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Hydrogenated dilute nitride semiconductors : theory, properties, and applications PDF

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“The electrical and optical properties of the technologically and scientifically important dilute H “T“hTehn eeitl reeicldeterci tcsraeiclm aailcn aodnn oddp uotciptcotaircls a plar orpepr oesprtterioretnsi egoslyf o tfih netfh ltueee ctnehccnehodnl oobglyoic gatihclleay l liaynn tardon dsdcu iscectniioetinnfi tciofaifcl laaylt loiymm ipimco prhotayrntdatr nodtgi ledunitl.eu tTeh is HHy nitnriitdvreiod lesue mmseei mcisoi cnaodnnu decuxtoccretosll reasn rtea sruest mrsomtnroagnrlyyg layinn fdiln urfeleunseconeucdrec deb yfb oytrh tethh eein mtirnootsdrtou rdceutcicoetnnio t nou fn odafe torasmttoaimcn idchi ynhdgyr oodfgr oeegnxe.p neT.r hiTmishe inst al yyd vovluomlrueems uiesl tiass n aa ennxd ec xescltlaeetlnelet- nostfu -smthumem-amarrayt ratyhn aedon rrdee strioecsuaorlcu esrc tfueod rfio etrsh etoh mfe otmhseot srfteo crreemcneat ntuiton undn,e drrseetrvasentradsniinbdgiiln iogtyf , o efax nepxdepr iemmriiecmnroetanslct aolp ic ddr resrueslstustlr tuasc ntadun rdset aostfte 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owrokirnkgin ogn o onr o wr iwthi tahn a n een intienrteesrte sint idni lduitleu tnei tnriitdreids.e”s.” Prof. Steve Pearton nna UnUivnUeiPvrnesriPoirvtsrfyeoi. tr oSfys.fit to SeFyftvl eooFevrlf oiP eFdre laiPoad,er raUiatd,o SrUatAn,oS UAnSA atatete ed d The nonlinear behavior of nitrogen and the passivation effect of hydrogen in dilute nitrides d The nonlinear behavior of nitrogen and the passivation effect of hydrogen in dilute nitrides D The noopnelnin tehaer bweahya vtoio rt hoef nmitarnougfeanc taunred othf ea pnaeswsiv caltaiossn oeff fnecatn oosf thruycdtruorgeedn dinev dicileust ew nitihtr iidne-ps lane D edited by open the way to the manufacture of a new class of nanostructured devices with in-plane Di ovsimtaprvsi rupmetiaarcnorvsi upttmi rtiaaucottorarthtruprniieuntaoeco a rtt tnoren iauwsto f tnaer ona aentsdmfy hn e t o t eidamstcohf noe ofeoitd m conh ptot fodheih tncopieu tecodfoh tc aniumpteclotod ch atapbitruloecnos tac ap biurnbctlostao afdy iapbnbclr acsatdayg 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pyhsiycsaicl aolr oigriing ionf ohfy hdyrdogroegneantiaotnio enf feefcfetsc,t as,n adn tdh tehire ir idde rolr eo li en ifnin fein set rsutrcutuctrualr aclh cahraacratecrtiezraiztiaotnio.n. ee S Dilute Nitride The book is not a simple assembly of the contributions of different groups on the subject; it S Dilute Nitride The book is not a simple assembly of the contributions of different groups on the subject; it Se Dilute Nitride The braotohke ri st enlolst tah sei mcopmlep alesstee mstbolryy oof ft hthee c aomntarzibinugti oenffse cotfs d oifff ehryednrto ggreonu pirsr aodnia tthioen s ufrbojmec tt;h iet first e ratrhateohrb etsre eltlresv laltsht iteoh nceso ctmoo pmthlepetl eed tisest cosotrvoye royry f o otfhf teth haeem iar amozraiingzgiinn ge af nfeedfcf ettsco t ops fo ohtfe yhndytridoagrl otegence hnirn riaordrlaoiadgtiyiao ttniroa nfnr osffmreor m. tTh hteeh fepir rsfiitmr sta ry emm obosbessrcveoarvptiaeot nioosfn ttsoh t teoh bteh odeoi sdkc iosiscv oteovrye g royuf i odthfe te hPireh oiDrr o igsrtiinug dianen nadnt std oa t pnodo pt oennteetwnia tlsi actelie ctnehtcnihsotnlsoo iglnoytg otyr atthnraesnf efsiref.e lTdr.h Taehn pedr pimtroiam irnyas rpyi re mi scoscposepi moe fil oatfhr teah nbea olbyosokios ikas pitspo tr ooga ugciduheied sPe ih nPD ho Dtsht uestrd ufeideneltdns sta.s n adn dn enwe wsc isecnietnisttiss tisn tinot oth teh feie flide ldan adn dto t oin sinpsirpei re iicc Semiconductors similar analysis approaches in other fields. co Semiconductors similar analysis approaches in other fields. o Semiconductors on n Gianluca Ciatto received his MS in physics from the University of Bologna, nd d GiGaniaIltunacllyua,c Ciani aC2ti0ato0tt 0ro e acrneecdive ehivdies hdPi shh iDMs SMin iSn p ipnhh ypyshisciyscs si( ccfsro ofnmrdo emtnh stehe Ude nUmivnaeitvrtseeirtrsy ia toynf d oB fso Bylonogclohngraon, tar,o n duu IrtaadIrltayiaad,rAl tyaiiiafn,od tt einiin2aor) 0t ni2f0ao)r0 o0 nf0mr t)o0ah f nm rrtaeodh nem ted-hh y Uieteshh n aUiPesirvn h PeUiDpvrhnose Diiisrvtnst ée dii tnprJoés hoi cptJystéhoeos iysprJceasohsipls c (ehFscpo p o(oFuhcnosor iduiFtneieorordinu eneisrrn nei e iasdnGret r dimGent nr hameGoetntrab eeotlErtenb eu,ola rerFbn o,ra ldpaFen ner,d saacFy nenrnsca, y ceninShn,c cyr iehonn2, tr0c ior2h0not04r nro02o. 4t0nr.0o 4n. ucctcto ThTheTeohoreyro,y rP,y Pr,o rPoprpoeerptreiteriesti,s ea, sna, ndadn A dAp Appppliclpiaclitacitoaiotninossns AfARteafrtdR eairaa d taiitao htnitro heFnerae -cFyeiael-icytaiyerli at(rEyp So(pREsoFStd)sR,to Fdhc)oe,t oh cjtroeoa inljr oaeiplnd oe pisdnoit sii2onit0n i02o 70na 0 tt7h a ettt hh Fteerh eeFEnr uecErhnou cnprhoae ptnaienaoatn inoaS lny Snsayylc nnhsccyrhhontrrcoorhottrnrrooo tnnro n toor Rafdaicafiatliictoiylni t SyFO aScLOiEliILtLyE I((LPE aS(rPRiasF r)ai,s rh eaear )ej oaai)ns eaads piane pr2me0r0am7n eatnnhete n rFter sereneascrehca hnr cashtti aosfntfa amflf semymnecbmherbro. etTrr.ho Tenhr ee, re, rrs faciliatyt tShOeL bEeILa m(Plainries SaIrReIaU)S a, sh ea isp einrm chanaregnet oref stehaer crhes estaarfcfh m lienme bdeerv. oTtheder eto, the s at the beamline SIRIUS, he is in charge of the research line devoted to the s at thset ubdeya molfi nseu rSfIaRcIeUsS, , ihnete irsf aince csh, aarngde onfa nthoes trreuscetuarrcehs loinf es edmevicootendd utoct othrse and study of surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures of semiconductors and magnetic mastteuridayls .o Hf issu rrefaseceasrc, hin itnetrefarecsetss, faoncdu sn oann ousntrduecrtsutraensd oinfg s ethmei csotnrudcutcutroer so fa nddef ects magnetic materials. His research interests focus on understanding the structure of defects magnanetdic c ommatpelreixaelss. iHni ss ermesiecaorncdhu icnttoerrse, smtsa fionclyu st horonu ugnhd tehrest aanpdpilnicga ttihone sotfr usycntucrher ootfr odne freacdtisa tion and complexes in semiconductors, mainly through the application of synchrotron radiation and tceocmhnpilqexueess .i Inn speamrtiiccounladr,u Dcrt.o Crsia, tmtoa iisn ilnyt ethrerostuegdh i nt hIIeI– Vap spemliciactoionnd uocft osyrsn fcohrr ooptrtoone lreacdtiraotnioicns and techniques. In particular, Dr. Ciatto is interested in III–V semiconductors for optoelectronics and technsoiqlaure cse. Ilnl a ppaprltiiccautliaorn, Ds ar.n Cdia itnt od iilsu itnet emreasgtneedt iinc sIIeI–mVi csoemndicuocntodrusc atnodrs o foxird oeps.t oHeel ehcatsr obneiecns awnodr king solar cell applications and in dilute magnetic semiconductors and oxides. He has been working C solarf coer l1l a5p ypelaicras toionn tsh aen sdt riunc dtuiluratel e mffaegctnse otifc h syedmroicgoenndauticotno ros na nddil uotxeid neistr. iHdee hseams biceoennd wuocrtkoirns.g H e is Ci faourfato uh1rtaa5o h1un ry5o tdoeh r yra aoo ercprsrao p orcoasloriun e oact dtuohnh tao ptehurhh o stoeyhtrs fr so oiu5ctrfrcs0 uo5t, urca0fe trn 5fuarde0elr r faeoreeleffe rfe feetdefwecf rpedetoscue ptbodbsuof l p iobochuflaky icbht dciaylorhitdocniaaogrspotn,ei tgomsne,ena romnssts.i,a ootmtlnsiyoto loinynsn t oilt nydhn itei lndhu f iettileueh fl tiednee ilf otdnierf ii oltdsdrfeei dosm seefe im scsmeoeimcimncodoiinccunodocdnuntuodcdctruuto mcocrttr oamost.rr e aHsmrt. eieHaa rilteissea rilssia ls Ciaiatatt and applied physics, and of two book chapters. tto and applied physics, and of two book chapters. to o V403 ISBN 978-981-44V6430-435-4 V403 ISBN 978-981-4463-45-4 ISBN 978-981-4463-45-4 Hydrogenated ed Dilute Nitride de Semiconductors rs Pan Stanford Series on Renewable Energy — Volume 2 Hydrogenated Dilute Nitride Semiconductors Theory, Properties, and Applications editors Preben Maegaard Anna Krenz Wolfgang Palz edited by Gianluca Ciatto The Rise of Modern Wind Energy Wind Power for the World CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2015 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S. Government works Version Date: 20150311 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-981-4463-46-1 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reason- able efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers. 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Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com February25,2015 13:49 PSPBook-9inx6in 00-Gianluca-Ciatto-prelims Contents Preface ix 1 AnOverviewofDiluteNitridesTheoryandProperties 1 EoinP.O’Reilly 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Band-AnticrossingModelofDiluteNitrides 5 1.3 ConductionBandStatesinGaNAs 10 1.4 AlloyScatteringandTransportinDiluteNitrideAlloys 15 1.5 DiluteNitrideLasers 19 1.5.1 TheoreticalAnalysisofDiluteNitrideLasers 21 1.5.2 ExperimentalAnalysisofDiluteNitrideLasers 24 1.6 SummaryandConclusions 28 2 EffectsofHydrogenationontheElectronicPropertiesof DiluteNitrides 31 GiorgioPettinari,AntonioPolimeni,andMarioCapizzi 2.1 Introduction 32 2.2 ExperimentalMethods 35 2.2.1 Hydrogenation 35 2.2.2 OpticalCharacterization 35 2.2.3 StructuralCharacterization 36 2.2.4 SampleGrowth 37 2.3 Hydrogen-InducedBand-GapTuning 37 2.4 Nitrogen–HydrogenComplexesandTheirSpatial Distribution 39 2.5 ReversibilityoftheHydrogenEffects 42 2.5.1 Thermal-InducedN–HComplexDissociation 43 2.5.2 Photon-InducedN–HComplexDissociation 48 2.6 Hydrogen-InducedTuningofElectronicProperties 53 February25,2015 13:49 PSPBook-9inx6in 00-Gianluca-Ciatto-prelims vi Contents 2.6.1 ElectronEffectiveMassinGa(AsN) 54 2.6.2 EffectiveMassRestorationupon HydrogenationandRelativeImportanceof DifferentNCStates 62 2.6.3 ElectronGyromagneticFactorinGa(AsN) 67 2.7 Conclusions 73 3 EffectofHonDefectsinDiluteNitrides 75 D.Dagnelund,W.M.Chen,andI.A.Buyanova 3.1 Introduction 75 3.2 Experiments 78 3.2.1 DescriptionoftheODMRTechnique 78 3.2.2 GaInterstitial-RelatedODMRSignal 80 3.2.3 Samples 82 3.3 GaNPAlloys 85 3.3.1 MechanismofDefectFormation 87 3.4 GaNAsAlloys 92 3.4.1 ODMR 92 3.4.2 DLTS 95 3.5 Conclusions 98 4 TheoryofHydrogeninDiluteNitrides 99 AldoAmoreBonapastaandFrancescoFilippone 4.1 Introduction 100 4.2 TheoreticalMethods 102 4.3 GeneralPropertiesofHinIII–VSemiconductors 107 4.4 NImpurityandH–NComplexesinDiluteIII–V Semiconductors 113 4.5 Energetics,ChargeStates,FormationMechanisms, andVibrationalPropertiesofH–NComplexes 116 4.6 MechanismofNPassivation 122 4.7 Conclusions 127 5 MicroscopicStructureofN–H ComplexesinDiluteNitride n SemiconductorsRevealedbyTheirVibrationalProperties 129 MichaelStavolaandW.BeallFowler 5.1 Introduction 129 5.2 VibrationalPropertiesoftheH–N–HComplex 130 February25,2015 13:49 PSPBook-9inx6in 00-Gianluca-Ciatto-prelims Contents vii 5.2.1 EffectofHIrradiationonNitrogenModes 131 5.2.2 TwoWeaklyCoupledN–HModes 134 5.2.3 ACantedH–N–HCenterandItsVibrational Properties:Theory 139 5.3 PiezospectroscopyoftheH–N–HCenter 141 5.3.1 SymmetryoftheH–N–HCenter 142 5.3.2 CantingDistortionoftheH–N–HCenter 146 5.3.3 ResponsetoaChallengetotheD–N–D Structure:SensitivityoftheN–DModesto Stress 149 5.4 MicroscopicExplanationofCompressiveStrain 152 5.4.1 IRSpectroscopyofGaAs1−yNy:DShowing CompressiveStrain 153 5.4.2 N–H Centerswithn>2BuiltfromanH–N–H n CoreStructure 157 5.5 Conclusion 159 6 StructureofNitrogen–HydrogenComplexesfromX-Rayand SynchrotronRadiationTechniques 161 GianlucaCiattoandFedericoBoscherini 6.1 Introduction 162 6.2 StructuralEffectsofHydrogenationofDiluteNitrides 163 6.3 X-RaySpectroscopiesofSemiconductors 168 6.3.1 X-rayAbsorptionSpectroscopy 168 6.3.2 EXAFSandXANES 173 6.3.3 SpectroscopyinDiffractionConditions:DAFS 177 Thebasicidea 177 Dataanalysis 179 Theexperimentalsetup 181 6.3.4 X-RayEmissionSpectroscopy 182 6.4 ExperimentalResultsandSimulations 185 6.4.1 LocalStructureofN–HComplexesinDilute Nitrides 185 6.4.2 EffectsofHydrogenationontheInteratomic Distances 195 6.4.3 ProbingtheLocalElectronicStructureof NitrogeninDiluteNitrides 201 6.5 Conclusions 204 February25,2015 13:49 PSPBook-9inx6in 00-Gianluca-Ciatto-prelims viii Contents 7 StoichiometryofNitrogen–HydrogenComplexesinDilute Nitrides 207 MarinaBerti,GabrieleBisognin,andDavideDeSalvador 7.1 Introduction 208 7.2 High-ResolutionX-RayDiffraction 210 7.3 IonBeamAnalysisTechniques 214 7.4 ResultsandDiscussion 219 8 TechnologicalApplicationsofHydrogenatedDiluteNitrides andPerspectives 227 RinaldoTrottaandMarcoFelici 8.1 Introduction 228 8.2 ControllingHydrogenDiffusioninDiluteNitrides: ANewGroundforNanotechnology 232 8.3 In-PlaneBand-GapEngineering:Site-Controlled SemiconductorNanostructures 238 8.3.1 FirstEvidenceofCarrierQuantum ConfinementinGaAsN/GaAsN:H Nanostructures 239 8.3.2 GaAsN/GaAsN:HSite-ControlledQuantumDots 242 8.4 LightPolarizationControlviaStrainEngineering 245 8.5 H-AssistedTailoringofPre-Existing,Site-Controlled InGaAsNNanostructures 250 8.6 “DirectWriting”Methods 252 8.6.1 ElectronBeamWriting 253 8.6.2 LaserAnnealing 255 8.7 OtherTechnologicallyRelevantPropertiesAffectedby Hydrogenation 255 8.7.1 RefractiveIndex 256 8.7.2 ElectricalResistance 258 8.8 ConclusionsandOutlook 259 Bibliography 265 Index 297 February25,2015 13:49 PSPBook-9inx6in 00-Gianluca-Ciatto-prelims Preface Dilute nitride semiconductors are an example of the failure of “linear”modelsforthephysicalpropertiesofsolids:theadditionof afewpercentofNtoGaAscauseschangesinthephysicalproperties thatareoppositetothoseexpected,assumingalinearinterpolation oftheGaAsandGaNproperties.Evenmoresurprisingly,theeffectof nitrogenincorporationcanbeeliminatedbyexposureofthesample toahydrogenflow.Thisbookaddressesindetailthemodifications of the electronic structure and optical and structural properties inducedbyatomichydrogenirradiationintechnologicallyrelevant dilute nitride semiconductors. The discussion of the experimental results from several techniques is enriched by state-of-the-art theoretical studies aimed at clarifying the origin of hydrogenation effects,whichresidesintheformationofspecificnitrogen–hydrogen complexes.Thenonlinearbehaviorofnitrogenandthepassivation effectofhydrogenindilutenitridesopenthewaytothemanufactory of a new class of nanostructures with in-plane variation of the opticalbandgap. The idea of this book emerged as an extension of an invited talkIgavein2011attheInternationalConferenceonMaterialsfor AdvancedTechnologies(ICMAT2011)inSingapore.Theearlyout- lineofamonographonthestructuraleffectsofhydrogenationwas expandedinordertocoverallaspectsrelatedtohydrogenateddilute nitride semiconductors, depending on the consideration that none of the books available on the topic of dilute nitrides had focused ontheeffectsofhydrogenation.Weestimated,indeed,thatthehuge numberofrecentpublishedresultsonthetheory,characterization, and nanomanipulation of hydrogenated dilute nitrides deserved collectionintheformofafree-standingreviewvolume. With the present book, which is born out of several exchanges andcollaborationsbetweenthedifferentauthors,weintendtotell

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