REVIEW published:12September2016 doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01343 Hydrogen Peroxide and Polyamines Act as Double Edged Swords in Plant Abiotic Stress Responses KamalaGupta1,2*,AtreyeeSengupta1†,MayukhChakraborty1†andBhaskarGupta1,3* 1DepartmentofBiologicalSciences,PresidencyUniversity,Kolkata,India,2DepartmentofBotany,GovernmentGeneral DegreeCollege,AffiliatedtoUniversityofBurdwan,Singur,India,3DepartmentofZoology,GovernmentGeneralDegree College,AffiliatedtoUniversityofBurdwan,Singur,India The specific genetic changes through which plants adapt to the multitude of environmental stresses are possible because of the molecular regulations in the system.Theseintricateregulatorymechanismsonceunveiledwillsurelyraiseinteresting questions. Polyamines and hydrogen peroxide have been suggested to be important signaling molecules during biotic and abiotic stresses. Hydrogen peroxide plays a versatile role from orchestrating physiological processes to stress response. It helps to achieveacclimatizationandtolerancetostressbycoordinatingintra-cellularandsystemic Editedby: SarvajeetSinghGill, signalingsystems.Polyamines,ontheotherhand,arelowmolecularweightpolycationic MaharshiDayanandUniversity,India aliphatic amines, which have been implicated in various stress responses. It is quite Reviewedby: interesting to note that both hydrogen peroxide and polyamines have a fine line of VasileiosFotopoulos, CyprusUniversityofTechnology, inter-relationbetweenthemsincethecatabolicpathwaysofthelatterreleaseshydrogen Cyprus peroxide.Inthisreviewwehavetriedtoillustratetherolesandtheirmultifacetedfunctions MirzaHasanuzzaman, ofthesetwoimportantsignalingmoleculesbasedoncurrentliterature.Thisreviewalso Sher-e-BanglaAgriculturalUniversity, Bangladesh highlightsthefactthatoveraccumulationofhydrogenperoxideandpolyaminescanbe *Correspondence: detrimentalforplantcellsleadingtotoxicityandpre-maturecelldeath. KamalaGupta [email protected] Keywords:polyamines,hydrogenperoxide(H2O2),reactiveoxygenspecies(ROS),nitricoxide(NO),abscisicacid BhaskarGupta (ABA),abioticstresstolerance [email protected] †Theseauthorshavecontributed INTRODUCTION equallytothiswork. Life and stress go hand in hand for all living organisms but in case of plants, being sedentary Specialtysection: Thisarticlewassubmittedto organisms,stresshastobedealtwithinaspecialway.Plantsaresubjectedtoconstantenvironment PlantPhysiology, changes forcing them to fine tune their metabolic processes in order to maintain a steady state asectionofthejournal balance of the energy production and consumption. A dedicated-signaling network influencing FrontiersinPlantScience the three main metabolic processes—photosynthesis, respiration, and photorespiration—help in Received:27March2016 overcoming the imbalance, thereby maintaining growth, and productivity. The main fallout of Accepted:22August2016 metabolic imbalance is oxidative stress caused due to the excess production of reactive oxygen Published:12September2016 species (ROS). Therefore, in order to maintain normal growth and development the plants Citation: orchestrate a myriad of stress responsive metabolites like proline and polyamines, along with GuptaK,SenguptaA,ChakrabortyM several antioxidative enzymes, that help to detoxify the ROS. Recent studies have also revealed andGuptaB(2016)Hydrogen thecapabilityofROStoactassignalingmoleculesinactivatingdefenseresponses(reviewedbyGill PeroxideandPolyaminesActas andTuteja,2010;Guptaetal.,2013a;Páletal.,2015;Sahaetal.,2015).Thus,ROSareconsidered DoubleEdgedSwordsinPlantAbiotic nowadaysasnotonlytoxicbyproductsofaerobicmetabolismwithstrictlycontrolledcellularlevels, StressResponses. Front.PlantSci.7:1343. but they also function as signaling agents regulating many biological processes and producing doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.01343 pleiotropiceffects(Gadjevetal.,2008;Mittleretal.,2011). FrontiersinPlantScience| 1 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress Polyamines—putrescine, spermidine, and spermine—which indicate that the plant’s responses to two or more factors are are present in multitude of living organisms are a group of unique and differ from the response to one factor only. For lowmolecularweightpolycationswithdiversephysiologicaland example, subjecting the plants to only drought stress leads to developmentalfunctionsessentialforeventssuchassenescence high content of proline, but subjecting the same species to andstressresponses(Royetal.,2005;Guptaetal.,2014;Nahar droughtcombinedwithhightemperatureleadstohighcontentof et al., 2016). Counterbalancing cellular levels of ROS, in order sucroseandothersugars,butnotproline.Hence,Mittler(2006), tomaintainahealthyenvironmentforthecellstothrive,isone studying all prevailing abiotic factor has suggested treating of the major roles played by polyamines (Miller et al., 2010; this situation as a new stress condition that he called “stress Sahaetal.,2015).Hydrogenperoxide(H O )isoneofthekey combination.” Several studies have established the role of ROS 2 2 ROS molecules produced in living cells from various internal as a key signaling molecule in initiating defense mechanism sources.Particularlyinplants,themajorprocessesthatleadtothe in response to environmental stresses and pathogen infections productionofH O involvephotorespirationorC cycle,which by modulating pathways involved in different developmental 2 2 2 includes three different organelles—chloroplast, mitochondria, processes and programmed cell death (PCD) (Mittler et al., and peroxisome. Of these, mitochondrial and chloroplastidial 2011; Baxter et al., 2014). Different abiotic stress factors such electron transport chain and oxidation of fatty acids in the as drought and salinity have been found to augment the mitochondrial matrix play a major role in contributing to the production of ROS and lead to ROS-associated injury (Miao H O pool within the cell. In addition, pathogenic infections et al., 2006; Abbasi et al., 2007; Zhu et al., 2007; Giraud et al., 2 2 mightalsoinduceanoxidativestressleadingtooxidativeburst. 2008). ROS scavenging properties have also been identified In fact both the production and scavenging of H O act in by the increased cellular accumulation of sugar alcohols such 2 2 synchrony to tide out plants during stress conditions (Miller as mannitol, sorbitol, and inositol. Transgenic tobacco with etal.,2010). increased mannitol concentration confers protection to the cell The paradox of H O physiology is indeed an interesting from oxidative damages by increasing its scavenging capacity. 2 2 one—on one hand at lower concentrations it initiates various Moreover,mannitolaccumulationsdonotshowanydeleterious intra cellular signaling activities while at higher concentrations effect on plants, thus proving that sugar does not show any it is malevolent for the cellular metabolites (Gechev and Hille, maliciousfeedback(Bolouri-Moghaddametal.,2010).Intensity 2005;Bhattacharjee,2012).ROSlevelswhentoohighmightlead of light has also remained a potent stress for plants and tometabolicdysfunctioningofplantcellsandatthesametime the triggering of common pathways has been illustrated in induce nucleic acid, protein, and lipid damages (Anjum et al., a number of studies. The main effect of high light intensity 2015). To combat oxidative stress, plants produce metabolites is the damage to the chloroplasts and the antennae complex and molecules like polyamines and H O (Mittler et al., 2011). (Davletovaetal.,2005;Molleretal.,2007;Triantaphylidèsetal., 2 2 Sub-cellular organelles like the mitochondria and chloroplasts 2008). The maximal efficiency of PSII and the accumulated are also key regulators in the sense that alterations in carbon ROS, share a linear relationship between each other. Thermal metabolism during stress in these compartments also help in damage to photosystems leads to less absorption of photon. metaboliccoordinationtoavoidexcessivegenerationofROSand In severe thermal stress conditions, the photons absorbed by oxidative damage (Takahashi and Murata, 2008; Baxter et al., PSI and PSII are considered as surplus electrons, and serve 2014). as the source of ROS (Moller et al., 2007). High atmospheric The focus of this review is to decipher the roles of CO levels have been found to stimulate photosynthesis in C3 2 the two important players—H O and polyamine—either plants because of decreased photorespiration, which is widely 2 2 antagonistic or agonistic or both and to try to elucidate a accepted as a major source of H O (Miller et al., 2008). 2 2 relationship between them, which eventually modulate the Therefore, low CO level activates ROS generation leading to 2 signaling cascades that are initiated in response to abiotic the activation of abiotic and biotic stress responses (Munné- stress. Bosch et al., 2013). H O mediates the expression of a number 2 2 of genes—H O induced transcripts have been found to play 2 2 an important role and encoded proteins with functions such ROS AND POLYAMINES—KEY PLAYERS IN as metabolism, cellular energy production, protein destination ABIOTIC STRESS RESPONSE and transport, cellular organization and biogenesis, cell rescue of defense, and transcription (Desikan et al., 2001; Neill et al., In this modern era of food security, the ever-increasing level 2002)(Figure1).ActivationofsignalingmoleculessuchasCa2+, of population demands a robust scientific approach for proper salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), harvest and increase of food crops. From drought to salt and ethylene, nitric oxide (NO) have been reported to be directly metaltoxicitytotemperature—stressconditionsareomnipresent or indirectly linked with H O signaling and vice versa. More 2 2 andhavetobedealtwithproperlywithoutcreatinganyadverse studies have provided evidence that H O itself is a key signal 2 2 effect on the essential metabolome. The crop productivity of moleculemediatingaseriesofmolecularstressresponses,being the entire world in this era of food security remains a matter a part of the signaling cascade (Desikan et al., 2004), and of great concern. It has been observed for a long time that activating many other important signal molecules (Ca2+, SA, most damage to crop plants in fields occur when two or ABA,JA,ethylene,NO)ofplants(SchieberandChandel,2014; morestressesareprevailing(Mittler,2006).Mostrecentstudies Vaahteraetal.,2014).Thesesignalmoleculesfunctiontogether FrontiersinPlantScience| 2 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress FIGURE1|Dualroleofintercellularhydrogenperoxides. and play a complex role in signal transduction of resistance POLYAMINES—ANABOLISM, responses, and growth and development in plant. H2O2 as a CATABOLISM, AND CONJUGATION signaling molecule has drawn attention in the last decade or so and ample evidence has been found which supports these Polyamine biosynthesis in plants progress through the assumptions (Dat et al., 2000; Baxter et al., 2014; Saha et al., decarboxylation step(s) of ornithine or arginine (Figure2). 2015).Apartfromitsroleasmasterplayerinplantstressresponse Inthepresenceofenzymes,namelyeitherornithineorarginine regulator it was also reported as the most basic key ingredient decarboxylases (ODC or ADC), the diamine putrescine is inregulatingseveralphysicalandphysiologicalaspectsofplant formed. The ADC pathway, which yields putrescine, consists growthanddevelopmentsuchascellcycle,stomatalmovement, of three sequential enzymatic steps, beginning from agmatine photosynthesis, photorespiration, and senescence (Bright et al., iminohydrolase (AIH) and ending at N-carbamoyl putrescine 2006;Mittleretal.,2011). amidohydrolase (CPA). Sequential addition of aminopropyl Exogenous application of molecules like polyamines has groupstoputrescineandspermidineleadstosynthesisofhigher remained an important genre of studying ways to ameliorate molecular weight polyamines by the activity of spermidine stress in plants (Roy et al., 2005; Farooq et al., 2009; Gupta synthase and spermine synthase. SAM decarboxylase helps in K. et al., 2012; Gupta S. et al., 2012; Sengupta et al., 2016). generating the amino-propyl groups (Figure2). Analysis and Abiotic stress causes drastic changes in the pathways involved characterizationofgenesencodingtheseenzymesinArabidopsis in the metabolism of N2 and polyamine. The exact role of hasshownthatinthisplantthereisonlyADCactivityandthe thesepolycationicmoleculeshadremainedundefinedformany ODC activity is not detectable (Hanfrey et al., 2001), whereby years. With the use of model systems like Arabidopsis thaliana, indicating that putrescine is produced exclusively through the there has been a global approach in deciphering the role of ADCpathway.Moreover,ithasbeenfoundthatinArabidopsis the polyamines and unveiling its metabolic pathway (Ferrando therearetwogenesencodingADC(ADC1andADC2),asingle et al., 2004). According to recent studies, the maintenance of gene, each for AIH and CPA (Janowitz et al., 2003; Piotrowski properequilibriumofitscatabolicandanabolicpathwaysalong etal.,2003)andatleastfourforSAMdecarboxylase(SAMDC1, with the modulations of H2O2 level during these processes SAMDC2,SAMDC3,andSAMDC4)(Uranoetal.,2004).Also,it indeed help plants to tide over stress and adapt properly hasbeenfurtherobservedthattherearetwogenesforspermidine to the surrounding environment. Recent studies indicate that synthase(SPERMIDINES1andSPERMIDINES2). the redox gradient across the plasma membrane is a key Both anabolic and catabolic pathways regulate the levels of sensor of global climatic change and a crucial regulator of polyamine whose intracellular levels depend not only on their redox signaling (Munné-Bosch et al., 2013). The impact of biosynthesis but also on catabolic and conjugation reactions. this global climate change on agriculture will be enormous Two main enzymes namely amine oxidases, in particular and it is essential for our survival to note various aspects of diamineoxidases(DAO)andpolyamineoxidases(PAO),catalyze H2O2 function and crosslinks with regulatory molecules like the deamination of polyamines. DAOs display high affinity polyamines. for diamines, while PAOs oxidize secondary amine groups FrontiersinPlantScience| 3 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress FIGURE2|Polyaminemetabolism:PA,Polyamine;ODCandADC,Ornithineorargininedecarboxylase;AIH,agmatineiminohydrolase;CPA, N-carbamoylputrescineamidohydrolase;DAO,diamineoxidase;SPDS,spermidinesynthase;SPMS,sperminesynthase;SAM,S-adenosylmethionine; PAO,polyamineoxidase(seetextforfurtherdetails). from spermidine and spermine. The A. thaliana genome genes. They observed that these stress regulatory motifs are contains 12 genes with sequence homology to DAOs from profoundlyinvolvedinmodulatingthefunctionsandexpression other species, and 5 PAO genes (Moschou et al., 2012). of genes that show differential responses when exposed to Polyamines not only form base conjugates but also conjugate abiotic stress. Gong et al. (2016) suggest that SlSAMS1 (S- with other macromolecules like proteins and hydrocinnamic adenosylmethioninesynthetase1)functionasastressmediatory acid (reviewed by Hussain et al., 2011; Gupta et al., 2013a). element enhancing alkali stress tolerance through polyamine Enzymes which are involved in the conjugation reactions are andH O cross-linkednetworksintomatocallus.Thisprovide 2 2 transglutaminase and putrescine hydroxycinnamoyl transferase us with a new insight in plant’s alkali stress tolerance respectively(BagniandTassoni,2001).InArabidopsis,onegene mechanism. encoding the enzyme transglutaminase has been characterized Several genes involved in polyamine biosynthetic pathways (AtPng1) (Della Mea et al., 2004). However, till date putrescine have so far been already reported to be upregulated when hydroxycinnamoyl transferase encoding gene has not yet been exposedtooneorcombinationofoneormoreabioticstresses. identified.Involvementofsecondarymetabolitesinplantabiotic Putrescineisthefirstpolyaminethatisaccumulatedincellson stress response has been widely studied using A. thaliana as a exposure to abiotic stress. Interestingly, increase in putrescine modelplant(Ferrandoetal.,2004).Arabidopsiswholegenome concentration leads to the induction of enzymes that are sequencing (Arabidopsis Genome Initiative 2000) enabled responsible for the conversion of putrescine to spermidine and researcherstoidentifyallthegenesthatareinvolvedinpolyamine spermine, through auto-regulation process. Concentration of anabolic and catabolic pathways. Genome-wide expression putrescine, spermidine, and spermine varies greatly within the profiling of genes involved in abiotic stress responses provided cell mostly because of the simultaneous degradation pathway aglobalviewonplantdefensemechanisminlightofpolyamine which occurs within the cell, whereby generating H O . This 2 2 metabolism(e.g.,usingAtGenExpress;Kilianetal.,2007).Apart H O , generated as a result of polyamine catabolic pathway, 2 2 fromgenomelevelanalysis,transcriptomicapproachisanother cause oxidative stress on one hand while on the other it well-established method used for recognizing the underlying plays an essential role in lignification of cell wall, thus interrelationship among the abiotic stress induced transcripts protecting plant from adverse effect of stress. Modulating along with their cis-regulatory elements (Kilian et al., 2007). A the level of endogenous polyamine by regulating biosynthetic similarkindofworkwascarriedoutbyMaandBohnert(2007), genes is an important procedure for studying the role of where they correlated the presence of specific cis-regulatory polyamine metabolism in stress alleviation (Alcazar et al., motifs with the expression profile of several stress induced 2006). FrontiersinPlantScience| 4 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress H2O2 PRODUCTION AND CELLULAR to superoxides that are in turn dismutated to form H2O2. DISTRIBUTION—A NECESSARY EVIL Mitochondrialelectrontransportchaincomprisesoffourdistinct enzymecomplexes.TheyareNADHdehydrogenase(ComplexI), Generation of ROS is considered as an indispensible outcome succinatedehydrogenase(ComplexII),ubiquinone-cytochrome of aerobic metabolism, which comes along with its share of C oxidoreductase (Complex III), and cytochrome oxidase goodness and evilness. A plethora of ROS species have been (ComplexIV).Electrontransferoccursinvolvingeithercomplex − identified in plants including H O , superoxide anion (O ), I,III,andIVorcomplexII,III,andIV,leadingtothegeneration 2 2 2 hydroxyl radicals (OH), singlet oxygen (1O ), and nitric oxide of molecular O . The molecular O generated can be reduced 2 2 2 (NO) and surprisingly most of them are interconvertible. For to superoxide and the reduction is catalyzed by ubiquinone instancesuperoxidemoleculesonreductionyieldsH O ,which of complex III, which serves as one of the major site for 2 2 on further reduction liberates water and hydroxyl radical. ROS—such as superoxide and H O generation. Complex III 2 2 Cellularoxidationreactionsinvolvingthesemoleculeshavejust bears two ubiquinone binding sites, one is located near the the reverse sequence. Studies have shown that only 0.1% of inner surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane while the the total oxygen consumed by the plants is diverted for the other one is on the outer surface, which indicates the presence production of ROS (Bhattacharjee, 2005). ROS is considered of ROS on both luminal and matrix side of this membrane. as a necessary evil as it functions in several developmental Not only the mitochondrial electron transport chain, but the and adaptive responses in both animal and plant cells while chloroplastelectrontransportchainalsotransferselectronfrom its excess generation leads to severe oxidative damage. So it photosystem II to NADP thereby yielding reduced NADPH is necessary to maintain a balance between the beneficial and which is used during the Calvin cycle for reduction of CO . 2 deleterious effects demonstrated by ROS for proper cellular This also serves as a potent site for superoxide anion and function.AmongthedifferentintracellularROSspecies,H O is H O generation. Other subcellular organelles that actively 2 2 2 2 consideredasoneofthemostprevalentone.Incontrasttoother participateinH O productionareperoxisomesandglyoxisomes 2 2 ROS mentioned above, it has a relatively long half-life and can (present only in plants) which carries out several reactions be produced in all cell compartments. Moreover, as it is highly including beta oxidation of fatty acids and light dependent diffusible,itcaneasilypassmembranes.TheendogenousH O oxidation of glycolate to glyoxylate by glycolate oxidase (Foyer 2 2 content of plant cells is usually much higher than that found and Noctor, 2005) (Figure3). Thus, it is understandable that in animals and bacteria; plant cells happily survive with H O generation of H O is an irrevocable process irrespective of its 2 2 2 2 levels that would kill animal cells. This tolerance is linked to consequences. thepresenceinplantcellsofhighlyefficientantioxidantsystems H O plays a versatile role in plants—at mild concentration 2 2 described in detail later on Costa et al. (2010). It is generated it acts as a signal molecule and is involved in the alleviation byanumberofwaysinplants.Malfunctioningchloroplastand of various abiotic and biotic stresses (Jaspers and Kangasjarvi, mitochondrialelectrontransportchainservesasoneofthemajor 2010; Mittler et al., 2011; Dietz et al., 2016 and its references). sourceofH O generationinplantcells.Theprocessiscarried At the same time higher cellular concentration of H O 2 2 2 2 out by membrane bound NADPH Oxidases, also known as orchestrates unwarranted PCD and leaf senescence in plants respiratoryburstoxidasehomologs(rbohs),whichareregulated (Dat et al., 2000; Gadjev et al., 2008). H O also takes part 2 2 by a unique class of Rho-like proteins called ROPs (Rho- in plant cell wall reinforcement (lignification, cross-linking related GTPases from plants) as well as by cell wall-associated of cell wall structural proteins), phytoalexin production and peroxidases (Agrawal et al., 2003). NADPH Oxidases initially resistance enhancement against different forms of stresses (Gill reducemolecularO tosuperoxidemoleculewithsimultaneous and Tuteja, 2010; Ahmad, 2014). In case of biotic stress, H O 2 2 2 oxidationofNADHtoFAD.Superoxidemoleculethusproduced productioninplantsmighttriggerkillingofthepathogeneither isconvertedintoH O bytheactionofanotherenzymeknownas directly or by prompting defense genes to limit infection by 2 2 superoxidedismutase.Someformofperoxidases(typeIIIPOX), the microbe. Hypersensitive responses are the master players in addition to their role in oxidation of phenolics required for behindestablishmentofplantimmunityagainstdiseasecausing cell wall loosening and stiffening, can generate H O coupled pathogens. It is another well-known approach that leads to 2 2 withtheoxidationofNADH(Andronisetal.,2014).Inaddition, PCD in plant thus inhibiting pathogen invasion. H O is the 2 2 there are several flavin containing limited-substrate oxidases key signaling molecule that actively participates in mediating likeperoxisomalglycolateoxidase,glyoxisomalxanthineoxidase hypersensitive responses by triggering localized host cell death. and urate oxidase, which directly produce H O (Delrio et al., It has been also reported to play a crucial role in regulating 2 2 1992). A sulfite oxidase localized in the peroxisome has also hormone mediated signaling and vice versa (Pei et al., 2000). been identified to have a role in production of H O (Hänsch A classic example of hormone-mediated response is stomatal 2 2 etal.,2006).Apartfromthese,oxidasessuchasDAOandPAO, closure,wherepresenceofH O isperceivedbyhistidinekinase 2 2 whichareinvolvedinthepolyaminedegradationpathways,also receptorETR1,whichfurthertransducesthesignalandensures serve as source to the H O pool. Not only stress but also the closing of stomata (Bright et al., 2006). Efficiency of any 2 2 normal physiological conditions can lead to ROS production signalingmoleculeliesinthefactthattheyarerapidlyproduced as part of various metabolic pathways (Ahmad, 2014). For and removed immediately once it has accomplished its role, example,oxygenmolecule,whichisproducedasthebyproduct and H O fits the bill perfectly. They are produced rapidly by 2 2 ofmitochondrialelectrontransportchain,issometimesreduced various cellular processes and quenched promptly. In addition, FrontiersinPlantScience| 5 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress FIGURE3|SubcellularlocalizationofH2O2(seetextfordetails). itcaneasilyreactwithdifferentbiomoleculessuchasmembrane protectdroughtstressedleafmesophylltissuefromdamageand lipid, carbohydrate, protein and DNA and can effortlessly also increase the activity of myo-inositol phosphate synthase diffuse through aquaporins, thus generating further molecular in drought stressed plants (Liao et al., 2010). They have been responses. Apart from its role in hypersensitive reaction and reported to increase low temperature tolerance by mediating PCD,H O inducestheexpressionofglutathione-S-transferase polyamine oxidation in Medicago (Guo et al., 2014). There are 2 2 and glutathione peroxidase encoding genes. H O treated E. several other evidences that confirm the role of both H O 2 2 2 2 coli cells exhibited 140 upregulated mRNA transcripts in DNA and NO in remitting abiotic stress. However, the mechanism microarray experiments—thus revealing the role of H O in behind their interaction is still not very clear. Most probably 2 2 signal transduction (Li et al., 2001). A similar kind of study H O functions as a cofactor in endogenous NO synthesis. 2 2 was carried out by Desikan et al. (2001) in arabidopsis where This view has been endorsed by the findings of Lin et al. about175non-redundantEST’swerereportedthoseofwhichare (2012) and Shi et al. (2015). NO on the other hand can modulated by H O . Generally signaling molecule activates its regulate stomatal closure in H O mutant and in wild type 2 2 2 2 receptorbycomplimentarybinding—however,incaseofH O , plant treated with H O scavengers and inhibitors. Thus, it 2 2 2 2 signal transduction occurs via chemical reactions. Oxidation can be clearly said that both of their production pathways are of cysteine residue of a receptor protein is considered as one inter-related and can regulate production of each other. Other of the major path for mediating intracellular signals (Paulsen than with NO, H O has been found to share a distinctive 2 2 and Carroll, 2010). There are also evidences that suggest their bond with Ca+2 as well. Endogenous Ca2+ influx increase in interaction with secondary messengers such as MAP kinase arabidopsis root epidermis on application of exogenous H O . 2 2 and their activation. These activated MAP kinase molecules This increase in Ca2+ influxes in the root plasma membrane in turn activate different transcription factors thus initiating of arabidopsis seedling leads to root elongation. Ca2+ influx intricate signaling cascades (Asai et al., 2000). It is interesting is probably mediated by H O dependent activation of Anexin 2 2 to note that H O generated from different cellular organelles 1 protein, which is a Ca2+ transport protein, thus promoting 2 2 unveil a plethora of molecular responses. For example H O its growth and development (Demidchik et al., 2007; Richards 2 2 produced from chloroplast was observed to be involved in et al., 2014; Han et al., 2015). Another striking example that early signaling responses such as activation of transcription demonstrates the inter-relationship between H O and Ca2+ is 2 2 factorsandsecondarymessengerbiosyntheticgeneswhileH O H O dependent adventitious root formation, which involves 2 2 2 2 generatedfromperoxisomesaremostlyinvolvedinupregulating Ca2+signaling.InfacttheremovalofintracellularCa2+prevents the genes involved in protein repair pathway (Sewelam et al., formation of adventitious root. Pei et al. (2000) established a 2014). clearassociationbetweenH O ,Ca2+andstomatalclosureusing 2 2 H O seemstoshareauniqueinter-relationshipwithNOand patchclamptechniques,thusconnectingABAsignalingcascades 2 2 Ca2+. H O and NO together have been reported to play an with stomatal closure mediated by H O and Ca2+ channels. 2 2 2 2 essentialroleinplantdevelopmentalandphysiologicalprocesses Thus,allavailableevidencespointtowardanintricatecrosstalk such as growth of pollen tube, growth and development of betweenH O andCa2+. 2 2 root,closingofstomata,delayedsenescenceetc.(Serranoetal., So considering all the roles played by H O —either good 2 2 2012; Huang et al., 2015; Iakimova and Woltering, 2015; Shi or bad—be it as stress alleviator, secondary messenger, chemo- et al., 2015). Not only developmental processes, they together selective signaling molecule or stress inducer, it surely deserves play an active role in abiotic stress alleviation as well. They thetag“Jackofmanytrades.” FrontiersinPlantScience| 6 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress SCAVENGERS EMPLOYED TO LIMIT THE making CAT one of the major enzymes involved in H O 2 2 OXIDATIVE DAMAGE detoxification. Apart from CAT another enzyme that plays an equally important role is APX, which catalyses the first step in Generation of ROS and aerobic life goes hand in hand, and AsA-GSH cycle and works in coordination with ascorbic acid these two phenomena are inseparable. So to deal with the and glutathione (Asada, 2006; Fan and Huang, 2012; Begara- situation—livingorganismshaveevolvedseveralROSscavenging Morales et al., 2013; Jahan and Anis, 2014). Apart from the mechanisms—such as administration of enzymatic and non- enzymatic antioxidants some non-enzymatic antioxidants such enzymatic antioxidants that confer protection against oxidative asα-tocopherol,ascorbicacid(AsA),glutathioneetc.alsoplaya stress. Among the various ROS species that are present within vitalroleinsustainingstableredoxstatebyremovingexcessROS a cell, H O is most stable with a half-life of 1 ms while from different cellular compartment, thus detoxifying the cell. 2 2 the half-life of others are much shorter, i.e., about 2–4 µs AsAthatissynthesizedinmitochondria,isuniformlydistributed (Bhattacharjee, 2005). In general H O is considered as a throughouttheplantandserveasasubstrateforAPXenzyme, 2 2 weakoxidizingagent.Anumberofinvestigationshaverevealed whichreducesH O towater,yieldingmono-dehydroascorbate 2 2 that ROS, especially H O , plays an important role related (MDA)inascorbate-glutathionecycle(AsA-GSHcycle)(Gapper 2 2 to the signal transduction involved in plant adaptation to the andDolan,2006).Ithelpsregulatingα-tocopherollevelincells changingenvironment(Peietal.,2000;Neilletal.,2002;Moon andisalsoinvolvedinbiosynthesisofzeaxanthinepigmentwhich et al., 2003; Terzi et al., 2014; Reczek and Chandel, 2015). protects the plant from photo-oxidation or photo-bleaching Although the presence of H O sensor protein still remain (Foyer and Noctor, 2005; Munné-Bosch, 2007), thus pursuing 2 2 unelucidated, it is presumed that H O is directly perceived an important role in oxidative stress tolerance. Several studies 2 2 by the redox transcription factors, showing redox sensitivity, have revealed that application of exogenous AsA diminishes which in turn activates the downstream signaling cascades. It the harmful effect of oxidative stress (Hossain et al., 2011). also participates in several physiological pathways of plant and Glutathione, another non-protein thiol, and a non-enzymatic activatesdefenseresponsestovariousstresses.H O isbeginning antioxidant, also plays an essential role in H O scavenging 2 2 2 2 tobeacceptedasasecondmessengerduetosomefeaturesthat (comprehensive review by Noctor et al., 2012). Conversion areexclusivelypresentinallsecondarymessengermolecules.It of reduced glutathione (GSH) to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is mobile, small and can diffuse in and out of the cell freely and its ratio is considered as a marker for determining redox therebyrelayingsignalsbetweendifferentcellularcompartments, balance within the cell. Functionally it is almost similar to thus modulating different biological processes (Neill et al., AsA but in addition to that it also plays an eminent role 2002). However, excess accumulation of H O adversely affects in heavy metal chelating. Therefore, both glutathione and 2 2 the plants by leading to oxidative stress. Therefore, presence ascorbic acid are now contemplated as the chief ingredients of efficient H O —scavenging mechanisms is a compulsory of redox signaling. Moreover, another group of biomolecules 2 2 criterion for all aerobic organisms. Antioxidative enzymes, and that should be mentioned in this context are polyamines. As certain non-enzymatic antioxidants (Miller et al., 2008; Sung mentioned earlier, polyamines are positively charged molecules et al., 2011; Saha et al., 2015) work in tandem and maintain whichprotectthecellfromoxidativedamagebothdirectlyand a sinuous but delicate balance to detoxify H O . Among the indirectly. Directly it functions as an antioxidant itself thus 2 2 widearrayofantioxidativeenzymesthatfunctioninscavenging scavenging free radicals and indirectly it has been reported to ROSspecies,Catalase(CAT),Ascorbateperoxidase(APX),and regulatethelevelofenzymaticandnon-enzymaticantioxidants Peroxidases (POX) require special mention as they act directly within the cell (Groppa and Benavides, 2008). Thus, increase upon the H O molecules, thus reducing it to water. SOD in polyamine concentration is often correlated with increase 2 2 − carries out the dismutation reaction by reducing O molecule in stress tolerance. However, on the other hand polyamine 2 to H O whereas CAT, APX, GPX are involved in converting catabolismisoneofthemajorcontributorsofH O totheH O 2 2 2 2 2 2 H O towaterthusensuringitsremoval.Basedonthepresence pool. Endogenous polyamines, like H O , play a dual role by 2 2 2 2 of metal ion, SOD can be classified into three different types— bothaddinganddiminishingtheconcentrationofH O within 2 2 (i) Mn-SOD, which is located in the mitochondrial matrix and thecell,therebymaintainingathinlineofbalancebetweentheir peroxisome,(ii)Cu/Zn-SOD,whichispresentinlargequantities molecularconcentrations.Sincethemaintenanceofappropriate in the chloroplast and cytosol, and (iii) Fe-SOD, which is H O concentrationwithinthecellisofutmostimportancefor 2 2 localized only in chloroplastids of higher plants. All of them carryingoutnormalphysiologicalanddevelopmentalprocesses function together when the plant is exposed to unfavorable andtocombatabioticstressinplants,efficientROSscavenging conditionsthusprotectingthecellsfromprobabledamage.H O mechanism along with adequate polyamine concentration is of 2 2 which is generated as a result of superoxide dismutation is vitalimportanceforitssustainablegrowthandsurvival. removedbyenzymessuchasCAT,fivedifferentisoformsofAPX and different isozymes of GPX. These biological catalysts are localizedinalltheorganelleswhereH O generatingenzymesare ROLE OF POLYAMINE IN OXIDATIVE 2 2 present such as peroxisome, glyoxisome, cytosol, mitochondria STRESS etc. CAT is the major enzyme involved in the quenching of H2O2 withhighestenzymeturnoverrate.Studieshaverevealed Plant stress biologists have marked oxidative stress as an after that about six million H2O2 molecules can be converted to effect of each and every abiotic stress—be it heavy metal H2O and O2 per minute by one molecule of CAT, thereby accumulation, excess salinity, high and low temperature or FrontiersinPlantScience| 7 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress scarcity of water. Each of these abiotic stresses is associated considerably. It was also observed that CAT activity increases with the generation of excess ROS, leading to oxidative when exposed simultaneously to NaCl and polyamine, rather damage to cellular components. Studies have revealed that thanwhenexposedtoNaClalone,therebyestablishingtherole application of exogenous polyamines alleviate abiotic stress, of polyamines in protecting the plants from oxidative injury thereby conferring stress tolerance. Abiotic stress is known to (VermaandMishra,2005).Exogenousapplicationofpolyamines impair cellular membranes through their interaction with the reduced the H O and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, and 2 2 membranestructureorasaresultofROS-mediatedperoxidation increased the antioxidant levels in drought and cold stressed ofmembranelipids(Anjumetal.,2015).Theantioxidativeeffect 15-day-old chickpea plants (Nayyar and Chander, 2004). DNA − ofpolyaminescanbeattributedtoacombinationoftheiranionic oxidative degradation by OH was inhibited in the presence andcationic-bindingpropertiesinradicalscavenging,inhibiting of spermine in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (Kuznetsov properties of lipid peroxidation, metal-catalyzed oxidative and Shevyakova, 2007) illustrating the efficiency of polyamines reaction,andproductionofH O byDAOandPAO(Groppaand as free radical scavengers. According to some research groups, 2 2 Benavides,2008).Freeandboundpolyaminesarereportedtobe polyamineconjugatesshowmoreefficientantioxidantactivities modulatedbyUV-Bradiationindifferentplantspecies(Mapelli compared to their parent compounds (Edreva et al., 2007; et al., 2008) thereby protecting them against ozone damage Hussainetal.,2011). and ozone-derived oxidative damage (Groppa and Benavides, UndermetalstressCATshowsadifferentialresponse.Insome 2008). H O produced by polyamine catabolism may cause plantslikeGlycinemax,A.thaliana,andCapsicumannuumCAT 2 2 activationofantioxidativedefenseresponses.Phenylpropanoid- activity decreases, while in Brassica juncea, Oryza sativa, and polyamine conjugates are known to act as antioxidants against Triticumaestivumitsactivityincreases.Anotherveryinteresting ROSandreactivenitrogenspeciesinresponsetostressconditions observation was reported by Hsu and Kao (2007) where it was (Yamasaki and Cohen, 2006). Shen et al. (2000) reported that shown that pretreating a plant with H O increases the CAT 2 2 spermidine may act as a cellular membrane protectant against activitywhichinturnprotectstheplantfromcadmiuminduced chill-inducedlipidperoxidationincucumberthroughprevention oxidative damage. A similar kind of trend was observed in of activation of superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase. As salt treated Cicer arietinum. A completely opposite trend was discussed in the earlier section, CAT enzyme plays an essential noticed by Sharma and Dubey (2007) in drought treated rice roleinregulatingthebalancebetweenexcessandexactamount seedling, where CAT activity decreases. This observation was of cellular H O Moreover, polyamines directly or indirectly congruentwiththeobservationmadebyPanetal.(2003)where 2 2. modulatethelevelofCATenzymewhenexposedtoabioticstress CAT activity decreases in Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedlings when (Figure4), thus forming an intricate stress tolerance network. exposed to both salinity and drought stress. From the above Sung et al. (2011) have demonstrated the role of polyamines observations it may be concluded that the increase or decrease inmitigatinghypersalinity-inducedoxidativestressinamarine in CAT activity primarily depends on the nature of sensitivity greenmacroalgae(Ulvafasciata)bymodulationofantioxidative towardstressofaparticularplant.InsensitivevarietyCATlevel enzyme (FeSOD, MnSOD, CAT, APX) gene expressions. tends to increase. On the contrary, in stress tolerant variety RadhakrishnanandLee(2013)observedthat,incomparisonto thelevelofCATactivitydecreases.Severalreportsdemonstrate untreated plants, CAT activity decreases in polyethylene glycol that polyamine plays an interesting role in modulating the (PEG)treatedsoyabeanplantssimulatingdroughtenvironment. CAT level thus regulating the H O content of the cell. So it 2 2 However, the enzyme activity transiently increases when the is easy to hypothesize an inter-relation between endogenous plants are treated with PEG along with polyamine spermine. A and exogenous polyamines, CAT enzymes and stress generated similarkindofexperimentwascarriedoutbyFarooqetal.(2009), H O . Most probably, they function in a loop. Oxidative 2 2 using rice plant as the experimental model. It was observed stress leads to generation of H O which signals activation 2 2 thatexogenoustreatmentwithsperminesuccessfullyameliorated of CAT enzyme and endogenous polyamine—CAT functions the effect of osmotic stress by accelerating the activity of CAT in removal of H O molecule and polyamines protect the 2 2 enzyme. In another study, acid rain fed bean plants showed a membrane from oxidative damage thus conferring a protective sudden burst in the H O level which in turn decreased the shield.ApplicationofexogenouspolyaminesstrengthentheROS 2 2 CAT activity in the cell. This decrease in the CAT activity is removalprocedureinvarietieswhereCATactivitydecreasesin probably due to the binding of H O molecule to the enzyme response to stress thus forming a perfect interrelated network 2 2 active site, thus deactivating the enzyme (Sharma et al., 2012; of tolerance (Figure5). Polyamines have been instrumental in Mittovaetal.,2015).However,withlongerexposuretoacidrain, reducing protein carbonylation and tyrosine nitration while activity of CAT was found to increase, hence conferring stress subsequentlyincreasingproteinS-nitrosylation. tolerance. However, in bean plants pretreated with polyamines Previous results have shown that plants employ polyamine (spermine or spermidine), the rapid generation of H O was catabolism derived H O as a defensive contrivance against 2 2 2 2 checked. This may be due to the protective shield imparted by abiotic stress (Cona et al., 2006). Tanou et al. (2014) have the polyamines on the membrane which stabilize it (Velikova reported increase in intracellular DAO and PAO activity in etal.,2000).VermaandMishra(2005)demonstratedthatunder plants treated with excess salt (Figure6A). Treatment with •− conditions of high salt concentration Brassica plants show an NaCl alone have shown to increase both O2 and H O 2 2 increased level of H O in plants untreated with polyamines, production,indicatingexistenceofanoxidativestresssituation. 2 2 whereasinpolyaminetreatedplantsthelevelofH O decreases It was inferred that in the presence of salt, endogenous 2 2 FrontiersinPlantScience| 8 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress FIGURE4|Interrelationshipbetweencellularhydrogenperoxide,polyaminemetabolicpathwayanddifferentformsofabioticstresseswithspecial emphasisontheroleplayedby“catalase”antioxidantenzyme. •− polyaminesinducethegenerationofO2 .However,exogenous evidences came from the work of Tassoni et al. (2008), who •− polyamine treatment lowers O2 level, with significant demonstrated the advantageous effect of free spermidine on differencebeingobservedafterspermineapplication.Inaddition, Arabidopsis flower under high salt concentration. Another H O content strongly increases in putrescine or spermidine- extremely interesting phenomenon observed in Vitis vinifera 2 2 treated plants compared to those treated with salt alone. revealed that stress exposure causes an immediate rise in the Exogenous polyamine application on salt treated plants shows putrescinelevel;however,increaseinspermine/spermidinelevel an increase in endogenous polyamine level when compared occur much later (Liu et al., 2011). Photochemical efficiency to plants which are not treated with polyamines, thereby of PSII which is often hampered by stress was found to be confirming the beneficial role of extracellular polyamine in enhanced by external application of putrescine (Zhang et al., mitigating salt stress (Shi et al., 2010). Polyamines have been 2009).Riceplantstreatedwithspermidineforthefirst7daysafter reported to be taking part in inter-organ signals in plants. germinationfollowedbytheircontinuousexposuretosalinitytill Moreover,itwasobservedthatputrescineadministrationevoke maturityshowsabettergrainyieldandincreasedioncontentin spermidine accumulation in roots on exposure to salinity, comparisontothosethatarenottreatedwithspermidineforthe whereas spermidine treatment enhances spermine production initial7days(Saleethongetal.,2013).Thus,itisevidentthatROS in leaves, illustrating the metabolic conversions of polyamines scavenging mechanisms in co-ordination with polyamines play in the case of the entire plant. Likewise, the addition of importantroleduringplantabioticstressadaptation. spermine increases the endogenous spermidine and putrescine concentrationinrootswhereasspermidineapplicationincreases leafputrescineconcentrationinsalttreatedcitrus,thusdepicting H2O2 AND POLYAMINES—THE DUAL the possible conversions that might occur on exposure to a ROLE single polyamine under abiotic stress conditions (Tavladoraki et al., 2006; Moschou et al., 2008a,b). Studies have divulged Theactualcauseofcelldeathinducedinplantsbyoxidativestress that exogenous application of polyamines in salt treated roots still remains a conundrum. What remains a pertinent question stimulates polyamine biosynthetic genes in the leaves, asserting is—whetherPCDisinducedbytheROSorisittheROSlevels its universal systematic role (Kuznetsov et al., 2002). Further itselfwhichcausesthecellstodecease.Polyamine-derivedH O 2 2 FrontiersinPlantScience| 9 September2016|Volume7|Article1343 Guptaetal. H2O2andPolyaminesinPlantAbioticStress FIGURE5|Anoverviewoftheroleofpolyamine(PA)inplantabioticstresstolerance. hasbeenshowntoparticipateinstress-inducedcellwallstiffening that external polyamine application not only alters polyamine andmaturation(Angelinietal.,2010).InHIV-inducedneuronal homeostasis and metabolism systemically, but also affects the toxicity, Spm oxidase has been shown to act as a mediator of levels and the activity of antioxidative enzymes. Polyamines ROSproduction(Caponeetal.,2013).InvolvementofH O in have been reported to be involved in the easing of oxidative 2 2 polyamine-inducedcelldeathhasbeendemonstratedintobacco stress through stimulation of two transcription factors SoxR (Nicotiana tabacum) (Iannone et al., 2013) (Figure6A). It is in and EmrR in E. coli. SoxR supposedly induces a superoxide this context that the level of H O has drawn keen interest by responseregulontranscriptionactivatorandsodAgenes.These 2 2 raisingdoubtsinthemindsofresearchersastothewayinwhich inturninfluencetheantioxidantmachineryofthebacterialcells. itleadstocellulardamageinducingPCD,andtheveryfactthatit ActivationofEmrRandGshAtogetherinducesglutathionethat mayrequireahigherlevelofROStoexterminatecellsbydirect hasaninhibitoryeffectonH O accumulation(Sakamotoetal., 2 2 oxidation.Studiesapplyingoxidativestresstomutantsdeficient 2015) (Figure6B). Scientists around the world look for such indifferentPCDpathwayswillbeabletothrowsomelightonthis overlapping cues in plants, which help them to design their veryquestion. experimentsandhypothesis. Many questions related to ROS metabolism have remained A comprehensive analysis including biochemical, unanswered till date. We are thus trying to address these physiological, and molecular assays using microarrays and questions by considering the agency of molecules like H O chips, coupled with proteomics will help us in deciphering the 2 2 and polyamines both of which work toward a common target exact pathways both polyamines and H O work on. Tanou 2 2 of stress tolerance. Intra-cellular levels of polyamines play a et al. (2012, 2014) reported that a plant’s response to salinity pivotalrolebyregulatingalargenumberofprocessesthroughits involves a crosstalk between polyamine transduction and metabolic pathways, including both anabolism and catabolism. oxidative/nitrosativesignaling.Bruceetal.(2007)intheirwork Polyamine catabolism leads to an increase in level of H O , in haveefficientlyhighlightedthebenefitsoflong-termadaptation 2 2 turn influencing both stress damage and the response to stress to biotic and abiotic stresses in plants and their evolutionary damage(PottosinandShabala,2014).Otherby-productsofthe significance.Theyhypothesizedthattheplantretaliationtoward catabolic pathways include NO, GABA, acroliens, and others. anyparticularstressisregulatedbyacombinationoftheirinnate GABA through TCA along with ornithine and other amino ability to combat stress as well as from previous exposure to a acids also acts as a signaling molecule. Studies demonstrate similar kind of stress. It was also opined that treating a plant FrontiersinPlantScience| 10 September2016|Volume7|Article1343