Hydrogen storage of calcium atoms adsorbed on graphene: First-principles plane wave calculations C. Ataca,1,2 E. Aktu¨rk,2 and S. Ciraci1,2,∗ 1Department of Physics, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey 2UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey (Dated: January 14, 2009) Based on the first-principles plane wave calculations, we showed that Ca adsorbed on graphene 9 can serve as a high-capacity hydrogen storage medium, which can be recycled by operations at 0 room temperature. Ca is chemisorbed by donating part of its 4s-charge to the empty π∗-band of 0 graphene. AttheendadsorbedCaatombecomespositivelychargedandthesemi-metallicgraphene 2 change into a metallic state. While each of adsorbed Ca atoms forming the (4×4) pattern on the n graphene can absorb up to five H2 molecules, hydrogen storage capacity can be increased to 8.4 a wt % by adsorbing Ca to both sides of graphene and by increasing thecoverage to form the(2×2) J pattern. Clustering of Caatoms is hinderedbytherepulsive Coulomb interaction between charged 4 Ca atoms. 1 PACSnumbers: 31.15.ae, 68.43.-h,82.30.Fi ] l al In order to develop an efficient medium of hydrogen π∗-states. The resulting positive charge of Ca atom is h storage, carbon based nanostructures functionalized by calculated to be ∼0.96 electrons10. The diffusion of the - transition metal atoms have been a subject of active singleCaatomadsorbedonthegraphenehastoovercome s e study1,2,3,4,5. Recently, Yoon et al.6 have demonstrated relatively small energy barriers of Q=118 meV and 126 m that covering the surface of C with 32 Ca atoms can meV to diffuse to the top site (i.e. on top of C atom) 60 . store8.4wt%hydrogen. Theirresult,whichiscrucialfor and bridge site (on top of the C-C bond), respectively. at safe and efficient hydrogen storage7, inspired us to con- Caatomadsorbedonthetoporbridgesitesbecomesless m sider graphene as the substrate material for Ca atoms. positively charged (∼ 0.89 and ∼ 0.92 electrons, respec- - GrapheneisprecursortoC60 andcarbonnanotubes,but tively). d beingasingleatomicplaneofgraphiteitsbothsidesmay A denser Ca coverage, which is energetically more fa- n be suitable for the adsorption of Ca atoms. Graphene vorable,is attained, if one Ca is adsorbedon each(2×2) o byitselfhasbeensynthesizedshowingunusualelectronic cellofgraphene withCa-Ca distance of4.92˚A. Ca atom c [ and magnetic properties8. adsorbedonthetopandbridgesiteshasabindingenergy In this paper, we showed that Ca atoms, in fact, can of 0.86 and 0.89 eV, respectively. However, energetically 1 be bound on both sides of graphene plane and each Ca mostfavorableadsorptionsiteisfoundtobethe H1site, v atom absorbing four H results in a medium of high- which is 2.15 ˚A above the graphene with a binding en- 2 2 4 capacity hydrogen storage of 8.4 wt %. In the present ergy of 1.14 eV. Here, the Ca-Ca coupling is subtracted 9 case the binding energy of the fourth H2 absorbed by from the calculated binding energy. In this dense (2×2) 1 Ca atomis still significantandis ∼300meV. While each coverage, a stronger electric field is induced between Ca 1. Caatomdonatespartofitschargetothegraphenelayer, atoms and the graphene layer, which, in turn, leads to a 0 graphene,byitself,havingFermisurfaceconsistingofsix larger back-donation of charge from the graphene layer 9 points at the corners of the hexagonal Brilloiun zone, is to3d-orbitalsofCaatom. HencebyincreasingCacover- 0 metallized. These results are obtained from our study agefrom(4×4)to(2×2),adsorbedCaatomsbecomeless v: based on first-principles calculations9. positivelycharged,buttheirbindingenergyincreases. As i We first consider the adsorption of a single Ca on the demonstratedinFig.1,evenifitis energeticallymorefa- X vorable,the clustering of adsorbedCa atoms is hindered graphene as the substrate material. This is modeled by r by the Coulomb repulsion. a one Ca atom adsorbed on the hollow site (namely H1 site above the center of hexagon) for each (4×4) cell of graphene (namely one Ca atom for every 32 carbon atoms). The Ca-Ca interaction is indeed negligible ow- We next consider the double sided adsorption of Ca. ing to large distance of ∼ 9.84 ˚A between them. A The binding energy of second Ca atom for the double chemical bonding occurs between Ca and C atoms with sided adsorption with H1+H2 and H1+H3 configura- a binding energy of 0.99 eV and Ca+graphene distance tion indicated in Fig.2 (c), is 1.27 and 1.26 eV, respec- of 2.10 ˚A. Similar to the bonding mechanism of Ca on tively. Since the repulsive Coulomb interaction between C , Ca atom donates part of its charge from 4s-orbital Ca atoms on the upper and lower part of the plane is 60 to the π∗-bands ofgraphene. Due to the formationofan screened by the negative charge around graphene, the electric field between Ca atom and the graphene layer, bindingenergyofCaatominthedoublesidedadsorption part of this charge is then back-donated6 to the unoccu- is larger than that in the single sided adsorption. It is pied 3d-orbitals of Ca through their hybridization with alsofoundthat3d-orbitalsofbothCaatomshavehigher 2 magnesium do not form strong bonds with graphene. Since Be has ionization potential of 9.32 eV11 which is much higher than that of Ca atom (6.11 eV), the charge ofits2s-orbitalcannoteasilytransferredtothegraphene layer. A similar situation occurs also with Mg having an ionizationpotentialof7.64eV.Besides,thehybridization ofπ∗−orbitalsofgraphenewiththed-orbitalofCaatom, whichisabsentinbothBeandMgplaysanessentialrole instrongbindingofCatographene. However,TiandCo form strong bonds (with binding energies 1.58 and 1.20 eVforthe(2×2)adsorptionpattern,respectively)12. The binding energies of Fe, Cr and Mo are rather weak. TheaboveargumentsrelatedwiththebindingofCato FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) Top-right panel: A (4×4) cell of grapheneareconfirmedbyexaminingthebandstructure graphenehavingfourCaatoms. AsCaattheinitialposition and the charge difference isosurfaces presented in Fig.2. 0 is moved in the direction of the arrow, its z-coordinate is optimized. The remaining three Ca atoms are fully relaxed. Both H1+H2 and H1+H3 adsorption configurations are Beyond theposition 2 of thefirst Ca, theCoulomb repulsion included in our calculations because there is a small en- pushes the second Ca atom in the same direction through ergy difference (H1+H2 structure is 26 meV more ener- ′ ′ ′ positions 3 4 and 5 to maintain a distance with the first getic.) between them. Hence, both adsorption configu- Ca. Top-left: ThevariationofenergyasthefirstCaismoves rationsshouldbeobservableatroomtemperaturecondi- throughpositions1-5. (b)Bottom-rightpanel: TwoCaatoms tions. Charge difference isosurfacesare obtained by sub- adsorbed on each (4×4) cell of graphene with their initial tracting charge densities of Ca and bare graphene from ′ positions 0 and 0 . As t′he fir′st Ca moves from 0 to 1, the thatofCa+graphene,namely∆ρ=ρCa+Gr−ρCa−ρGr. second onemovesfrom 0 to1 havingtheCa-Cadistanceof It is seen that there is a significant charge accumula- 3.74 ˚A, whereby the energy is lowered by ∼0.176 meV. Two tionbetweentheadsorbedCaatomandgraphene,which Caatomsarepreventedfrombeingclosertoeachotherandas forms the ligand field. Partial occupation of 3d-orbitals thefirstCamovesfrom1to2,3,4and5positions,thesecond ofCacanbemostclearlydemonstratedbytheprojected ′ ′ ′ ′ onereverseshisdirectionandmovesthrough2 ,3 ,4 and5 density of states in Fig.2 (b). The empty π∗−bands be- in thesame direction as thefirst Ca atom. Bottom-left: The come occupied through charge transfer from 4s-orbitals variation of theenergy with thepositions of Ca atoms. ofadsorbedCaandeventuallygetdistorteddueto3d−π∗ hybridizationbetween3d-orbitalsofCaandthestatesof π∗−bands as a result of the charge back-donation pro- occupanciesascomparedwithCaatominthesinglesided cess. Occupation of distorted graphene π∗−bands gives adsorption. It is noted, however, that the partial occu- risetothe metallizationofsemi-metallicgraphenesheets pancyof3d-orbitalsofCaatomdoesnotcauseanymag- for all adsorption sites. It is also seen that charge den- netic properties in the system. Our results indicate that sity around graphene layer increased significantly as a a stable and uniform Ca coverage up to Θ=12.5 % (Θ= result of double sided adsorption of Ca. The increase 25%)canbeattainedforsinglesided(double sidedwith of charge back-donation to 3d-orbitals becomes clear by H1+H2 or H1+H3) adsorptionforming a (2×2) pattern. the increased 3d-projected density of states below the Finite-temperature ab initio molecular dynamics sim- Fermilevel. Changingthe adsorptionconfigurationfrom ulations have also been carried out for Ca adsorbed on H1+H2 to H1+H3 does not make any essential changes the (2×2) graphene unit cell for H1 geometry. Simula- in the electronic structure. One notes that the position tions are performed by normalizing the velocities of the of Fermi energy and hence electron density can be mon- ions and increasing the temperature of the system grad- itored by the controlled doping of Ca atoms. Metalliza- ually from0 K to 900K in 300time steps. The duration tion process is alsoimportant for graphenenanoribbons, of time steps are intentionally taken as 3 fs, which is which form conductive interconnects and spintronic de- relatively longer for a MD calculation. If the system is vices in the same nanostructure12,13. It might be an in- unstable,the geometryofthe structurecanbe destroyed terestingstudytoinvestigatethemagneticandelectronic much easier in long time steps. While the bonding be- propertiesofCaadsorptionongraphenenanoribbonsdue tween adsorbed Ca atom and the graphene layer is sus- to its different bonding mechanism. tained, the adsorbed (2×2) Ca layer begins to diffuse on thegraphenelayerasthetemperatureofthesystemrises over ∼300 K. However,no structuraldeformation is ob- servedindicatingthattheCa+Graphenesystemisfound We next study the absorption of hydrogen molecules to be stable up to 900 K within 300 time steps. by Ca atoms. A summary of energetics and geome- Other alkaline-earth metals, such as beryllium and try related with the absorption of molecular H for H1, 2 3 FIG. 2: (Color online) (a) The (2×2) cell of graphene lattice and the energy band structure of bare graphene folded to the (2×2) cell. (b) Single Ca atom is adsorbed on the H1 adsorption site of the (2×2) cell of graphene, energy band structure and corresponding total density of states (dotted blue-dark curve) and partial density of states projected to Ca-3d orbitals (green-gray). Isosurfaces of the difference charge density, ∆ρ, with pink (light) and blue (dark) isosurfaces indicating charge accumulation and charge depletion regions. Isosurface charge density is taken to be 0.0038 electrons/˚A3. (c) Similar to (b) (excludingthepartialandtotaldensityofstates),butCaatomsareadsorbedonbothsidesofgrapheneattheH1andH2sites. (H1+H3configurationisalsoshown.) (d)PartialdensitiesofstatesonH-s (red-dark)andCa-3d (green-gray)orbitalsfor2,3, and4H2 absorbed in H1configuration,and also isosurface ofdifferencechargedensities correspondingto4H2+Ca+Graphene configuration. Zero of band energy is set to theFermi energy, EF. H1+H2, and H1+H3 sites for the (2×2) and H1 site for bution to the states below the Fermi level increase with the(4×4)coveragearegiveninFig.3. Thebindingmech- increasing number of H molecules. Broadening of the 2 anismofH invokesnotonly the adsorbedCa atom,but molecularlevelofH at∼−9eVindicatessignificantH - 2 2 2 also the graphene layer. In the case of single and dou- H interaction,thatinturnincreasesthebindingenergy. 2 ble H absorption, the absorbed molecules are parallel Infact,the bindingenergyofthe firstH moleculetoCa 2 2 tographeneandallhydrogenatomsareequidistantfrom atomwhichpreferstobeparalleltothegraphenelayeris Ca atom. As a result, both hydrogen atom of each ab- generally small. Whereas the averagebinding energy for sorbed H have the same excess charge of ∼ 0.08 elec- two H molecules which are againlocated parallelto the 2 2 trons. Once the number of H absorbed by each Ca graphenelayer,andforthreeormoreH moleculeswhich 2 2 atom exceeded two, absorbed H molecules tent to tilt are tilted around Ca atom are larger. We note that the 2 towards Ca atom because of increased positive charge of adsorption of Ca atoms and also H molecules slightly 2 Ca atom and the symmetry of the bonding configura- affect the underlying graphene lattice and C-C distance. tion of H molecules. The charge of Ca, H atom closer The average C-C distance of bare graphene is increased 2 to Ca, H atom farther from Ca and graphene are calcu- from 1.41 ˚A upon adsorption of Ca and absorption of lated for 8H2+2Ca+Graphene system corresponding to H2 todc valuesindicatedinall(2×2)structuresinFig.3. H1+H2 configuration in Fig.3 to be ∼ +1.29, ∼ −0.06, SinceCa-Cainteractionisnegligiblein(4×4)structures, ∼ −0.11 and ∼ −1.23 electrons. One hydrogen atom of there is no variation in average C-C distance. tilted H , which is closer to Ca has more excess charge 2 Maximum number of absorbed H per adsorbed Ca than the other one. It is important to note that charges 2 atomisfourforthe(2×2)coverageyieldingaH storage transferred to absorbed H are not only from Ca atom. 2 2 capacity of 8.4 wt % and five for the (4×4) coverage of Graphene atoms at close proximity also supply charge graphene. The reason why we include the (4×4) cover- through back-donation process. At the end, ionic bond- age even if the resulting gravimetric density is very low ingthroughattractiveCoulombinteractionbetweenpos- (∼ %2.3 wt), is to mimic the Ca-H interaction in the itively charged Ca and negatively charged H and weak 2 absenceofH -H interactionoccurringinthe (2×2)cov- van der Waals interaction are responsible for the forma- 2 2 erage. Fifth H molecule can be bound to the top of tion ofmixed bonding betweenH molecules and Ca ad- 2 2 Ca atom in the (4×4) coverage with a significantly high sorbed on graphene. The above discussion is substan- binding energy. Other 4 H molecules remain in quadri- tiated by the partial density of states in Fig.3(d). The 2 excesschargeonH-s andCa-3d orbitalsandtheircontri- lateralpositionsaroundCa. Whenwecomparegraphene withC 6,wecanconcludethatC withasingleCaad- 60 60 4 FIG.3: (Coloronline)SitesandenergeticsofCaadsorbedongraphenewiththe(2×2)coverageandabsorptionofH2molecules byCa atoms. dc istheaverage C-Cdistance inthegraphenelayer. EL is thebindingenergy of Ca atom adsorbed on H1-site, which is a minimum energy site. For H1+H2 or H1+H3 configurations corresponding to double sided adsorption, EL is the binding energy of the second Ca atom and EL is the average binding energy. For H1, H1+H2 and H1+H3 configurations, E1 th is the bindingenergy of the first H2 absorbed by each Ca atom; En (n=2-5) is thebinding energy of thelast n H2 molecule absorbed by each Ca atom; En is the average binding energy of n H2 molecules absorbed by a Ca atom. Last row indicates the sites and energetics of one Ca atom adsorbed on each (4×4) cell of graphene and absorption of H2 molecules by each Ca atom. Only the (4×4) coverage can absorb 5 H2 molecules. The shaded panel indicates energetically the most favorable H2 absorption configuration. sorbedonthesurfaceyieldssimilarresultswiththe(4×4) sorption of Ca atoms. Electrons donated by Ca is ac- coverage on graphene. However, increasing Ca coverage commodatedpartlybytheπ∗−bandsofgraphene,partly adsorption results in lower binding energies of absorbed back donated to its 3d-orbitals. Ca atoms can be bound H moleculesinthe presentcase. Unfortunately,wecan- to both sides of graphene and can attain 25% coverage 2 not comment on the case of high Ca coverage of C , without clustering. Secondly, we found that each ad- 60 since Yoon et al.6 did not give details on the energetics sorbedCacanabsorbupto fourhydrogenmolecules. At ofH moleculesindenserCaadsorption. Theyhavejust full coverage this yields a storage capacity of ∼8.4 wt%, 2 emphasized that adsorption of 32 Ca results in full cov- which is higher than the value set for feasible gravimet- erage of C surface and this structure can absorb up to ric density of hydrogen storage. The calculated bonding 60 92 H molecules with binding energy of ∼ 0.4 eV. Un- energiesofhydrogenmoleculesaresuitableforroomtem- 2 der these circumstances, single Ca atom can hold only 3 perature storage;while above the room temperature hy- H molecules. In graphene structures, while the charge drogenmoleculesarereleased,Caatomsremainadsorbed 2 on (ie. charge depletion or positive charge) Ca increases on graphene for further recycling. Even though storage withincreasednumberoftheabsorbedH molecules,the capacities higher than the present case is achieved5 in 2 electricfieldaroundCaincreases. This,inturn,resultsin different nanostructures, our results may be important adecrementinthedistancebetweenadsorbedCaandpo- for efficient hydrogen storage since graphene flakes are larizedH molecules. The chargeongraphenedecreases, now easily available. 2 as well. In conclusion, this paper deals with two different sub- This work is supported by TUBITAK through the jects which are of currentinterest; namely graphene and grantTBAG104536. 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