, Colorado 80225-0286 CONTENTS Abstract.............................................................................................................................................................................1.. ... Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................1... . . Purposeandscope...................................................................................................................................................4.. . . Acknowledgments...................................................................................................................................................4.. . . Studyarea...............................................................................................................................................................4.. . .. Karst features.................................................................................................................................................4.. .. Soils, vegetation,andclimate............................................................................................................................5 Hydrogeology................................................................................................................................................6.. .. Hydrology.........................................................................................................................................................................7.. ... Site selectionanddatacollection.................................................................................................................................7 Waterlevelsanddischarge.....................................................................................................................................1..1.. . Geomorphiccontrolsof wet&mdwaterregimes.......................................................................................................2..0. Tree-distributionpatterns.................................................................................................................................................2..3.. . . Transectlocationsandsamplingmethods...............................................................................................................2..4.. Flooding-durationandelevationdistributionsof selectedtreespecies......................................................................2..6 Geomorphicandhydrologiccontrolson wetland-treedistribution............................................................................2. 9 Summaryandconclusions...............................................................................................................................................3..1.. .. Referencescited..............................................................................................................................................................3..3.. .. . Appendix 1. Commonandscientific namesof plantsidentifiedalongvegetationtransects.................................................39 Appendix2. Relativeimportanceandelevationquartilesfor treespeciesalongvegetation transectsin the Sinking Pondarea,Arnold EngineeringDevelopmentCenter.......................................................41 FIGURES l-2. Maps showing: Physiographic regions of Tennessee and location of The Barre.n...s............................................................... 2. Locationof Arnold EngineeringDevelopmentCenterandstudyarea............................................................ 3-4. Photographsshowing: 3. A karstpanin the Sinking Pondarea.............................................................................................................5.. 4. The internaldrainagesystemof a compoundsink northwestof Sinking Pond............................................... 6 5. Map showinglocationof monitoredwetlandsitesandwells at Arnold Engineering DevelopmentCente.r............................................................................................................................................8... . 6-8. Graphsshowing: 6. Waterlevelsin Sinking Pondandadjacentwells anddaily rainfall at WestallSwamp.................................. 11 7. Cumulativefrequencydistributionsof daily meanwaterlevel in Sinking Pondfor wateryears1993and 1994...........................................................................................................................1..2.. 8. Graphshowingcomparisonof daily rainfall at RowlandCreek,Arnold Engineering DevelopmentCenter,with monthly rainfall at Tullahoma,Tennessee,for water years1993and 1994andwith meanmonthly rainfall at Tullahomafor 1961-1990....................................... 13 9. Map showingtopographyof SinkingP ond...........................................................................................................1..5. 10-16. Graphsshowing: 10. Relationof daily meandischargeat Sinking Pondoutflow gageto stagein Sinking Pond andrainfall at WestallSwamp......................................................................................................................1..6.. 11. Waterlevelsin Willow Oak SwampandSinkingPond..................................................................................1.7 12. Waterlevelsin TupeloSwampandadjacentwells anddaily rainfall at WestallSwamp................................ 18 13. Relationof daily meandischargeat Sinking Pondinflow gageto stagein Tupelo Swampandrainfall at WestallSwamp..........................................................................................................1..9. 14. Waterlevelsin WestallSwampandadjacentwells anddaily rainfall at WestallSwamp............................... 20 Contents iii 15. Waterlevels in GoosePondandnearbywells anddaily rainfall at RowlandCreek...................................... 21 16. Comparisonof waterlevelsin four wetlandsitesat Arnold EngineeringDevelopment Centerduring theperiodOctober1993throughJanuary1995....................................................................... 22 17. Map showinglocationof vegetationtransectsin the Sinking Pondarea..............................................................2..5 18-20. Graphsshowing: 18. Relationof basalareato standdensityalong 10vegetationtransects in the Sinking Pondarea.................................................................................................................................. 27 19. Flooding-durationdistributionsfor selectedtreespeciesalongfive transects throughmonitored 20. Frequencydistributionsof elevationfor land surfaceandselectedtreespeciesalong five transectsthroughuninstrumentedwetlandsitesin the Sinking Pondarea............................................... 30 TABLES 1. Gagedatafor surface-waterstationsat Arnold EngineeringDevelopmentCenterwetlands................................. 9 2. Well-constructiondatafor continuouslymonitoredwells nearwetlandsat Arnold EngineeringDevelopmentCenter........................................................................................................................1..0. 3. Normal geographicrangesandpreferredsite characteristicsfor six wetlandtreespecies at Arnold EngineeringDevelopmentCenter.......................................................~... .............................................. 24 4. Summaryof lengths,areas,andforestdensityfor vegetationtransectsin the Sinking Pondarea......................... 26 CONVERSION FACTORS, VERTICAL DATUM, AND WELL-NUMBERING SYSTEM Mllltlply BY To obtain millimeters(mm) 0.0397 inch centimete(rcm) 0.3937 inch meter(m) 3.28084 foot kilometer(km) 0.621504 mile squarekilometer(km*) 0.3861 squaremile cubicmeterpersecond(m3/s) 0.0283 cubicfootpersecond degreeCelsius(“C) (9 degreeFahrenhe(iOt F) ‘Temp ‘F=1.8 temp ‘C+32. Sealeveland water level: In this report “sealevel” refersto the National GeodeticVertical Datum of 1929-a geodetic referencedatumderivedfrom a generaladjustmentof the first-orderlevel netsof the United StatesandCanada,formerly calledSeaLevel Datum of 1929. Well-numberingsystem:The U.S. GeologicalSurveyassignedeachwell in this reporta local well numberanda station identification number.The local well numberis usedasa conciselabel for a well. The stationidentification numberis used asanidentifier for site datastoredin the nationalcomputersystemof theU.S. GeologicalSurvey.Thesenumbering systemsareusedin addition to the well numbersassignedby Arnold EngineeringDevelopmentCenter. The local well numberin Tennesseeconsistsof threeparts:(1) an abbreviationof the nameof the countyin which the well is located;(2) a letter designatingthe 7.5-minutequadrangleon which the well is plotted; and(3) a numbergenerally indicating the numericalorderin which the well wasinventoried.For example,the local well numberCf:G-067indicates that the well is locatedin Coffee County on the “G” quadrangleandis identified aswell 67 in the numericalsequence. Quadranglesareletteredfrom left to right, beginningat the southwestcomerof the county. The stationidentification numberis a uniquenumberfor eachwell basedon latitudeandlongitude.The numberconsistsof 15digits. The first 6 digits denotedegreesm, inutes,andsecondsof latitude;the next 7 digits denotedegreesm, inutes,and secondsof longitude;andthe last 2 digits sequentiallyidentify wells within a l-secondgrid. iv Hydrology and Tree-Distribution Patterns of Karst Wetlands at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee Hydrology and Tree-Distribution Patterns of Karst Wetlands at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee By William J. Wolfe Abstract Swamp. The remaining five transects crossed intermittent drainageways that carry flow into or Flooding regimes, ground-water interac­ out of Sinking Pond. Transects through ponds had tions, and tree distribution patterns were deter- fewer trees but more basal area per unit area of mined in seasonally flooded sinkhole wetlands at land surface than did transects through channels. Arnold Engineering Development Center near Water tupelo (Nyssa aquaticu L.) dominated the Manchester, Tennessee.The wetlands are ecologi­ interior of Tupelo Swamp and had minimal over- cally significant becausethey support coastal-plain lap in terms of elevation and flooding duration plants and animals far from their typical ranges. with other wetland trees that were confined to the Surface-water stage, ground-water levels, ponds periphery. Overcup oak (Quercus Zyrutu rainfall, and streamflow were monitored at or near Walt.) dominated the interior of Sinking Pond. five wetland sites. Sinking Pond, Willow Oak Overlap between overcup oak and other wetland Swamp, and Westall Swamp are compound sinks trees in terms of elevation and flooding frequency with depths greater than 2.5 meters, visible inter­ was minimal across the deeper Sinking Pond nal drains, and complex bottom topography domi­ transect but was substantial across the shallow nated by coalesced sinkholes and connecting transect. Willow oak (Quercus phellos L.) domi­ channels. Tupelo Swamp and Goose Pond are nated the interior of Willow Oak Swamp and had a karst pans with depths less than 1.5 meters, flat relation to other wetland trees similar to that of bottoms, and without visible internal drains. Stage overcup oak in the shallow Sinking Pond transect. rose and fell abruptly in the compound sinks. Transects across broad swales had a relatively Maximum water depths ranged from 2.6 meters in large degree of vertical zonation among wetland Westall Swamp to 3.5 meters in Sinking Pond. and upland tree species. Along transects through Water levels in wells adjacent to Sinking Pond and well defined channels, elevation distributions of Westall Swamp rose and fell abruptly, correspond­ wetland and some upland tree species were ing closely to surface-water stage throughout peri­ grouped near each other and near the distribution ods of high water. The two karst pans filled and of land-surface elevations. drained more gradually, but remained flooded longer than the compound sinks. The maximum INTRODUCTION recorded water depths were 1.1 meters in Tupelo Swamp and 0.7 meter in Goose Pond. Water levels Wetlands within karst landforms are distributed in nearby wells remained lower than the stage in across the unglaciated uplands of the southeasternand the pans throughout the study period. Tree species south-central United States (Barclay, 1957; Greear, were identified and the elevations and diameters of 1967; Ellis and Chester, 1989; Jones, 1989). Southern individual trees were measured along 10 transects. karst wetlands constitute a small fraction of the Two transects crossed Sinking Pond, two crossed regional wetland areacompared with the coastal plains Tupelo Swamp, and one crossed Willow Oak and large alluvial valleys (Mitsch and Gosselink, Introduction 1 1993),but they make up a much larger proportion of nessee,oral cormnun., 1995).Disjunct taxa arenot wetlandswithin extensiveareasunderlain by carbon­ distributed evenly acrossThe Barrens,but arehighly aterocks. Many karst wetlandssupportnorthern and localized in discretesites,notably in seasonally coastal-plainplantsandanimalsthat areotherwiserare flooded karst depressions. or absentin southernuplands.The ecological signifi­ One of the most notable concentrationsof well­ canceof karst wetlandsis thus disproportionateto preservedBarrenswetlandsis locatedin and around their limited area(Killebrew and Safford, 1874; Sven­ Arnold Engineering DevelopmentCenter (AEDC), an son, 1941;Barclay, 1957;Greear, 1967;Ellis and aerospacetesting facility operatedby the U.S. Air Chester,1989;Jones,1989;Bowen and Pyne, 1995). Force nearManchester,Tennessee(fig. 2). The reser­ One extensiveconcentrationof karst wetlands, vation lies within The Barrensand includes about known locally as “The Barrens,” occurson the Eastern 0.24 squarekilometer (km2) of wetlands.Thesewet­ Highland Rim (fig. 1). Within the context of southern lands include three RegisteredNatural Landmarks karst wetlands,The Barrenscontainsan exceptionally (Sinking Pond,GoosePond,andthe AEDC Powerline rich and diverseassortmentof disjunct plants and ani­ Barrens); a fourth (May Prairie) is separatedfrom the mals. Disjunct plants have beenreportedfrom three reservationboundaryby a road (BenhamGroup, 1989; distinct ecological regions:the northern Appalachians, Bowen and Pyne, 1995). All of thesesitesand many the southernAtlantic and Gulf coastalplains, and the northern prairies (Svenson,1941; Shanks,1958; Kral, other wetlandsin the areasupportrare or protected 1973;DeSelm, 1981,1986,1989,1990; Bowen and plants and animalsincluding a wide variety of coastal- Pyne, 1995).Recently,severalcoastal-plainreptiles plain disjuncts (Svenson,1941;BenhamGroup, 1989; and amphibianshave also beenidentified (Brian Patterson,1989;Bowen and Pyne, 1995). At least68 Miller, Middle TennesseeStateUniversity, written rare and endangeredplants and animalshavebeen commun., 1995;Edward Clebsch,University of Ten- identified at AEDC, most of them in or nearkarst ILO’ 117’ Eastem Highland 0 25 50 KlLoM4xERs t ‘1’ I 0 25 so MILES Physiographicregionsmodifiedfrom Miller, 1974 TheBanenshasedmsoildalati0mS0ilConservationService,1991 figure 1. Physiographii regions of Tennessee and location of The Barrens. 2 HydrologysndTlw-oMbutlon~sofKlvstw-(It Amom Enghbserhg Dsve~ centsr, Tsnnessw bluIILh,,cu,u Plateau .E-‘ Escarpment FI f I Study .; I area I’ Normandv - I I Map modified hm Haugb andMahoney, 1994 0 1 2 3 4 KILOMETERS TENNESSEE 0’ 1 3 4 MILES EXPLANATION q INCORPORATED TOWNS SMY area 1\\\1 ARNOLD AIR FORCE BASE I I I t 1 LOCATION OF ESCARPMENT Figure 2. Location of Arnold Engineering Development Center and study area. mroductlofl 3 wetlands (David Campbell, TennesseeNature Conser­ assisted with plant identification. Professor Laurence vancy, written commun., 1995). Lewis of Clark University, Dr. Virginia Carter of the Balancing the goals of protecting natural U.S. Geological Survey Wetlands Research Program, resources with the mission of an active military facil­ and Dr. L. Katherine Kirkman of the J.W. JonesEco­ ity requires a detailed knowledge of environmental logical Research Center reviewed early drafts of this factors that affect ecologically sensitive sites. In the report and provided numerous helpful comments. case of karst wetlands, understanding the interactions Bradley Bryan and Timothy Diehl of the U.S. Geolog­ among geomorphic characteristics, flooding patterns, ical Survey were active in site reconnaissanceand and plant distribution is critical for effective natural planning the investigation. Along with Donald League resource management and protection. In order to and Ronald Kemp, they also provided invaluable develop such an understanding, the U.S. Geological assistancein the field. Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force, con­ ducted a study of the geomorphic features, hydrology, Study Area and tree-distribution patterns of several karst wetlands at AEDC. AEDC occupies an area of about 160 km2, of which about 10 percent is developed for industrial activities. The remainder is managedfor multiple uses, Purpose and Scope including wildlife, forestry, and agriculture (Benham This report describes the results of the hydro- Group, 1989). The study area straddles the divide logic study at AEDC. The technical scopeof the report between the Duck and Elk River drainage basins and includes field observations of geomorphic features, typifies the low-relief upland topography of The Bar­ hydrologic processesand tree-species distribution and rens (Burchett, 1977; Smalley, 1983). Surface drain- continuous or periodic monitoring of precipitation, age networks are weakly to moderately well surface-and ground-water levels, and streamflow. developed, with a high proportion of seasonally flow­ Specific objectives are: ing streams. Many of these streams flow into or out of 1. Describe typical geomorphic features associated seasonally flooded sinkholes. Ridges are typically with karst wetlands at AEDC. broad and relatively flat or gently undulating. The 2. Determine the relation between wetland water ridgetops are generally well drained but commonly regimes and ground-water system among karst contain small, shallow depressionswith poor drainage. wetland sites with contrasting vegetation and The elevation difference between headwater-valley sinkhole morphology. bottoms and the tops of adjacent ridges rarely exceeds 3. Characterize the distribution of tree-species 20 meters (m). Valley side-slope gradients typically within karst wetlands with different geomorphic range from 5 to 15 percent. and hydrologic characteristics and along the transitions between such wetlands and well- Karst Features drained uplands. Sinkholes-losed karst depressions with depth less than diameter (White, 1988)-and other karst Acknowledgments landforms are common features at AEDC and else- where in The Barrens. In comparison with the Penny- The staff at Arnold Engineering Development royal Plateau (White and others, 1970) in southern Center played a central role in this study from its Kentucky or the base of the Cumberland Plateau in inception through its conclusion. The support and Tennessee(White and White, 1983), karst features in assistance of Clark Brandon, Dennis Flatt, and Mark The Barrens have low relief and subtle surface expres­ Moran are gratefully acknowledged. William Patter- sion. A few sinkholes are deeper than 3 m, but most son of Louisiana State University generously shared are less than 2 m deep. his intimate knowledge of the soils and vegetation of At AEDC, wetlands occur in two distinct types the Sinking Pond area, including a strenuous week in of karst depressions-karst pans and compound sinks the field. David Campbell and Robert Brown of the (Wolfe, 1996). Karst pans are shallow, flat bottomed TennesseeNature Conservancy and Milo Pyne, Ten­ depressions with diameters ranging from 2 m to nesseeDepartment of Environment and Conservation, greater than 100 m and depths less than 1.5 m (fig. 3). 4 Hydrology and Tree-Distribution Patterns of Karst Wetlands at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee

Gagedatafor surface-waterstationsat Arnold .. mated based on daily stage and rainfall records from Vertical control was the Sinking Pond gage,.
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